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Jamie - A Wet Life

Jamie was one of our most enthusiastic forum writers, who brought much joy and happiness to the readers of this wetsite. Sadly he passed away at a young age due to cancer in November 2019.

We celebrate his life and his contribution to all of us by publishing his forum posts. This is a long page, over 1.4MB. Below you find the stories Jamie wrote since April 2015, or is mentioned in, or commented on stories from other readers, many of whom were his close and intimate friends.

My wet cousin - 2

Posted by Jamie on April 08, 2015 at 15:33:13

Today is another bright and sunny day and after everyone else had left the house, Chris and me went down to the lake. We didn’t take his remote control boat with us, just went for a bike ride, Chris using my older brother’s one whilst he is away travelling. We headed to the far end of the lake where there is a weir that allows the water to overflow down a grassy slope / gulley into a marshy, wet wooded area where it is usually very muddy.

I wore my favourite old worn 501s that have been wet and muddy so many times that the denim is soft and now fits like a glove as I have grown since getting them a year or so ago. I also wore a dark blue t-shirt and grey canvas shoes, also socks and boxer-briefs. Chris wore a pair of faded black Diesel jeans, a black t-shirt and black trainers along with black socks and boxers.

When we got to the top of the weir Chris, being as gung-ho as ever, decided to ride down the slope into the wooded area to check out how wet it was. There was only a trickle of water running over the top, the same amount as enters the lake at the other end, I guess, from the small stream there, and he got down the slope OK but as soon as he hit the marshy area the front wheel dug in and he was flipped straight over the handle bars - so funny. He landed in the mud and water face down and when he stood up and turned to pick up the bike, I could see that he was soaked and covered in mud from head to toe. He stood for a moment before calling out that he might as well finish the job and then fell backwards with another huge splash of mud and water. When I got to the bottom of the slope he was still lying on his back in the muck and grinning up at me. I put a hand out to help him up and he pulled me in with him. We rolled around in it all for a bit until we were both thoroughly soaked and covered in mud and then retrieved our bikes and clambered up the slope back to the weir where we sat on the edge on the lake side letting our feet dangle in the water as we caught our breath.

We splashed around in the lake and got clean, mostly, and then Chris suggested that we explore the wooded area a bit more and see if there was any more decent mud. A couple of hundred yards further in there was a newly made track that I had not come across before and it was obviously being used by heavy machinery as it was all churned up and deeply rutted. We splashed along it for a bit until we came to an area of newly cleared trees. There were a couple of tractors parked at the edge of the clearing but no sign or noise of anyone working. The mud on the track was ankle deep and in the ruts up to our knees and creamy thick, so we had fun jumping in the ruts and trying to splash each other until Chris decided to get serious and took a running dive into the deepest bit we had found. He disappeared under the surface briefly before emerging covered in the mud, not a single part of him or his clothes visible in their true colours. He looked amazing and I had to dive in just to feel how good it was. We walked around and along the track without attempting to get clean and then just lay in the deepest part we could find and enjoyed a mud soak in the sun for a while.

Eventually we heard a vehicle coming along the track and decided to head back to the lake. We splashed along the track and met two guys just parking their Land Rover next to the tractors and they both laughed aloud when they saw us. One asked if we had been having fun and Chris said yes and that we were just heading back to the lake to wash off. As we walked on I heard one of them say to the other that he wished he had the courage to try a mud bath as it looked like fun. Maybe we’ll see them there next time we go and persuade them to join us.

Anyway, we splashed around in the lake to get clean and rode home dripping wet. I’m sitting in the garden in my wet clothes writing this while Chris is having a shower and then we’ll have some lunch and think about how to stay wet for the rest of the day - maybe a water fight in the garden ……

Re: My wet cousin - 2

Posted by wetchas on April 09, 2015 at 08:23:17

In Reply to: My wet cousin - 2 posted by Jamie on April 08, 2015 at 15:33:13:

What a brilliant account of a great day. So funny to think of Chris going over the handlebars. I think if I had been there, I would have peed my pants laughing. Hope Chris brought several cases of clothes with him. At this rate, he may run out.

Re: My wet cousin - 2

Posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 10:23:44

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 2 posted by wetchas on April 09, 2015 at 08:23:17:

He bought three pairs of jeans (well worn faded blue 501s, tan cotton, and black 501s) and a pair of smarter trousers (dark blue chinos). He only bought one smallish case with him but as he staying with us he can easily get laundry done, so does not need a huge variety; we are about the same height and build so he can always borrow some of my gear if he needs or wants - it would be fun to see him get wet and muddy in some of my clothes, I think I'd find that quite exciting ......

My wet cousin - 2.1

Posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 10:56:30

Yesterday after lunch, when Chris was all nice and dry in clean clothes and i was still in my wet ones, he started a food fight with the salad cream squeeze bottle. It got us thinking that a proper food fight would be fun so we went down to the local store and bought some cans of squirt cream, cartons of custard, a few packets of just-add-water custard powder (enough for a couple of buckets full, we hoped) and some more squeeze bottles of various sauces.

No one in the store seemed to notice that I was in wet clothes but the woman on the checkout asked if we were planning some fun with all the custard, to which Chris grinned and said “yes, a food fight” - can’t take the lad anywhere !

When we got home we made up the custard and found that we had plenty for a couple of buckets full, so we put everything ready in the garden and got the garden hose out. Chris suggested that we do something that he had seen on YouTube where two friends ask each other questions about themselves (their likes and dislikes etc) and whoever gets a question wrong gets something thrown or poured over them. Sounded good to me, so we sat down and wrote out twenty questions each that we were going to ask the other, we then swapped questions to allow the other to write down answers separately in case of dispute. The problem with all this of course is that we had not seen each other for a long while, so the odds of getting the right answer was, frankly, several thousand to one ……..

Chris asked the first question about himself (“what is my favourite colour ?”) and buy a fluke I got it right (he likes wearing black it seems, and that turned out right), so I started by emptying a carton of custard over his head. It dribbled nicely over his face and dripped down his tee and into the lap of his tan jeans. My first question was also quite easy and Chris threw a bucket of cold water over me (“Just to get you thoroughly wet again !” he said). We were just about to ask the next question when Dad suddenly appeared - home early, would you believe it today of all days - not that I minded as I knew he would just have a good laugh and leave us to it.

I was right, he thought it very funny and suggested that he ask the questions and watch us have the fun. He pulled up another garden chair and took the sheets of questions from us, which were already getting messy and wet. It didn’t take many more questions for us to get really wet and messy and Dad could hardly stop laughing enough to ask the questions. After one particularly stupid question and answer Dad expressed the opinion that Chris must be particularly dense not to know the answer, and in retaliation Chris threw a load of custard, scrapped off his head, at Dad which splattered across his suit jacket and shirt. To my surprise, Dad asked Chris if that was the best he could do in retaliation, so Chris responded by throwing another few handfuls. Things soon got a bit wilder and after Dad had thrown a bucket of cold water over Chris, he and I joined forces and soaked Dad with a mixture of hosing him down and pushing plates of squirty cream into his face. At that point Dad called a temporary truce and we all sat down again to catch our breaths and see what else was left to use. Dad’s suit was a mess, soaked through and shiny wet, smeared in custard, cream, barbecue and chocolate sauce, and when he stood up to brush some of it off it was plainly obvious that he was enjoying himself. He looked from one to the other of us and then grinned and said “Sorry about that, happens every time !” and then just laughed as he remarked that it looked like it happened to us as well.

We used up the rest of the stuff and ended up the fun by hosing each other down. We tidied up all the mess and then sat in the sun until we had stopped dripping water everywhere before stripping off and going to shower and get dry clothes. Our clothes are all in the wash as I write and will be ready for more fun tomorrow. Dad seemed happy for his suit to get messy and is sure that it will survive a wash. As he said, it was all a good bonding experience if nothing else, I just think it was the big kid in him making itself known.

Re: My wet cousin - 2

Posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 11:11:24

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 2 posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 10:23:44:

Sorry, can't edit after posting, but that should have read ".......(well worn faded 501s, tan cotton and black Diesel jeans) ......"

Re: My wet cousin - 2.1

Posted by Jake on April 09, 2015 at 12:21:27

In Reply to: My wet cousin - 2.1 posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 10:56:30:

That sounds so cool ... wish I was there with you all

Re: My wet cousin - 2.1

Posted by wetAlex on April 09, 2015 at 12:56:49

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 2.1 posted by Jake on April 09, 2015 at 12:21:27:

So fun getting messy in good clothes like a suit or school uniform makes it more naught mebye u and ur cusion should try it in nice cloths shirts chiones

Re: My wet cousin - 2

Posted by wetchas on April 09, 2015 at 13:02:33

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 2 posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 11:11:24:

Take it from me, wearing other peoples clothes is exciting, and adds a whole new dimension to the hobby, especially if using foodstuffs. I suggest you try it, especially if you can use his smart chino's.

My wet cousin - 3

Posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 20:03:51

We both had a bit of a lie-in this morning after a late night playing computer games. After breakfast I posted the piece about yesterday afternoon’s antics (My wet cousin - 2.1) and then we chatted about what to do today.

Chris had chosen his old 501s and a red t-shirt with a New York skyline graphic across the chest along with a pair of my trainers (his were still wet from yesterday, although why he thought that important given what we planned to do, I don’t know !) and I had on a pair of black cargoes that I have had for years (they fit really well but my mum says they are indecent - I haven’t asked her to elaborate on why she thinks that !!) but they feel good when wet and muddy as I don’t usually bother with underwear when I wear them, and a yellow t-shirt and old trainers. I think Chris was also going commando as I could not see the normal boxer’s waistband above his jean’s belt.

We cycled down to the local shop and bought some sandwiches and drinks and then headed down to the lake and the muddy woods to see what was going on there. At the lake, there was a crowd of mums with pushchairs and their young kids playing near the lake and some older ones paddling and daring each other to get wet, with lots of noisy shouting and screaming, so we headed down towards the weir and the wooded area. We splashed along the muddy track pushing our bikes, and found half a dozen guys using chainsaws to chop up the felled trees into logs and loading them on to trailers, so we carried on along the track until we came to a gate onto a road. I recognised a cottage just across from the gate and realised that I knew where we were. I suggested to Chris that we cycle up to the nearby hill, it is common land and has good views of the surrounding countryside. Chris said he remembered going up there to walk their dog when they still lived here. We decided to do that and then get wet and muddy on the way back, hoping there would not be so many people around in the clearing or by the lake, although I guess that they would probably not have cared less about seeing two lads getting wet and muddy, and just being typical stupid teenagers; they’d probably think we would get a good ticking off when we got home from our mums - and serve us right !

The hill is too steep to cycle up (but good fun to hurtle down) so we pushed our bikes up and sat on the grass at the top and admired the view. There were a couple of gliders in the distance circling around and we watched them and chatted about nothing in particular until we saw a red kite overhead. We lay back on the grass and watched it soaring overhead for nearly an hour, it hardly seemed to flap it’s wings at all during that time. We had our sandwiches and drinks and then laid back in the sun and enjoyed the feel of it on our faces until Chris got restless and suggested we head back.

Chris had obviously forgotten how he had come off his bike riding down this hill when he was six years old (he still has the scar on his forehead to show for it, albeit hidden by his fringe most of the time now) and he got to the bottom of the hill without actually falling off - but only just as he ended up in a gorse bush still sitting on the bike.

When we got back to the track Chris decided to try and ride, wobbling along the track until he disappeared around a bend hidden by trees, shortly after which I heard a cry and a splash followed by a few choice swear words. When I caught up he was lying face down in one of the ruts, propped up on his elbows and looking sheepish, with the bike lying on its side nearby. The mud and water was lapping over the small of his back and lower legs with just his head, shoulders and butt sticking above the mud and water. He clambered to his feet and I watched the mud and water pour off him. He was soaked through and his mud coated Levis and t-shirt clung to him like a second, very wrinkled, brown skin. He grinned and said he thought it was time for me to get wet as well and before I could move he rugby tackled me backwards into the muddy water behind me. He pushed me under as he lay on top of me and when I tried to protest as I spluttered to the surface, he just pushed me under again - I always thought he had a sadistic streak in him somewhere !

I eventually pushed him off me and chased him along the track trying to get him back. We splashed and skidded around in the mud and fell in numerous times until we were out of breath and collapsed into the deepest of the puddles, laughing at the sight of each other with muddy water lapping up to our chins and dripping from our mud caked wet hair. After a bit I saw that Chris’s hands were busy under the water and guessed what he was doing, so rolled onto my front and crawled back to where my bike was lying, leaving him to enjoy himself. I must say I prefer a hot bath or a shower myself, but each to his own ……

We pushed our bikes back to the lake by the weir. There were no guys working in the clearing and the two tractors had gone as well, so they must have finished their work. There were no mums and kids at the lake either so we jumped straight in and swam around for a bit to get clean and then headed back home, leaving a trail of water as we cycled. We hosed the mud off our bikes and then sat in the sun until our clothes stopped dripping and then went in for a nice hot shower.

We had just dressed again and put our wet clothes in the washing machine when Dad arrived home. I am writing this as he changes out of his suit and tie before we go out to a local pub for supper. By the way, Dad’s suit washed OK and looked as good as new this morning, just needs a press to look smart enough for his office. He says he’s got the day off tomorrow so will take us to Alton Towers if we want - can’t wait.

Re: My wet cousin - 2.1

Posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 20:12:59

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 2.1 posted by Jake on April 09, 2015 at 12:21:27:

Certainly was great fun - don't think i have laughed so much in a long time.

Re: My wet cousin - 2.1

Posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 20:15:31

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 2.1 posted by wetAlex on April 09, 2015 at 12:56:49:

I've tried my school uniform - got into really hot water with my mum after that stunt - so think it is safest to stick to jeans and t-shoirts at the moment, which I enjoy anyway, particularly denim jeans.

Re: My wet cousin - 2

Posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 21:16:52

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 2 posted by wetchas on April 09, 2015 at 13:02:33:

I don't think Chris would let me wear his smart chinos, but we have talked about swapping our Levi jeans if we go to Alton Towers tomorrow. I'm just curious to know what my own clothes look like when worn by someone else getting wet or muddy, particularly as Chris is the same height and build as me, he may show my clothes as they look when wet to someone else, something i can never experience in reality rather than on video.

Re: My wet cousin - 2.1

Posted by blueandwet on April 09, 2015 at 21:44:25

In Reply to: My wet cousin - 2.1 posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 10:56:30:

That was a party that I would have enjoyed being a guest. And how cool that your dad wanted to participate. I wonder what wet adventures you will enjoy together in the future? Thank you for sharing these great stories. I might have to go jump in the hot tub again.

Re: My wet cousin - 3

Posted by jon on April 10, 2015 at 04:29:26

In Reply to: My wet cousin - 3 posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 20:03:51:

I feel like these stories are too good to be true

Re: My wet cousin - 3

Posted by WetAndMuddyFun on April 10, 2015 at 07:14:36

In Reply to: My wet cousin - 3 posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 20:03:51:

I love reading your posts and and am glad to read that your cousin thoroughly enjoyed himself in the muddy water. I was wondering if you and your cousin ever thoroughly enjoy your selfs together while getting wet or muddy?

Re: My wet cousin - 3

Posted by wetchas on April 10, 2015 at 08:20:56

In Reply to: My wet cousin - 3 posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 20:03:51:

Another brilliant story, descriptive and very well written.
Enjoy Alton Towers.

Re: My wet cousin - 3

Posted by Jamie on April 10, 2015 at 08:53:16

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 3 posted by wetchas on April 10, 2015 at 08:20:56:

Thanks, glad you enjoyed. Alton Towers is off as the prices are sky high this week - Easter school holidays here in the UK - but as I don't go back until next Thursday, we are going next week.

Re: My wet cousin - 3

Posted by Jamie on April 10, 2015 at 08:55:10

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 3 posted by WetAndMuddyFun on April 10, 2015 at 07:14:36:

Glad you enjoyed - and the answer to your question is "no, not in that way".

Re: My wet cousin - 3

Posted by Jamie on April 10, 2015 at 08:56:34

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 3 posted by jon on April 10, 2015 at 04:29:26:

That's your prerogative, of course, but why would you ?

Re: My wet cousin - 3

Posted by WetAndMuddyFun on April 10, 2015 at 09:17:08

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 3 posted by Jamie on April 10, 2015 at 08:55:10:

That is to bad that you have not tried that together as I am sure it would lead to even more great fun together.

Re: My wet cousin - 3

Posted by wetchas on April 10, 2015 at 09:35:09

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 3 posted by Jamie on April 10, 2015 at 08:53:16:

Shame, still I guess you'll have no trouble finding something else to do.

Re: My wet cousin - 3

Posted by Jamie on April 10, 2015 at 10:36:07

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 3 posted by wetchas on April 10, 2015 at 09:35:09:

Should be better next week at Alton Towers, less crowded, shorter queues, cheaper ( and bonus of more money to splash on things other than the entry fees !). Chris is only just getting up - lazy so and so - but I expect we will find something to do that involves lots of water !

Re: My wet cousin - 2.1

Posted by Jake on April 10, 2015 at 15:08:46

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 2.1 posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 20:15:31:

How old r u ?

My wet cousin - 4

Posted by Jamie on April 10, 2015 at 18:46:56

Well, we didn’t get to Alton Towers today as looking to book on-line last night it seemed that the entry charges are much higher for the Easter school holidays (no surprise really, I guess we should have thought of that before !) so Dad went off to work this morning as usual and we will go to Alton Towers next week as most schools are back on Monday (not mine though, until Thursday).

Lazy lad Chris didn’t get up until nearly 10:30am and even then it was only because he smelt bacon frying. The sight of him sat opposite me at the kitchen table, unwashed, half-asleep and naked, except for his boxers, scoffing bacon and eggs was almost enough to put me off my food.

I’d promised mum that we would give her car a spring clean before she gets back at the weekend, so whilst Chris got properly dressed, I got the car out of the garage and found the hose and a couple of buckets and sponges. I hoovered out the interior and wiped the dash and door panels with a cleaner, applied a leather food to the seats and had done half the interior windows when Chris appeared.

Chris was amazed at how much effort it took to clean a car properly as he has never washed a car before ! Yes, really !! Seems that his parents both take their cars to a local hand-wash place so he never has had the opportunity to do it himself. When I told him that mum paid me £15 to do a spring clean and a fiver to just wash it, he claimed he would suggest the same to his parents. I said he should charge more as their cars were bigger !

When we had finished the interior windows Chris grabbed the hose and sprayed the car before we used the buckets of warm water, car shampoo and sponges to give it a good wash. He tried to spray me for waking him up “early”, as he put it, and he got my head and shoulders a bit damp. I retaliated by throwing half a bucket of water over the bonnet in the hope of it being deflected over him, but it just got one leg of his jeans a bit wet. When we had given the car a good wash and made sure that we had not missed any, things turned a bit wetter as we tried to get each other wet as we washed the alloy wheels and then leathered the windows to a smear free finish, and removed all the beads of water on the flatter surfaces.

I was just admiring the finished job when Chris crept up behind me and emptied a bucket of water over my head, I only spotted his reflection in the car at the last moment so I was pretty well soaked through. I told him that as recompense he could have the job of buffing up the leather upholstery as the feed had had time to do its job. Whilst he did that I opened the bonnet and checked the oil and water etc, and then the tyre pressures, and as I did that I plotted ways of giving Chris a good soaking.

It was too easy really, I suggested that he put the car back in the garage, close the roller shutter from the inside and then exit the garage via the side door that opens onto a passage way between the house and garage. The gate at the far end into the garden was kept locked, so he would have no escape if I just hosed him down as he came out of the garage. It worked really well, and apart from a bit of swearing as the water first hit him, he took it in good part. In the ensuing battle we were both drenched several times over as we battled for control of the hose. We eventually called a truce on the basis that neither of us could get any wetter.

We sat around in the garden for a bit until we had stopped dripping and then got some lunch, eating that still in our wet clothes, and then we went for a bike ride, ending up in park by the lake where we found some of my friends kicking a ball around, so we joined in. We didn’t go in the lake or to the woods and eventually got home with our clothes still feeling nicely damp. Chris suggested that we shower and get changed into dry clothes. We stepped into the shower in our clothes and had a bit of fun before drying off and getting into dry clothes. Dad got home from work just as we were sitting down to play some computer games.

Our sodden clothes are still lying on the floor in the shower as Chris said he might try going to bed in his jeans, but I’m not sure I would want to try that, sounds very uncomfortable. Any thoughts anyone ?

Re: My wet cousin - 2.1

Posted by Jamie on April 10, 2015 at 22:38:36

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 2.1 posted by Jake on April 10, 2015 at 15:08:46:

Try reading part 1 and you'll find out.

Re: My wet cousin - 2.1

Posted by wetAlex on April 11, 2015 at 06:46:07

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 2.1 posted by Jamie on April 09, 2015 at 20:15:31:

School uniform is soo much fun wet until the last day of term then go mad

Re: My wet cousin - 2.1

Posted by Jamie on April 11, 2015 at 08:18:30

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 2.1 posted by wetAlex on April 11, 2015 at 06:46:07:

I don't have to wear a school uniform, we can wear what we like so most of us just stick to jeans or chinos with t-ehirts or polo shirts. I only have one suit and it is far too nice to get wet and muddy in; I may be tempted when I get too big to wear it comfortably.

Swimming lessons

Posted by SevenForce on April 11, 2015 at 12:43:21

Hey all,

I live in the north west of England and have had a thing for getting wet for the longest time, but the irony is... I can't swim!

When I was very young, my swimming lessons seemed to consist of just throwing me into it and expecting me to just do as they say, regardless of how comfortable I was with it - it's not a remotely good approach for an autistic child, let me tell you. As a result, I never learned, and even now I find it almost impossible to put my face in the water. I can't open my eyes - my head tells them to open, but the eyelids force themselves shut and I seem to have no control over this.

I've found that the approach by most "proper" swimming instructors is far too impatient and stressful, and was wondering if people on here might be up for helping me out? Doing it all clothed of course; I'm told swimming in clothes is a little harder, but it's the can't-put-face-in-water issue that's the real challenge for me.

Any advice on overcoming this would be welcome, but any guys offering to meet up somewhere (especially if you've got a pool) and help me along with swimming would be even better!

Re: Swimming lessons

Posted by Jamie on April 11, 2015 at 14:56:17

In Reply to: Swimming lessons posted by SevenForce on April 11, 2015 at 12:43:21:

I can sympathise with that dilemma. I hated putting my face under water when I first started to learn to swim. I was not helped by the fact that at eight I was prescribed with contact lenses (glasses apparently won't work as I need something in contact with the eyeball to even out bumps caused by weak spots in the surface: can't remember what the condition is called.) and having water in my eyes either caused the lenses to move or wash out altogether and without them my sight is just awful. It sounds silly, but the simple solution was to wear goggles or a face mask and snorkel.

I can swim fine now, but still don't look forward to being ducked or getting water in my eyes, but it doesn't stop me having wet fun.

Can't help with the swimming lessons as we live in the south-west and have no pool, much as I'd like one !! Good luck with your quest.

Re: My wet cousin - 4

Posted by wetchas on April 11, 2015 at 20:56:49

In Reply to: My wet cousin - 4 posted by Jamie on April 10, 2015 at 18:46:56:

I wouldn't sleep in wet jeans. I tried it once in a pair of trackies, and it was most itchy and uncomfortable. I took them off after a while, but then I still had a wet bed. Not pleasant at all.

Re: My wet cousin - 4

Posted by Jamie on April 11, 2015 at 22:40:20

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 4 posted by wetchas on April 11, 2015 at 20:56:49:

I tend to agree, but Chris tried it last night and seemed like the resultant experience. Looked as though he had dried out during the night but he did look as though he had enjoyed himself very much, but then I also have that experience most mornings: I guess its part of being a teenager !

Re: My wet cousin - 4

Posted by wetchas on April 12, 2015 at 21:37:32

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 4 posted by Jamie on April 11, 2015 at 22:40:20:

Yea. LOL. Know what you mean!
You said the other day that you lived in the south west. I am in Devon,are you anywhere near. Actually, I guess not, as you were talking of going to Alton Towers, which would be a fair old drive from here.I guess Chris has only got a few days left in the UK. Bet you will miss him when he goes back.Do you have a final 'last day event planned.

Re: My wet cousin - 4

Posted by WetAndMuddyFun on April 13, 2015 at 01:43:55

In Reply to: My wet cousin - 4 posted by Jamie on April 10, 2015 at 18:46:56:

I am glad to hear that you both had more fun together getting wet and even got in the shower together and had some fun. You both should definitely put your wet clothes back on and hop in the shower together and then both go to bed wearing your wet clothes. It is so much fun to get into bed wearing all your fully soaked clothes. If you both try it I recommend sleeping in the same bed together so that you guys don't like it you guys still have a dry bed to get into. Please tell us all about the rest of your adventures.

Re: My wet cousin - 4

Posted by WetAndMuddyFun on April 13, 2015 at 01:44:01

In Reply to: My wet cousin - 4 posted by Jamie on April 10, 2015 at 18:46:56:

I am glad to hear that you both had more fun together getting wet and even got in the shower together and had some fun. You both should definitely put your wet clothes back on and hop in the shower together and then both go to bed wearing your wet clothes. It is so much fun to get into bed wearing all your fully soaked clothes. If you both try it I recommend sleeping in the same bed together so that you guys don't like it you guys still have a dry bed to get into. Please tell us all about the rest of your adventures.

Re: My wet cousin - 4

Posted by Jamie on April 13, 2015 at 14:54:57

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 4 posted by wetchas on April 12, 2015 at 21:37:32:

I'm not as far south-west as Devon, but have been there on holidays a few times and loved it. I live about thirty miles south of Gloucester, I'm not sure how far it is to Alton Towers, but it is straight up the M5 from here, have to admit I don't take much notice when I'm a passenger, just let the "chauffeur" do his job !!.

Jamie is staying here for another five weeks and will be joining me at school as a "visitor" until he goes home. My aunt is a maths and science teacher and Chris and a group of his neighbourhood boys are all "home schooled" by his mum and three others, so he does not have to be back by a particular date.

I will miss having him around, and have nothing planned apart from getting as wet as we can at Alton Towers, but I'm sure we'll think of something.

Re: My wet cousin - 4

Posted by wetchas on April 13, 2015 at 15:40:55

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 4 posted by Jamie on April 13, 2015 at 14:54:57:

That's good then. I thought he was only here for a couple of weeks holiday. You are quite a bit further up the M5 than I am, think its been quite hot there this weekend. Love your stories, thanks for taking the trouble to post them.

Wet Cousins

Posted by Chris on April 14, 2015 at 09:08:27

Nice and sunny here today and we are about to leave for a day at Alton Towers. I've never been before so am looking forward to a nice wet day.

Jamie is wearing black cargoes, black tee with an unbuttoned red and white check l/s shirt over that, finished off with black boxers, socks and trainers. I have stuck to my favourite old 501s, dark blue tee and a mainly white l/s shirt on top. (I like the idea of a wet white shirt over a dark tee).

Jamie's dad is impatient to leave so must go.

Re: My wet cousin - 4

Posted by Kevin on April 14, 2015 at 18:25:22

In Reply to: Re: My wet cousin - 4 posted by Jamie on April 11, 2015 at 22:40:20:

I have slept in wet clothes before and really enjoyed it. I soak myself in the shower wearing nice soft clothes, a hoodie and sweat pants is great then jump out of the shower and go right to bed as fast as i can. I dont towel off or anything, i want as much water as possible with me. I put a bucket of water next to my bed ready and dumped it over myself making my whole bed wet and squishy. Then i just lay down and have happy wet dreams. You should try it!

Re: Wet Cousins

Posted by Chris on April 14, 2015 at 22:46:35

In Reply to: Re: Wet Cousins posted by Splash on April 14, 2015 at 21:42:42:

No, we didn't - just got extremely wet in the clothes described above. We had a great time at Alton Towers, it was not too crowded so we managed to get on all the rides we wanted without having to queue much at all. As it was nice and sunny most of the day, we got almost completely soaked on the first ride we tried, Ripsaw, and spent the rest of the day just getting as wet as we could, which was wonderful. There quite a few people there of all ages who seemed to enjoy getting a good soaking so it was fun watching their reactions as well. I expect Jamie will post more details later.

Re: Wet Cousins

Posted by Chris on April 15, 2015 at 09:55:56

In Reply to: Re: Wet Cousins posted by wetalex on April 14, 2015 at 23:11:24:

Read the description from previous post and you will see it says "l/s shirt", meaning long sleeve. It was warm so I wore mine unbuttoned with the sleeves just turned up a bit. Yes it did go see almost see-thru over my dar blue tee. Jamie did the same basically and he looked amazing when fully soaked in his shiny wet cargos and tee with his shirt over. His black clothes showed up wet better than my blue jeans and as he is dark haired, rather than blond like me, he just looked really wet all the time.

We got really wet on Ripsaw as they seemed happy to get the riders wet as it was sunny and warm (someone told us that they avoid getting people wet when it is colder so as not to upset them, which seems a bit silly when the whole point of getting on the ride is to get wet.)

We also got a good soaking on the flume as there were two really big guys up front so the boat dug into the water more. Battle galleons was a good one too, we got really wet there as there were a group of youngsters and their dads going mad getting everyone wet. That was great fun.

Re: Wet Cousins

Posted by Chris on April 15, 2015 at 10:16:16

In Reply to: Re: Wet Cousins posted by wetalax on April 15, 2015 at 10:08:19:

I don't have to wear a school uniform as I am "home schooled" along with a few friends by my mum ( a teacher ) and other parent/teachers. Jamie goes to a non-state school here in the UK and does not wear a uniform either. I guess it would be fun getting soaked in uniform though, might feel a bit naughty to do, which always makes it more exciting.

Where are the wet cousins

Posted by wetchas on April 20, 2015 at 10:05:10

What's happened to the wet cousins. News seems to have dried up. I hope they haven't.

Re: Where are the wet cousins

Posted by Jamie on April 20, 2015 at 19:56:43

In Reply to: Where are the wet cousins posted by wetchas on April 20, 2015 at 10:05:10:

School happened !!

Back at school on Thursday last and busy, busy, busy getting started on projects and getting Chris up to speed on what he needs to do whilst he is at school with me. Then we were away with parents visiting family over the weekend so no time to write anything up. Back at school today as well, of course.

Briefly, Thursday back at school was OK, in the afternoon they had changed the timetable from last term so we, my class, were all caught out by not having sports kit as we were down to do athletics/field sports or tennis (I usually do tennis) so we were given the chance to try out the new assault course type obstacle course that had been built for the cadet force to use. It has been built around the small river that runs through the school grounds and involves crossing and re-crossing the water in different ways, whether by rope, raft or bridge. My class teacher, who had designed it, wanted to find out if it was too easy or difficult. There are twelve boys and eight girls in my class all just turned seventeen or a bit older and most of us managed it OK. Chris and me and a couple of other guys threw ourselves at every obstacle whether it meant getting wet or not and ended up soaked through, which everyone else thought very funny. Chris is known now by everyone as "the Yank" and has had to adopt an American accent just to maintain his credibility - it is about as good as Dick van Dyke's Cockney accent in "Mary Poppins", truly awful !! - but at least everyone now knows who he is.

Friday was just a normal school day and we survived it, staying dry throughout, sadly. Normally we would have sports against another school on Saturday morning (or supporting/spectating if not in a school team) but as it was the first Saturday of term nothing had been arranged. So we went with parents to see some cousins/aunts/uncles, which was fine but a bit boring - had to be on best behaviour etc - and we came home Sunday afternoon.

For a bit of light relief when we got home Chris and me had a water fight in our "decent" clothes - but caught a bit of flack for that. Some parents have no sense of fun !!

We might have a chance for a bit more wet fun next weekend as we shall be at home alone as parents are off to the theatre and an over-night stay in London. Will post more news after that.

Re: Where are the wet cousins

Posted by wetchas on April 21, 2015 at 10:42:26

In Reply to: Re: Where are the wet cousins posted by Jamie on April 20, 2015 at 19:56:43:

Thanks for that. As always the update was worth waiting for. Did you point out to your Dad that it appears to be all right for him to get his suit messy, but not for you to have a good clothes water fight.Parents ey, always using double standards.

Re: Where are the wet cousins

Posted by Jamie on April 21, 2015 at 18:22:32

In Reply to: Re: Where are the wet cousins posted by wetchas on April 21, 2015 at 10:42:26:

It never occurred to me to point that out to dad. I'll mention it to him and see what he says ! It was actually mum who got angry with us for getting wet, dad just kept quiet as he usually does in those situations - he doesn't do angry very well.

Re: Where are the wet cousins

Posted by wetchas on April 22, 2015 at 10:13:51

In Reply to: Re: Where are the wet cousins posted by Jamie on April 21, 2015 at 18:22:32:

Sounds about right. If you are ever a dad you'll realise its the best way, and the only chance of a peacefull life.

Re: Where are the wet cousins

Posted by Chris on April 22, 2015 at 23:15:55

In Reply to: Re: Where are the wet cousins posted by wetchas on April 22, 2015 at 10:13:51:

Yup - my Dad is exactly the same - when he's at home (which is rarely as he goes abroad a lot for work) he leaves everything to mum and tries not to get involved with anything controversial, like bring up his children !!

Things are going well with my time at school with Jamie so far. Just have a problem with cricket - what is that all about ? I think my schooling has covered subjects like the sciences and maths to a more advanced level that Jamie is used to (but then my mum is a science/maths teacher, so not too surprising.) There seems to be a lot of sport in the curriculum, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons as well as Saturday morning. Tomorrow is swimming - we have to do a life saving test, so that should be interesting as it is done fully clothed in whatever we fancy, like jeans and sweatshirt etc. Yesterday we played tennis, but I'm rubbish at that so I might try some athletics next week - after all, how hard can running be ?

Wet cousins - school swim test

Posted by Jamie on April 23, 2015 at 19:47:49

This afternoon my class had to take the annual swim test at school. There are 20 in our class (12 boys, 8 girls) plus Chris whilst he is in the UK.

All but one of us (the class fool, Tom) had bought a change of clothes as we have to do the test fully clothed. Tom claims to have forgotten about the test, but as we were reminded yet again last thing on Wednesday, that seems an unrealistic claim given the fact that Tom has previous form in this matter. Consequently he was made to do it in the only clothes he had, those he had worn in and was planning on going home in at the end of the day.

Chris and me both wore our old favourite 501s, boxer briefs, socks, old canvas shoes, tee-shirts with long sleeve sweatshirts on top. Most everyone else wore the same style of jeans and tees etc except for a few of the girls who wore skirts over leggings.

The test involves everyone jumping in the pool and demonstrating that they can tread water for five minutes and then swim four lengths of the pool before getting out. Everyone then has to demonstrate how to rescue someone and tow them back to the side. As Chris is a visitor and his test was not recorded, he was volunteered to be the "drowning man" for everyone else to practice on in turn. Most of us managed to rescue him without drowning him in the process but he got a few mouthfuls of water and was dunked several times by a couple of the girls who struggled to keep his face above water.

It was all good fun really as we have all done it several times before. It was also fun to see everyone in their wet clothes, particularly some of the girls who have "blossomed" a bit since last year !!

We spent the last half of the session throwing each other in and diving off the springboard and the 3m board, showing off really. When we got home, having changed back into our dry clothes after the test, Chris and me pulled on our still wet clothes and had a water fight and then a shower together.

By the way, Tom had to travel home on the bus in his wet clothes as no-one would give him a lift whilst dripping wet. Maybe next year he will remember to bring a change of clothes to do the test.

Re: Wet cousins - school swim test

Posted by Screamer on April 23, 2015 at 22:59:06

In Reply to: Wet cousins - school swim test posted by Jamie on April 23, 2015 at 19:47:49:

You two guys need to get some Levi 501 Shrink to Fit jeans and break them in together. I like rigid best, but they come in other colors. Get your regular waist size, but get the leg length 2-4 inches longer, as they will shrink as the name suggests. Also, white Jockey classic briefs work great while breaking in your jeans. They will turn a bit blue during the process, but it is totally awesome.

I hope you know the process-put them on and get a hot bath and soak for a half hour or more and let them dry on you. I like to get in a hottub. You should get your Dad to get one. The lake will work if nothing else.

Re: Wet cousins - school swim test

Posted by wetchas on April 24, 2015 at 08:30:58

In Reply to: Wet cousins - school swim test posted by Jamie on April 23, 2015 at 19:47:49:

Brilliant. A lot of this mirrors what I wrote in a post to you yesterday. It probably got buried in the "where are the wet cousins" thread. Would have loved to see the girls in their skirts and leggings, a particular favourite of mine. Did anyone wear trackies, or was it all jeans. What was Tom dressed in. Did any of the teachers join you in the pool.
So, this weekend you are being left alone to fend for yourselves. Enjoy.

Re: Wet cousins - school swim test

Posted by Screamer on April 25, 2015 at 01:02:10

In Reply to: Re: Wet cousins - school swim test posted by Chris on April 24, 2015 at 08:09:35:

Good deal, but sounds like you are ready for a new pair and time to show Jamie how to do it. Try the Jockey briefs also!

Re: Wet cousins - school swim test

Posted by Chris on April 25, 2015 at 11:46:52

In Reply to: Re: Wet cousins - school swim test posted by Screamer on April 25, 2015 at 01:02:10:

Jamie already knows about STF jeans but prefers his 501s to fit loosely, he seems to prefer Diesel jeans now anyway. I like the slog underwear that I already have so won't be changing to Jockey. I haven't asked Jamie about his preference for underwear but from the brands I've seen him in he obviously likes Calvin Klein and Diesel boxer briefs. He looks good in the stripes he wears mostly. Neither of us particularly want to see the other in wet see thru undies, thank you !

Wet and muddy weekend alone

Posted by Jmie on April 25, 2015 at 12:15:02

The oldies went off early this morning so Chris and me headed down to the woods as early as we could as it was bright and sunny. We were both wearing the still wet clothes from yesterday's swimming test (I love the feel of pulling on wet clothes and chris was obviously enjoying the sensation as well as we had both decided to go command).

We splashed through the ruts and puddles on the track until we came to the area where the trees had been felled and cleared. We decided to explore the area and found a large puddle in the middle of area that looked to be full of creamy mud. Chris took a couple of steps into it and then suddenly he was up to his chest in it ! The look on his face was amazing. I watched as he waded a bit further out but it got no deeper. He looked totally awesome as he climbed out the other side, completely covered up to his chest in reddish brown creamy mud which just dripped off him as he stood there laughing.

The hole was about ten feet by ten feet square and must have been dug out deliberately as it had definite sides all around after the initial scraping at the sides. I jumped in after Chris had fallen backwards into it again and we spent a while just splashing around and dunking each other. We had a bit of fun making sure that each other was thoroughly coated in mud both inside and outside of our clothes and I must say mud soaked, well worn comfy denim jeans feel even better when someone else is making sure you are fully covered.

After we had clambered out and explored a bit more, we headed back to the track and the lake. As we got to the track, Chris noticed what looked like a piece of cardboard nailed to a tree, when we got to it, it turned out to have a message scrawled on it "To the muddy-loving lads we met - hope you found and enjoyed the mud hole we dug, we did. The Tree Fellers." Chris wrote "We did, we'll be back. Thanks" in mud across the bottom - maybe we'll find them there next time.

We headed back to the lake and cleaned up by swimming around for a bit and then came back home. We hosed ourselves a bit cleaner and I'm sitting in the garden writing this as Chris lies on the grass drying in the sun.

We plan to stay in our wet clothes for the rest of the day, getting as wet as possible when we earn some money washing mum and dad's cars this afternoon.

More posts later this weekend.

Re: Wet cousins - school swim test

Posted by Screamer on April 27, 2015 at 00:10:45

In Reply to: Re: Wet cousins - school swim test posted by Chris on April 25, 2015 at 11:46:52:

I have many STF in all stages of fade. My favorite color is wet Levis in any fade, but I like new rigid ones best. Levi STF can be sized and worn in any style, just size them to your wishes. That's what makes them so great.

Not really saying you need see thru undies, just saying Jockey has a nice waistline to see above your Levis. They have briefs and boxer briefs that are nice and soft and feel great when wet. Many colors available, I just like basic white.

Hope you and Jamie have fun the next few weeks, thank you!

Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone

Posted by wetchas on April 27, 2015 at 08:34:56

In Reply to: Wet and muddy weekend alone posted by Jmie on April 25, 2015 at 12:15:02:

Amazing. Back to earth with a bump today I guess. Parents back home, and school.

Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone

Posted by Jamie on April 27, 2015 at 16:33:56

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone posted by wetchas on April 27, 2015 at 08:34:56:

Yes, parents got back sometime this morning. Saturday afternoon we washed both the cars and got each other totally soaked again with the hose and buckets of soapy water, which felt amazing. Chris wanted to spend the night in his wet clothes so we did that as well; but I woke at about 3am feeling chilled so I got out of my wet stuff and went to my nice dry bed and warm dry nightwear. Chris stayed wet until the morning when I woke him with half a bucket of cold water poured over him as he slept - he was not too happy about that but cheered up under a hot shower ! Ha Ha

Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone

Posted by Chris on April 27, 2015 at 17:11:58

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone posted by Jamie on April 27, 2015 at 16:33:56:

After Jamie had woken me with a bucket of cold water poured over my already wet clothes, I relaxed a bit by, among other things, lying in my soaked bed in a pool of cold water, thinking about how to get revenge on the little b*****d !!

I persuaded Jamie that we should swap clothes for the day; him to try my STF 501s and me his loose fit Diesel jeans - just for us each to see what the other looked like in our clothes. Jamie looked pretty hot in my nicely fitting jeans and I rather liked the feel of his loose fitting ones. We headed back to the mud pit in the woods really early as it was bright and sunny and we also thought there would be no-one around that early and the lake area gets busy on a Sunday.

Sure enough, the lake and park were deserted and we splashed our way to the clearing only to find a Land Rover parked at the edge of the clearing. Jamie thought it was the one that the tree fellers had been using, so we headed to the mud pit anyway. When we got there we found one of the guys we had met standing at the edge as we approached. He turned when he heard us and said hello and that he hoped we might turn up one day when he was there. He introduced himself as Rob and said he had just arrived and was about to have some fun getting muddy. So we joined him. He could see that we were already mostly wet, and he asked if we would just throw him in the mud for starters, so we grabbed his arms and legs and swung him back and forth a couple of times before letting go, he landed with a huge splash and then crawled to the edge and clambered out to stand between us. Rob and me then threw Jamie in and then they threw me in. We splashed around a bit and spent a while just jumping and sliding in and out of the pit.

After a bit we just sprawled in the shallow mud and chatted. Rob is a bit older than us at 19 and is training to be a forester. Seems he was initiated into forestry by being thrown in a wet swampy pond in his full work gear by his workmates and found that he loved it, we were the first two lads he had met who also enjoyed getting wet and muddy. We both got on well with him.

Jamie looked really awesome in my tight fitting mud soaked 501s and I may be able to persuade him to try a pair of his own. Rob was dressed in two-tone orange/sand coloured workwear cargoes and heavy boots with a green/yellow checked shirt, not that you could see the colours after we had thrown him in the mud.

We went to the lake to wash off and then sat on a bench in the sun drip drying until the mums and dads with kids and the dog walkers started appearing. We got a few odd looks from a few older folk as it was pretty obvious that we had been swimming in the lake at the very least, but a couple of dads were heard to say that it looked like “those guys have been having fun !” When it got busy, Rob headed back to his Land Rover and we went home, having arranged to meet again at the mud pit next weekend and having swapped e-mail addresses.

Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone

Posted by Screamer on April 27, 2015 at 21:30:47

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone posted by Chris on April 27, 2015 at 17:11:58:

I am a forester here in Pennsylvania. I love trees, outdoors, rivers and creeks and wet STF Levi's. That's what got me started. I bet Rob would like STF when not on the job.

Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone

Posted by Jamie on April 27, 2015 at 22:35:57

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone posted by Screamer on April 27, 2015 at 21:30:47:

I have to say that Rob looked great in his close-fitting workwear. He is a well developed guy, rather more muscles that Chris and me (put together !) probably as he does hard physical work all day, unlike us just sitting around all day. He also told us that he went to a local gym regularly.

I really liked Chris' STF 501s and intend to get some for myself. I felt really good in his which were much tighter than my normal jeans, and he looked OK in my Diesel jeans, but not as good as in his STFs which fit him very well. I wore his STFs to school today after they were put through the wash yesterday afternoon.

Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone

Posted by wetchas on April 28, 2015 at 08:45:01

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone posted by Jamie on April 27, 2015 at 22:35:57:

Another brilliant account of a great weekend. I really enjoy reading of your adventures.Do you think you "got away" with things, and managed to cover your tracks. Hopefully the bed dried out in time, before we a curious mother discovered it. I have to say that you certainly give your outfits a good trashing. Just think what those jeans have been through in the last few days. Bank holiday Monday coming up next week, so a day off school I guess. They reckon we may have some rain as well. All the better for the mud pool I guess.

Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone

Posted by Jamie on April 28, 2015 at 18:22:50

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone posted by wetchas on April 28, 2015 at 08:45:01:

Thanks, glad you enjoy. Yeah, no real need to “get away” with things - my mum knows I enjoy getting wet and messy and is very happy to let me sort out my own laundry (less work for her !) and that includes bed sheets and so on. Both the beds in my room have mattress and duvet protectors that keep everything dry, so only the bottom sheet and duvet cover get wet or muddy and they are easily washed. It is a very modern house and all the floors are of polished, sealed concrete, with underfloor heating, so are easily mopped up if there is any spillage.

My Diesel jeans are looking a bit more trashed now and have acquired a few snags and small tears as well as a slight orange/brown tinge from the mud pit, but that will probably disappear with a few more wettings and washes. Chris’ 501s are definitely looking more faded, worn and frayed and he says they fit more snugly than ever; they certainly look as though they do when he gets wet but that may be due to other more obvious reasons, me thinks !

I really enjoyed wearing his jeans when we swapped, they felt so different to my own loose fit, and so we ordered a pair each last night on line. Hopefully they will arrive before the weekend so we can do the shrinking thing as soon as possible and enjoy them in the mud pit when we meet Rob again. You are right, no school on Monday, so an extra day to get wet or muddy and break in those new jeans a bit more, if they arrive in time. It is forecast to rain here as well and get a bit colder again, so it may not be as much fun getting wet and muddy; I’m not keen on being cold and wet but Chris seems to enjoy it even more judging by his appearance after being thrown in cold water, ha ha.

Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone

Posted by Screamer on April 28, 2015 at 20:02:25

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone posted by Jamie on April 27, 2015 at 22:35:57:

Good to hear you are getting new STF Levis. Maybe Rob will be there to help you break them in. Have fun!

Wet cousins next weekend

Posted by Chris on April 28, 2015 at 21:52:04

Jamie's Dad announced today that he had organised a pretty for family over the Bank Holiday weekend. My Dad will be here from Friday evening until Tuesday morning when he goes back to Germany on business for a while longer. Uncle Tony (Jamie's Dad) has invited his much younger brother, Paul, among others and Jamie tells me that it was him who got him interested in getting wet and muddy in his clothes in the first place. Paul is only 6 or 7 years older than us and I remember him vaguely from when we lived in the UK, he was a bit of a hippy then with long hair and always in jeans and tees rather than anything smarter. He has apparently hardly changed at all and now works in the music industry - he sounds like an interesting guy. Jamie says it will not be hard to persuade him to come along to the mud pit when we meet Rob - in fact it will probably be difficult to stop him joining us !! Can't wait to meet him. There should be quite a houseful with both my parents, Jamie's parents and us of course, as well as Paul and our mothers' parents from Leeds. The party is lunchtime on Sunday so we will have Saturday to get wet and muddy.

Re: Wet cousins next weekend

Posted by Jamie on April 29, 2015 at 08:13:27

In Reply to: Wet cousins next weekend posted by Chris on April 28, 2015 at 21:52:04:

Chris failed to check the above post - Dad has organised a "party" not a "pretty" ! Predictive text can be a pain .......

I'm looking forward to seeing my uncle Paul again as he is a funny guy to have around - he likes to wind up my Dad which is always fun to watch and he really doesn't mind getting wet and muddy if it means joining in and having fun. He has just got a really cool car too, a Tesla, and has promised me a drive now that I have my provisional licence and L plates ready !!

Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone

Posted by wetchas on April 29, 2015 at 08:29:40

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone posted by Jamie on April 28, 2015 at 18:22:50:

Sounds like you've got it made. When I think how I used to have to hide things, and cover my tracks, you are very lucky.
Like you, I don't do cold. Must be a British thing I guess.
New jeans for the weekend then hopefully. Great.

Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone

Posted by Chris on April 29, 2015 at 22:43:51

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone posted by wetchas on April 29, 2015 at 08:29:40:

Yeah, Jamie certainly has it made - I can't get away with anything like what he can back home (sorry about the poor grammar !). I don't mind the cold, in fact I find it quite exciting - I guess we are more used to the cold in NY than you wimpy Brits. Ha Ha.

New STF 501 jeans arrived today, So they have had a good soaking in a warm bath for us both tonight and are currently shrinking on us as I write. A night wearing them in bed should see us dry in the morning ready for a day at school (provided there are no unforeseen occurrences overnight from Jamie) and another soaking tomorrow night and a repeat on Friday ready for the weekend.

Jamie's Uncle Paul arrives sometime on Friday so should be here by the time we get back from school. No team sports on Saturday that Jamie is involved in so we should have the full day to get wet and muddy before the party on Sunday. Can't wait !!

Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone

Posted by Screamer on April 29, 2015 at 22:57:19

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone posted by Chris on April 29, 2015 at 22:43:51:

Good deal with the new Levi STF. It didn't take much to talk Jamie into getting some! What size did you get?

Sounds like you would be a good candidate to become a forester like me if you like science and math. You get to spend a lot of time outside in all types of weather. Many times you need to cross streams or muddy areas.

Give me a yell if you want to discuss when you get back home. I am in Pennsylvania.

Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone

Posted by Chris on April 30, 2015 at 11:16:40

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy weekend alone posted by Screamer on April 29, 2015 at 22:57:19:

I usually get 32 ins waist and 31 ins inside leg, and that seems to fit me well in normal jeans, so I got 33 waist and 34 inside leg for the STF ones, which is the same as my current pair which fit nice and snugly now after a year of wear. Jamie got 34 ins in both waist and leg as he wanted his to be slightly less snug when shrunk. We are actually almost exactly the same size for most clothes, but he just likes his a bit of a looser fit. Now that we have done one wetting and drying while worn, they have shrunk quite a bit, but have a bit more to go, I think. Jamie took no persuading at all to get a pair in the end, particularly after he had got wet and muddy in my old pair and realised how good they felt.

I want to try and be a physicist as a career, maybe get involved in research work of some kind. My dad is a research chemist for an industrial processing company, so a life in science of some sort is in my genes, I guess.

Re: Wet cousins next weekend

Posted by Chris on April 30, 2015 at 18:15:41

In Reply to: Wet cousins next weekend posted by Chris on April 28, 2015 at 21:52:04:

Another day in our new STF Levis at school. On the way home we went to the park for a kick-around with some of Jamie's mates. It was raining earlier today and last night, so the pitch is a bit slippery and muddy in places. We all got more than a bit muddy as we played and after an hour of play, when we decided to call it a day, Jamie stepped into the lake and waded out knee deep to wash the mud off. The others were laughing at him as he splashed about getting clean and Dan suggested that he go for a proper swim rather than pratting around. Jamie splashed out of the lake and started wrestling Dan towards the lake, trying to push him in. The others all joined in and under such overwhelming odds both Dan and Jamie got their swim, and we all got wet up to our knees.

When we got home, Jamie still dripping wet, we found his uncle Paul sitting in the garden reading a paper. He was about to give Jamie a welcome hug when he realised how wet he was. He stepped back and looked us up and down before asking what we had been up to. We explained about the muddy football and Jamie's swim in the lake, which he thought very funny. He had apparently arrived about 30 minutes before and finding no-one in had made himself comfortable in the sun.

Jamie opened up the garage and we went through to the utility room, where we got out of our wet clothes and pushed everything except our jeans into the dryer. We hung the jeans on the rotary dries in the back garden and then went and got into some dry clothes, whilst Paul wandered along behind us and chatted as we went. Seems that a photoshoot he was on had finished early so rather than head back to his Manchester home, he had come to us a day early.

Jamie could not wait to have a look at Paul's new car, an electric Tesla, so we had a good look whilst he explained how it worked and the Paul took us for a short ride. Amazing car, I think Jamie has found his first love !! aaaaaaaaaaahhhh, sweet !

Re: Wet cousins next weekend

Posted by Chris on May 04, 2015 at 21:52:14

In Reply to: Re: Wet cousins next weekend posted by wetchas on May 01, 2015 at 11:43:20:

Had I picked up the ball and run with it, I guess I would have been playing rugby ........

I am not having too much of a problem with life in the UK, although language can be a bit awkward at times - all the strange meanings for the same words and the pronounciation when people have accents - but otherwise OK.

The new jeans have been mud soaked a couple of times since the last post and wet for most of the remaining time, they are a nice snug fit now and beginning to look a bit worn and battered. Jamie has changed his mind about them and thinks they feel great now, all doubts gone. Mine have had a couple more warm bath soakings whilst being worn and I have stayed wearing them whilst they dried and I think they have shrunk fully now, they are just the right size now, and just need prolonged wearing to get really good.

We took Paul down to the mud pit yesterday morning and had great fun mucking around. We went back late afternoon and met Rob against wearing our still mud soaked jeans and then swam around in the lake afterwards to get clean.

Jamie will post more details in due course, no doubt.

Wet couins - BH weekend

Posted by Jamie on May 05, 2015 at 23:15:23

We got home on Friday from school to find that dad and his brother Paul had been out and bought one of those giant inflatable paddling pools and were busy inflating in the front garden where it would be away from the trees and in the sun all day virtually. Great news. It looks to be about 18ft in diameter and is just about waist-deep when full.

Whilst it was filling and we were waiting for supper, Chris started a bit of a water fight with his Dad who had got back from Germany mid-afternoon
and my Dad, Paul and me all got involved although none of us got totally soaked apart from Chris who we all ganged up on and hosed down until he was begging for mercy.

Sturday morning the pool was still filling slowly so Chris and me took Paul down to the park, the lake and then the mud pit in the woods. Chris, who was wearing his wet clothes from the soaking he had got on Friday afternoon, got his revennge on Paul by pushing him in the mud as he was asking how deep it was with the explanation "Well you'd better find out for yourself !" Paul retaliated by picking Chris up after a short chase, and slam dunking him into the centre of the pit. For such a slim, non-bulky, non-muscular guy Paul is certainly pretty strong, he threw Chris as easily as if he were a toddler of 3 or 4 years old - Chris's expression was so funny as he realised what was happening. We fooled around in the mud for a bit until we were all soaked through and completely covered then sloshed our way back to the lake to clean up, before heading home.

Mum made us tay in the garden until Dad had hosed all the remaining mud off us all and then forbade us all using the pool until we had showered and changed into clean clothes. Nothing was said about only wearing swimwear in the pool, so we all changed into clean jeans and tees and then jumped in the pool as it finished filling. It didn,t take long for everyone else (my mom, Chris's mum and dad, and my dad) to join us although they all wore swimwear.

We stayed in the pool most of the day apart from lunchtime and to laze in the sun for a bit but by late afternoon it had clouded over and was looking like rain. OrOur parents had arranged to go to atha local amateur dramatics evening with friends but had not got a ticket for Paul as they didn't know he would be here when booking and when he heard it was Hamlet he said he wouldn't have wanted to go, so we said to join us when we met Rob at the mud pit again, so we put on some old shoes and headed off to the park still in our sodden jeans and tees.

(More to follow .......)

Re: Wet couins - BH weekend

Posted by Screamer on May 06, 2015 at 23:02:19

In Reply to: Wet couins - BH weekend posted by Jamie on May 05, 2015 at 23:15:23:

Glad to hear you are now a STF Levi 501 fan. There is no better jean and they look so great when wet and shiny. Now I challenge you to get Paul and Rob on board. You guys rock!

Re: Wet couins - BH weekend

Posted by wetchas on May 07, 2015 at 08:27:15

In Reply to: Wet couins - BH weekend posted by Jamie on May 05, 2015 at 23:15:23:

You lucky things. A pool of your own eh. I bet you'll get some use out of that over the next few weeks,especially as the weather gets better.
How are the new jeans shaping up. Have they been dry since you brought them,or in a permanent state of soaking.
Keep the stories coming. Will be interested to hear what you got up to over the rest of the weekend.

Re: Wet couins - BH weekend

Posted by Jamie on May 07, 2015 at 15:34:42

In Reply to: Re: Wet couins - BH weekend posted by wetchas on May 07, 2015 at 08:27:15:

I'm sure we'll use the pool as often as possible, even if the weather is not brilliant, I love swimming in the rain ! My new STFs are feeling great now, a different fit to what I have been used to, but they are a nice loose fit now and as shrunk as I want them to be. Chris's are a much more snug fit (his mum says they are almost "indecently tight" - her words not mine - but they look fine if you don't mind showing off a bit !!) We seem to have kept them either wet or muddy almost all the time we have had them and they are beginning to look nicely worn and not so new, they feel much softer and more flexible as well; they feel really really awesome when covered in mud and have had mud poured inside as well. Been a busy with school things since the Bank Holiday weekend, but will try to follow up with more posts soon.

Re: Wet couins - BH weekend

Posted by Jamie on May 07, 2015 at 15:40:43

In Reply to: Re: Wet couins - BH weekend posted by Screamer on May 06, 2015 at 23:02:19:

I surprised myself by liking the STFs quite so much, and they certainly look great when wet or muddy - they feel great too. Looks like uncle Paul prefers Wrangler jeans, so I don't think he'll be a convert. As for Rob, we've only seen him wet in workwear style trousers (cargoes in multi colours and extra layers on knees etc) which look great when shiny and wet, they seem to hols water more than denim jeans.

Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 2

Posted by Jamie on May 08, 2015 at 16:00:15

After Paul had agreed to come along to meet Rob at the mud pit, Chris and I changed into our still wet STF jeans and pulled on some trainers. Paul stayed in the jeans and tee that he had worn all day swimming. My jeans felt cold and clammy and clung to my legs as we walked to the park, they felt great.

Rob’s LandRover was already parked on the track and we found him busy planting some saplings and wrapping some protective mesh around each one as he went along. He said he had only a few more to do and we watched as he finished off the job. He was dressed in olive drab work trousers with buttoned cargo style pockets on the legs and contrasting black panels at the knees, across the seat and around the pockets. Like his others we had seen before, they fitted snugly but also had a bib front with braces, he was wearing a tight white tee underneath. When Rob was ready we headed back to his Land Rover where he left his tools and picked up a stack of four buckets from the back.

“Thought we could start getting muddy by using these to get each other nicely covered - I’ve always wanted someone to pour a bucket of sloppy mud all over me !” Rob said with a big grin across his face.

We agreed and headed to the mud pit. Rob volunteered to get muddy first and we three took turns to pour a bucket full of mud over him - Chris poured it over his head and shoulders slowly so that it trickled down his back, front and arms: I stood back and threw the whole bucket full at his front, it hit him just below the chin and soaked his front from neck to knees, dripping onto his boots: Paul walked up to Rob and asked him to lift his chin and then slowly poured the whole bucket full down the inside of the bib-front and we watched and laughed as it eventually poured over his boots from his trouser legs - and then we just kept throwing buckets full of mud at him from all angles until he begged for mercy and said it was someone else’s turn. By the time we had finished with Rob it was abundantly obvious that he was thoroughly enjoying the experience.

Chris was the next one to receive the treatment and then I went and Paul was last. It was great fun and I think the others enjoyed it as much as I know I did. The impact of a bucket of sloppy mud hitting you hard in the chest and then splashing over you, is fantastic, and if you barely have time to relish that before the next one hits you it is even better. After we were all totally covered inside our clothes and out, we pushed each other into the mud pit and wallowed in it for nearly an hour, watching each other clamber out in our clinging clothes and jumping back in again with a big splash.

When we were ready to head home, Rob climbed into his Land Rover still covered in mud having only wiped most of it off his face and head. We three splashed our way back to the park along the track, jumping into the water filled ruts and taking running dives into the deeper ones, but when we got back to the lake there were loads of people and kids around so we headed home just as we were, covered in mud and dripping wet.

We hosed the mud off each other as best we could and then made a quick naked dash to get a shower, leaving our wet muddy clothes on the lawn. Paul and Chris borrowed swim shorts from me and then we got something to eat and lounged in the pool as we ate. We were still in the pool when our parents got back at about ten. The perfect end to the day.

More to follow about Sunday and the party ………

Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 2

Posted by wetchas on May 08, 2015 at 16:27:36

In Reply to: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 2 posted by Jamie on May 08, 2015 at 16:00:15:

Wow.What fun. Have you ever noticed the trousers that the staff at McDonalds wear. They are a sort of Olive colour.I have this dream about destroying a pair with assorted McDonalds related foodstuffs.
The party sounds a good idea. Presumably its a pool party. A good chance to wear smart shirts a chino's perhaps. Have a great weekend.Keep wet.

Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3

Posted by Jamie on May 08, 2015 at 22:38:42

Sunday morning was cloudy but warm and didn’t look like rain. After breakfast mum asked Chris and me to help set up the table and chairs for lunch in the conservatory. The doors on three sides fold open fully so it almost feels like being outside, but protects if it rains.

Mum also told us to dress smartly, chinos or smart shorts and smart short-sleeved shirts - definitely no jeans and tees - so I lent Chris a pair of dark blue shorts and a blue & white checked shirt and I wore tan shorts and a green striped shirt myself. We never even got a chance of a quick swim before grandparents and other relatives started arriving. We were to be 17 for lunch, including four other teenagers - Tom (19), Melanie (18), Tony (15) and Sophie (12) - children of mum’s brother and dad’s sister. None of them had seen Chris since he had gone to New York, but Tom had kept in touch with him regularly. My mum and dad and me had had a couple of holidays with Tom and his parents (mum’s brother and his wife) and we had always got on well. I don’t see Tony and his sisters very often as they live in north Northumberland.

Having been told to dress smartly by mum, it was a bit galling to see that Tom and Tony were both very casually dressed in well worn blue jeans and tee shirts although the girls had made an effort to look smarter. After lunch, whilst all the adults sat and chatted over coffees, I could see that Tony was itching to jump in the pool and was quietly pestering his mum to let him go in the pool, but his mum told him to be quiet and just sit down and stop pestering them “and besides”, she said, “you’ve got no swimmers with you.” When she said that uncle Paul got up off his chair, picked Tony up, marched to the pool, and dumped him in, “He has now” he said as he grinned at Tony’s mum, his older sister.

After that we all - Chris, Tom and me - jumped in the pool to general applause from everyone else. After we were all thoroughly soaked and had paused for breath after busily ducking each other and generally fooling around, we all stripped off our shirts, shoes and socks and continued to relax in the pool in just our shorts or jeans. It didn’t take long for Paul to join us and then eventually, after the parents had seen us all get wet, mum and dad looked out shorts etc for everyone else and all 17 of us ended up in the pool. It was great fun.

We spent an hour or so playing silly invented games which involved everyone getting thoroughly wet time after time and then people started drifting back to garden chairs and loungers to drip dry a bit before tea. Us teenagers stayed in the pool until everyone started to leave fairly late into the evening. Tom borrowed a dry pair of swim-shorts and a tee to get home in, they only live about ten miles away. Tony, his sisters and parents stayed over-night with us before going on to stay a few nights with his other grandparents in Taunton.

I think we all had a fun day and it was strange to see all the adults joining in so much, they all seemed to enjoy letting their hair down and having some fun and games as though they were kids again; dad even congratulated his brother Paul on breaking the spell by dumping Tony in the pool fully clothed. Tony told me that he had never gone for a swim or got wet in his jeans or anything other than swim-shorts or sports kit at school and that he thought it great and wanted to try it again - maybe another convert to the joy of getting a good soaking while fully clothed.

Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 2

Posted by Jamie on May 08, 2015 at 22:50:38

In Reply to: Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 2 posted by wetchas on May 08, 2015 at 16:27:36:

Cannot say that I have ever noticed the trousers that McD's staff wear but sounds like a fun way of getting very messy.

Party was good - see the post just made above - and it was fun getting wet in decent clothes, but I still think I prefer denim jeans and tees. Chris looked amazing in a pair of my dark blue chino-style shorts - a decent fit, not too baggy and just above the knee with turn-ups - as the dark blue was really shiny when wet (and clung nicely too) whilst the blue and white check shirt went transparent on the white bits. Even my grandparents enjoyed swimming in shorts and tees - not something I had ever thought to see. The funniest bit was when Paul chucked a fully clothed Tony in the pool, the look of shock and "what just happened ?" when he surfaced and stood up in the pool made everyone laugh.

Re: Wet couins - BH weekend

Posted by Screamer on May 09, 2015 at 00:45:30

In Reply to: Re: Wet couins - BH weekend posted by Jamie on May 07, 2015 at 15:40:43:

Like you,they will never know until they try them. Offer a trial of your jeans like Chris did for you. I used to wear Lee and Wrangler jeans until I found STF Levi 501's.

Wet cousins - BH monday

Posted by Jamie on May 09, 2015 at 11:29:15

Tony joined Chris and me in my bedroom and bedded down on the floor for the night, but before we went to sleep finally we all agreed to go down to the mud pit early in the morning so that Tony could experience it before they left after lunch. I looked out some old jeans and a tee for Tony to wear in the mud as he only had one pair of jeans with him and we thought if we went really early we could get home before everyone else was up and about; he thought his mum would forbid him going if she knew about our plan, so best that she not know at all even after we had been - bear with me, there is logic there somewhere.

Chris woke me up really early on Monday, at 5am, and it was bright and sunny with just a few high clouds around, so Chris and me pulled on our STFs and tees, still damp from Saturday, and Tony struggled into the rather too tight jeans that I had lent him. He tried another pair but they were so loose and long that they just swamped him and kept falling down, he is very skinny, so he eventually persevered with the tight ones and I gave him an extra long tee to help preserve his modesty. We crept out of the house twenty minutes later and headed to the mud pit.

Tony could not believe how easy it was to get soaked and muddy as we splashed along the track to the woods and thoroughly enjoyed himself, quite happy to take a dive into the deepest ruts and by the time we got to the mud pit he was soaked through and quite muddy. He was the first to jump in the mud pit and after that was more than happy to be pushed or thrown in time after time as well as doing the same to us. When we stopped for a breather and were sitting on some nearby tree stumps, he told us that he was surprised at how good it felt to be mud soaked and not be worried about being told off, then he looked down at himself and stammered an apology for showing how much he was enjoying it all. Chris laughed and said not to worry as it happened to us as well and we all laughed and joked about the trials and tribulations of being teenage boys !!

After a bit longer at the mud pit we headed back to the lake and splashed and swam around getting clean again, we did a thorough job this time as we didn’t want to go home still muddy. When we got out of the water we stripped off our jeans and tees in turn and wrung them out and then sat on a bench in the sun until we had stopped dripping. We got home and crept into the house and back to our room without hearing or seeing anyone, apart from the sound of my dad snoring loudly. We dumped our wet clothes in the bath and showered the final traces of any mud off us before pulling on swim shorts and tees and going down to the pool, which was where Tony’s mum found us when she got up to make a cup of tea at 7:30am. Paul and Tony’s dad joined us in the pool for a swim before breakfast and while in the pool it clouded over and started to rain really heavily, so we stayed in the pool and enjoyed swimming as it poured for twenty minutes or so.

Tony and his family left after lunch and he told Chris and me that he was now hooked on getting wet and muddy so would try to do so back home.

Re: Wet cousins - BH monday

Posted by wetboy200 on May 09, 2015 at 20:24:03

In Reply to: Wet cousins - BH monday posted by Jamie on May 09, 2015 at 11:29:15:

what were you 3 wearing on your feet in the mud

Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3

Posted by wetmark on May 10, 2015 at 04:54:11

In Reply to: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3 posted by Jamie on May 08, 2015 at 22:38:42:

I love your stories! I have a question - is it warm enough to swim where you are? It must be - what are your temperatures there?

Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3

Posted by Steve on May 10, 2015 at 14:04:30

In Reply to: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3 posted by Jamie on May 08, 2015 at 22:38:42:

Could you provide descriptions of everyone's outfits, and the degree to which each of them enjoyed getting them wet? Assuming that some loved it and some were just going along.

Re: Wet cousins - BH monday

Posted by Chris on May 10, 2015 at 17:03:35

In Reply to: Re: Wet cousins - BH monday posted by wetboy200 on May 09, 2015 at 20:24:03:

Me, a pair of blue canvas lace-up shoes; Tony, an old pair of trainers borrowed from Jamie; Jamie a pair of trainers. None of them were of any particular brand as far as I know. Tony lost one of his in the mud and had to take a deep breath and dive down head first to find it, he looked hilarious with just his legs poking up out of the mud, but he had located it with his foot so didn't have to stay under for too long. It did look funny though.

Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3

Posted by Jamie on May 10, 2015 at 17:20:17

In Reply to: Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3 posted by wetmark on May 10, 2015 at 04:54:11:

Well, today it is about 63℉ and it was a bit cooler last weekend (obviously, as it was a Bank Holiday !) and I have no idea about the water temperature at the lake and so on. The lake was certainly not so cold that you didn't want to get wet and thought "Oh No, No No...." and it is fairly sheltered at that end of the lake so no wind-chill. The mud is surprisingly warm, but then the sun shines on it all day whenever it is out and again it is fairly sheltered. After an hour or so of being soaked I started to think about how nice a hot shower would be but am happy to stay wet much longer than that if I'm having fun and moving around a bit. We must be an hour's drive to the nearest sea, but I guess that would be quite cold still.

The pool has a small heater incorporated in the pumping/filtration system that keeps the chill off the water and as it sits in the sunniest spot in the garden it is very pleasant indeed, certainly warm enough to stay in the water indefinitely.

Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3

Posted by Jamie on May 10, 2015 at 18:22:24

In Reply to: Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3 posted by Steve on May 10, 2015 at 14:04:30:

Now you're asking - Chris and me put our heads together and I think the following list covers everything that people wore in the pool after Paul had dumped Tony in fully clothed. None of the guests had any swimwear with them so apart from Paul, Tom, Chris and me and my parents, they had to wear borrowed kit of whatever shorts and tops that we had among us. Obviously I don't know what underwear they kept on, but the ladies all seemed to stick with what they were wearing before the swim.

Me, Jamie Tan shorts, white briefs, green striped shirt, green socks, deck shoes.

Dan, my dad Dark green swim shorts.

Mary, my mum Blue one-piece swimsuit.

Chris, cousin Dark blue shorts, black briefs, blue/white check shirt, blue socks, blue canvas shoes.

Greg, Chris’s dad Khaki shorts, red tee (both loaned by my dad).

Pam, Chris’s mum Pink shorts, black tee (both loaned by my mum).
(my mum’s sister)

Paul Wrangler faded blue jeans, blue striped polo shirt; he just jumped in pool as he was.
(My dad’s brother)

Tony, cousin Blue jeans, NEXT underwear (only saw the waistband), red tee with graphic of London skyline on front, red socks, trainers.

Joan, Tony’s mum Yellow shorts, blue tee (both loaned by my mum).
(my dad’s sister)

Bill, Tony’s dad Blue shorts (loaned by my dad).

Sophie, Tony’s sister Red shorts and pink tee (her own).

Mel, Tony’s sister Blue shorts and turquoise tee (her own).

Tom, cousin Blue jeans, red/white/blue pattern polo shirt, CK underwear, blue socks, trainers.

Dan, Tom’s dad Black football shorts (loaned by me)
(my mum’s brother)

May, Tom’s mum. Black shorts and tee (loaned by my mum)

Granny Black swimsuit (loaned by my mum)
Gramps Black swim shorts (loaned by my dad)
(parents of my mum, Chris’s mum and Tom’s dad).

Everyone seemed to enjoy their time in the water, even granny and gramps, Paul and Tom seemed more than happy to get wet fully clothed (Tom said he had often done so with some of his mates) and none of the parents seemed too surprised at us teens getting wet fully clothed, just a bit of fun really, but none of them seemed prepared to get wet in what they were wearing when they arrived, hence the loaning of various shorts and tees.

Hope this answers your question.

Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3

Posted by wetchas on May 11, 2015 at 11:59:29

In Reply to: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3 posted by Jamie on May 08, 2015 at 22:38:42:

Another brilliant accountof what sounds like a really fun time. Thanks for the list of what everybody wore. I thought about asking, but realised that it would take a mammoth post to list it, and be very time consuming.
Your washing machine must have been working overtime afterwards. Added to the clothing of course would be the towels,but I suppose if some of the rellies were staying overnight they would have brought their own.
Sadly, after the bank holiday the weather seems to have taken a bit of a nosedive. Its been quite cold here in the deepest Devon, and not really pool weather. Have you had chance to indulge at all. One bonus I guess. The colder it is, the more you need to wear to keep warm.

Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3

Posted by Jamie on May 11, 2015 at 12:35:19

In Reply to: Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3 posted by wetchas on May 11, 2015 at 11:59:29:

Thanks, glad you enjoyed. The list took a bit of time and Chris and me racking our brains to remember what everyone had been wearing, we did have a few pictures that dad had taken on his phone and asked mum and dad had loaned. It was a pity that the adults didn't wear their ordinary clothes in the pool as we would have seen the guys in wet chinos and jeans and normal shirts and the ladies in their skirts and dresses and tops, which would have been much more interesting. Paul, Tom and Tony looked pretty awesome in their wet jeans and everyone in dark clothing, tees and shorts, looked nicely shiny when wet.

It was a bit cooler here last week after the Bank Holiday, but we did get wet a few afternoons/evening after school even though it poured with rain for short periods. We had a sudden cloudburst one afternoon as we walked home from school so as we were soaked through anyway we just jumped in the pool as soon as we got home. It was fun to get soaked on the way home, get completely soaked in the pool and then still get wetter after getting out, the rain was so heavy for a short time that it felt like standing under a shower, albeit a bit chilly !!

Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3

Posted by wetmark on May 11, 2015 at 14:50:44

In Reply to: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3 posted by Jamie on May 08, 2015 at 22:38:42:

I want to thank you for your great stories ! They brought back a lot of memories of when I did similar things. We swam in Levi's STF's a lot, after breaking them in, and thoroughly enjoyed it, as you are doing now. You're having good experiences and will continue to do so. Most people will not do this, and they're missing out on a lot of fun, and that's what it's all about - fun! Keep it up !!

Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3

Posted by Chris on May 11, 2015 at 21:45:51

In Reply to: Re: Wet cousins - BH weekend - part 3 posted by wetmark on May 11, 2015 at 14:50:44:

Glad you enjoyed, we've been having a great time getting wet and muddy; I am so glad I came to stay with Jamie as he has been a good companion as we have been enjoying getting wet and muddy. The STF jeans are great, I've bought them before in US but have never gone out to get deliberately wet and muddy only ever got as far as sitting in a warm bath etc to shrink them and then enjoyed them more as they got more and more comfy and worn.

We have been having more fun this last weekend as Jamie's parents and my mum returned to Germany when my dad went back for work. They are due back tomorrow. Tom came over on Saturday and stayed overnight so we had some fun getting both wet and muddy.

Jamie is in the middle of writing it all up and will be posting it soon, but school is a bit hectic at the moment with new projects etc so bear with us.

Suffice to say for the moment that Tom turned up in a pair of white cotton jeans and a white shirt and left on Sunday evening with a pair of chocolate coloured trousers and shirt !! He also bought a pair of grey marl tracksuit bottoms which were very baggy and also very revealing when wet as they clung like a limpet to a rock in a strong tide.

Wet weekend again

Posted by Jmie on May 12, 2015 at 16:09:35

After all the fun of the Bank Holiday weekend Chris and me were left on our own again from Tuesday afternoon after our parents all returned to Germany with Chris’s dad for a few days holiday in Munich, where he was on business. They are due back tomorrow night, Tuesday, whilst Chis’s dad stays on for a while longer.

School was as busy as usual for the rest of the week, but on Friday evening we had a phone call from Tom, my cousin, to ask if he could come over for the weekend. He only lives about ten miles away and he wanted to get away from a houseful of his parent’s old friends for the weekend. We said “yes, of course” and told him to be prepared to get very wet and extremely muddy as often as possible; not that he needed telling really, it was what he was hoping for.

We were woken by loud knocking on the front door with Tom following that up with a shower of gravel thrown up at the bedroom window - I looked at my watch, it was 6:12 a.m. !!

I looked out the window to see Tom waving, so I went downstairs to let him in and ask what he was doing turning up so early - not very happy at all, I like my sleep - only to find no-one there. I stepped out onto the front path and looked around only to be hit by a stream of cold water as he turned the hose on me.

“Wakey, wakey - its a lovely day and time to be up and about !!” Tom shouted as he continued to hose me down, I was drenched. I won’t tell you what I said in reply - it was a short sentence of four words of 4, 3, 3 and 4 letters, beginning with F,O,Y,C respectively. He eventually turned the hose off once he saw I could get no wetter.

“Very funny, that’s bloody cold ………. I can’t tell you how glad I am that you arrived so early, dear cousin, you’ll tell me next that you want breakfast, I suppose …………..” I said as I pulled off my tee and wrung it out and then used it to dry off a bit.

“Yeah, eggs and bacon would be good …………” he laughed and followed me indoors.

Tom followed me into the kitchen and I showed him where to find eggs and bacon and told him to get on with it whilst I went to get into some dry clothes. I met Chris on the stairs, he’d dressed in his old Levi jeans and was pulling on a neon yellow tee as he walked, he still had bare feet and uncombed hair.

I dried off and pulled on my old Diesel jeans and a red tee, deciding to go commando as we were undoubtedly going to get wet. I left off my trainers and went downstairs again barefoot having brushed teeth and combed my hair.

Tom was busy at the hob cooking some bacon and Chris was putting stuff out on the kitchen table. I hadn’t really taken it in before, but Tom was dressed from head to toe in brilliant white; skinny fit jeans, with a red canvas belt, a short-sleeve white shirt, white socks and trainers - obviously wanting to make a statement !!

Tom turned when he heard me enter and grinned widely, “Sorry about the hose, I couldn’t resist …..”. I was gracious enough to accept his apology.

We sat and chatted whilst Tom finished cooking and served the eggs and bacon - it was very good - and Chris was the first to ask Tom if he thought it was entirely wise to wear all white, given the probability certainty was that he was going to get soaked and very muddy over the course of the day. Tom replied that he thought it would be fun and that he had bought the jeans and shirt cheaply off a market stall and could not wait to see what he looked like when getting muddy in them. I couldn’t wait to see either. We decided to go down to the wood as soon as we had finished breakfast.

When we got to the wood, having kept as dry and clean as possible along the track, we found the mud pit was overflowing with thin liquid mud after all the rain that we had had during the week. Tom was the first to venture near the pit and we watched fascinated as he slowly stepped forward getting muddy up to his ankles on the third step and then, quite suddenly, on his fifth step he sank up to his knees and started to lose his balance, he recovered a bit and then lost it and fell sideways flailing his arms trying to keep his footing. Tom splashed down almost spread-eagled and sank from sight briefly before coming up spluttering and struggled to the side where he clambered out. I couldn’t see a spot of white on him as he stood there grinning as we fell about laughing.

Tom looked awesome as he stood there in his skinny jeans and tight-fitting shirt, the shiny wet mud covered him so completely that it was hard to tell his clothes apart from the rest of him.

Chris was next to jump in and I watched as Tom spread his arms and fell backwards into the mud again. I jumped in next to Chris and we spent the next hour or so splashing around, watching each other clamber out and jumping in and generally fooling around. I could have stayed all day. We splashed our way back along the track and took a quick dip in the lake to get the worst of the mud off before heading home. Tom looked amazing in his now see-through shirt and his sodden jeans clearly showed the black boxers underneath, rather spoiling the white look. When we got home, we checked the pool and took the cover off before stripping off completely and jumping in. It was nice and warm and we swam around and relaxed until we suddenly had to duck down and hide as the postman’s van pulled into the drive. As he got back in his van he called out “Nice day for a swim, lads, have fun !!”

(more to follow)

Re: Wet weekend again

Posted by wetchas on May 13, 2015 at 08:37:22

In Reply to: Wet weekend again posted by Jmie on May 12, 2015 at 16:09:35:

Wow. Incredible. I love the idea of buying clothes with the intention to destroy them. I hope he has kept them for another occasion. And as for getting caught by the postman, ha ha. He probably wished he could have joined you.
Looking forward to the next instalment. Thanks for starting these posts,and taking the time and trouble to reply, and keep them going.

Levi's 511 Slim Fit Jeans - Rain Shower

Posted by Felix on May 13, 2015 at 09:18:58

What are Levi's 511 Slim Fit Jeans - Rain Shower?

I see them advertised, but don't see what makes them special. Are they only good for the rain, or can I also swim in them?


Re: Different swimwear for different places

Posted by Chris on May 13, 2015 at 09:39:41

In Reply to: Different swimwear for different places posted by Ben on May 13, 2015 at 07:46:34:

Where I live near in USA you are regarded as a bit weird if you wear anything other than baggy board shorts (unlined) with a pair of boxer/briefs underneath, if you swim at a public pool, so I tend to do as expected but go for board shorts with a mesh brief built-in as they are more comfortable.

Swimming at friends pools, where we are in and out of the water for some hours, I have worn shorter swim shorts as I find the baggy ones flap wetly around the legs. I have stayed wearing jeans and a tee after being thrown or pushed in but now I have enjoyed swimming in jeans deliberately here in UK with Jamie (and getting muddy as well) so will continue to do so when I get home.

Re: Wet weekend again

Posted by Jamie on May 13, 2015 at 09:50:12

In Reply to: Re: Wet weekend again posted by wetchas on May 13, 2015 at 08:37:22:

I think Tom intends to keep the white jeans, he just bought cheap ones as he is working for his dad at present and has no money ! We did persuade Tom to wear white underwear (we told him that going commando was not an option !) later on in the day, but I'll tell more about that later, as am just coming to the end of a study period at the moment so must go before I am caught on-line instead of studying ...........

I guess the postman saw us before we saw him so knew we were there. The family know him quite well as he does gardening in his spare time and has done quite a few jobs for us over the years. I guess he's in his mid-20s and would probably have been happy to join us in other circumstances.

Re: Levi's 511 Slim Fit Jeans - Rain Shower

Posted by Jamie on May 13, 2015 at 10:05:46

In Reply to: Levi's 511 Slim Fit Jeans - Rain Shower posted by Felix on May 13, 2015 at 09:18:58:

Ha, Ha, - very good !

Levi do seem to have some strange names for the colour/finishes of their jeans. I guess that Rain Shower is prompted by the fact that their 511 Commuter jeans are supposed to be water repellent against light showers.

I think you should wear them to swim in just to prove that they are not totally waterproof.

Wet weekend again - 2

Posted by Jamie on May 13, 2015 at 21:08:35

After the postman had gone I jumped out of the pool and quickly dragged on my wet jeans and went to hang up everyone’s clothes on the rotary dryer. I went in and got some board-shorts for all of us, pulled on my favourites, and then went back out, hung up my wet jeans and went to the pool where I threw the shorts to Tom and Chris, who pulled them on and clambered out.

I had chosen my navy blue board-shorts with a single broad horizontal white stripe across (equally blue/white/blue from waist down to hem), Chris grabbed the plain dark red pair and Tom the green and white floral patterned ones. The blue and white ones look nice and shiny when wet with the red ones a close second. The floral ones go a bit transparent when wet, so no great surprise that Tom grabbed them !! Also, they fit me snugly but even more so for Tom who is a bit bigger than me and Chris, both taller by a couple of inches and he’s started going to the gym since leaving college, so looks quite impressively toned.

We all went indoors to get a coffee and something to eat and sat in the garden discussing what to do next, as it was still not much beyond 9am.

Chris was all for getting fully dressed again in some jeans or other gear and spending the morning in the nice warm pool soaking up the sun whilst it was still out. Tom wanted to go back to the mud pit and get covered in mud again as he said it had been such a great experience and we could see as he spoke how much he was looking forward to it. I suggested that we call a few of my mates and go to the park for a kick around before going to the mud pit a bit later when there would be fewer people around. We settled on having a soak in the pool in the sun whilst it was still sunny, have some lunch and then go to the park for a kick-around before getting muddy again after that.

Chris and me pulled on our STF jeans and a tee shirt, a black one for Chris and dark green for me. Tom came out in grey marl track bottoms and a dark blue soccer shirt. Tom did a running dive into the pool and clambered out immediately to see what he looked like - his grey bottoms had turned a much darker shade and the soft fabric clung tightly, his blue shirt was shiny with water and showed off his muscles. He grinned widely and said his clothes felt great, before jumping back in the pool.

Chris and me jumped in and we all splashed around a bit before Tom suggested that we ought to top up the pool after splashing so much water around, so I went and got the hose and we left it slowly filling after I had had to fight off Chris who decided to have a bit of a wrestling match to grab the hose. I’ve never been in prolonged close “combat” with someone else whilst in wet clothes and it was fun feeling the wet fabrics being pulled around and rasping against skin. The wrestling match finished when Chris managed to swing me off my feet and over the edge of the pool in which I landed (face first - ouch) with a huge splash - I surrendered !

We lazed in the pool until I got restless and went in to get some lunch. I dumped my wet jeans and tee at the backdoor and pulled on my board-shorts again whilst I got lunch ready. I sent some texts to mates about having a kick-around down at the park and got a few replies “yes” almost immediately, so we agreed to meet in the park at about 3pm, two and a half hours time.

We had lunch and then played some computer games as our clothes drip-dried enough to go down to the park without looking as though we were soaked to the skin. Not sure why we bothered, to be honest.

We met up with five of my mates and had a good kick-around. Tom set a rule at the start that whoever kicked the ball into the lake had to go in and get it - already wet or not. The other guys laughed and thought Tom was not being serious but Chris and me knew better. They were all dressed in jeans, tees or soccer shirts, and trainers so we looked forward to seeing how long it took for one of them to have to get a stray ball. After twenty minutes and only Tom having to go in - which he did in style by taking a running dive - Chris turned to me and offered a bet of £5 that no-one except me, Tom or himself would be careless enough to mis-kick a ball and suffer the consequences, all based on the rather uninspiring way the others were playing.

He was wrong in actual fact as Tom kicked a high ball to one of his team-mates, Dave, and it bounced high as he tried to bring it to ground in control and it flicked off sideways and landed about ten feet from the bank. Dave protested that he hadn’t kicked the ball, but Tom was adamant, as was everyone else, that the ball had contacted Dave whether he intended it or not. Dave reluctantly capitulated and wlked slowly to the bank as he pulled off his tee and then removed his trainers. He gingerly stepped into the water and edged his way out, slowly getting up to his knees in the water. He was almost within arm’s reach of the ball when it was blown a bit further away by a slight breeze, Dave took another step forward and lost his footing as the bank shelved away from him and suddenly he was flailing around in the water and then swimming out to grab the ball before swimming and then wading back. He was not happy. A few choice swear words were said about “f*!*ing stupid rules” and “which b*!t?*d decided to play near the lake anyway ?”. Eventually he saw the funny side and we continued to play with Dave trying very hard to do what Tom had done to him, By the time we had finished playing and were all ready to take a breather, Tom, Dave (twice), Chris (twice) and Ian had got a soaking in the lake.

We had all been lying on the grass in the sun for a while when Chris and Dave suddenly got up and grabbed me, carried me to the lake and dropped me in, after that there was a general free for all and everyone ended up in the lake. We were all laughing so much that we didn’t really care that were were all thoroughly soaked. When we finally got out of the water four of the guys said they were going to head home and get dry and Dave asked what we were going to do next as he was having fun. Chris told Dave about the mud-pit and he said he’d like to try that out, and could he come along.

The four of us splashed along the track to the clearing and watched as Tom jumped straight in followed by Chris. I urged a hesitant Dave on, suggesting how could he not go in having come this far, and he jumped in with a great yell. We spent half an hour or so jumping in and climbing out as the others tried to pull us back and Dave joined in as though he’d done it many times before, although he said he had never before got completely wet or muddy when fully clothed. We had some fun comparing how we all looked covered in mud.

Eventually we headed back to the lake to clean up and then Dave came back home with us where we hosed each other down and then jumped in the pool again in our board-shorts as our clothes were hung up. I put Dave’s stuff in the washing machine for a quick wash and dry and lent him a pair of my soccer shorts for the pool.

(Details of Sunday to follow)

Re: Wet weekend again - 2

Posted by wetchas on May 14, 2015 at 08:34:09

In Reply to: Wet weekend again - 2 posted by Jamie on May 13, 2015 at 21:08:35:

Awesome.That is one of the best stories so far.
Tom was wearing one of my favourite outfits. I love those grey trackies. For a start they instantly change colour, and of hat course they also go all limp and clingy. OK as long as you art e of in
I don't want to be too much of a pain, but what were the llothers wearing, especially Dave. Were any of the others in trackies. Sorry to go on, but they are my particular 'love'. I know you two are more into jeans.
Funny how board shorts can be attractive to. I posted a thread a while back, asking whether anyone liked soaking things that were designed to get wet, and as board shorts are you would think they wouldn't hold much attraction, but as you say, some of them look superb when wet. I wonder how much research the makers do with their products, to see how they look after a
wetting. Sounds like the ideal job. Incidentally, do you cut the mesh linings out, or leave them in. I've gone on to long. Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: Wet weekend again - 2

Posted by wetchas on May 14, 2015 at 09:56:03

In Reply to: Wet weekend again - 2 posted by Jamie on May 13, 2015 at 21:08:35:

Sorry again. Just re read the story. See everyone was in jeans + tees,apart I guess from Tom, who hopefully had his trackies back on.

Re: Wet weekend again - 2

Posted by Jamie on May 14, 2015 at 11:19:44

In Reply to: Re: Wet weekend again - 2 posted by wetchas on May 14, 2015 at 09:56:03:

Yes, you are right. Everyone wore jeans and tees or soccer shirts apart from Tom who wore his grey trackies. Most of the guys I play soccer with at at school with me but there are a couple who are just near neighbours who I met at primary school. Everyone seems to have a pair of old jeans they wear for kicking a ball around in the park; if any of us feel really keen we wear soccer shorts, mostly the self-striped polyester ones that we have to have for school but I find they cling too much, particularly when wet or muddy, to be comfortable, to say nothing about being too revealing. At school of course we have no choice and have to put up with all the drawbacks.

Home early today as the fire alarm went off and after we had all trooped outside in the rain and no fire was found, we resumed classes only for it to go off again twice within twenty minutes, the second time they could not switch it off, so we were all sent home as it is raining heavily and no teachers wanted to organise any outside activities and get wet themselves.

So Chris and me are deciding what to do for the rest of the day as all our books etc are still in our class-room so can't do much work.

Re: Wet weekend again - 2

Posted by wetchas on May 14, 2015 at 11:29:07

In Reply to: Re: Wet weekend again - 2 posted by Jamie on May 14, 2015 at 11:19:44:

You lucky b......s. Don't, forget to slip a fiver to whoever sabotaged the fire alarm.
Interesting what you say about the football shorts. I like to wear them underneath other clothing for soaking purposes,but must admit they are very thin and clingy, even when dry.
Been raining here in Devon all morning too. The weather for the weekend looks brighter though. Here's hoping.

Wet weekend again - 3 (last)

Posted by Jamie on May 14, 2015 at 15:07:54

Sunday dawned bright and sunny outside but rather wet inside as Tom decided to wake Chris and me with a bucket of water poured over us as we slept. After we had bundled him into the shower and held him there as we turned it full on, cold, we got dressed in jeans and tees. Tom in his white jeans (not quite as white as before), boxer-briefs, shirt and socks. Chris in his STF jeans, black boxers, a black tee, grey socks and canvas shoes. I wore my STF jeans, black boxer-briefs, blue tee and socks and trainers.

During breakfast Tom argued his case for going straight to the mud pit and having a good wallow and then a swim in the lake. Chris was all for enjoying the pool while it was still warm and sunny outside. I sided with Tom and suggested that we take a change of clothes as well to try the mud out on a few other outfits. Chris was persuaded by that and we gathered some stuff together in a bin bag before setting off.

I dropped in a pair of tan cargoes, a thick lumberjack style red and blue check shirt, my favourite blue and white board-shorts and a pair of navy school sport shorts and a yellow singlet. The sports shorts are a mix of polyester and elastane and stretch a lot in all directions, we are required to wear them and the singlet for gym classes; they are quite a snug fit and we are expected not to wear anything under them, certainly not our normal underwear as gym includes cross country running which goes across and along a small stream so we often get soaked if the water is high.

Tom dropped in the board-shorts of mine that he had been wearing, the blue jeans he had bought along and a couple of tees.

Chris included his black jeans, a green polo shirt, a red tee and the dark red board-shorts of mine that he had been wearing.

We made our way through the park but saw no-one else there, apart from a few distant dog walkers, as it was still only 8am. We kept as dry as we could walking along the track as we all wanted to feel what the mud felt like when we were in dry clothes.

When we got to the mud pit we found that it had been joined by another muddy area nearby. It was not a mud pit but a 10ft by 10ft area of ankle deep mud with, off the far side, a long slide down a gentle slope ending in a deep puddle of sloppy mud and water. Chris decided to try it out first and went down it on his backside, splashing into the puddle at the end. When he stood up he was covered in mud on the back of his legs and the front up to his knees and up between his legs and well splattered across his chest. Tom went down it next as Chris trotted back, but decided to do it on his front head first. He splashed into the puddle at the end with a huge splash and was almost completely covered from head to to, with just a few white patches showing through. It was very obvious that he was enjoying himself as the liquid mud highlighted every muscle on his toned body.

When I said I would do the slide later, Chris rugby tackled me into the ankle deep mud area and we wrestled each other for a while until Tom joined in and we ended up lying in a heap on top of each other in a tangle of legs and arms. I wasn’t completely covered, but it was not far off, I could feel sloppy mud trickling down my neck, my hair was plastered to my head in a matted mess, and I had to clear the mud out of my ears before I could hear what the others were saying. We untangled ourselves and Tom made us laugh by lying on his back making mud angels.

Chris went over to the mud pit and made a great display of diving in head first, crossing the pit under the surface and popping up on the far side where he leaned back supported on his elbows with the mud up to his chest. He shook his head from side to side to dislodge the mud that was running down his face and gave us a thumbs up.

I bombed in to the centre of the pit with as big a splash as I could and then joined Chris as we watched Tom stand on the edge wondering how to make a spectacular splash down. As I looked at him I though that Dave’s comment about Tom looking pleased with himself had been quite correct - he was an impressive sight with his clothes plastered to his body and mud dripping off him as he stood there. He decided to just fall forward into the mud in the end, arms spread wide, a belly flop really but without a run up.

W sat in the mud for a while just relaxing and enjoying the warm sunshine. After a while I climbed out and went down to the track to find a watery furrow to get some of the mud off me before changing into my tan cargoes and lumberjack-style shirt.I managed to get fairly clean and struggled to pull off my clinging wet jeans and tee, almost falling over whilst trying to stand on one leg, which made the others laugh aloud. The cargoes and heavy shirt felt great when I stepped slowly into the pit, savouring the feel of the mud soaking through as my clothes got heavier and heavier with each step down. It felt really great when I was finally fully submerged and I had to take a few moments to attend to matters that had arisen.

Eventually Chris and Tom both changed into their other clothes (Chris into his black jeans and green polo, and Tom into his blue jeans and an orange tee) and we fooled around a bit throwing each other and ourselves in the mud and down the mud slide. It was great fun. We must have spent nearly two hours in the pit, going down the mud slide and wrestling each other in the ankle deep mud.

We carried out other muddy clothes with us back to the lake, keeping the board-shorts and a tee each for a swim and the walk home, where we dived in the cool water and splashed around until we were quite clean. We used the bin bag as a wrap as we got into our board-shorts and tees in turn as there were quite a few people around by the lake.

We got a few funny looks and one guy who produced his mobile and asked us to pose in our wet clothes, saying it looked like fun and wished he could join us. He was about thirty and had a baby boy on reins tottering along with him, who thought the “wet wet” was very funny. Two teenage girls walked by and called out “Nice body, mate” as they giggled and looked at us, Tom, being Tom, bowed and called “thank you” to which the other replied “Not you, the one in black jeans” pointing at Chris. That made me laugh and Chris blushed deep red.

We swam around a bit in our board-shorts and tees and Chris even swam out to a small island in the middle of the lake, but reported that it was just a rubbish dump of cans and plastic bags and not worth the effort. We sat on the grass for a bit to dry offend then went home, got some lunch and spent the afternoon in the pool and lazing in the sun.

Tom left late afternoon as he was expected home for supper with his parents and their friends, his penalty for missing the rest of the weekend with them.

This is the last post about the second weekend of wet fun that we have enjoyed, its back to school tomorrow and my mum and dad and Chris’ mum are due back on Tuesday so I expect it will just be swims after school for the coming week, although I’m sure some of them will be in jeans and tees as the parents don’t seem to have a problem with that.

Thanks for reading and all the comments and questions.

Re: Levi's 511 Slim Fit Jeans - Rain Shower

Posted by Tarianne Mwanet on May 14, 2015 at 16:53:16

In Reply to: Re: Levi's 511 Slim Fit Jeans - Rain Shower posted by Jamie on May 13, 2015 at 10:05:46:

Commuter Jeans?
Do they convert into Travelcard Jeans if you make more than three journeys in them (and avoid St. Pancras International surcharge)?

Or are they computer jeans... they have windows in them... lol :)

Re: Wet weekend again - 3 (last)

Posted by andiwmat on May 14, 2015 at 21:24:53

In Reply to: Wet weekend again - 3 (last) posted by Jamie on May 14, 2015 at 15:07:54:

thanks for the stories!
looks like you have had a great time!

Re: Wet weekend again - 3 (last)

Posted by Jamie on May 14, 2015 at 22:59:31

In Reply to: Re: Wet weekend again - 3 (last) posted by andiwmat on May 14, 2015 at 21:24:53:

We did thanks. I think Tom and me will be keeping in touch more closely than before now we know how much each other enjoys this kind of thing. I have got my provisional driving licence now and after I take my test, and hopefully pass, I shall be able to meet up with him more easily as dad is getting a new car and passing his current one on to mum and she has said they will keep her's for me to use, which is very generous.

Re: Wet weekend again - 3 (last)

Posted by Tom on May 15, 2015 at 08:49:33

In Reply to: Wet weekend again - 3 (last) posted by Jamie on May 14, 2015 at 15:07:54:

You should try layering up a bit. wear two pairs of trousers and a jumper over the teeshirts. It's great fun.
Love the stories.

Re: Wet weekend again - 3 (last)

Posted by wetchas on May 15, 2015 at 09:22:15

In Reply to: Wet weekend again - 3 (last) posted by Jamie on May 14, 2015 at 15:07:54:

Brilliant story again,as always. One thing though,what did you do in the gym shorts and vest. I was waiting the whole story to find out, so please tell.
Its interesting that are expected to wear them next to the skin for classes. I bet that leads to some embarassing moments. If I had been you, I would have worn them under the cargos in the mud, and attended to business inside of them.
But there, that's just my personal fetish, I know you lads have your own.
Good that you have got to know Tom bit better. You probably won't feel so lonely now when Chris goes back. How much longer has he got.
I hope the 'last' on your post title doesn't mean this is the last we shall hear from you. I am on holiday with the Mrs now, so might not get a chance to be here until Wednesday. Have fun.

Re: Wet weekend again - 3 (last)

Posted by Jamie on May 15, 2015 at 11:25:24

In Reply to: Re: Wet weekend again - 3 (last) posted by wetchas on May 15, 2015 at 09:22:15:

Yes I did get to wear my gym shorts and singlet, but hadn’t mentioned it as it got more than a bit embarrassing. After I’d got muddy in my cargoes and lumberjack shirt I went and cleaned up a bit down in a watery rut on the track and then changed into the shorts and singlet. Chris and Tom were still messing around in the ankle deep mud area and it was quite a sight seeing them grappling each other and falling around in the mud. I stood around and watched them for a bit until they paused and Chris nudged Tom and pointed at me saying “Looks like Jamie has a thing about mud wrestling. Time he joined in, I think.” and with that they grabbed me and rolled me around in the mud until eventually I found myself lying face down in the mud with them both rubbing more of the muck all over me. That was exciting and even more so when they rolled me over and did the same to my front. I was so embarrassed but they just laughed and then carried me to the mud pit and dropped me in before jumping in themselves where Tom finished off the job. Chris couldn’t see exactly what was going on, and was busy himself anyway, but he obviously knew judging by the grin on his face as he watched Tom and me. That was it really, a first for me but not, I guess, for Tom.

Regards the shorts at school, I think the rule was introduced when it was an all boys school and such awkward moments wouldn’t have mattered so much. Also I guess it was to stop boys wearing their normal underwear and getting it wet and then spending the rest of the day in wet or damp clothes. The shorts are stretchy and a snug fit, not as tight as compression shorts, but snug enough not too allow any significant gaping around the legs, and they cling like hell, wet or dry. Now we have girls in the fifth and sixth forms, and they are expected to wear sports bras for gym, it seems odd that us boys aren’t supposed to wear any support. Some guys do wear speedos but there is always a giveaway “visible panty line” as one of my mates calls it, so most of us just put up with the odd unexpected occurrence and hope it goes away quickly !!

I only really meant that this post was №. 3 and the last about that weekend. So, no stopping yet.

Things are changing regards Chris and his family as his dad has been given a big promotion and is to be based back in Munich at their HQ; seems his meetings and time in Germany have been the decider on whether he was offered it, so they are thinking hard about the future. Uncle Greg wants to have his home in the UK so that Chris can continue at my school if they will agree to take him on (“Good luck with that, Greg boy” as my dad joked) and have started looking around here for a house. His company are happy for him to commute weekly as they have a company jet he can use for that.

Re: Wet weekend again - 3 (last)

Posted by Chris on May 15, 2015 at 14:49:52

In Reply to: Re: Wet weekend again - 3 (last) posted by Tom on May 15, 2015 at 08:49:33:

Glad you enjoy Jamie's writing, he does them well, I think, better than I could anyway.

It would be fun to try layers, might do so in the pool over the weekend. I suppose that layers stay wet for longer as well as feeling heavier when sodden (I like that word) we've tried staying in wet clothes all day and going to bed in wet clothes, which was good but became chilly unless you kept the the duvet wrapped around you, so I guess we are willing to try anything.

Dad is back from Germany tonight and looking at property over the weekend with mum so I want to go with them. There is a place just a ten minute walk from Jamie's which looks good and it has a couple of acres of grounds with a pool and tennis court, so that would be fantastic.

Re: Wet weekend again - 2

Posted by Jamie on May 15, 2015 at 22:11:46

In Reply to: Re: Wet weekend again - 2 posted by wetchas on May 14, 2015 at 11:29:07:

Ha Ha ! I don't think any of my compadres at school would have the technical expertise to have sabotaged the alarm system ..... or indeed the imagination to think of doing it in the first place !!!

I usually wear speedos under the football shorts, they do cling but at least speedos limit the danmage even when they get wet and muddy, at least they don't go transparent like cotton shorts do. I've worn them under a tracksuit but had never thought of wearing then under other clothing when getting muddy, I might try it next time we go to the mud pit.

Wet and house hunting

Posted by Chris on May 16, 2015 at 21:59:52

Today after an early morning swim with Jamie, both in our old jeans and tees still dampt from last night, I got ready in my STF jeans and a smarter shirt to go and look at a couple of houses that the local estate agent had sorted out. One was on the other side of the village from Jamie's and on a busy road as it turned out, so that was rejected pretty quickly. The second was much nicer with an acre of garden and large open-plan living rooms and a bathroom for each of the three bedrooms.

Dad asked if there was anything a bit bigger maybe with more grounds, and the agent thought a bit and said there was one he knew about but his company were not now handling the sale as the owners appeared to have taken it off sale, although he had heard different. He said he make a couple of phone calls and get back to us in the afternoon.

When we got back to Jamie's I went and changed again into my already wet clothes and we jumped back in the pool where Jamie's dad joined us as a break from grass cutting. We splashed around and uncle Dan seemed to have fun in his old jeans and tee.

Dad got a call from the estate agent and it seems that there is a house just half a mile up the road from Jamie's. It needs a lot of work but is bigv, although the agent was not sure exactly how big. It was agreed that the owners land agent would meet us at the entrance at 3pm to show us around. Dad asked about the price and was told it was "negotiable" and he thought any offer might be looked at favourably as to his knowledge the place had been empty and more or less on sale for the last ten years at least !!

Dad asked uncle Dan if he knew about the place, to which he replied "No, as far as I know the road only goes to the farm at the end of the lane about 3 miles away. Janie said there was an overgrown gateway in the wood along the lane but he didn't know if there was a house there.

So, we had lunch and then we got ready to go along and meet this land agent. Jamie and his dad expressed and interesting coming along so we all went.

The agent, a tall gent in a tweed suit and an upper-class drawl, arrived just as we got to the gateway that Jamie had mentioned. He introduced himself and unlocked unlocked a huge rusty padlock before pushing the gate open. The overgrown driveway led through a wide belt of tree and down a slight slope towards a huge gothic brick-build mansion with a sweeping driveway, all overgrown, that circled a circular pond full of weeds and rushes.

Dad looked at the agent "This looks expensive, even in this state." The agent smiled and replied "My client is keen to divest themselves of the house and its twenty acres of grounds, so I am sure you will find the price very acceptable, but lets have a look first and we can talk prices after you have seen what's on offer."

The house was full of dust, bits of broken furniture and some rubbish. The hallway was very grand, even under all the dust, the windows were stained glass in many cases and as we walked around the ground-floor I could see that dad was getting more and more interested - he loves a project - but it was huge, I lost count of the number of rooms after fifteen, and then we came to the pantries and "domestic offices" as the agent called them.

On the first floor we counted ten large bedrooms but only three bathrooms. In the attic rooms there were lots and lots of small rooms "originally for the house-maids and footmen" according to the agent.

When we got outside there were six stables that had been converted to garages and numerous outbuildings around a cobbled courtyard. Dad was in seventh heaven, mum looked rather dubious. Jamie and uncle Dan seemed in bit of a daze.

When dad finally asked about the price the agent said his employer's had originally wanted £1.2million but with the property crash had dropped the price eventually to £400,000 but had still had no interest.

"How much ?" asked dad in a surprised voice.

"Well I'm sure they would accept £300,000 at this stage of the game, bearing in mind all the work that needs doing."

"Really ?" asked dad again still sounding surprised.

"Well, I'd be happy to recommend £250,000 if the sale went through very quickly: I understand that this is a cash purchase as you have no chain."

"We are moving back from New York so my employer is financing the purchase, so you could have the money as soon as the solicitors complete their stuff, if we were to go ahead."

"That sounds ideal - would it help if I left you with the keys so that you can get a builder to look and have a wander around at your leisure? Just let me have them back during the week, here's my card."

We thanked him and dad told him where to find us at Jamie's and gave him his own car. He looked very surprised when he read the card but tried to hide it.

"Well, having seen your card, I'm sure your company won't have any trouble raising the cash for this purchase, must be just small change for them' he laughed.

When he'd gone, uncle Dan laughed and said that dad had obviously got hidden talents getting the price down that low. Dad grinned and said that playing surprised always seem to work.

We went for a wander to see what the grounds looked like and found a swimming pool in a hidden walled garden, it had no water in but looked huge, and we also found an overgrown terrace with lovely views across open fields with sheep grazing.

When we got back to Jamie's we all jumped in the pool as we were having got so dusty and dirty in the house. Dad and uncle Dan chatted and plotted whilst Jamie and me splashed around and had a bit of a water fight until our mum's joined everyone and were told about the house.

(more to follow)

Re: Wet and house hunting

Posted by Chris on May 18, 2015 at 15:34:40

In Reply to: Re: Wet and house hunting posted by Bruce on May 18, 2015 at 12:58:35:

It seems that it will be our home sometime, not sure how soon, and the suggestion is that Jamie and his family share the place with us eventually along with grandparents - it is certainly big enough. Uncle Dan and Aunt Mary seem keen and Jamie is delighted. With my dad working in Germany it would be good to have other people around and the place is suitable for splitting into several individual parts with more room than any of us have in our separate houses at present. In the meantime we get to stay at Jamie's. Mum is meeting the head at school on Wednesday to find out if I could stay there permanently; I am enjoying being back at a school now so look forward to that.

You must persist with your swimming in jeans and maybe your cousins will eventually join in if they see how much you enjoy it.

Jamie has been trying to post more details of our visit to the house on our own on Sunday but keeps being told that "You can't do that here" and blocking the post although his language is no different to previous posts; so more may follow or not ....

Wet and house hunting - 2

Posted by Jamie on May 19, 2015 at 16:02:31

After all the fun of the Bank Holiday weekend Chris and me were left on our own again from Tuesday afternoon after our parents all returned to Germany with Chris’s dad for a few days holiday in Munich, where he was on business. They are due back tomorrow night, Tuesday, whilst Chis’s dad stays on for a while longer.

School was as busy as usual for the rest of the week, but on Friday evening we had a phone call from Tom, my cousin, to ask if he could come over for the weekend. He only lives about ten miles away and he wanted to get away from a houseful of his parent’s old friends for the weekend. We said “yes, of course” and told him to be prepared to get very wet and extremely muddy as often as possible; not that he needed telling really, it was what he was hoping for.

We were woken by loud knocking on the front door with Tom following that up with a shower of gravel thrown up at the bedroom window - I looked at my watch, it was 6:12 a.m. !!

I looked out the window to see Tom waving, so I went downstairs to let him in and ask what he was doing turning up so early - not very happy at all, I like my sleep - only to find no-one there. I stepped out onto the front path and looked around only to be hit by a stream of cold water as he turned the hose on me.

“Wakey, wakey - its a lovely day and time to be up and about !!” Tom shouted as he continued to hose me down, I was drenched. I won’t tell you what I said in reply - it was a short sentence of four words of 4, 3, 3 and 4 letters, beginning with F,O,Y,C respectively. He eventually turned the hose off once he saw I could get no wetter.

“Very funny, that’s bloody cold ………. I can’t tell you how glad I am that you arrived so early, dear cousin, you’ll tell me next that you want breakfast, I suppose …………..” I said as I pulled off my tee and wrung it out and then used it to dry off a bit.

“Yeah, eggs and bacon would be good …………” he laughed and followed me indoors.

Tom followed me into the kitchen and I showed him where to find eggs and bacon and told him to get on with it whilst I went to get into some dry clothes. I met Chris on the stairs, he’d dressed in his old Levi jeans and was pulling on a neon yellow tee as he walked, he still had bare feet and uncombed hair.

I dried off and pulled on my old Diesel jeans and a red tee, deciding to go commando as we were undoubtedly going to get wet. I left off my trainers and went downstairs again barefoot having brushed teeth and combed my hair.

Tom was busy at the hob cooking some bacon and Chris was putting stuff out on the kitchen table. I hadn’t really taken it in before, but Tom was dressed from head to toe in brilliant white; skinny fit jeans, with a red canvas belt, a short-sleeve white shirt, white socks and trainers - obviously wanting to make a statement !!

Tom turned when he heard me enter and grinned widely, “Sorry about the hose, I couldn’t resist …..”. I was gracious enough to accept his apology.

We sat and chatted whilst Tom finished cooking and served the eggs and bacon - it was very good - and Chris was the first to ask Tom if he thought it was entirely wise to wear all white, given the probability certainty was that he was going to get soaked and very muddy over the course of the day. Tom replied that he thought it would be fun and that he had bought the jeans and shirt cheaply off a market stall and could not wait to see what he looked like when getting muddy in them. I couldn’t wait to see either. We decided to go down to the wood as soon as we had finished breakfast.

When we got to the wood, having kept as dry and clean as possible along the track, we found the mud pit was overflowing with thin liquid mud after all the rain that we had had during the week. Tom was the first to venture near the pit and we watched fascinated as he slowly stepped forward getting muddy up to his ankles on the third step and then, quite suddenly, on his fifth step he sank up to his knees and started to lose his balance, he recovered a bit and then lost it and fell sideways flailing his arms trying to keep his footing. Tom splashed down almost spread-eagled and sank from sight briefly before coming up spluttering and struggled to the side where he clambered out. I couldn’t see a spot of white on him as he stood there grinning as we fell about laughing.

Tom looked awesome as he stood there in his skinny jeans and tight-fitting shirt, the shiny wet mud covered him so completely that it was hard to tell his clothes apart from the rest of him.

Chris was next to jump in and I watched as Tom spread his arms and fell backwards into the mud again. I jumped in next to Chris and we spent the next hour or so splashing around, jumping in and generally fooling around. I could have stayed all day. We splashed our way back along the track and took a quick dip in the lake to get the worst of the mud off before heading home. Tom looked amazing in his now see-through shirt and his sodden jeans clearly showed the black boxers underneath, rather spoiling the white look. When we got home, we checked the pool and took the cover off before stripping off completely and jumping in. It was nice and warm and we swam around and relaxed until we suddenly had to duck down and hide as the postman’s van pulled into the drive. As he got back in his van he called out “Nice day for a swim, lads, have fun !!”

(more to follow) After the postman had gone I jumped out of the pool and quickly dragged on my wet jeans and went to hang up everyone’s clothes on the rotary dryer. I went in and got some board-shorts for all of us, pulled on my favourites, and then went back out, hung up my wet jeans and went to the pool where I threw the shorts to Tom and Chris, who pulled them on and clambered out.

I had chosen my navy blue board-shorts with a single broad horizontal white stripe across (equally blue/white/blue from waist down to hem), Chris grabbed the plain dark red pair and Tom the green and white floral patterned ones. The blue and white ones look nice and shiny when wet with the red ones a close second. The floral ones go a bit transparent when wet, so no great surprise that Tom grabbed them !! Also, they fit me snugly but even more so for Tom who is a bit bigger than me and Chris, both taller by a couple of inches and he’s started going to the gym since leaving college, so looks quite impressively toned.

We all went indoors to get a coffee and something to eat and sat in the garden discussing what to do next, as it was still not much beyond 9am.

Chris was all for getting fully dressed again in some jeans or other gear and spending the morning in the nice warm pool soaking up the sun whilst it was still out. Tom wanted to go back to the mud pit and get covered in mud again as he said it had been such a great experience and we could see as he spoke how much he was looking forward to it. I suggested that we call a few of my mates and go to the park for a kick around before going to the mud pit a bit later when there would be fewer people around. We settled on having a soak in the pool in the sun whilst it was still sunny, have some lunch and then go to the park for a kick-around before getting muddy again after that.

Chris and me pulled on our STF jeans and a tee shirt, a black one for Chris and dark green for me. Tom came out in grey marl track bottoms and a dark blue soccer shirt. Tom did a running dive into the pool and clambered out immediately to see what he looked like - his grey bottoms had turned a much darker shade and the soft fabric clung tightly, his blue shirt was shiny with water and showed off his muscles. He grinned widely and said his clothes felt great, before jumping back in the pool.

Chris and me jumped in and we all splashed around a bit before Tom suggested that we ought to top up the pool after splashing so much water around, so I went and got the hose and we left it slowly filling after I had had to fight off Chris who decided to have a bit of a wrestling match to grab the hose. I’ve never been in prolonged close “combat” with someone else whilst in wet clothes and it was fun feeling the wet fabrics being pulled around and rasping against skin. The wrestling match finished when Chris managed to swing me off my feet and over the edge of the pool in which I landed (face first - ouch) with a huge splash - I surrendered !

We lazed in the pool until I got restless and went in to get some lunch. I dumped my wet jeans and tee at the backdoor and pulled on my board-shorts again whilst I got lunch ready. I sent some texts to mates about having a kick-around down at the park and got a few replies “yes” almost immediately, so we agreed to meet in the park at about 3pm, two and a half hours time.

We had lunch and then played some computer games as our clothes drip-dried enough to go down to the park without looking as though we were soaked to the skin. Not sure why we bothered, to be honest.

We met up with five of my mates and had a good kick-around. Tom set a rule at the start that whoever kicked the ball into the lake had to go in and get it - already wet or not. The other guys laughed and thought Tom was not being serious but Chris and me knew better. They were all dressed in jeans, tees or soccer shirts, and trainers so we looked forward to seeing how long it took for one of them to have to get a stray ball. After twenty minutes and only Tom having to go in - which he did in style by taking a running dive - Chris turned to me and offered a bet of £5 that no-one except me, Tom or himself would be careless enough to mis-kick a ball and suffer the consequences, all based on the rather uninspiring way the others were playing.

He was wrong in actual fact as Tom kicked a high ball to one of his team-mates, Dave, and it bounced high as he tried to bring it to ground in control and it flicked off sideways and landed about ten feet from the bank. Dave protested that he hadn’t kicked the ball, but Tom was adamant, as was everyone else, that the ball had contacted Dave whether he intended it or not. Dave reluctantly capitulated and wlked slowly to the bank as he pulled off his tee and then removed his trainers. He gingerly stepped into the water and edged his way out, slowly getting up to his knees in the water. He was almost within arm’s reach of the ball when it was blown a bit further away by a slight breeze, Dave took another step forward and lost his footing as the bank shelved away from him and suddenly he was flailing around in the water and then swimming out to grab the ball before swimming and then wading back. He was not happy. A few choice swear words were said about “f*!*ing stupid rules” and “which b*!t?*d decided to play near the lake anyway ?”. Eventually he saw the funny side and we continued to play with Dave trying very hard to do what Tom had done to him, By the time we had finished playing and were all ready to take a breather, Tom, Dave (twice), Chris (twice) and Ian had got a soaking in the lake.

We had all been lying on the grass in the sun for a while when Chris and Dave suddenly got up and grabbed me, carried me to the lake and dropped me in, after that there was a general free for all and everyone ended up in the lake. We were all laughing so much that we didn’t really care that were were all thoroughly soaked. When we finally got out of the water four of the guys said they were going to head home and get dry and Dave asked what we were going to do next as he was having fun. Chris told Dave about the mud-pit and he said he’d like to try that out, and could he come along.

The four of us splashed along the track to the clearing and watched as Tom jumped straight in followed by Chris. I urged a hesitant Dave on, suggesting how could he not go in having come this far, and he jumped in with a great yell. We spent half an hour or so jumping in and climbing out as the others tried to pull us back and Dave joined in as though he’d done it many times before, although he said he had never before got completely wet or muddy when fully clothed. We had some fun comparing how we all looked covered in mud.

Eventually we headed back to the lake to clean up and then Dave came back home with us where we hosed each other down and then jumped in the pool again in our board-shorts as our clothes were hung up. I put Dave’s stuff in the washing machine for a quick quash and dry and lent him a pair of my soccer shorts for the pool.

(Details of Sunday to follow) Sunday dawned bright and sunny outside but rather wet inside as Tom decided to wake Chris and me with a bucket of water poured over us as we slept. After we had bundled him into the shower and held him there as we turned it full on, cold, we got dressed in jeans and tees. Tom in his white jeans (not quite as white as before), boxer-briefs, shirt and socks. Chris in his STF jeans, black boxers, a black tee, grey socks and canvas shoes. I wore my STF jeans, black boxer-briefs, blue tee and socks and trainers.

During breakfast Tom argued his case for going straight to the mud pit and having a good wallow and then a swim in the lake. Chris was all for enjoying the pool while it was still warm and sunny outside. I sided with Tom and suggested that we take a change of clothes as well to try the mud out on a few other outfits. Chris was persuaded by that and we gathered some stuff together in a bin bag before setting off.

I dropped in a pair of tan cargoes, a thick lumberjack style red and blue check shirt, my favourite blue and white board-shorts and a pair of navy school sport shorts and a yellow singlet. The sports shorts are a mix of polyester and elastane and stretch a lot in all directions, we are required to wear them and the singlet for gym classes; they are quite a snug fit and we are expected not to wear anything under them, certainly not our normal underwear as gym includes cross country running which goes across and along a small stream so we often get soaked if the water is high.

Tom dropped in the board-shorts of mine that he had been wearing, the blue jeans he had bought along and a couple of tees.

Chris included his black jeans, a green polo shirt, a red tee and the dark red board-shorts of mine that he had been wearing.

We made our way through the park but saw no-one else there, apart from a few distant dog walkers, as it was still only 8am. We kept as dry as we could walking along the track as we all wanted to feel what the mud felt like when we were in dry clothes.

When we got to the mud pit we found that it had been joined by another muddy area nearby. It was not a mud pit but a 10ft by 10ft area of ankle deep mud with, off the far side, a long slide down a gentle slope ending in a deep puddle of sloppy mud and water. Chris decided to try it out first and went down it on his backside, splashing into the puddle at the end. When he stood up he was covered in mud on the back of his legs and the front up to his knees and up between his legs and well splattered across his chest. Tom went down it next as Chris trotted back, but decided to do it on his front head first. He splashed into the puddle at the end with a huge splash and was almost completely covered from head to to, with just a few white patches showing through. It was very obvious that he was enjoying himself as the liquid mud highlighted every muscle on his toned body.

When I said I would do the slide later, Chris rugby tackled me into the ankle deep mud area and we wrestled each other for a while until Tom joined in and we ended up lying in a heap on top of each other in a tangle of legs and arms. I wasn’t completely covered, but it was not far off, I could feel sloppy mud trickling down my neck, my hair was plastered to my head in a matted mess, and I had to clear the mud out of my ears before I could hear what the others were saying. We untangled ourselves and Tom made us laugh by lying on his back making mud angels.

Chris went over to the mud pit and made a great display of diving in head first, crossing the pit under the surface and popping up on the far side where he leaned back supported on his elbows with the mud up to his chest. He shook his head from side to side to dislodge the mud that was running down his face and gave us a thumbs up.

I bombed in to the centre of the pit with as big a splash as I could and then joined Chris as we watched Tom stand on the edge wondering how to make a spectacular splash down. As I looked at him I though that Dave’s comment about Tom looking pleased with himself had been quite correct - he was an impressive sight with his clothes plastered to his body and mud dripping off him as he stood there. He decided to just fall forward into the mud in the end, arms spread wide, a belly flop really but without a run up.

W sat in the mud for a while just relaxing and enjoying the warm sunshine. After a while I climbed out and went down to the track to find a watery furrow to get some of the mud off me before changing into my tan cargoes and lumberjack-style shirt.I managed to get fairly clean and struggled to pull off my clinging wet jeans and tee, almost falling over whilst trying to stand on one leg, which made the others laugh aloud. The cargoes and heavy shirt felt great when I stepped slowly into the pit, savouring the feel of the mud soaking through as my clothes got heavier and heavier with each step down. It felt really great when I was finally fully submerged and I had to take a few moments to attend to matters that had arisen.

Eventually Chris and Tom both changed into their other clothes (Chris into his black jeans and green polo, and Tom into his blue jeans and an orange tee) and we fooled around a bit throwing each other and ourselves in the mud and down the mud slide. It was great fun. We must have spent nearly two hours in the pit, going down the mud slide and wrestling each other in the ankle deep mud.

We carried out other muddy clothes with us back to the lake, keeping the board-shorts and a tee each for a swim and the walk home, where we dived in the cool water and splashed around until we were quite clean. We used the bin bag as a wrap as we got into our board-shorts and tees in turn as there were quite a few people around by the lake.

We got a few funny looks and one guy who produced his mobile and asked us to pose in our wet clothes, saying it looked like fun and wished he could join us. He was about thirty and had a baby boy on reins tottering along with him, who thought the “wet wet” was very funny. Two teenage girls walked by and called out “Nice body, mate” as they giggled and looked at us, Tom, being Tom, bowed and called “thank you” to which the other replied “Not you, the one in black jeans” pointing at Chris. That made me laugh and Chris blushed deep red.

We swam around a bit in our board-shorts and tees and Chris even swam out to a small island in the middle of the lake, but reported that it was just a rubbish dump of cans and plastic bags and not worth the effort. We sat on the grass for a bit to dry offend then went home, got some lunch and spent the afternoon in the pool and lazing in the sun.

Tom left late afternoon as he was expected home for supper with his parents and their friends, his penalty for missing the rest of the weekend with them.

This is the last post about the second weekend of wet fun that we have enjoyed, its back to school tomorrow and my mum and dad and Chris’ mum are due back on Tuesday so I expect it will just be swims after school for the coming week, although I’m sure some of them will be in jeans and tees as the parents don’t seem to have a problem with that.

Thanks for reading and all the comments and questions. Yes I did get to wear my gym shorts and singlet, but hadn’t mentioned it as it got more than a bit embarrassing. After I’d got muddy in my cargoes and lumberjack shirt I went and cleaned up a bit down in a watery rut on the track and then changed into the shorts and singlet. Chris and Tom were still messing around in the ankle deep mud area and it was quite a sight seeing them grappling each other and falling around in the mud. I stood around and watched them for a bit until they paused and Chris nudged Tom and pointed at me saying “Looks like Jamie has a thing about mud wrestling. Time he joined in, I think.” and with that they grabbed me and rolled me around in the mud until eventually I found myself lying face down in the mud with them both rubbing more of the muck all over me. That was exciting and even more so when they rolled me over and did the same to my front. I was so embarrassed but they just laughed and then carried me to the mud pit and dropped me in before jumping in themselves where Tom finished off the job. Chris couldn’t see exactly what was going on, and was busy himself anyway, but he obviously knew judging by the grin on his face as he watched Tom and me. That was it really, a first for me but not, I guess, for Tom.

Regards the shorts at school, I think the rule was introduced when it was an all boys school and such awkward moments wouldn’t have mattered so much. Also I guess it was to stop boys wearing their normal underwear and getting it wet and then spending the rest of the day in wet or damp clothes. The shorts are stretchy and a snug fit, not as tight as compression shorts, but snug enough not too allow any significant gaping around the legs, and they cling like hell, wet or dry. Now we have girls in the fifth and sixth forms, and they are expected to wear sports bras for gym, it seems odd that us boys aren’t supposed to wear any support. Some guys do wear speedos but there is always a giveaway “visible panty line” as one of my mates calls it, so most of us just put up with the odd unexpected occurrence and hope it goes away quickly !!

I only really meant that this post was №. 3 and the last about that weekend. So, no stopping yet.

Things are changing regards Chris and his family as his dad has been given a big promotion and is to be based back in Munich at their HQ; seems his meetings and time in Germany have been the decider on whether he was offered it, so they are thinking hard about the future. Uncle Greg wants to have his home in the UK so that Chris can continue at my school if they will agree to take him on (“Good luck with that, Greg boy” as my dad joked) and have started looking around here for a house. His company are happy for him to commute weekly as they have a private company jet he can use for that.

Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by Jamie on May 19, 2015 at 16:07:12

In Reply to: Wet and house hunting - 2 posted by Jamie on May 19, 2015 at 16:02:31:

Sorry - copied previous posts in error.

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by andiwmat on May 19, 2015 at 21:19:04

In Reply to: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by Jamie on May 19, 2015 at 16:07:12:

oh, was worth reading it again :)

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by wetmark on May 19, 2015 at 22:39:16

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by andiwmat on May 19, 2015 at 21:19:04:

Yes, Jamie & Chris - your stories are so well-written that we don't mind re-reading them!

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by Jamie on May 20, 2015 at 09:13:02

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by wetmark on May 19, 2015 at 22:39:16:

Thanks, but I've been trying to add more about our visit back to the house later on in the day. The above post appeared when I tried to copy and paste to the site, not sure why, and then I hit the submit button in error before realising !! I've used no different language than before but the site keeps telling me that I'm being blocked - so I have given up and may try later.

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by Jamie on May 20, 2015 at 09:14:11

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by andiwmat on May 19, 2015 at 21:19:04:

Thanks very much - glad you enjoyed.

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by Tarianne Mwanet on May 20, 2015 at 14:48:44

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by Jamie on May 20, 2015 at 09:13:02:

It's the spam filter -- it automatically blocks certain content

(which content triggers the filter can't be revealed, for security reasons)

Just make a few test posts as replies to a low-numbered message
(so it doesn't show on the menu)

Then you can discover what constructions are blocked by the spam filter.

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by Jamie on May 20, 2015 at 16:05:02

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by Tarianne Mwanet on May 20, 2015 at 14:48:44:

Thanks for that - I've re-edited the post so much that I'd be happy for my grandma to read it now - not that it was at all risqué in the first place !!

I'll try what you suggest and see what happens, thanks again.

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by WetAndMuddyFun on May 20, 2015 at 18:24:51

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by Jamie on May 20, 2015 at 16:05:02:

I would love to read the original post unedited. If you would like you can send it to me via email.

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by Jamie on May 20, 2015 at 21:09:19

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by WetAndMuddyFun on May 20, 2015 at 18:24:51:

Can't do that - I deleted it in frustration - sorry.

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by WetAndMuddyFun on May 20, 2015 at 21:47:52

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by Jamie on May 20, 2015 at 21:09:19:

That sucks as I would love to read about it with all the naughty details.

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by wetjumper on May 20, 2015 at 21:48:16

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by Jamie on May 20, 2015 at 21:09:19:

Frustrating for all of us! :-(

I once had the same problem that something wouldn't post, and I came to the conclusion that the filter was wrongly identifying a fragment of the text as a web URL. We're not allowed to post live links in text because spammers often do that. Rewording that part of my text made it work.

If you do want to quote a web address, spell out the symbols, e.g. " dot " for ".", then what you post isn't a working link but readers can easily recreate it.

I very much want to read your next instalment! I wanted to say "if you still can't post it, try asking what the problem is - click the envelope icon at the right of the navigation bar to open a message window" - but if you've deleted the troublesome text we'll be none the wiser.

I can't believe that you or Chris would want to post anything offensive or containing sexually explicit slang. Most of that is intentionally blocked here so that this site can remain available to teens as well as adults, as I'm sure you realise. You've found good ways to indicate how strongly you've enjoyed some recent adventures. Reading your posts has been highly enjoyable too. Thank you! Keep it up! (Er, yes.)

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by Jamie on May 20, 2015 at 22:04:12

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by wetjumper on May 20, 2015 at 21:48:16:

Thanks for that advice - I wasn't trying to post a web address or anything like that.

I'm sure Chris and me will continue with our posting, certainly while the weather is OK and we can enjoy getting wet - we'll take your advise literally and try to keep it up - not difficult given that we are teenagers still .......

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by Jamie on May 20, 2015 at 22:05:22

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by WetAndMuddyFun on May 20, 2015 at 21:47:52:

There were no naughty details - that's the point .......

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by LevilovR on May 20, 2015 at 23:27:32

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by WetAndMuddyFun on May 20, 2015 at 21:47:52:

Had it happen to me before too. Again, nothing in it that was risqué or inappropriate, and after a rather lengthy post so it was quite frustrating. Just waited a while, calmed down and rewrote it and it went. Love your posts and am enjoying them with everyone else. Keep up the good work.

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by Jamie on May 21, 2015 at 10:21:30

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by LevilovR on May 20, 2015 at 23:27:32:

Thanks, glad you enjoyed. I shall sit down over the weekend and re-write it if we aren't having too much fun getting wet !

School has said that Chris can stay on and Chris' dad has had an offer on that house accepted, so is now just waiting for the solicitors to do their stuff. They have decided to keep their home in the US and let it for the time being.
Uncle Danny had a look at the house and said there is very little other than cosmetic decoration that needs doing, certainly nothing structural to be concerned about - so that is all good news.

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by wetchas on May 21, 2015 at 10:49:11

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by Jamie on May 20, 2015 at 21:09:19:

All that's been said above, I endorse.
Will post more thoughts when I have time.

Second trip to the house

Posted by Jamie on May 21, 2015 at 12:48:48

When Chris and me headed back to the house, we stayed in our wet jeans and tees from earlier in the day and enjoyed our walk down the lane in wet clothes. When we got to the house we decided to explore the wooded area by the gates before heading down to the house. Chris was walking ahead of me when he suddenly disappeared with a cry into the bracken before me, stepped cautiously ahead and found him up to his waist in sticky black mud, he was laughing but struggling to get out of the pit he had stepped into. I helped him out and he stood before me completely blacked up to his waist in shiny black goo. We made for the house, but I made him walk ahead of me in case we found another pit.

When we got to pond in front of the house, I thought I would pace it out to see how big it was whilst Chris stood on the edge peering into the water wondering if there were any fish in it. I had my back turned when I heard a splash and turned to see Chris about ten feet out in the water, shaking his head and wiping water and green algae from his face. “I slipped” he called “but this water is lovely - come on in.” I watched swim out to the middle of the pond and then take a deep breath and sink down, I could still see the top of his head, just, as he did so and when he surfaced he called out that he had been standing on tip-toe, so we guessed the pond must be about six foot deep, as Chris is just about 5ft 10ins.

He swam back to the side and clambered out through the reeds at the edge, he was covered in bits of pond weed and algae all over his clinging tee and jeans. He grinned at me and wiped some of the stuff off him

“I think I might give the pond a miss for the moment” I said, looking him up and down and wiping a finger across his forehead through the algae, before wiping it clean on his shoulder.

“Not an option - sorry …….. in you go !!” and he pushed me in. B*****D !

He was right though, the water was warm. I swam across to the far side of the pond and climbed out, calling out for him to come and explore some more. We walked around the side of the house to the old stable yard and found several of the old carriage houses had been converted to garages as well as one with some old bicycles and one with a two wheeled pony trap, but everything was covered in dust and dirt, but dry, and had obviously been left like it for many years. There was a stone horse trough and pump on one side of the yard so tried it out to see if it still worked. Chris climbed into the trough and said it was just like a sarcophagus as he lay down in it. I tried the handle of the pump and it creaked a bit but eventually a few drops of water came out and after a few goes I got a steady stream of clean water. Chris sat up as the water splashed across his feet and then sat in the trough as it slowly filled with clear, but cold, water. He washed the algae and weed off him before clambering out and we went off the explore some more.

We found the walled garden with the swimming pool and Chris climbed down among the litter of dead leaves which were ankle deep. He walked down to the deep end and then stretched up to gauge the depth. His reach was about three feet short of the top, so we guessed that in must be about 10 deep at the deepest point about five feet from the end. Chris climbed out and we explored a bit more. We paced the pool out and thought it must be about 40 x 25 feet, it was white tiled and one of them near the steps was inscribed with the words “Built in 1953 to celebrate the dawn of the new Elizabethan age.”

After we had finished exploring we headed home after a final dip in the pond on the way out. We found our parents still in the pool so we joined them and told about our exploration.

Spam Filter

Posted by Felix on May 21, 2015 at 17:43:42

Just a quick note that without our spam filter this site would be a total mess. It kicks in several times a day.

If you can't post a nice story, let me know via the "Contact" button and we'll see what causes it.


Re: Spam Filter

Posted by Chris on May 21, 2015 at 19:03:05

In Reply to: Spam Filter posted by Felix on May 21, 2015 at 17:43:42:

Frustrating as it is when the spam filter kicks in, Jamie and me wholeheartedly agree that it should be there, if it was not then I am sure that teens like us would not be posting/reading and consequently finding out that we are not alone in enjoying getting wet and/or messy. Keep up the good work, Felix, we appreciate it.

Re: Second trip to the house

Posted by wetchas on May 22, 2015 at 10:34:45

In Reply to: Second trip to the house posted by Jamie on May 21, 2015 at 12:48:48:

Hi again to you both.
Firstly, thank you for taking ng the time and trouble to keep us posted on your exploits. You really have brightened up this forum with your tales.
Sounds like you are having fun at the house already. I don't want to be a fuddy duddy, but just be careful. The pond could have all sorts of debris in it,such as broken glass, rusty metal etc. Also watch out for Leaches and tics. There's also a very nasty bug, I think its called wailes desease, that you can get from rats piddle.
Now to the fun part. Obviously the house is going to need complete redecoration. This can be great fun, as building materials offer many opportunities for some serious sploshing. Wallpaper paste and emulsion paint are amongst my favourites,but gloss is also good, although totally clothes destroying. Might be a good send off for the STF's in a year or so's time though.
There's a couple of great vids on you tube of two guys painting each other whilst wearing Adidas tracksuits. There are also several other paint related videos to watch, but I expect you have already seen some of them. Another particular favourite of mine is wallpaper paste. If you think your clothes feel good in the mud,wait until you are wrestling each other, covered in slimey, sticky paste. Something to look forward to when its too cold for playing outside.Incidentally, that pool sounds wonderful.
I've gone on too long. Cheers for now. Charlie.

Re: Second trip to the house

Posted by Chris on May 22, 2015 at 16:28:12

In Reply to: Re: Second trip to the house posted by wetchas on May 22, 2015 at 10:34:45:

Hi, Charlie.
I don't think Jamie finds it a chore writing the posts - he enjoys it - I think he's a budding novelist; he might have to be, he's not much good at anything else Ha Ha .....

We've been just the once so far, but are planning to go this evening as all the parents (my dad is back from Germany for the next week or so) are going out with some old friends to a posh restaurant, not really our scene.

We've not seen any signs of rats around but did find some poison traps (all empty) around the outbuildings which had obviously been kept "alive" regularly. The water in the pond is quite clean and clear so I guess that the reeds around the edge are doing their job. We have been careful not to swallow any pond water or go in the water here or anywhere with an open cut, graze or other wound, just in case.

Never tried getting messy with paint etc and can't really afford to totally trash old clothes (do speak to my dad about pocket money, please !) unless they really do get too small to wear. Does wallpaper paste wash out of clothes OK ? Sounds like fun.

Uncle Danny has already told us to stay clear of the site whilst he and his guys are working there, so I don't think we will be doing any decorating anyway - dad wants it done properly for one thing.

Yeah, the pool looks great, the only problem apparently is that there is no heating, but dad has said he would want to make it useable all year so is looking at solar panels and ground source heat pumps for not just the pool but the whole house, he likes the idea of being self-sufficient, and there are plenty of grooves on outbuilding where solar panel can be put.

Jamie will no doubt write up more from tonight and half term in due course.

Back to the pond again

Posted by Jamie on May 23, 2015 at 05:33:00

Chris’s dad came home from Germany yesterday morning so he was there when we got home from school, which has finished now for the week of half term. He told us that he was due to exchange contracts on their new home at the end of next week and complete the transaction the following Friday. The agent we met at the house called in during the afternoon and gave Uncle Greg a set of keys for the house and all the outbuildings and said the owners were happy for his builder to have access to do estimates and plans etc. so it seems that things are moving quickly.

Chris's parents are returning to home on Monday, flying out on his company’s jet, to arrange to pack up all their belongings for shipment to the UK. They are leaving all the furniture and their cars as Uncle Greg’s replacement in his job over there is renting the house for the time being and wants time to explore the area before deciding where to settle for good.

Chris has been told he will be welcome at my school on a permanent basis and the Head even offered his mum a job when he discovered that she is a qualified teacher of maths and science. Chris was not too keen on having his mum at the school but when the head said it could be arranged for her not to teach his class (they do it for three other parent teacher/ child pupil combinations) he said he would be fine with it. I told him later not to be silly, she’s been home-schooling him for the last five years; what’s the problem ?

We went back to the pond at the house last evening. Chris wore his old Levi STF jeans, which are looking decidedly shabby now, and a red sweatshirt as it was a bit chillier today. I wore my old Diesel jeans and a green tee over a long-sleeve black tee. When we got to the pond Chris waded straight in and walked around and around the perimeter going further in on each round just to see what the pond was like all over. It was muddy at the edges but the water is quite clear, so presumably the reeds are acting as a filter. It took him four full circuits of the pond gradually getting wetter and wetter further up his body until he found it too deep to walk and ended up swimming.

When he got out he asked me to try and drag him across the gravel driveway to see what effect it might have on his wet jeans. I tried just using hand to hand contact but it was too difficult dragging him whilst bend over so that his jeans actually remained in contact with the gravel properly, so I went off to find some rope as I was sure we had seen some in the stable yard buildings. When I had found it, Chris lay full length on the gravel on his front and grabbed one end of the rope and I towed him along, once he was moving I found I could go quite quickly. Chris rolled as we careered around the pond and after a bit he called a halt. His previously merely shabby wet jeans were now caked in dust and were even more worn across his thighs, knees and backside. They had also acquired a few more tears and one back pocket had partly ripped away.

He jumped back in the pond to wash the dust off and when he climbed out I could see immediately that the jeans were really distressed and worn, frayed down the fly and edges of the pockets. Chris poked a couple of fingers through one hole on his knee and gave it a tug which tore the denim with a satisfying rip. I grabbed the flapping rear pocket and gave that a tug as well and it came away almost completely, leaving a dark blue patch where it had been. Chris was delighted with the result and said he could go much further with it before totally destroying them or making them impossible to wear.

I asked Chris to do the same for me, so he pulled me around for a bit until I felt a sharp scraping on my knee and called a halt. My old Diesel jeans had not faired as well as Chris’ Levis and had worn almost through on both knees, one thigh and the backside where both pockets had partly torn away, leaving holes big enough to see my boxers. I jumped in the pond to wash off the dust and dirt. My newly very worn jeans felt great and much softer than before. When I got out of the water, I tried pulling apart a couple of the tears and the denim ripped so easily that I stopped before totally wrecking them.

We went home, had a quick swim, changed into dry clothes, got something to eat and watched some TV and eventually ended up going to bed in our wet clothes again. I woke up this morning to find my Diesel jeans had got more torn during the night as I had slept restlessly throughout, disturbed by Chris snoring loudly.

Not sure what the plans are for today, but Uncle Danny has asked us to help him and Paul measure up for some plans at the house. No doubt we shall get a chance to get wet at some time.

Re: Back to the pond again

Posted by Bruce on May 24, 2015 at 02:10:12

In Reply to: Back to the pond again posted by Jamie on May 23, 2015 at 05:33:00:

Great story. I was thinking that the pond and the grounds are in great need of work, and you both could volunteer to mow the lawns and clean the pond, and any other items that are there which need outdoor work. This would allow you to do all of this completely soaked, and having a wonderful time doing it. Your parents will be delighted with the offer, and no doubt will have absolutely no objections to the wet and probably muddy way you go about it.
I mowed a number of lawns for my parents as a kid, and always did them totally soaked, not only was my work appreciated, but, if they noticed I was soaked, they never said a word about it.

Re: Back to the pond again

Posted by Chris on May 24, 2015 at 09:11:57

In Reply to: Re: Back to the pond again posted by Bruce on May 24, 2015 at 02:10:12:

We had the same idea whilst chatting with our parents last night. Dad suggested that we might like to start by draining and cleaning the front pond as he was told by the agent that there is a drain plug and that the pond actually has a concrete lining under all the mud and used to have a fountain in the middle.

There will certainly be plenty of grass cutting to do eventually as both our mums are keen gardeners and are already starting to make plans for what is now largely just wild meadow.

Dad has also suggested that we might like to improve our DIY skills (pretty much non-existant at the moment as far as I am concerned) by renovating the changing huts around the swimming pool after it has been re-lined and tiled and the new plant for heating and filtering installed.

Plenty to do and many, many opportunities to get wet and muddy doing it and for earning some decent pocket-money !!

Re: Back to the pond again

Posted by wetchas on May 24, 2015 at 16:21:03

In Reply to: Re: Back to the pond again posted by Chris on May 24, 2015 at 09:11:57:

There you are then. You will get the chance to have some fun with building materials. Another great story,love the ripping bits. Take care. Charlie.

Re: Back to the pond again

Posted by Jamie on May 24, 2015 at 19:01:40

In Reply to: Re: Back to the pond again posted by wetchas on May 24, 2015 at 16:21:03:

I think it will be more "cleaning materials" than "building materials" as it seems we will be cleaning out the front pond (so lots of mud there to have some fun with) and cleaning the leaves and stuff out of the swimming pool and then cleaning the tiles before filling it up.

We spent most of the day with uncle Danny and Tom measuring up the house. Chris and me held the tape measure where required, uncle directed us as to what to do and Tom entered all the data into the programme on his lap-top, which then produced a 3D set of drawings - very clever - so we can now do a virtual tour around the house and even do the decorating - sadly Tom cannot just press enter/return and the house is decorated .....

We didn't really get the chance to get wet or muddy yesterday apart from a swim in the pool at home. We were going to go down to the mud pit in the woods but then dad wanted to go and pick-up his new car so we went with him and uncle Greg for the ride. He's even hinted that he might let me have a drive myself soon - can't wait. So, as of today I get to use mum's old car as she has taken over dad's old car (if you see what I mean).

Rob texted me today to say that he will be at the mud pit tomorrow planting more trees and do we want to join him ? I said "yes" so we will go down early and have a muddy start to the day.

Re: Back to the pond again

Posted by wetmark on May 24, 2015 at 19:24:45

In Reply to: Re: Back to the pond again posted by Jamie on May 24, 2015 at 19:01:40:

Hi, Jamie: What new car did your dad get?

Re: Back to the pond again

Posted by Jamie on May 24, 2015 at 22:35:28

In Reply to: Re: Back to the pond again posted by wetmark on May 24, 2015 at 19:24:45:

A Jaguar XJR, it is 5 months old with 800 miles under its belt. Dad's friend / local garage owner acquired it from the first owner's widow who no longer wanted it around. Mum has taken on his 5 year old XF and I get her Audi A4 Allroad Quattro which is almost 6 years old now. I have my first couple of driving lessons this coming week so hopefully they will go OK as I've been able to drive a car since I was twelve, just not on the public highway.

Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous

Posted by wetjumper on May 24, 2015 at 23:45:03

In Reply to: Re: Ignore the above - copy of previous posted by Jamie on May 20, 2015 at 22:04:12:

Hehe! :-)

Regular exercise slows down the effects of age, of course. I may be middle-aged but I can often still keep up.

I've been a bit unwell for a few days so didn't reply sooner. Enjoying reading your stories again (they're so good!) and letting my mind wander. I've been wanting to post some comments and questions, such as about your school gym shorts - I went to a school with a rather similar rule which was applied inconsistently. I wasn't sure whether to start a new thread to discuss this, but I'll reply in your original threads for now. Tonight my thoughts still need more editing...

I'll feel better after a long bath, and my clothes need washing, so I'll keep them on. No need to waste hot water.

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Back to the pond again

Posted by wetmark on May 24, 2015 at 23:51:54

In Reply to: Re: Back to the pond again posted by Jamie on May 24, 2015 at 22:35:28:

Cool - I started driving when I was 12 also. I had a Jag Vandenplas years ago -a fun car! Driving nice cars is almost as much fun as getting your jeans wet and muddy, isn't it?

Re: Back to the pond again

Posted by Jamie on May 25, 2015 at 09:06:29

In Reply to: Re: Back to the pond again posted by wetmark on May 24, 2015 at 23:51:54:

Dad and me have always liked Jags. Grandpa had a Daimler Double-Six many years ago - before I was born - which looks and sounds amazing on a bit of old film that dad found a few years back.

His "new" XJR has a 542bhp 5.0 lt V8, so is probably too fast for everyday use, but he's not a fast driver it was just too good a bargain to miss once he was told about it - giving in to temptation is terrible, isn't it ? ha ha. I can't wait to have a go in it. Mind you, "my" Audi is nice too.

We have just got back from an early trip to the mud pit, so have been hosed clean and had a hot shower and am sitting in my wet clothes as I write this. It is cloudy and a bit chilly today so we didn't stay as long as usual at the pit, but it was still good fun. More to follow later.

Mud pit fun

Posted by Jamie on May 25, 2015 at 10:59:41

This morning dawned very dull, cloudy and chillier than I had hoped after the reasonably warm weather. Chris and me had arranged to meet Rob at the mud pit at about 7am.

I pulled on a pair of black boxer-briefs, my well worn Diesel jeans with a black leather belt, a long-sleeved black tee and a green short-sleeve tee over that and topped it off with a dark blue hoodie, I also pulled on some dark red socks and old trainers.

Chris wore blue and white polka-dot boxers, his partially wrecked old 501 STF jeans, a tight black tee, an old red v-neck cotton pullover of mine and a green hoodie, also borrowed from me. He pulled on yellow socks and his old trainers.

We left the house quietly but heard no-one else awake, just my dad snoring loudly as usual - don’t know how mum gets any sleep at all ! We trotted down to the park and saw only one early morning dog walker and a couple of joggers in the distance. Chris splashed his way to the weir at the end of the lake and then half-threw and half-ran down the slope to the muddy pool at the bottom where he splashed into the knee-deep mud before falling face first into the mud. He jumped up with mud and water pouring off him, soaked to the skin down his front and very obviously enjoying it a lot. We headed along the track with Chris constantly trying to push me into the muddy ruts but I avoided them all and we arrived at the mud pit with Chris still dripping and me with just wet feet.

Rob’s Land Rover was in its usual parking spot but we could neither hear nor see him anywhere. We walked to the mud pit and Chris caught me unawares as we looked around for Rob and we both ended up splashing downing the mud pit as he did a flying tackle on me. I struggled to get to the surface with Chris’ weight on top of me, but eventually we both burst up to the surface. I floated on the surface on my back gasping for breath as Chris swam to the side and clambered out. He was totally covered and when he grinned and pulled his hood over his head the mud covered his head again before splashing down over his shoulders and chest. His clothes were completely plastered to his body and he was a uniform brown all over. I looked down along my own body and saw that I was the same, of course, and also how obvious it was that I was enjoying myself as well. I rolled over on to my front and crawled to the side and was clambering out as Rob appeared from the trees on the edge of the clearing and called out to us. He was laughing aloud as he approached and said what a sight we both looked and that he now needed to jump in having seen us in such a state. He was wearing dark blue jeans, trainers, a red tee and a worn and faded denim bomber jacket.

We all jumped into the mud pit and spent a while sorting ourselves out before spending an hour or so fooling around and getting really really muddy everywhere inside and outside our clothes. It was fun trying to stuff handfuls of mud down each others jeans and inside tight tees and then rubbing it well in. Wearing a mud soaked hoodie felt great too, really heavy and slippery.

Rob went back to the lake with us to get cleaned up and then we went home where we hosed each other down to get rid of the last of the mud before going indoors for a nice hot shower. We came across dad heading down to the kitchen to make tea as we were coming in, but he just laughed and asked if we had had fun getting wet yet again: silly question - I think, despite the cold water hosing, it was quite clear that we had enjoyed it.

Re: Mud pit fun

Posted by brandon on May 25, 2015 at 13:34:02

In Reply to: Mud pit fun posted by Jamie on May 25, 2015 at 10:59:41:

nice story! muddy diesel jeans are the best ;)

Re: Mud pit fun

Posted by Chris on May 25, 2015 at 14:00:08

In Reply to: Mud pit fun posted by Jamie on May 25, 2015 at 10:59:41:

Jamie is right, it felt really great to wear a few layers and then get totally muddy. I decided to wear boxers rather than briefs just to have a bit more freedom of movement, so to speak, and I wanted to really trash my old 501s after tearing and ripping them a bit the other day. I liked the idea of trying a tight-fitting tee with a pullover on top and Jamie’s old gear served the purpose. I was really ready to get wet by the time we got to the weir at the lake and it was fun careering down the slope into the muddy pool and felt awesome as the wetness soaked through. Jamie took the cautious way down the slope and I tried hard to get him as wet as I was as we went down the track but he was wise to my attempts and managed to stay upright and dry.

Rob looked pretty hot when totally dry. We’d only seen him before in his work-gear cargoes, but a pair of snug fitting jeans, a tight tee and denim bomber jacket transformed him. I was already quite excited and watching him approach just made things worse - or better, depending on your point of view - and after we had jumped in the pit it was fun trying to stuff mud into the others’ clothes and have them try the same, particularly when it was rubbed well in. I’ve never had so much fun before.

Seeing Rob so fully covered in shiny wet mud when we clambered out was awesome. Jamie looked good too with his mud-soaked now heavy hoodie draped across him and dribbling mud down his loose fitting Diesel jeans; I’d not realised before how they can look just as good as a snug fitting pair when they cling nicely. Both guys looked even better when we had had a dip in the lake to clean up, wearing more layers means the clothes hold more water for longer and seem shinier for longer as well.

I think we’ll be trying even more layers next time around. It is getting brighter and warmer outside now, so I think I’ll be going for a dip in the pool in a bit, I’m still wearing my old jeans - they are just well damp now - so I think it is time they got a good soaking again.

Re: Mud pit fun

Posted by Jamie on May 25, 2015 at 14:06:12

In Reply to: Re: Mud pit fun posted by brandon on May 25, 2015 at 13:34:02:

Yeah - I agreed until I got the levi STF and tried them. They have shrunk to a nice fit - not too snug - and being such I can feel the wet denim against more skin more of the time than the looser fit Diesel ones allow. My Diesel jeans are getting really trashed now and after the fun we had this morning the rips and holes are getting longer and bigger, so soon they will need some drastic surgery !!

Re: Mud pit fun

Posted by Ben on May 27, 2015 at 06:56:40

In Reply to: Re: Mud pit fun posted by Jamie on May 25, 2015 at 14:06:12:

If you want to try layers why not wear the levis under the diesel jeans.

Re: Mud pit fun

Posted by Jamie on May 27, 2015 at 11:03:09

In Reply to: Re: Mud pit fun posted by Ben on May 27, 2015 at 06:56:40:

Hadn't thought about that but not really possible now as my Diesel jeans got ripped a bit more when Chris and me where fooling about in the pool yesterday. I was trying to duck him and hold him down and he grabbed my jeans near one of the rips on a knee and the whole thing tore away, we got a bit carried away after that and he basically tore them apart as I was standing in the pool. The wet denim seemed to tear very easily, more so than when dry. I ended up cutting off the legs well above the knees but then Chris grabbed a back pocket and they tore from there as well and were basically unwearable after that without me being totally exposed.

Re: Mud pit fun

Posted by LevilovR on May 27, 2015 at 16:04:40

In Reply to: Re: Mud pit fun posted by Jamie on May 27, 2015 at 11:03:09:

Sounds like you and Chris both need to invest in some new jeans. Any thoughts about trying the STF 501's again? You had a lot of fun with them the last time, plus you can buy them in black and other colors if you wish. I have a jeans fetish and own tons of them in different colors or washes, but I still prefer the basic blue indigo ones. Just lost a pair of 501's that I used specifically for my mud racing adventures - two holes in the crotch area - and they were easy to rip and expand when they were still wet as you described. While I have many more to wear I still felt bad about losing them and was tempted to have a funeral for them(LOL). I purchased some STFs this winter and am looking forward to properly breaking them ion now that summer has arrived. Continue to have fun and keep us posted on all your wet and muddy shenanigans.

Re: Mud pit fun

Posted by Chris on May 27, 2015 at 21:44:14

In Reply to: Re: Mud pit fun posted by LevilovR on May 27, 2015 at 16:04:40:

Yeah, I have asked my dad to get us each a couple of pairs of the coloured STF jeans whilst they back home, black and red for me and black and tan for Jamie. I've seen them before in the Levi stores in NY city but never had enough cash to buy them. Jamie says he has never seen them over here but I guess we could buy on line if we wanted;; it is just quicker and easier to ask dad whilst they are there, plus if he puts them on his credit card he will probably forget to ask for the cash back in due course !!

My old pair of STFs are getting just better and better the more I wear them and both of our newer pairs are gradually doing the same the more frequently they get wet and muddy.

We'll keep you posted on here as to how we get on with the coloured ones in due course.

Re: Swimming lessons

Posted by wetjumper on May 28, 2015 at 01:04:00

In Reply to: Re: Swimming lessons posted by Jamie on April 11, 2015 at 14:56:17:

I forgot to ask - are you the same Jamie as in the Wet Cousins stories and so on? (I'm not sure - your "don't look forward to getting ducked" suggests you might not be?)

Even if you're not, how do you cope with getting wet unexpectedly when wearing contact lenses? Either you risk losing the lenses, or you have to take them out when anticipating a possible soaking which means you can't see a lot, or you have to carry goggles or a mask with you and hope you can put it on in time. Wet fun is less fun when it has to be planned to avoid consequences which are no fun.

I wear glasses and can't see a great deal without them. This restricts my ability to enjoy a spontaneous full soaking in outdoor water or mud. It looks odd when I keep my glasses on in an indoor pool, but that's normally OK except for impaired vision when the lenses have water on them. They've never yet fallen off, but it could happen, and I still wouldn't be confident to dive for them. In a planned pool session I could choose to wear goggles with prescription lenses, if I remember to get them!

Peter (wetjumper)

Sorry guys

Posted by Jamie on May 28, 2015 at 17:38:35

Tried again to post anothe episode of our innocuous story but was repeatedly blocked by the spam filter and tried sending Felix a message but the site refused to believe that I had entered either my email address or the security code required even though I had - result I give up for good as Chris and me have better things to do. If anyone wants to read about our further adventures then email me and I'll send what I have written plus any future stories.

I appreciate that there is a need for filters but this has just got silly. We will continue to comment and read but won't be adding any long stories.

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by wetjumper on May 29, 2015 at 01:51:41

In Reply to: Sorry guys posted by Jamie on May 28, 2015 at 17:38:35:

Aagh! :-(

That's a weird problem - well, two problems. I've occasionally had a post blocked for no obvious reason but it's usually been possible to get it to work by rewording parts of it.

If there's a problem with a long post of several paragraphs, try posting it without the last paragraph, then the last two... with luck most of it will post and you'll know which paragraph contains the problem.

It's much more serious if a legitimate attempt to contact the site is also rejected - Felix, it's urgent to fix this!

I believe I discovered a bug a while back - if a word beginning with "com" immediately follows a full stop (a period, a dot) the filter seems to assume it's an attempt to post a live web link, which isn't allowed. To get around this, make sure there's a space after each full stop, and if need be change the wording so no sentence begins with a "com" word. But it's clear that there are currently more issues than this.

Jamie, I have greatly appreciated the many stories you and Chris have posted in recent weeks - they've been very well written with often very inspiring content - so of course I'd like you to be able to post more and not to become frustrated and disillusioned by being spuriously blocked. For the time being, you can expect me and others to get in touch by email. Thanks for providing us with a way to contact you.

Don't let this put you off having fun!

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Spam Filter

Posted by wetjumper on May 29, 2015 at 02:14:14

In Reply to: Re: Spam Filter posted by wetjumper on May 21, 2015 at 22:02:55:

Unfortunately, as Jamie says in post 9960 "Sorry guys", the filter is still blocking him, and when he tried to contact Felix via the site his message was rejected (it appeared his email address and the security code both failed to be recognised). So there's an unknown recurring problem with a post and the author can't ask what's wrong! This needs to be fixed!

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by Red on May 29, 2015 at 03:51:24

In Reply to: Re: Sorry guys posted by wetjumper on May 29, 2015 at 01:51:41:

I also conquer with what wetjumper has said here, and please if you have really decided to not post anymore consider me one of your fans and e-mail me as well.

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by WetAndMuddyFun on May 29, 2015 at 08:10:03

In Reply to: Sorry guys posted by Jamie on May 28, 2015 at 17:38:35:

This is so sad to hear as I was really enjoyed reading your guys stories.I would also gladly receive your stories via email and hope to hear from you guys soon. Felix there must be a better way to stop the spam that would actually work properly. Please fix these problems ASAP before we loose any more amazing and inspirational posters.

Re: Jamie or Chris, please contact me via home page

Posted by Felix on May 29, 2015 at 08:14:47

In Reply to: Re: Spam Filter posted by Chris on May 21, 2015 at 19:03:05:

Just found out there is a bug in the mail system on this page, it conflicts with the reply form.

So please send me a short email via our home page and I get back to you. The spam filter also applies to emails, otherwise I would get a lot of spam.

Stay wet,

Just sent a message to Jamie

Posted by Felix on May 29, 2015 at 08:41:19

In Reply to: Sorry guys posted by Jamie on May 28, 2015 at 17:38:35:

Let's find out what triggered the spam filter in his story. Maybe I can tweak it.


Re: Sorry guys

Posted by Jamie on May 29, 2015 at 09:49:19

In Reply to: Re: Sorry guys posted by Red on May 29, 2015 at 03:51:24:

Thanks for the comments and support. As of now I have added you to the list to update by e-mail directly.

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by Jamie on May 29, 2015 at 09:53:04

In Reply to: Re: Sorry guys posted by wetjumper on May 29, 2015 at 01:51:41:

Thanks for the comments and advise. I have added you to the list of people to e-mail directly.

I don't intend to stop reading this site and posting comments and replies to others' stories, Chris and me both enjoy them, it is just too much hassle to battle the spam filter with every longer post.

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by Jamie on May 29, 2015 at 09:54:41

In Reply to: Re: Sorry guys posted by WetAndMuddyFun on May 29, 2015 at 08:10:03:

See the other replies from me on this, I will add you to the list to e-mail in future. Thanks for your comments and support.

Re: Just sent a message to Jamie

Posted by Jamie on May 29, 2015 at 10:36:31

In Reply to: Just sent a message to Jamie posted by Felix on May 29, 2015 at 08:41:19:

Thanks for making contact, Felix. I have replied by email in the hope that problems can be sorted. Thanks for your trouble.

Re: Mud pit fun

Posted by brandon on May 29, 2015 at 10:39:44

In Reply to: Re: Mud pit fun posted by Jamie on May 27, 2015 at 11:03:09:

ever try g-star raw? they are really skinny and look great!

Re: Just sent a message to Jamie

Posted by LevilovR on May 29, 2015 at 10:50:23

In Reply to: Just sent a message to Jamie posted by Felix on May 29, 2015 at 08:41:19:

Once when I was writing one of the stories I posted on this site it got deleted as well due to the spam reference. It was so exasperating! I was extremely frustrated and annoyed as I lost all that work and had to go all the way back to the beginning and try to remember everything that I had included. I had no idea what caused the glitch - except possibly the length of the post - but finally got it to go on another try. That is one of the reasons I haven't written any more fictional stories on this site. Hope this can be resolved somehow. It's a shame when people stop posting for technical reasons. We all lose when that happens.

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by Red on May 29, 2015 at 19:41:46

In Reply to: Re: Sorry guys posted by Jamie on May 29, 2015 at 09:49:19:

Thanks, and I hope that Felix can fix your problem or think of a way to get around his filter for you.

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by borisiswet on May 29, 2015 at 23:06:13

In Reply to: Sorry guys posted by Jamie on May 28, 2015 at 17:38:35:

When I post something, I usually write it in a text editor first, since the small window on this site makes it hard to read or look back in your story a bit. Besides, if it doesn't go through, I have a copy of it without needing to rewrite it. I can easily edit it and paste it.

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by Ben on May 30, 2015 at 09:14:45

In Reply to: Sorry guys posted by Jamie on May 28, 2015 at 17:38:35:

Jamie, so sorry you are having problems with the site. You say you will still comment on other peoples stories, but if we take out your stuff, its mostly just dima's ads for his useless paysite. Hope Felix can sort this. Maybe he could send you a list of the banned words or something.

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by Jamie on May 30, 2015 at 09:54:04

In Reply to: Re: Sorry guys posted by borisiswet on May 29, 2015 at 23:06:13:

That is exactly what I have always done - it makes life much easier - but despite continued editing it was still not accepted. Great minds think alike ...

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by Jamie on May 30, 2015 at 10:04:19

In Reply to: Re: Sorry guys posted by Ben on May 30, 2015 at 09:14:45:

I doubt that Felix would (or, indeed, should) do that as it might enable some devious-minded people to subvert the purpose of the filter, which I think we all want to be in place just to make the site safely available to everyone, however young or old, and not be offended by any content. I know he is working on a solution as we have been in contact, so I am sure something will be worked out. Give it a bit of time; in the meantime send me an email address if you like and I can send further stories direct. (Click on my name above to send a message)

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by jay on May 30, 2015 at 16:59:56

In Reply to: Re: Sorry guys posted by Red on May 29, 2015 at 19:41:46:

please add me to your mailing list as well.

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by Jamie on May 30, 2015 at 18:47:39

In Reply to: Re: Sorry guys posted by jay on May 30, 2015 at 16:59:56:

I have added you as of now, Jay.

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by Dk Sneakers on June 01, 2015 at 10:32:55

In Reply to: Re: Sorry guys posted by Jamie on May 30, 2015 at 18:47:39:

Me too :)
Love your stories

Is it really over

Posted by wetchas on June 01, 2015 at 21:42:24

Just got back on here, after a few days away. Is it really the end of the wet cousins posts. Can't have E mails as on a shared computer,so I guess that's it. Another case of technology eating itself.

Re: Is it really over

Posted by wetjumper on June 02, 2015 at 02:57:46

In Reply to: Is it really over posted by wetchas on June 01, 2015 at 21:42:24:

It's not the end of their posts, and probably not the end of their long stories, but this depends on the problems with the spam filter being sorted out. Felix has been in touch with Jamie and Chris, and the problems are being worked on. I've no idea yet how long it might take to fix things. Keep an eye on this forum for any progress reports or (we hope) for a resumption of their wonderful wet and muddy stories, including catching up on their recent adventures. Here's hoping!

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by wetlevisboy on June 02, 2015 at 05:36:26

In Reply to: Sorry guys posted by Jamie on May 28, 2015 at 17:38:35:

Have really enjoyed your stories which are so well written and easy to follow. I am sure you guys are going to have along wet summer and I would like to hear what is happening with you. Please add me to your list.

Re: Sorry guys

Posted by Jamie on June 02, 2015 at 09:14:16

In Reply to: Re: Sorry guys posted by wetlevisboy on June 02, 2015 at 05:36:26:

Glad you enjoyed the stories. I'll add you to my list.

Re: Is it really over

Posted by Jamie on June 02, 2015 at 09:21:36

In Reply to: Is it really over posted by wetchas on June 01, 2015 at 21:42:24:

Not all over as yet. Felix is being kind enough to work his magic and is looking at putting the stories elsewhere on the site - so watch this space. I have sent out one further story by email to those who have asked and there is another on the way shortly, but I cannot get around you using a shared computer obviously, so sorry about that.

Wet Cousins

Posted by Felix on June 02, 2015 at 09:58:55

The stories from Chris and Jamie are now in our Stories section, as the message list here will soon be trimmed back a fair bit.

Soon the best of the other stories will be listed there as well.


Re: Wet Cousins

Posted by Jamie on June 02, 2015 at 11:17:50

In Reply to: Wet Cousins posted by Felix on June 02, 2015 at 09:58:55:

Thanks very much, Felix, this seems quite the best solution and thanks for taking the trouble to do it all.

Re: Wet Cousins

Posted by Jamie on June 02, 2015 at 11:27:39

In Reply to: Wet Cousins posted by Felix on June 02, 2015 at 09:58:55:

Forgot to say, Felix, that I like your choice of pictures. I ought to take some of my own but I don't own a camera and don't have a waterproof case for my mobile phone, which takes lousy pictures anyway (it could just be me of course) but I'm not really into photography at all. Thanks for all your hard work getting the stories in place.

That Pond

Posted by Chris on June 05, 2015 at 16:10:58

Pleased to report that the sale of the old house to our parents was completed today so it now means that Jamie and me can legitimately go there any time. Tomorrow we start on clearing out the front pond. Later this afternoon / early evening we are going to meet the local farmer from down the road, who apparently knows where the drain plug for the pond is, he says it is like a giant bath-plug with a chain (yes, really) attached to the side near the house. As it is very muddy around the edges this will no doubt be a good opportunity to get very wet and muddy during the search for it. Should be fun.


Posted by Jake on June 06, 2015 at 11:46:36

any news on 2015 songkran pics yet ?

That Pond 2

Posted by Chris on June 06, 2015 at 12:53:25

We met the local farmer at the house yesterday evening and managed to find the chain for the plug for the drain almost exactly where he had thought it was. Jamie and me were in our STF jeans and tees and volunteered to trace the chain to wherever the plug was in the middle. We all tried pulling on the chain but were unable to shift it, so the farmer (Pete) went off to get his digger. He was highly amused at us getting a soaking as he had been expecting to do it himself and was suitably dressed in dark green overalls. When he got back he hooked the chain up to his digger and then pulled the plug out of the drain hole without much effort at all. The plug is actually a large metal rimmed concrete block. The water started to drain out very slowly, Pete thought it drained down a pipe to a small stream in some nearby woods. We are going back this afternoon to see how much water has gone and Pete is bringing his digger over to scrape out the remaining mud.

Re: Songkran Pics Online

Posted by Felix on June 06, 2015 at 18:36:16

In Reply to: Songkran posted by Jake on June 06, 2015 at 11:46:36:

Yes, the went up a few days ago.
Use the link on this page.


Re: That Pond 2

Posted by Chris on June 06, 2015 at 19:14:43

In Reply to: That Pond 2 posted by Chris on June 06, 2015 at 12:53:25:

Earlier this afternoon we went back to the house to see how much of the water in the pond had drained away. We met Pete at the entrance waiting for us with his digger and a big trailer. We got to the pond to find that all but a few inches of the water had drained away and the pond was now simply a large area of mud with a few puddles of water. Pete said he would scrape up buckets of the mud and dump it in his trailer and had a good place to dispose of it at his farm. We were wearing our STF jeans and tees that we had got wet in last evening. Pete was in his same green overalls. He asked if we had enjoyed getting wet yesterday and we said we had. He laughed and said he had been the same at our age and still didn't mind if it happened even now. Jamie told him that we enjoyed getting muddy as well, and with that he jumped into pond and sank to his knees in the wet mud. Pete said that if we wanted to get really muddy then he would be happy to oblige with the digger's bucket. We waded out to the centre of the pond and found that the mud just got a bit deeper until we neared the drain hole when it gradually got shallower and shallower until we got to the edge and peered in. The plug hole looked to be about three feet in diameter and dropped straight down for about six feet where in levelled out and went off towards the right hand end of the house, where the stable yard and pool was. We went back to where Pete had started to scoop mud into the bucket and watched him for a while.

After a bit he had filled his trailer and climbed down to tell us that he would be back again shortly. To our surprise he asked if we wanted a mud shower before he left as it looked as though we were ready for it. He scooped up another bucket of mud and then dumped it over us before driving off. That was quite an experience, there must have been 50 or 60 gallons of the stuff that just fell over us in an instant. We were totally drenched in a second or two. What a rush that was.

We played around in the mud until Pete got back and he obliged several more times until he had cleared most of the mud. We said we could probably hose the rest down the drain hole. We went home still muddy and got a long length of hose and returned to the hose where we did just that cleaning ourselves up as we went. Great fun.

Re: Songkran Pics Online

Posted by Jamie on June 07, 2015 at 06:45:54

In Reply to: Re: Songkran Pics Online posted by Felix on June 06, 2015 at 18:36:16:

can not find the link

Re: Songkran Pics Online

Posted by Jake on June 07, 2015 at 09:58:36

In Reply to: Re: Songkran Pics Online posted by Jamie on June 07, 2015 at 06:45:54:

click "photos" "songkran" then "photo's" (again), scroll down to "songkran 2015" and you should have the pics ...

Re: That Pond 2

Posted by Chris on June 08, 2015 at 13:53:09

In Reply to: Re: That Pond 2 posted by wetchas on June 08, 2015 at 08:43:47:

Glad you enjoyed it, it was good fun helping clear the mud out of the pond but Pete did most of the hard work with his digger. It felt great having all that sloppy mud dumped over us - Jamie thinks there was a lot more of it in each bucket than my guess, probably 2 or 3 times as much, and he may well be right as it completely drenched us both and there was lots more on the surface around us that missed us altogether.

The job for next weekend is clearing out the swimming pool and finding out how to fill that.

It was indeed a lovely day here yesterday, Sunday, but is a bit cooler and more cloudy today, still too nice to be stuck in school though !!

Cleaning the pool

Posted by Jamie on June 23, 2015 at 10:02:11

On saturday morning after breakfast Chris and me went to the new house with our dads to check out the swimming pool. We were due to meet uncle Danny and Paul at the house to discuss building works and decide on priorities. Chris and me were wearing our STF jeans, which are broken in nicely now, and tees and trainers. We all went round to the pool first as Chris and me were going to make a start on cleaning it out whilst the others looked around the house and outbuildings and drew up a schedule of works.

We had bought dad's garden vacuum, some garden rubbish bags and mum's floor mop with us, so we started vacuuming up all the dead leaves and debris in the pool. It took us an hour or so to clear all the rubbish into the bags and to sweep up the remaining dust. We had also bought a long length of garden hose and had just connected it up when Tom returned to see how we were getting on. Our dads were still working their way around the upper floors of the house.

Uncle Greg had been given a load of paperwork about the house with the original deeds and included among them were plans of the swimming pool and its drainage and water supply, so Tom started investigating that. He eventually found the water stopcock in one of the changing huts and he tried to turn it on, without succes so he went off to get some penetrating oil.

When we were clearing the debris out of the pool we had found that the bottom had lines of black tiles, set among the white ones, that formed a decorative pattern of squares and oblongs within other squares and oblongs and at the deepest point was a solid black square of nine black tiles with a recessed handle in its centre. Chris gave the handle a tug and with a bit of effort it moved smoothly upwards and came to a damped halt about six inches above the surrounding surface. It seemed we had found out how to drain the pool.

When Tom reappeared with the oil he appliued a liberal dose to the stopcock and then joined us in the pool to inspect the drain hole. He sprayed some oil on what looked like a central column under the plate when we peered underneath. We left the oil to do its job for a bit as we continued with the cleaning of the tiles on the sides of the pool. To be honest, they were not very dirty and with a wash over with a wet mop and some cleaner, they came up sparklingly white.

When we had finished cleaning the sides of the pool, we went to have a look at the stopcock and see if it could be moved any more easily. Tome managed to turn the stopcock and gently moved it back and forth until it started to turn easily. After giving it a full turn there was a hissing sound from the pool and then a splash, we went to see what was happening and found that water was pouring out of the four corners of the pool at the point where the tiles formed a handhold around the edge. Chris jumped down into the pool and pushed the drain cover shut, which worked easily. the water was really gushing in quite quickly and after a few minutes there was several inches of water in the deepest part around the drain hole. Tom went back to the stopcock and turned it further on, eventually giving it a full five more turns before it stopped.

The water really was gushing into the pool now and Chris was now ankle deep in water. His trainers and bottom of his jeans were soaked and he said that the water felt freezing cold. He splashed his way towards the slope that led up to the shallow end. He started to clamber up the slope but slipped and slipped back down into the gowing pool of water. His backside and legs were soaked through and it took him a couple more attempts to clamber up the slippery slope before he got to the flat of the shallow end. He was soaked through by now and shivering a bit. He stripped off down to his boxerbriefs and then we both returned to the pool with mops to start cleaning the floor of the pool. I stayed in the dry at the shallow end (I don't see the fun in getting wet if the water is freezing cold, I can leave that to Chris !) and Chris slid down the slope back into the water to do the deep end. The water was still gushing in quite quickly and by the time we had finished cleaning the floor Chris was standing in thigh deep water. He looked pretty good in his shiny wet black boxerbriefs gleaming in the sun.

We switched off the water and Chris opened the drain to allow the now dirty water to drain away as he mopped the final dirt down the drain. The water drained away within ten or fifteen minutes as we sat on the side and watched it and admired our handy work now that the pool looked sparkling clean.

The last of the water was just draining out when our dads and uncle Danny returned to see what we had achieved. Uncle Greg suggested that we close the drain and leave the pool to fill, so Chris jumped down into the pool and closed it while Tom switched the water back on. Chris climbed out and pulled on his wet jeans and trainers for the walk back home and we spent the rest of the afternoon in the pool at home.

Re: Cleaning the pool

Posted by Bruce on June 24, 2015 at 01:57:56

In Reply to: Cleaning the pool posted by Jamie on June 23, 2015 at 10:02:11:

Where are you getting the water? Does the water supply in the house still work?
In any case, once filled, that pool will be a constant source of enjoyment, especially on hot days this summer.

Re: Cleaning the pool

Posted by wetchas on June 24, 2015 at 08:19:33

In Reply to: Re: Cleaning the pool posted by Bruce on June 24, 2015 at 01:57:56:

Welcome back lads. Thanks for posting publicly again. Sounds like that pool is going to be brilliant when you get it working,in time for a fully clothed, end of term pool party perhaps. Just a thought. Thanks again for posting.

Re: Cleaning the pool

Posted by Jamie on June 24, 2015 at 10:22:52

In Reply to: Re: Cleaning the pool posted by Bruce on June 24, 2015 at 01:57:56:

The water comes from a private bore hole apparently, which is why it is so freezing cold. The pool took about a day and a half to fill fully, we worked out that it hold getting on for 60,000 gallons, if Chris's maths is correct. His dad had decreed that until it is drained again for fitting a filtration and heating plant he wants no everyday clothes worn in the pool and is insisting on what he calls "French Pool Rules" about what can be worn - in other words only swim trunks and briefs (no shorts, no tees, definitely no jeans etc) so that is a bit of a bummer. I used to have to wear Speedo trunks for school swimwear, but Chris had none, so we looked on-line and got a couple of pairs each (plain bright red and a camo pattern in blues for Chris, and lime green and a blue zig-zag pattern for me). Just to ensure that our dads comply with their rules as well, we got them a pair each for Father's Day (sunshine yellow for my dad and white for Chris's dad ha ha !). They took the joke in good part and have promised to wear them - we did as I was told at school originally and bought a size smaller than for normal wear, so they should be a very snug fit ....

Re: Cleaning the pool

Posted by Jamie on June 24, 2015 at 10:30:44

In Reply to: Re: Cleaning the pool posted by wetchas on June 24, 2015 at 08:19:33:

See the post above in reply to Bruce about wearing clothes in the pool - uncle Greg says the rules will be relaxed once the filtration and heating are in place, but as it is basically just a large hole full of water at the moment, we can sort of see his reasoning for the moment - and maybe swim briefs won't be so embarrassing if everyone else is wearing the same; we've had to comply with those sort of rules when on holiday in France before now.

The idea of a pool party has already occured to us - not too sure that all our mates will want to wear speedo style briefs and trunks though.

Re: Cleaning the pool

Posted by wetchas on June 24, 2015 at 14:28:14

In Reply to: Re: Cleaning the pool posted by Jamie on June 24, 2015 at 10:30:44:

Actually, although it goes against the ethos of this site, Ihave to say that I don't dislike ordinary speedos sometimes.I don't know where the pair of you stand, although you have made some comments about each other 'looking hot'. Well, you will certainly look hot in those.
They are also good under clothing, especially if you need to keep a certain something under control.
Alternatively,try a squirt of liquid soap or two in the front.Wow.

Re: Cleaning the pool

Posted by Tarianne Mwanet on June 24, 2015 at 16:16:45

In Reply to: Re: Cleaning the pool posted by Jamie on June 24, 2015 at 10:22:52:

Actually only about a quarter of the gunk in the filter comes from clothing. Mainly it's from leaves and dead insects (doing a bad impression of Ophelia). You'll need to get the chlorination up to about 1.5 parts per million to stop algae clouding the water etc., with a 60 kilogallon pool that may be a few 100 gram tablets (plus the pH balance to stop your eyes stinging etc). If one's so concerned about phatdipping, why not try skinnydipping (assuming no under-16's are present for legal reasons etc.) I remember mine took 29 hours to fill from a garden hose lol (I don't have it anymore -- it went in the recycle when we sold the house).

Re: Cleaning the pool

Posted by Jamie on June 24, 2015 at 18:13:30

In Reply to: Re: Cleaning the pool posted by Tarianne Mwanet on June 24, 2015 at 16:16:45:

Chris's dad is a qualified chemist by profession, although he works in industry, so I am sure he knows about what is needed to keep the pool water nice and clear. I'd be interested to hear what the rest of the family think about us all skinny dipping .........

Re: Cleaning the pool

Posted by Mike Lotheson on June 25, 2015 at 18:22:45

In Reply to: Re: Cleaning the pool posted by Jamie on June 24, 2015 at 10:30:44:

When the work is done why don't you offer to look after routine pool maintenance. You could even get hoodies and sweatpants in a contrasting colour to the filter material to see how much fluff gets caught in the filter.

Meanwhile ask if you could wear a tracksuit.

Re: Cleaning the pool

Posted by Chris on June 26, 2015 at 10:54:18

In Reply to: Re: Cleaning the pool posted by Mike Lotheson on June 25, 2015 at 18:22:45:

I've already been told that keeping the pool in good order will be my task.

Tonight we have a BBQ planned at the pool and a first family swim for everyone. The first outing for all the new swimwear briefs foir the guys - Jamie, Tom, the uncles, my dad and me - so should be a bit of an eye opener, if you see what I mean. I can't wait to see what our mum's think of it ha ha.

Clean pool & BBQ

Posted by Jamie on June 29, 2015 at 15:06:51

After we had cleaned the pool and it was full of water ready to use, Chris's dad suggested having a BBQ for everyone (our parents, Tom and his parents). He was still insisting on the "French Pool Rules" that he had decreed, so we all dressed appropriately with all the guys in speedo style swimwear and our mums in their usual costumes. Chris wore his red trunks, I wore my lime green ones and our dads wore the yellow and white ones we had given them for Father's Day. Uncle Danny wore a conservative black pair and Tom appeared in a loose-fitting pair of ice blue trunks from AussieBum. I had alwayts thought that wearing a snug fitting pair of trunks was revealing more than enough, but I was wrong. Tom's loose fit trunks allowed everything to move independantly and the sight of him walking around the pool whilst dry was a real eye opener, never mind when he was wet and the trunks were clinging. Nothing was actually said to him by uncle Greg or my dad but he caused a stir and the following morning at breakfast, uncle Greg said he thought it would be best to rescind the rules about swimwear and that we could wear what we liked in future - only mum and aunt Pam looked slightly disappointed.

We spent most of saturday and sunday in and around the pool apart from meal times, even when it rained, and had a great couple of days in our wet jeans, tees, sweatshirts and so on. Thanks Tom.

Re: Clean pool & BBQ

Posted by wetchas on June 29, 2015 at 15:19:44

In Reply to: Clean pool & BBQ posted by Jamie on June 29, 2015 at 15:06:51:

Brilliant. Just goes to show that there is more than one way to skin a cat, as the saying goes. So,now its back to clothing again.Hope you won,t discard the speedos though. As I said to n an earlier post, they can be great fun. Something worth trying is the liquid soap, or for that matter any sort of slimey foodstuff.
Bet its been hot where you are. Devon is very warm,so further up the M5 must be even warmer.Oh well,have fun.

Re: Clean pool & BBQ

Posted by wetjumper on June 29, 2015 at 16:53:48

In Reply to: Clean pool & BBQ posted by Jamie on June 29, 2015 at 15:06:51:

Result! :-)

Just wondering: could Tom's visual effect be partly due to cutting out a front lining? Of course, it's already been said that he's a big lad...

I used to find the front lining of Speedo-style trunks uncomfortable when I had to wear them. I find them much more comfortable without it, but doing this does make them more revealing and less decent. Tight black nylon/Lycra material is just about OK on me as a single layer... until the Lycra starts to weaken as pool chemicals gradually attack it. It's advisable to keep track of such things so as not to "frighten the horses"!

You're clearly happier to be swimming in jeans and other cotton clothes rather than Speedo-style trunks (aren't we all?). They may be less revealing, even if your greater enjoyment causes there to be more to reveal. Also, while the water is unheated after coming from a cold source, a layer of clothing will keep you warmer so you can stay in for longer - although it's clear that no-one found the pool too cold to use when only in skimpy trunks.

I'm still envious - no chance of an outdoor pool where I am!

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Clean pool & BBQ

Posted by Jamie on June 29, 2015 at 17:15:33

In Reply to: Re: Clean pool & BBQ posted by wetjumper on June 29, 2015 at 16:53:48:

No, Tom did not alter his trunks in any way, he howed them to us after our swim and I think he looked so good simply becaue the fabric of the trunks and the liner are so thin in comparison to our own.

The water was chilly towards the bottom of the pool but otherwise was fine as we have had a fair bit of sun in the last few days since it was filled.

Actually swimming with everyone else in trunks was fine and certainly gives a sense of freedom of movement, but I still prefer the feel, and look, of wet jeans and tees etc given the choice.

Re: Clean pool & BBQ

Posted by Jamie on June 29, 2015 at 17:28:27

In Reply to: Re: Clean pool & BBQ posted by wetchas on June 29, 2015 at 15:19:44:

I'm sure we will be keeping the trunks. Dad, Chris and me have decided to make a habit of getting fitter with a morning swim everyday, no doubt uncle Greg will join us as well when he is at home as he uses the gym and pool at his workplace regularly and looks a lot fitter than my dad or uncle Danny. I think the sight of each other in their swim trunks, and the comlimentary (or otherwise !) comments of their wives, might have had something to do with that decision!

Re: Clean pool & BBQ

Posted by wetjumper on June 29, 2015 at 18:32:03

In Reply to: Re: Clean pool & BBQ posted by Jamie on June 29, 2015 at 17:15:33:

Oops, I see I jumped to conclusions. Maybe if Tom's AussieBum trunks were a size smaller they'd hold things in place a bit more, rather than allowing "everything to move independantly" as you put it? Those trunks can certainly look flattering.

It's good that the pool water has warmed up. The next few days should warm it up some more.

It's good to continue to read about your activities. Thanks again.

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Clean pool & BBQ

Posted by Jamie on June 29, 2015 at 20:32:01

In Reply to: Re: Clean pool & BBQ posted by wetjumper on June 29, 2015 at 18:32:03:

Tom's trunks are described on the AussieBum website as "2.5in Loose Fit" so are obviously designed to be a looser fit than their standard briefs. He apparently bought his true size of waist, not liking anything too tight. He has said that he wants to join us in our early morning swims as he will be working for his dad at the house and has volunteered to live on site in a caravan whilst the renovations are done. So we will probably be seeing more of him in future (no pun intended !). He has decided also to continue working for his dad permanently and is going to do a carpenter's apprenticeship.

Re: Clean pool & BBQ

Posted by Bruce on June 30, 2015 at 12:25:14

In Reply to: Clean pool & BBQ posted by Jamie on June 29, 2015 at 15:06:51:

I was just thinking that you will be out of school and the obligatory uniform now, and jeans the clothing of the day. In England, where it rains almost constantly, you should be able to just wear your jeans soaked most of the time. What a wonderful life!!!
Have you had any opportunities to check out the pond lately?

Re: Clean pool & BBQ

Posted by Ben on June 30, 2015 at 17:18:45

In Reply to: Clean pool & BBQ posted by Jamie on June 29, 2015 at 15:06:51:

There is nothing to stop you all wearing your speedos under your jeans when you go in the pool. I usually wear normal swimming shorts under my jeans when I swim.

Re: Clean pool & BBQ

Posted by Chris on July 01, 2015 at 08:26:12

In Reply to: Re: Clean pool & BBQ posted by Ben on June 30, 2015 at 17:18:45:

Quite true, of course, but I certainly prefer just going commando when wearing wet jeans. As Jamie has said below, we shall continue to wear the speedos when we do our morning fitness swim. My dad is home tomorrow for a few days, so we have scheduled the first of those swims for 7am on Friday for him, Tom, Jamie and his dad and me,

Re: Clean pool & BBQ

Posted by Chris on July 01, 2015 at 22:11:45

In Reply to: Re: Clean pool & BBQ posted by Ben on July 01, 2015 at 14:25:17:

Yup, just speedos - we plan on doing 40 lengths (the pool is 50ft long) at first and see how we can build up from that. I know Jamie and me will find that relatively easy, not sure how our dads will fare ......

We may add what I believe are called 'drag shorts' at a later stage if we feel we need to up the training regime, but could always just wear ordinary shorts or jeans, I suppose.

UK heatwave

Posted by Jon on July 01, 2015 at 22:24:11

From the BBC....

Soaring temperatures in the UK have been welcome for some. But how can people keep comfortable when the mercury rises?
There are a number of simple solutions which might not always be obvious...

Wear wet clothes (yay)
"The most obvious suggestion to me is that you dampen your clothes," says Cambridge University physicist Lisa Jardine-Wright.
In order for the water to evaporate - changing its state from a liquid to a gas - there needs an input of heat energy, she explains. This energy will come from the heat of your body which produces a cooling effect to your skin, lowering your temperature.

So it's official...go get your clothes wet!!

Re: UK heatwave

Posted by wetchas on July 02, 2015 at 08:34:00

In Reply to: UK heatwave posted by Jon on July 01, 2015 at 22:24:11:

I think we've always known that that was the answer. There's been some talk of taking a shower before going to bed, then hoping in without drying off. I tried it once,and didn't really like it, but each to their own.
It's the ideal weather for fully clothed swims though. Nobody cares if they see you, in fact they are probably a bit jealous. They just think you needed to cool off. The only worrying thing is the jellyfish that seem to have invaded us, but the good thing is that they can't sting through clothes. Another good reason for our hobby then. Keep wet everyone.

Re: july 4

Posted by Chris on July 04, 2015 at 23:02:55

In Reply to: july 4 posted by swimmerrat on July 04, 2015 at 18:24:41:

Well said - I managed to get a swim in today in blue jeans, white socks, boxers and tee with a red shirt over, it was great fun. I persuaded, not at all hard to do, Jamie to join me and he wore red shorts, white tee and a blue shirt so we really managed to mix it up. It has been a bright sunny hot day here so have spent most of the day in the pool - what could be better ?

Re: UK heatwave

Posted by Jamie on July 05, 2015 at 09:24:40

In Reply to: Re: UK heatwave posted by wetchas on July 02, 2015 at 08:34:00:

Chris and me are have a few days at home this week and next (supposedly revising for our own exams whilst others are doing their's at school) so have set up a study area at the new house in the room that opens onto the pool. We have been doing a fair bit of work with breaks for a swim in whatever we happen to be wearing at the time, mainly jeans and tees, and then sitting in the sun and continuing to study in our wet clothes. It has worked well as there is no-one else around to disturb us; we have been joined on a couple of days by other friends doing the same revision and they all seem to enjoy the routine of study, get wet, study, get wet until ending the day with us all in the pool in our clothes. A couple of the guys turned up with swimwear at first but they soon joined in just wearing their normal clothes. This revision method seems to have worked well as the exams were mostly easier than we had thought, anyway this year's are just internal school exams so not of great importance, next year's A-Levels will be a more serious matter.

Cloudy and raining .....

Posted by Jamie on July 05, 2015 at 15:09:23

.... and a great chance to get wet. It is wet and windy, but not cold, today so we had our early morning fitness swim with our dads and then had breakfast after changing into jeans and tees.

Chris put on his older Levi STF jeans with a black tee, blue socks and old trainers (and no underwear). I wore my newer Levi STF jeans which are just getting nicely worn now, a dark green tee, red socks and red canvas shoes. It felt good going commando in the jeans after the restriction of swimming trunks earlier.

It kept looking as though it might get less cloudy but each time the sun shone it was only for a few minutes before clouding over again and raining some more, so in the end we decided we might as well just go and swim in the rain - what better option was there ? It briefly rained really heavily as we walked up the lane to the house and by the time we got to the pool we were both damp across the shoulders and down our thighs, enough to darken the colour of both tees and jeans, and I could feel rain dripping down my neck. We both raced each other to the deep end of the pool and just dived straight in - I just love that intial feeling of the water soaking so quickly through my jeans and the way everything clings to chest and legs as I hauled myself out on the far side of the pool. We stayed in the water for an hour or so and it was fun doing so as it rained heavily a couple of times, our wet clothes looked amazing when we stood in the heavy rain and let the wetness pour over us. I could see that Chris was enjoying it as well, almost as much as I was. We went home for lunch and sat in our wet clothes watching the British Grand Prix (and a great win by Hamilton) and will be going back to the pool laterwhen we have dried out a bit more. Dad said he thought we were mad staying wet, but I rather think he wishes he had the balls to join us, ha, ha.

Re: Cloudy and raining .....

Posted by Bruce on July 06, 2015 at 02:08:57

In Reply to: Cloudy and raining ..... posted by Jamie on July 05, 2015 at 15:09:23:

As I expected, rain is one of the best excuses to get soaked, glad you did, and told us about it.

Re: UK heatwave

Posted by wetchas on July 06, 2015 at 08:40:55

In Reply to: Re: UK heatwave posted by Jamie on July 05, 2015 at 09:24:40:

Sounds like a great way to revise. Even I might have learned something using that method.

Re: Cloudy and raining .....

Posted by Chris on July 06, 2015 at 14:25:09

In Reply to: Re: Cloudy and raining ..... posted by wetchas on July 06, 2015 at 09:56:22:

I agree about missing out on an experience when changing out of wet clothes straight away and not leaving them on for a bit, I love it as wet jeans gradually dry off when worn and a fresh re-soaking just adds to the enjoyment.

No work has started on the new house as yet, I think uncle Danny is busy with other work until the end of this month, but they are due to put up some scaffolding next week and Tom will be staying on site in a caravan soon as he will be working on the house for his dad as "site foreman".

I am not planning on going back to the US any time soon, most of the stuff I need (clothes, books, music etc) are on their way along with mum and dad's stuff, in a container somewhere mid-Atlantic as I write and will be going into storage until we move into the house. Our section of the house will be the first to be renovated. In the meantime we are enjoying the pool between revising/exams until we finish school for the summer in a couple of weeks.

It is chillier and damp here today, with sporadic showers, but we went for our fitness swim this morning at 7am - uncle Dan chickened out today, saying it was "too cold" - and I was at school this morning for a Maths exam (too easy; as mum is a maths teacher and I enjoy it) - but will go for a swim this afternoon in my jeans and a sweatshirt. Jamie has a French exam (I don't do French, everyone else can speak english, right ?) this afternoon so I will enjoy a solo swim.

Re: Intrducing myself

Posted by Chris on July 06, 2015 at 22:23:11

In Reply to: Intrducing myself posted by Travis on July 06, 2015 at 18:27:28:

Welcome from a 17 year old in UK. Getting wet in clothes is great fun and my cousin Jamie and me are both keen on getting wet in almost any clothes, but particularly denim jeans.. We have both made various post over the last few months, so look down the list and see what we've been doing.

Re: 2 New guys on

Posted by Jamie on July 14, 2015 at 15:04:13

In Reply to: 2 New guys on posted by Dima on July 14, 2015 at 11:00:39:

Why the sudden price hike, but with fewer pictures? Getting greedy, eh?

Re: 2 New guys on

Posted by Mikey on July 15, 2015 at 10:52:01

In Reply to: Re: 2 New guys on posted by Jamie on July 14, 2015 at 15:04:13:

I agree ...
most vids are crap but not optional. poor lighting, people walking in front of camera, "model's" haha :-) usually look sad, forced into doing what they're doing, and just doing it for the money
If you are going to do this sort of thing get serious, or at least realistic !!!

Model boat

Posted by Steve on July 21, 2015 at 18:53:44

I'm sitting on the beach, in "proper bathing attire " watching these two guys sailing remote control boats. They were on the shore. It looked like a dad and son. I would guess the boy was about 12. One of the boats died a bit off shore and the son in shorts retrieved it. He got wet up to his waist. About 15 minutes later it died again but this time about 50 yards out. I heard the guy say shit. I will get it I don't want you swimming that far out. The guy was in jeans and waded in after checking his pockets. He didn't take off his t shirt and swam out retrieving the boat. He didn't seem to mind getting wet. They did leave soon thereafter.

Re: Model boat

Posted by Jamie on July 26, 2015 at 16:19:49

In Reply to: Model boat posted by Steve on July 21, 2015 at 18:53:44:

Chris and me have done this a few times at the lake in the nearby park with his model boat. We went down there last week to try out a few modifications he had made. We both got soaked swimming out to it on a couple of occasions - we were both wearing jeans, tees and trainers - and it was a hot afternoon, so we enjoyed it.

Late afternoon some kids appeared with the intention of playing football on the adjacent pitch, but when the first few to arrive saw what we were doing sitting on a bench at the side of the lake as the boat whizzed around, they stood and watched. I recognised one as the youger brother of a friend from school, so said hello and we started chatting and answering their questions. Eventually the inevitable happened and the boat stopped again about thirty feet out from the bank. I got up to go in and get it and it was only then that the young boys noticed that we were already wet, The one I knew, Mike, then volunteered to go in instead of me, saying that as he only soccer shorts and a football shirt on, it would save me getting wet again. He pulled off his shirt, kicked off his trainers and jumped in before I had a chance to agree or not.

Mike swam out to the boat and retrieved it and seemed quite happy to be soaked, and his friends thought it great fun. More of their friends arrived until they were ready to have kick about when there were about eight of them. The boat stopped again soon after they started their game and I went in and got it again finding a crowd of them back at the bench watching us again as I climbed out, they all thought the site of me dripping wet in my jeans and tee ver amusing and it was not long before they all decided to go for a swim. Most of them were in sports shorts and shirts but a couple were wearing jeans. We eventually got the boat to remain working for more than ten minutes at a time and left them all to their kick about in their wet clothes, whilst we went home and went for a lazy swim in our clothes for the rest of the afternoon.

Re: Model boat

Posted by Bruce on July 27, 2015 at 01:23:05

In Reply to: Re: Model boat posted by Jamie on July 26, 2015 at 16:19:49:

Glad you are still doing the boat trick, great way to appear to be required to get soaked. More converts are a bonus.

Re: First STF jeans

Posted by Chris on August 05, 2015 at 09:30:16

In Reply to: First STF jeans posted by wetfinn on August 03, 2015 at 21:07:52:

Getting in a comfortably hot bath for twenty minutes or so before letting them dry whilst still being worn, will speed up the shrinking rather than just getting wet with cold water by going out in the rain or swimming in the sea or lake etc. It also seems to make the fabric softer quicker.

Jamie and me have found that getting really muddy (totally soaked and covered, not just smeared !) helps break them in and is great fun as well and helps give them even more of a lived-in look.

Re: First STF jeans

Posted by Screamer on August 06, 2015 at 01:38:04

In Reply to: Re: First STF jeans posted by Chris on August 05, 2015 at 09:30:16:

I love Jamie and Chris and their stories, but I prefer my STF Levis to be dark/new as long as possible. I break them in in a hot tub or cold water and wear until dry and try to wash in a machine as little as possible. I do wear them dry or line dry when I swim or wear them in the hot tub (at least daily).

Re: We are back online! 2 new guys!

Posted by Chris on August 08, 2015 at 14:05:58

In Reply to: We are back online! 2 new guys! posted by Dima on August 07, 2015 at 15:06:31:

I'm afraid I just don't see the point in buying the sets of pictures from Wetlooker as most of the pictures I have seen (a friend of our's has bought a few sets in the past) seem to be badly composed, repetitive and badly exposed, most of the indoor shots by the pools are so dark that nothing much can be seen. Perhaps Dima should invest some of his money and time in buying some Photoshop software and editing the pictures effectively before offering them for sale at his ever increasing charges for ever diminishing numbers of images. Oh, and just forget about the videos as they are awful, both technically and artistically.

Re: We are back online! 2 new guys!

Posted by wetchas on August 10, 2015 at 08:21:39

In Reply to: Re: We are back online! 2 new guys! posted by Chris on August 08, 2015 at 14:05:58:

That,s a bit harsh. At least he is trying (very). Like someone else said in a post earlier, if he wants to give us 4 or5 free pictures a week, who,s complaining.

Re: We are back online! 2 new guys!

Posted by Chris on August 10, 2015 at 16:59:22

In Reply to: Re: We are back online! 2 new guys! posted by wetchas on August 10, 2015 at 08:21:39:

Maybe I was a bit harsh - my apologies to Dima if it offended. I just think the quality of the pictures does not reflect the work involved in producing them by the models . A little bit of extra post-production work would help no end - and probably result in better sales ! And some better forward planning of the filming would really help ..

Re: We are back online! 2 new guys!

Posted by Jamie on August 11, 2015 at 15:00:06

In Reply to: Re: We are back online! 2 new guys! posted by Chris on August 10, 2015 at 16:59:22:

I think Chris has decided to keep his opinions about Dima's Wetlooker site to himself from now on !!

He always been prone to opening his mouth and speaking before putting his brain in gear ....... his nickname within the family is not "The Diplomat" for nothing. I did tell him not to write anything about it, but would he listen ...... ?

Re: First STF jeans

Posted by LevilovR on August 18, 2015 at 00:39:23

In Reply to: First STF jeans posted by wetfinn on August 03, 2015 at 21:07:52:

Just jump in any kind of water you prefer. Hot water will probably make the jeans shrink faster, but I prefer to just swim in them in a lake or river, come out, dry off some, usually not completely, and rewet myself several times. You will begin to feel them start conforming to your body. I have found with the newer ones they will actually dry quite quickly if wearing them in the hot sun. I try to avoid putting them in the dryer, preferring to let them dry on my body. Since I don't have an outdoor clothsline I just throw the wet 501s over the railing on my doorsteps and finish drying. But they don't go in the dryer until I am pretty certain they won't shrink any m ore. I like to soak them, come out and dry off some, resoak, etc. You will bein to feel them shrinking and conforming to your body, especially around the butt and crotch. It's awesome. They will still feel stiff next time you put them on, but each time they become softer and better. Jamie and Chris are correct that getting them muddy will help soften and fade them. It's just a question of what you like. Have fun, Man. Hope you do it again cause I think you're going to like it.

School open day.

Posted by Jamie on September 09, 2015 at 15:30:52

Chris and me seem to have been really, really busy recently and I was surprised at how long it has been since looking at Wacky Wet or posting anything apart from the odd comment on someone elses' post.

We have been helping Rob with the woodlands, clearing and tidying up the woods and he has been good enough to pay us and train us in some good woodland management practices as we go along. Chris's dad has given Rob and his business partner, Harry, the contract for managing the woodlands for the next five years with a view to making them more of an amenity and also producing some timber, enough to use in the house's wood-chip burner for the house and pool heating systems to supplement the solar panels that produce all the electrical needs of the house.

It has been hard work and I think we are both a lot fitter than we were five/six weeks ago when we started working with Rob. We have had plenty of opportunity to get wet and muddy whilst working and enjoyed whole days being soaked whilst working and afterwards when it has rained and turned the ground swampy.

Work on the house has progressed well and the heating system for the swimming pool is installed and due to be commissioned next week. Most of the plastering that needed doing in the house has been completed and windows and doors have been replaced where necessary. Luckily the electrics seemed in far better condition than initially was feared so it only needed connecting up to all the new solar panels. New bathrooms and kitchens are being installed in the different parts of the house at the moment and painting and decorating should be started in three weeks time, according to the schedule.

We go back to school next Tuesday. Last weekend was the school open day run by the 5th and 6th Form boys and their parents/relatives and is open to all pupils and friends/parents/relatives. It is a fun day of fund-raising for local charities and a chosen school project (some new gym/fitness equipment this year).

Chris and me and three of our friends provided instruction/guidance to those wanting to try out the zip-wire that we had set up down one of the slopes near the assault course. We had advertised to everyone that the assault course would be open for people to try. We had specifiede that no shorts or short-sleeved stops should be worn to help avoid bruises and scrapes, so most people turned up in old jeans and sweatshirts. Lots of people turned up prepared to get wet and muddy and we spent most of the day showing people how to use the zip-wire safely and how to land in the muddy pool at the end of it without hurting themselves. The wire runs down the slope about 12 feet maximum above the ground and ends with the participant having to drop just three or four feet into the mud pool below. We made sure the mud was nice and soft before we started and it is about knee-deep if you remain standing after dropping into it, not that many people do as the slider stops fairly abruptly and most people let go as they swing forwards or backwards and land either flat on their backs or face down dependoing on when they lose their grip.

By the time we had shown people how to use it a few times, all of us were soaked through and covered in mud from head to toe, which was fun. We had connected up a hose to a large old water trough near by so that we could pour buckets of water over people who got really muddy, so we used that ourselves as well to get clean-ish as the day went on. We were all wearing jeans, sweatshirts and trainers and had a great time. The weather was reasonably dry with just a few short sharp showers and it was quite warm all day despite lack of actual sunshine for any length of time.

At the end of the day we raised more money by charging anyone 20p to chuck a bucket of water over us to get clean. That was fun, and raised a few laughs from people watching, except for the two dads who got together to throw their buckets of water at the same time and almost knocked us over with the force of their throws.

It was great fun being so wet and muddy all day and seeing so many other people happy to be tha same. Even our mums joined in and got a good soaking with mud and water as they tried the assault course.

Re: School open day.

Posted by wetjumper on September 09, 2015 at 19:02:41

In Reply to: School open day. posted by Jamie on September 09, 2015 at 15:30:52:

Jamie, it's great that you're posting again. Many thanks for your detailed update - an enjoyable read as always. You've obviously been fully occupied during the summer and I'm glad it often kept you in a pleasurably wet and muddy state! I wish I could have tried the zip-wire...

I've not been well lately - currently trying to get rid of a chest infection - and when I'm not feeling well I tend to become uncommunicative. Also family responsibilities are tending to get in the way. But it's nice to be back.

I've enjoyed being out in rain without waterproof rainwear on many occasions this summer, but somehow I never got completely soaked. Funny how things go.

For now, I think a hot bath will help me feel better. Must decide what to wear. (A word not found in a dictionary: "bathwear", clothes worn in a bathtub.) :-)

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: School open day.

Posted by Jamie on September 09, 2015 at 21:35:40

In Reply to: Re: School open day. posted by wetjumper on September 09, 2015 at 19:02:41:

Get well soon - I'm told that I'm the world's grumpiest person when not well, so you have my sympathy ! We have had some fun getting really wet and muddy whilst working for Rob, the only bit I didn't enjoy so much was pulling on cold wet and slimy mud soaked clothes in the morning after having neglected to put them in the washer/drier overnight - as my Dad said "There is always a cost to having a good time, son !"

Re: School open day.

Posted by Bruce on September 10, 2015 at 12:19:48

In Reply to: Re: School open day. posted by Jamie on September 09, 2015 at 21:35:40:

You will get used to pulling on cold, wet jeans, and it will be easy, just try to add more water immediately and there will be no difficulty.
I second the thanks for your new posting and am glad you both have found multiple times to enjoy being soaked over the summer.

Back at school

Posted by Chris on September 16, 2015 at 15:09:08

Jamie and me were back at school yesterday. We had last week without working for Rob as he was on holiday, but we got a lot done in the woods over the five weeks we were working with him. It was hard work (very hard work, if I'm honest) but it felt good, and we got a sense of achievement in getting so much done. Jamie took to manual labour like a duck to water and we contrived to encounter plenty of that - and some mud as well - whilst we were working, so it was good fun and fairly light-hearted as well. Rob even said he wouldn't mind taking us on permanently as he has requests for more work than he and his business partner can take on.

I think we both lost about 20 lbs in weight and certainly gained some muscles in the process. After that first working week I just collapsed, aching all over and in places I didn't know I could, and I spend most of the weekend soaking in a hot bath (in my favourite old jeans !). Jamie wasn't much better, but he started off fitter than me, I think.

Anyway, back at school, we had previously volunteered to help the new senior gym master with the swim tests for the newbies. This involved getting them all changed into swimwear to start, ensuring they all swam a couple of lengths and spotting those who are not good swimmers. The ones who complete the test fully are then sent off to change into clothes - trousers and sweatshirts - and then do another two lengths. Whilst the ones who can't swim well are given some tuition by us. As Jamie and me have both passed our life-savers tests we get the job, along with four other guys, of running after school swim lessons. The object of the lessons is to get the not-very-good-swimmers up to speed to pass the test, so we get the chance to be in the pool in our clothes for most of the time, which is fun. We aren't left entirely on our own as one of the gym masters is around to offer advice and see that all goes well, but it is an enjoyable task as most of the newbies seem keen to learn and grateful for the help. The first lesson was yesterday and the next tomorrow. Most of them should be ready after five or six lessons accorcing to the gym master.

Re: Back at school

Posted by Chris on September 17, 2015 at 10:29:56

In Reply to: Re: Back at school posted by wetchas on September 17, 2015 at 08:47:07:

Jamie and me wore our usual school clothes of jeans and sweatshirts (dark blue levis and a dark green sweatshirt over a yellow tee for Jamie and black Levis and a grey sweatshirt over a white tee for me). All the non-swimmers wore jeans (variously faded and worn) and sweatshirts of various colours over their swimming trunks (school issue Speedo style of differing colours for their various school houses), with the exception of two lads who wore dark blue trackie bottoms and teeshirts, which looked very shiny when wet. I think we got a few converts to the pleasures of swimming in clothes from the look of a few lads when they clambered out of the water at the end of our session. From the general chatter it seemed that only a couple of them had ever got soaked while fully clothed before, but by the end of the session as Jamie and me were making our notes on everyone's progress, most of them were busily throwing and pushing each other into the pool again and thoroughly enjoying seeing everyone soaked to the skin.

Re: Back at school

Posted by Chris on September 17, 2015 at 22:31:34

In Reply to: Re: Back at school posted by wetchas on September 17, 2015 at 11:56:49:

I imagine that the newbies will do their re-take of the test in the same jeans, tees or sports kit etc that they wore for the first one and for the lessons we have been holding. The school uniform is probably too good to get wet (two-piece grey suit, white shirt, and striped tie, colour dependant on owner's house colour) and is fairly expensive, not your usual school kit from M&S, Tesco, Asda, etc etc at £30 the lot ! It is only the 5th & 6th forms (we are 6th form this year) who are allowed to wear casual kit, and even that is fairly well prescribed - i.e. no faded denim, no trainers, no patterned tops or shirts, no brand logos in contrasting colours and so on - but at least we don't have to wear ties, which is nice, not that I ever did of course.

Tonight's swim class went well, Jamie and me and the other "instructors" all went in the pool in our school wear of jeans etc and the "pupils" all wore the same kit as before. I think most of them had just left it all hanging up drip-drying in the changing rooms ready to use again, and they all seem to have got quite used to swimming in long trousers and long-sleeved tops, so that is good.

Jamie took his driving test yesterday afternoon and much to everyone's surprise (well, that's what we've all told him anyway) he passed. I hope to take mine at half-term, but I have got a car (an electric Renault Zoe) that mum and dad got me - it is second-hand and an ex-demo car with only 4,000 miles on - in a rather smart black. Can't wait to get the test pass and get driving on the open road. In the meantime we can use Jamie's Audi to get to school etc instead of walking or cycling now that the weather is getting cooler and wetter (not that we minded that of course, but is just more convenient).

Re: Back at school

Posted by Chris on September 17, 2015 at 22:37:16

In Reply to: Re: Back at school posted by Troy on September 17, 2015 at 10:51:33:

Yes, we have ....... I think; but we have a few "trouble-makers" among our pupils who think they can be cheeky to us seniors after only a couple of days at the school !! Wish they would bring back capital punishment - or is that corporal punishment ? - I always get confused ..........

Re: Back at school

Posted by wetchas on September 18, 2015 at 08:32:02

In Reply to: Re: Back at school posted by Chris on September 17, 2015 at 22:37:16:

Sorry. I must be getting confused. I thought it was your school that went in for an uniform swimming. My mistake.
Corporal punishment was in the army. This is capitol PUNISHMENT.
Good luck with the driving.

Re: Back at school

Posted by Jamie on September 18, 2015 at 16:01:44

In Reply to: Re: Back at school posted by wetchas on September 18, 2015 at 08:32:02:

Its never been uniform for the swim test as far as I know. The new gym master has some different ideas about what is a good test so it may change in future.

Taking the lessons for the younger lads has worked well and is good fun as we try and keep it all lighthearted - after all you can't teach someone to swim better who does not want to. I think they were all quite intrigued by our readiness to get a good soaking in whatever we happened to be wearing that day for school and the fact that we all unintentionally, on occasions, show our enjoyment rather more than is normal gives them a hint of things to look forward to from their own future experiences.

I think Chris and me will take a change of clothes into school in future as now that I am using my car to and from, I don't want the interior to get a soaking each time, whereas cycling or walking home in wet clothes was part of the fun. Even though Chris has not driven his new car on the road yet, he is getting obsessive about cleaning and polishing it, so I think he will be even less keen than me on getting it wet inside - also its electric so how safe would it be mixing water and electrics ?

Re: Back at school

Posted by Marianne Twanet on September 19, 2015 at 09:53:26

In Reply to: Re: Back at school posted by Jamie on September 18, 2015 at 16:01:44:

Dichotomy. Do you love the car more than you love phatdipping? Recycle the car. Walk everywhere less than six miles. You'll live at least two years longer :D
(Also use the stairs instead of the elevator -- up to four floors -- again you'll live longer; good exercise etc.) Swim everywhere instead of taking the ferry, get the idea, etc.

Re: Back at school

Posted by Jamie on September 19, 2015 at 22:44:18

In Reply to: Re: Back at school posted by Marianne Twanet on September 19, 2015 at 09:53:26:

It's my first car, so "yes" at the moment I do love it more than most other things. It is more convenient for lugging school stuff to and fro than trying to ride a bike with it all and as it conveys two of us I think it is more efficient and safer than cycling or walking in terms of time (5 - 8 minutes in the car versus 45 - 50 minutes walk) and we get plenty of exercise in other ways, so no health deficit either.

Re: Back at school

Posted by screamer on September 25, 2015 at 02:21:27

In Reply to: Re: Back at school posted by Jamie on September 19, 2015 at 22:44:18:

Just put a towel on the seat and you will be good. I am glad you guys had a good summer with Rob. Forestry is a good profession. Did Rob get some 501's?

Re: Back at school

Posted by screamer on September 25, 2015 at 19:02:03

In Reply to: Back at school posted by Chris on September 16, 2015 at 15:09:08:

Glad you had a good experience with Rob. Like I said before, forestry is a good and healthful profession. You should consider it. Did your Dad get you and Jamie some new 501's when he went back to the states?

Re: Off the Deep End - Spencer In His Element

Posted by Jesse on September 26, 2015 at 14:20:09

In Reply to: Re: Off the Deep End - Spencer In His Element posted by Troy on September 26, 2015 at 11:36:59:

Well, like I said, I haven't had much time to write any new stuff for Off the Deep End, but I do have ideas swirling around in my head, even if I can't flesh them out.

Since the series is set in San Diego, I want to do a story about Sea World, one that draws attention to the poor treatment that the animals they keep are subjected to. It's basically a parody of Free Willy, with Spencer in the place of Jason James Richter's character, only he finds it a lot harder to free a whale on his own in real life than it was in the movies.

Another story I have in mind is inspired by a TV show I watched growing up. Wild and Crazy Kids was a sports show on Nickelodeon in the '90s, where teams of kids competed in weird and creative athletic events - including a lot of aquatic ones, like diving for change in a pool or getting dropped in a dunk tank. So in my parody, Spencer and his friends enter to be on a show called The Goofy Games, which is pretty much the same thing, but they need a fifth person for their team so they rope Jamie into competing with them (she's over the age limit, but they tell the show's producers that she has some rare rapid aging disorder). Just so happens that all the events in the episode they signed up for end up putting them in the water.

And I also had a story cooking around that Memorial Day drawing I did earlier this year, where Danielle does an underwater picnic shoot that involves food. An extreme human rights group gets on her case for wasting perfectly good burgers and hot dogs by putting them underwater, when there's starving children around the world - but the protesters are really less concerned with their cause and more focused on getting attention, conveniently ignoring all the positive charity work that Danielle does and trying to paint her as an inconsiderate monster, much to the frustration of her and her kids.

This is one of the inherent problems in being a creative person - I keep coming up with more ideas than I have time to work on. But as long as I keep turning them over in my mind, there's still the possibility that I can do something with them someday.

Re: Back at school

Posted by Jamie on September 29, 2015 at 22:48:04

In Reply to: Re: Back at school posted by screamer on September 25, 2015 at 02:21:27:

Not sure, I have not knowingly seen him wearing any 501s whilst we were working together, but then we didn't either as we wore more robust workwear shirts, trousers and boots for protection.

Re: parents and friends

Posted by Chris on September 30, 2015 at 15:24:07

In Reply to: parents and friends posted by wetchas on September 30, 2015 at 08:43:57:

It all started for me when I got pushed in a swimming pool at a friends house after we had moved to the US. There was a group of us there (5 or 6 I think), it was hot day and his mum, mine and two other mums were sitting on their terrace at the top of the garden and the pool was 50 yards away and out of sight behind a hedge and trees. I was 11 years old at the time. We had all been daring each other to walk along as near to the edge of the pool as possible and one of us had already fallen in and was still in the pool splashing each of as we tried the walk. I was pushed by a couple of the others and took one of them with me. The feel of that cool water soaking through my jeans, shirt and underwear was amazing and I was hooked on getting wet after that as often as I could.

When we all trudged up to the house dripping wet, our mums just laughed at us and then made us strip down to our undies to wring out our clothes. We only lived a short walk away so I walked home in my still damp clothes after we had had tea and mum said that if I really wanted to get wet again at any time then she didn't mind so long as I did my own laundry and didn't mess up the house by traipsing through in dripping wet clothes.

As I got older I found other things were more enjoyable whilst wearing wet clothes than just the wearing of wet clothes and since coming here and living with Jamie, getting really, really muddy has also been great fun.

I don't think getting wet or muddy whilst fully clothed is odd or weird and I don't think any of my friends think it is either (the family certainly don't) and it is a damn sight safer than doing drugs or anything like that.

Re: parents and friends

Posted by Chris on October 01, 2015 at 12:52:20

In Reply to: Re: parents and friends posted by wetchas on October 01, 2015 at 08:45:16:

I guess I am almost fully integrated now - even my accent is disappearing gradually, I'm told, hah ha - and everything for the house is due to arrive next week from the USA. It will stay in storage for a week or two until the interior work on our part of the house is finished (its a week or so behind schedule) so that we can move in, but at least in the meantime we will be able to access the stuff if we need to.

Jamie's family plan to move in to their part just before Christmas and then work will start on completing the rest of the house and the exterior (providing everything goes to schedule, of course). The pool heating is now working so we have been able to enjoy that (fully clothed of course) and as it is still quite sunny most days we have used it almost everyday after school. Dad has decided to add a roof over the courtyard it is in, so that it can be used all year, but apparently needs to get planning permission and/or building regulation approval (I'm not sure which) before work can start, so it may take a while.

Sorry we've not been posting more recently but school work and life in general seems to be taking up most of our time. We have a family BBQ planned for this weekend and the pool will be in full use, so perhaps we will post about that afterwards.

Wet and muddy game

Posted by Jamie on October 21, 2015 at 15:57:44

Chris and me had some fun this afternoon as we had our first really wet and muddy rugby match at school this season. We woke up to pouring, heavy rain and it stayed that way until the afternoon when it eased off a little. We were both hoping that the afternoon of sports would not be called off because of a waterlogged pitch, but it was not raining so heavily as we made our way to the changing rooms after lunch and when the games master came in to see if e were all ready to start, someone asked if the game was still on after all the rain. He's a good sport most of the time the time and simply said "No, its not, if you all don't mind gettinga bit wet and muddy. It'll be safer with soft ground, so let's get out there and enjoy."

We had only just got out when it started raining more heavily and we were getting quite damp by the time we got to the pitch at the far end of the playing fields. The grass was squishy and had puddles dotted all over so we all knew it was going to be fun. Chris and me ended up on opposite sides after the teams had been picked, so I and my team mates had to change into our white shirts before we started. The other team stayed in their dark blue shirts. Our kit consists of dark blue shorts, socks and either white or dark blue shirts; shorts are a heavy twill fabric that feels great when wet and even better when soaked in mud and the shirts are a heavy duty cotton.

I only started playing rugby last year, having opted for soccer before that, but I quite enjoy it and Chris has never played before now, but he seems to be as good as any of us. Chris normally plays a winger as he is quick on his feet and I am a prop-forward normally. By half-time I was soaked to the skin and covered in mud after being caught up in several scrums and rucks and being tackled a few times, sliding in the mud and through the puddles. Chris was wet from the rain but not so muddy. Most of the lads, like us, enjoy getting soaked and muddy so no-one shies away from getting tackled into the mud and puddles and several lads always seem to show how much they are enjoying it by the end of the game, me and Chris included.

At the end of the game we headed back to the changing rooms and stopped outside to hose the worst of the mud off each other before heading to a hot shower, still in our kit. Pretty much the perfect end to the day !

Re: Wet and muddy game

Posted by Steve on October 22, 2015 at 05:38:36

In Reply to: Wet and muddy game posted by Jamie on October 21, 2015 at 15:57:44:

I played rugby for 10 years and the games on a muddy pitch were the best.

Re: Wet and muddy game

Posted by wetchas on October 22, 2015 at 08:35:55

In Reply to: Wet and muddy game posted by Jamie on October 21, 2015 at 15:57:44:

Welcome back. Great story, and sounds like a great day. That thicker style of sportswear is great for soaking and mudding. It retains the water better, and consequently goes heavier. Not so easy to wash though.
How are you doing with the swimming lessons. Have they stopped yet as everyone's passed the test, or do you have a few stragglers. I'd be interested to know. I guess if they've finished you will have to divise some other way of getting in the school pool clothed. Like an end of term novelty swimming gala or something.
Anyway, thanks again for posting.

Re: Wet and muddy game

Posted by Jamie on October 22, 2015 at 11:47:59

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy game posted by wetchas on October 22, 2015 at 08:35:55:

Yeah, the rugby was fun, the heavier duty cotton kit is certainly nicer to wear wet and muddy that normal soccer kit, althoug that does cling nicely. By the time we had hosed ourselves down to get rid of the worst (or should that be "best" ?) of the mud and then showered in the kit as well, it was fairly clean for when we got home and chucked everything in the washing machine, even the white shirts come out sparkling if you use a biological washing liquid.

The swimming lessons all finished last week after the last kid passed their test, it was fun whilst it lasted and now that we have made ourselves "indispensable" to the games master, he is letting us organise a few other swim events after school as well as training events for the assault course for the younger guys.

Next week is half-term and Chris and his family are moving into their part of the new home, so that will be busy as as i volunteered to help unpacking and carrying once the removal company have unloaded the container and put the biggest bits of furniture in place. The house is coming along well and we have been using the pool regularly.

Re: Wet and muddy game

Posted by Jamie on October 22, 2015 at 11:54:47

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy game posted by Steve on October 22, 2015 at 05:38:36:

Playing is much more fun on a wet and muddy pitch, not so bruising when you hit the ground. Neither of us are in a school team so it is less competitive than those guys are and everyone just tries to get as wet and muddy as possible. The hot showers still in our kit afterwards are a great laugh too seeing everyone else enjoying a good soaking.

Re: Wet and muddy game

Posted by wetchas on October 22, 2015 at 13:37:36

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy game posted by Jamie on October 22, 2015 at 11:47:59:

Great. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Hope the move goes OK. Cheers.

Re: Wet and muddy game

Posted by Ben on October 23, 2015 at 21:24:50

In Reply to: Wet and muddy game posted by Jamie on October 21, 2015 at 15:57:44:

Do you not wear compression shorts as part of your rugby kit? At my school you could but it was not compulsory. Most of us did. Getting muddy at rugby or football was a highlight of p.e. sessions.

Re: Wet and muddy game

Posted by Jamie on October 24, 2015 at 09:24:11

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy game posted by Ben on October 23, 2015 at 21:24:50:

Yeah, sometimes we do wear compression shorts, but for the more relaxed games Chris and me tend to wear speedos or briefs and sometimes we go commando, which is not a problem as the shorts are a real snug fit so no danger of "fall out" ! Compression shorts are good if it gets cold and for more physical games, but most of the time we play for fun and exercise rather than taking it too seriously. Most of our mates do the same as us and just try to get as wet and muddy as possible.

New cycle trail

Posted by Jamie on October 29, 2015 at 12:07:12

Chris and his family moved into their part of the house yesterday after all their stuff arrived and was unloaded on Tuesday. We were expecting to help out but the removal people asked us to leave it to them as Chris's dad had given them plans of where the furniture was to go and they had notes of where all the packed bits like china and glass, were to go as well. We got the distinct impression that we would just be in the way if we stayed to help, so we headed off into the woods where we have been laying out a cycle trail through all the wettest and muddiest parts we can find and working out a route along the footpaths between the parcels of woodland so that we have a circular route. We managed to get a route worked out, gave it a thorough testing, getting a good soaking in the process, both from the steady rain, the puddles and mud filled ruts. There is nothing like splashing down in a puddle of mud and feeling it all soaking through denim jeans and a thick sweatshirt and then feeling the water pour off as you stand up, look down and see your blue denim jeans now a muddy, clinging brown.

There is one wide ride through the largest wood that Rob used for access with his equipment and it is now really rutted and almost knee deep in mud and water along almost its entire 800 yards. We spent most of tuesday afternoon splashing around in the mud and ruts along this ride. It was great fun, but didn't do our jeans and sweatshirts much good, Chris ripped one knee of his Levis as he fell off his bike and I ripped a back pocket on a tree root as I slid down a muddy slope on my back, head first, after being thrown over the handlebars when the front wheel dug into deep mud unexpectedly on a faster stretch of our trail. I don't think we have got so muddy since visiting the mud pit and getting totally submerged there.

We hosed ourselves down when we got back to the house and then showered and changed into dry clothes. We've taken to using the showers and changing room by the pool to clean up - and keep some dry clothes there as well - as it keeps from being told off for getting mud and dirt in the newly decorated house. The changing room has been constructed in one of the outbuildings and knocked through to the pool area. It is one big tiled, room with showers in the middle, where the floor is two steps lower, and has benches, shelves and clothes hooks around the edges; uncle Greg reckoned that as everyone using the pool will be family, it doesn't matter that there are no separate facilities for men and women - not sure I agree entirely .............

I helped Chris unpack his clothes and personal stuff in his new room. His bedroom adjoins a long thin room that was a part of the gallery landing looking down into the main entrance hall and my bedroom will also open into this room from the opposite side, so we have set it up as a joint study/sitting room. The open gallery side of the room has been glazed in, so we can still see down into the entrance hallway.

Yesterday morning I went with Chris and his mum when they went shopping for some more furniture. Their part of the house is about 50% bigger than their home in the US, so they need quite a bit of stuff, as will we when we all move in. The rooms are all enormous in comparison. Mum and aunt Pam have talked about going to some local auctions to try and buy some large Victorian Gothic-style furniture in keeping with the architecture of the house - ah, Halloween, just the time to do that !

After lunch, some of our mates came around and we all went off into the woods again trying out the cycle trail. Chris and me changed into our still wet clothes from the day before (cold, but felt good nonetheless) and we all got thoroughly soaked and muddy again. Great fun. When we got back to the house we played around hosing each other clean before going for a swim, still in our wet clothes, which was great now that the water has warmed up with the new heating system. We finished off the day with pizzas around the pool as we drip dried.

Re: New cycle trail

Posted by wetchas on October 29, 2015 at 12:42:54

In Reply to: New cycle trail posted by Jamie on October 29, 2015 at 12:07:12:

Great to hear from you again. You guys really are living the dream.
Glad to hear that Chris's gear has arrived OK. Expect he feels good now, having all his stuff around him.
Good idea to try and get some furniture at the auctions. Brown furniture, as they call it can be got for next to nothing at the moment. It's a good time to pick some up (not literally of course, leave the removal men to do that).
Thanks again for posting.

Re: New cycle trail

Posted by Jamie on October 29, 2015 at 23:41:58

In Reply to: Re: New cycle trail posted by wetchas on October 29, 2015 at 12:42:54:

Yeah, we have certainly been enjoying ourselves. We have managed to get soaked and muddy every day this halfterm, the only downside has been getting into cold, wet, muddy clothes again the next morning - although I find that quite nice in an odd way. Chris and me have both decided to stick to just one set of jeans/sweatshirt/trainers rather than getting lots of stuff trashed. My 501s are looking really good now, and getting better with each mudding.

Mum has a friend who is setting up in business as an interior designer, so has roped her in to help source suitable furniture, so it will be interesting to see what they find. I think the place will end up as a mix of gothic and the odd modern pieces as the chairs and sofa they bought earlier this week are all modern designs.

Chris is delighted to have all his stuff finally available although some of his electrical stuff (hi-fi, desk light etc) are all the wrong voltage, so he needs to get transformers.

Re: New cycle trail

Posted by wetchas on October 30, 2015 at 08:25:22

In Reply to: Re: New cycle trail posted by Jamie on October 29, 2015 at 23:41:58:

He's a bit old for transformers isn't he. I had them years ago. My favourite was the car that turned into a robot. Oh sorry, wrong sort, you mean the electrical type.
Seriously though, did he have anything embarrassing hidden away in his possessions. Old toys, teddy ect. You know you can tell us!
It lashed down with rain overnight here in Devon. If you've
had the same weather, I bet it's done wonders for your cycle track.
Have fun. Wetchas.

Re: New cycle trail

Posted by Ben on October 30, 2015 at 16:20:53

In Reply to: Re: New cycle trail posted by Jamie on October 29, 2015 at 23:41:58:

Can understand you don't want to get all your stuff trashed, but I hope you have a pair of trackies and some shorts in your wet kit as a bit of a change from just the jeans. Variety is the spice of life. Sometimes I just like layering up when i get wet.

Re: New cycle trail

Posted by Chris on October 31, 2015 at 15:40:38

In Reply to: Re: New cycle trail posted by Ben on October 30, 2015 at 16:20:53:

We got wet in the summer in shorts and regularly get wet and muddy in rugby or soccer kit whilst playing sport at school. Wearing shorts on our new cycle track in the woods does not appeal so much as it hurts when you fall off more than when weraing tougher jeans !

Trackies look good when wet and clingy but I still prefer cotton or denim rather than nylon or polyester. Now we have the swimming pool to use everyday, we shall no doubt try different sorts of swim shorts as well when the occasion demands (ie family perties etc) rather than just wearing jeans and tees. Jamie prefers layering more than I do, I just find it restricts movement too much.

A wet saturday - 1

Posted by Jamie on November 01, 2015 at 15:52:48

Chris went off yesterday morning with his dad to go buy some TV and audio kit, I declined to accompany them when asked by uncle Greg as I know Chris was looking forward to spending some time with his dad alone.

I rang a couple of friends and asked them to come over and try out the new cycle trail. In the end three of them turned up. which was fine by me. Charlie and Alistair are twin brothers who go to our school and the third, Martin, is their cousin who lives in London but was staying for halfterm. I've met him before - same age as us, 17, but a shy chap and quieter than his cousins. Charlie and Alistair are identical twins but Charlie likes to wear his hair very short, almost a crew cut, so no problem telling them apart. The three of them had cycled over and we headed off to the new house as soon as they arrived.

We went straight to the pool area and the changing room so that I could change into my still wet jeans, sweatshirt and trainers from Friday's excursion. Charlie and Alistair were both wearing old faded jeans and sweatshirts already and had bought jeans and shirts to change into afterwards. Martin, however, was smartly dressed in white jeans and a black sweatshirt with some white Japanese-looking script on the front and a pair of white and grey trainers, far smarter than any of us.

"I'll need to change before we get started" Martin said "I've got some old jeans and stuff in the same bag as the others' clothes." he gestured towards the carrier bag Charlie was carrying.

"OK, I've got to change as well." I replied "Come through with me, the changing room is over there." I continued as we went through the door to the pool area.

"Wow, this looks great." Alistair said as he looked around the pool "Is it heated ?" he asked as he walked over and knelt down to touch the water.

"Only one way to find out ....." Charlie said and with that he pushed his brother into the pool.

Alistair surfaced and brushed his hair out of his eyes. He swam to the side, cursing his brother and vowing revenge. He hauled himself out and chased his brother around the pool, determined to throw him in; he eventually cornered him and dragged him towards the pool as Martin and I cheered him on. Charlie was calling for us to help him and he managed to grab Martin's arm as he was dragged towards the pool. In the ensuing struggle all three of them ended up in the water.

When they clambered out, I just laughed at the sight of them dripping wet and blaming each other for the state they were in. Charlie and Alistair were just laughing and seemed unconcerned at being soaked - after all they were expecting to get wet and muddy anyway. Martin was not so calm. His white jeans clung to him tightly and clearly showed some dark coloured boxers underneath. He looked aghast as he looked down at himself and shook his legs and arms trying to shake the wetness out of his clothes.

"You'd better wear those clothes and keep the others dry for later." I said, picking up the carrier bag that Charlie had dropped by my feet.

"God help me - I'll be murdered if I wreck these jeans .........." Martin groaned.

"I'm sure they'll wash OK .......... we can put them through the wash before you go home tomorrow." Charlie said.

"Yeah, they'll be OK ..... I've got white clothes covered in mud before and they always wash OK with a biological liquid. We could do them here before you go back to Charlie's and no-one need ever know." I said.

"OK - if you're sure" Martin replied hesitantly.

"You all wait here whilsst I go and change; back in a moment." I replied. As I walked away I heard another splash and looked over my shoulder to see that they had all jumped back into the pool and were busy splashing each other as much as they could, even Martin was joining in enthusiastically.

(to be continued)

Re: A wet saturday - 1

Posted by wetchas on November 02, 2015 at 09:55:20

In Reply to: A wet saturday - 1 posted by Jamie on November 01, 2015 at 15:52:48:

Brilliant. Thanks for posting. Good to have a Charlie in the story. I just wish I was him. Can't wait to read the next part, and hear of the fate of the white jeans, and presumably the superdry sweatshirt.
Thanks again. Another Charlie.(wetchas).

A wet saturday - 2

Posted by Jamie on November 02, 2015 at 17:22:02

When I had changed into my cold, damp jeans and sweatshirt and pulled on my wet trainers, I went out to the pool and found the others sitting on the side, feet dangling in the water, and joking about how good their wet clothes looked and felt. Martin seemed to have got over his concerns about getting his white jeans and smart sweatshirt soaked and was listening to the others as Charlie and Alistair debated the relative merits of getting wet in jeans or sports kit. I decided to surprise them by taking a running dive into the pool over their heads and when I surfaced Charlie was waiting in the water, ready to duck me again. We wrestled around for a bit before clambering out and heading off along the trail on our bikes, sloshing water off our clothes all around as we went.

I called a halt when we reached the first muddy bit of track and pointed out to the others where it was deepest before we decided to go through it separately so that we could all watch the others have a go. Charlie said he wanted to go first, so we watched as he headed off, he made it all the way without falling off or getting stuck and having to dismount, and Alistair then suggested that Martin have a go.

Martin made it to the deepest part before coming to a halt as his front wheel dug into the soft mud and he had to put his feet down to push off again and get going. He wobbled a bit but managed to get the rest of the way unscathed, although his precious white jeans were muddy half-way up his shins.

Alistair followed him and got properly stuck as he ignored the shallower parts and went at speed for the deepest. He had to get off his bike to push it part of the way through a particularly deep muddy rut and as he was about to get to the far end of it, he slipped and fell flat on his face, letting his bike topple sideways on top of him. By the time he managed to push his bike off himself and then struggle to his feet he was soaked through in liquid mud from his feet to his chest. The others made no attempt to help him and we all just laughed as he struggled. When he reached his brother and cousin he dropped his bike to the ground and tried to grab Charlie and wrestle him back into the nearest muddy rut. He failed but Charlie ended up well smeared in mud.

They all watched as I rode through, which I did without incident and we rode on, taking the wet and muddy parts of the track at speed, which is always fun. The muddiest part of the trail is the long ride about three-quarters of the way around. After the heavy rain the other night, it is equally flooded and muddy whichever route you take through it, so picking a shallow rut to start is no guarantee that it is shallow all the way. Charlie was the first to get stuck, he dismounted and splashed his way to shallower parts before re-mounting and trying to carry on. We proceeded together rather than watch each other try as the ride is quite long and we splashed along, sometimes riding sometimes walking until we had got about half way along, when Charlie called a breathless halt.

"This is bloody hard work, Jamie, are you sure there's no easier way ?" Charlie called out to me.

"No, there's not. It's not so wet or muddy at the sides of the ride, but then you are constantly ducking branches and slipping and sliding on unseen ruts among the undergrowth as well. You could just carry your bike the rest of the way; the riding is easy after this bit." I replied.

"Oh good, that's a comfort ............ oooh, damn ....." he finished as he fell over. When he stood up again he was covered in mud across his backside and down his right leg. "Right, that's it - I'm finishing this bit on foot." and he splashed forward a few yards before slipping again and almost falling flat.

We all struggled on to the end of the ride and onto the trail again. We were all a bit muddier from slipping and falling and we stopped to catch our breathes before continuing. After a few minutes Alistair looked back at the final muddiest part of the end of the ride and ran towards it, taking a running dive straight into a mud filled rut. He hit the mud with a huge splash and slid some yards before coming to a halt in mud and water that was deep enough to cover his legs, backside and the small of his back. He rolled over and sat up, grinning widely as he wiped mud from his face.

"The mud is lovely ....... come on in, guys." he called back as he splashed around in the mud. We all laughed at him as he was obviously enjoying himself hugely.

Suddenly Martin called out "Ready or not, coming through !" and ran and dived face down into the rut next to Alistair. It was deeper than the one Alistair was still sitting in and Martin disappeared from view briefly as he splashed down, soaking Alistair again at the same time. Martin surfaced and pushed himself up on his arms before clambering to his feet and turning towards us. He looked awesome, totally covered in mud from head to toe, his white jeans and black top were now a uniform mass of clinging dripping mud and water. He shhok his head, sending a spray of mud and water in a wide circle and then wiped a hand over his face to clear the mud out of his eyes. He spat out a mouthful of brown water and then stood dripping in front of us with a huge grin on his face.

"WWOOOAAAA YESSSSSSS ....." he screamed out at the top of his voice as he punched the air above his head "That feels great." before falling backwards into the mud again.

Simultaneously Charlie and me decided to dive in as well and we splashed down just at their feet as they lay back propped up on their elbows. Charlie crawled up the rut to Martin and began scooping up handfuls of mud which started to rub into Martin's jeans, starting at his ankles and working up.

"Might as well make this worth while now you are muddy and make sure you are totally covered" Charlie laughed "If these jeans are to be trashed let's make a good job of it."

Martin was laughing aloud as Charlie proceeded up this legs and thighs.

"Ali, I think our cousin is enjoying this, despite not wanting to get wet and muddy originally" Charlie remarked as he rubbed more mud all over his cousin's body, who was laughing and giggling all the more as the mud was rubbed in.

"Do I need to ask how you know that ?" Alistair asked grinning at me.

"I'll let you guess ................" Charlie said as he patted a growing bulge in Martin's jeans.

"Oi .... do you mind ?" Martin protested "No need to tell everyone ......."

"Don't worry - I'm sure we're all the same." Alistair assured him "I know I am, just watching you two."

"Very funny ......." Martin replied.

We splashed arouind in the mud until we were all totally covered and as muddy as Martin was when Charlie had finished with him.

(to be continued)

Re: A wet saturday - 2

Posted by wetchas on November 03, 2015 at 08:37:59

In Reply to: A wet saturday - 2 posted by Jamie on November 02, 2015 at 17:22:02:

Brilliant. Thanks for part 2.
Great account of what sounds like a great day as always.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: A wet saturday - 2

Posted by Bruce on November 03, 2015 at 12:24:33

In Reply to: A wet saturday - 2 posted by Jamie on November 02, 2015 at 17:22:02:

You should think of a career in writing, what you are giving us is much, much better than fiction, and the way you leave us dangling in suspense at the end, with the expectation of more is pretty much worthy of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, thankfully without the usual gruesome twists.
Just a point, if you leave your jeans constantly wet, they will rot and rip easily. I let them dry between uses, and even then they give out much too early.

Re: A wet saturday - 2

Posted by LevilovR on November 03, 2015 at 12:33:20

In Reply to: A wet saturday - 2 posted by Jamie on November 02, 2015 at 17:22:02:

Sounds like a totally awesome day. Running, diving and rolling around in the mud sounds like a total blast. Very, very envious. Your posts are always a delight to read. We all look forward to them. Thanks for sharing.

Re: A wet saturday - 2

Posted by trn on November 03, 2015 at 13:40:18

In Reply to: A wet saturday - 2 posted by Jamie on November 02, 2015 at 17:22:02:

Great story ! I think the hoody of Martin is Superdry? Really nice !! Would be fantastic in combination with Nylon or polyester trackies too like Nike or Adidas. Which I lived close to you.

Re: A wet saturday - 2

Posted by Jamie on November 03, 2015 at 19:14:32

In Reply to: Re: A wet saturday - 2 posted by trn on November 03, 2015 at 13:40:18:

Not sure what brand Martin's hoodie was and he not around to ask any more. He relaxed a lot during our day together and was really enjoying getting wet and muddy by the end of the day and totally OK with almost trashing his kit.

Re: A wet saturday - 2

Posted by Jamie on November 03, 2015 at 19:17:28

In Reply to: Re: A wet saturday - 2 posted by LevilovR on November 03, 2015 at 12:33:20:

Glad you like them. I always enjoy reading abvout your adventures as well. We had a real blast on saturday - there's nothing like getting a good soaking in either mud or water.

Re: A wet saturday - 2

Posted by Jamie on November 03, 2015 at 19:27:38

In Reply to: Re: A wet saturday - 2 posted by Bruce on November 03, 2015 at 12:24:33:

Thanks for the compliments, I just write about what I enjoy doing. I've been tutored in good writing at school and more so by reading, which I guess is the best way; read good writers and it will rub off in some way - good times for me are spending an afternoon reading; I'm trying to get Chris enthused as well.

We'll have to wait and see what happens to the jeans, they do dry out overnight mostly, we just don't always put them in the dryer between wearing them. Levis definitely get better with more and more wet and muddy wears, I love them.

Re: A wet saturday - 2

Posted by Jamie on November 03, 2015 at 19:31:54

In Reply to: Re: A wet saturday - 2 posted by wetchas on November 03, 2015 at 08:37:59:

Glad you enjoyed as much as we did the actual day. It was funny watching Martin gradually get used to the mud and wetness and coming not to worry about his precious clothes. To our surprise he wasn't even embarrassed about getting a hard-on or getting naked when we showered.

A wet Saturday - 3

Posted by Jamie on November 03, 2015 at 21:39:40

After we had all splashed aroiund in the mud and got thoroughly soaked and coated in mud, Martin was happy to stay as wet and muddy as the rest of us were. He seemed to have forgotten about being concerned to get his white jeans and smart sweatshirt filthy and he splashed through the puddles and dived into the mud as often as we did. We finished our first circuit of the trail and discussed whether to finish there and then or go on, to our surprise it was Martin who was most keen to carry-on.

"So what happened to your concern about getting those smart jeans filthy ?" Charlie asked him.

"Well, it was just fun seeing Ali dive into the mud and I just thought 'What the Hell - why should mum insist a 17 year old wear smart gear and then not expect it to get grubby ........."
is that reasonable ?"

"Bit more than grubby ........" I muttered.

".............. yeah, quite ........ but why should I be any different to any other teenager ? She does not object to me getting wet and muddy playing soccer at school, she accepts that as part of the game, so why should I not be like my mates and you all when I'm away from school ? I'm sure she'll be OK with this if I stand-up to her and don't take the easy way out by being quiet and doing what she prefers. I've felt a bit more free this week while with you all, particularly today, and I enjoyed it ......."

"Yeah, and I found out just how much ......" Charlie said.

"So did you, from the boner I could see, so don't try and deny it ......." Martin retorted quickly.

"True, happens every time I get wet in these jeans........" Charlie acknowledged.

So we did another circuit of the trail and got just as wet and muddy as before. When we got back to the house, I was just getting out the hose when Chris and his dad drove in. They both laughed aloud at the sight of us all and Chris volunteered to hose us down whilst uncle Greg simply said "Hi' to everyone from a distance and then hurried indoors. Chris obviously enjoyed hosing us all down, and in turn as we told him about the fun he had missed and he told us about the TV and audio kit that they had been buying. Eventually, when we were all relatively clean, we went off to the changing room to get into our dry clothes, whilst Chris put the hose away.

Alistair and Charlie were quite happy to strip off along with me and have a nice hot shower (we've all seen each other naked before at school) but Martin took a moment or two to get used to using the communal facilities but after a bit of teasing from his cousins he joined in and enjoyed the hot showers as much as we did. When we were all ready in dry clothes, I took everyone through to the laundry room and we put all of Charlie, Alistair and Martin's wet and muddy jeans and tops in the washing machine. Uncle Greg had had the foresight to create a laundry room adjoining the pool and he had it equipped with a huge Miele commercial washing machine and dryer that he had bought from a local hotel when it went bust and they were selling off all the equipment. We had just finished loading the machine and setting it off when Chris reappeared and said that his dad had suggested we all stay for lunch, so Charlie and me both rang home and squared that with them.

Re: A wet Saturday - the finish

Posted by Chris on November 03, 2015 at 23:01:54

In Reply to: A wet Saturday - 3 posted by Jamie on November 03, 2015 at 21:39:40:

I thought I would just finish off the story as Jamie seems to have run out of steam ...........

Dad and me got home to find Jamie just about to start hosing everyone down as they were absolutely filthy from playing around in the mud on the trail. I parked up at the side of the yard furthest away from them (yes - I passed my driving test this last week, so was able to drive dad to the shops - not too scary,, but felt a bit odd !) and dad hurried indoors to avoid getting a soaking from a playful Jamie. It looked like they had all had a lot of fun as bulges in jeans seemed to be the order of the day !

Of course I volunteered to hose them all down and despite the cold water they enjoyed it until eventually they all headed off to the changing room with bulges intact. I tidied up the hose and was just finishing when dad came out and suggested that I ask the others to stay for lunch, so I headed off to the ask and found them all stark naked enjoying a hot shower - I was almost tempted to join them !

During lunch Charlie and Alistair rather dominated the conversation and made everyone laugh with tales of school life and stories about Jamie that I had never heard before. This gave Martin, who had sat next to me, a chance to chat as we seemed to have taken a liking to each other straight away.

I've never met Martin (NOT "Marty" he told me after I made that mistake !) before and that fact seemed to encourage him to confide in me - a stranger - about the difficult time he is going through at the moment. Seems his parents are going through a very acrimonious divorce after his mum had taken him to live with his dad's best friend. She is now fighting to legally retain custody of him despite the fact that he (Martin) wants to continue living back home with his dad, who has done nothing wrong. Trouble is the courts over here seem to side with the mother most times - very odd. I suggested that he simply ring his dad and ask him to pick him up from Charlie and Alistair's rather than catch the train back to his mum in London. (I now know that he did just that - so good luck to him !).

After lunch, mum and dad went off to view an auction so we all relaxed around the pool until Charlie and Alistair decided that it was time to get wet again and stripped-off and jumped in the pool in just their boxers. Jamie decided to join them whilst Martin and me sat and watched them splashing around as we enjoyed just sitting in the weak sunshine as it was still pleasantly warm in the sheltered pool area. After a bit we both succumbed to temptation and stripped to our boxers and jumped in as well. The water was lovely and warm and spent the next hour or so splashing around, clambering out, showing off jumping in and pushing each other in until we were breathless and laughing too much to carry on.

After relaxing and drip drying for a bit the others went and got their clothes from the drier (Martin's white jeans were surprisingly back to a bright clean white again) and the three of them cycled off home. Jamie and me spent a while back in the pool again until my parents got home and that was it really for the day.

Re: A wet Saturday - 3

Posted by wetchas on November 04, 2015 at 08:49:27

In Reply to: A wet Saturday - 3 posted by Jamie on November 03, 2015 at 21:39:40:

Once again, thanks for posting this great story.
It's another one to add to add to your brilliant portfolio.
Hope it gets saved on the story's page.
Cheers. Wetchas.

ACDC concert in the rain

Posted by Happy if soaked on November 04, 2015 at 20:35:14

ACDC played last night in Sydney . Rained all night and it was an openair concert. 60000 odd people there; some had rain jackets on but most were there in jeans and tshirts etc. Top wet night

Birthday Party ! (- not mine)

Posted by Chris on November 04, 2015 at 22:08:02

On Sunday last we had been invited to a mate's 17th birthday party. Jake was actually 17 back in July but had postponed his party as his mum was recovering from cancer and, very understandably, the family were preoccupied with that; I've only met her twice and she seems a lovely person so everyone hopes that the ops she has had will lead to a complete recovery. Jake has been in pieces about it all so a party will be good for him and the rest of his family.

Jake has an older brother, who was 20 in October, so the event on Sunday was a joint party for all their friends, all in all about 45 - 50 people, including his mum and dad and some uncles and aunts and several cousins, I lost count of them all after the first four or five introductions.

I drove us over to his place ( have I said before that I passed my driving test last week ..........? ).

Jake's family are farmers, his dad and uncle run their spread (about 1,500 acres apparently),and they live in an old farmhouse in the middle of the farm on the top of a hill. It's lovely. I still cannot get used to how lovely the Cotswolds are; where we lived in New York state is rural but not very attractive as it was spoilt by seemingly unregulated development, quite unlike Britain.

We had been told in advance that we needed to take a change of clothes as it was entirely likely that we would get wet (very, very wet according to Jake) and he advised that something along the lines of old jeans and tees were to be the dress code, nothing would be too shabby ! We had been invited for a BBQ lunch followed by an afternoon of "Activities and Challanges" as the invite put it, so we weren't really sure of what to expect, although we did know that they had no swimming pool to get wet in !

All of Jake's invitees (apart fom family) were from school so we knew all of them, some of his brother's friends were older brothers or sisters of our friends so we knew a few of them as well, so it was not difficult to mix in and have a good friendly time from the get-go.

The BBQ was great, a whole sheep on a spit (Jake had known her as 'Amy' since bottle feeding her as an orphan lamb, he said - that would freak me out, eating a pet !) but I have to admit that with a plate of roasted veg and some mint sauce she was absolutely delicious ........... Jamie and me really stuffed ourselves, as did everyone else, I guess.

After lunch the adults retreated to the farmhouse and Jake and his brother, Will, announced that they had got a few activities organised and suggested that we might like to divide ourselves into teams of five. Jamie and me joined up with Charlie, Alison and Marie (all mates from school) and we somehow ended up with four teams each of Jake's and Will's friends with only a couple of them being mixed up by sets of brothers/sisters - eight teams in all.

The first activity was a tug-of-war. The field of play had been set up in the field nearest the house and was organised as a knock-out competition. Our team won our first match, lost our second, won our play-off for a placing of third overall. I really don't know how they worked it out but everyone seemed happy with the result and it was good fun anyway, so it didn't matter really. Surprisingly, a team of Jake's mates won overall, despite Will's team being bigger and heavier, I think they had probably been drinking a bit more alcohol over lunch that we had, being unused to it really. We ended up a bit muddy from falling over and being dragged along, but nothing meaningful.

The second event of the day was Zorbing - no, I didn't know what that was either. Zorbing is getting into a great big plastic ball and rolling down a hill. Sounds silly - and it is ! But great fun too ! The people who had been brought in to do it explained that each ball was double skinned with a pressurised outer to absorb shocks so the people inside didn't get hurt, and had an inner chamber that held three people comfortably or four if you didn't mind getting more intimate !

The organisers had bought two balls with them (very appropriate !) and three of the girls wanted to go first and were launched down the hill where the "recovery" crew waited to let them out. Will and three of his friends crammed themselves into the second ball and just as they were about to seal the entrance, one of the team asked if they wanted to add a bit of extra excitement to the ride, Will said "Yeah, why not ?" and the guy threw in a couple of buckets of water, much to their surprise, sealed up the entrance flap and pushed them off down the hill. We could hear their screams as it rolled away ........... They were still all dripping wet when they climbed the hill back up to the top and joined the rest of us again !

Jamie, Charlie, Alison and me volunteered to go Zorbing together. It seemed really odd crawling through the opening and splashing down in the centre of the ball trying to make room for the others as they crawled in. By the time we had our turn both balls had been used with the extra water thrown in, so we had no option really as the guys refused to empty it when asked, just grinning and saying it was "more enjoyable this way.". It was great fun but very disorientating as we rolled down the hill trying to avoid falling on top of each other too often and getting soaked by water sloshing around as we rolled around - I imagine being in a washing machine might be the nearest experience, but without the soap ! By the time we were let out we were all soaked to the skin and giggling hysterically ..... oh, and falling about from being so, so dizzy !

(to be continued)

Re: ACDC concert in the rain

Posted by Jamie on November 04, 2015 at 22:14:39

In Reply to: ACDC concert in the rain posted by Happy if soaked on November 04, 2015 at 20:35:14:

That sounds like fun, good music AND getting wet ........

Birthday Part - part 2

Posted by Chris on November 05, 2015 at 17:25:33

I wrote the rest of this up last night but couldn't post it as the internet would not connect ! Anyway, this ends the story for Jake's party. We are back at school now, of course, so not so much time to post or write of our doings. Enjoy.

After we had had our go at Zorbing we sat around on the grass watching everyone else get wet and dizzy. Every time another group went the guys running it chucked another bucketful of water into the Zorb ball - their theory was that it was making up for the water taken out by everyone getting their clothes soaked - but by the time we had the chance to go again, the water in the Zorb ball was almost knee deep. Jamie and Alison said they wanted to go with just two people as we had seen some others do it and it looked a bit less bruising as you could try and stay in the bottom of the ball as it rolled and not get fung around on top of each other. Charlie and me clambered in and had another bucket of water thrown over us inside before the guys sealed the entrance. With only two of us in there we could both sort of half-sit/half-lay in the bottom side by side facing each other, we found ourselves sitting in water up to our waists but as soon as the ball started rolling we slid up the side to a certain degree and then stayed there as the ball rolled with all the water continuously sloshing over us as it rolled. We thought we had been soaked before, but this really was a complete and continuous drenching, a bit like being under water but able to breathe. We didn't get tumbled around so much so weren't dizzy when we got out. What a rush that was.

We lay on the grassy slope drip drying until it was our turn to go again and then again, by which time the guys were itching to pack up and go, so everyone moved on to another activity, slightly calmer, that Jake and Will had dreamed up.

This involved the teams of five as before and they had us do a sort of relay race through and over some obstacles. They had set up five similar runs next to each other about 100 yards long. At each end were large plastic containers (imagine a short open-topped oil drum), then dotted down the course at regular intervals were a narrown plank of wood raised off the ground by about a foot, a large plastic ground sheet with some loose netting over the top all pegged to the ground, a large plastic tank (about 12ft x 6ft and just over 3ft deep) full of water, an A-frame set of rungs to climb up one side and down the other, and then a repeat of the other obstacles to the final plastic oil-drum. I think most of guessed what was coming when each team was given a plastic bucket and we were all lined up at one end, five team members in a line facing the water-filled oil-drum at the end, with our backs to the obstacles.

Will explained that the competition was to get a bucketful of water from one end to the other, negotiating the obstacles (i.e. walk along the plank, crawl under the net, climb through the tank of water, climb up and down the A-frame steps, and so on, empty any remaining contents of the bucket into the empty drum at the other end and then run back to the team. How hard could that be ?

The catch was that the person nearest the drum filled the bucket to whatever level they liked and then passed it backwards over their head to the team member behind them until the fifth person got it and set off, that person then taking up position one and doing the same. The competition was for each team member to go twice and whichever team had the most water in their finish drum at the end was the winner. No time limit, go as slow or fast as you want. Easy.

We were given a few minutes to practice passing a bucketful of water overhead backwards, just so that everyone could get the hang of it and judge how heavy it was, but in truth all it did was spill a lot of water and get everyone soaked again. This was going to be good.

Charlie said he would like to go first "Just to show you all how to do it" as he so modestly put it. The team competing in the lane next to us included his twin Alistair, so there was a bit of sibling rivalry going on there. Jake's dad and uncles and aunts had been persuaded to act as referees to ensure no one missed any obstacles.

We lined up with Charlie going first, then Alison, me in the middle, then Marie and Jamie last to go and also first to fill a bucket and start passing in back over his head. As a team we had decided to make the bucket as full as possible to start with and if we lost any in the overhead passes or through the obstacles then we might have a better chance of getting more to the end. We also thought that a steady pace would be better than racing ahead and risk falling and losing a whole bucket full.

A full bucket of water is actually quite heavy if you try and lift it above your head in two hands and pass it backwards, but Jamie only spilt a few drops and Marie managed even less, I don't think I spilled any at all, but that was helped by Alison being as tall as me, and she just slopped a tiny bit over Charlie as he took it from her.

Charlie set off at a good pace, keeping his arm bent to cushion any shocks from his running. He walked the plank with no problem, carefully slid the bucket ahead of him as he crawled under the net, held it balanced on the corner of the tank as he climbed in and slid it along the edge as he waded through, he negotiated the A-Frame with only spilling a bit at the top as he swung his legs over and did just as well as previously on the remaining obstacles, carefully pouring his precious load into the drum at the end. He wasn't the first team member to finish his round but we all thought he spilt less than the team next to us.

Alison did us proud as well and when it came to my turn I only spilt a bit climbing into the tank, after that I slowed down a bit - besides which it is not so easy to run quickly in sodden jeans (with a boner starting !) - and I did OK I guess. The others completed their turns as well as we had begun, and on the second go it was a bit easier as we all knew what was involved.

Alistair, much to Charlie's liking, caught his foot on the edge of the water tank getting out and fell flat but somehow managed to keep his bucket level and put it down firmly on the ground as did so, spilling only a few cupfuls from what we could see.

We all gathered around to hear the results of the measuring that Jake's dad had done and to our team's surprise we won by 3cms over the number two team. Our reward, apart from wondering how on earth we had magaged to do it, was to be pick-up be everyone else and dumped in the water tanks. After that general mayhem ensued as one big water fight started. The adults all made a hasty retreat, although Jake and Will did manage to get their father with one bucket of water over the head before he made his escape. Magically from somewhere Jake and Will produced a stack of buckets and the water fight continued until all five tanks and the plastic drums were emptied. I was dumped twice more by various people and managed to dump Jamie in once with the help of Charlie and must have poured doaens of buckets of water over everyone, it was huge fun and everyone joined in enthusiastically, even the girls.

The day ended with Will and Jake lighting a huge bonfire that they had prpared along with a few fireworks as we sat on the sloping lawn eating birday cake and drinking mugs of soup to warm us all up. The party would up at about 8pm, we were still all soaked to the skin, but happy after a really great day.

I should perhaps say what we were wearing, for those I can remember anyway, as I know some like to hear about that as well.

Jamie - his old, worn and faded Levi 501s; a dark blue Animal tee, red boxer-briefs, red Vans with white laces and soles, no socks. The old Levis turn a nice darker shade when wet and gleam and cling nicely for a short while, but the dark blue tee looked really good stuck to his body and really shiny all the time (he has perfected the technique of NOT pulling it loose away from his body when it is soaked and clinging, ha ha - show off !).

Charlie - dark blue cargoes, orange tee with FCUK logo in white across the chest, black Nike trainers, orange socks, no underwear (?) - didn't see any waistband and he says he likes going commando .........

Alistair - black jeans, black tee, black socks and trainers. I didn't notice any underwear waistband but I know from school that he normally wears black briefs.

Alison - black jeans, pink tee with floral pattern in yellows and greens, white trainers. Oh and a black sports bra - not a good choice with the pink tee all wet !

Marie - skinny blue jeans, black Adidas sweatshirt and trainers.

Jake - tobacco coloured GAP jeans (his favoured brand it seems), dark green GAP tee, yellow Gap underwear, yellow socks and dark green canvas shoes.

Will - very well worn, faded and torn baggy blue jeans (didn't see a brand label), a long-sleeved dark blue denim shirt, grey Nike trainers.

Most of Will's mates seemed to be into a mix of skate-boarding wear (loose baggy, oversized jeans and shirts etc, you know the kind of thing). Although there was one guy in white skinny jeans and tight white tee - all a bit too revealing when he got wet, but he didn't seem to care and was having a great time.

All our school mates there had a mix of denim jeans and cargos in various shades along with coloured tees mostly.

Me ? - black slim-fit coated (I think they call it) jeans from NEXT, khaki camo-pattern tee, black Next boxer-briefs, grey socks and Vans. The black jeans are a really comfortable fit and look good when wet, nice and shiny, and the coated finish makes them look slightly shiny even when dry. I bought them when we first arrived here but haven't worn them much, but after being wet in them for mos of Sunday, I think I'll wear them more often.

Re: ACDC concert in the rain

Posted by Happy if soaked on November 05, 2015 at 21:02:23

In Reply to: Re: ACDC concert in the rain posted by Jamie on November 04, 2015 at 22:14:39:

yeah a great wet night. Unfortunately the grass of the oval had been covered with a plastic floor so there was no mud or puddles to further enjoy

Re: Birthday Part - part 2

Posted by Chris on November 06, 2015 at 10:51:41

In Reply to: Re: Birthday Part - part 2 posted by wetchas on November 06, 2015 at 08:33:45:

Glad you enjoyed it; reading through it afterwards Jamie suggested that it was probably a bit verbose - "That's rich coming from you ....", I thought - and he spotted a couple of errors; pedantic little so-and-so !

Re: Birthday Part - part 2

Posted by Jamie on November 06, 2015 at 10:59:40

In Reply to: Birthday Part - part 2 posted by Chris on November 05, 2015 at 17:25:33:

Error - para 4, line two : Chris should have said there were eight (not five) obstacle sets lined up, one for each of the teams to go over.

Error - Alistair was wearing dark blue, not black, difficult to tell the difference once wet as it was a very dense dark blue.

Chris thinks I'm being picky pointing this out, but as I keep telling him "if you are going to do something, do it well" ha ha ha.

Re: Flood Boarding

Posted by Chris on November 06, 2015 at 21:03:49

In Reply to: Re: Flood Boarding posted by wetchas on November 06, 2015 at 13:02:43:

We went out tonight along the cycle track after school. We were going to go to the local town firework display, but dad was delayed getting back from Germany (his plane was faulty) so we didn't go along,, but did see it in the distance as the sound bangs went off and the light patterns appeared above the town.

It has been mostly dry today, but rained steadily yesterday, so the track was truly wet and muddy. Jamie wore some old orange (yikes !) track pants and a long-sleeved yellow tee, and I wore my old Levis and a blue Adidas tee. We both went commando - daring or what ! - and got totally soaked before we hit the mud. Jamie's track pants clung like nothing I have seen before (I'll let you imagine what that was like) and he made a real effort to get as wet as possible. My old jeans felt great when wet and even better when they got muddy inside and out when we hit the mud. We got back about an hour ago and had a hot shower and changed before grabbing a bit to eat and sitting down to look on hear before writing this.

I'm sure we will get muddy and soaked (or soaked in mud) again this weekend, so will write more over thenext few days.

A really wet Saturday - part 1

Posted by Chris on November 07, 2015 at 23:55:54

Jamie stayed over on Friday night as his parents were away for the weekend. I was woken at about 2am by the sound of rain rattling against the windows and the rooves and parapet outside the bedroom window - this house seems so much noisier than anywhere else that I have lived, it even creaks and groans like a sailing ship at sea when the wind gets strong - so I got up to have a look out and see how heavy it really was. It was raining a lot heavier than I have seen in the UK before and the gutters and flat roof outside were awash. I went back to bed and tried to get back to sleep, thinking about how wet and muddy the woods and cycle trail would be after all the rain.

I was shaken awake by Jamie.

"Hey, Chris, are you awake ?" he asked as I turned over to look at him and rubbed my eyes.

"Obviously, stupid !"

"It's absolutely pouring out there ......." Jamie started.

"......well it wouuldn't be in here, would it - stupid boy ....." I interrupted him (he can be really, really stupid at times ... he must practice, I guess).

"As I said, it is raining really heavily, and I thought we could take the opportunity for a good soaking before breakfast - what do you think ?"

"What time is it ?" I asked as I felt for my watch, it still seemed darkish outside.

"Just after ...... erm ...... 5 o'clock ........." he hesitantly admitted.

"Really? and you thought it was a good idea to wake me from a nice warm, dreamy sleep to join you outside in the dark and cold to get soaking wet, muddy and freeze my butt off in the process ?" I asked as he stood there grinning widely at me.

"You're bright - has anyone told you that before ? I knew you couldn't resist an invite like that." Jamie laughed as he turned on his heel and headed to the bathroom.

I sat-up and tried to wake up a bit more, I could hear the rain still hammering down outside and Jamie humming tunelessly to himself as he emptied his bladder very noisily - he has some very irritating habits: does he not realise that he can aim for the side ?

I jumped up as Jamie came back into the bedroom and grabbed the tan cargos that I had worn Friday at school, and pulled them on over the boxers that I had slept in. After pulling on a green sweatshirt, some socks and trainers. I ran my hands through my hair to make it a bit tidy and sat back on the bed whilst Jamie finish dressing. He had pulled on an old, faded pair of Levi 501s, a dark blue Lavi branded sweatshirt, blue socks and his usual Nike trainers.

"Are we going to change down by the pool and leave this stuff dry ?" Jamie asked.

"Not bothered - happy to go as I am now ....." I replied.

"OK, let's go then."

We headed through our joint study and downstairs in the part of the house that is being done up for Jamie's family, so as not to disturb my parents. I had my cell in my trouser pocket so quickly sent mum a text saying "Out in woods early, back by 9".

We got our bikes and cycled down to the start of the trail, only a few hundred yards, but were almost soaked through by the time we got there. The rain felt wonderful as it soaked through my clothes and drenched my hair, I could feel droplets running down my face and the back of my neck. My cargos were sticking to my legs as I rode and were changing colour to a nice shiny dark brown as they got wetter and wetter.

We cycled on and dismounted when we got to the first big puddle in a slight dip in the track. Jamie put his bike down and walked slowly into the puddle. He watched the water wash over his trainers and a few yards in it was up to his ankles, soaking the bottom of his jeans completely, although by now the rain had made us pretty much soaked through anyway. He ran down the track through the puddle, splashing as much water around as he went, then turned around and ran back before dropping down and doing half a dozen press-ups in the water. He was now thoroughly drenched, when he jumped up, the water poured off him.

"Fancy heading over to that dell over there ?" he asked pointing deeper into the woods on our right "With all this rain, it might have filled up - that could be fun."

"Good thinking, let's go." I replied.

The dell is not very big across but is quite deep, stand in the bottom and you can't see over the top. There are a few trees near the edge and one large fallen tree that leans against the side, we'd walked up it before. Now it was mostly underwater with only about six feet of it visible.

"Wow, that must be quite deep." Jamie remarked getting ready to jump in.

"Wait a moment. Are you sure you won't land on another tree trunk or something if you jump in ?" I asked "I don't fancy trying to carry you back home if you break a leg or something. We should check it out first."

"Go on then."

I started off down the slope, it was covered in leaves and not too slippery, but as I got near the water level, I missed my footing and stumbled forward ending up to my waist by the time I could stop.

"You might as wel have just jumped in, matey ......" Jamie called, laughing aloud.

I carried on as cautiously as I could and was up to my shoulders by the time I got to the bottom. God, the water felt chilly. I could feel it swishing coldly around my body under my clothes as I moved. I waded across to the fallen tree trunk finding no obstacles, and zig-zgged my way around a bit to check the rest of the are, and climbed out up the tree trunk. I watched as Jamie jumped in and swam over to the tree trunk where I gave him a hand up and we surveyed the area.

"We could put up a couple of cables between these trees as walk wires, or whatever, that could be fun when it's like this." Jamie said as he wiped wet hair out of his eyes.

"Uncle Danny or Tom would know where to get something like that ......... they could probably advice about fitting it safely as well." I suggested "Or we could ask at a shop that sells climbing equipment - do you know any around here ?"

"No, why would I ?" Jamie replied as he pushed me into the water, when I surfaced he was back in the water as well. We splashed around for a bit trying to push each other under, before heading back to our bikes and carrying on along the trail.

A really wet Saturday - part 2

Posted by Chris on November 08, 2015 at 18:12:17

We continued along the trail until we reached the long ride, splashing thrrough as many puddles as we could on the way. The rain had not eased up at all, in fact it seemed to be getting harder but that may have been because it was not so sheltered as the trees were further away from the trail.

The long ride looked very wet indeed, all the ruts looked to be as full as they could be and in some places the water stretched almost all the way across. We started to ride along but the wheels just sank in more and more, so we dumped the bikes and proceeded on foot.

"We could just retrace our steps and not go all the way around if this part is really difficult; it wouldn't be easy carrying a bike through this whilst slipping and slidding about when you can't see where to put your feet." Jamie said, and with the next step he immediately sank to his knees in mud and water.

"That was good timing .......... I'll try over here and see what it's like." I replied.

I stepped sideways to what looked like firmer mud and my foot immediately sank in as I lost my balance and fell backwards, ending up sitting in a deep muddy rut. My impact splashed mud and water over Jamie and when I sat up and looked over he was coated in the stuff all down one side. I was also covered and was now sitting almost up to my chest in watery mud, I could feel it inside my trainers and seeping inside the back of my jeans. I struggled to get up but my foot was stuck deeply in the mud, so I had to lean forward and try to dig it out with my hands. Eventually I got it free, rolled onto my side and levered myself to my feet. Everything was a muddy brown from my chest down and my trainers were heavy with thick mud as well.

"Now you're free, give me hand so I can pull my feet out, I can't get any purchase anywhere." Jamie said.

I gave him my hand and then pulled as the mud gave a huge sucking, squelching sound and he was free, I probably pulled a bit too hard and suddenly as he fell on top of me and we splashed down sideways in a tangle of arms and legs. When we settled we were lying across several ruts, my backside in deep mud and water in one, my feet in another and my back and shoulders had squashed the side of another so that water was lapping across me as well. Jamie was lying on his side on top of me, one elbow in my ribs, his hip betweem my splayed legs and one of my knees in his crotch. We looked at each for a moment and then Jamie kissed me on the forehead, laughed and said "I didn't know you cared so much about me, you naughty boy ......."

"Same goes for you." I said, pressing my knee further into him.

"Yeah, feels great doesn't it ?"

He grinned and rolled sideways off me and we lay on our backs in the mud and water, letting the rain pour down over us.

After a bit, we scrambled to our feet, admiring the messy state we were in, and set off further down the ride. We splashed around and threw ourselves into the deepest water and mud filled ruts that we could find, belly-flopping, diving and just plain falling and when we got to the end, turned around and did the same again all the way back to our bikes. Breathless and with our clothes heavy with mud we slowly cycled home.

When we got back to the old stableyard, the clock said it was just coming up to 8am; I had no idea that we had been so long. Can you have too much fun ? We got the hose out and washed the mud off each other, which took a while and felt really cold, and then walked through to the pool area heading for a nice hot shower in the changing room, but Jamie decided to take a running dive into the pool and I was about to join him when the double glass doors to the sitting room opened and dad stepped out onto the verandah. From the look on his face I knew he was not happy. Oooops.

"Hey, young man, what have I said before about jumping in the pool in dirty clothes. Get out of there NOW." dad said in as raised a voice as I have ever heard him use, just enough to be clearly heard.

Jamie swam to the side and hauled himself out, leaving a trail of muddy brown colour in the water.

"Well ? What have you got to say, I'm waiting ........" dad said really quietly.

"Sorry." Jamie said looking at his feet as the water drained out of his clothes.

"Go on."

"Well we did wash off the mud with the hose before coming through here. I thought it would be OK ........ I'll not be so silly in future, promise. And I'm sorry, really."

"Very well, apology accepted, thank you. At least you did hose each other down before hand. Look, I don't mind either of you or your friends swimming in clothes, I like doing it too, if I'm honest, but getting dirt in the pool just clogs up the filters and makes it less than a sparkling experience for everyone else. Just engage that brain - I'm sure you've got one somewhere in there - before you act, OK ?"

"Yes, uncle Greg, I'll try." Jamie replied.

"And you can wipe that grin off your face too, my son - I saw you were about to dive in as well ........" he glared at me.

"Sorry, we'll be more careful in future."

"We'll see if that happens, I won't be holding my breath ............ now go get that hot shower, you must be half frozen; by the way was it worth it, getting up so early and getting wet and filthy in the cold ?"

"Absolutely" I grinned. I heard him chuckle as I turned away.

We had our hot showers, changed into some dry jeans and tees, put all our clothes in the washing machine and headed indoors to get some socks and footwear. We helped dad get breakfast whist he asked about the state of the woods and tracks after all the rain, and, when mum appeared, we had a leisurely family breakfast.

Dad asked if we could show the guy around who was coming in to fit all the stereo and TV equipment that we'd bought, saying that he had some work to do and phone calls to make; he said he'd learn from us how it all works as we would probably understand it all better than him anyway, which is true .......... he still needs help just turning on the TV, never mind recording a programme or playing it back. And this is a scientist who is in charge of hundreds of people working on multi-million pound research projects for a multi-national company.

(to be continued)

A really wet Saturday - part 3

Posted by Chris on November 09, 2015 at 00:37:30

This part is a bit long, sorry about that, got carried away ......

After the excitement of the early morning, I was really rather looking forward to a quiet day with perhaps a swim again in the afternoon (I enjoy swimming in the rain and as the pool is nicely heated that just makes it all the better) but things never seem to that simple, also the last thing I think either of us wanted to do was upset my dad again. Mind you, he is far more relaxed, discipline wise, than I probably deserve but as it happens without drama, is so low key, it somehow has more impact. Jamie thinks he's a bit scary at times like that - his dad shouts and goes red in the face (you can almost see the veins on the side of his head bulging !!) so you end up laughing after a bit; I wouldn't risk laughing at my dad, no way. Jamie was not his usual bubbly chatty self over breakfast, so much so that, afterwards, mum asked if we had had a falling out or something.

Anyway, by the time the audio/visual guy turned up soon after 10am, it had stopped raining and dad was in his study working.

I met the installer at the front door and suggested that as most of the equipment was due to be installed in the living-room opening onto the pool area, it would be nearer for him to park in the stableyard as it was just a short step from there through the double doors. I pointed where he should go and then ran round to the stableyard entrance to guide him in. When he got there I was surprised to see that he had someone else in the passenger seat of his van, a young lad of 12 or 13, but when Peter, the installer, came round the side of his van he opened the door and beckoned the lad to help him.

"They start them young at your company." I joked.

"Yeah, but not this young." Peter said ruffling the lad's hair "This is my son, George; his mum has had to work today, she's a nurse, and I couldn't leave him on his own. Hope that's OK - he can give me hand getting the stuff inside and then wait in the van, he's got his iPod with him."

"Let him come in, at least he can wait in comfort - does he like computer games ?" I asked "My cousin Jamie or me can give him a game or two on my laptop, if he'd like that."

"Thanks for the offer, that's kind of you, but he's not really into computer games. Let's get this stuff in first." Peter replied.

I gave him a hand with some of the bigger boxes and he laid it all out methodically on the living-room floor. Young George was looking around and running his hand over the furniture as he watched us.

"Go and get your iPod, George, and come and sit in here whilst I work." Peter told his son. When he had gone Peter continued "Thanks for the offer about the games, but George is autistic, not severely thank goodness, but flashing lights and fast moving images and so on upset him, he perceives them differently to you and me. He loves music with a steady beat and Mozart in particular. He'll be more than happy to sit quietly and listen to that, he might wander around the room a bit and touch things as different textures and so on help him concentrate. I'll introduce you when he comes back so that he feels safer, if that is OK."

"Yes, of course, anything to put him at ease." I replied.

Just as I finished speaking we hard a splash from outside quickly followed by a second bigger one.

"Oh Hell !" Peter muttered and we rushed outside to find Jamie in the pool, holding George up under his armpits and just pushing him onto the side.

"What happened ?" I asked.

"I was just coming out of the changing room, when I saw this kid falling into the pool I jumped in to rescue him." Jamie spluttered as he pulled himself out and stood up "Who is he ?"

"He's my son, George." Peter replied as George stood up, obviously none the worse for his ducking "When we walked in and passed the pool I should have thought of it ........... George loves water, he's an excellent swimmer ..... when he sees water he thinks its fine to just jump in and swim. I am so sorry, I was too pre-occupied, and now you're wet for no real reason - not that you were to know of course - you did exactly the right thing, thank you."

"Don't worry, just glad he's OK." Jamie said "I'm Jamie, by the way, Chris' cousin."

"Glad to meet you, I'm Peter and this little horror is George, as I said." Peter replied as he shook Jamie's hand "Now, George, apologise to Jamie for giving him a fright and causing him to get wet."

"Sorry Jamie, and thank you for rescuing me." George said solemnly, then he looked at his dad and asked "Can I go in now for a proper swim, dad ?"

"Oh well, I don't think ........" Peter started.

"He can as far as we're concerned if he's a good swimmer, no problem." Jamie said.

"Yeah, why not ? Jamie could entertain George whilst we sort out the audio stuff, if that's OK with you ?" I said to Peter.

"Well if you are sure, I don't want to put you out having got Jamie wet already." Peter said looking relieved.

"No problem. You wouldn't believe how many times I've been for a swim in these clothes." Jamie laughed, he then knelt down on one knee in front of George and pointed to the changing room door "Why don't you go through that door to the changing room and get out of these wet clothes, look in the basket on the bench by the door, you should find a pair of Chris's old bright red swimshorts in it that will fit ........ and leave those wet clothes on the bench, we'll get them dry for you to go home in later."

"Are you sure about this, I don't want to be a trouble ? It wouldn't be the first time he's had to hang around in wet clothes and then travel home in his underpants in the car." Peter said.

We watched George head off and then I explained to Jamie about George.

"Great, I can have another swim as well, we can have some fun together whilst you learn all about that audi/visual stuff. I'll go and see if George has found those old shorts of yours, and I'll put his stuff in the drier." Jamie grinned "Can George do different jumps yet, or does he just like to swim around ?" he asked Peter.

"He did try once, but he needs a good teacher and I don't swim that well, his mum is the swimmer." Peter replied.

"I can teach him a few things if you think he'd be up for it. Chris and me have both coached swimming survival at school with the younger lads, George's age roughly, I guess." Jamie said.

"He's just coming up to 13." Peter replied "And he's a good learner of things he's interested in and swimming and water are his favourite things, so he'd be a very happy lad if you can show him a few things. Thank you so much."

Jamie headed off to the changing room, pulling off his wet sweatshirt as he went and Peter and me went back indoors.

Over the next 90 minutes, Peter managed to install and set up the TV, mounted above the fireplace, the DVD player/recorder and the main component of the hi-fi system on the shelves nearby and connect them all together ready to connect to the main hard-drive hub that would service the whole house and link it all to the wireless internet and Bluetooth network.

All the time we were working, or rather he was, as I just watched and tried to follow what he was doing as he explained each step,, we could hear lots of splashing and joyful shouts from the pool.
I suggested that we have a break for coffee, but just as I was doing so mum came in to ask if we were all ready for a break.

"Is that Jamie in the pool, I thought he was supposed to be learning about this stuff as well ?"

"Long story, mum, I'll tell you later, but yes that is Jamie, he is doing a sterling job with an unexpected visitor, Peter's son, George." I explained.

"Oh right" mum replied "I'll go and get those coffees - would your son like something as well, Peter, do you think ?"

"Just a fruit squash or something if you have it, would be great, nothing fizzy." Peter answered "Thanks very much."

"If the boys are in the pool, we could sit out there, its brightened up a bit, if you like." mum suggested.

"Good idea; come on Peter we'll go and see what they are up to." I said.

We found Jamie and George in the pool, of course, Jamie was stood chest deep in the water with George trying to stay afloat next to him as Jamie instructed him on how to successfully float on his back without moving. I could see that Jamie had a hand hovering a few inches below George's back. George was wearing my old red shorts and Jamie was just in his jeans, bare-chested.

"That's it, keep your head back, straighten your back ..... don't curve downwards ...... relax and keep your arms and legs spread wide, breathe steadily, don't hold it .......... I think you've cracked it mate ........... I'll move away a bit give you some room ....... OK, I'm still here ..... try closing your eyes and just drifting off in a tranquil world of your own ...... that's it, good, very good ........" as he said this Jamie moved quietly further away from George until he reached the side, he pushed himself up and sat on the edge of the pool still saying encouraging things to George as he floated. Jamie turned towards us, grinned widely and gave a thumbs up.

"Are you ready for a break now ?" I asked "Mum's getting coffees."

"Yeah sure" Jamie said, getting to his feet "OK George, open your eyes now and swim to the side over here. We'll take a break."

George opened his eyes and lifted his head a bit, seeing his dad watching him, he grinned and called out "Look, Dad, I can float now." Then he pulled his arms and legs to his sides and rolled over before diving to the bottom and surfacing at the side, where Jamie grabbed his wrists and hauled him out. He was so excited at what he had achieved that he rushed to his dad's side and gave him a big wet hug. We all laughed.

Mum came out with a tray of coffees and Jamie went to take the tray as soon as he saw her.

"Thanks Jamie." she laughed "Why are you always wet when I see you ?" she asked as she looked him up and down.

"Long story, this time, but I've been teaching young George here some useful skills, like how to float and dive in without making a big splash. A few show-off tricks and jumps as well - he's a quick learner ......... aren't you, George ?" he finished as he put the tray down.

"I like swimming - the world makes more sense when you can feel it around you all over - and now I can float on my back, Jamie taught me." George said. Very profound for a 12 year old, I thought.

We sipped our coffees and George his fruit squash as Peter once again apologised for causing so many problems, like getting Jamie wet, and explained to mum about George's autism.

"Don't worry about that, if you knew these two better you'd know getting them wet is regarded as a favour. They'd spend all day in mud and water if they could, just like two pigs !" Mum said.

"Oh thanks, mum, very much - nice to know what you really think of us ......." I retorted.

"I see your old shorts found a good use at last, my boy, good job I didn't chuck them away." Mum said "Looks like they fit George perfectly, reminds of those far-off problem-free days when you were his age and size ....... happy days !" she laughed.

"Oh, so now I'm a problem and too big as well as being like a pig ! Fine mother you are ....." I joked.

"No of course you're not, I just miss being able to pick you up and give you a cuddle - now it's you who pick me up and give me a bear hug, entirely different. This, you see, Peter is what it is like when they grow up ....."

"They're both fine lads, I'd be proud to have either of them as my son. Jamie has been brilliant with George, he doesn't always take to strangers easily." Peter said.

George had finished his drink and was obviously wanting to ask his dad something.

"Can I show how I can dive in, dad, I've finished my drink." george asked.

"Of course you can, off you go." Peter said.

Jamie got up as well and said to George "Shall we give them the full show ? Like we practiced earlier."

"Yes, please" George shouted and he ran to the far end of the pool. Jamie turned to us and said we should get up and get a bit nearer to see properly, and he then slid back in the water and took up a position where he was standing chin deep in th water with his legs apart.

"OK George, ready when you are." he called.

Geore ran along the side off the pool and dived in towards Jamie, zoomed between his legs and surfaced behind him. Jamie turned and put his hands, palms up in the wtaer in front of him, George swam back put his hands of Jamie's shoulders to steady himself and raised his legs placing his feet on Jamie's hands where upon Jamie lifted him up and he did a back flip, propelled by Jamie before landing back in the water.

George swam to the steps and climbed out, he walked to the edge, stood upright for a second otr two and them sprang up in a forward roll, flipping over and hitting the water feet first. He then got out again and did a backward flip into the water. before surfacing and floating calmly on his back as Jamie got out of the water. We all applauded him and Jamie came and sat down again to finish his coffee whilst George continued to play in the water.

"Did you teach him all that this morning, Jamie ?" mum asked.

"Yeah, pretty much. He's a quick learner ..... is that something to do with the autism, Peter .... I only needed to demonstrate those flips once and he just seemed able to copy my every move."

"Yes, I believe so. His mum knows more about it than I do, being a nurse, but he does seem to be able to see something done once and know it. I shown some soccer skills and he's pointed out when I've done it differently a second time and I'd not know. It must be something visual, I think, when he was diagnosed one of the tests they did was to set out a number of objects on a table, show it to him, take him out of the room, change placings on two out of maybe thirty items, and he'd spot the difference as soon as he walked in, absolutely no hesitation. I can't do that."

"Ther's an American lad, 15 or 16 years old, who can see a cityscape just once, or cars on a street - complicated things - and he can then do drawings down to the last detail of what he swa. Beautiful work, I saw an exhibition of his work when we lived in New York." Mum said.

"Some people believe that Michaelangelo and Da Vinci and many other such artists may have been autistic to some degree, don't they ?" Jamie asked.

"Ther's so much we don't know about how our brains and minds work, maybe we will never know." I said.

(to be continued)

A Very Wet Saturday - final part

Posted by Chris on November 10, 2015 at 19:56:51

Just as we had finished our coffees, Dad appeared and sat down.

"Hi, you must be Peter - pleased to meet you" he said leaning across to shake Peter's hand "We met your dad at the store and he said it would be you doing the installation. Are you all done ?"

"Not completely. The TV and audi hi-fi are in place and connected, just the connection to the main hub for Wi-fi and Bluetooth and installation of all the speakers and the wall-mouted control units in each room. Once that is all done, I can set up any computers, tablets or mobiles that you want to use. That should all take a couple of hours max, barring any problems. I'll be out of your way by lunch-time."

"Great - stay for lunch if you like - it'll just be a snack, bread and cheese - right, dear ?" Dad said.

"That's kind of you - let's see how the time goes - I feel I've caused enough problems so far today."

Dad looked over at Jamie and looked him up and down as he lounged back in the chair opposite him, noticing his wet, clinging jeans, straggly hair and the puddle of water around his bare feet and under the chair itself.

"Couldn't resist another dip, eh Jamie ? I thought I heard some splashing around as I came through the house." he asked looking stern and disapproving.

"It wasn't quite like that." Jamie said indignantly, looking around for support from everyone else as he sat up a bit straighter.

"Jamie jumped in to rescue my son, George." Peter said "He's been teaching him some tricks all morning."

"I'm only joking, Jamie, I saw you both from my study window a while ago. I did wonder who the boy was, though." dad said, grinning.

We all chipped in telling dad about what had happened.

"George is actually a good swimmer." I said "but even so Jamie did the right thing whichever way you look at it."

"How old is George, 12 or 13 ?" dad asked "I was a good swimmer at his age, I could beat any of my mates across the local river or a length of the pool ......."

"Bet you couldn't now !" I snorted "I can beat you hollow any time ..........."

"OK, Mr Fitness, want to take bet on that ?" dad asked quietly.

"Yeah, why not ?" I replied, feeling confident "What are the terms of the bet to be ?"

Dad thought for a moment and then said "Fifty pounds cash says I can beat you to the far end of the pool, from where we are sitting - and, look, you are nearer the pool than I am right now - from the moment mum say "GO". Here's my fifty quid on the table - if you beat me, its your's; if I win; I get to keep it and gain bragging rights that I can still beat you. Mum acts as referee in case of dispute. Agreed ?"

"You're on, easy money." I said quickly looking around at everyone, Jamie was grinning from ear to ear, Peter looked surprised, not sure whether to laugh or not.

"I'll take that money and wait at the end of the pool. Wait for my call to start." Mum said.

Dad ostentatiously emptied his pockets of wallet and keys and put them on the table, I did the same with my 'mobile.

"Are we taking shoes and trainers off ?" I asked.

"Your choice - I'll stay as I am." dad replied.

I slipped off my trainers, guessing that I'd be faster through the water without them, and dad would be hindered by his canvas slip-ons.

"What about shirts ?" I asked.

"You can go stark naked if you like, but I think I'll keep my clothes on as we have guests ........" Dad replied calmly, as Jamie stiffled a giggle.

"Go on, Chris ........ go naked, give us all a laugh ........ you know you want to !" Jamie advised.

"OK guys, are you both ready ?" Mum called "I'll do the usual countdown and you both stay in your chairs until I get to the end."

"Can we get George out of the water so he doesn't get in the way." Peter asked and Jamie went over and helped him climb out. They stood on the side and watched.

"Ready ....... Steady ...... GO !" mum shouted.

I jumped up and ran as fast as I could to the pool edge and dived in, hit the water and swam staying under for as long as I could, before surfacing and striking out with a front crawl, not caring how much I splashed, I just wanted to beat the old man ............. I touched the end wall and wiped the water from my eyes to see dad standing on the side next to mum, grinning like a Cheshire cat - WTF .... he was bone dry. I hauled myself out and stood in front of them as the water poured out of my clothes. I suddenly realised why I had lost.

"You crafty old devil !" I said trying to catch my breath "I just realised ........... you didn't say we should swim ........... you just said you could get to the far end of the pool before me - so you ran here ............ actually you probably walked it, quite literally. What a dimwit I am...... how was I so easily taken in ?"

"You assumed that because I had boasted about being a fast swimmer, that was what I was trying to prove." dad laughed "You talked yourself into it and the chance of getting fifty quid blinded you to reason. You should have thought it through logically."

"Fair enough" I replied, trying not to laugh as well "Well done, you got me." and I put my hand out, he took it, and then realised his mistake as I pushed myself off sideways into the pool taking him with me.

We spluttered to the surface, swam to the side and hauled outselves out. Everyone was laughing, George and Jamie had a fit of the giggles which they stopped by bombing back into the pool with a huge splash.

"See what I have to put up with from my own son, Peter - would you call that being a bad loser?" dad asked, before pushing me back in.

Peter went off to carry on with his work and I clambered out and went to get out of my wet clothes. Dad was already under a hot shower, still in his blue chinos, his shoes and sock to one side and his shirt on top. We laughed and chatted as we undressed and showered.

"I'll give you that fifty quid if you split it with Jamie" Dad said "think of it as thanks for learning about all that equipment and for Jamie taking care of George - they seem to get on well, don't they ?"

"Yup, he seems to have the knack of dealing with younger kids." I replied "And thanks for money, very generous ........"

"Well I have no doubt that if we had had a swimming race, you would have beaten me fairly easily, so it seems only fair." dad conceded "And I, very generously, forgive you pulling me in afterwards, but I will get you back for that at some future date, be assured."

"I'll remember that ....." I said as I switched off my shower then quickly leaned across and hit the cold button on his "Looks like you need a cold shower .........." I finished as I stepped away and wrapped a towel around me.

"Oh God that is freezing ........... " dad spluttered as he turned off the shower "Whatever happened to that angelic child that I knew when you were George's age ? What did you do with him, you great hulking bully !!"

"He grew up !" I laughed "The child is still there - that's why he likes getting wet and muddy and turning the shower to cold unexpectedly."

"I guess that is the answer." dad said as he wrapped a towel around himself "I'm glad he's still there, makes life much more enjoyable for all of us."

"Speaking of which, I've just thought of something that might bring out your child - he's been missing for a while, hasn't he ? - Jamie and me plan to go to the woods again tomorrow early; why don't you come with us and have a bit of wet and muddy fun before you disappear back to the world of executive jets, big business and reasearch problems ? You'll enjoy it."

"Yes, OK. I've been a bit stressed recently - moving, new job, buying another home and doing it up all at the same time - only need to add a divorce and we'd have the full house of the most stressful life events. Can't have been easy for you and mum either, I appreciate that."

"Don't worry about me" I said " honestly, I'm happier than I've ever been, I think - love being in England, like the school and having other family around - aunts, uncles and cousins - this house is great - the only downside is not having you around except at weekends."

"Well that makes me very happy hearing you say that." Dad said putting a hand on my shoulder "I'm glad I resisted moving to Germany, I wouldn't have put us all through that, and in future, once things are more settled at work, I can spend two or thrree days a week working from home - I just need to show the rest of the board that I can do the job effectively first and push the research projects forward as much as is feasible."

"Mum will be more settled once Jamie's family move in, and if Tom and his family eventually move in as well, that will be even better."

"Yes, that will be good - it may take a while, but Tom has already said he'd like a flat created over the garages. Anyway that is all in the future. Let's get Jamie's family in first. What time do you want to go out tomorrow early ?"

"We went at 5 o'clock today, but we could easily make that 6 or later if you like."

"Let's make it six as it's a sunday, and see what the weather is doing. The forecast if for more rain over night and most of the day tomorrow. I have to be at the airfield at 5pm, so plenty of time for a relaxed sunday lunch."
"OK' I said "Sounds good to me. Do you want me to drive you to the airfield ?"

"No, thanks for the offer, but I can leave the car there and I may be coming back for a meeting on thursday so will need it for that. Can I leave you to put our clothes in the drier ? I need to get back indoors for some dry ones."

"OK, I've got to find George's stuff anyway and put our stuff from this morning in as well, its all been in the washer and I forgot about it."

Dad dashed back through the rain to the house and I sorted out our stuff. I found a pair of Jamie's shorts and a tee hanging on a peg, so borrowed those for myself.

As I passed the pool going back to the house I called to Jamie "I borrowed these shorts and tee, hope that's OK. All our kit from this morning is in the dryer now, so you'll have some dry clothes for when you get out of there lunchtime. And George, your clothes sre dry and on the bench by the door. OK ?"

"Cheers, Chris, thanks for that." Jamie called.

By lunchtime it was raining quite heavily again, but Jamie and George were still messing around in the pool, thoroughly enjoying themselves. Peter and me finished off the installation, and once he had explained how to link up my tablet and mobile via the control app, he watched as I did everyone else's mobiles and tablets. He then asked me to explain to him how the wall control units worked, just to check that I had remembered it all.

When we had finished we put all the waste packaging in his van, tidyied up the sitting room, checked everywhere to make sure he'd not left any equipment and then found dad to say we had finished.

Peter went off to find George and I explained to dad that he would be getting warrenty, installation checklists and receipts via his email.

"Is Peter staying for lunch, I've got everything ready for us to sit down ?" mum asked.

"I don't know, what time is it ?" I asked.


"I'll go and ask, he's probably with George getting him showered and changed." I said.

I sprinted across to the changing room through the heavy rain and found Jamie and George both under the showers as Peter waited just inside the door.

"Great facilities you have here." Peter remarked "Your cousin isn't shy is he - he just stripped off in front of us and stepped into the show as if he does it everyday." he laughed.

"Well he does - we both do - at school most days - communal showers for everyone after sports - you soon get used to it." I said.

"We didn't have much in the way of changing rooms and showers at my school - sports was at the end of the day and we all went home in our kit to get showered. I can see you both keep yourselves fit, things have changed since my school days, even though it's only been fifteen years."

The showering eventually stopped and Jamie grabbed a couple of clean dry towels, gave one to George and wrapped the other around himself. George went back to his dad who gave him a good vigorous drying whilst I went and got Jamie some clothes from the dryer.

"Here you go, Jamie, clothes you wore this morning in the woods, I'll take everything else indoors. Lunch is ready by the way. Peter, are you and George going to stay for lunch, you'll be most welcome ?"

Peter looked at his watch, "No offence, but we should be going, we're picking my wife up at the hospital at 2:30 and I need to take the van back to the shop and dispose of this cardboard beforehand, I leave my car there, and we can't get three of us in the van. We'll all stop for a burger or something at the hospital cafe with the wife, I expect. Thanks for asking, though, and thanks again to you two for helping out with George, he's had a great time, he can't wait to tell his mum, can you son ? I'll just pop back to say thanks again to your parents, Chris, George can go straight to the van, its unlocked."

We all sprinted back to the house through the rain, but as mum and dad were waiting sheltered under the verandah, we all stopped for Peter and George to say thier fairwells and thanks before they headed off.

"Well, you two lads have done a splendid job today, especially you Jamie - I think you've got a fan in George - what a lovely boy." mum said "Proud of you both."

After lunch I gave the others a quick lesson in how to use the equipment that had been installed, mainly because I thought I might forget it all, and we spent the rest of the afternoon putting music, dvds and photographs onto the new harddrives at the centre of the system, by the time we had done that the system showed that we had barely used up 20% of its capacity. All of this stuff would now be available on any device via wi-fi or Bluetooth if we were at home or via the internet if we were out and about. Very cool.

The End

Re: More stories

Posted by Chris on November 11, 2015 at 21:34:46

In Reply to: More stories posted by Justin on November 11, 2015 at 04:41:40:

Great stories, Jamie and me had a good read through parts today - I particularly like the bit about gettig pied with your friends at the kids camp, sounded like fun. Thanks telling us all about them.

Wet time on Sunday morning - part 1.

Posted by Jamie on November 12, 2015 at 13:38:04

Chris suggested that I write up this first part of our time getting wet and muddy early on Sunday last with his dad, my uncle Greg, as I was more involved with the early part whilst he was still getting ready. It's a bit long, but, hey, you can always skip the dull bits .....

After Chris had dared uncle Greg to join us for our trip to the woods again early on Sunday morning, we tried to persuade aunt Pam to come along as well, as she had enjoyed getting wet several times before, but she declined saying that she did not trust us not to try and get her covered in mud even if we'd all agreed she could just observe. Understandable, I guess, knowing Chris and his dad.

We were sitting watching TV after supper when uncle Greg spoke up during the adverts.

"Why don't you 'ring Tom" he suggested "and see if he'd like to join us tomorrow morning. I imagine he's been too busy working here and doing his college work to join you on the cycle trail."

"We haven't had any wet or muddy fun with Tom for a long while. He has been using the pool occasionally after working here, but not since you moved in, I think." I said "I've hardly spoken to him; have you Chris ?"

"No I haven't really spoken to him since we've been back at school. I'll give him a ring now - I'm not a fan of this programme anyway - I'll be back in a minute or two." Chris said getting up and leaving the room.

"Bye the way Jamie, you mentioned the flooded hollow earlier, are there any sturdy trees near the edge of it that you could hang a rope from safely ?" uncle Greg asked.

"There are some quite near, but the trees thin out as you approach the hollow. One of the biggest has fallen in already, that's the one we climbed up - it has fallen like a ladder from the bottom to the edge - but whether any of the others are near enough or rooted firmly enough, I don't know ..... how would you test it ?"

"I was just thinking that there is a long coil of rope in one of the outbuildings - it looks quite new - and I remember the fun my mates and I used to have swinging out over the local river, always hoping that one of the others would fall in first." uncle Greg laughed at the memory.

"That would be fun, I agree. We could take a closer look tomorrow - Chris has planned to push you in there anyway, just to get you thoroughly soaked to start off ........"

"Thanks for the warning - we'll have to see who pushes who, won't we ?" he chuckled.

"That's why I told you .....give me the nod if you need a hand to ambush him - it would be my pleasure." I laughed and he gave me a thumbs up just as Chris came back.

"You two look very guilty - what are you plotting ?' Chris asked looking at each of us.

"What could we have to plot about, Chris ? ............. just chatting, that's all. Is Tom joining us ?" I asked.

"Yes, he'll be here in the stable-yard at 6 with his bike and ready for lots of mud and water. He said he could do with some muddy fun to waste some energy, he's feeling 'restless' apparently." Chris told us "Come on, Mum, tell me what these two are plotting - I can see they're up to something."

"Sorry dear, I wasn't listening to them ..... I'm trying to watch this programme." aunt Pam replied.

Later that evening as I was getting into my bed, Chris pressed me again about what his dad and me had been plotting. He'd caught the word 'ambush', he thought, as he was saying goodbye to Tom whilst coming back into the room.
"Ambush ?" I asked "You must have misheard - your dad asked if the undergrowth had been cleared near the hollow and I just said there weren't "any bushes" nearby just trees. He was wondering if we could rig up a rope as a swing from an overhanging tree."

"Well ..... maybe that's true ..... but I just don't believe it, that's all ......." Chris observed doubtfully.

"You'll have to believe it, there's nothing else to tell. Now just go to sleep and let me get some too ....... " I replied as I snuggled under the duvet and turned away from him.

As I lay facing the wall and trying to get to sleep, I heard Chris go into the bathroom and shut the door - which he doesn't usually do - but I thought nothing of it. I closed my eyes and tried to think sleepy thoughts. The next thing I knew the duvet was pulled off me and when I instinctively made a grab for it, Chris snatched it further away. I turned on my back again to see him standing over me, he was holding the plastic waste bin from the study.

"This bin is full of cold water, so unless you tell me now what you and dad are plotting for tomorrow, the contents and your nice warm body will enjoy intimate contact very, very shortly. Understood ?" he grinned maliciously.

"Sorry, could you rephrase that, I didn't understand - half asleep ...." I said as innocently as I could.

"Yeah sure, dumbo - 'You'll get very wet and very cold' - is that clear enough ?"

"I guess ...... but how can I tell you about something that we didn't talk about ?" I bluffed.

"Quite sure about that ?"

I thought for a moment and tried to think of a way of getting away from Chris before he could dump the cold water on me, but I knew that as soon as I moved I was doomed anyway.

"Yes, quite sure - unless you want me to make something up ?" I said. That confused him for a moment.

"OK - so whatever you say won't be the truth, is that what you're telling me ?" Chris asked, puzzled..

"If that's what you want to believe - but you already know what we were talking about - I told you just now." I replied.

I could see his mind working - painful - and then he just tipped the bin all over me. He aimed for my crotch and then on up to my chest until the last of the water hit my face and soaked my hair. He was right about the water, it was very cold and very wet - bright boy. My boxer shorts and tee were soaked and the sheet under me was not much better.

"You are so going to pay for that !" I called out to a retreating Chris, as he disappeared back into his study. I got a towel from the bathroom and then dried myself and the bed as much as possible before climbing back in. I pulled the duvet over me and settled down for a damp night; it wasn't the first time that I'd slept in a wet bed and clothes, we both had, but that had usually been in the summer. I closed my eyes and waited for Chris to come back to his bed. I snuggled further down in the wetness feeling warmer already. I did hear Chris creep back eventually, but I was half asleep so I don't know how long it was.

Next morning I was awake at 5:30 having had a good sleep after warming up eventually, I felt dry and the bed sheet felt dry also. Chris was still snoring loudly, so after I had visited the bathroom I looked around for the waste bin that he had used last night, but couldn't find it, so I guessed he must have hidden it, so had to abandon thoughts of revenge for the time being.

It was raining heavily, so that was good. I got dressed in my newest pair of Levi 501s - they are a bit faded and have shrunk as much as they will, I think, so are a really snug fit - and some old trainers, a dark blue long sleeve tee with a grey short-sleeved one over. I didn't bother with socks or underwear. As I sat on the bed pulling on my trainers, Chris woke up and looked blearily around.

"Time to get up - you're lucky not to have been woken with a good soaking." I said as he stretched and threw the duvet off himself. He was stark naked, not a pretty sight first thing in the morning ... or indeed any time, come to think of it ... and he had his usual early morning problem.

"Ohhh, sorry about that ..." he muttered as he yawned and pulled the duvet back across himself.

"Its raining heavily, so should be fun again - I'll see you downstairs - Tom will be here in ten minutes." I told him as I left him to get dressed. I ran my hands through my hair as I went down the stairs (well it would get wet shortly anyway) and walked through to the kitchen where I found uncle Greg already waiting, sitting at the breakfast table with a glass of milk and a pate of sandwiches.

"Morning uncle Greg. All ready for getting a good soaking ?" I asked.

"Hi Jamie. Yes, all ready and looking forward to it. There's a marmalade sandwich here if you want one, help yourself to milk. Is Chris awake and ready yet ?"

"He was awake, uncle Greg, that's all I can guarantee ....." I laughed.

"Shall we drop the "uncle" now you're no longer a little boy, Jamie ? It seems slightly odd hearing someone who is taller than me calling me uncle ...."

"OK - if you like, but you know you'll always be a favourite uncle in my mind whatever I call you."

"I'm honoured, it's nice to be back among family again and seeing you and Chris back as best friends. He missed you very much indeed when we moved to the States, he was inconsolable for months; we thanked God for the internet and Skype keeping you two in touch."

"I missed him badly as well, but at least I had other friends to fall back on, he moved there not knowing anyone, that must have been difficult for him." I replied.

"Yes, it was heartbreaking for us seeing him struggle, but you know him better than anyone, he made friends real quick and then when we started home-schooling for him and his group of friends they all got even closer. Having said that he's taken to being back at school really well, hasn't he ?"

"Yes, he's popular with everyone, I don't think I've heard anyone saying a bad thing about him, even the people we don't really mix with - oh, and the girls really like him - there's usually a fair bit of bitching and snide remarks about everyone - usually spur of the moment, score a quick point style - but Chris neither does it or receives it !"

"That's good to hear. I'm afraid today's teenage world is a mystery to me - far, far more complicated socially than it was in my day, I would definitely not want to be a teenager today." Greg said.

"Well, neither of us are into Facebook, Twitter or constant selfies and texting on our mobiles, and neither are most of our group at school - I think that is where the pressure comes from, but it just does not interest us." I said.

At that moment Chris appeared "Morning, dad - all ready to get wet and cold ? Ooooh, is that sandwich for me ? I'm starving ..... " not waiting for an answer he grabbed one of the remaining sandwiches and said through a mouthful "I saw Tom driving in as I came downstairs."

"I'll go and find him." I said. Tom was just getting out of his car as I got to the stable-yard, and it was pouring down, so we dashed back to the verandah and he dropped his backpack with spare clothes in the dry and we went back to the kitchen.

"Hi, Tom, how are you ?" Greg asked "Not seen you for a while."

"Yeah, well thanks. Hi Chris. You all look set for a bit of fun this morning. It is bucketing down out there, so I think we'll be soaked pretty quickly. The road at the bottom of our hill at home is well flooded, and all the fields around - the poor cows and sheep are looking very miserable."

"Fancy a marmalade sandwich and a glass of milk before we set out ?" Chris asked.

"No thanks, I had a coffee and a bacon butty before I left home." Tom replied.

"OK ....... I'll have that last one then ....." Chris said.

""Jamie might like that, don't be greedy, you gannet ......." Greg rebuked him.

"Sorry .......... you don't want it do you, Jamie ?" Chris asked me reluctantly.

"Dear God ......." Greg muttered, as Tom and me laughed.

"What ?" Chris asked.

"No thanks - you eat it, you'll need the energy for what is planned." I replied, he didn't pick up on that - too busy eating .......

"Come on everyone, let's get going." greg said "I assume you've brought spare clothes with you, Tom, do you want to put them in the changing room. Our's are already there."

"I have, my bag's on the verandah. I'll dump it in the changing room as we go, thanks."

We went outside as Chris continued to finish his sandwich. We decided to go on foot rather than take bikes as we would probably abandon riding them when it got really muddy anyway. Greg suggested taking the coil of rope with us, so we did that as well.

Chris had pulled on his old worn Levi 501s, a maroon hoodie with a red tee underneath and his oldest still-wearable trainers. I'm guessing that, like me, he was going commando as we usually did on these occasions.. His dad was in well worn black jeans - mostly grey in fact - a mustard-yellow long-sleeved sweatshirt, and some canvas shoes. Tom had on a pair of skinny fit blue jeans that were so faded, worn and snug that they highlighted every contour of his body (and left not very much to the imagination at all) a black long-sleeve tee and some old Nike trainers.

The rain really was coming down in torrents and it was getting blustery as well, so it was almost horizontal sometimes. By the time we got to the woods and the start of the cycle trail we were all pretty much soaked through. Greg's grey jeans had started to revert to a darker shade with the wetness and Tom's black tee was already shiny-wet and clinging. All of us had our hair plastered to our heads and water dripping and running down our faces. This was going to be fun.

When we got to the first big puddles across the trail, Tom ran ahead and did a forward roll through the water before splashing down again on his front. He was completely soaked through when he stood up and as he walked back towards us Greg laughed and called out to him.

"I see you bought a snack with you Tom ?"

"What do you mean ?" Tom asked looking puzzled.

"That large banana in your pocket .............." Greg replied winking at Chris and me.

"Dad !! ......" Chris said appalled "You can't say that ......"

"Jealousy is a nasty thing, Greg ..... " Tom laughed, as he pulled his tee down a bit further "I expect you'll all be proven to have brought your own snacks before too long."

"Now you have both lowered the tone of conversation, can we please move it on ?" Chris admonished them.

"Lighten up, son" his dad said "It's just some adult banter, Tom's not offended."

"No, not at all" Tom said "I should perhaps have worn different jeans, but these are the oldest I've got so they will go in the bin when I get home. I should have realised how they'd look when wet ........"

"I bet you did ........" I laughed.

Tom swung his foot through the water of the puddle and splashed us all as he laughed, so we all joined in, splashing around in the puddles, like kids again, kicking mud and water at each other until we were all as soaked through as Tom had been and then we headed for the flooded hollow.

To be continued by Chris .....

Re: Wet time on Sunday morning - part 1.

Posted by wetchas on November 12, 2015 at 14:42:06

In Reply to: Wet time on Sunday morning - part 1. posted by Jamie on November 12, 2015 at 13:38:04:

Brilliant. Looking forward to the next instalment.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Children in need

Posted by wetchas on November 13, 2015 at 14:10:03

This is purely for those in the UK.
Anyone doing anything wet or messy for Children in need. Some reports on the radio of teachers, workmates, school kids getting gunged today. Some swimming clubs have novelty nights as well. Anyone on here doing anything. Please tell.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Wet time on Sunday morning - final part.

Posted by Chris on November 13, 2015 at 15:00:38

When we arrived at the flooded hollow, it was immediately obvious that it was much fuller with water than the day before. We walked around it looking at the trees and seeing how many of them overhung the water with substantial branches that could hold a rope-swing safely. There was really only one, that was leaning away from the hollow, almost directly opposite the fallen tree, so we decided to see if we could get the rope over it and set up the swing. Tom suddenly said he would climb the tree to the branch and tie the rope.

"So how are you going to climb up there ? There are no lower branches, they were trimmed off long ago by the look of it, and that branch must be nearly twenty feet up." Chris asked.

"Watch and learn, young sir." Tom said. He searched around for a sizeable branch, tied the rope around it and threw it up at the branch which it hit and fell back to earth. He tried again and on his third attempt it soared cleanly over the branch. He then whip-cracked the remaining rope around for a bit until enough went over for us to grab the branch and pull more of it over. Jamie and me swung on the two ends a bit to check that it could take our weight and then Tom swarmed up the two ropes to the branch. Not something I could have done.

We watched as Tom pushed himself along the branch taking the rope with him, until he was well out over the water. He hauled up one end and wrapped it around the branch several times, before tying it off and leaving both ends dangling. They almost reached the water.

"Well done Tom" dad called "How are you getting down now ?"

"Easy !" he replied as he dropped off the branch into the water with a huge splash. When he surfaced he swam to the side and clambered out. Quite a sight in itself. The two ends of the rope were swinging gently about five feet out. We used the large branch to pull them back towards us and tied big knots in the ends.

Jamie was the first one to try swinging out, he grabbed the ropes as high up as he could and pushed off from the side , he swung and and hit the water with his knees just as the ropes were vertical again, it slowed him enough that he could not swing back, so he had to drop into the water and swim back.

"We need something to stand on to get a higher launch point, now the water is higher." I said looking around.

We all hunted around until Dad found some logs under leaves. We dug them out and made a layered pile that we could stand on. It was only about two feet high when we had finished, but enough to make a bit of a difference. Jamie, already being completely drenched, had first go and it worked beautifully, he swung out over the water and back again to the platform without even getting his feet wet. He pushed off again and then let go, splashing down in the middle of the hollow.

Dad was keen to go next and he splashed down next to where Jamie was treading water and cheering him on. I went next and tried a front flip but ended up doing a belly-flop, hard, almost on top of dad. The water was cool but it felt good swimming around in my clothes. Tom was the last to go and he did a successful back flip as he swung out. We all swam to the side and clambered out, laughing at the sight of all the water pouring off us. Tom's clothes looked awesome, if a little too revealing again, whilst dad was obviously enjoying himself as well. We spent a while attempting different dismounts from the rope and generally splashing around. Dad found a few more logs, so we managed to make the launch platform a little higher, which made the swing even better. Eventually, breathless and running out of ideas for new flips and entertaining ways of jumping in the water, we all headed off to find some mud.
Instead of going back to the cycle trail we cut through the woods in what we thought was the direction of the wide and muddy ride. The woods have all been cleared of undergrowth so it is easy walking, just leaf litter and soil to walk over. It was not really muddy except for the odd patch and there were no real paths or tracks. After a bit we came to the boundary of this section of woodland and Jamie said he recognised where we were. The wood we wanted was off to our left, he thought, so rather than follow the boundary of the the woodland he suggested that we cut the corner across the ploughed field in front of us. We ducked through the wire fence and set off. Now this was muddy, and by the time we made it to the woods, our feet were heavy with thick mud.

"We are back in the wood with the ride, I think, it should be in that direction running through the middle of the wood from our left to right." Jamie said "When I looked at it on Google Earth I measured the wood as being about 1,200 yards wide, so I reckon we have another 600 yards or less to go to reach the ride."

"So where does your cycle trail go looking from hear ?" dad asked.

"It follows the ride to its end at our 2 o'clock - assuming 12 o'clock is dead ahead - and then keeps turning right along the far edge of that wood over there" Jamie said sweeping his arm from 2 to 6 o'clock "and turns right again passing the far side of the flooded hollow back to the start of the cycle trail where we first got to the woods and Tom forward rolled in those puddles."

"So your woods encircle this field ?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, that's right." Jamie said "Our trail crosses the field entrance in that far corner, there's a gap about twenty yards long through the woods, which is really, really churned up and muddy. I guess the farmer has a right of access through it."

"I think you are right" dad said "I recall the solicitor pointing it out when I looked at what woodland we were buying from the old estate. I did ask to buy this field, but they declined. I think he pays us £50 a year and undertakes to maintain the gates at either end of the access area."

We climbed through the fence again and found that Jamie was quite right, we hit the ride about half-way along its length. Tom saw all the mud and water in the deep ruts and splashed down in the nearest one with a great "whoop". When he stood up and turned towards us all he was covered in liquid mud from head to toe, and I mean completely covered, hair and all.

The next thing I knew was Jamie and my dad grabbing my arms and legs and carrying me over to the rut that Tom had just vacated,, swinging me back and forth a couple of times and dropping me in. I just managed to close my mouth and eyes in time as I went under and hit all the soft mud in the bottom of the rut. I struggled to my feet amid their laughter and cheers, wiped the mud from my eyes and looked down at myself. Just like Tom I was totally covered and saw that I had acquired a fruity snack of my own ! Jamie and dad then grappled me to the ground again and I ended up on my back in the mud, as dad rubbed handful of the stuff all over me and Jamie filled the hood of hoodie and then when I managed to sit up, pulled it up over my head, mashing the mud in afterwards. It felt awesome.

"I did say that I was planning to get you back for yesterday." dad reminded me, grinning widely "I think you should wear brown more often, it suits you !"

I got up, dripping mud, and charged at him, managing to take him down into some more mud and we rolled around until he was as muddy as me. Very satisfying.

We stood up breathless and watching each other dripping mud for a moment, before laughing aloud and hugging.

"Oh God, this mud gets everywhere" dad moaned "I can feel it oozing in my briefs ....."

"EEWGH ! Too much info, uncle." Jamie protested.

"At least I'm not sporting a huge bo... "

"OK, OK" I interrupted him "I think we get your meaning ......... no need to point out the obvious."

"I'm not complaining - and I'm impressed, it's cold !" he laughed.

"Well as you are all totally muddy I guess I should do the same" Jamie said and he threw himself into the nearest mud and rolled around until he was as muddy as the rest of us.

We splashed around some more, rolled each other in the mud to see who could retain the most on their clothes when standing and then Tom and me ganged up on Jamie and brought him down in the deepest mud and started pushing handfuls of mud inside and between his teeshirts, and inside his jeans. He was struggling and squirming so much as we did this that, after a bit, in desperation at our lack of success, Tom unbuttoned the waist band of Jamie's jeans and tried to push more mud inside. Jamie yelled in protest and struggled even more, eventually managing to crawl away and attempting to stand up as Tom was still holding his jean's leg. The inevitable happened and when he gained his feet, his jeans were around his ankles. Quite a sight seeing Jamie suddenly realise what had happened and then trying to cover up as he hastily yanked on his jeans again; he managed it eventually and was even laughing himself in the end.

"Well, you're a good sport, I will say that for you, Jamie." Dad laughed "I think its probably time we headed home - I'm longing for a nice hot shower and some clean clothes."

We splashed our way back along the ride to the trail and as we headed back near the flooded hollow, Tom suggested that we go back there and wash off the worst of the mud. We all jumped in and tried to wash off as much mud as possible until Tom climbed out, stopping up the slope when he was knee deep and pulling off his tee which he then washed and threw onto the launch platform.

"I don't know about you lot, but I'm still all muddy, so if you don't mind I'll strip off and wash properly." and before we could say anything he had kicked off his trainers and was pulling off his jeans. He jumped back in holding his jeans and rinsed them through before throwing them onto the platform.

"That seems like a good idea," dad said and he started to pull off his sweatshirt as he trod water, rinsed it and threw it to the side, followed by his trainers and jeans.

Jamie and me tried to pull off our clothes as we trod water, but I kept going under and Jamie seemed to be doing the the same, so we swam to the fallen tree, clambered on to it and pulled of our clothes there before jumping back in. I must say it felt very liberating, skinny dipping in the middle of the woods as the rain splashed down around us. Tom and dad were the first to climb out but instead of getting dressed, as we expected, Tom pulled the swing ropes back to the platform and swung out over us before splashing down with a huge yell. After that we all had a number of goes before pulling on our now clean jeans and trainers and heading home, bare chested, carrying our tops. It was unexpectedly enjoyable walking through the heavy rain and feeling it pouring down and splattering on the bare skin of chest and back.

When we arrived home we went straight to the showers and enjoyed a good long hot shower before getting dressed in lovely dry jeans and sweatshirts, ready for a hearty breakfast.

It was 8:30 when we got to the kitchen and mum was there with bacon sizzling and eggs ready to fry, so we helped her get everything ready and had a great chatty breakfast as we told her about the fun we had had.

Re: Children in need

Posted by Jamie and Chris on November 13, 2015 at 15:08:20

In Reply to: Children in need posted by wetchas on November 13, 2015 at 14:10:03:

We haven't organised it but a few friends at school are doing a "Cold Water Bucket Challenge" after school today. They weren't very organised as they only told us today at morning assembly, but we can pay a £1 to empty a bucket of water over a "volunteer" teacher or pupil. We shall have to wait and see who the volunteers are, but we have told the organisers that we would be happy to volunteer so we will have wait to see if our offer is taken up. More to follow, hopefully.

Re: Children in need

Posted by Jamie and Chris on November 13, 2015 at 19:09:15

In Reply to: Re: Children in need posted by Jamie and Chris on November 13, 2015 at 15:08:20:

A few of the guys at school decided to try and get everyone involved in raising money for "Children in Need" with a "Bucket of Water Challenge" for a £1 per bucket.

We both decided to volunteer to be victims - really? more like a privilege - so all those interested in taking part as donor or victim gathered at the swimming pool after classes. Seems there were more volunteers than expected - no surprise there, then - so we were called up in the order in which we had volunteered.

First to go was the Head Master who appeared in his full mortar-board and academic gown over his normal tweed suit. One of the younger guys got the honour of chucking a bucket of water over him and he did a good job, the Head looked pretty well soaked through when he stood up after the ordeal, true to form he took it with good grace and politely thanked the lad.

The organisers ran through all the teachers who had volunteered first and they had plenty of takers wanting to give them a drenching, so it took a while before we had a chance to soak our friends or get soaked.

The event ended with all the lads who had been drenched jumping in the pool along with quite a few others as well, each of whom was charged a quid as well for the privilege of getting wet. Great fun.

No idea how much was raised, we'll probably hear after the weekend.

Re: Wet time on Sunday morning - final part.

Posted by Jonny on November 15, 2015 at 07:55:41

In Reply to: Wet time on Sunday morning - final part. posted by Chris on November 13, 2015 at 15:00:38:

Great story, thanks for sharing.

Re: Children in need

Posted by wetchas on November 16, 2015 at 08:27:42

In Reply to: Re: Children in need posted by Jamie and Chris on November 13, 2015 at 19:09:15:

Thanks for the reply. Seems like a good time was had by all, and some money raised. Going to settle down and read pt 2 of the other post now.
Thanks again. Wetchas.

Re: Wet time on Sunday morning - final part.

Posted by wetchas on November 16, 2015 at 08:42:37

In Reply to: Re: Wet time on Sunday morning - final part. posted by Jonny on November 15, 2015 at 07:55:41:

Yea. Brilliant. Well worth waiting for.
Guess you didn't tell Mother everything though!
Thanks again. Wetchas.

Re: Wet time on Sunday morning - final part.

Posted by Jamie on November 16, 2015 at 13:04:52

In Reply to: Re: Wet time on Sunday morning - final part. posted by wetchas on November 16, 2015 at 08:42:37:

We had a great time. Chris did let slip that we had skinny dipped in the hollow, but his mum didn't seem at all surprised - I guess over the last few months she has seen us all naked, or as near as makes no difference, when in the pool, the showers or hosing each other down after getting muddy. Neither of our families are particularly concerned about seeing nudity among family members, although we don't go out of our way the be so, but if it happens it happens. Personally I much prefer getting wet when in some clothes, preferably denim jeans.

Re: Wet time on Sunday morning - final part.

Posted by Jamie on November 16, 2015 at 13:06:16

In Reply to: Re: Wet time on Sunday morning - final part. posted by Jonny on November 15, 2015 at 07:55:41:

Glad you enjoyed it.

Re: Children in need

Posted by Jamie on November 16, 2015 at 13:10:17

In Reply to: Re: Children in need posted by wetchas on November 16, 2015 at 08:27:42:

Everyone enjoyed it, even the masters who submitted, and we were told today that nearly £300 was raised which the Head said the school would match £ for £.

Re: Children in need

Posted by wetchas on November 16, 2015 at 13:20:38

In Reply to: Re: Children in need posted by Jamie on November 16, 2015 at 13:10:17:

Brilliant. Sounds like there were a good few unexpected soakings as well (always the best sort). Was it a non uniform day, was anyone in their school clothes. Just wondering.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: Wet time on Sunday morning - final part.

Posted by Jonny on November 16, 2015 at 14:03:55

In Reply to: Re: Wet time on Sunday morning - final part. posted by Jamie on November 16, 2015 at 13:04:52:

Being English I quite agree with that view. Its just too clod to be naked too often. Also clothes help protect those vulnerable parts of the body!

Re: Wet time on Sunday morning - final part.

Posted by Jamie on November 16, 2015 at 22:31:08

In Reply to: Re: Wet time on Sunday morning - final part. posted by Jonny on November 16, 2015 at 14:03:55:

Agreed, often far too cold to go other than clothed - Chris's body seems to think otherwise as it seems to arouse him more when it is cold - but, having said that, it was not really cold on sunday and the flooded hollow was quite sheltered even with the rain coming down heavily. Also, the fun of the moment and feeling it was all a bit daring made the difference.

Splashing around in the woods, in either water or mud, and diving into the mud-filled runs you often need the protection of a pair of stout denim jeans. We've avoided injury so far, just a few scrapes and bumps falling off bikes.

Re: Children in need

Posted by Jamie on November 17, 2015 at 15:38:31

In Reply to: Re: Children in need posted by wetchas on November 16, 2015 at 13:20:38:

There were a few teachers who got unexpectedly soaked but most of the others wanted to and were quite happy to get a soaking. All the guys and girls from our year just wore their normal school clothes (no uniform; basically anything you like that is smart casual but no jeans or denim.) All the younger kids were in uniform (two piece dark grey suits, formal white shirts and house ties) or had changed into sports kit. The suits looked pretty awesome when wet (nice and shiny for a while) and of course the white shirts went semi-transparent.All the girls are in our year or the year above, so were mostly in trousers and various tops.

Re: Children in need

Posted by wetchas on November 18, 2015 at 11:02:53

In Reply to: Re: Children in need posted by Jamie on November 17, 2015 at 15:38:31:

Wow, great, thanks for the reply.
Sounds like it was a brilliant day.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: Children in need

Posted by eelyma on November 18, 2015 at 14:22:05

In Reply to: Re: Children in need posted by Jamie on November 17, 2015 at 15:38:31:

Reminds me of 'It's a knock out' a bit; used to be on telly (wut, Safari doesn't have 'telly' in its dictionary? Yay 4 apple) or Tiswas. Did any of the women teachers jump in the pool (yay let's have a staff pool party)? Did Dima have a hidden camera? Did they wear sho They should make it an official olympic sport :) Maybe next year do a Bob's your uncle?

Re: Children in need

Posted by Jamie on November 18, 2015 at 19:41:50

In Reply to: Re: Children in need posted by eelyma on November 18, 2015 at 14:22:05:

I've heard of "It's A Knockout" and "Tiswas" (both a bit before my time - i'm only 17 !) but my dad was a fan of Tiswas.

We have only one female teacher at school (a French lady) who happily joined in wearing a tracksuit. I didn't see anyone taking pictures - everyone was too wet, I guess.

Pool swim under cover

Posted by Chris on November 19, 2015 at 19:37:26

Got home from school yesterday to find that the roof over the pool had been completed. Mum had invited Jamie's and Tom's parents around for supper so everyone was prepared for a swim. The pool is heated and with the new space heaters on as well it was great to swim in warm water and then not feel any chill in the air when getting out of the water. Tom, Jamie and me all swam in our jeans as usual but the others all changed into swimwear. Jamie and his parents are moving in to their part of the house on 28/29th so we are looking forward to daily swims on a regular basis. Great.

Re: Pool swim under cover

Posted by Bruce on November 20, 2015 at 12:51:06

In Reply to: Pool swim under cover posted by Chris on November 19, 2015 at 19:37:26:

You two are living the dream, wet companions, and an accepting family. I am sure there is envy written in every reply post you receive. Truly wonderful for you two, keep up the postings, we love to read about your soaking wet and totally muddy adventures.

Re: Pool swim under cover

Posted by Jamie on November 20, 2015 at 20:40:14

In Reply to: Re: Pool swim under cover posted by Bruce on November 20, 2015 at 12:51:06:

Agreed - we are very lucky indeed and, I think, we both appreciate that. I can't wait to move into our part of the house, even my parents are getting excited now !

Re: Pool swim under cover

Posted by Chris on November 20, 2015 at 20:44:38

In Reply to: Re: Pool swim under cover posted by trn on November 20, 2015 at 14:33:05:

That sounds like a good idea - I'll see what we can doc to fulfil it over the weekend. The only problem is that it is due, apparently, to get a lot colder this weekend - although I do find the cold a bit of a turn-on sometimes ........... well, always to be honest. Unfortunately, Jamie does not find it so nice so maybe some solo fun will be the order of the day.

Wet and muddy shiny trackies

Posted by Chris on November 23, 2015 at 12:32:08

After lunch on Saturday mum and dad went shopping for Christmas presents so I was told I could not accompany them - fair enough, I guess - and anyway I have already got all the presents I intend to buy for everyone - and I don't like to know what they are getting me beforehand...... who doesn't like a surprise on Christmas morning ?

So I rang Jamie and he said he'd come round so that we could head out into the woods to get wet and muddy as I have been wanting to get my shiny trackies nice and muddy for a while, just to see what they were like really.

When Jamie arrived he was dressed in a pair of camo pattern trousers, in browns and greens, and a brown sweatshirt over a yellow tee. Yellow socks and grey trainers completed the outfit.

"I was going to throw these trousers out, but thought I might as well give them one last, good trashing." Jamie said "but they are a bit small .... it was a bit of a struggle to do them up, to be honest ......" he laughed as he lifted his sweatshirt and looked down at his trousers.

I could see what he meant quite easily - the waistband was biting into what little flesh he had around his stomach and the button flies were bulging grotesquely, almost ready to burst - and I wondered if they would last the day intact when wet and muddy.

"I see what you mean" I laughed "are you sure they'll last the day ?"

"Yeah, they've been through a lot and are pretty tough. Even if they don't, it doesn't matter - straight in the bin ..... When I first got them they sat just comfortably on my hips and I had to turn the legs up just to avoid tripping ...... but they feel awesome when wet and soaked in mud, so one last outing will be fun."

I had pulled on my shiny trackies over a pair of bright cobalt blue Speedo-style unlined nylon trunks (I like the feel of the trackies and trunks gliding over each other as I move) with a dark navy blue Adidas tee and a grey zip-up hoodie over that. My old trainers with blue socks completed my outfit.

We cycled down the trail splashing through as many puddles as we could. It had turned much colder over Friday night and had been frosty first thing, but the sun had been out most of the morning and the skies were cloudless and bright. There was a slight breeze, but when we reached the woods it was sheltered and seemed much warmer straight away. By the time we reached the muddy ride, we were both wet through to our knees and up onto our thighs, from all the splashing as we cycled. Jamie had fallen off at one point but had managed to stay mainly upright, just getting his legs wet through. We left our bikes at the start of the ride and headed towards where we knew the deepest mud was situated.

Jamie was the first to take a running dive into the mud and water and when he stood up he was totally soaked and covered in thick mud from the top of his head to his toes. He was grinning like the Cheshire cat and when he shook his arms the mud fell off and splashed into the puddles at his feet. He tried to wipe the mud off his face but as his hands were covered, all it did was add more mud to his face and hair.

"It's colder than I thought but it feels great, the mud is lovely and thick - I know now why I used to like these trousers so much ....." Jamie called as he rubbed his hands across his body.

I took a deep breath and dived in after a short run up. I felt the mud and water wash over my head as I hit the puddle and then the water wash down my back as I hit the thick mud in the bottom of the puddle, and then the feel it through my clothes as I slid along before coming to a halt as the mud and water from my impact splashed back down over me. I lay in the mud and water feeling my wet clothes clinging to my back, legs and buttocks. It was chilly but not so cold that I wanted to jump to my feet immediately, so I lay there and enjoyed the sensation of wriggling around in the mud for a bit and feeling the water and mud sloshing around in my clothes as I moved. The feel of it all pouring down my body as I stood up was a real turn-on.

Jamie was laughing and pointing at me as I stood up.

"You do know that those trackies cling like nothing else I've seen you in ?" he laughed "Perhaps I should leave you alone for a bit ....."

I looked down and saw what he meant straight away, my shiny trackies had stuck to every bump and bulge and were a streaky muddy brown colour on top of the shiny black fabric; I brushed a hand across my leg and the mud brushed off leaving the fabric feeling wet and soft. I tried pulling them loose but it made no difference, so I just shrugged grinned at Jamie.

"Doesn't look any worse than you do - perhaps its you need some time alone - and at least I'm wearing something under these trackies whilst you obviously are not ......" I retorted.

"Fair point ...." Jamie laughed.

We spent the next hour or so splashing around, kicking mud and water at each other and diving in to as much mud as we could find. Haven't had so much fun in ages.

We got home just in time to get clean and have a hot shower before mum and dad got home from their shopping trip to find us both clean and dry in fresh clothes.

Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies

Posted by trn on November 23, 2015 at 15:44:48

In Reply to: Wet and muddy shiny trackies posted by Chris on November 23, 2015 at 12:32:08:

looks like you had a lot of fun. These trackies need a lot of mud? How was the grey hoody?

Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies

Posted by Chrisairw on November 23, 2015 at 18:53:51

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies posted by trn on November 23, 2015 at 15:44:48:

The grey hoodie soaked up so much wetness and mud that it must have trebled in weight ! At one point Jamie filled the hood with mud as I was sitting a deep rut and then pulled it over my head before massaging the mud into my hair. I tried to retaliate by filling his trousers with mud but they were too snug a fit to do so - I ended up just rubbing as much mud as I could into them, which I think (actually, I know) he enjoyed a lot judging by his involuntary reaction ..........

Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies

Posted by trn on November 24, 2015 at 07:27:40

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies posted by Chrisairw on November 23, 2015 at 18:53:51:

And are the shiny trackies and the hoody still wearable? Or are they already in the bin. What's the brand of the hoody? I tought the trackies were black with 2 white stripes (or may be brown now...)

Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies

Posted by wetchas on November 24, 2015 at 08:39:59

In Reply to: Wet and muddy shiny trackies posted by Chris on November 23, 2015 at 12:32:08:

Great. Got to admire you for going out on Saturday. It was freezing here. Also good on you for giving those trackies a good thrashing. You see what youv'e started now. Youv'e got us sportswear lovers quite excited.
Must admit that I have never been much of a lover of Army type clothing. I kind of think that it was made to be soaked and muddied, so where's the fun in that. Still, I suppose you could stretch that argument to sportswear.
Anyway, thanks for posting.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies

Posted by Chris on November 24, 2015 at 11:59:09

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies posted by trn on November 24, 2015 at 07:27:40:

Both still wearable, the hoodie stood up to the mud really well, although it now has a faint brown tinge to it. Another wash will probably see it back to normal. They are not ready for the bin just yet. The trackies came out like new when we had hosed off, didn't seem to stay muddy at all.

The hoodie is a GAP one, about two years old. The trackies are black with two white stripes (although Jamie thinks they are very dark blue - I am a bit colour blind though, so he may be right .....)

Jamie's camo trousers went straight in the bin after our mudding, he didn't want to wear them againn - too uncomfortably tight - and the button on the waistband came off as we mucked around so he ripped them up as we hosed each other off when we got home.

Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies

Posted by Jamie on November 24, 2015 at 12:13:38

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies posted by wetchas on November 24, 2015 at 08:39:59:

It didn't seem that cold on Saturday, the sun was out here in the afternoon most of the time.

Chris looked pretty good in his muddy trackies, the shiny fabric seemed to stay 'dry' even after a good soaking but they did cling rather more than was decent, to be honest, which was why he wore a pair of trunks as underwear (also the thin fabric of the trackies doesn't really give any protection to those parts, apparently).

My camo trousers are a heavy rip-stop fabric (a mix of cotton and nylon) and soak up mud and water really well, feeling nice and heavy. The fabric is quite rough to the touch so has the usual effect quite quickly ! These are too tight to be comfortable now, and during our messing around a couple of the buttons became detached, so I ripped them up a bit whilst we hosed each other clean at home afterwards. They are now in the bin.

It was Chris' grandpa's birthday on sunday so his dad had organised a pool party/BBQ with a caribbean theme, which was fun. Chris will post details in due course as he is in the middle of writing it up.

Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies

Posted by Steve on November 24, 2015 at 13:53:19

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies posted by Chris on November 24, 2015 at 11:59:09:

I love ripping old stuff up when its wet or muddy. It seems a shame to just throw something away when it is still intact. Stuff can look hot when its getting ripped off and it seems a fitting send off.

Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies

Posted by Jamie on November 24, 2015 at 18:45:48

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies posted by Steve on November 24, 2015 at 13:53:19:

Yeah, I liked my camo trousers but they were so old and ill-fitting that it got uncomfortable with a hard-on which always seemed to happen when I wore them as they were quite a rough fabric which was somewhat stimulating ! It felt good ripping them up - I've never done it before - and it seemed to tuen Chris on as well, which was quite funny to see.

Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies

Posted by Steve on November 25, 2015 at 05:18:04

In Reply to: Re: Wet and muddy shiny trackies posted by Jamie on November 24, 2015 at 18:45:48:

Jeans to me always feel good when they are full of mud and getting ripped off, but t shirts are awesome getting destroyed

Grandpa's birthday party

Posted by Chris on November 26, 2015 at 13:35:16

It was grandpa's 70th birthday on Sunday (that's my dad's father) and dad had arranged a surprise party for him. Gran and grandpa live on the edge of Bath so on Sunday morning at breakfast, much to my surprise, dad asked if I would drive down to fetch them whilst he set up a few things, so I agreed readily, having nothing else planned.

"I'll go and get my car out" I said "it should be fully charged now - its been plugged in since yesterday lunchtime, I can get there and back on one charge, I'm sure ... how far is do you reckon ?"

"No more than 35 or 40 miles I guess" dad replied "depends which way you go. I've never really checked - look, why don't you take my car - more room for mum's wheelchair, if she needs it today, and you won't have to worry about range, I filled up yesterday."

"Really - are you sure ?" I asked.

"Of course, I didn't put you on my insurance for nothing. Just don't get caught speeding and please ............. bring it back in one piece - I've already agreed a trade-in price against the new one !"

Nice to know he has confidence in my driving ......... his car, a BMW 535i Touring, seems huge compared to my Zoe, and the performance is a bit scary until you get used to it ...

Well, I got there and back without incident and didn't see any speed cameras flash at me and I didn't even get lost ! As mum remarked "That'll be a first then, son." - Thanks a lot, mum......

When we got home we found that mum and dad had been busy decorating the pool area for the party in the evening. Gran and grandpa have spent some time in recent winters with friends in Barbados and grandpa has fallen in love with the music of Caribbean steel bands, so dad had got some inflatable palm trees, put a load of sand down as a 'beach' at one end of the pool, set up a bar in the style of a Bajan 'rum shack' and got some steel band music to play. Grandpa was over the moon when he saw it all and we spent the rest of the afternoon after lunch, putting up some coloured lights and extra decorations and blowing up a couple of lilos and inflatable pool chairs.

The rest of the family and a few friends were due to arrive at about 4pm and dad had told everyone about the Caribbean theme asking that they dress appropriately for the beach and a swim, if they wished. Grandma had been told about the party and had bought some yellow shorts and a floral shirt for grandpa and mum and gran wore bright floral blouses. Dad and mum had even got some artificial floral garlands for everyone to wear (Yup, I know, I know - wrong part of the world ..... but they looked good).

I looked out a pair of blue and white flower print board-shorts, and a bright blue tee with a beach scene print on the front. Dad wore bright red shorts and a green leaf print shirt. Jamie and his parents were the first guests to arrive, Jamie in plain yellow board-shorts and a orange floral pattern shirt, his dad wore white shorts and a blue and white cloud pattern shirt and his mum a bright floral blouse and blue shorts. All the other guests had made a good effort as well, although cousin Tom had taken things a bit further by dressing in a grass skirt over tight, black Speedos, a long black wig, and a heavily padded bra - very alluring !

Jamie was the first to be pushed in the pool - fully clothed of course. He and grandpa have an on-going joke about how much older they are each time they meet (they both have the same silly sense of humour). The exchange ended with them both laughing aloud and grandpa telling Jamie not to be so cheeky before pushing him firmly backwards off the side of the pool into the deep end. Jamie was therefore the only person to eat his buffet lunch whilst soaking wet. Everyone else waited until afterwards. When we had mostly finished eating, Jamie challenged grandpa to use one of the floating chairs and see if he could relax in it comfortable and still remain upright. Grandpa waded in down the steps as Jamie held the chair steady and then floated serenely away, glass of wine in hand and a big grin on his face. Jamie decided to test the stability of the chair by jumping in next to it causing it to overturn almost instantly, amid much laughter from everyone watching. After that Tom and me dived in and the other younger guests, three teenage sons (two of whom go to our school) and one younger daughter of family friends, all joined us in the pool. Tom looked very funny with his wig all wet and straggly and his grass skirt floating around him, after a bit he stripped it all off and just swam in his Speedos.

By the time the party ended everyone had been in the water, even those not in actual swimwear, and we had all had a great time. Gran and grandpa stayed overnight and dad took them home before flying back to work for the rest of the week. This coming weekend Jamie and his family are moving into their part of the house, so that will be fun having them around full time.

House Move Weekend - Sunday 1

Posted by Jamie on November 30, 2015 at 16:31:10

We finally moved into our part of the house over this last weekend, dad got a local removal company to do the bigger and heavier bits on Saturday and then borrowed a van from uncle Danny to shift the packed boxes of books, clothes and all the other bits and pieces, whilst we all chipped in fetching and carrying. Tom came with the van and by the end of numerous trips to and fro' between front doors, he was as tired of loading and unloading as any of us, despite dad chiding him that he had been "sitting down all day just driving around !".

Tom suggested a relaxing swim when we had finished just as it was getting dark on Sunday, it was also raining and blowing a near gale, so Chris suggested that it would be more fun to go out into the woods and let off any excess energy by getting really, really muddy first. So we headed off just as we were, all three of us in decent jeans, combinations of tees and sweatshirts, underwear (all boxer-briefs as it turned out later), socks and trainers.

I was wearing a pair of tan Levi 501s which have not got muddy or wet before, a lime green sweatshirt, yellow socks, brown leather trainers, and yellow and green striped boxer-briefs. Chris was in newish, dark blue denim Wrangler jeans, a dark red sweatshirt, red socks and boxer-briefs. Tom was in faded blue Levi jeans, a blue and white wide-striped long-sleeve tee under a blue zip-up hoodie, blue socks and boxer-briefs and blue trainers.

"I want to see those tan Levis get nice and muddy first." Tom said first as we got to the first deep muddy ruts along the trail "What do you think, Chris ?"

"Yeah - best idea of the day so far ......." Chris replied as they both moved towards me.

"Not so fast guys, but let me do it in my own time. If you want to get wet right now - go ahead." I said.

"No way that is going to happen, kiddo" Tom laughed "Grab him Chris !"

I managed to elude them both and ran down the trail as best I could slipping and trying to keep my balance as I went along. I could hear them both splashing along behind me, so I veered off into the woods and ran through the trees, hoping to lose them as it got darker. I had not really planned to go any where in particular, just to keep ahead. I realised that I was actually heading for the flooded hollow where we had set up the rope swing. I was well ahead of them when I got to the edge of the dell and could see that it was still almost as full as the first time we had found it. I decided that I could get further ahead of them by swinging across rather than going around the side and that I might lose them altogether for a bit. I jumped up onto the launch platform we had made and could see the rope hanging down about four or five feet away, swaying in the wind, I didn't have time to look for the branch to pull it in towards me as I could hear the others approaching, so I launched myself out towards it hoping to catch it mid-flight and have enough momentum to be able to swing across all the way.

I realised almost immediately that I was not being in the least bit realistic about this ..... in my defence, I did manage to grab the rope as I started to fall but it did no more than slow my fall into the water below with a big splash. As I hit the water I heard Chris and Tom laughing before they simply jumped in and grabbed me before I could get away. They pulled me to the side and up to slope as I struggled to get free, but they were too good for me and they set off back to the trail carrying by my arms and legs between them.

"Looks like you got your wish to Jamie's tan jeans wet first" Chris said as they bumped me along the ground.

"Yeah, I did, I guess. They do look good now they are wet, a much darker colour - do you think he planned to get wet so soon ?" Tom laughed

"Hey, guys, I am here, you know - talk to me rather than about me please." I said loudly "And pick me up a bit will you? - that last bump hurt ....."

"Did you hear someone speak, Tom ?" Chris asked, as he moved closer to Tom and my butt hit the ground again.

When we got back to the trail, they were both panting a bit with the effort of carrying me along. They found the deepest nearby mud and dumped me in it and then knelt on top of me as they massaged the mud all over me. Tom seemed to take more than the necessary effort to ensure my jeans were fully covered in mud despite my protests and squirming around trying to get free. Eventually they got off me and stood up. I was totally covered, I had mud in my ears, up my nose, deep in my hair, and Tom had stuffed a few handfuls of mud down both the back and front of my jeans. I rolled over in the mud and water and tried to wash some of the mud off my face so that I could see what I was doing properly, and then stood up. I could feel all the water draining out of my clothes and pouring down me, in some ways the best bit about getting wet in clothes, I think.

Tom was just a few feet away from me laughing, so I launched myself at him, but he stepped aside and I simply landed, face first, in more mud and water. I ended up making another lunge at Chris but again slipped and fell in a more watery rut again, so in the end I just sat there and washed as much mud off me as I could.

"Are we heading back now, or going on to the ride and more mud ?" Chris asked.

"You and me are only really wet at the moment" Tom said "So, I'm all for going on .......... I came out tonight to get really, really muddy."

"I definitely want to see you two get good and muddy" I said "So let's go on - I want revenge ......" I laughed as I stood up.

(to be continued)

House Move Weekend - Sunday 2

Posted by Jamie on November 30, 2015 at 19:21:23

We splashed our way along the trail towards the ride. The others were avoiding the mud and water as much as possible, waiting until they got to the really muddy places, but I decided there was no point as I was soaked to the skin and still covered in mud anyway. My jeans felt really heavy and stuck to my thighs and lower legs as I walked and waded through the mud and water, which was never more than knee deep along the trail.

When we got to the mud trail Chris was the first to jump into the deep mud and he threw himself face down in to a watery rut that we knew was thick mud below the water, he hit the water with a big splash and then pushed his head down under the water as it washed back over his back and legs. We watched as he surfaced again and rolled onto his back. I stood over him, my feet either side of his knees, and then knelt down astride his legs, scooping up mud and water by the handful and smearing across as much of his body as I could.

"This is my revenge" I said as I unbuttoned his jeans and slammed a handful of wet mud into the groin of his boxer-briefs and then rubbed it well in. He grinned and didn't try to stop me as I continued with another couple of handfuls, rubbing it all down between his legs and up over his stomach.

"You missed a bit just by my belly-button" Chris laughed as I buttoned up his jeans again and stood up "Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did ......" he finished "Ah yes, I can see you did ......"

Tom had been watching us in the dimming light. He watched as I approached him and then he started to jog up the ride. "You'll have to catch me first before exacting your revenge !" he called.

To be honest he didn't really try and I managed to rugby tackle him into a deep pool of mud and water after just a few yards. We splashed down and I gave him the same treatment as he had seen me give Chris, he didn't really struggle at all until I started to unbutton his jeans and we ended up rolling around as he tried to do the same to me. We finished up with both of us with our jeans around our ankles in a sort of stand-off, facing each other, either side of the deepest watery puddle that we knew off. Tom was the first to make a move and we splashed down together in a tangle of arms and legs as we rolled around trying to push mud into the others' boxer-briefs, but we were rather hampered by the jeans flapping wetly around our ankles. I'm not sure who came out as victor, but we gave up when we were both breathless and lying next to each other in the mud and water, with muddy hands in each others' groin, and realised how absurd we were being and just started laughing, which broke the sudden tension that had arisen.

I stood and pulled up my jeans and buttoned up again.

"OK, I think I feel the need for a hot shower now." Tom said as he stood up and pulled his jeans on again "Thanks to Jamie's efforts I feel I have got muddier than I expected in more places that I had imagined as well."

"I don't think any of us can get any muddier now." I said "I think I may have really wrecked these jeans; hope they wash OK ....."

"They're Levis, they'll be OK - may take a couple of washes - they were made for just this sort of treatment." Chris said "They were looking too new anyway ....."

"I do like to look a bit smarter sometimes, you know ......" I retorted.

"Apart from school, you look a bit of a wreck most of the time as far as I can see ..........." Chris laughed.

"I like you too, cousin." I replied "See what I have to put up with, Tom?"

"Typical Yank - no tact and no idea about style - I shouldn't worry about what he says on how you look." Tom replied "Your normal dress is fine - nicely worn and comfortable."

"Just like you, then ?" Chris laughed.

"Exactly !" Tom grinned.

We splashed our way back to the house, hosed off the worst of the mud and dumped our clothes in the washing machine before having a hot shower. We found some spare swim shorts and jumped in the pool for a nice relaxing swim. After about half an hour Chris' dad came out and announced that supper would be ten minutes, so we dried off and went indoors to find some fresh clothes, Tom borrowed a pair of jeans and a tee from Chris and we went downstairs for supper in Chris' part of the house. Mum announced that she had finally worked out how to use all the new appliances in the kitchen so we would be able to eat in our part of house going forward.

We all chatted about how domestic arrangements would work out and it was generally agreed that we should all get together at least for Sunday lunch each week and play it by ear on a day to day basis otherwise, depending on who was around. It will be interesting to see how it goes over the coming months and years.

Re: House Move Weekend - Sunday 2

Posted by wetchas on December 01, 2015 at 09:16:36

In Reply to: House Move Weekend - Sunday 2 posted by Jamie on November 30, 2015 at 19:21:23:

Hi. Great story as always. Thanks for taking the trouble to post, especially after your adventures with the spam filter a while back. It's great that you are now in your own parts of the house, but it may seem strange at first. I know you have been together for a while, but the hard part may now be to let each family have separate lives.
The big question of course is, did the tan Levis survive? I had a pair of similar coloured Levi cords many years ago, that I regularly thrashed.So I guess they will be OK.
Many thanks for posting again.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: House Move Weekend - Sunday 2

Posted by Jamie on December 01, 2015 at 10:26:02

In Reply to: Re: House Move Weekend - Sunday 2 posted by wetchas on December 01, 2015 at 09:16:36:

Thanks - we had some fun after a gruelling weekend moving - ha ha ! I've never moved house before so it was a novel experience and with everyone mucking in to help, it seemed to go alright.

We talked about ensuring that each family retains its independence; our two parts of the house are separated by the main entrance hall (of the original layout) which rises through all three floors to a glazed sky-light, the only point of 'contact' is the study that Chris and me share that has been created from the rear part of the gallery at fist floor level. Dad has christened the entrance hall "the neutral zone". We can also get to the pool area via a corridor than runs across the front of the house from the entrance hall, so we don't have to go through Chris's part of the house to get there. So I think it will work out quite well with a bit of effort - although I'm sure there will be times when we all want to avoid each other !

The tan Levis came out of the wash almost like new - better in fact as the mud and a good wash had toned down the rather yellow tone they were originally - they are really just denim jeans dyed tan/brown rather than blue, and seem to have started to fade in exactly the same way. The patch-code says they are 501 STF, but they don't feel to have shrunk as yet, maybe the usual hot bath treatment will do the trick.


Posted by leatherdk on December 01, 2015 at 13:01:36

Have on question: What do you think about wearing leatherpants and/or jackets in the Water?
I love to get wet in my leather - What are your experince about that?

Re: Leather

Posted by Jamie on December 01, 2015 at 16:16:47

In Reply to: Leather posted by leatherdk on December 01, 2015 at 13:01:36:

I've never tried swimming or getting wet in leather. Part of the attraction of wet clothes for me is the fact that most materials, like denim or cotton, absorb water and feel heavier when wet and the drag and pull of wet clothes against the body feels great. Does leather feel like that ? Or does it just hold the water near the body so that it just drains away as soon as possible ?

Oops - car mishap, rough rugby and detention.

Posted by Chris on December 01, 2015 at 22:37:09

After the great weekend of Jamie and his family moving in to their part of the house, things have not gone that well since for Jamie - he's in the dog house at the moment and has been grounded by his dad until next Monday evening.

Sunday's mudding with Tom was a great end to a busy weekend for all of us and by the end of the day everyone was happy with the move and how they had settled in.

Monday started badly as Jamie said he would drive us to school in his car (we try and take it in turn week by week) and he backed his car out of the garage into the side of his dad's car, denting a door panel and scraping the rear wing quite badly, the worst part about it was that his dad was watching, waiting to set off to work, as he did it. Uncle Dan's Jag is his pride and joy and always looks spotless and immaculate. Jamie just wasn't concentrating on what he was doing, trying to load a CD into the player, as he backed out of the garage and it was that that annoyed his dad more than the actual impact and damage. He got a real talking too (I don't know what was said exactly) and was subdued and quiet all day, quite unlike his usual self.

Things were better in the evening and his dad even suggested an evening swim to cheer him up. We had a great hour splashing around with his dad who even pushed Jamie into the pool fully clothed before we had a chance to get changed, which broke the rather icy reserve between them.

Today (Tuesday) things got a bit worse.

We had our usual early morning exercise swim with uncle Dan and all went our separate ways to school and business as normal. I volunteered to drive as Jamie was keen to just forget about his car for the moment. The morning was OK and then in the afternoon at rugby Jamie was sent off for an overly aggressive tackle that left his opponent (a good friend) with a bloody nose. To compound that he was given a detention for being unbelievably rude to the games master after the match when he told the guy what he thought of his standard of refereeing ! Not a good move in the circumstances.

I drove home as usual and told Jamie's mum that he'd be a bit late and that I'd go and pick him up when he called me.

"Well, that's a turn up for the books, I can't remember Jamie getting a detention ever before." aunt Mary said "How long is the detention ?"

"90 minutes." I replied "Should end at 7:30 I think."

"OK, I'll get supper for 8:00 - you and your mum are joining us, aren't you ?"

"Yes, thanks."

"Dan will be home about 7:30 I think." aunt Mary said "Thanks for offering to get Jamie - appreciate that - he'll be annoyed with himself, knowing him, so try and keep him calm for when he gets home, I don't want him and his dad arguing."

"Well, he was in the wrong today, so he deserved the detention - I've never seen him so angry." I said "I'd never dare speak to a teacher like that ....."

"I hope he apologised to Harry for giving him a bloody nose ........ he's a good friend to Jamie, has been for years ........"

"He did, but a bit reluctantly, I have to say." I replied.
I went off to get changed and then went to go and get Jamie when he phoned me. He was in a foul mood and hardly spoke as we drove home.

His dad was already home when we got back and Jamie saw him waiting to speak and just strode off to the pool after he dumped his bag in the hallway. His dad chased after him and I went through to our sitting room to find mum. As I entered the living room I could see Jamie and his dad arguing by the pool, although I could not hear what was being said through the doors. Mum was there as well and asked me what was going on. I explained briefly that Jamie had ignored his dad and headed to the pool as soon as we had got back.

Uncle Dan approached Jamie and tried to put an arm around his shoulder as he spoke, but Jamie shrugged him off and pushed him away - straight into the pool. Jamie just stood aghast at what he had done and then as his dad surfaced - spluttering and looking very angry - Jamie just dived in over his head and started swimming furiously to the far end of the pool, turned and headed back at speed. His dad clambered out of the pool - drenched and dripping - and stood on the side watching Jamie approach. Uncle Dan was dressed in a dark blue formal two-piece suit, white shirt and dark tie, formal black shoes - every inch the business man. He did not look at all happy.

I went out and asked if he was OK.

"Yes, thanks Chris. Rather more than Jamie will be in a minute or two. Be kind enough to get me a towel from the changing room, will you ?"

"Of course."

I went and got a towel and heard him call Jamie out of the water in his very sternest voice. When I came back, Jamie was standing in front of his dad, looking miserable. All I heard was "Yes, I understand - I'm sorry, dad, I didn't mean to."

"OK apology accepted - now get out of my sight - you can make your own arrangements for supper tonight." uncle Dan said to him, before turning to me and taking the towel. "Thanks, Chris, try and talk some sense into him will you ? Please come to supper with us as arranged or stay with Jamie if you want - try to sort him out before I get to see him again, if you can. Thanks." and he patted me on the shoulder as he walked away.

"Good move. Jamie ! ........ that was a master stroke pushing your dad in the pool - NOT !" I chided him.

"I didn't intend to - I just wanted him to leave me alone ...."

"Well - be that as it may - he still ended up wet." I said "I'll tell mum I'll eat with you - leave the parents to chat on their own. You go and change, there's a pair of my jeans and a sweatshirt in the changing room. Back in a minute."

I went and told mum what was happening and she went off to join Jamie's parents. When I got back to the pool Jamie was sitting on the side of the pool, still wet and feet dangling in the water.

"What's got into you ?" I asked "This angry Jamie is not the guy that I know - or, it seems, that your parents know - so what's going on ?"

"I don't know - I just feel a bit fed up with things in general and yet bursting with energy, restless and wanting something to happen ...... I just don't know what." Jamie said as I sat down next to him.

"So what bought it on - are you upset about moving ? Has it unsettled you ?" I asked.

"No - quite the opposite really. I was looking forward to the move and feel fine about it - what's not to like being with your best mate more and living in a place like this ?" Jamie said.

"So what is it ?" I asked.

"I was stupid with the car - I wasn't concentrating - but dad's attitude annoyed me - he seemed to think it was deliberate - doesn't he believe in accidents ?"

"But you just said it was not an accident - you weren't concentrating, you said." I pointed out.

"Yeah - I guess."

"And your dad's car is his pride and joy - you'd be upset if it happened to your car - as would I if it happened to mine." I said.

"True." Jamie grinned "Thanks for pointing out the bleedin' obvious ....."

"So ?"

"I'll apologise properly and try not not be such a prat ...." Jamie replied "but only after this ..... " and he slid back into the pool pulling me in with him.

I chased him out of the pool and he ran for the door to the stable-yard, I followed determined to catch him. He raced off around the house and into the garden with me following him. I caught up with him by the rear terrace and we rolled down the slope of the lawn as we wrestled together until he got away and raced off again. This was exhausting. I caught up with him again when he tripped and fell trying to jump over a flower-bed and we rolled around some more until I managed to grab him securely and we collapsed in a heap trying to catch our breaths, lying on the lawn, me having him in a bear hug.

"Ready for another apology ?" I whispered in his ear as he lay on top of me.

"For what and to who ?"

"that's 'whom' by the way - me of course, you pillock - for getting me wet in my school clothes !"

"O.K. - sorry - even though I can feel that you are enjoying it !" Jamie laughed.

"That's beside the point - have we got rid of that restless energy you had or are you going to be a pain in the backside tomorrow as well ?" I asked.

"Let's go in - I'm getting cold out here - and get dry. I just saw red with dad and I was irritated with myself for banging his car - it was stupid and all my own fault. Anyway dad's grounded me for a week after I was put in detention."

"Did you tell him what you said to Paddy Turner ?" I asked.

"No, he got the edited version - he was just annoyed that i had been stupid enough to get detention for the first time ever." Jamie explained.

"You should have just accepted what Paddy said and apologised to Harry properly." I said "You could have broken his nose with that tackle, you know."

"Yeah, I will apologise tomorrow to Harry and Paddy - I misjudged the tackle, simply that, I didn't intend to be that rough." Jamie said.

"Why don't you text Harry tonight and speak to him tomorrow as well ?" I suggested "He is a friend after all."

"Or was ......"

"Hopefully not - just make the effort to set things straight." I advised.

"OK - I will. Come on - you can let me go now ....." Jamie said.

"Not yet ..... I've not finished with you yet."

We struggled to our feet and made our way awkwardly back to the pool as I clung onto Jamie, I hustled him into the changing room and under the shower before turning it fully on at cold and held him under until he was shivering and had stopped protesting.

"That's for getting me wet when I was trying to help sort things out - you really can be a complete prat sometimes - not often, I admit - so just be normal in the morning, OK?" I said as I let him go.

We stripped off and pulled on some swim shorts before putting all our clothes into the dryer. We went up to our rooms through our part of the house and whilst Jamie went to bed I went down to their dining room and said goodnight to everyone. I said Jamie was in bed and suggested that he was very sorry for being a complete prat and would see them in the morning in a better frame of mind. And we left things like that.

Re: House Move Weekend - Sunday 2

Posted by LevilovR on December 02, 2015 at 00:03:10

In Reply to: Re: House Move Weekend - Sunday 2 posted by Jamie on December 01, 2015 at 10:26:02:

I have a pair of brown stf 501s that sound exactly like those you are talking about. I also got a gray pair and a blue pair (not the regular indigo, but more like a navy blue). Anyway, I have not gotten the brown and gray ones wet yet. I did wear the blue ones in the shower and wasn't totally pleased with the result either. Maybe I should try them again and see what happens. I still the regular indigo ones probably work the best for stf jeans.

I just recently came into some unexpected money and went on line and ordered some more 501s. They were all on sale, 40% off on the Levi web site, so I ordered 4 pairs of the regular indigo rinsed ones (I know they always fit and I can slip right into them), 2 pairs of the indigo stf, and they also had had some salvage 501s for about half price that are also stf so I bought two pairs of them as well. So I have quite a few new pairs to initiate. Don't know exactly when that will happen. Hoping on New Years to go to a hotel somewhere and jump in the pool in black 501s and a tuxedo jacket/white pleated front shirt, formal tie, black boots and hat. Wish I had exposure to a nice heated pool like you do.

As always, enjoy your posts hearing about your wet, muddy adventures. Have fun in your 501s.

Re: House Move Weekend - Sunday 2

Posted by Wiley on December 02, 2015 at 01:57:39

In Reply to: House Move Weekend - Sunday 2 posted by Jamie on November 30, 2015 at 19:21:23:

About a month ago, I got pushed in the pool, and I was wearing almost brand new STF 501's. When I got home, having driven in wet jeans, I found both the waist line of my white T and my white briefs were now stained blue! I tried bleaching both the briefs and T, but they still have that pale blue tint. But it was fun being pushed in the pool anyway.

Re: House Move Weekend - Sunday 2

Posted by Me on December 02, 2015 at 08:04:12

In Reply to: House Move Weekend - Sunday 2 posted by Jamie on November 30, 2015 at 19:21:23:

swimming in swim shorts? is that legal in your house? lol. maybe you should keep jeans and trackies in the changing rooms rather than swim shorts.

Re: House Move Weekend - Sunday 2

Posted by Jamie on December 02, 2015 at 09:37:33

In Reply to: Re: House Move Weekend - Sunday 2 posted by LevilovR on December 02, 2015 at 00:03:10:

The brown 501 look great wet wet and make a change from the normal blue or black denim jeans. Chris' dad got these for me when he was last in the US, not sure where he got them but it was somewhere in NY city, I guess - and I agree they are not exactly the same as normal blue denim, seems to be a lighter weight fabric to me, but I couldn't be sure about that. Chris has a pair of red ones but has only worn them once as far as I know - he doesn't like them - so I may have to try and liberate them as we can happily wear the same size.

Have fun with your plans for some new 501s and any pool trips you arrange. Hope you tell us all about what you do in due course.

Glad you enjoy our scribblings, stay wet.

Re: Oops - car mishap, rough rugby and detention.

Posted by wetchas on December 02, 2015 at 12:58:12

In Reply to: Oops - car mishap, rough rugby and detention. posted by Chris on December 01, 2015 at 22:37:09:

Now that's what I call a bad day.
If it helps, we've all bumped cars, and quite often because we weren't paying attention. I bet if every driver on the road was asked, they would all say they had. If there is a good side, then at least it was a family member, on private ground, and not some stranger who would have wanted it to go through the insurance, and probably tried to claim for God knows what else.I remember my driving instructor telling me that in his opinion people didn't learn to drive until they were in the car on their own.
Must admit I did laugh at some of your terminology, especially the line about the games master being told what Jamie thought of his standard of refereeing. Brilliantly written as always.
Has the suit survived? I guess the shoes might not fare so well. Hopefully he didn't have anything in his pockets, such a phone, keys, or the like.
Still, I guess in a house like yours you don't carry things like this around with you, as it appears you never know when you'll end up in the pool. Heaven, I'd call it.
Thanks for posting
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Oops - car mishap, rough rugby and detention.

Posted by Chris on December 02, 2015 at 17:27:59

In Reply to: Re: Oops - car mishap, rough rugby and detention. posted by wetchas on December 02, 2015 at 12:58:12:

Well, Jamie has not been near his car since that incident. His dad is taking the car into the garage today to get a quote for repairing the damage. As you say, it can happen to anyone and it least it was low speed and at home and not the sort of accident involving teenage drivers that appear on the news etc all too often.......

Jamie went and apologised to the games master today more fully and Paddy was very good about it apparently - told Jamie that he was happy to take criticism but would not put up with the use of the F-word, and that was why he got the detention. He suggested that if Jamie thought he was a bad referee, then Jamie should have a go with some of the younger boys' games, as he had with the swimming classes, and see how he fared. I think that rather floored Jamie as it was not the respose he had expected.

Uncle Dan's suit is hanging in the changing room still drying out before being sent to the dry cleaners, so we shall wait to see what its like. His shoes look OK too, still drying out, stuffed with old newspaper. I think he only had his wallet and car keys in his pockets (he avoids having a mobile phone, ("They are a tool of the Devil and must be shunned" is favourite phrase) and just keeps an old one in his car for emergencies. Jamie and me have mobiles but they tend to be left at home during term as they are banned in classrooms, there are a couple of payphones in the school office that pupils can use if needed.

Generally we all leave car keys and stuff on a shelf in the hallway as we come in, we don't have house keys as the locks work on fingerprints and/or iris recognition, which seems to work OK - the system can be programmed to let visitors etc in at specified times or just for single timed visits, we are still all getting used to it. It also can be linked to a mobile so that a tap of the phone on the lock casing will open it, but we haven't worked out how to use that yet, and don't really need it anyway, it works on Bluetooth tech, I think.

Jamie is grounded at the moment and that includes a ban from the pool or getting muddy and wet in the woods, so I have had to be happy with a swim on my own. Boring.

Re: Oops - car mishap, rough rugby and detention.

Posted by LevilovR on December 03, 2015 at 00:20:22

In Reply to: Oops - car mishap, rough rugby and detention. posted by Chris on December 01, 2015 at 22:37:09:

We've all been there. When I was about your age I was madly in love with the girl next door. I had known her all my life and when we were children she used to pull my hair, but I had loved her even then. Anyway I wanted to ask her to go with me to my senior prom and had been thinking all day what I would say to her and how I would say it. I had to run an errand at the local pharmacy where my aunt worked. After making my purchase I was backing out of the parking lot and bumped into my aunt's car. I hadn't even realized that I was parked anywhere near her car when I drove in. It was just a tap, no damage done, and she was great about it. Since there was no damage she just said no harm done and never mentioned it again. And she never said a word about it to my parents either. She was a fantastic lady. Of course my romantic notions ended in complete and total rejection - and her boy friend showed up right in the middle of my asking. It was not my best night. And there was no one close that I could talk with about it either. I just had to suffer in silence and carry on like nothing had ever happened even though it was an event that actually caused some major changes in my life eventually. So many things to think about at your age, wondering what the future holds. It does get better. Have to go through a few storms to appreciate the sunshine. Hang in there.

Re: Leather

Posted by leatherdk on December 04, 2015 at 07:48:42

In Reply to: Re: Leather posted by Jamie on December 01, 2015 at 16:16:47:

It depends on the leather. Heavy leather as motorcykel leather drains the Water, but lamb or tinner leather get wet and are laying smoot around your body

Re: Oops - car mishap, rough rugby and detention.

Posted by Chris on December 04, 2015 at 18:27:32

In Reply to: Re: Oops - car mishap, rough rugby and detention. posted by trn on December 04, 2015 at 13:09:16:

I've been trying to get Jamie to get some shiny trackies like mine but he wants to try them first, so next time we go out, after he has worked through his current "grounding", he will give it a go.

Re: Oops - car mishap, rough rugby and detention.

Posted by Jamie on December 04, 2015 at 20:51:31

In Reply to: Re: Oops - car mishap, rough rugby and detention. posted by LevilovR on December 03, 2015 at 00:20:22:

You are quite right about a lot going on in general when you're a teenager - some good and some bad, some of which you really should worry about and a lot that can be ignored. Neither of us are all that concerned about girls romantically as yet - we have a few girls as friends but spend most of our time hanging out with a group of boys when away from school - so that is one less thibg to worry about. We both want to go to uni and both know roughly what sort of courses we want to do, so the future is reasonably clear for the next few years, barring any academic catastrophies, but one never knows for sure of course.

Re: Oops - car mishap, rough rugby and detention.

Posted by trn on December 05, 2015 at 08:29:53

In Reply to: Re: Oops - car mishap, rough rugby and detention. posted by Chris on December 04, 2015 at 18:27:32:

Jamie wil use your trackies? That's cool. And he can really cover them in mud? Imagine when they are coverd in mud and accidently ripped...
It's great to see your own clothes destroyed by your friend. You'll have to give him one of your hoodies too?

Wet and muddy again after school.

Posted by Chris on December 05, 2015 at 17:43:05

Got home from school yesterday (Friday) just as Jamie's dad got back as well. He had got a call from the local repairer's about his car and was in a good mood.

"Quick word, Jamie, before you disappear to your room, please. I got a quote from the garage about the car and it seems it is not as bad as I had feared. They say the dent in the door will push out and with luck will not need repainting, and the scrape on the rear wing and bumper panel can be rubbed down and resprayed easily as it is only the clear top coat lacquer that is damaged. So you're lucky, I'm happier than I might have been and, as I can't bear seeing your miserable face hanging around the house like a doomed soul all evening, I'm lifting the ban on you using the pool or going out to the woods. You are still grounded until Tuesday morning though, so no going off to meet mates etc. Understood ?"

"Yes absolutely, and thanks - you know I'm really sorry about the car, don't you ?" Jamie replied, trying not to smile too widely.

"Of course I do, just be more careful in future. I'm going for a swim shortly - been stuck in project planning meetings all day with the damned accountants, feels like my brain has died - I need some exercise, do you two want to join me ?"

"Yeah, we be down in a bit." Jamie replied.

We went to dump our school stuff in our study and then went to the changing room, found a pair of jeans each that had been left from our last outing to the woods, and quickly changed into them and tees, before diving into the pool.

Uncle Dan appeared a bit later, already wearing him swimshorts and carrying some clothes to change into after his swim. He wanted exercise so started swimming steady lengths and we joined him on either side, keeping pace and racing him and each other for individual lengths, until he had had enough after thirty or so.

"Are you two going to carry on ? Your mum, Chris, has suggested going for a pub meal as soon as your dad gets home - he is just about landing now" he ssid looking at his watch "If you don't want to, that's fine - get a pizza or something from the freezer she said - and we'll see you later."

We both agreed we'd give the pub a miss and carried on with our swim.

(To be continued)


Posted by Jerry on December 09, 2015 at 01:01:52

Does anyone get physically excited when they are swimming in clothes or happen to suddenly find themselves pushed in. If so, how do you handle the clinging when you leave the water. Tight pants are my problem

Re: Question

Posted by Jamie on December 10, 2015 at 13:50:00

In Reply to: Question posted by Jerry on December 09, 2015 at 01:01:52:

Yeah, sounds about right - happens every time when wearing jeans, especially going commando, whether just wet or even more so when muddy as well. Seeing others getting wet in clothes also does it, particularly when their excitement is obvious, and their clothes are all shiny and clinging (the only exception to this is seeing my dad getting wet and excited ! - that's just too much....). Strangely enough getting wet in swimshorts does not do it, nor seeing others in them. As for coping with it, there's only one real solution so I just wait until getting into a shower and everyone else will have to put up with it until then - they don't have to look after all.........

Re: Question

Posted by Harry on December 10, 2015 at 16:00:09

In Reply to: Question posted by Jerry on December 09, 2015 at 01:01:52:

Chris has just shown me this site - I go to same school as him and Jamie - as he knows I too like to get wet in my clothes. Not so keen on getting muddy but have given it a go a few times in my trackies and sportswear. I can vouch for the fact that both Chris and Jamie get very excited when wet - its all too obvious very often - and it doesn't seem to bother them one little bit, whereas the rest of us do at least try to hide it as much as we can, well most of us anyway. Their lack of shyness may have someting to do with the fact that thay are both (how to put this ? ......) rather more developed than the rest of us. Must be in their genes, I guess.

Re: Wet and muddy again after school.

Posted by Chris on December 10, 2015 at 16:50:09

In Reply to: Wet and muddy again after school. posted by Chris on December 05, 2015 at 17:43:05:

A short while after the parents had all gone off to the pub, Jamie suggested that we head to the woods and get muddy again, so we found some old trainers and headed off in our still dripping wet clothes. It was already dark when we set off and cloudy so it was difficult to see where we were going even before we got to the start of the trail at the edge of the woods. We splashed through the first few puddles and then found it really too dark as it was clouding over even more, so we turned around and went home.

As we approached the house we could see a bit better so went around to the back garden and tried sliding down the slope where the ground dropped away, but without much success. All a bit disappointing really, so we showered and jumped back in the pool again. Jamie suggested that we invest in couple of torches, the sort you strap round round your forehead. First good idea he's had for while.

We ended our wet evening by dumping our wet clothes in a bucket of water ready for the next outing and went to get some supper.

Something to look forward to.

Posted by Jamie on December 10, 2015 at 19:37:57

On saturday morning Chris and me are taking part in the "Teachers versus Boys Rugby Match" at school. They call it a rugby match because it used to be a proper match, but in recent years it has become more and more silly and entertaining, mainly because the boys, fitter and much younger, nearly always won !

Now it is restricted to 5th and 6th Form boys and any masters. The teams can be any size with a maximum number of 10 from each team on the pitch at one time with unlimited substitutes. The winning team from the previous year picks the choice of sporting dress for both teams, the teachers won last year. Today they announced the dress code : cricket whites for the boys and ski-wear for the teachers.

The pitch was prepared earlier this week. A half size rugby pitch with no posts, to avoid injuries, and the goals to be trenches dug across the ends about 6ft from the edge of the pitch area. To make things more interesting, the turf has been stripped off the pitch and touch-down area and the two trenches filled with water and the pitch itself heavily watered over two days ! To score a try a player must get the ball and himself in the water filled trench, however he can, by sliding, jumping or diving in.

Chris and me have bought some cheap white jeans and shirts, socks and boxers and expect to get them totally trashed - can't wait for saturday, it will be even better if it rains.

Re: Question

Posted by Jamie on December 10, 2015 at 22:20:20

In Reply to: Re: Question posted by Harry on December 10, 2015 at 16:00:09:

Thanks for telling everyone that, Harry - NOT !

Never could keep a secret .......

Re: Something to look forward to.

Posted by wetchas on December 11, 2015 at 08:59:30

In Reply to: Something to look forward to. posted by Jamie on December 10, 2015 at 19:37:57:

F*** me. Are you lads living in a parallel universe or something. Who came up with a brilliant idea like that. They must be one of us.
Don't know which I'd like to see most. The trashed white stuff, or the ski wear. Guess that would wash off better, but what fun, sliding around covered in nylon. Is anyone going to film some of it for YouTube, or perhaps the school website.
Sounds like they might have got the idea from a game called kwallaballen, which, unsurprisingly is Dutch I believe (vids on you tube, worth a look).
I guess the grounding is now over. Did the suit survive. One thing, the cricket whites definitely won't.
Have fun you lucky pair.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Something to look forward to.

Posted by Jamie on December 11, 2015 at 09:48:11

In Reply to: Re: Something to look forward to. posted by wetchas on December 11, 2015 at 08:59:30:

I guess it just developed and has been added to year on year as a bit of fun in the run up to Christmas. It was stiil a proper match, but in fancy dress, when I started at the school. It is largely organised by the games and P.E. staff and a couple of the younger ones among them seem to like getting wet and muddy. Parents can attend as spectators, along with the rest of the school of course, and I imagine some of them will take pictures or vids but are asked not to make them public on YouTube etc.

We certainly aim to get our white kit trashed as do all our team mates, so it should be fun. We have a joint team meet this afternoon to arrange a few stunts with the masters and agree on some basic ground rules.

The suit did survive and looks as smart as ever !

Re: Something to look forward to.

Posted by wetchad on December 11, 2015 at 10:15:31

In Reply to: Re: Something to look forward to. posted by Jamie on December 11, 2015 at 09:48:11:

Great. Looks like you might get your wish too. BBC weather predicts heavy rain from about 4am Saturday, through till around 7.00. Then light rain for the most of the morning.Should at least provide plenty of standing water,even if it's not raining for the match.
I'm excited for you. Wish I was there.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: Question

Posted by Harry on December 11, 2015 at 10:30:33

In Reply to: Re: Question posted by Jamie on December 10, 2015 at 22:20:20:

Your secret is out now .... Ha Ha

Re: Termonology

Posted by LevilovR on December 11, 2015 at 11:04:52

In Reply to: Re: Termonology posted by Chris on December 11, 2015 at 10:19:38:

You are fortunate to be in a generation of tolerance. In my generation it was not so. The great thing is that I have lived to see more and more acceptance, not just swimming in clothes, but a host of issues, as years have passed. Wish it could have been different when I was your age, but it was actually something that I tried to hide, as did many others in their early years according to many of the posts I have read in the past on this site. You weren't supposed to be different, you were supposed to be like everyone else. I finally realized it was ok to be different and have become comfortable A(for the most part) now when swimming clothed in public. I am so grateful for this. Just wish I had the nice pool and muddy spots you and Jamie had and the fun adventures you share with all of us. Thanks for your response.

Re: Something to look forward to.

Posted by Jamie on December 11, 2015 at 14:14:19

In Reply to: Re: Something to look forward to. posted by wetchad on December 11, 2015 at 10:15:31:

Looks that way, I'm happy to say, but just to make sure the groundsman has set the sprinklers to play over the pitch all day today and it is looking well water-logged even now. Our team may go down there after school and churn it up a bit before we go home - can't have the teachers complaining the ground is too hard and dangerous to play !!

Re: Question

Posted by Ali on December 11, 2015 at 17:26:01

In Reply to: Re: Question posted by Harry on December 11, 2015 at 10:30:33:

To be honest, Harry, it was never that much of a secret, was it ? You only have to look at either of them when wet in sports kit, trackies or jeans to notice the very prominent bulges that show how much they like being soaking wet - no real way to hide something that obvious .......

Re: Question

Posted by Jamie on December 11, 2015 at 17:29:20

In Reply to: Re: Question posted by Ali on December 11, 2015 at 17:26:01:

Oh my God, Harry ....... Who the f*** else have you told about this site ? The whole school ?

Something to look forward to - preparation

Posted by Jamie on December 11, 2015 at 18:31:23

Following on from the post below, our team of "cricketers" went down to the pitch after school today to see how well it was prepared and churn it up a bit before tomorrow's match against the masters. We had all changed into sports kit and five of the teachers came along with us to have a look as well.

The pitch itself looked well water-logged so we just stomped around in it to ensure it was really muddy. It is now just more than ankle deep in wet sloppy mud and the trenches at either end are about knee deep in water. Of course we had to test the mud and ensure it was the right sort of mud and that the trenches were deep enough, so guess who volunteered to be rolled in the mud and then tossed into the trenches ? Correct - it was Chris ! He ended up totally soaked in mud after being dragged across the pitch by his ankles and then thrown into both the trenches, where he was completely submerged each time. There were lots of laughs from both teammates and teachers when he emerged covered in mud and soaked to the skin in his clinging shorts and shirt. Awesome.

Re: Something to look forward to - preparation

Posted by Ben on December 11, 2015 at 19:52:30

In Reply to: Something to look forward to - preparation posted by Jamie on December 11, 2015 at 18:31:23:

be careful tomorrow. Cricket whites must be seethrough if wet, although the mud may help! Maybe you need to layer up too as it will be cold.

Re: Something to look forward to - preparation

Posted by Jamie on December 11, 2015 at 20:07:53

In Reply to: Re: Something to look forward to - preparation posted by Ben on December 11, 2015 at 19:52:30:

A few of the team are wearing proper cricket whites,the rest of us have gone for white jeans or chinos and shirts, the cheapest we could find, as we know they will get totally trashed. Who cares about layering up to avoid "wet transparency" ? If it happens, it happens - we are wearing boxers, so how bad can it be from a distance ?

message for jamie and chris.

Posted by wetchas on December 12, 2015 at 09:00:36

Don't know if you will pick this up before you go,but have a great time. Are you already in your whites.
Enjoy and be sure to let us know all about it

Re: message for jamie and chris.

Posted by Jamie on December 12, 2015 at 09:56:43

In Reply to: message for jamie and chris. posted by wetchas on December 12, 2015 at 09:00:36:

We are due to be at school at 11am for 11:30 kick-off. The game will be 30 minutes each way. And it is damp and looks like rain - but not cold - so that's a bonus : can't wait to get started !

We are already in our whites (jeans are rather more "very skinny fit" than the expected "slim fit" the stall holder told us - can't really try them on in middle of the street can you ? - but maybe they'll get more comfortable when wet !).

We have arranged a few stunts to entertain the spectators during the match; one of our teachers was an amateur stuntman in his student days so has taught us all, teachers included, a few tricks to add a bit of fun and mock aggression to the game. Harry has agreed to write an account as a spectator and we'll get around to doing our bit as well after the weekend - out with family later today and tomorrow.

Re: message for jamie and chris.

Posted by trn on December 13, 2015 at 11:53:29

In Reply to: Re: message for jamie and chris. posted by Jamie on December 12, 2015 at 09:56:43:

no one into white shiny trackies and hoodies? Can also be very interesting !

Peeing yourself

Posted by wetchas on December 14, 2015 at 08:45:18

I expect we've all done it, in the sea, or the pool, but does anyone here use pee as part of their wet activities. There's several vids on you tube of guys wetting themselves just before taking a shower. Is anyone here into that.
I must admit to being quite a regular wetter, but always pre shower, never just for fun.
Sorry if you find this repulsive, and I am expecting some negative replies. Just asking the question, and trying to start a thread going. By the way, I am not into any other forms of "scat" as I think it's called, but do have a liking for a good warm stream of pee.
Thanks for reading this, look forward to your replies, good or bad.

Boys v Teachers - the match

Posted by Harry on December 14, 2015 at 12:03:03

When I got to school I found everyone waiting for the referee to arrive - the school chaplain had been volunteered as the most unbiased person available - so I joined the team membersand chatted as we waited. There was a good crowd of spectators on the sidelines, mostly the younger boys from school but a few parents as well - including Jamie's and Chris's dads - and almost all the boys looked dressed ready to get wet and muddy in either trackies and sportsgear or old jeans and sweatshirts as in previous years the event had descended into a mud fight after the match.

When the Rev turned up we all had a good laugh as he had dressed in the correct black shorts and shirt but had added a long blonde wig and a voluptuous pair of boobs, provided by a pair of balloons in a bra stuffed under his shirt, which he had topped off with his clerical collar. Alwas a proper man of the church, our Rev.

The pitch had been coniderably churned up by the groundsmen since the day before and the mud was now much more than ankle deep. They had also dug out the two "goal" trenches, both widening and deepening them, although we only found out the latter fact when one of our players, Ben, jumped in and instead of landing in knee deep water, as expected, found himself up to his chest - the look on his face was priceless !

The first try was scored by Chris, who was passed the ball and spotted a gap in the teachers' defence and swerved passed a couple of tackles before diving over the line and sliding across the touchdown area, falling face first into the trench. He looked pretty amazing plastered in mud and dripping wet as he scrambled out of the trench and trotted back to his position for the game to re-start.

The teachers fought back with a couple of quick tries and by then everyone was soaked through and muddy. The first bit of aggression occured when one of our boys, Toby, was tackled by two teachers and as they got up from on top of him, they each pushed his face into the mud and one took a swift kick at his ribs as they walked off. Toby jumped to his feet , grabbed one by the shoulder, whirled him around and knocked him to the ground with a swift right hook to the jaw. The game had moved on to another part of the pitch and the referee did not see what had happened, but the spectators did, and there was an outcry of "FOUL". Toby had walked away from the teacher on the ground and the referee called for play to continue as the grounded teacher waved him away. A little later Toby was grabbed by two teachers, dragged trough the mud by his feet and dumped in the nearest trench. He was laughing as he clambered out and made no protest.

By half-time the match was drawn, and it was raining quite heavily. Parents had pulled out umbrellas but most of the boys spectating seemed happy to get wetter and wetter.

To be continued .....

Re: Boys v Teachers - the match

Posted by Harry on December 14, 2015 at 13:35:44

In Reply to: Re: Boys v Teachers - the match posted by wetchas on December 14, 2015 at 12:49:48:

Right, sorry - I'm not used to posting on here so forgive me not saying about the clothing.

All the teachers wore ski-wear, I think, and had all decided to wear pink, orange and yellow kit from padded jackets to thermal trousers and various nylon tops and trackies. The kit looked pretty cool when wet and even better when they got muddy.

A couple of the boys wore proper cricket whites, with pads, and long-sleeved shirts. All the others wore white jeans or chinos with white long-sleeved shirts or sweatshirts. A few had obviously not thought about their clothes turning transparent when wet and showed dar coloured boxers or briefs when they did, although once muddy it didn't make any difference as everything turned brown ! A couple of the boys had bought their jeans from the same stall holder as Jamie and Chris and ended up with very skinny fit jeans that looked very uncomfortable. Chris did say, after he had got a soaking, that they seemed to have loosened up a bit and seemed stretchy as well but they left nothing to the imagination even before he got his usual b*ner !!

The mud across the pitch was about 9 inches deep, so well above the ankle, and was very creamy and soft after the groundsmen had driven their tractor back and forth across it. It must have rained over night as there were puddles of water across parts of it.

I have never been a great fan of getting muddy - getting wet is good for me - but I really enjoyed getting totally plastered along wiih everyone else after the match. I couldn't believe how good my jeans and sweatshirt felt when soaked in mud and really heavy. The sight of maybe 100 fellow pupils getting soaked in mud and splashing around was a real turn-on, I have to admit.

Re: Peeing yourself

Posted by Jamie on December 14, 2015 at 14:11:19

In Reply to: Peeing yourself posted by wetchas on December 14, 2015 at 08:45:18:

Yeah, I've tried it before having a shower. I laid a pair of dry jeans on the wet-room floor and pissed on them before pulling them on and jerking off before showering with the jeans still on. It felt nice, rather warm and comforting, truth be told. I can't say I'd want to do it regularly, but I did rather enjoy it.

Re: message for jamie and chris.

Posted by Chris on December 14, 2015 at 14:18:33

In Reply to: Re: message for jamie and chris. posted by trn on December 13, 2015 at 11:53:29:

No, there weren't.

But some of the lads, who had been spectating, were in trackies and they got good and muddy afterwards, but they were all dark colours and not really 'metallic' shiny like I guess you are thinking of.

Re: Boys v Teachers - the match

Posted by Harry on December 14, 2015 at 15:30:32

In Reply to: Re: Boys v Teachers - the match posted by wetchas on December 14, 2015 at 14:22:58:

We have a home study day today as the teachers are almost all involved in outings to museums etc with the younger guys, so have not been able to find out how well the teachers' clothing survived the ordeal. I guess they would have been OK being nylon or polyester, the mud kind of stuck to them, but nothing like as much as the lads white stuff. Everyone was hosed down afterwards and blue jeans, trackie bottoms and sportswear all seemed to survive OK from what I could see, but the guys in white still looked quite brown afterwards and didn't get any whiter after we had taken hot showers inside either. I've spoken to a few of the guys today by phone or text and Chris and Jamie have put their jeans, boxers, shirts and socks through a biological wash and it seems all are now as white as new except for the socks and a brown tinge to the elasticated waisband of the boxers: Jamie even said he had grown to like the white jeans so intends to keep them for future muddings. They did look quite impressive when shiny wet and gleaming with mud that highlighted their b*ners, even quite arousing if I'm honest - just don't tell them that, please !!

I will try to think of a few more interesting facts about those two ........ that are printable of course.

Re: Boys v Teachers - the match

Posted by Harry on December 14, 2015 at 22:15:48

In Reply to: Re: Boys v Teachers - the match posted by wetschollboyrob on December 14, 2015 at 20:50:42:

Who said anything about "gay" ?

I know a couple of gay men (one is a teacher at my school) but that does not include me or Chris or Jamie; curious and liking seeing guys in wet clothes is not a "gay" thing by definition surely ? Please don't label people you don't know.

Re: Peeing yourself

Posted by wetchas on December 15, 2015 at 08:31:30

In Reply to: Re: Peeing yourself posted by Jamie on December 14, 2015 at 14:11:19:

Thanks for that reply Jamie.
One of those things that you enjoyed trying, even if it doesn't become habit.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Boys v Teachers - the match

Posted by Harry on December 15, 2015 at 22:35:42

In Reply to: Re: Boys v Teachers - the match posted by wetchas on December 15, 2015 at 08:53:39:

You're welcome. I wish I'd found this site sooner, seems like there are many more guys into getting wet in clothes than I had realised, although having said that I know most guys at school enjoy it when it happens to them but, unlike Jamie and Chris, they don't readily admit it. I'm happy to be "aboard" even though I hate boats - I get horribly sea-sick even if it is calm !

Teachers v. Boys - 2nd Half

Posted by Harry on December 16, 2015 at 17:58:38

Sorry it has taken a while to post this but have had problems working out how to select it all, rather than just the first para only, ready to paste here after writing it up on my tablet !

The second half of the match was as entertaining as the first. All the boys had jumped into the trench at their end during half-time and washed off a lot of the mud so they appeared ready for the resumed game soaked and dripping wet, hair stuck to scalps and light brown clothes clinging nicely - a very arousing sight.

The teachers were still as muddy as before but none of them had got quite as muddy as the boys so their multi-coloured ski-wear was almost as colourful as at the start.

The match started well for the boys and the game was played out largely in the teachers' half for a while, although no-one managed to score. Ten minutes in and the majority of the boys were as muddy as they had been before half-time, taking every opportunity to fall and dive into the mud as they reasonably could. From a spectator's point of view it looked like huge fun but it must have been difficult to stay upright in such conditions.

The teachers were beginning to get rattled at not making much progress and their tackling got more and more aggressive. Toby was felled with a brutal tackle at shoulder height, far too high, and slammed into the mud with a huge splat, face first. The teacher who tackled him then appeared to step on him, rather than over him, as he walked away. The spectators cried "Foul" but the ref called for play to carry-on. As it did so two of the bigger boys grabbed the offending teacher and marched him to the nearer trench and threw him in, to applause from the spectators. To his credit, he was laughing as he climbed out, soaked and dripping, his clinging clothes clearly betraying his enjoyment at getting an unexpected dunking.

Both Jamie and Chris played a part in the scoring of the first try of the half by Ben, and Chris was pushed into the trench by a laughing teacher as his reward. He jumped up out of the trench and tackled the teacher into the mud, where they rolled around until they were pulled apart by team-mates. They were both completely covered, with not an inch of their clothes, faces and hair free of wet gleaming mud. They stood glaring at each other for a moment and then burst out laughing at the sight of each other.

The match continued in this vein until tempers apparently flared again when Chris tackled a teacher just as he was yards from the touchdown area and appeared certain to go on and score. They both scrambled to their feet as the ref called for a line-out and as the other players took their position something was said by the teacher to Chris and suddenly they were squaring up to each other, the teacher shoved Chris back by the shoulder and the next thing we knew he was flat on his back with Chris standing over him, astride his knees, fists still clenched. The teacher put his hands up in surrender and Chris gave him a sly kick in the balls as he stepped away, before taking his place in the line-out. Again the ref just signalled for play to continue.

The line-out was so close to the boys' end that it looked certain that the teachers would score, but Alan, the tallest boy in the team, managed to grab the ball and pass it out to the other players and they sprinted back down the pitch unopposed, really, by the slower teachers who were struggling more to keep from falling over in the deep slippery mud. Guy scored a great one by doing a touchdown over the line and then back-flipping into the trench to loud cheers from all the spectators.

A few minutes later the ref blew the final whistle and the game ended in victory for the boys. The boys did a victory running dive into the mud and then splashed down into the trench at the masters end and then we all stood around for the Head to say a few words. After he had congratulated everyone on playing a fine game and thanked the Rev for refeering, he declared that the pitch was now free for whoever wanted a bit more fun in the mud. He then wisely made a hasty retreat. The senior games teacher then told everyone that the school showers and changing rooms would close at 3pm and would people please wash mud off before using them. The parents mostly headed home at that stage and the teachers all went off to their changing room or flats and houses on school grounds as appropriate, leaving us 5th and 6th Formers to supervise the inevitable mud fight.

Mud fight

Posted by Jamie on December 16, 2015 at 20:39:22

We had the very greatest fun after the Teachers v. Boys Rugby/Football match on Saturday.

There must have been 100 boys from school who took advantage of the very wet and muddy pitch after the match. So very aroysing seeing so many horny lads splashing around in a foot or more of mud.

Most of the boys had turned up in sportswear (tracky bottoms, shorts, soccer shirts, tees, sweatshirts) and were well prepared to get soaked and totally plastered in liquid mud, but some turned up in jeans and tees or sweatshirts, which were rather more interesting.

The lads from the team were in white of course, which sparked an interest of its own, and we were all the centre of interest after the match, even though we were far from white after the match, everyone wanted to splash or dunk us in the mud and see the aftermath, I was hard almost all the time, which just made it worse.

We had a relaxing day on Sunday, time with family and a pre-Christmas lunch for all the family in our "Neutral Zone" of the main hallway of our new home.

Monday was a "home study" day (yeah, right, as if that was going to happen 13 days before Christmas !) so we made the effort and really did study during the morning, but relaxed reading our study books whilst floating on lilos in the pool, wearing only jeans and tees, during the afternoon - the perfect way to study !!

Re: Mud fight

Posted by wetchas on December 17, 2015 at 08:55:42

In Reply to: Mud fight posted by Jamie on December 16, 2015 at 20:39:22:

What an image that conjours up. Over 100 of you in a mud pit. I would have paid good money to see that. As I've said before, you guys really are living the dream.
I guess everyone had a change of clothes, or did a few have to go home in the same ones. I obviously won't ask for too much clothing detail, but just to satisfy my personal fetish, was there any Adidas clothing involved. Those white striped trackies just cry out to have the stripes obliterated in my opinion. Would love to think a few pairs were involved.
Must have been a queue for the showers afterwards though.
Thanks again for posting.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Mud fight

Posted by Jamie on December 17, 2015 at 09:30:52

In Reply to: Re: Mud fight posted by wetchas on December 17, 2015 at 08:55:42:

I think everyone had a great time splashing around in the mud, I know I did and am certain Chris did as he had the biggest bulge tenting out his jeans even though they were so tight, you just could not avoid noticing ha ha !!!

There were a few Adidas tracky bottoms in evidence (mostly dark blue, I think, but difficult to be sure as everyone was so muddy) and a few tops as well. All the spectators were fairly wet by the time the match ended as it had been raining quite heavily during the final ten minutes, so there were lots of lads in clingy wet kit even before they got muddy. Most of them just splashed around at first but after a few did running dives and slides through the deeper bits even the less confident had a go, those that didn't were soon tackled into the mud or were dumped in the trenches by their mates.

We (5th & 6th Formers) hosed ourselves and everyone else down afterwards and about half went home wet as they were either walking or cycling. The rest of us showered and changed before going home. There are individual shower cubicles but most of use the communal shower room which can easily accomodate 50 lads at once as it has shower heads spread across the entire ceiling (with just one control - fun to see the reaction when you turn it to cold over lots of naked lads !!)

Re: Mud fight

Posted by wetchas on December 17, 2015 at 10:17:40

In Reply to: Re: Mud fight posted by Jamie on December 17, 2015 at 09:30:52:

Great mate. Thanks for indulging me. I expect you get tired of answering daft questions all the time, so thanks anyway.
They reckon it's going to be the mildest Christmas on record, so you should have plenty of chance to get out in the woods.
The perfect antidote to too much Turkey I reckon, a good mudding in those nearly clean whites.
Thanks again for keeping us posted. It is really appreciated.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Mud fight

Posted by Jamie on December 17, 2015 at 14:23:39

In Reply to: Re: Mud fight posted by wetchas on December 17, 2015 at 10:17:40:

You're welcome - keep the questions coming, nice to know you enjoy our exploits almost as much as we do.

With the weather being so mild at the moment it is great for having some fun in the mud, we have had a few short but very heavy bouts of rain here today and I see the Met Office is predicting more of the same on Saturday and Sunday, so that is all good.

Christmas Day will be a good one with all the family at the house, 19 in all I think, with all the cousins and so on, and they are all staying over until Tuesday. Dad has already told everyone to bring whatever their preferred swimwear is and I've told all the cousins to bring old gear and be prepared to get muddy on an obstacle course in the woods. Rob, the forestry guy, is bringing some equipment over on Monday to help me, Chris, and friends Harry and Ally to build it - we've got four days to build and test it - how hard can it be ?

Uncle Danny has also installed a 1m high springboard and a 2.5m high static diving board at the pool (the water is just about safely deep enough at 13ft and the new roof is still 1m above my head when I stand on the board - it looks a long way down though !) so we should have lots of fun with that - I just have to overcome my dislike of heights ! Chris thinks I'm a wimp but I just remind him about spiders .....

Have a good Christmas yourself.

Re: Mud fight

Posted by wetchas on December 17, 2015 at 14:42:41

In Reply to: Re: Mud fight posted by Jamie on December 17, 2015 at 14:23:39:

Yea,and you, although hopefully we will talk before it arrives. Looking forward to hearing about this obstacle course. Good that you have a couple of mates involved.
Maybe you could organise an afternoon of novelty games in the pool for one of the days. Helps to get everyone out of their seats, and work off the Christmas excesses.
Cheers for now. Charlie.

Re: Mud fight

Posted by Jamie on December 17, 2015 at 16:37:03

In Reply to: Re: Mud fight posted by wetchas on December 17, 2015 at 14:42:41:

I hope we can get some of the adults on the obstacle course - they'll no doubt need to work off all the food and drink - and we'll be making activities in the pool compulsory for young and not-so-young !!

We will doubtless be posting about the building of the obstacle course as there will hopefully be lots of opportunities to get wet and muddy ........

School's Out

Posted by Jamie Chris on December 18, 2015 at 14:08:59

Just got home from school for the Christmas hols, no-one at home, so dumped our stuff and jumped in the pool just as we were - tan chinos, yellow tee, green hoodie, yellow socks, orange, yellow and green check boxers and brown deck shoes for Chris: black chinos, white tee, grey sweatshirt, black socks, black boxerbriefs and black trainers for Jamie.

Jamie looks awesome in his gleaming black chinos and Chris' green hoodie and tan chinos turned so much darker when wet.

Had some fun using the new spring and diving boards and trying to out-do each other in doing silly jumps and poses as we fell into the water. Great fun.

Just sitting in a couple of pool side chairs as I write this, slowly dripping dry - both feeling very aroused and nurseing b*ners - very funny.

Re: Mud fight

Posted by trn on December 18, 2015 at 14:42:45

In Reply to: Re: Mud fight posted by Jamie on December 17, 2015 at 16:37:03:

Yeah keep it muddy. May be a good opportunity to use the shiny trackies. Wasn't it Chris who wanted to use them once. Nice opportunity to use them in the mud !

Re: School's Out

Posted by wetsurfer on December 18, 2015 at 17:37:11

In Reply to: School's Out posted by Jamie Chris on December 18, 2015 at 14:08:59:

would love to c some pics guys . love to read al the things you do

Re: School's Out

Posted by Jamie on December 18, 2015 at 18:40:04

In Reply to: Re: School's Out posted by wetsurfer on December 18, 2015 at 17:37:11:

Sorry, no pics or vids - we'd like to stay anonymous as much as we can. Glad you enjoy reading about our exploits though. Happy wet Christmas.

School's Out - 2

Posted by Jamie on December 18, 2015 at 18:59:16

Just had to post this - so funny.

So, we're both sitting by the pool in our wet clothes, taking a breather from diving in and fooling around, and are dripping wet when Chris' mum appears from the house having returned from her shopping expedition with my mum.

"Hi guys ...... i might have guessed you'd be here getting wet again." she said "Good final day at school ?"

"Yeah, not bad, just winding things up and not doing much really" Chris replies, getting up and wandering over to greet her. He is still dripping wet and tenting out his trousers with a huge b*ner.

"Jesu....... Chris !" she exclaims "Go get a cold shower or have a good wa**........What is it with the men in this family ! I see enough of that from your dad ........."

"Mum !" Chris cries "You can't say that !"

"Just GO ..... Both of you !" she tells him as I wet myself laughing.

So we did as she suggested.

Re: School's Out - 2

Posted by Chris on December 18, 2015 at 22:34:44

In Reply to: School's Out - 2 posted by Jamie on December 18, 2015 at 18:59:16:

My mum, eh? What can you say ? - she can be very embarrassing sometimes .......

Perhaps I should have stayed sitting down and just said "Hello", she may well have guessed why I wouldn't get up - she knows what I'm like when getting wet, I'm sure.

The funniest thing was how red Jamie went hearing mum say the W-word ......

Re: School's Out

Posted by wetsurfer on December 19, 2015 at 08:09:16

In Reply to: Re: School's Out posted by Jamie on December 18, 2015 at 18:40:04:

i do get that boys. and respect that, bud thought of the game on school it might not hurt ,there are lots of guys on it then haha.

anyway, keep up the fun and tel us al about it .

Re: School's Out

Posted by Jamie on December 19, 2015 at 08:30:48

In Reply to: Re: School's Out posted by wetsurfer on December 19, 2015 at 08:09:16:

It may be that some pictures will emerge of the game at school on individual's Facebook or other social media in an unidentifiable way, but the school specifically requests that school activities are not publicised in that way, so pupils and parents tend to respect that. Personly neither Chris or me are on Facebook or such and I don't think any of our mates are either. Neither of us own decent cameras and my phone has a pretty useless one and, of course, is not mud or water proof, so is not much good for our wet and muddy activities at home in the pool or woods.

We will keep posting on here, no doubt, even if it gets a bit less often over the christmas hols.

Re: Mud fight

Posted by Chris on December 19, 2015 at 16:32:18

In Reply to: Re: Mud fight posted by trn on December 18, 2015 at 14:42:45:

Yes, it was me. I wanted Jamie to try my shiny trackies, he's worn them in the pool and they looked awesome, clingy and somewhat revealing (but who cares among friends?) and he loved them so much that he creamed them later in a hot shower ! Very naughty boy ......

Rob has told us all to wear tough and robust cargoes, flannel shirts and supportive underwear along with robust boots for our construction work on the obstacle course, just to avoid risk of injury. He also said to be prepared to get wet and muddy - which was what we were hoping for anyway ....

Coming out as a phatdipper

Posted by Nik on December 20, 2015 at 18:11:18

The School's Out story of Jamie and Chris got me thinking about my own teenage years. My family was kind of liberal too, and let me get wet more or less whenever I wanted to. We didn't have an indoor pool, though, but I could still satisfy myself in the bathtub and shower. And the lake during the summers.

In retrospect, I've come to consider the fact that my family knew about my feelings for getting wet in clothes - and I'm sure they connected the dots why I was so fond of it - as a kind of coming out. A bit like when I came out as gay to my family.

What do you readers here think about the similarities in these processes? Have you come out as phatdippers to your families? Did you think telling them - if you did - was a kind of coming out?

What about you, Chris and Jamie?

Happy Christmas Everyone

Posted by Jamie and Chris on December 22, 2015 at 15:18:00

We started work on our obstacle course yesterday doing the groundwork and cutting some of the timber we need. Its been hard work, and we all got a soaking, although Harry got an unexpected mud bath when he fell in a ditch - thick black stinky mud too - which made us all laugh, he wasn't too happy about the stinky bit !!

We might try and write up each day of the build but Chris thinks it would be better to do it all in one go after its all complete: we'll see how time goes and other things happen.

Meanwhile, we wish everyone here a Happy Christmas and a very wet 2016. Thanks too for all the appreciative comments about our wet adventures this past few months, we enjoyed it very much and hope to continue next year.

Re: Happy Christmas Everyone

Posted by wetchas on December 22, 2015 at 15:36:54

In Reply to: Happy Christmas Everyone posted by Jamie and Chris on December 22, 2015 at 15:18:00:

Poor Harry. He's not to keen on mud at the best of times is he? Hope you didn't all laugh too loudly.
Thanks for the regular updates on your lives. Must say they have been great to read.
Have a good Christmas.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Happy Christmas Everyone

Posted by Nik on December 22, 2015 at 16:53:21

In Reply to: Happy Christmas Everyone posted by Jamie and Chris on December 22, 2015 at 15:18:00:

Same to you! I'm looking forward to reading about your wet adventures next year.

Re: Happy Christmas Everyone

Posted by Chris on December 22, 2015 at 18:57:56

In Reply to: Re: Happy Christmas Everyone posted by Poor Harry on December 22, 2015 at 18:36:46:

Harry is quite right - he did still whiff when he left here after his hosing down, a long hot shower, a swim, another hot shower and a change of clothes. All our work clothes went in the wash ready for wearing again today and they were fine, no muddy stink for Harry !!

Jamie was the one to get really muddy today but that was voluntarily and in "ordinary" mud so he was quite happy about that.

fetish but doesn't know it?

Posted by ted on December 23, 2015 at 14:59:14

I was thinking... do you think there are a lot of people out there who enjoy getting wet with clothes on but they don't realize it or they don't think about it... maybe they just haven't explored it further than they just know they like wearing a tshirt or jeans when they go swimming.

You see a lot of people at the pool, beach, or water park wearing a shirt, and they aren't just overweight. You also see a lot of normal people on youtube videos wearing a shirt while getting wet (and I'm not talking about the fetish videos that are popular). Just google videos of people having phatdipping parties, or water gun fights, or cardboard boat races.

I just wonder if there is a larger population of people that don't know about this site and havn't explored their interests further... Maybe if we all are just more public with our love of wet and muddy clothes, we will be more able to connect with those people.

If we see someone with wet clothes out in public, maybe just try having a conversation with them and see why they like doing it. Overtime, maybe having the right conversations will turn everyone over to the wet side!

Re: fetish but doesn't know it?

Posted by Tarianne Mwanet on December 23, 2015 at 15:24:07

In Reply to: fetish but doesn't know it? posted by ted on December 23, 2015 at 14:59:14:

I think many more people enjoy swimming in clothes (phatdipping) than will openly admit to it, because (a) they feel as if they are the only one who enjoys it and hence isolated, (b) embarassed to be different from the normal crowd and hence hide it or keep it in private, and (c) get 'excited' in some way (lol) when participating in this.

Luckily we now have the internet, so many more phatdippers find out about it and realize it's perfectly okay; it's even becoming perfectly socially acceptable in many contexts where it wasn't thought to be before.

Re: fetish but doesn't know it?

Posted by adam on December 24, 2015 at 00:43:05

In Reply to: Re: fetish but doesn't know it? posted by Tarianne Mwanet on December 23, 2015 at 15:24:07:

I think is the people that come to this website are more private about their fetish and more private about it. It is more of an intimate experience.

While all those people you see swimming with clothes in public don't view it as intimate but just fun. And are just more confident people because of that.

Yes, there are a lot of people who wear a shirt because they are insecure about their body (they aren't doing it because they enjoy it). But I've seen confident guys (and girls) jump in the water with their clothes or shirt, countless times. And they don't seem embarassed about it.

Re: fetish but doesn't know it?

Posted by wetchas on December 24, 2015 at 08:36:35

In Reply to: Re: fetish but doesn't know it? posted by adam on December 24, 2015 at 00:43:05:

I think there are a lot of people who will do it for fun, or if there is no alternative, but unlike us, its not a hobby. They probably don't get any sexual pleasure from it, its just something they would do in a group, if their mates were doing it and they didn't want to loose face. The difference with us is that we do it for pleasure, quite often having planned to do so.
The subject has been touched on in other posts, but I think it is relevant here too. A swim in clothes is hardly a big deal these days. As Jamie & Chris have proved, a whole outfit can be brought for around £15 possibly cheaper in big superstores. At those sort of prices clothing is expendable, indeed some of the guys I work with will wear such an outfit only once, if going on a boozy night out. Going back to soakings, most people now think "what the heck". Clothes wash easier too, good for us of course as mudding, gunging and ripping sessions cost peanuts.
Just some thoughts.
Cheers. Wetchas.

when was

Posted by wetschollboyrob on December 24, 2015 at 14:22:24

When was the first time you ever got wet in smart clothes like suits school uniforms scout uniforms

Re: when was

Posted by Jamie on December 24, 2015 at 17:53:36

In Reply to: when was posted by wetschollboyrob on December 24, 2015 at 14:22:24:

The last time was When I got pushed in the swimming pool at school on the last day of the last term during which I had to wear the school uniform of grey suit, white shirt, house tie and formal shoes. Not sure about the first time but it was when I was eight or nine and I fell into the stream at the bottom of the garden of a friends house at their (very formal) birthday party. I got into real trouble for that although I maintain that it was stupid to expect kids of that age not to fool around with friends at a party and insist on smart clothes rather than jeans and tees.

Re: when was

Posted by wetschollboyrob on December 24, 2015 at 20:17:31

In Reply to: Re: when was posted by Jamie on December 24, 2015 at 17:53:36:

Did u have fun I find it so much more fun in smart clothes

Re: when was

Posted by Jamie on December 24, 2015 at 22:23:47

In Reply to: Re: when was posted by wetschollboyrob on December 24, 2015 at 20:17:31:

It was fun the last time at school as most of my mates also ended up in the pool with me, along with most of the other guys in my year - it was sort of semi-planned and we had all taken a change of clothes in to school that day - and it did feel different and more exciting as we all felt we were doing something "rebellious" and "naughty" (for want of a better word") and there was a certain sexual frisson attached to it all.

The first time at the party, I can only remember the telling off I got and the humiliation of it being done in front of my friends and their parents ! If I had been wearing any other clothes I'm sure my mum would have just laughed it off and said "Oh well, boys will be boys !" and left me to "suffer" the rest of the afternoon in my wet clothes, but she saw it as a reflection on her "poor" parenting skills that showed her up in front of the other parents. We did discuss it years later and she admitted that she had not made allowances for the fact I had not got wet deliberately but had been pushed in.

Re: fetish but doesn't know it?

Posted by Jamie on December 24, 2015 at 23:17:57

In Reply to: Re: fetish but doesn't know it? posted by wetchas on December 24, 2015 at 08:36:35:

I would agree with the fact that it is just not seen as "weird" by most people of my age. Chris and me get wet and muddy deliberately because we enjoy it largely because we get a sexual thrill out of it most of the time, but most of our mates get wet and muddy as a consequence of doing someting else that they enjoy, be it playing sport, having a go at an assault course or cycling around, the fact that they get a boner or whatever is incidental. They don't care so much about it either because they also know that they are probably not going to wreck their sports kit, jeans, tee-shirts or trainers to such a degree that they will need to spend money (or their parents won't have to) to replace it, hence the worst that can happen is a few irritated words of rebuke. Cheap and easy-care clothing makes it all less of a problem, as does easy access to a washing machine in most everyones home.

Most of them are also up for a challenge by their peers, so I know that if I say "Bet you won't try and jump that stream ! It'll go on YouTube." I'm pretty sure most of them will try and to hell with the consequences if they fail.

Re: Happy Christmas Everyone

Posted by wetjumper on December 25, 2015 at 00:44:46

In Reply to: Happy Christmas Everyone posted by Jamie and Chris on December 22, 2015 at 15:18:00:

A happy Christmas to you too, and to Felix and all the readers. Thanks again for the many, many enjoyable stories you've posted here from April 2015 onwards. I'm envious, but greatly inspired by your adventures! As wetchas put it, keep on "living the dream".

Peter (wetjumper)

No postings yet

Posted by Chris on January 03, 2016 at 23:08:46

Jamie and me said we would be posting about the time we spent building/preparing our obstacle course with our mates and Rob but we have not had the chance yet as we unexpectedly had a holiday abroad from boxing day until today.

We got it all done, with Rob's help, and got well and truly wet and muddy doing it over the four days to Christmas, it was very satisfying seeing it all complete but I have never before felt o cold, wet and dirty continuously for so long, fun at first but a bit boring by the end of the second day and a real relief to finish by the end of the fourth.

Anyway, we had a great Christmas Day with 22 of us sitting down to lunch and 21 staying over for saturday. Jamie and me thought everyone was staying longer with us but dad announced over lunch that we were to be flying out to Barbados late on Saturday morning. His boss has a holiday villa out there and usually goes himself but his wife is unwell at the moment and cannot fly so he offered it to us along with a company jet to fly us there and back. So eight of us flew out (including dad's parents) and came back earlier today. Fabulous Christmas present to say the least. I've never been there before, and it is lovely with supurb beaches, great people and some interesting food.

We will attempt to post more in due course but things are gearing up for a busy term at school from thursday and we both have some work to do before then.

Swim Test

Posted by Skylar on January 04, 2016 at 21:44:48

I've got a survival swimming test coming up in 1 month and badly need some advice on how to swim as quickly as possibly whilst fully clothed, i.e. shoes, socks, trousers, polo shirt and a jacket or hoodie - all of which must be cotton.

I have to do 100m in 2mins and I'm a way off that pace at the moment. It also comes after about 40 mins of sprints and breath holds.

Any tips on how to swim quickly with this massive amount of drag? Any training ideas?

Also any ideas on how best to minimise the drag and extra weight of sodden clothing? I've already removed linings and pockets etc.

Thanks, Skylar

Re: Swim Test

Posted by Felix on January 04, 2016 at 23:16:34

In Reply to: Swim Test posted by Skylar on January 04, 2016 at 21:44:48:

What time do you currently swim 100 metres without clothes?

2 minutes is quite a difficult time to achieve, especially for someone who hasn't had a solid training background.

If you haven't got too much time left to prepare for the swim then you'll need to swim in your exam clothes as often as you can between now and the event.

Do a 100 metres time trial in swimwear and in your exam clothes. Report your times back here I'm sure wet people here will come up with a few ideas.

It is interesting they want you to swim in cotton clothes. Most pools only allow man-made fibre that don't clog up the filters.

Cotton clothes feel great in the water. Lucky you. Enjoy!


Re: Swim Test

Posted by wetchas on January 05, 2016 at 08:24:33

In Reply to: Re: Swim Test posted by Felix on January 04, 2016 at 23:16:34:

Yep. Agree with Felix. It's surprising that you have to wear cotton gear. Nylon would be much easier. I'm not really qualified to add much else, hardly being able to swim at all, but guess a lot of it is in the practice.
Still, good fun whether you pass or not. You didn't say if it was for a job, or just a qualification you are going for.
All the best anyway.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: Adventure Centre

Posted by Skylar on January 05, 2016 at 13:35:23

In Reply to: Re: Swim Test posted by wetchas on January 05, 2016 at 08:24:33:

The job is at an outdoor adventure center starting this spring. For privacy reasons I won't say which one.

One needs to be really fit to keep up with the events, many involve water activities. So I expect I'll get soaking wet every day.

Skylar (18)

Re: Adventure Centre

Posted by wetchas on January 05, 2016 at 14:08:44

In Reply to: Re: Adventure Centre posted by Skylar on January 05, 2016 at 13:35:23:

Good on you then. I'll be hoping you pass. Whatever, the opportunity of a soaking 3 or 4 times a week whilst practicing must be worth it. Still surprised that you have to wear jeans though, and not trackies or other outdoor persuit clothing. Perhaps they think that if you can swim in jeans, jumper and so on, then you can swim in anything.
All the best anyway. Let us know how you get on.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Wet fun

Posted by Jamie on January 05, 2016 at 18:17:28

Busy day studying at home with Chris, Harry and Alistair finishing off a project ready for going back to school on Thursday. Annoying really that today was even a bit sunny whilst we were indoors, so come 3pm we all decided we had done enough studying and would head outside. We were all dressed in jeans and sweatshirts and Harry and Ali had bought changes of clothes as they knew we'd go for a swim at the very least. We all jumped in the pool before we headed outside in our soaked clothes. We acquired a couple of old and rather ratty quad bikes through Rob just before Christmas, so we jumped on those and headed to the obstacle course. The bikes will seat two at a squeeze (you really do have to be very friendly) and Chris climbed on behind me, so with Harry wanting a go at driving Ali jumped on behind him. It felt really good with Chris in his wet clothes pushed up against my back and he was obviously enjoying the feel as well. It got even better when he asked if I was going commando, I was, and he started moving his hands down from my chest, I almost veered off the track ! We all got thoroughly soaked in mud as we splashed through the puddles and we all looked a muddy brown colour when we got to the start of the obstacles. We spent an hour or more getting really really wet and muddy whilst falling off the obstacles and splashing in ditches and wading through the swampy bits we had created - most enjoyable. We finished off the afternoon by hosing each other clean back at the house and then fooling around in the pool.

Re: Adventure Centre

Posted by Jamie on January 06, 2016 at 10:39:57

In Reply to: Re: Adventure Centre posted by wetchas on January 05, 2016 at 14:08:44:

Maybe they suggest jeans as they offer better protection against bumps and bruises ? Chris and me have found them better than thin trackies or sportswear in that respect and think the protection offered outweighs the added weight when wet. I, personally, prefer the feel of wet denim to anything else and it can also be rather less revealing than thin clingy artificial fabrics, although around home with Chris that can add to the fun as well !

Re: Wet fun

Posted by wetchas on January 06, 2016 at 10:55:09

In Reply to: Wet fun posted by Jamie on January 05, 2016 at 18:17:28:

Sounds like a great way to end a tedious day. Quad bikes now eh. A least you don't have to cycle to the course any more.
Have you any plans for this coming term. Is it a biggie exam wise. I guess later in the year will be, then I presume you off to Uni in September.
Have to fit the wet/messy adventures in where you can then.
Cheers for now. Charlie.

Re: Wet fun

Posted by Jamie on January 06, 2016 at 19:50:42

In Reply to: Re: Wet fun posted by wetchas on January 06, 2016 at 10:55:09:

Yeah, getting well soaked and covered in slippery mud is a great antidote for study fatigue ! The quadbikes are fun, but they need a lot of work so my dad has said he'll teach us what to do (his degree was in mechanical engineering, his doctorate was in aeronautical engineering and aerodynamics) so he loves fiddling with mechanisms and taking things apart !!

Not a great exam year this one, just some mocks to do. We have another year of school to do, uni should happen in Sep 2017 if we decide that's what we want to do. (We will both be 18 next summer) Neither of us are really sure about what we want to do for careers so a bit of time to decide yet.

I'm sure we will find time to enjoy getting wet and muddy whatever else is going on.

A little survey about sexually orientations

Posted by Douglas on January 07, 2016 at 11:26:46

Wish this is not offensive… I am just simply curious.

I just read an article about "Wetlook" through the reference of Wikipedia, I found it interesting when it talks about the relationship between the love of getting wet in clothes and sexually orientations. According to the article, there is no relationship. There even are heterosexual men who feel attracted to others in wet clothes, both male or female is possible. This seems strange to me. Though I know straight guys like that, but I don't think they like getting wet in clothes as much as I do. I mean, be really turned on and excited and most of the time, have an erection.

So I want to see what is the majority, what's the feeling of you when watching people with opposite or same sex? Is that related to your sexually orientations, if you can determine? Or you just enjoy the feeling of getting wet on your own?

Take myself for example. I think I should be homosexual since I am stimulated only by men getting wet with their clothes on (well, not only because of that obviously). I love to watch their bodies under the cling soaked clothes, especially white, and of course I like the feeling of getting wet. I've seen blogs of men Wetlook lover, and I have to admit that nearly all of them are homosexual persons.

I'm just curious about this topic. I'm not trying to draw any conclusion, any kind of answer should be acceptable. If this question is offensive, I'm really sorry about that.

(For people who may be interested about the article, it's really worth reading. It contains many interesting things, like, according to the article, I belong to the Getwets and Walkers, which means that I like the procedure of getting wet in clothes and like it to be slowly. Funny one)

Re: A little survey about sexually orientations

Posted by Jesse on January 07, 2016 at 13:56:19

In Reply to: A little survey about sexually orientations posted by Douglas on January 07, 2016 at 11:26:46:

I'm heterosexual, but when it comes to wet clothes and underwater fashion, I don't go for the fetishy aspects of it that much - I pursue it as an art form. Underwater fashion photography has always struck me as being really creative and cool, but since I can't afford all that fancy camera equipment and I'm better at drawing anyway, I stick to my cartoons, where fully clothed underwater scenes are a recurring theme. That's where Off the Deep End came from; I wanted to try and construct a whole series around this medium, with characters who all reacted slightly differently to doing underwater photography for a living.

Again, I just wish I had more time to work on it. I have a daily webcomic called Nineteen-Ninety-Something that's my primary endeavor right now, and I love drawing it, but it does limit the time I can spend on other projects. Still, underwater fashion continually inspires me, and my mind is always whirring away with new ideas for Jamie and Spencer and friends, so hopefully I can get some more stories written in the future.

Re: A little survey about sexually orientations

Posted by Jamie on January 07, 2016 at 18:53:39

In Reply to: A little survey about sexually orientations posted by Douglas on January 07, 2016 at 11:26:46:

I like getting wet primarily because I love the feel of wet clothes against skim and it certainly gives me an erection every time. Iget the same reaction when seeing other people getting wet, be they guys or girls, but I do find the sight of guys wet in their clothes more arousing than girls, but maybe that is because I see more of them than I do of girls - I guess part of it is to do with teenage curiousity about other guy's size in comparison to myself ! I think I'd describe myself as semi-hetero-but-curious (I think that applies to most of my friends) but, again, that maybe because I have more contact with guys than girls at present. I have enjoyed a few close encounters with male friends whilst in soaking wet and/or muddy clothes and sports kit and found it very arousing indeed but it has only ever been through wet clothing.

Back at school - wet rugby

Posted by Chris on January 07, 2016 at 19:01:03

Back at school today with a morning of lessons and rugby during the afternoon. It has been dry today but windy and cloudy with little sunshine. The rugby pitch was waterlogged from all the recent rain, so that was fun, we were all soaked through as soon as we had tackled anyone. By the end of the game most of us were pretty muddy as well, but everyone seemed to enjoy it and felt it was good to be back getting wet and muddy again without being blamed for doing wrong, not that that applies to Jamie and me of course !

Re: A little survey about sexually orientations

Posted by Chris on January 07, 2016 at 19:48:26

In Reply to: A little survey about sexually orientations posted by Douglas on January 07, 2016 at 11:26:46:

I do like the feel of wet clothes (denim jeans in particular) but never really indulged much until we moved back to the UK and I hooked up with Jamie. I've discovered since then that what I enjoy most is seeing other guys in wet clothes, particularly all those bulges and bumps - that really gives me a huge boner - so maybe I should consider myself as more homo than hetero. However as I have yet to have an ultimate encounter with the female of the species (give me a break guys, I am only seventeen and two thirds years old and I don't get the chance to mix with girls that often) that may well change. Jamie and me have enjoyed a few grapples and gropes together, but, from my view point, I know I like the fact that they occured whilst wearing wet jeans etc rather than nothing at all - in fact that rather turns me off even just thinking about it, particularly with Jamie ........ don't tell him that though, as he keeps hinting he would like to try something more (Oh God, maybe I won't be a virgin for much longer if he gets his way ..........)

Re: Back at school - wet rugby

Posted by Trn on January 09, 2016 at 13:38:49

In Reply to: Back at school - wet rugby posted by Chris on January 07, 2016 at 19:01:03:

You still did not try the shiny trackies in the mud? Or Jamie did not try them? Can be Nice in combination with a hoodie.

Re: 4 new guys on + VIDEO

Posted by Jamie on January 15, 2016 at 17:03:57

In Reply to: 4 new guys on + VIDEO posted by Dima on January 15, 2016 at 13:04:20:

The guy on the right perfectly illustrates why I like the look of other guys in wet denim jeans !

Patience Test

Posted by Jamie on January 17, 2016 at 12:09:18

This all happened yesterday afternoon (Saturday). Sorry it is rather long .....

Our school year are doing a play this term (an adapted version of Coriolanus by Mr Shakespeare - lots of fight scenes and blood ha ha !) and needed to raise some funds to pay for costume hire. Somebody has been looking at YouTube and seen a number of people (mostly lads of our age, it has to be said) doing Patience Tests with their mates. Looked like fun - if a bit cruel in some - and just the sort of caper we could raise sponsorship on from school-friends and family. So, all the cast and production team got together and we drew lots to see who would be the five "victims". We were really, really hoping that both of us might be lucky, but as it happened it was Chris along with Guy, Mike, Ali and Sarah. We set it up asking for sponsorship per minute that each person might last the course plus a stab at who of the five might endure longest. We all put a fiver into a kitty for buying the stuff to use and agreed on a range of products to use - salad cream, tomato ketchup, baked beans, milk, double cream, cans of squirty cream, cola, lemonade, pasta sauces, clear honey, maple syrup, readymade custard, flour, caster sugar, eggs, yoghurt, vegetable oil, shaving foam, soups - as well as lots of cold water of course ! Anyway, today was the day for doing the test so after going to school this morning for rehearsals, the afternoon was set aside the five of them to undergo their ordeal. We decided to film it for parents and others to see on the school website so set up five cameraphones and arranged five chairs in a row, taped the victims' ankles and wrists to the legs and arms, and set out the various stuff we had bought in five lots (and there was a surprisingly large amount of stuff too ! As there should be for £100+ . Thank goodness, you can never have too much ......). There were about 20 of us there, all happy to get on with making them suffer for their art. Luckily it was bright and reasonably sunny today but with a chill breeze, so we had chosen a sheltered spot between buildings and laid on some hoses to get them really wet and to clean-up afterwards. Chris wore his shiny trackies, a rugby shirt and trainers, Ali wore jeans, trainers and Adidas tee shirt. Guy and Mike wore trackies, trainers and soccer shirts and Sarah was in jeans, canvas shoes and a sweatshirt. I know Chris was wearing briefs under his trackies as I saw him changing, but I don't know about the others. The idea was that the victims should shout "ENOUGH" when they wanted to stop and the time keepers would stop the respective stopwatch. I started off watching Chris get three eggs smashed on his head and rubbed well in over his scalp, followed by three broken and pushed down the back of his shirt, he was squirming around in protest and was caught completely distracted when 4 lts of cold milk was slowly poured over him, it soaked his head, his shirt and puddled in his lap and between his legs on the seat of the chair, despite this he was laughing aloud as the last of it was thrown in his face. This was followed by a jar of pasta sauce being tipped over his head, and then by a well shaken bottle of cola being uncapped under his chin and exploding across his face and down his front in a surge of fizzy froth. It was at this stage that I could see that he was enjoying himself rather more that he should have been, maybe, and that the cold was not bothering him either. I decided it was about time that I joined in the fun and started by pouring a carton of custard over his, splashing some more across his chest and then rubbing it in making sure his shirt was really well stuck to him. I followed it up with a carton of double cream poured down the back of his shirt. Someone else joined in with a litre of yoghurt emptied across his thighs and into his lap and then we sprinkled him with a packet of flour, leaving him looking nicely white on top of his black trackies and dark green shirt. As we stood back to admire our handywork someone tipped a bucket of water over him. It didn't wash everything off him but left him completely soaked and dripping wet and his clothes nicely shiny wet until we poured some more flour over him. We continued with more milk, some tomato ketchup sqirted across him, trickles of salad cream over his hair and a jar of mayonaisse rubbed into his scalp, by which time he looked a real mess. I got a can of shaving foam and some paper plates and we squashed a couple either side of his head and then one of the girls came over and poured a jar of honey across his lap and then capped it off by slamming a plate of foam up between his legs - very naughty. Chris looked a bit bemused by this, "What was that for, Sue ?" Chris called "Is that even allowed ?" "About as much as all you guys rubbing stuff all over Sarah, I guess ...." Sue called back. "Errr..... OK, I suppose." Chris laughed "Come here Jamie" he continued. When I approached he asked me to come close so he could ask me something, I bent down so he could whisper in my ear, "Do me a favour will you ? Just help me out down there, you know ..... It's getting uncomfortable and my hands are tied." "What ? You don't mean what I think do you ?" I asked "Here, now, in front of all these people ?" "Yeah, I do ...... just a bit of realignment, you know ...." Chris grinned "Please !" "No way, buddy, I will not." I replied "I can do something though - don't go away....." I went and grabbed a hose came back and started washing him down making sure to concentrate the jet of water where he wanted intervention. I played the jet of water over him as he wriggled around until he begged me to stop. I stepped away and then saw that his trackies were bulging even more than before, accentuated by the sodden fabric clinging more than before as well. "That was not really much help, was it matey ?" Chris said."I'm just colder than before - go and help someone else will you ?" I laughed and took the hose off to get a couple of the others soaked. When I got back, Chris was covered in custard and was having more flour sprinkled over him. I watched as a couple of the others poured lemonade and tomato soup over him, cracked a dozen eggs over his hair and into his lap and emptied a jar of clear honey down the front of his shirt before pouring a couple of litres of custard down the inside of his trackies. Harry came over from where he had been tormenting Ali and Guy and poured two 1 litre bottles of vegetable oil all over Chris, very slowly. It looked disgusting as it dripped off his face and soaked into his clothes. It was at this stage that we had the first surrender from Guy who was coughing and spitting out a mix of flour and vegetable oil. He had managed 10 minutes and 35 seconds. We carried on with the other four until Sarah gave in under an onslaught of several buckets of cold water and a bottle of cola frothing over her chest and lap. She had managed to endure 12 minutes and 14 seconds. Ali was next when someone poured a litre of vegetable oil down the inside of his jeans and then rubbed it all well in - Ali protested loudly, laughingly claiming to have been abused - and then started gagging as a bottle of lemonade was poured in his mouth as he laughed. He had endured for 16 minutes and 22 seconds. Surprisingly we still had quite a lot of stuff left to use and it was when we had hosed both Mike and Chris largely clean and they saw us making up a few buckets of mixed stuff, that Mike called a halt and surrendered whilst he was ahead and relatively clean, his time was 19 minutes and 10 seconds. We now had three buckets of an evil looking mix of custard, flour, various soups, baked beans, vegetable oil, mayonnaise, milk and tomato sauces as well as a few unopened bottles of cola and lemonade. For a finale we emptied all three buckets over Chris, slowly and making sure he was well and truly covered. He sat uncomplaining with a big grin on his face for as long as it was visible and got a round of applause from everyone afterwards. Some said it looked as though a passing giant had thrown- up all over him - yuk ! However when he was asked if he now surrendered, he spluttered "No, never" and just sat there totally covered. We sprayed the remaining bottles of cola and lemonade over him and turned all three hoses on him until he was relatively clean again. He still wouldn't say that he surrendered so we just left one hose turned on him and continued timing him, whilst we started clearing up the mess. the other victims were hosed clean and went off to shower and change. Eventually when we could see that Chris was shivering uncontrollably with cold, we turned off the water and released him, he had endured for 32 minutes and 42 seconds claiming that he could easily have gone on and on. Alll the others who had been spectating and had not got wet or messy then went off home, the dozen or so of us involved in getting the victims wet and messy had not really escaped completely, so we all accompanied Chris to the showers and a change of dry clothes. Now all we have to do is collect the money and edit the vids into something coherent.

Re: Patience Test

Posted by trn on January 17, 2016 at 12:26:43

In Reply to: Patience Test posted by Jamie on January 17, 2016 at 12:09:18:

Will you publish the video on youtube? please let us know ! Sounds great !!

Re: Patience Test

Posted by Chris on January 17, 2016 at 14:52:30

In Reply to: Re: Patience Test posted by trn on January 17, 2016 at 12:26:43:

No, we won't be publishing the vid on YouTube, sadly. Our school has strict rules on that sort of thing and on top of that most of the guys want to remain anonymous, as do Jamie and me.

It was great fun, despite getting so cold, and the feel of getting drenched in vegetable oil was .... well, like nothing I've experienced before. I think my trackies survived OK but the briefs and rugby shirt were a right-off and my trainers smell of tomatoes !

Re: 4 new guys on + VIDEO

Posted by Chris on January 17, 2016 at 14:57:45

In Reply to: Re: 4 new guys on + VIDEO posted by Jamie on January 15, 2016 at 17:03:57:

Ali's jeans looked like this after having a few litres of vegetable oil poured over him; his pale blue faded and worn old denim jeans just turned dark blue and really shiny when soaked in oil, far more than when just getting wet, wonder why, as the oil is not dark in colour.

Re: Patience Test

Posted by Jamie on January 17, 2016 at 22:26:02

In Reply to: Patience Test posted by Jamie on January 17, 2016 at 12:09:18:

I forgot to mention that on the way home after Chris triumphing at the Patience Test and we were nice and dry and warm in clean clothes, he asked me to stop in town at the barbers shop. He had had trouble getting all the muck out of his hair and had decided on the spur of the moment to take a rather drastic step. Now, Chris wears his hair rather longer than I do and it is quite thick and wavy as well and he likes it just over the top of his ears at the sides and over his collar at the back and he has a lock of hair that flops across his forehead at the front. We went into the barber's and had to wait whilst he finished another guy, and then Chris took the chair and asked for a wash and a short cut, asking if the barber knew what an Ivy League cut was. He said he did but had never been asked for one before and how long did Chris want it at the front. Chris said to do about an inch and a half at the front and an inch at the crown and not too short on the sides and back. This was a man who knows what he wants, I thought. Whatever Chris and the barber called it, it looked like a slightly long crew cut to me. It transformed him, and to my mind, was a definite improvement. I did wonder what his mum and dad might say.

"Say something, anything will do ...." Chris said as we drove home "What do you think ?"

"A big change" I replied "Suits you, very smart - easy to look after too."

"Yeah, that's what I thought ...." Chris replied. And then after a pause "I'm not sure mum will approve ....."

"I did wonder about that ..... we'll soon find out, its not something you can hide, is it ?" I laughed.

"Have you still got that beanie hat in the boot .......?" Chris asked, quite seriously.

"Yup, its there."

"I'd never get away with it, would I ?"

"No ...... not in a million years." I laughed.

As it happened he need not have worried. We walked into the living room and his mum looked up and said "Hi, Jamie, did it go well ? Are you going to introduce me to your new friend and, please, tell me what you have done with Chris, will you ?" and then she got up kissed him on the cheek, ruffled his hair and said "I'll get some tea shall I ? ........Nice haircut by the way, it suits you."

His dad's reaction was a grunted "At last - about time you got a decent haircut ....."

Re: Patience Test

Posted by wetchas on January 18, 2016 at 09:52:58

In Reply to: Patience Test posted by Jamie on January 17, 2016 at 12:09:18:

Hi both. Well,that was well worth the wait. One of the best ever I reckon. I thought you couldn't surpass the teachers versus boys rugby game, but hey, this is right up there. I hope Felix is saving all these for the stories page. I think I have mentioned vegetable oil before. A real turn on, and a good clothes wrecker as well.
Thanks for the additional clothing info as well. Sounds like it was a really good do. Hope you raise lots of cash.
Good to hear from you again.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Patience Test

Posted by Jamie on January 18, 2016 at 19:15:13

In Reply to: Re: Patience Test posted by Jamie on January 17, 2016 at 22:26:02:

I just knew somehow that Chris getting his new haircut was not going to end well - but I honestly thought it would be bad for him ..... not me. After my mum and dad saw him at supper on Sunday I was told I should get a similar cut. Dad said I had always looked scruffy since I became a teenager and that now I was nearly 18, I should "step up to the plate and get smart" - really ? Where the hell does he find these Americanisms and why does he think it cool to actually use them .... I despair. Anyway, just to keep the peace Chris and me called in to the barber's on the way home today and I got a similar cut, just a bit shorter all over than his, more of what I think of as a crew cut. So that should have been all good surely ? Mum went berserk ...... ("What the hell have you done ?) ...... but dad thought it looked good. Oh well, I tried ...... sometimes you just can't win !

Re: Patience Test

Posted by jan floorsen on January 18, 2016 at 21:26:53

In Reply to: Re: Patience Test posted by Jamie on January 18, 2016 at 19:15:13:

Buy some Wahl clippers and choose your own hair style? Much less stressful than the barbers...

Re: Patience Test

Posted by Jamie on January 19, 2016 at 09:24:08

In Reply to: Re: Patience Test posted by jan floorsen on January 18, 2016 at 21:26:53:

Good idea - but I actually quite like going to the barber and find it quite relaxing to sit back, close my eyes and let him get on with it. I've been going to the same barber for as long as I can remember and enjoy the chatter, stories and jokes he comes up with. My dad and grandpa went to him (and his father before) so I get to hear some anecdotes about them as well.

Re: Patience Test

Posted by Ben on January 19, 2016 at 15:37:49

In Reply to: Patience Test posted by Jamie on January 17, 2016 at 12:09:18:

Sounds like you had more great fun. I am assuming that the shiny trackies were the polyester type (thickish ones not really shin ones). I love the feeling of those when they are wet but found they are even better worn over a pair of jeans. You might like to try it out sometime.

Re: Patience Test

Posted by bruce on January 19, 2016 at 19:18:37

In Reply to: Re: Patience Test posted by Jamie on January 19, 2016 at 09:24:08:

do not despair, tell your mother that the difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is two weeks.

Re: Patience Test

Posted by Jamie on January 20, 2016 at 11:26:25

In Reply to: Re: Patience Test posted by bruce on January 19, 2016 at 19:18:37:

Ha ha ! very good - that's what my dad said, except its not a bad haircut - she just thinks its a bit too much of a sudden change ......

Rugby in wet and wind

Posted by Jamie on January 29, 2016 at 16:51:14

It's been a while since we posted on here, things have been really busy at school what with project work and rehearsals for the play: Chris has really got into the play and knew all his lines after only the first read through (he knows everyone else's as well and is not above letting them know with odd prompts - I told him he'd make himself unpopular if he's not careful !). He has this sickening ability to remember stuff by reading it just once ....... wish I did.

Today has been windy and now wet this afternoon, so of course we were due to play rugby. The games teacher suggested we go for a cross country run instead as it was too windy to have a decent game, but we all said we'd give it a go rather than go running (boring). We were soaked through within ten minutes of getting on the pitch and everyone was enjoying sliding around and tackling the others into the mud so it all turned out well.

Chris and me were chosen for opposite teams, so Chris had to change into his white rugby shirt whilst I stayed in my dark blue, which looks great with blue shorts when you get really wet, whereas the white shirts look great when totally muddy. It was fun tackling Chris each time he got the ball and getting him muddier and muddier each time. By the end of the game we were all very muddy indeed and the rain was still pouring so everyone's kit was sticking to them - lovely !!

Despite the fun of getting soaked and muddy we were all looking forward to a hot shower but when we got back to the changing rooms we were told that the showers were not working for some unknown reason. It was a case of going home as we were or hosing each other down outside with cold water and making do. We decided we would rather go home and so pulled on tracksuits over our muddy wet kit and drove home with a couple of plastic bags on the seats, which was fine.

Tomorrow I am flying out to Berlin with Chris and his parents for the weekend, his dad has a company do with a formal dinner in the evening, so we will do some sightseeing during the day and amuse ourselves in the evening somehow, not sure what as yet. I've never been to Berlin so should be interesting.

Re: Rugby in wet and wind

Posted by Bruce on January 31, 2016 at 12:56:13

In Reply to: Rugby in wet and wind posted by Jamie on January 29, 2016 at 16:51:14:

Great story as usual, hope you have a great time in Berlin. There are fountains there, but probably too cold to get into them.
I assume you sold your house just down the road.
Wondering as well about the pond you drained at the house you are in, are you still cleaning it on a regular basis?
That would be so much fun for me if I were your age.

Jamie and Chris

Posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 14:10:26

Jamie and Chris were due back at school as normal yesterday after their weekend in Berlin but there was no sign of them again this morning.

At lunchtime our head of year called everyone together and we were told that they and Chris's mum had been involved in a traffic accident on Saturday. We don't know all the details but it seems they were crossing the road when they were hit by a truck that went through a stop light.

Jamie was dragged under the rear wheels and has multiple breaks and impact injuries to his legs as well as lacerations and grazing to his face and head. Chris and his mum were thrown clear but Chris landed on his back on the bonnet of a parked car and has severe bruising and impact damage to his back, although it is too early to know if he has damaged his spine permanently due to the swelling and bruising. His mum has a broken leg, arm and cracked ribs.

Obviously they won't be posting on here for a while, we don't know yet when they will be returning home. Makes you realise how easily good times can turn bad. I will post more when we have further news.

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by Red on February 02, 2016 at 14:54:51

In Reply to: Jamie and Chris posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 14:10:26:

Thank you for telling us this so we can pray for them to have a quick and complete recovery. I for one will miss their antics, good-natured as it was.

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by Dave on February 02, 2016 at 15:31:39

In Reply to: Jamie and Chris posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 14:10:26:

Blimey. Have enjoyed their stories but that is an absolute shock.
My hopes are prayers are with them & hope they all make a full recovery.
I think everyone on this site will be the same & wish them to a full recovery.

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by wetjumper on February 02, 2016 at 16:45:37

In Reply to: Jamie and Chris posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 14:10:26:

Harry, thanks for letting us know this very upsetting news. Obviously I want to add my wishes for everyone involved to have a full recovery. I have greatly enjoyed reading about Jamie and Chris's many adventures, and I very much hope they will be able to resume their wet and muddy activities once their injuries have healed.

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 19:12:29

In Reply to: Jamie and Chris posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 14:10:26:

To wetjumper, Dave and Red
Thanks for your expressions of concern and best wishes for Jamie and Chris, I will pass them on as soon as I have contact with them and they will, no doubt, wish to thank you themselves in due course.

I had an email from Jamie's dad this evening and he has asked me to keep their friends and school informed of progress. Jamie was in surgery for nearly five hours earlier today as surgeons reset bones and inserted rods and pins to hold his left leg and foot together again, 22 pins and rods in total. Amazingly his right leg is merely bruised and grazed with no breaks etc. His dad says his face looks like he's been through 12 rounds with Mike Tyson but has only abrasions and bruising - he was apparently flung around against the road and pavement as he was trapped under the rear wheels and dragged along for twenty yards or so.

Chris is being kept flat whilst the bruising and swelling dies down, but thankfully scans etc show no damage to his spinal chord so he should make a complete recovery without any surgery needed as far as they can tell. His mum is up and about in a wheelchair with leg and arm in plaster and ribs strapped up.

Apparently if all goes well, they hope to get all three back home Monday or Tuesday next week. The company Chris's dad works for is in the pharmaceutical industry and are being brilliant with using their contacts to get the best surgeons and nursing as well as private jet transport between UK and Germany whenever needed.

Everyone at school was pretty horrified with the first news but this latest seems all good under the circumstances. I'll post more news as and when I can.

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by Bruce on February 02, 2016 at 19:58:20

In Reply to: Re: Jamie and Chris posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 19:12:29:

This just brings home the fact that our time on this earth is fleeting, and our health can be forceably removed from us instantly. Hope they both come through well, and the injuries sustained not come back to haunt them when they age.

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by shazzi on February 02, 2016 at 21:32:43

In Reply to: Jamie and Chris posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 14:10:26:

Very sad....I wish the boys the very best and a quick recovery....

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 21:35:45

In Reply to: Re: Jamie and Chris posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 19:12:29:

Surprise - I got a text from Chris 30 minutes ago. He is fed up and getting bored, stuck lying on his front as his back is too bruised and swollen, and he has cold packs on it to ease the swelling, and is not in any pain due to medication. Time is passing slowly staring at the floor !

He said Jamie is sedated and in the recovery room still, in a lot of pain apparently.

Chris says he keeps crying a lot for no reason and couldn't stop when seeing his dad when he got to the hospital and on seeing his mum when she was wheeled into his room. I guess that is a shock reaction. He feels lucky to be alive and not more severely injured.

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 21:40:52

In Reply to: Re: Jamie and Chris posted by Bruce on February 02, 2016 at 19:58:20:

Very true - I think this has made all of us friends of J & C realise how fortunate we have been, none of us have been severely injured apart from the odd broken bone. Thanks for the best wishes for their recovery, will pass them on.

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 21:43:16

In Reply to: Re: Jamie and Chris posted by shazzi on February 02, 2016 at 21:32:43:

Thanks on teir behalf, will pass on your best wishes.

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by blueandwet on February 02, 2016 at 22:46:31

In Reply to: Jamie and Chris posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 14:10:26:

Well that was some shocking news. I hope and pray that they all have a full and speedy recovery with no side effects. I have not met Jamie and Chris but I feel connected to them thru this web site. I have enjoyed reading about all their adventures and many times felt I was right there with them. They really know how to have fun and tell good stories.

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by LevilovR on February 02, 2016 at 23:33:22

In Reply to: Jamie and Chris posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 14:10:26:

I am stunned to hear this sad news. Glad they are alive, but obviously they will be a long while recovering. They are fortunate to have a good friend like you to convey messages back and forth. I'm sure I speak for everybody when I wish them a speedy recovery and our best wishes. Thanks for keeping us updated.

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by Douglas on February 03, 2016 at 02:38:50

In Reply to: Jamie and Chris posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 14:10:26:

So shocked to hear this news, so glad that they are alive.
Although all of us should wish them a speedy recovery, I also wish that they can rest enough as long as it is good for them. As the old Chinese saying: Break a leg and you need 100 days. Really wish they can rest well, and still can enjoy the joy of getting wet in the future.

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by Zonie on February 03, 2016 at 05:39:50

In Reply to: Jamie and Chris posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 14:10:26:

I'm very sorry to hear about that terrible collision. Please tell Jamie and Chris that they have more admirers than they know. I know that being disabled for even a short time is very frustrating, but they must resist the temptation to do things before the doctors clear them. That way it will be more fun in the long run.

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by Deep South on February 03, 2016 at 06:05:33

In Reply to: Jamie and Chris posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 14:10:26:

Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery - from the deep south (Georgia) USA.

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by swimmerrat on February 03, 2016 at 06:37:10

In Reply to: Jamie and Chris posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 14:10:26:

give them my regards and best wishes from southern US (south carolina).

Re: Jamie and Chris

Posted by wetchas on February 03, 2016 at 09:13:47

In Reply to: Re: Jamie and Chris posted by Harry on February 02, 2016 at 19:12:29:

Just come across this shocking news when I visited here this morning. Thanks for keeping us updated. It seems that maybe things aren't, as bad as they first appeared, but pretty terrible all the same.
Luckily they are in good hands, and getting the best of attention. Give them both my regards please.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Support your favorite guys!

Posted by wetchas on February 03, 2016 at 14:22:44

In Reply to: Support your favorite guys! posted by Dima on February 03, 2016 at 11:04:43:

I already am. Jamie and Chris, with thoughts and prayers.

Making progress

Posted by Chris on February 04, 2016 at 16:31:40

Many thanks to everyone for their best wishes following our little encounter with a truck, all very much appreciated by us both.

Jamie is still pretty much out of things at the moment and is still in a great deal of pain. He had a second operation this morning, only a hour on the operating table this time, to do further setting of small bones in his ankle and foot and put in a few more bits of metalwork to hold everything together. His injuries to face, head and upper body are healing well, no surgery needed apart from a few stitches to an eyebrow cut.

My mum is up and about in a wheelchair with leg and arm in plaster casts and her cracked ribs well wrapped. No longer in pain, just discomfort, and busy telling us what to do - as usual !

I have been confined to bed so far but now that the swelling has largely gone I can finally get comfortable lying on my back. Had "touch and feel" test on my legs etc this morning and it appears there is no permanent damage to my spine, thankfully, so will be allowed up and about tomorrow and may start physio, so hopefully will be able to see Jamie and see how he's doing firsthand.

Many thanks again for everyones' good wishes - looks like things are on the up and up now.

Re: Support your favorite guys!

Posted by Chris on February 04, 2016 at 17:18:21

In Reply to: Re: Support your favorite guys! posted by wetchas on February 03, 2016 at 14:22:44:

Awww ....thanks for that - Jamie will like it too when he feels able to look at my tablet, he's still feeling groggy from his anaesthetic this morning. I got to his room this afternoon - he looks really beaten up, black, yellow, green and blue bruises all over his face and shoulders, mixed in with angry red abrasions. Not pretty - but then he never was anyway !! Ha ha

Re: Support your favorite guys!

Posted by blueandwet on February 04, 2016 at 21:07:41

In Reply to: Re: Support your favorite guys! posted by Chris on February 04, 2016 at 17:21:33:

So glad to see that you still have a sense of humor about this. I don't remember being quite that cheerful after I was hit by a car at work. What a way to get wet and muddy. Anyway, this isn't about me but about you and Jamie making that speedy recovery. Blessings.

Re: Making progress

Posted by Chris on February 04, 2016 at 21:44:36

In Reply to: Re: Making progress posted by Bruce on February 04, 2016 at 20:10:11:

Indeed, we are both expected to make full recoveries in time although Jamie may end up with a limp eventually.

Re: Making progress

Posted by Chris on February 05, 2016 at 09:18:18

In Reply to: Re: Making progress posted by Deep South on February 05, 2016 at 04:36:52:

Thanks. Woke up this morning really early with no sounds of any activity so got up and tottered (too scared of inducing back pain again to stride out as yet) across to Jamie's room, but he was still asleep. Sat in a chair in his room until he awoke an hour later. He's looking more cheerful today, and not in so much pain, and even has his apetite back as he ate all his breakfast when it arrived. I'm currently waiting for the physio to arrive and take me to the hydrotherapy pool to start on getting normal movement again in my back etc.

Re: Making progress

Posted by Chris on February 05, 2016 at 09:22:17

In Reply to: Re: Making progress posted by Red on February 05, 2016 at 04:00:47:

Thanks, Red, we are both doing better today (see above reply for more detail). Jamie feels he has turned a corner and is feeling much brighter today.

Re: Making progress

Posted by Chris on February 05, 2016 at 09:27:01

In Reply to: Re: Making progress posted by Douglas on February 05, 2016 at 01:18:49:

Thank you, Douglas: Jamie is feeling better today and thinks he's through the worst now, less pain and facial swellings have reduced a lot, looking more normal if you ignore all the heavy bruising. (More details in the above replies).

Re: Making progress

Posted by Chris on February 05, 2016 at 09:37:53

In Reply to: Re: Making progress posted by swimmerrat on February 04, 2016 at 22:22:21:

I have no choice about following doctor's orders as I have my mum watching every move - its worse than being at home as she has nothing else to do !! See above replies for more details, but I delighted to say Jamie is feeling better today, almost back to his usual jokey self, and I am waiting to be taken for some physio. Should be fun as it involves getting wet with, I'm told, a beefy German frauleine !! Ha ha

I haven't had to use crutches this time (did when I broke a leg a few years ago) and can't say I am sorry as I never got the hang of the pesky things before.

Re: Physio session

Posted by Dolby1000 on February 05, 2016 at 14:23:54

In Reply to: Physio session posted by Chris on February 05, 2016 at 12:50:46:

Hi Chris, I've been reading about yours and Jamie's exploits since you've started and enjoyed them greatly. I used to post a lot more often here at Wackywet, but not so much lately.

I was horrified to read about what happened in Berlin and you and your family are all in my prayers everyday.

As for what is in front of you, I can empathize greatly. In December, about a week before Christmas, I completely tore my quadriceps tendon from my knee, which made my right leg totally useless. I had surgery on the December 17th and was only able to start therapy about a month ago.

After a month of therapy, I've got about 70% movement back and I have at minimum, 4 more months ahead of me.

The reason why I mention this, and this is very important, you must do the exercises the therapist give you on your own as well as when in formal therapy. That is the path to full recovery, you just can't rely on therapist, there will be daily work for you too.

You will bounce back from this, the body recovers amazingly well, but you are the one in charge of the your recovery.

I won't lie to you, it won't be easy. I've been in a brace for 8 weeks, immobile pretty much all time (my Doctor told me that this is the worse injury one can do to one's knee). However, everyday I make progress. Everyday I stretch and work and balance and do everything the therapist says and right now, she says I'm well ahead of average because of the work I'm doing. Amazing how being able to finally put on one's own socks becomes a major achievement!

You can do the same thing! It requires more patience that you ever imagined, but the end results are well worth it.

So of course, I've not had any wet opportunities, but being that it is winter here in the Midwest, not that many opportunities present themselves.

Again, my thoughts and prayers are with your family, no one deserves such an accident, but they happen anyway, to good people and bad.

Did they catch the truck driver? Will he/she be facing any punishment? In my case, I just clumsily fell and inflicted the injury on myself, so there is no one else to blame.

Funny, according to many websites about recovering from this type of injury, they mention pool therapy, but unfortunately, where I'm getting therapy, there is no pool, so I don't see being able to get wet even in my therapy.

Again, good luck, and keep at it, there will be good days, bad days, but no matter the day, work at it. Trust me, you won't regret it.


Thanks everyone

Posted by Jamie on February 05, 2016 at 16:18:17

A big thank you to everyone here who has wished me, Chris and his mum (my aunt) their best wishes for a speedy and full recovery after our collective madness of trying to battle a runaway skip lorry with our bare hands. I think we all came off worse !! Seriously, I believe it could have been much worse and one or all of us might have suffered life changing injuries, luckily we have only suffered broken bones, and a battering of scrapes, cuts, bumps and bruises.

We had a surprise, and rather sad, visit this afternoon from a young lady and her young child, who we were told wanted to apologise to us for what had happened. It turned out that she is the girlfriend of the driver of the lorry. It seems that he died instantly from a brain hemoarage at the wheel before he reached the traffic signals and that there was no way he could have stopped. These type of things are totally unpredictable and he apparently had no history of ill health, he was only 24 years old. She was devastated that his death had involved innocent bystanders. We all feel desperately sorry for her and it does rather put our plight into perspective, we ill all make a full recovery, she has lost her lover and partner and the father of her little child.

Today is the first that I have felt halfway decent and "with it" since the accident, so things can only get better. Saw myself in a mirror for the first time - Ye Gods, I look horrible - so have banned them from my room for now !!

Thanks again for all the good wishes.

Re: Thanks everyone

Posted by Chris on February 05, 2016 at 19:07:27

In Reply to: Thanks everyone posted by Jamie on February 05, 2016 at 16:18:17:

One of the sadest experiences of my short life was meeting this young woman and her 2 year old daughter. She was so very sorry about something that was not her fault in any way and in which she had no hand. She apparently made contact with the hospital first through the policewoman who traced her and then via the almoner at the hospital to which this private clinic is attached and then via my dad. It transpires that her partner was the only breadwinner and that she has no other family alive. By one of those cosmic coincidences that happen, she is a chemistry graduate and dad has offered her a job with his company, albeit in Munich, in the research department that he is in charge of. I am so proud of him for doing this, even though I know that it is exactly the sort of thing he would do under any circumstances - give a cheer for all hero dads !

Re: Thanks everyone

Posted by Dolby1000 on February 05, 2016 at 19:14:51

In Reply to: Thanks everyone posted by Jamie on February 05, 2016 at 16:18:17:

As if the situation wasn't bad enough already. Adding the driver's family to my prayer list, can't imagine having to go through all that.


Re: Thanks everyone

Posted by Jamie on February 05, 2016 at 20:01:18

In Reply to: Re: Thanks everyone posted by Dolby1000 on February 05, 2016 at 19:14:51:

Agreed, unspeakably sad.

Re: Thanks everyone

Posted by wetfinn on February 05, 2016 at 22:21:37

In Reply to: Thanks everyone posted by Jamie on February 05, 2016 at 16:18:17:

It is both good and sad to read that the accident happened because of illness. As a professional commercial driver myself I know, that all of us want to do their job without incidents.

Another thing that I have learned is not to trust anyone in the traffic, that has saved me a few times from incidents. Move like you'd be surrounded by people you don't want to trust, and you will survive, that is something to keep in mind.

Now I think I'll go in the shower and get the jeans and hoodie I'm wearing now wet, just for you and the memory of this poor colleague.

Re: Thanks everyone

Posted by Justin on February 06, 2016 at 03:38:32

In Reply to: Thanks everyone posted by Jamie on February 05, 2016 at 16:18:17:

Glad you guys are recovering, and sorry to hear that you got involved in such an awful situation.

Re: Thanks everyone

Posted by Deep South on February 06, 2016 at 06:55:48

In Reply to: Thanks everyone posted by Jamie on February 05, 2016 at 16:18:17:

My heart goes out to that young lady and her child - may they find peace and comfort among loved ones after this tragedy. This is a good reminder of how precious every day is and why we should strive to enjoy each day of our lives to the max.

Continue to keep us updated on your progress back to full health.

Re: Thanks everyone

Posted by Jamie on February 06, 2016 at 12:50:09

In Reply to: Re: Thanks everyone posted by Deep South on February 06, 2016 at 06:55:48:

A heartbreaking thing to happen, I agree. I think she had great courage to come along and apologise for something that was not her responsibility.

Re: Thanks everyone

Posted by Jamie on February 06, 2016 at 12:57:40

In Reply to: Re: Thanks everyone posted by Justin on February 06, 2016 at 03:38:32:

Thanks for your best wishes - I can honestly say it has not been the best week !

Re: Thanks everyone

Posted by Jamie on February 06, 2016 at 13:03:28

In Reply to: Re: Thanks everyone posted by wetfinn on February 05, 2016 at 22:21:37:

Very true - at least the guy was not on drugs or drunk. Pure bad luck that the brain haemorrahge happened whilst he was driving - apparantly he would have died instantly with no warning whatsoever, which is probably a good way to go if you have to.

Thanks for getting wet or us - hope it was fun !

Sunday in hospital.

Posted by Jamie on February 07, 2016 at 10:45:12

Bored, bored, bored ! There can hardly be a more boring place than a hospital bed on a sunday, in a private room, with only the TV to watch - and that's in German - which I don't understand.

Mum and dad will be visiting at lunchtime and during the afternoon, so that's something to look forward to.

Tomorrow they are going to take off the temporary splint arrangement and put my leg in plaster, so I will finally be able to get out of bed and into a wheelchair. Mum says that wheelchair races down the corridor will NOT be happening - damn !

Re: Sunday in hospital.

Posted by Camilo on February 07, 2016 at 19:37:04

In Reply to: Sunday in hospital. posted by Jamie on February 07, 2016 at 10:45:12:

Best things will come.

Re: Sunday in hospital.

Posted by blueandwet on February 07, 2016 at 21:49:23

In Reply to: Sunday in hospital. posted by Jamie on February 07, 2016 at 10:45:12:

I can relate to that having been in hospital recently. Mom's can put a damper on fun things quickly. Might be for the best until you are a little stronger.

Re: Sunday in hospital.

Posted by Deep South on February 08, 2016 at 05:20:09

In Reply to: Sunday in hospital. posted by Jamie on February 07, 2016 at 10:45:12:

Its great you are keeping a positive attitude and zest for fun...the good times will return before you know it...hang in there!

Re: Sunday in hospital.

Posted by Jamie on February 08, 2016 at 07:35:59

In Reply to: Re: Sunday in hospital. posted by Deep South on February 08, 2016 at 05:20:09:

Have to keep positive otherwise I'd dwell on "Why me ?" and other self-pitying thoughts - and that would be too miserable to bear.

Chris and me have laughed more this last weekend at life's little tribulations (like peeing into a bottle and trying not to get the bed wet: bedpans in general: not being able to roll over in bed at night or get comfortable: being washed all over by a female stranger and trying not to get a boner - almost impossible, by the way !).

Re: Sunday in hospital.

Posted by Jamie on February 08, 2016 at 07:42:47

In Reply to: Re: Sunday in hospital. posted by blueandwet on February 07, 2016 at 21:49:23:

Yeah, its like a different world being in here.

Re: Sunday in hospital.

Posted by Jamie on February 08, 2016 at 07:44:58

In Reply to: Re: Sunday in hospital. posted by Camilo on February 07, 2016 at 19:37:04:

Quite right - I consider myself lucky to be alive, so just have to be patient.

Re: Sunday in hospital.

Posted by Dolby1000 on February 09, 2016 at 00:06:35

In Reply to: Re: Sunday in hospital. posted by Jamie on February 08, 2016 at 07:35:59:

I understand the "small" victories. My brace comes off tomorrow (after 8 weeks) and I can finally take the riser off the toilet.

Who knows, perhaps I can even get in and out of the bath soon (with my jeans on of course).

Hang in there guys!


Re: Sunday in hospital.

Posted by Jamie on February 09, 2016 at 09:40:29

In Reply to: Re: Sunday in hospital. posted by Dolby1000 on February 09, 2016 at 00:06:35:

That's good news, hope all goes well for you, I expect it will feel a bit odd at first finally being free of the brace.

Enjoy your first bath in jeans.

Trip out of hospital

Posted by Chris on February 09, 2016 at 15:18:30

Dad took mum and me out of hospital today, mum in her wheelchair and me on crutches. It was such a relief to go out, even though it was only for an hour or so. We bought a new pair of jeans for Jamie as his were destroyed by the hospital as they had to cut them off him, managed to find some vintage 501s at a secondhand store, he will love them as they are well orn and partially destroyed. Can't wait to see him in them, particularly wen totally soaked maybe even when muddy.

Re: Trip out of hospital

Posted by wetchas on February 10, 2016 at 08:50:24

In Reply to: Trip out of hospital posted by Chris on February 09, 2016 at 15:18:30:

I expect it was great to be out and about, and enjoying some fresh air. Nothing worse than being cooped up indoors.
I am glad you managed to get Jamie a new pair of Levis. I was going to ask at some stage how much clothes you had lost, but didn't want to appear insensitive, a I guess it was the last thing on your mind. Sad end for the Levis though, after all they had been through.
Another thought occurs to me. Presumably you will both have lots of scars, especially Jamie. A cast iron reason to keep your jeans on I would have thought. Don't want everybody seeing your war wounds.
Please forgive me if you think I am being flippant. As you know I was really worried and upset for you, but I think I have picked up over the months that you like a laugh, so hopefully no offence meant, or taken.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Trip out of hospital

Posted by Chris on February 10, 2016 at 11:08:29

In Reply to: Re: Trip out of hospital posted by wetchas on February 10, 2016 at 08:50:24:

Yes, it was good to get out. Jamie's jeans were pretty much wrecked after the accident, they had to cut them off him along with his boxers and tee. The jeans were blood soaked and bone pierced so of no more use. I think the jeans we got him when out are 501s but are nicely faded and worn with no remaining readable labels, just the red tag on the back pocket.

Jamie is definitely going to have a badly scarred leg, but his face and shoulders should be OK in time. He has a torn tip of one ear that can be reconstructed eventually, but at the moment has just been stitched together - what he calls his "reminder to be careful" scar - so he says he may just leave it.

I have no more than scrapes and bumps, all of which are no worse than can be got through a rigorous rugby match !

No offence taken in any way by your questions, nice of you to be concerned about us, it is much appreciated. We are flying home tommorrow afternoon as there is no more that can be achieved here that cannot be done in UK, just more physio for us all and maybe the removal of some metalwork from Jamie's leg in time if everything binds and grows together as expected.

Re: Trip out of hospital

Posted by screamer on February 10, 2016 at 18:31:27

In Reply to: Trip out of hospital posted by Chris on February 09, 2016 at 15:18:30:

Glad you got out and will be returning home soon. Great gift of the Levis for Jamie. I collect vintage Levis and the easiest way to tell how old they are is to look at the back of the top button. There is a code stamped into the metal. It tells the factory where they were made. Some old Levis are worth 1000's of dollars! You can find out a lot by googling "vintage Levis". Something for Jamie to do as he recovers. Best of luck to you both.zdir

Re: Trip out of hospital

Posted by Chris on February 10, 2016 at 18:52:54

In Reply to: Re: Trip out of hospital posted by wetchas on February 10, 2016 at 13:30:39:

Good news indeed - looking forward to sleeping in my own bed in particular, whereas Jamie wants to see TV in English (my german is good enough to understand most of what is going on).

Not sure about the gifts but it will be nice to see Tom and his parents again as well as school friends etc. I hate to admit it, but can't wait to get back to school ..... is that sad or what ?

Re: Trip out of hospital

Posted by Jamie on February 10, 2016 at 18:59:26

In Reply to: Re: Trip out of hospital posted by screamer on February 10, 2016 at 18:31:27:

Thanks for that info about the jeans - I'll have to look it all up when I get home. I'm pretty sure these are not "vintage" so much as just well used and faded.

Thanks for the best wishes too.

Almost remained dry

Posted by wetfinn on February 11, 2016 at 00:19:00

Yesterday I was with our lifeboat crew team at the local seafarer's school pool to learn our beginners evacuation and personal safety. We told everyone to wear swimsuits under the drysuits we were using in the practice. As the rescue suit is more comfortable if worn with some long clothing underneath, I wore a clean tracksuit and socks.

The practice was good and the new guys and gals were really quick learning. We practiced several different things, using a liferaft, lifting people, floating positions etc. so we were most of the time in the water. As our suits go thru checking and service later in wintertime, there is a risk that they may leak. I had gotten dressed in the tracksuit, as it wouldn't matter if it got wet. Now my drysuit was completely dry, even my socks were dry. While getting undressed I put on my brand new water sneakers, shoes that are just like any other sneakers but they are made for getting wet, with drain holes in the sole etc.

Standing close to the pool's edge I said that even if it hadn't mattered if I'd got wet, I managed to stay dry. One of the guys just said "don't be too shore about staying dry" - and then I was in the pool. It felt really good to swim in the pool with my tracksuit, socks and shoes on, apart from normal sneakers, these aren't that buoyant so they are very comfortable to swim with. Now we'll see if they dry faster than normal trainers. It's a pity there are almost no opportunities to get wet in pools...just have to wait for the summer.

Home at last !

Posted by Jamie on February 11, 2016 at 16:08:33

Finally back home again - arrived back about 90 minutes ago. Sitting by the pool watching mum and dad and Chris parents having a cup of tea whilst Chris has wasted no time in jumping in and floating on a lilo - he just dived straight in as soon as we got back in the jeans and tee that he was wearing to travel back. Wish I could have joined him but have to sort out a way of doing so without getting my leg wet - maybe a bin bag to cover my leg, well taped to my upper thigh will do the trick - in the meantime enjoying a cup of tea (the Brit cure-all) watching him and feeling a bit emotional about the fact we all got home at all.

Thanks again to everyone for their best wishes - they really meant a lot, believe me.

Re: Home at last !

Posted by wetjumper on February 11, 2016 at 16:58:53

In Reply to: Home at last ! posted by Jamie on February 11, 2016 at 16:08:33:

It's wonderful that you're all back, all in one piece (give or take some bones held together for now with bits of metal), and regaining your enjoyment of life after a truly horrible experience. I know I've been very impressed by your resilience and your powers of recovery. You're certainly entitled to be emotional about it all. It must be very frustrating for you not to be able to get into the pool just yet - but I'm sure you'll find a way, it'll help you heal faster and ease you back into doing the things you enjoy best. Hang on in there, be patient and be brave. You have a lot of supporters who read this forum and want you back in action as soon as you're fit enough. Keep us posted.

Best wet wishes - Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Home at last !

Posted by wetmark on February 11, 2016 at 19:17:59

In Reply to: Home at last ! posted by Jamie on February 11, 2016 at 16:08:33:

A very welcome back to you both!

I've enjoyed your adventures since you started sharing them. I've never responded to them until now. I can really relate to some of them. I've always enjoyed jeans swimming for many years now and love to hear about others stories.

I was a teacher and lived on a lake. In the spring many of my students came over to go swimming. They almost always wore jeans and so did I. Hearing of your adventures makes me think of those days. They were wonderful times as I'm sure you would know!

I'm glad you're both safe and will soon resume your prior water activities! Thank you for sharing your stories - they're so well-written and detailed (coming from a former teacher!)

Re: Home at last !

Posted by JohnnyB on February 11, 2016 at 20:01:29

In Reply to: Home at last ! posted by Jamie on February 11, 2016 at 16:08:33:

Welcome home to you two guys. Dont get that leg wet until yr sure it can take a soaking. Just enjoy the anticipation of the first time........

Re: Home at last !

Posted by blueandwet on February 11, 2016 at 20:39:38

In Reply to: Home at last ! posted by Jamie on February 11, 2016 at 16:08:33:

Yehaw! Glad to hear you made it home. I think I'll go jump in the hot tub to celebrate with you all.

Re: Home at last !

Posted by LevilovR on February 11, 2016 at 21:04:17

In Reply to: Home at last ! posted by Jamie on February 11, 2016 at 16:08:33:

Glad to hear that you are home at last. It must be frustrating to watch Chris in the pool, but you got to do what you have to do to get your leg healed. The day will come when you can dive right in with your new/old Levis you just got. The advantage is that you are young and strong and heal fast. Every one is very happy to hear that you are home and on the road to recovery - so Welcome Home!

Re: Home at last !

Posted by screamer on February 11, 2016 at 22:16:20

In Reply to: Home at last ! posted by Jamie on February 11, 2016 at 16:08:33:

So glad you made it back home and will have some more regularity in your life. New experiences are great, but there is nothing like being at home, if that's where you like to be. Even though I love to swim in Levis myself, I also enjoy seeing others enjoy it. The anticipation of the day you can do it again should keep you going - especially when you can watch Chris do it daily. I'm sure he is also looking forward to you being able to join him. Don't rush it and enjoy your dry Levis until you can get them wet with no problems. The wait will make the experience even that more enjoyable.

Re: Home at last !

Posted by Dolby1000 on February 12, 2016 at 00:07:44

In Reply to: Home at last ! posted by Jamie on February 11, 2016 at 16:08:33:

Congrats on getting back home, being at home will help you so much. I hit 90% myself on my recovery today, which my research says most people will only get that far, but my therapist and I agreed we are going for 100%!

In celebration of this milestone and your getting home, I just may try my first bath in jeans since my injury last December. Getting in and out of the tub will be the hardest part.

So, be patient, the pool will be there for you in time.

Keep working! It will be better.


Re: Home at last !

Posted by wetchas on February 12, 2016 at 08:23:01

In Reply to: Home at last ! posted by Jamie on February 11, 2016 at 16:08:33:

Glad to hear that you are 'back in blighty' as the World War 1 soldiers used to say. There's no place like home.
So glad that you have made a reasonable recovery. Just sit it out now, and let the metal and plaster do its work. There will be plenty of time to enjoy the pool later.
Take care. Charlie.

Re: Home at last !

Posted by Red on February 12, 2016 at 14:23:55

In Reply to: Home at last ! posted by Jamie on February 11, 2016 at 16:08:33:

The most important thing now is for you to regain and recover. The time to re-enter the water/mud will come when the time is right to do so. Until then, maintain and recover, I also understand that it hurts most and most keenly when made to remember any account. My advice, should it ever be wanted, talk about it with those you feel comfortable with and remember that you are not alone in this regardless of how it feels. All my best, Red.

Re: Home at last !

Posted by Jamie on February 12, 2016 at 18:01:57

In Reply to: Re: Home at last ! posted by Red on February 12, 2016 at 14:23:55:

Thanks for the good advice - the three of us have talked about the accident but I don't recall much about it; Chris and his mum's memories are clear about what happened to them and me as they watched it unfold, so that has been a great help in reconciling what happened. Thanks for your best wishes.

Re: Home at last !

Posted by Jamie on February 12, 2016 at 18:06:37

In Reply to: Re: Home at last ! posted by wetchas on February 12, 2016 at 08:23:01:

Patience is the order of the day, I agree, so mud and water can wait for now. I have already been told that my rugby playing days are over, no contact sports at all as further damage may not be repairable.

Re: Home at last !

Posted by Jamie on February 12, 2016 at 18:11:12

In Reply to: Re: Home at last ! posted by Dolby1000 on February 12, 2016 at 00:07:44:

Glad to hear you have reached the 90% level, no point in getting that far and not going for 100% ! So, all my best wishes to you in that endeavour, keep us posted. Enjoy that first bath in jeans, take care getting in and out again.

Re: Home at last !

Posted by Jamie on February 12, 2016 at 18:15:08

In Reply to: Re: Home at last ! posted by screamer on February 11, 2016 at 22:16:20:

Very true, no place like home ! Half the fun of getting wet or muddy is the anticipation, so I shall happily sit back and watch Chris getting wet - I hate to boost his ego by saying it, but he does look good in wet Levis !

Re: Home at last !

Posted by Jamie on February 12, 2016 at 18:19:00

In Reply to: Re: Home at last ! posted by LevilovR on February 11, 2016 at 21:04:17:

Thanks for that - it is nice to be home and understand everything that everyone says, if nothing else. Getting wet and muddy has taken a backseat at the moment, definitely don't want to jeopardise recovery.

Re: Home at last !

Posted by Jamie on February 12, 2016 at 18:20:36

In Reply to: Re: Home at last ! posted by blueandwet on February 11, 2016 at 20:39:38:

Can't think of a much better way to celebrate. Have fun and stay wet.

Re: Home at last !

Posted by Jamie on February 12, 2016 at 18:23:26

In Reply to: Re: Home at last ! posted by JohnnyB on February 11, 2016 at 20:01:29:

Thanks for that. You are absolutely right, no point in jeopardising the healing process by being silly for just a moment, and I can always watch Chris and imagine its me !

Re: Home at last !

Posted by Jamie on February 12, 2016 at 18:29:12

In Reply to: Re: Home at last ! posted by wetmark on February 11, 2016 at 19:17:59:

Nice to hear from a "newbie" on here, thanks for the kind comments about the stories - my teacher says I am too verbose in my story telling and should be more economical in my prose style - so who knows.

Sounds like fun living on a lakeside, particularly with lots of people jeans swimming. Hope you may share some stories of those times.

Re: Home at last !

Posted by Jamie on February 12, 2016 at 18:42:14

In Reply to: Re: Home at last ! posted by wetjumper on February 11, 2016 at 16:58:53:

Thanks for your best wishes. I have been told that feeling overly emotional can be one of the after-effects of the anaethetics and that it can take a month for each hour under them to fully recover, so that may be 6 months for me. Otherwise recovery is happening much quicker that I thought it would, particularly the healing of scars, cuts and bruises, but then I guess we are both young and relatively fit.

I'm enjoying watching Chris getting wet and enjoying the pool and am happy to wait for my time when fully healed and can start some physio myself.

Thanks for your best wishes.

Re: Home at last !

Posted by swimmerrat on February 13, 2016 at 01:23:18

In Reply to: Home at last ! posted by Jamie on February 11, 2016 at 16:08:33:

glad you made it back home ok. now just take it easy and enjoy being pampered and waited on! also relax, follow docs orders, and be patient until you can get in the water again. wear a special outfit for the occasion.

Re: Almost remained dry

Posted by Jamie on February 13, 2016 at 14:37:52

In Reply to: Almost remained dry posted by wetfinn on February 11, 2016 at 00:19:00:

I like your transposition of "sure" with "shore" to indicate getting wet - clever stuff.

I love getting wet in grey marl tracksuit bottoms, lovely and soft and stimulating against the skin ........ getting hard just thinking about it !! Which is good as I cannot get wet at present, so have to get my fun when I can ... sorry situation to be in, but what can you do ?

Re: Home at last !

Posted by Camilo Martinez on February 13, 2016 at 15:42:56

In Reply to: Home at last ! posted by Jamie on February 11, 2016 at 16:08:33:

Welcome to the pool again !!!

Re: Almost remained dry

Posted by wetfinn on February 13, 2016 at 22:29:48

In Reply to: Re: Almost remained dry posted by Jamie on February 13, 2016 at 14:37:52:

Actually that "shore" was a typo I didn't notice before submitting, but it's nice if you like it :)

I was wearing a Adidas tracksuit with a royal blue top and navy bottoms, a pair of some chinese wading sneakers, that actually don't look too much like water shoes. Underneath just swim trunks and running socks. A tracksuit that seldom remains dry when I'm wearing it. Now I ordered a Adidas Sereno red/black tracksuit, I'd like some nice quick drying sneakers/trainers to wear with it, but I can't decide which ones... I have red Chucks but I prefer chucks with jeans and hoodie.

Restfull Friday - not quite.

Posted by Chris on February 14, 2016 at 12:06:59

I was intending to spend a quiet first full day back at home yesterday, Friday. I slept late (nothing is as nice as a familiar warm pit to snuggle down in) and got up at about midday. I found the house empty but heard voices from the pool area, so wandered out to see who it was. Tom was sitting chatting with someone whose back was towards me.

"Morning, Chris ....... well just about anyway !" Tom grinned, looking at his watch "Feeling better after a good night's rest in your own bed ?"

"Yes, thanks, much better. Where is everyone ? Do you know ?" I asked.

"They've gone to the supermarket and your mum went for the ride and to see some life away from the house - she also wanted to buy some gin, she said !!"

"That's about par for mum - no evening G&T at the hospital ! Are you going to introduce me to your friend .......? " I said as I approached their chairs.

I could see the visitor now as he stood up and put his hand out: slim, bit taller than me, long hair tied back in a pony-tail and a neatly trimmed bushy beard. Dressed in black jeans and a grey military style shirt.

"Surely we don't need to be introduced, Christi-boy !" he said with a grin.

"My God ..... Will - it's the beard that threw me ...." I stammered.

"Come here, Chris ....... not too old to give your cousin a hug are you ?" Will asked.

After that we sat and answered each others questions. It seems Tom had kept Will informed about the accident and Will had phoned from the station at Bristol very early to ask for a lift. He had been travelling for two days to get back once he had got back to a port.

Forgot to say, Will is Jamie's older brother. I last saw him just days before we moved to America when I was eight years old. Christi-boy was his nickname for me as I could never say my full name properly when I first learned to talk, so shortened it and also asserted I was a boy !

William set off travelling almost two years ago after a falling out with his parents - no idea why and nobody talks of it - and has barely had contact with them since, including Jamie. He has however been in irregular contact by email and text with Tom as they are close, like me and Jamie.

We had been chatting for twenty minutes or so when Jamie came in. He was hobbling along on his crutches, being careful not to put any weight on his plastered leg, and he looked grittily determined and absolutely furious.

"What the hell is that bastard doing here ? Why are you here now, you bastard ? When you left without even saying goodbye ..... When you have not even been in touch once in nearly two bloody years .......... I idolised you, you were my role model, my hero, the guy I wanted to be ....." Jamie was sobbing as he halted in front of his brother, and shaking with anger, lips trembling "I loved you more than anyone ....... Why ? Tell me why?" he raised a crutch and swung it against his brothers leg, softly at first and then a harder second blow. Will stepped back and aside, said nothing, and Jamie hit him again, Will stepped back to avoid another blow and found himself teetering on the edge of the pool before he fell sideways and splashed in.

"Jamie !" Tom cried as he stepped forward and put a hand out to help Will clamber out.

Will shook himself and stepped up to Jamie, put his hands on Jamie's shoulders "I know I did it all wrong, but I had to get away and a clean break seemed the best way at the time. After that it just got more and more difficult. I know I hurt you all and I can only ask that you think about forgiving me as I am truly sorry - I made a big, big mistake and don't want to live with its consequences for the rest of my life - what do you say, can you forgive me ?"

Jamie answered by throwing his arms around his brother and hugging him tightly.

"I want to be really, really angry with you" Jamie said as they hugged "but its difficult when you are making me very wet and I can feel your heart thumping against my chest - and there's something stiff poking at my balls ......"

"Sorry about that" Will laughed ".......... but I'm not letting go until you say you'll try and forgive me in time."

"Of course I forgive you - you're my brother, what else would I do ?" Jamie said "Now will you let me go ?"

(More to follow - sorry its a bit long)

Re: Restfull Friday - not quite.

Posted by Chris on February 15, 2016 at 09:03:20

In Reply to: Re: Restfull Friday - not quite. posted by Bruce on February 14, 2016 at 20:51:28:

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. The day was pretty dramatic and I hope I captured that, I did get Jamie and Will to read it through just to make sure I had remembered clearly. It seems it will be entertaining having Will around for a while as he likes water and wet clothes !

I still have not found out what their family falling-out was all about, so I think the allusion to Agatha Christie might be slightly off target .......

Re: Restfull Friday - not quite.

Posted by Chris on February 15, 2016 at 09:10:44

In Reply to: Re: Restfull Friday - not quite. posted by wetchas on February 15, 2016 at 08:54:32:

Jamie has never really spoken much about Will to me, but it seemed obvious that he still looked up to him. I don't remember much about Will from when I was eight years old, he was just the older brother with his own circle of friends who was always tolerant of us and sometimes happy to fool around with us.

You can tell I've not got much to do as I've been writing too much at length, so will try to be briefer in future.

Re: Home at last !

Posted by Jamie on February 15, 2016 at 14:56:42

In Reply to: Re: Home at last ! posted by Camilo Martinez on February 13, 2016 at 15:42:56:

Thanks - glad to be back even though not wet yet.

Re: Home at last !

Posted by Jamie on February 15, 2016 at 15:00:07

In Reply to: Re: Home at last ! posted by swimmerrat on February 13, 2016 at 01:23:18:

Looking forward to getting wet again eventually, in the meantime I can watch Chris and my brother Will getting wet and having some fun in the pool. Chris appears to be fully cured now, but still gets a bit sore sometimes after doing his exercises, but that will pass.

Restful Friday - the end

Posted by zdirChris on February 15, 2016 at 22:26:14

When Jamie and Will ceased their loving embrace, Jamie's shorts and tee were soaked all down his front.

"I think perhaps we ought to get changed before mum and dad get home or I'll be in trouble for getting wet with my leg still in plaster." Jamie observed "I take it you have a change of clothes, Will ?"

"I've got another pair of jeans and a shirt plus underwear of course," Will replied "I was hoping to find all my other clothes still here somewhere !"

"Your stuff is still in boxes upstairs, you might find a few tees are missing or borrowed ......." Jamie laughed "Chris arrived with only a few clothes so needed some before their stuff was shipped over."

"Glad they were of use to someone." Will replied "Hope they fitted OK, Chris."

"Yeah fine, thanks, you can have them back now as I have all the stuff I need and more, but they were useful at first."

Jamie led Will off to the shower room and Tom and I sat and chatted as we waited for them to return. They were beaten to it by Jamie's parents and my mum returning from their trip to the supermarket.

"Hi, darling, feeling better after a good night's sleep." my mum asked.

"Yes much, thanks ....... How about you ? Any more comfortable with those plastered limbs ?"

"Getting there - better each night - and sleeping soundly when I do get to sleep finally." mum replied.

"I think you all should take a seat for a bit - there's some news you should know ....." Tom said.

"What ? Has Jamie had a fall ?" his mum asked in panic.

"No nothing like that, mum." came Jamie's voice from behind us and we turned to see him on his crutches carefully swinging out of the shower-room doorway. He had changed into a dry tee and a pair of loose gym shorts. He was followed by Will, dry in blue jeans and a blue and white check shirt, who was buttoning a cuff as he walked.

"Hello everyone - sorry to turn up like a bad penny and unannounced, I got here as soon as I could after Tom told me about the accident."

Uncle Dan was the first to speak "Don't talk nonsense, son, welcome home, we've missed you. It's marvellous to see you again." and with that the three of them embraced, his mum in tears.

Mum signalled for Tom and me to follow her into the house and we left the four of them together whilst we put the shopping away and made a start on getting lunch for everyone.

After a while we heard laughter from Jamie and his dad and saw Will looking relaxed and relieved as they chatted. Tom took cutlery and glasses out to the table and Will started to lay the table.

We had a snack lunch of soup and bread rolls filled with ham or cheese, and uncle Dan opened a bottle of decent wine. Will answered lots of questions about what he had been doing whilst away. He had spent a time travelling in South America and had then met a guy who was recruiting for yacht crew among the Europeans and Americans who were travelling the world.

I was picturing something like a 40ft sailing yacht when he told us this, as were the others I think, so we were all surprised when he started describing it.

"Let's see .... where to start ? She is a motor yacht, five decks, twelve double guest suits, an owner's suit with a private sundeck and jacuzzi, three other sundecks, an outside swimming pool, a helicopter pad cum bsketball court, a wet dock with a thirty foot launch and six jetskis, a beach deck and bar, two large lounges and a dining room that can seat forty, a wine cellar, a gym, a disco and a forty seat cinema and of course crew quarters, kitchens, engine and generator rooms, big fuel tanks (she could sail all the way across the Atlantic and back twice on a single load), so she's quite something." Will said, grinning and pausing for breath.

"Bloody hell. How big is this yacht ?" uncle Dan asked.

"Getting on for 400 feet in length and about 50 feet in the beam and the height of a 5 storey building plus radio and radar masts. Pretty big when you stand on the dock looking up at her."

"How many crew are there - must be a good few for something that size ?" Tom asked.

"A captain, an engineer, navigator cum communications officer, a chef, a guest manager and 23 other crew like me."

"So what do you do all day, apart from swabbing the decks .... we've all seen the Pirates of the Caribbean films but I guess there's no pillaging, plundering or ravaging to do ?"

"I wouldn't be too sure about that last one ...... we spend a lot of time cleaning and polishing, even the outer hull, but we all get involved in waiting on guests, organising water sports, arranging and escourting tours wherever we dock, and that ubiquitous "and any other duties as required" as it says in my contract. Its all good fun and fairly light-hearted as all the guests on-board are on their holidays."

"Is the ship owned privately or by a holiday company or something." I asked.

"She is one of two private yachts owned by an American multi-millionaire. Mine is based in the Caribbean, Mediterannean and waters around the Americas, and he has another based in the Far East. The owner is with us for ten weeks in the summer and the ship is chartered the rest of the time or loaned to his friends and family."

"What does something like that cost and can I have a pocket money raise, dad ?" Jamie asked.


"Look on-line and this size yacht will cost anything from $120,000,000 US upwards, and probably upwards of 5 million per annum in running costs. You'll need a lot of pocket money to afford that, mate." Will told him.

And on that down beat note, the conversation turned to other things. After lunch Tom, uncle Dan, Will and me went for a swim and Jamie, my mum and his mum sat and chatted as they watched us. Will paced and encouraged me whilst I did my lengths and aquarobics exercise for my back and then we just fooled around for a while. Will is really toned and fit looking and told us that he and some other members of the crew regularly swim around and around the ship first thing before the guests are up and about and also use the on-board gym, sometimes helping the guests use the equipment if they find the 5-star cuisine too much to handle.

In the evening we were joined by Tom's parents and had a celebratory supper for Will's return. It was actually quite nice for Jamie, mum and me not to e the centre of attention and constantly being asked "How are you ?" etc etc which gets a bit tiring after a while. So that was our not so uneventful first full day back home.

Good Times

Posted by Jamie on February 15, 2016 at 22:45:28

It is really great having Will back at home, even though it will only be for a couple of weeks. On Friday night he crashed out in the spare bed in my room and on saturday we gave him the guided tour of our part of the house and he chose a room as his for whenever he is home. He and dad assembled a bed and got the room cleared of still-packed clutter and then found all his own stuff to unpack and put away properly. By lunchtime it looked as though he hd been there forever.

Will and Chris spent the afternoon in the pool and we all had a quiet evening watching TV and playing computer games.

On sunday Will got the guided tour of Chris's part of the house, the bit Tom is busy converting over the garages and the attic spaces that Uncle Danny is doing for them. Tom took him out on the quads to see the woods in the afternoon and they must have had some fun as they came back soaked to the skin and covered in mud, grinning from ear to ear. Will seemed to take it all in his stride and even laughed as we hosed them down despite it being really cold.

Re: Good Times

Posted by wetchas on February 16, 2016 at 09:09:16

In Reply to: Good Times posted by Jamie on February 15, 2016 at 22:45:28:

Hang on in there Jamie. You will soon be back to full strength. Hope the plasters not itching too much.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Good Times

Posted by Jamie on February 16, 2016 at 11:33:11

In Reply to: Re: Good Times posted by wetchas on February 16, 2016 at 09:09:16:

Ohhhh God ! You mentioned the itching .... I had almost managed to ignore it and pretend it was not there and just my imagination !!

It was fun seeing Will and Tom getting hosed down, they looked very good soaked in their jeans and shirts. Will was wearing his black jeans and grey military style shirt which is his work uniform. Looked pretty amazing all shiny wet and clinging, but I can't say I envied him as it was really cold, not that that seemed to bother him showing his pleasure at being wet, he's like Chris - it just seems to increase his pleasure ........

Re: Good Times

Posted by JohnnyB on February 17, 2016 at 07:38:57

In Reply to: Re: Good Times posted by Jamie on February 16, 2016 at 11:33:11:

Being cold and wet always increases my pleasure too, always has since I was 15. Simple pleasures.

Wet and bit muddy again.

Posted by Chris on February 17, 2016 at 10:57:18

Will was keen to explore the woods and our muddy trail again yesterday afternoon, so we went out on the quads again. Will followed me at first and got a good soaking from my spray as we splashed through the puddles. He was wearing his work clothes again of black jeans and grey shirt, which were still wet from his hosing down of the day before, and I had on my old Levis and a green sweatshirt. We stopped and went up to the flooded hollow where Will took a few swings on the rope out over the water before dropping in each time with a yell, whilst I stood by and watched. After we returned to the quads Will took the lead and I enjoyed getting soaked and muddy from his splashes and spray. When we got to the muddy ride at the far side of the woods, Will was quick to dismount and splash into the deep mud puddles as I watched him enjoy himself. He ducked his head under and rolled in the liquid mud until he was completely covered - quite a sight. I did not splash around h as I feared hurting my back again, but he did splash and throw water over me until I was quite drenched. It felt so good to get completely soaked in jeans and sweatshirt again and even getting hosed down in the cold sunshine when we got back. Jamie got himself wetter than he should hhve doing that, but no harm done, just a change of clothing needed.

Re: Good Times

Posted by Jamie on February 17, 2016 at 11:02:05

In Reply to: Re: Good Times posted by JohnnyB on February 17, 2016 at 07:38:57:

Yeah seems to work that way for lots of guys, sadly it has the opposite effect on me ha ha - a bit like braille if you get my meaning !!

Re: Wet and bit muddy again.

Posted by wetchas on February 17, 2016 at 14:10:14

In Reply to: Wet and bit muddy again. posted by Chris on February 17, 2016 at 10:57:18:

Very wise to take it easy to start with. The last thing you want is to do any more damage, especially if it's your own fault.
Have you got any waterproof over trousers that Jamie could wear under his jeans. I'm not saying they would protect his plaster from a proper soaking, but they might be useful if was just mucking around with the hose. Must keep that plaster dry though, otherwise you will be in deep do do.
Pouring with rain here in Devon. Have you had snow, or has it missed you.
Cheers for now. Wetchas.

Re: Restfull Friday - not quite.

Posted by wetchas on February 17, 2016 at 14:18:09

In Reply to: Re: Restfull Friday - not quite. posted by Chris on February 15, 2016 at 22:16:08:

Has anyone suggested that Jamie change parts and play a pirate. Sorry. Not taking the pee, couldn't resist.

Re: Restfull Friday - not quite.

Posted by Chris on February 19, 2016 at 14:52:02

In Reply to: Re: Restfull Friday - not quite. posted by wetchas on February 17, 2016 at 14:18:09:

No, they have not, but it would suit him at present - he might not think it very funny though !!

Jamie does not have a part in the play, he prefers to work backstage and is operating the lights and sound effects with a couple of the other guys. Which is lucky, as he can do that sitting down.

We have had a few visits from mates, Harry, Alistair, Charlie and others, as well as our headmaster and head of year, which was good of them. Back at school next week.

Trying on clothes

Posted by Chris on February 19, 2016 at 17:18:26

Jamie's btrother Will has been sorting out all his clothes that were packed up when we moved house. He intends to take a few favourites with him but has only limited storeage on board and at the crew flat that they use when not at sea. So we have had a fun day helping him decide and he then said we could have anthing that might fit that he was throwing out. Jamie suggested a novel way to try them on, by wearing them in the pool and seeing what suited best. I was certainly up for that and Will said it might be fun as well.

So we took everything down and put it in a pile, stripped to our boxer briefs and made a start on trying on each top or bottom as we grabbed it from the pile. Jamie could only really try the tops as he cannot get into jeans or trousers with his leg in plaster. But I had no such problem.

Will tried on the stuff he was not sure about and when we both found stuff we liked we pushed each other in the pool and saw how we liked them when wet, Jamie then gave a verdict on a scale of 1 to 10 on how they looked when we climbed out. It was a great way of doing it and I've not laughed so much in a long time. Anyway, I ended up with a wet pile of clothes that consisted of two pairs of denim jeans (one faded blue and one grey), a pair of khaki cargoes, and a pair of olive green chino shorts along with a couple of hoodies and three tees. Jamie got some tees, a couple of polo shirts, a hoodie and has reserved some jeans for when he can try them on. Will decided to keep some stuff one he realised how good they felt and looked when wet, so that was all good.

Its lucky that Will is only a little taller than us and about the same build (Jamie told him he had acquired a "beer belly" which almost got him thrown in the pool !). Will and me then spent the rest of the day in the pool and he has been trying to teach me a few proper dives.

First Bath in Months

Posted by Dolby1000 on February 19, 2016 at 22:13:57

If you've been reading Chris's and Jamie's adventures, you might know that I tore my quadriceps tendon from my knee last December and had surgery the week before Christmas. Been hobbling about on crutches and a knee brace for the last 2 months.

I've been brace free as of last week, but have been limited to showers, and not clothed ones at that as even putting on socks, shoes and pants has been rather diffiuclt. However, in the last month it has gone from impossible to barely possible to quite possible.

Today, I tried a bath for the first time. I had on Vans, white socks, Levis and a t-shirt. I was unsure how easy it would be to sit and then try and get out of the tub.

Despite some discomfort (rather, a screaming protest), I was able to get in and out of the bath and give my clothes a decent soaking.

As hard as it may of been today, I know going into spring, it can only get easier!

Take care all.

First day back at school

Posted by Chris on February 22, 2016 at 18:46:10

Back at school today for both Jamie and me, just three weeks after our run in with THAT truck in Berlin. It was good to be back among all our mates - and we got a round of applause on entering our year's Common Room when we arrived, which was a real boost.

Jamie ha suddenly started remembering about the accident and has had nightmares about it this last weekend - I woke at 3am on Saturday night to the sound of him whimpering and crying out in his sleep from across our study, upsetting to see him like that, and it seems he can now not only recall the actual accident but also the time he was under anaesthetic and having his leg set and having all the bits of metal fitted and screwed in place into his bones - imagination or not, it must be pretty horrible.

He also enjoyed being back at school among friends and with someting to do to take his mind off his injuries, but found it tiring. We got home and relaxed by the pool, Me just jumping straight in wearing my clothes from school (tan chinos, brown and white check shirt) and Jamie sat on the side cheering me on. Tomorrow he goes to the hospital to have his plaster removed and check on how his leg is healing. After a change of dressings he just might get a lighter cast or a fibreglass brace instead, he may even be told he can get wet again.

Re: First day back at school

Posted by wetchas on February 23, 2016 at 08:46:38

In Reply to: First day back at school posted by Chris on February 22, 2016 at 18:46:10:

That's good news (mostly). Agree with you, it's very distressing for Jamie and you. Nothing worse than hearing grown men cry. I've heard it some funerals I have attended, and it really is emotional.
I believe it's not unusual though, to have flashbacks. Hopefully they will pass, as time goes on.
Good news about the plaster removal though. Let's hope they can fit him with something more practical.
Cheers for now. Charlie.

Re: First day back at school

Posted by Chris on February 23, 2016 at 18:56:19

In Reply to: Re: First day back at school posted by wetchas on February 23, 2016 at 08:46:38:

Jamie has had a couple of bad nightmares about the accident and woken everyone up with crying out and so on. He has talked it through afterwards and is able to recall every detail of being thrown around by the impact, having his leg mangled and even being operated on afterwards, he says it felt that he was awake but unable to move or tell anyone what he was feeling. He described the pain as being like listening to music with the volume being turned up to 21 and being completely overwhelming. Our doctor has suggested that talking about his dreams would be good therapy and help him forget them in time.

Good news is that he has a lighter plaster cast, his leg is healing well and the doctor suggested that he could cover his leg with a bin bag or something and take a shower - but not go swimming as yet.

Re: First day back at school

Posted by wetchas on February 24, 2016 at 09:10:50

In Reply to: Re: First day back at school posted by Chris on February 23, 2016 at 18:56:19:

Did Jamie reply that he would cover it with a pair of Levi's?
Good news about the plaster. Shower fun for the next few weeks then. Bad news about the dreams. Hopefully they will dull with time.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: First day back at school

Posted by Jamie on February 24, 2016 at 21:23:04

In Reply to: Re: First day back at school posted by wetchas on February 24, 2016 at 09:10:50:

I think a bin bag will be most practical - I just wonder what taking it off will be like afterwards; all that tape pulling at the hairs on my leg !

Having a first shower was wonderful - just nice to feel clean again !

Re: First day back at school

Posted by Chris on February 24, 2016 at 22:13:19

In Reply to: Re: First day back at school posted by Jamie on February 24, 2016 at 21:23:04:

It was fun helping Jamie stand up properly in the shower as he washed ! Even got the chance to get my favourite old Levis wet as well ....

beach club

Posted by swimmerrat on February 26, 2016 at 04:43:03

don't worry - we will keep it going - full blast and dripping wet.

Re: beach club

Posted by LevilovR on February 26, 2016 at 10:12:48

In Reply to: beach club posted by swimmerrat on February 26, 2016 at 04:43:03:

Damn right we will!

Re: beach club

Posted by wetchas on February 26, 2016 at 12:00:22

In Reply to: Re: beach club posted by LevilovR on February 26, 2016 at 10:12:48:

Unfortunate to say the least that the old stuff has gone. How will we manage without Dima's posts.
Seriously though, it gives us the chance to start some new, exciting threads.
So. Let's get posting.
Regards. Wetchas.

Re: beach club

Posted by Bruce on February 26, 2016 at 13:02:35

In Reply to: Re: beach club posted by wetchas on February 26, 2016 at 12:00:22:

Hope Chris and Jamie will carry on, we have sadly lost some of their adventures, both good and bad, in this mishap, and I for one am wondering about Will, and if he has gone back to his ship.

Chris and Jamie's Stories Are On File

Posted by Felix on February 26, 2016 at 14:13:57

In Reply to: Re: beach club posted by Bruce on February 26, 2016 at 13:02:35:

All messages posted in this forum get emailed to me. I have all their wet adventure stories on file. My intention is to publish them here or on our satellite sites like I've done before. It is a lot of work to compile this. Maybe Chris and Jamie would like to assist. They have my email address.


Re: beach club

Posted by Jamie on February 26, 2016 at 18:35:48

In Reply to: Re: beach club posted by Bruce on February 26, 2016 at 13:02:35:

In answer to your question, Bruce, Will is flying back to his ship/yacht/boat (?) on Monday but has promised that he will keep in touch regularly this time. He will be back in December as the yacht is going for a refit for three months so the crew are being laid-off although some, like Will, have been promised their jobs back and will be kept on a retainer until needed.

We have a very wet and messy farewell party organised for him on Saturday evening (he knows it is happening but not what we have arranged) so will post about that after the weekend.

Re: beach club

Posted by Bruce on February 26, 2016 at 19:20:48

In Reply to: Re: beach club posted by Jamie on February 26, 2016 at 18:35:48:

Sounds wonderful, I would love to join you, too bad.

Re: beach club

Posted by Jamie on February 26, 2016 at 21:27:46

In Reply to: Re: beach club posted by wetchas on February 26, 2016 at 12:00:22:

Well said, mate, we will be continueing to post as often as we can. Let's hope others do as well.

Re: Chris and Jamie's Stories Are On File

Posted by Chris on February 27, 2016 at 10:29:55

In Reply to: Chris and Jamie's Stories Are On File posted by Felix on February 26, 2016 at 14:13:57:

Not sure we can be of much help as we dont have copies of what we posted.

Re: Chris and Jamie's Stories Are On File

Posted by wetjumper on February 29, 2016 at 00:29:03

In Reply to: Re: Chris and Jamie's Stories Are On File posted by Chris on February 27, 2016 at 10:29:55:

Not a problem. Felix can clearly email your story posts back to you for further editing or whatever. Otherwise, I've been saving all your story threads and most of the responses in one big text file (it's wonderful to be able to read all this stuff again even when not online - except for your Berlin experience and its aftermath, of course) - so I can send you the text if it's required.

Stay wet! - Peter (wetjumper)

Avoid printed clothes

Posted by Felix on March 01, 2016 at 20:22:30

In Reply to: Last 24 hours of 50% SALE + 3 guys! posted by Dima on February 28, 2016 at 22:39:22:

Awesome. He looks hot in wet clothes.

But why this childish printed T-shirt? It really messes with the style. Use plain T-shirts so we can enjoy the wet drape and drip.


Re: Avoid printed clothes

Posted by Jamie on March 04, 2016 at 11:11:39

In Reply to: Avoid printed clothes posted by Felix on March 01, 2016 at 20:22:30:

I prefer the look of plain tees when wet, particularly dark colours like black (best when soaking and shiny) or dark greens and blues. Not so keen on the plain white "transparent" look. But, hey, anything looks good when wet.........

Re: beach club

Posted by Jamie on March 06, 2016 at 17:34:20

In Reply to: Re: beach club posted by Bruce on February 26, 2016 at 19:20:48:

Sorry not to have posted about Will's farewell do, it was great fun and very, very messy for everyone. Unfortunately I have been back in hospital after I slipped and fell at school. I managed to push one of the retaining rods through the flesh and skin of my calf without realising, until a teacher noticed I was trailing blood that was seeping out of my cast. No pain really, but it involved a stay in hospital to sort out. Got back home yesterday morning, so will try and write it up as soon as.

message for Chris & Jamie.

Posted by wetchas on March 07, 2016 at 08:43:27

Hi there. Haven't heard from you lately. Hope you haven't left us.
Just wondering how things were progressing. What's the news with Jamie's leg. All good hopefully.
Real bummer that the beach club crashed, taking all your stories with it.
If you have left, can you just contact us one last time to let us know everything is OK.
Thanks. Charlie.

Re: message for Chris & Jamie.

Posted by Jamie on March 07, 2016 at 09:28:42

In Reply to: message for Chris & Jamie. posted by wetchas on March 07, 2016 at 08:43:27:

No, we have not left. I was going to write about the wet and messy party we had as a farewell to Will. We invited some of his friends and various people he and Tom knew from their school days as well as some of our friends. It all went well on the afternoon/night a week ago Saturday and we had a family lunch on Sunday before we fly out on Monday morning.

On Tuesday at school I slipped with my crutches and fell, not very heavily, got up and carried on, no pain or anything, and at the end of that class as I left for the next one the teacher noticed I was leaking blood from my plaster cast. It seals around my lower leg and foot with velcro straps, so we undid it and the blood just poured out, seems my fall had pushed a rod through the calf and it was poking out through the skin. I fainted at that point (don't like the sight of blood at the best of times, particularly if it is my own) and came too in the ambulance on the way to hospital where they operated again. Spent a few days there and came home on Friday night. I've been told to stay in bed for the time being, so getting a bit bored now.

I may try and get round to posting about the party in the next day or so, it was fun and so very messy, I almost felt sorry for Will by the time we had finished with him - almost, but he was very obviously enjoying it a lot so I restrained my sympathy .............

Re: message for Chris & Jamie.

Posted by wetchas. on March 07, 2016 at 11:47:04

In Reply to: Re: message for Chris & Jamie. posted by Jamie on March 07, 2016 at 09:28:42:

Third time I have tried replying. Other two attempts have not shown up.
Just to say sorry to hear that. What a shame.
Still, take it easy, and give those bones time to knit together properly. It will be worth it in the long run.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: message for Chris & Jamie.

Posted by Jamie on March 07, 2016 at 12:43:06

In Reply to: Re: message for Chris & Jamie. posted by wetchas. on March 07, 2016 at 11:47:04:

Chris had the same problem a couple of weeks ago, wrote a post, added the security code and nothing happened when he tried submitting.

Yes, it was a bit of a set-back. The bones are all knitting together well and it was the supporting rod (that will be removed in due course anyway) that was dislodged and did the damage. I'm stuck here now until that wound heals properly: still, could have been worse, might have broken bones again and that could have been potentially disasterous.

Re: message for Chris & Jamie.

Posted by wetchas on March 07, 2016 at 13:21:05

In Reply to: Re: message for Chris & Jamie. posted by Jamie on March 07, 2016 at 12:43:06:

Yep. Every cloud has a silver lining (so they say). Thank goodness it wasn't any worse. Speaking of Chris, I hope you are using him as your personal butler during this time.
I was well naffed off when the beach club got wiped. Not half as much as you were I guess, as the biggest posters, you probably had the most stuff on there. Has anyone been able to retrieve any of it for you.
Guess you are fed up with the TV now. Have you got some studying to be getting on with. Not a brilliant prospect I know, but anything's good if you are bored.
Anyway, take care.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: message for Chris & Jamie.

Posted by Jamie on March 07, 2016 at 13:51:55

In Reply to: Re: message for Chris & Jamie. posted by wetchas on March 07, 2016 at 13:21:05:

Yes, maybe I was being too ambitious using crutches rather than the wheelchair, but you have to make progress and push boundaries, don't you ?

Chris has been great, a real tower of strength and support, and was very concerned about what happened. The teacher and school were brill as well, can't thank them all enough. They acted quickly without panic and got an ambulance quickly and those guys were really good too, although I was a bit out of it at the time.

I never realised that UK daytime TV was so full of crap - what's with that bloke Jeremy Kyle ? Reckon he needs as much help as his guests - but have found CAR SOS which is good ((never really interested in cars before) and endless repeats of Top Gear, which I've never watched before.

Chris is bringing some school work back today and I have some project work to complete so am keeping busy when not falling asleep; I'm told that can be the after-effects of the anaesthetics.

Thanks for the best wishes, Charlie, much appreciated.
All the best, Jamie

Re: Chris and Jamie's Stories Are On File

Posted by wetjumper on March 07, 2016 at 15:31:32

In Reply to: Re: Chris and Jamie's Stories Are On File posted by wetjumper on February 29, 2016 at 00:29:03:

Sorry about the delay - I've been a bit unwell lately, and I somehow managed to delete part of my file when tidying it up (managed to restore it) so I left it for a while to avoid the risk of messing it up irretrievably! Nearly there...

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: message for Chris & Jamie.

Posted by wetjumper on March 07, 2016 at 16:07:15

In Reply to: Re: message for Chris & Jamie. posted by Jamie on March 07, 2016 at 13:51:55:

Thanks for the update. I was worried about this latest setback but glad it seems to have done no permanent damage. Who'd have thought you could sustain a serious injury inside an intact plaster cast without knowing it?

If it's any consolation, I don't like seeing my own blood either. I've had a couple of blood samples taken to check whether my blood pressure medication is having any adverse effects on my liver or kidneys - I've had trouble lately with dull headaches and a cold, shivery feeling which makes it difficult to enjoy getting wet unless the water is very warm! But at least I've never been dragged under a runaway truck...

I reckon I'd need to be on anaesthetics to watch Jeremy Kyle!

Anyway, look after yourself and you'll soon be back on your feet.

I'm still intending to email a long text file of all your stories so far, having saved them all - but I accidentally deleted part of it when tidying it up and had to find the source again, so I thought it best not to do any more until my head is clearer. Soon, I hope.

Best wishes - Peter (wetjumper)

Re: message for Chris & Jamie.

Posted by Jamie on March 07, 2016 at 17:48:01

In Reply to: Re: message for Chris & Jamie. posted by wetjumper on March 07, 2016 at 16:07:15:

Thanks for the best wishes. I think I've lost some feeling in my leg, probably some nerve damage apparently, and the rod is quite thin so the end pierced everything like a needle, it seems I might not have done up the two halves of the cast as tightly as I should and the fall distorted my leg momentarily causing the end of the rod to slip out of its hole.

I always get a bit queasy at the sight of blood (my dad does too) and there seemed to be a lot of it ! .......... but not a leg full as the surgeon joked afterwards, funny man.

Agreed about Jeremy Kyle - a real to**er (can I say that ?)

Hope you feel well enough soon to enjoy getting wet again, must be wearying to have constant headaches.

All the best.

Re: message for Chris & Jamie.

Posted by wetchas. on March 08, 2016 at 08:20:37

In Reply to: Re: message for Chris & Jamie. posted by Jamie on March 07, 2016 at 17:48:01:

Hello again.
Thanks for the best wishes. All I can say mate is that if you are watching Jeremy Kyle, you must be ill. Was it the ones where he tries to help poorly people or sort out their problems. At least they were slightly entertaining. I was waiting for the one where the wife wrote in to say she had "come home to find her husband in the bath in his Levis and T Shirt" but no luck so far.
As for repeats of Top Gear, well, there's a trip of to***rs.
Keep your pecker up. Cheers now. Charlie.

Re: message for Chris & Jamie.

Posted by Jamie on March 09, 2016 at 09:29:10

In Reply to: Re: message for Chris & Jamie. posted by wetchas. on March 08, 2016 at 08:20:37:

I don't want you to get the wrong idea about my taste and style - Jeremy Kyle was on in the background - well, that's my excuse anyway ! I guess it was one of his regular shows, lots of aggression, shouting, excess weight, tattoos and nylon clothing ....... and that was just the women. Funny (I laughed despite myself) but sad also that people feel the need to parade their problems on TV in that way.

I'm not that interested in cars but Top Gear is a bit of fun - not really a car show ? - and I do like May and Hammond, not so keen on Clarkson.

I've been passing some time watching vids on YouTube of people having fun and getting wet, muddy and messy. Some are amazing, some are a bit "oooh really ? why would you do that ?" so its been a bit of an education. Plenty of stuff there for Jeremy Kyle to get his teeth into maybe ....

All the best

Re: message for Chris & Jamie.

Posted by wetchas. on March 09, 2016 at 14:13:05

In Reply to: Re: message for Chris & Jamie. posted by Jamie on March 09, 2016 at 09:29:10:

There's one thing mate. You've still got your sense of humour. All nylon clothing, how I laughed.
Good job I wasn't wearing trackies at the time, otherwise I might have been upset.
Guess there's a link between Jeremy Kyle and you tube. Seems to be some people don't seem to care how stupid they look, as long as everyone's looking at them. ADHD perhaps.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: message for Chris & Jamie.

Posted by Jamie on March 09, 2016 at 17:47:22

In Reply to: Re: message for Chris & Jamie. posted by wetchas. on March 09, 2016 at 14:13:05:

Yup, no point in feeling down about things, have to see the funny side otherwise I'd be feeling suicidal .......

I quite like nylon clothing too, but only when getting wet or muddy. Wearing it as an everyday choice is a bit desperate - could you really find no other choice ?

Farewell to 501s

Posted by LevilovR on March 10, 2016 at 22:12:45

My favorite pair of 501s has finally given up the ghost. They were old, soft and faded and very comfortable. I knew they didn't have much longer, but I still hated to part with them. It almost feels like I should give them a funeral or something - bury them at sea so they will be forever wet. It's not like I don't have others, I've already selected the next pair that I will use as my "go to" jeans. But still, I hated to lose that particular pair. Anyone else have a favorite item of clothing that they prefer to wear whenever possible - particularly when getting wet?

Re: Farewell to 501s

Posted by Chris on March 10, 2016 at 22:46:38

In Reply to: Farewell to 501s posted by LevilovR on March 10, 2016 at 22:12:45:

I know the feeling - my favourite jeans are a pair of 501s that are a nice snug fit and reasonably faded and soft through constant wear, when not at school, and a steady diet of soakings in both water and mud. Sadly they are getting to the stage where just as they get to look and feel really good, they are getting a bit small as I grow. I have another pair of barely worn 501s but am reluctant to give up the old ones and start afresh at running in this newer pair. I think I may just cut them up into a pair of shorts and wear them in the pool when alone or with Jamie as he does not nag me about wearing "indecent" jeans like my parents do. It can't be long before I stop growing out of clothes, surely, I'll be 18 in a few months time ! When do you stop, any ideas from older guys ?

Re: Farewell to 501s

Posted by Jamie on March 10, 2016 at 22:51:17

In Reply to: Re: Farewell to 501s posted by Chris on March 10, 2016 at 22:46:38:

Ha ha ! Those old jeans were getting to the indecent stage back in summer last year so the rest of us have had to put up with them long enough .......... just bin them and be done with it, you know it makes sense and you'll feel better afterwards.

Re: Farewell to 501s

Posted by Jamie on March 10, 2016 at 22:59:38

In Reply to: Farewell to 501s posted by LevilovR on March 10, 2016 at 22:12:45:

My favourite jeans (from Diesel) were cut off me after the accident. They were torn and blood soaked so could not have been worn again anyway. I guess they ended up in the hospital incinerator or something along with all the old used dressings and bandages. I have a pair of slightly worn and faded 501s that have been wet and muddy a few times, so they will be my new go to jeans once I can get to wear them again.

Re: Farewell to 501s

Posted by screamer on March 11, 2016 at 00:06:49

In Reply to: Re: Farewell to 501s posted by Jamie on March 10, 2016 at 22:59:38:

Jamie, hope you are taking it easy and getting ready for your eventual return to wet jeans. I know Chris introduced you to the 501's and you like them now. Although I like old faded 501's, there still is nothing better than getting a new pair and breaking them in with your favorite buds. You should be planning a party with Chris, Will, Rob, Harry, your Dad and uncle and anyone else where they all wear new STF Levi 501's! Something to plan and look forward to!

Re: Farewell to 501s

Posted by LevilovR on March 11, 2016 at 01:05:19

In Reply to: Re: Farewell to 501s posted by screamer on March 11, 2016 at 00:06:49:

I love breaking in new STFs. I bought some this winter, but am waiting for warmer weather (and water) to give them a proper initiation. A STF breakin party would be awesome. Ever look at the photo session on this site under Pool Party and see the three young lads breaking in their new 501 STF Levis. Some really awesome photos.

Re: Farewell to 501s

Posted by wetchas. on March 11, 2016 at 08:37:51

In Reply to: Re: Farewell to 501s posted by Jamie on March 10, 2016 at 22:51:17:

Just to re-iterate what's already been said, sadly we may stop growing upwards, but then we start growing outwards, if not very careful. Sadly I haven't been as careful as I might have been, and now could best be described as rotund.
It's great that we can all be so different here, but all shares common bond. Personally I am not that keen on jeans, or soaking the same clothes every time. I like to go for something other than the items I wore last time, preferring to ring the changes. I quite understand how you could have favourite pairs. It's just not for me.
As I say, different, but similar.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: Farewell to 501s

Posted by Jamie on March 11, 2016 at 22:20:58

In Reply to: Re: Farewell to 501s posted by screamer on March 11, 2016 at 00:06:49:

A rather enforced taking it easy at the moment, hopefully will get downstairs and mobile in my wheelchair over the weekend. The party sounds like a good idea - my brother is back on his boat now and sailing the Caribbean Sea (lucky so-and-so) but will be home again later in the year, but everyone else would be up for such a party, I'm sure.

Re: Farewell to 501s

Posted by Jamie on March 11, 2016 at 22:23:39

In Reply to: Re: Farewell to 501s posted by LevilovR on March 11, 2016 at 01:05:19:

Seen those pictures and they do look good. It will be fun getting the newer jeans broken in more, but I'll miss the nice snugg comfort of the old ones.

Re: Farewell to 501s

Posted by Chris on March 11, 2016 at 22:31:59

In Reply to: Re: Farewell to 501s posted by screamer on March 11, 2016 at 00:36:54:

Some sort of outdoor or manual work does appeal on some level. Tom is trying to persuade me to do an apprenticeship as a carpenter and work with the his dad's firm with a view to the next generation (Tom, me and Jamie) taking over and continueing it in due course. He wants to do that but feels it is too much to do on his own. I like woodwork and enjoy building my model boats, so an seriously considering it.

Rob is certainly a fit chap and his work keeps him that way as well.

Re: Farewell to 501s

Posted by Chris on March 11, 2016 at 22:41:13

In Reply to: Re: Farewell to 501s posted by boris on March 10, 2016 at 23:05:00:

Thanks for that info. My dad sometimes tells my brain is shrinking in direct proportion to the height I gain ! I've grown about 2 inches taller since coming to the UK: so am just, almost, nearly exactly 6' 1" (honest !) among the three or four tallest in my year at school. Jamie is 5' 11" and a bit, depending on how thick his hair is on top of his head ........ Neither of us have completely lost the skinny teeager look, but are both broadening our shoulders, maybe with all the swimming we do.

Re: Farewell to 501s

Posted by Chris on March 11, 2016 at 22:55:56

In Reply to: Re: Farewell to 501s posted by LevilovR on March 10, 2016 at 23:27:21:

Interesting. I am told I look like my dad when he was my age. He still has a trim figure and looks fit, but his hair has turned completely silver (but no baldness or noticeable thinning) which started at 30 years old.

Jamie is like our mothers' side of the family in looks, but has his fathers colouring in hair and eyes. Will however is the image of their father, just a younger version with longer hair and a beard.

If Jamie and me end up as OK as our parents, I reckon we will be doing alright - none have problems with being overweight or unhealthy or mentally unstable (most of the time anyway, but we do wonder sometimes !). As you say there not much we could do about it in any case apart from keeping fit and eating healthily. Give us another 20 years and I'll post again about our progress .........

Re: Farewell to 501s

Posted by Jamie on March 11, 2016 at 23:00:16

In Reply to: Re: Farewell to 501s posted by wetchas. on March 11, 2016 at 08:37:51:

Wise words. So long as you enjoy life and who you are, why worry ? The trick is not to take anything to harmful excess. Cheers.

Getting Harvey wet and muddy

Posted by Chris on March 14, 2016 at 09:08:00

Yesterday some friends came over for the day and we soon split into two groups, one staying by the pool with Jamie, who is confined to his wheelchair until his leg heals properly after his fall, and the others deciding to go out into the woods with me.

Harry had come over with his cousin, Harvey, who was staying for the weekend and their mums came over to drop them off before going out shopping with our mums - Jamie's mum has known Harry's for ages. Harry had told us previously that his cousin was a bit posh and a pain in the neck sometimes as he never wanted to muck around outside as he said his mum would be furious if he got his smart clothes dirty; apparently he had no "old" clothes ! It was no real surprise that when they turned up Harry was dressed in his favouriite old jeans and a tired sweatshirt with ratty old trainers, whereas Harvey was in smart tan chinos, a brown and yellow check button-down shirt, yellow socks and smart leather deck shoes.

Harry was the first to suggest that we go out to the woods and he insisted that Harvey joined us, telling him that he would love seeing all the wildlife - he's keen on that - so we all kept quiet about what we usually get up to in the woods, ie getting as wet and muddy as possible.

Mike came with us as well, leaving Charlie and Alistair relaxing around the pool with Jamie playing computer games. In actual fact, I rather liked Harvey, he was friendly, seemed interested in pretty much the same sort of things as the rest of us and didn't seem at all posh.

We set off towards the woods with Harry in the lead and he headed straight for the flooded dell with the rope swing. Despite the slightly drier weather recently it is still quite full and the level has only dropped about a foot or so from its high point. Harry uggested that Harvey have a go and he was game enough to do it despite protesting at first about getting dirty, and he seemed really happy when he landed back on dry land without mishap. Mike went next and swung way out letting go of the rope at its highest and hitting the water with a huge splash. Harvey looked astonished as Mike swam back to the side and climbed out dripping wet, his blue jeans and black sweatshirt gleaming in the sunshine. Harry went next and swung back to the side, landing next to me, I grabbed hold and we swung out together, letting go as we started the return, hitting the water in a tangle of arms and legs.

"Won't you all be in trouble for getting wet, guys ?" Harvey asked as we stood dripping in front of him.

"No, its only water and we'll be dry and in clean clothes by the time they get back. And they are old clothes anyway, so they don't care. They have seen us all get wet before and don't mind." Mike said "And it is good fun ...... you should try it sometime, maybe just not in that smart gear !"

Harvey looked thoughtfull and then said he'd have another go at the swing, he swung way out over the water and then pushed off again when he swung back, he gave a yell and then let go of the rope. He hit the water with a splash and disappeared below the surface for a moment.

"I take it he can actually swim ?" Mike asked as we waited for hm to surface.

"Yes, he's very good, better than me." Harry said as Harvey surfaced and swum back towards us. He had a huge grin on his face as he climbed out and stood before us.

"That was great - I got to do that again." Harvey exclaimed, as we stood watching him dripping wet and not caring in the least.

"So what happened to not wanting to get dirty." Harry asked him.

"I didn't say I didn't want to get dirty, I said my mum would be mad if I did." Harvey grinned "I've never minded getting wet, and have always wondered what it would be like to do so fully clothed ....... and it feels awesome" he said rubbing his hands over his thighs and chest.

After that we spent a while just swinging on the rope and dropping in the water making as much of a splash as we could, Harvey was loving it. Eventually we moved on down to the track and splashed through the mud and puddles until we got to the ride at the far side. It had been transformed since I had last been there.

"What happened here ?" Harry asked as we surveyed the transformation.

"That will be Rob's work" I said "he told us he wanted to clear the vegetation and make a proper fire-break. He did say he would make the mud here more fun as a surprise for us all."

"He's certainly done that - look at that stuff ......!" Mike laughed.

The whole ride was clear of vegetation and was a smooth flat wasteland of light brown creamy mud from end to end and from treeline to treeline on either side. I stepped forward of the track and sank almost to my knees in soft sloppy mud. It was the consistancy of thick yoghurt and didn't seem to get any deeper as I stepped further out.

"Try it out guys, it doesn't seem to get any deeper .... not that that would matter ..... " I said as I fell backwards full length into it. Mike and Harry just jumped straight in to join me as I sat up, whilst Harvey looked on laughing.

"Come on, Harvey, you're already soaked - might as well get muddy as well. Its nothing a good hosing down won't put right afterwards." Harry called as he wiped mud off his face.

Harvey only hesitated to take off his shoes and then waded in, splashing and falling around with rest of us until we were completey covered and drenched in mud. It was pretty obvious that he was enjoying the feel of the mud as much as the rest of us and after a while we headed back home, still soaked in mud, leaving a trail behind us on the track. The others came and watched as we hosed each other down and got clean and then we shoved all our clothes in the dryer and showered and changed into swimshorts, spending the rest of the day in the pool until our mums got home.

Re: Getting Harvey wet and muddy

Posted by wetjumper on March 16, 2016 at 14:08:46

In Reply to: Getting Harvey wet and muddy posted by Chris on March 14, 2016 at 09:08:00:

Excellent - another convert to the enjoyment of water and mud when fully clothed!

A very well written story too, great fun to read, and worth saving for posterity.

I hope Jamie's leg heals quickly - it must be very frustrating to be stuck in a wheelchair, unable to join in.

Sorry I still haven't emailed my file of saved Wet Cousins stories from before the Beach Club crash. I haven't forgotten. The file got a bit mangled (oops!) but can be fixed. I'm still not feeling brilliant and I've had other stuff to do when able, but warmer and brighter weather is helping. I must get out more...

Best wishes - Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Getting Harvey wet and muddy

Posted by Chris on March 16, 2016 at 19:54:31

In Reply to: Re: Getting Harvey wet and muddy posted by wetjumper on March 16, 2016 at 14:08:46:

It was a good day. The weather was bright and sunny so it was quite pleasant getting a soaking. I couldn't believe how good the mud in the ride looked and felt, I must speak to Rob and find out exactly what he did.

Harvey was game for everything we did and seemed to really enjoy himself. He is staying with Harry over the easter holidays as his parents are going away on business to Canada, so we may well get another chance for him to get wet and muddy again. He certainly seemed to enjoy himself judging from the bulge in his chinos.

Jamie is getting a bit fed-up with being stuck in his wheelchair for the time being, and has been grumpy and snappy with everyone over the last few days - not at all like his usual self - so we are all being as encouraging and supportive as we can be. On the plus side my mum has been told that she can have her arm plaster removed next week.

Glad you enjoyed the account and I agree, I think Harvey is a new convert. It will be interesting to hear what reaction he got from his mum when he told her he had got wet and muddy and wants to get some "old" clothes for future use. They live near the sea so maybe he has plenty of chances to do so.

Re: Getting Harvey wet and muddy

Posted by Harry on March 18, 2016 at 21:00:57

In Reply to: Re: Getting Harvey wet and muddy posted by tobias on March 18, 2016 at 15:10:52:

After we had hosed him down and got him clean, we put his wet clothes in the dryer and they came out just fine along with everyone else's. He has got sportswear (trackies, shorts and shirts) that he wears for sports at his school so I guess he will bring those plus his secondhand jeans etc with him at easter.

I think there's a whole group of us going over to Jamie and Chris's place on the saturday for the day and I'm sure we will be doing so a few other times over the holidays as well.

Re: Getting Harvey wet and muddy

Posted by Harry on March 19, 2016 at 15:56:39

In Reply to: Re: Getting Harvey wet and muddy posted by Trn on March 19, 2016 at 13:45:27:

My trackies were dark blue Adidas (Climalite, I think) and the hoodie was an old M&S one, grey marl. I was with Chris and Jamie at school trying out the assault course there after hours with a few other guys and they dumped me in a mud filled trench for being, as they said, "too good at doing this s**t" and showing them up. They dropped me in and then kept pushing me back in as I tried to clamber out, I think I went totally under three or four times before they let me. The trackies clung like nothing I've done before and the hoodie was so heavy. I was completely covered in slimy mud both inside and outside my clothes, it stank and I swear it took a fews days and numerous showers to get rid of the smell completely. They all laughed as well as I got a b*ner that would not go.

Film shoot Spijkerbroek hangen

Posted by frits on March 26, 2016 at 20:31:29

Today there was the film shoot for Spijkerbroek hangen. At eleven o'clock for members of the crew entered my appartment en started the interview. I tell them about WackyWet. After that we drive to Ouderkerk aan de Amstel for waterplay. The comite for Kingsday organizes: Tractor with beam for the jeans; a speaker to explain to the crowed, what was happening; An opponent. So it was possible to get everything running in the right way.

My opponent was a nice guy. He was fully clothed as well. I told the filmcrew before, that this is the only way to do it. Both of us wear jeans, shoes, jumper, socks, shirt, etc. It tookes a long time to get everything on his place and do all the shooting possible on shore. Because when wet the shoot can last only for 15 minutes unless it was to cold.

At 6 houres in the evening at last the big moment comes. We have to step forwards and clamping the jeans with both hands. The tractor rise the beam and brought us above the canal. The prediction was 10 seconds. But it last longer. Both of us let go almost on the same time and fall in the water for an instance soaking. After that we have some shoots of both of us totally soaked to show the result.

As always I didn't bring a change with me. I have to drive home in my car totally soaked. The filmcrew was very keen on it. Several times they throw fresh water over me to get the best result, when entering the car. I have to jump again in the water to get a proper wet trail on the road when walking to the car. At home I took a shower of more then half an hour. The other guy changed in dry clothes. Driving home completely soaked was to early for him. May be next time.

Re: Film shoot Spijkerbroek hangen

Posted by Jamie on March 28, 2016 at 15:51:46

In Reply to: Film shoot Spijkerbroek hangen posted by frits on March 26, 2016 at 20:31:29:

Looks like a novel way of getting wet. Hope you can let us all know when and where the vid will be available to view in due course. Thanks for letting us know about it.


Posted by Chris on March 28, 2016 at 19:00:27

I'm new writing on this board but love reading some of the posts. I'm a straight 27 year old male living east of LA. I'm pretty athletic and totally social in sports sessions and getting better in social settings. I finally decided to post something as it was a lot of fun and will definitely lead to more adventures. I live in a small apartment complex and most of the residents are single about my age. We decided to have a pot luck Easter brunch yesterday at the rec area. A lot of food and drink followed by a little pool fun. Some of the folks changed into swim gear but I was too involved with a neighbor who I really wanted to know better. After awhile we went outside and within 5 minutes someone picked her up and tossed her in the pool. She had on a blue cocktail dress that showed off her body beautifully but when she got out of the pool soaked it was clinging completely and she looked totally hot. Rather than being mad she took off her shoes and dove back in. She asked me to jump in as well. I was not ready to do that but I did take off my shoes and socks, rolled up my pants and sat on the edge of the pool and we continued our talk. I didn't stay dry long as the jumping and splashing got me pretty wet so I just decided to jump in. What a totally fantastic experience being in the water in my pants and shirt. You guys are right about how great the clinging clothes feel. It was absolutely also a total turn on.

Re: Yesterday

Posted by wetjumper on March 30, 2016 at 01:31:48

In Reply to: Yesterday posted by Chris on March 28, 2016 at 19:00:27:

Hi Chris. Welcome to Wacky Wet World. I'm glad you and your female friend have discovered the enjoyment of wet clothes. Let us know what transpires. Good luck!

One suggestion though: to avoid confusion with the Chris who posted "Getting Harvey wet and muddy" on March 14 and has been posting lots of wet and muddy adventures in this forum for nearly a year now along with his cousin Jamie, you might like to consider picking a new username for yourself rather than being another Chris. Sorry about this.

Have fun - Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Yesterday

Posted by Chris on March 30, 2016 at 14:17:26

In Reply to: Re: Yesterday posted by wetjumper on March 30, 2016 at 01:31:48:

Jamie and me woud be more than happy to post as "Jamie and Chris" (or "Chris and Jame", sounds better mate, Chris !) in future so as to avoid confusion.

Re: Yesterday

Posted by Chris and Jamie on March 30, 2016 at 14:22:13

In Reply to: Yesterday posted by Chris on March 28, 2016 at 19:00:27:

Sounds like fun. Glad you are aboard with getting wet and realising how good it feels.

PS keep on using the name Chris as we are happy to change to Jamie & Chris or Chris & Jamie, depending on who is posting.

Re: Yesterday

Posted by wetjumper on March 31, 2016 at 01:09:42

In Reply to: Re: Yesterday posted by Chris on March 30, 2016 at 14:17:26:

Thanks Chris. Well, if you're happy with that it obviously solves the problem, so our new Chris needn't worry.

Jamie's "My wet cousin" post of 7 April 2015 (found it - he posted as "Jack" on that occasion) said you'd just had your 17th birthday. So you must be close to your 18th, assuming it's not already happened - I can appreciate that you won't want to reveal the exact date, but "many happy returns" for whenever it is. Make a big splash for all your fans!

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Yesterday

Posted by Jamie on March 31, 2016 at 15:12:57

In Reply to: Re: Yesterday posted by wetjumper on March 31, 2016 at 01:09:42:

Yes, I must have mistyped and then of course couldn't change it after posting. Try to take a bit more care now and read through before hitting that submit button.

You're right about birthdays, Chris has just had his 18th and mine comes up shortly. All our mates are in the same boat so quite a few are having big 18th parties around now and this summer. Our families tend to celebrate the 21st birthdays, rather 18ths, but no doubt we'll do something to celebrate and it will include getting wet I'm sure. Thanks for the best wishes.

We had a great gathering of mates on easter saturday, but have been too busy with other things to write it up as yet. Will try to post something tomorrow or over the weekend.

Easter saturday fun

Posted by Jamie and Chris on April 04, 2016 at 15:58:28

Easter saturday was a bit dull and cloudy with the occasional shower, but not cold. Our parents were out for the day at an arts exhibition sponsored by the company that Chris' dad works for, so they had flown out to Munich for a reception/dinner on Friday and were not due back until lunchtime on Easter sunday.

We were due to be joined by Harry, his cousin Harvey, Alistair, Dave, Mike, Joe and Sam so we decided that there would be enough of us to make up two competing teams of four on our recently built obstacles in the woods. I can't do them as my leg is still in plaster, so I used a quadbike and kept score.

Everyone knew that they would get a good soaking and probably very muddy, so turned up with a change of clothes and some swimwear for the pool. Harry was wearing his favourite old jeans and a blue sweatshirt; Harvey was in the blue jeans and hoodie he had bought at the charity shop; Alistair wore Adidas trackies and an Arsenal soccer shirt; Dave was in black chinos and sweatshirt; Mike wore camo pattern cargoes and khaki sweatshirt; Joe wore dark blue jeans and a maroon hoodie; Sam was in grey fleece trackies and a pale blue sweatshirt and, finally, Chris wore his old 501s and a green hoodie. I pulled on a pair of Adidas trackies (nothing else fits over my plaster) and a white tee with a zipped hoodie over the top, I was quite prepared to get a bit wet but can't get muddy (very frustrating as I dearly wanted to !).

When everyone had arrived and dumped their other clothes in changing roomcan'ts by the pool, we headed out to the woods, but not before Mike and Sam had pushed each other into the pool, so they had a wet walk through the woods from the start. Sam's grey fleece trackies had turned a dark grey when wet and stuck to his legs as he walked along, he kept pulling them away but they kept clinging as he moved and we all laughed at his awkwardness until he just gave up, he was obviously enjoying the feeling anyway.

They all started off on the obstacles with the swamp. It is about thigh deep in most places, but we had dug a few trenches at random so you could, with just one further step, find yourself up to your waist or chest quite suddenly.

Harry was the first to try the mud out and when he stepped down from the bank he sank to his knees in thick, but not sloppy mud, so Chris suggested opening the sluice from the stream and flooding the swamp with more water, so he went the few yards and opened it as Harry continued stomping around in the mud. The water quickly spread across the surface of the swamp and started to ease up the banks of the swamp area. Harry was getting wetter and wetter as he stomped around in the mud and then he suddenly stomped into one of the deeper trenches and found himself in mud above his waist as we all watched and laughed as he floundered around. The mud around him bubbled and squelched as the water seemed into the deeper mud as he struggled to get back out of the trench, Mike tried to reach out from the bank to give him a helping hand but he either slipped, or was pulled by Harry, and fell in on top of him. They both disappeared completely under the water for a moment or two, before struggling to their feet again, both completely soaked covered in mud. Harry vehemently denied that he had pulled Mike in but that did not stop Mike ducking him again a couple of times as revenge as they clambered out. By the time they were standing on the bank with everyone else, they were both laughing along with the others, and as Mike pointed out, they had both intended getting as wet and muddy as possible in any case !

Chris let the water fill the area until it was about almost a foot deep and then went and closed the sluice. When he had done that Mik suggested that everyone jump in and stomp around to mix up mud and water until it was nice and sloppy. Everyone agreed and Harvey was the first in to splash around and get mixing, Harry and Mike were quick to follow and then, amid much laughing, everyone else joined in. It didn't take long for everyone to get thoroughly wet and well covered in mud. There was a lot of pushing and shoving, splashing and handfuls of mud being thrown around - I've never laughed so much as I sat on the quad and watched.

Re: Easter saturday fun

Posted by blueandwet on April 04, 2016 at 19:05:12

In Reply to: Easter saturday fun posted by Jamie and Chris on April 04, 2016 at 15:58:28:

Oh my but you guys do know how to have fun. I wish I could join in on the fun. But I'll settle for dreaming about it for now. Soon it will be warmer where I live and the wet adventures will begin. Thanks for another chapter in your wet and muddy world.

Re: Easter saturday fun

Posted by wetchas on April 05, 2016 at 08:38:23

In Reply to: Re: Easter saturday fun posted by blueandwet on April 04, 2016 at 19:05:12:

Yep. Thanks lads. You have cheered me up to.
You may have noticed that I haven't posted for a while. Been through a particularly bad bout of depression, but on checking the forum today, your post really cheered me up, as did the original one regarding the pieing.
Thanks. Charlie.

Re: Easter saturday fun

Posted by Jamie and Chris on April 05, 2016 at 11:00:44

In Reply to: Re: Easter saturday fun posted by wetchas on April 05, 2016 at 08:38:23:

Glad you enjoyed it. The others certainly did, as was all too obvios most of the time, and it was fun watching them all get totally covered in mud and see all their clothes so shiny, wet and mostly clinging to them. Dave looked best in his black chinos and sweatshirt when wet as they were really shiny when soaked and seemed to hold more mud when he got completely covered - he is a (how to put this ?) generously proportioned chap when having fun and his chinos seemed to emphasise that more than the old jeans he normally wears - ha ha.

Part two of the day will post soon.

Easter Saturday - part 2

Posted by Jamie and Chris on April 05, 2016 at 12:56:30

Once everyone had got thoroughly soaked and covered in mud, they all set about churning up the mud for a while and making a proper swamp of it. No one was too bothered about moving on to the other obstacles, so we spent quite a while just messing around in the mud, with occasional trips to the stream to cleam mud off faces, out of hair and eyes. All the guys looked pretty amazing covered in shiny wet mud as they jumped in and out of the swamp, crawled through it and got each other as covered as possible. I had bought along a couple of buckets to help them get clean if needed, but Sam grabbed them and started pouring sloppy mud over anyone who wanted it done to them, as well as those who didn't sometimes, he even went as far as pouring a bucketful of mud down the inside of Harvey's jeans as Harry held him still - that really was fun. Harvey got him back by grabbing his trackies as he tried to clamber out and pulling them down to his ankles before pulling him back into the mud, much to Sam's embarrassment as he was going commando, it was funny though.

After everyone had got their fill of messing around in the swamp, they went to clean up in the stream and we moved on to the other obstacles. I split up everyone into two teams of four based on the alphbetical order of names, so Ali, Chris, Dave and Harry against Harvey, Joe, Mike and Sam. I won't go into how everyone did on the different obstacles, but suffice to say there was a lot of falling off, splashing down, crawling through mud and water as well as cursing and questions about team-mates' parentage ! To Chris' horror his team lost by a wide margin, largely thanks to Harvey's balance, speed and agility. Harvey was promptly ambushed by Chris' team when we passed the swamp on the way back, and was dropped unceremoniously into the sloppy muddy. Everyone then cleaned off the worst in the stream and we headed back to the house for some lunch.

I hosed off the last of the mud from everyone and was unexpectedly "thanked" by having a bucket of cold water thrown over me - nice to know who your friends are ! We all showered and/or changed into swimshorts and tees and went in to get some lunch. We spent the afternoon around the pool with a few impromtu races and diving competitions, all of which Harvey aced again - he is one fit lad - and he pi**ed off Chris again by beating him hollow in a four length race (the pool is 50ft) and Chris is really good by most standards. All in all a thoroughly enjoyable day even if I couldn't get muddy myself.

For the evening we ordered in some pizza and found some cans of beer and cider and spent most of the time playing Monopoly, The Game of Thrones special edition which Joe had recently got. Alistair won so, to reward him and stop his boasting, we threw him in the pool in his dry jeans and tee that he had changed in to after our afternoon swimming. That of course prompted everyone else to get silly and they all ended up in the pool, leaving no one with any dry clothes to go home in. Silly really .... but good fun all the same.

Re: Easter saturday fun

Posted by trn on April 05, 2016 at 14:30:26

In Reply to: Easter saturday fun posted by Jamie and Chris on April 04, 2016 at 15:58:28:

How were your adidas trackies and hoody. Were they a bit muddy? And Alistair his trackies?

Re: Easter saturday fun

Posted by Jamie on April 05, 2016 at 22:31:11

In Reply to: Re: Easter saturday fun posted by trn on April 05, 2016 at 14:30:26:

No, I did not get muddy at all, sadly; I can cope with my leg-in-plaster getting a bit wet (it simply dries out after a bit) but getting it muddy under the plaster would be a problem to get clean, never mind the risk of infection or something with dirt.

Ali's dark blue Adidas trackies have been very muddy before, so the white stripes are not as white as they once were, but they still look very sexy when wet and especially covered in mud. He is a skinny guy so they always look far too baggy for him, but they drape nicely on him and cling a lot as well, which he obviously likes the feel of.

Re: Easter saturday fun

Posted by Jamie and Chris on April 05, 2016 at 22:45:52

In Reply to: Re: Easter saturday fun posted by blueandwet on April 04, 2016 at 19:05:12:

It was a fun day, everyone of the group enjoys a good soaking and most like getting muddy too, Joe and Sam are happy to get muddy playing sport but don't usually just throw themselves into any mud puddle they see, but even they joined in with abandon after seeing the others do so. We are lucky to have the woods at home and parents who let us get on with doing what we like - as Chris's dad says "better wet and muddy than drunk and druggy" ! The weather seems to be getting warmer here as well, but still wet and windy sometimes, and it has been quite sunny some days, which all makes for better mudding - I'm just waiting to get rid of my plaster cast and be able to join in properly, hopefully not too much longer to go - fingers crossed.

Re: Easter saturday fun

Posted by wetmark on April 05, 2016 at 23:30:55

In Reply to: Re: Easter saturday fun posted by Jamie and Chris on April 05, 2016 at 22:45:52:

How much longer do you have to wear your plaster cast?

Re: Easter saturday fun

Posted by Jamie on April 06, 2016 at 11:43:45

In Reply to: Re: Easter saturday fun posted by wetmark on April 05, 2016 at 23:30:55:

Not too sure, I have to go to the hospital on Friday and get a scan to see how well everything is knitting together. Hopefully I might be rid of it after that.

Re: Easter saturday fun

Posted by trn111 on April 06, 2016 at 14:05:36

In Reply to: Re: Easter saturday fun posted by Jamie on April 05, 2016 at 22:31:11:

Sounds really great. You really have to try after the problems with your leg your own trackies in combination with a hoody. That's really really sexy, certainly when they are shiny and totally covered in mud !!

Re: Easter saturday fun

Posted by Jamie on April 06, 2016 at 14:42:59

In Reply to: Re: Easter saturday fun posted by trn111 on April 06, 2016 at 14:05:36:

Yes I will try. Hoping to get the plaster off on Friday (8th) if all goes well: it is 9 weeks since the accident so am going to hospital to have everything checked so if I do lose it, I'll have a few weeks of physio - and everyone knows that swimming is good physio so will finally be able to get fully wet again. I've already been told that contact sports, rugby & football, are definite "Do Not Do" activities for the forseeable future, which is a shame. Will definitely post more as and when things develope.

Re: Easter saturday fun

Posted by trn on April 06, 2016 at 15:03:32

In Reply to: Re: Easter saturday fun posted by Jamie on April 06, 2016 at 14:42:59:

Good luck Friday. These Adidas trackies and hoody need a very big mud bath !! Keep posting, really fantastic stories. Many Regards from Belgium

Re: Easter saturday fun

Posted by Jamie on April 06, 2016 at 23:02:07

In Reply to: Re: Easter saturday fun posted by trn on April 06, 2016 at 15:03:32:

Thanks for that, much appreciated.
All the best.

Re: Easter Saturday - part 2

Posted by wetchas on April 07, 2016 at 08:22:19

In Reply to: Easter Saturday - part 2 posted by Jamie and Chris on April 05, 2016 at 12:56:30:

Another great story. Love the bit about the trackies pull down, and the fact that everyone took an unexpected soaking.
Just a shame you couldn't fully join in, but hopefully it won't be long now.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: Easter Saturday - part 2

Posted by Jaie on April 07, 2016 at 10:05:01

In Reply to: Re: Easter Saturday - part 2 posted by wetchas on April 07, 2016 at 08:22:19:

Yup, that was the funny part (in every sense !) Poor Sam - he did see the funny side of it afterwards, and to be honest he was so covered in mud anyway that there was not much to see, and it was cold too .......

Re: Easter saturday fun

Posted by muddywet on April 07, 2016 at 15:00:23

In Reply to: Easter saturday fun posted by Jamie and Chris on April 04, 2016 at 15:58:28:

lol sounds like awesome fun guys. Were Sam's fleece trackies loose fit at the ankles or elasticated? I love fleece trackies in the mud or water they soak up so much. light colours are cool too esp if you only get a bit dirty there is so much contrast (which has always fascinated me for some reason).

Re: Easter saturday fun

Posted by wetjumper on April 08, 2016 at 01:32:32

In Reply to: Re: Easter saturday fun posted by wetchas on April 05, 2016 at 08:38:23:

Hi Charlie. I wish I could email you. Have you considered setting up a webmail account e.g. on Google Mail (Gmail) or Hotmail? You could access it whenever you get online to look at forum posts, maybe using it only for non-urgent wet-interest emails. Just a thought.

I hope the change of season is helping you shift your depression. I've been a bit low myself for several months - never bad but often lacking the energy or enthusiasm to communicate (it doesn't seem to take much) or to brave the weather and go out. Some problems with recurring dull headaches and a shivery feeling spoiling my wet fun, although blood tests found no obvious cause. I've seemed to spend a lot of time thinking about food. Finances were getting a bit tight too, now eased. Brighter and (sometimes) warmer weather with more daylight is now making a big difference at last!

Last Sunday I took advantage of some spring-like weather and went to a lake and woodland I enjoy visiting - this helped to clear my head, even though I stayed dry. Unlike Jamie and Chris I don't have anywhere quite like this on my doorstep, it takes me about an hour and two buses to get there. I watched some radio-controlled model boats on the lake, but sadly no-one had to wade in to retrieve a stalled boat...

I have to agree, Jamie and Chris's posts have often cheered me up! (Apart from the Berlin accident and its consequences, of course.) Now if I can finish getting the story posts I'd saved before the Beach Club crash all in order in one file, I might then get around to emailing it to Felix as promised...

Best wet wishes - Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Easter Saturday - part 2

Posted by muddywet on April 08, 2016 at 13:48:29

In Reply to: Re: Easter Saturday - part 2 posted by Jaie on April 07, 2016 at 10:05:01:

U cant hide anything in mucky wet trackies anyway and ur all mates so i recon ders nothing much 2 be embarrased about with something like that. Besides im sure everyone else was really enjoying themselves too and didn't take much notice.

Re: Easter Saturday - part 2

Posted by Jamie on April 08, 2016 at 13:55:39

In Reply to: Re: Easter Saturday - part 2 posted by muddywet on April 08, 2016 at 13:48:29:

Very true, and we've all seen each other naked in the school showers etc anyway, many times with b*ners, but it was still funny seeing him trying to cover up something so very small !

Wet at last

Posted by Jamie on April 08, 2016 at 15:52:29

Chris took me to the hospital today to see if everything was mending OK and whether my plaster cast could be removed. Glad to say it was so am now free of the cast and able to get around with just a walking stick. I have acquired a limp as my broken leg is now a bit shorter.

When we got home I coud not resist just jumping straight in the pool as I was: trackies, tee, sweatshirt, boxerbriefs, socks and trainers. Marvellous.

I stayed in the pool until lunchtime and then had a nice hot shower (first in ten weeks ! Eugh !) and got dressed in jeans and a tee, first time I've been able to get jeans on again.

Might go for another swim later - in these jeans. Feeling really happy now.

Re: Wet at last

Posted by wetjumper on April 08, 2016 at 17:00:33

In Reply to: Wet at last posted by Jamie on April 08, 2016 at 15:52:29:

Excellent news. I'm not surprised that after ten weeks of frustration you jumped straight into the pool fully clothed - we'd have expected nothing less! And, of course, you also need a swim in jeans. Go for it! (Carefully!)

Shame about the limp, though. "Limp" is not a word which springs to mind where you're concerned, if I can say this... ;-)

Best wishes - Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Wet at last

Posted by Red on April 08, 2016 at 17:07:57

In Reply to: Re: Wet at last posted by wetjumper on April 08, 2016 at 17:00:33:

Here, Here!!! Welcome back!!

Re: Wet at last

Posted by Jamie on April 08, 2016 at 17:36:14

In Reply to: Re: Wet at last posted by wetjumper on April 08, 2016 at 17:00:33:

Not sure how to take that ! But thanks, I'll consider it a compliment - I just don't write much about the times when I'm "limp" I suppose, ha ha ha ....... It's not often anyway -: )

Re: Wet at last

Posted by Jamie on April 08, 2016 at 17:39:50

In Reply to: Re: Wet at last posted by Red on April 08, 2016 at 17:07:57:

Thanks, Red - I have another ten days, before going back to school, to catch up on those 10 weeks of not getting wet and muddy ! Can't wait !

Re: Wet at last

Posted by andy on April 08, 2016 at 21:53:47

In Reply to: Wet at last posted by Jamie on April 08, 2016 at 15:52:29:

It's nice to know you're back on your feet. I did read the news of what happened but I'm not too good with responding with bad news so instead I purely clammed up otherwise I would have said something. Sorry.
It's nice to see you back here with your wet n muddy experiences.

Re: Wet at last

Posted by swimmerrat on April 09, 2016 at 00:34:57

In Reply to: Wet at last posted by Jamie on April 08, 2016 at 15:52:29:

glad to see you back on your webbed feet again. feels good don't it? remember to take it easy still. side note - you can probably get some shoes made with the sole of one a little thicker to help eliminate the limp. of course the limp will never be noticeable as long as you are in the water!

Re: Wet at last

Posted by Jamie on April 09, 2016 at 10:57:29

In Reply to: Re: Wet at last posted by swimmerrat on April 09, 2016 at 00:34:57:

Thanks - it is great to be wet again. I have been told about getting shoes adapted and also available are in-soles that might do the job as well so will be sorting something very soon.

Re: Wet at last

Posted by Jamie on April 09, 2016 at 11:00:44

In Reply to: Re: Wet at last posted by andy on April 08, 2016 at 21:53:47:

Thanks. Support and concern from here, and advice, has been much appreciated over the last weeks. It feels good to be able to get soaked and muddy again.

Re: Wet at last

Posted by LevilovR on April 09, 2016 at 13:05:14

In Reply to: Wet at last posted by Jamie on April 08, 2016 at 15:52:29:

Glad to hear you got the cast off. Know what it feels like as a few years ago I had shoulder surgery and had to wear a sling for what felt like forever. I said the reason they called it a sling was because the minute I got it off I wanted to sling it as far away from me as possible. Expect you wanted to "cast" your cast as well. A slight limp is a small price to pay, it could have been so much worse and there are definitely some good suggestions posted here that might be helpful. And of curse hydrotherapy will be good for both body and soul. Hope you took that second swim in your jeans. Best of luck in your continuing recovery.

Re: Wet at last

Posted by blueandwet on April 09, 2016 at 13:47:13

In Reply to: Wet at last posted by Jamie on April 08, 2016 at 15:52:29:

So glad to hear that things are getting back to normal for you.

Re: Wet at last

Posted by Jamie on April 09, 2016 at 13:58:09

In Reply to: Re: Wet at last posted by blueandwet on April 09, 2016 at 13:47:13:

Thank you. Got wet yesterday (felt great) and hope to get muddy tomorrow as we plan to go into the woods. Family gathering today, hope for a swim this afternoon.

Re: Wet at last

Posted by Jamie on April 09, 2016 at 14:09:45

In Reply to: Re: Wet at last posted by LevilovR on April 09, 2016 at 13:05:14:

Thanks for your best wishes, much appreciated. I still have nightmares about what happened, or might have, but hopefully those will pass with time. Nice joke about slings and casts - I felt the same ! You have probably read the other responces to this post, so, yes, a slight limp is better than being crushed to death - It is true what they say, a brush of the grim reaper's cloak makes you value life more dearly (does that sound father pompous ?) - maybe I've been reading too much Shakespeare whilst laid up .......

Yes, I got that second swim in my jeans, nothing quite like the feel of wet denim, is there ? I'm looking forward to my physio sessions as I feel restless and in need of some physical exercise.

Re: Wet at last

Posted by wetmark on April 09, 2016 at 20:55:58

In Reply to: Wet at last posted by Jamie on April 08, 2016 at 15:52:29:

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you that I went for my first swim this year in my pool in my 501's - feels great, doesn't it?

storm hike planned

Posted by Zonie on April 10, 2016 at 05:23:55

I've run a group in meetup dot com that isn't relevant to the topic here, but I've been trying to interest the members in different activities and have had little response. Finally I decided I had nothing to lose by being zany, and, of course, it would be wrong not to include all of you in the invitation (though be warned I probably won't have any takers from the other group). As the forecast for Phoenix tomorrow is a 90% chance of rain with possible thunderstorms, I will host a hike of the east segment of the Reach 11 Recreation Area starting at 10 AM Sunday the 10th. The departure point is the hiker trailhead on the east side of Tatum Boulevard (as opposed to the equestrian trailhead which is on the south side of the CAP Canal). The planned route is east by northeast to Scottsdale Road and back again, which I think is about five miles each way. The terrain is fairly level and there are places where there are nice mud puddles when it rains. Hope to see anyone there!

Re: Wet at last

Posted by Ben on April 10, 2016 at 09:46:28

In Reply to: Wet at last posted by Jamie on April 08, 2016 at 15:52:29:

Brilliant news that you are now almost recovered. Why not celebrate by going in the pool wearing clothes you have never been swimming in before?

Re: Wet at last

Posted by Jamie on April 10, 2016 at 10:46:14

In Reply to: Re: Wet at last posted by wetmark on April 09, 2016 at 20:55:58:

Thanks - glad to hear you enjoyed your swim, nothing better than swimming in 501s, is there ?

I've been for an early morning swim in my jeans today, Relaxing by the pool now in wet jeans (my favourite old 501s) and a tee, watching Chris splashing around and practicing his dives in his wet jeans and a sweatshirt.

Re: Wet at last

Posted by Jamie on April 10, 2016 at 10:52:09

In Reply to: Re: Wet at last posted by Ben on April 10, 2016 at 09:46:28:

I haven't got many clothes that I've not yet got wet in, just a couple of suits and sports jackets and some smart trousers, and don't really want to risk getting them ruined.

Re: Wet at last

Posted by Ben on April 10, 2016 at 11:56:37

In Reply to: Re: Wet at last posted by Jamie on April 10, 2016 at 10:52:09:

I can understand that. Maybe wear a combination of clothes you haven't worn before then.

Re: storm hike planned

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 10, 2016 at 14:07:37

In Reply to: storm hike planned posted by Zonie on April 10, 2016 at 05:23:55:

I love getting wet by going out in the rain, that feeling of clothes getting slowly wetter and wetter is a real turn on. I'd join your walk in a shot if only I weren't in UK ! Hope lots of people turn up for you, let us know.

Blind diving test

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 10, 2016 at 16:21:51

This afternoon we persuaded our dads to take part in a blind diving test with Jamie, Tom and me. The idea was that we find who could put on the best display of diving from whichever board they wanted whilst being blindfolded.

Jamie, Tom and me were in our normal jeans and tees and our dads wore swimshorts (their choice) and it was hilarious. The problem with blindfold diving is that you can't be sure where the end of the board actually is - it is much more difficult than you think - and it is difficult to judge how far you have fallen before hitting the water ! We got our mums to judge on style, difficulty of dive and hilarity - with bonus points for excuses about why we failed so miserably.

Tom won for style and Jamie's dad for inventiveness of excuses for failing (he claimed that aerodynamics of wet, baggy shorts and "streamlined body structure" put him at a disadvantage - and being an aeronautical engineer, they believed him !) whilst Jamie came last with added penalty points for trying to elicit sympathy for his damaged leg !!

It was all good fun and we had a good laugh - which was good therapy for the last ten weeks.

Re: storm hike planned

Posted by Zonie on April 10, 2016 at 16:25:00

In Reply to: Re: storm hike planned posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 10, 2016 at 14:07:37:

Yes, I had thought it would be a bit out of the way for you two and your friends. There are two people in central Arizona who have posted here, so it was mainly targeted to them. Desert Mudder and South Phoenix Mudder, if you come bring a sturdy hat, as there might be hail, and be sure to bring water. Even if it rains buckets, that won't keep you hydrated. If you want to get a bite to eat afterwards, we'll try one of the Pete's Fish and Chips. They have patio seating, so they won't mind if we show up soaked.

Re: Wet at last

Posted by trn on April 10, 2016 at 17:43:28

In Reply to: Wet at last posted by Jamie on April 08, 2016 at 15:52:29:

Time to get these adidas trackies and hoody muddy again !!
Very good news.

Re: Wet at last

Posted by Jamie on April 10, 2016 at 21:13:19

In Reply to: Re: Wet at last posted by trn on April 10, 2016 at 17:43:28:

Maybe tomorrow ! Will post more if it happens .....

Re: Blind diving test

Posted by wetchas. on April 11, 2016 at 08:59:11

In Reply to: Blind diving test posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 10, 2016 at 16:21:51:

Great story. Good to hear of Jamie back in the water. Just wish I could see it.
Apologies for not picking up on the 'wet at last' post. Been away for the weekend, so not much spare time alone.
They talk of sportsmen 'lighting up the timing screens' but that post certainly lit up this forum. It's a measure I guess of how much you are loved ( in the nicest possible way ) on this forum. You pair have really enlivened it since you arrived, so thanks for that.
Take care of that leg. Thanks again.

Re: Blind diving test

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on April 11, 2016 at 12:09:39

In Reply to: Re: Blind diving test posted by wetchas. on April 11, 2016 at 08:59:11:

Yes it was fun getting wet again. And nice to see how many people wished me well, much appreciated.

Hope you had a good weekend away, weather here was wet and dull most of the weekend - just right for getting wet and muddy.

We were planning on going out to get really muddy today, but Uncle Greg got a request from the clinic over there that we return for a final checkup so they can finalise their fees with the insurance/healthcare people, so we are flying out after lunch today, back this evening. Have to get muddy tomorrow instead. We'll post about it later.

Best wishes, stay wet.

Re: Blind diving test

Posted by wetchas. on April 11, 2016 at 13:34:35

In Reply to: Re: Blind diving test posted by Jamie (and Chris) on April 11, 2016 at 12:09:39:

Yea. Thanks for that.
Must be strange going back to the 'scene of the crime' so to speak. Guess you can't help but think about the last time you were there, and everything that has happened since. Hope the memories weren't too terrible.
Have fun tomorrow.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Blind diving test

Posted by Jamie on April 11, 2016 at 14:42:12

In Reply to: Re: Blind diving test posted by wetchas. on April 11, 2016 at 13:34:35:

Wow, there is wifi on the 'plane - who knew ?

It will be good to see the nurses nd doctors who helped us - they were really nice people - but I am trying not to think about the accident, the fact we are travelling back on a privare jet and limo to the clinic seems to help as it all seems a bit surreal. I hope to come back to explore the city sometime as it seems a lovely place, and it may help. Chris's mum is a bit nervous as it brings it all back for her more than us - the resilience of youth I guess - and all she feels is the fear about what was happening to us, but that is what being a mother is all about, I suppose.

Looking forward to tomorrow - planning on getting really, really muddy - and not dwelling on the past - onwards and upwards as they say !!

Re: storm hike planned

Posted by muddywet on April 11, 2016 at 17:41:44

In Reply to: Re: storm hike planned posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 10, 2016 at 14:07:37:

ya have to agree id be there too if i didn't live so far away. I love hiking in the rain and getting drenched and muddy with other people.

Re: Blind diving test

Posted by wetmark on April 11, 2016 at 19:11:10

In Reply to: Re: Blind diving test posted by wetchas. on April 11, 2016 at 08:59:11:

Yes, you two have indeed livened up this board ! Your many well-written adventures and positive manner make them a pleasure to read - many thanks !!

Re: Blind diving test

Posted by Jamie on April 12, 2016 at 16:38:47

In Reply to: Re: Blind diving test posted by wetmark on April 11, 2016 at 19:11:10:

Thanks, glad you enjoy reading about our exploits - it is fun doing them and equaly good writing them up !


Posted by frits on April 12, 2016 at 21:21:03

In the beginning of the month we did a video for the Dutch lotery with some wet games. Spijkerbroekhangen last one minute and 47 seconds. The shooting took more then six houres. I and Sebastiaan are totally soaked. But now he is there. I can add this film to my CV the next time I have to search for a job.

Muddy Tuesday Morning

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 13, 2016 at 11:18:22

We got back fom Berlin fairly late last night after a "good news" when we were all signed off after getting scanned and checked. Jamie is the worst off still out of the tree of us but all the broken and fractured bones have healed well and can only get stronger from now on. Mum's leg and arm are well mended and her rib fractures are fully healed. My back is fine now. Jamie will probably have another operation in six months or so to remove some of the metal pins and rods and may even be able to have his limp sorted by breaking the shin again and inserting a "spacer matrix" that the bone will grow through giving him the extra length he needs to eliminate the limp. Clever.

Anyway, we had a bit of a lay-in this morning and missed our early morning swim. After breakfast we went and changed ready to get muddy. I chose my old, faded and worn-out 501s, a blue tee, grey hoodie and old trainers. No underwear or socks. Jamie wore his Adidas trackies, white tee, dark green hoodie and trainers. No underwear or socks.
We walked to the woods as the quads are out of action at the moment (actually their engines are dismantled on uncle Dan's workbench - hope he knows how to reassemble them, 'cos we don't !)

We strolled along the track enjoying the sunshine and splashing through each puddle we came across, by the time we reached the sea of mud at the far ride, we were both splattered with mud and soaked to our knees. Jamie was full of beans and itching to get into the mud so just walked straight to the nearest deep part and sank to his knees in the creamy mud, before falling forward face down sinking below the surface briefly. He struggled to his feet and turned to face me, completely covered from head to toe. His trackies were stuck to his legs and the unzipped hoodie flapped, heavy with mud, loosely against his torso. He ran his hands across his face and up over his head, pushing the mud off his hair so that it poured into his hood hanging down his back. He was grinning widely. He sloshed back towards me, grabbed the front of my hoodie and used it to wipe the mud from his face.

We sloshed our way towards the middle of the ride and found a set of enormous tyre tracks running towards the far, open, end of the ride. Something with a wide track and enormous wheels must have been driven up and down the ride a number of times as the ruts were about five feet wide and ten feet apart, some sort of tractor or farm machinery maybe. The mud in the ruts was very liquid, like a creamy tomato soup, and when we waded in slowly, it was almost waist-deep. It felt amazing. We made our way along to the far end, but as the mud was thicker on the bottom of the ruts we struggled and fell a number of times as our feet got caught in it, and by the time we reached the end we were both dripping sloppy mud and covered completely. I was struggling to keep my sodden jeans up around my hips, they were so heavy with mud that however much I tightened my belt they still slid down. We were both laughing so much at the sight of each other that we didn't notice the tractor driving across the field towards us until it was within a few yards of the field boundary.

A young guy clambered out, mid 20s, fair hair and beard, dressed in dark green overalls.

"Hello, you two must be the Jamie and Chris that Rob has told me about. I'm Gareth, the farmer's son, you've met my dad a few times I think." he said as he put a hand out.

"I'm Jamie, glad to meet you." Jamie replied as he put out a mud covered hand "and this is Chris, my cousin. We met your dad before we moved in to the house, he mentioned you and guessed we might meet at some point. Sorry about the mud ......."

"No worries" Gareth said, shaking hands "Seems you have found the mud that Rob and me sorted for you .... obviously very effectively so ! I like your style !"

"It's great - did you use a tractor to do it ?" I asked.

"Yup, bigger than this one - you need big wheels to get through that and not get properly stuck." Gareth grinned "Glad you enjoyed it - Rob and me have tried it out a few times. Rob told me about your accident, glad to see you are back on your feet at last, sounds like you are lucky to be here."

"Thanks, this is my first time muddy since." Jamie said "You must come round to the house sometime, with Rob and we can all hook up with our cousin Tom for a swim and some food - as a thank you for this - if you'd like to."

"Yes, I'd like that - I'd like to see what you've all done to the house ...... last time I went inside it was looking rather ramshackle ! Anyway, nice to have met you both - I must get on. See you soon, enjoy the mud."

We watched him drive off and then splashed our way back down the ride, falling in and getting as muddy as possible before callapsing into a shallower pool, leant back against the side and sorted things out under the mud.

We visited the flooded dell to clean off the worst of the mud, but both decided that the best feeling of the day was walking back there in our mud sodden clothes clinging and rubbing as we walked, seeing the pull and drag against the other's body as we moved. The water was cold but felt great as we swam and splashed around. We both stripped off to get clean and wash our clothes and then just pulled on trainers and bottoms for the walk home in the sun. A nice hot shower and then a swim in the same jeans and trackies finished off the morning before lunch.

Re: Muddy Tuesday Morning

Posted by johnnyb on April 13, 2016 at 12:00:53

In Reply to: Muddy Tuesday Morning posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 13, 2016 at 11:18:22:

Your stories are getting steamier....... but I like it.

Re: Muddy Tuesday Morning

Posted by wetchas. on April 13, 2016 at 13:58:33

In Reply to: Muddy Tuesday Morning posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 13, 2016 at 11:18:22:

Well done guys. Back to your best.
I love the idea of trackies and no undies. Feels really good normally, never mind when wet and muddy. You have to be somewhere private though, as it can get very embarrassing with just that thin bit of nylon between others and your manhood.
Did you try filling the trackies with mud, by shovelling handfuls inside. That's another great feeling. Only had the chance to do it once, but it's not something I'll forget.
Lovely day here in Devon. Hope it's as good with you. Glad you've a clean bill of health.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: Muddy Tuesday Morning

Posted by trn on April 13, 2016 at 14:41:03

In Reply to: Muddy Tuesday Morning posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 13, 2016 at 11:18:22:

Great story. How are these trackies exactly? Nylon? Colour? And the hoody's. Which brand? Really really nice to use trackies without undies. I always do it at home and do more in it... I also like them in mud, or paint them to destroy them.

Re: Muddy Tuesday Morning

Posted by Jamie on April 13, 2016 at 15:13:47

In Reply to: Re: Muddy Tuesday Morning posted by trn on April 13, 2016 at 14:41:03:

Adidas, dark blue, "climalite" fabric (whatever that means), M&S hoodie with a zip front and a GAP tee. Trackies feel very .... erm, arousing when wet and even more so when soaked inside and out in liquid mud. They cling like hell. Nice for everyone else maybe ! Any, yes, feel good when "creamed" .......

Chris wore 501s - very faded, very worn, very "him" if you know what I mean - his hoodie has no label and he couldn't remember where he got it, his tee was by M&S.

Re: Muddy Tuesday Morning

Posted by Chris on April 13, 2016 at 15:24:03

In Reply to: Re: Muddy Tuesday Morning posted by wetchas. on April 13, 2016 at 13:58:33:

Yup, those trackies obviously sent Jamie to another place when they got wet and he was speechless when they got muddy. And yes he got them muddy inside as well - he didn't seem embarrassed by them, but then he seldom does - he did blush a bit when we met Gareth and he was looking us up and down, but Gareth seemed quite amused (good or not ? who knows ?). Jamie seemed to enjoy his moments of quiet contemplation, but I was busy myself so didn't take too much notice !

It is nice here today as well. Doing school work sitting by the pool in swimshorts and tees and taking the odd swim to help think what to write next - perfect day.

Re: Spijkerbroekhangen

Posted by Chris and Jamie on April 13, 2016 at 15:29:02

In Reply to: Spijkerbroekhangen posted by frits on April 12, 2016 at 21:21:03:

Great video, looks like fun.

Re: Muddy Tuesday Morning

Posted by trn on April 13, 2016 at 16:29:01

In Reply to: Re: Muddy Tuesday Morning posted by Jamie on April 13, 2016 at 15:13:47:

Thanks for sharing and give these trackies a lot of mud. They ask for it !!

Finally wet after 4 long, long months

Posted by Dolby1000 on April 14, 2016 at 03:21:30

So.after 4 months of physical therapy on my knee, I'm finally, very slowly, getting back to normal. Been a long, long and hard road.

This week, my partner and I are staying in the Wisconsin Dells, Grand Wilderness Resort. You might recall we were here last year and I was allowed to swim in the non-slide areas in my jeans. Would my luck hold out?

Well, I decided not to push it this afternoon and only went swimming in black and red basketball shorts and a red t-shirt. But, after dinner, while we were just walking off our food, we wandered by the wave pool. We stood and I so wanted to get wet, it has been just too, too long. So, I did take off shoes and socks (didn't want to push it too hard), but I went in the wave pool in my Levis 505s, blue boxer briefs (Hanes), gray t-shrt and a blue and green long-sleeve polo. Well, my luck held out, 4 lifeguards around the pool and many more wandering through and not one interrupted my swim. I was awesome, after so many months, to have my jeans sticking to me and my shirts sticking to me too. I loved it. We left the wave pool and went to the other water park area and I just stepped into the general pool, still sans shoes and socks, but had a great time swirling around the pool in all my clothes.

We went back to our room, which has a hot tub in it, I filled it up and sat down fully clothed there too. I had the general reaction I have whenever I swim clothed (Jamie, Chris and the rest can attest), but I waited until I was back in our room in the bath to complete the swim. It was great.

We still have 3 days in this resort, I have 3 other pairs of jeans to swim in and I'm pretty sure I will.

Stay Wet (and Jamie keep getting better)


Re: Finally wet after 4 long, long months

Posted by Jamie and Chris on April 14, 2016 at 09:09:32

In Reply to: Finally wet after 4 long, long months posted by Dolby1000 on April 14, 2016 at 03:21:30:

Great - glad to hear you back to form again. Enjoy.
Best wishes, stay wet.

Laundry and jeans

Posted by Jamie and Chris on April 14, 2016 at 09:24:35

This is just a general query really, as opposed to a wet or muddy story.

We have a lady coming to the house now each morning for a couple of hours to do housework. Lovely jovial woman in her early 30s maybe, from Lithuania, who speaks with such a thick accent that none of us can really affirm with any certainty that we know what she is saying. Still it helps our mums with keeping the place as they like it.

Anyway, this lady has started doing the laundry, unasked, and the ironing (she's very good - never seen dad look so smart in his freshly uncrumpled shirts ! - but our gripe is that she has taken to collecting up our wet and recently-muddy jeans etc and we go up to our rooms and find them all neatly ironed and folded on the bed. She even irons the underpants ! We have no problem with having nicely clean clothes, but IRONED and PRESSED jeans ? With neat creases down the legs ?

We have tried telling her not to bother, but it has not worked.

Does anyone else here iron and press their jeans ?

Re: Laundry and jeans

Posted by LevilovR on April 14, 2016 at 12:44:08

In Reply to: Laundry and jeans posted by Jamie and Chris on April 14, 2016 at 09:24:35:

No, I never iron anything. Clothes come right out of the dryer, shirts get hung on hangers and put in the closet, jeans and underwear just folded and put in drawers. I have known and seen people who press and iron jeans and wear them with the nice sharp creases you have described. This was mostly in my younger days when I was in the military and guys would send their uniforms and fatigues to the base laundry and everything came back starched, ironed and pressed with military creases. I always thought it looked kind of silly, and not at all casual as jeans should be. Plus repeated ironing and creasing, especially on blue (indigo) jeans can leave a faded "white" line down the leg of the jeans which you probably don't want. I suggest having your Moms have a nice, but firm talk with her and explain that while her work is greatly appreciated there are certain things that they DON'T want her to do. Of course the creases probably disappear the moment you hit the water or mud, but still it seems excessive to me. But I do know there are people out there who do iron there jeans. Does she iron socks too?

Re: Laundry and jeans

Posted by wetchas on April 14, 2016 at 13:52:03

In Reply to: Re: Laundry and jeans posted by LevilovR on April 14, 2016 at 12:44:08:

You make me laugh. Such a lovely way of writing and describing things. You think you have problems with foreigners, we had a delivery driver from Tyne and Wear come to our workplace the other day. He said two sentences to me, and I didn't understand a word. Just grinned innainly. He must have thought I was a right pillock.
On the subject of ironed jeans, I can vouch for Levilovers comments about the white stripes. I have seen these myself on old fogies jeans. This is obviously a situation which cannot be allowed to continue, although stopping it may be easier said than done.
Be careful that she doesn't try to iron nylon trackies. The heat of the iron will melt the fabric, as I'm sure you know. There were some real horror stories when these clothes first came out, of Mother's trying to iron sportswear, and spoiling it.
Designs on T shirts are another thing that won't take kindly to a hot iron. Not so bad these days, but on some of the older designs the print used to melt, and stick to the iron. Not only ruined the shirt, but it was also a devil to get off the iron.
The only thought that has come to me whilst typing this, is maybe you could write DO NOT IRON in big letters on the inside leg of the jeans, in indelible ink. Perhaps then she might see it, and take the hint. Either that or hide them on the days she is around.
Just a thought.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Laundry and jeans

Posted by Jamie on April 14, 2016 at 16:56:15

In Reply to: Re: Laundry and jeans posted by LevilovR on April 14, 2016 at 12:44:08:

Yup, I can imagine ironing jeans if you send them off to a laundry, but agree with you that is not consistant with casual wear. We had another word with the lovely Greta today and I think she finally got the message - only time will tell. Oh, and yes, she irons socks as well .......

Re: Laundry and jeans

Posted by Jamie on April 14, 2016 at 17:11:54

In Reply to: Re: Laundry and jeans posted by wetchas on April 14, 2016 at 13:52:03:

Mum has the right idea about communicating with Greta, she listens intently, nods wisely, smiles and says 'yes' whenever Greta stops talking. It doesn't work any better than other methods, but does leave Greta looking happy, rather than wandering off muttering in Lithuanian (I assume).

I think we finally got the message across today when Chris caught her about to iron his favourite old Levis, he's a good actor and even better at mime !

Living where we do we've recently been getting deliveries from the (new ?) Amazon depot in south Wales, and had a delivery last week. I couldn't understand a word the driver said thinking he was east European or something, it wasn't until his mate came round from the back of the van, saw me looking puzzled and said "Don't worry, he's Welsh - I don't understand him most of the time either !"

Re: Laundry and jeans

Posted by Bruce on April 14, 2016 at 19:43:32

In Reply to: Laundry and jeans posted by Jamie and Chris on April 14, 2016 at 09:24:35:

The best way is to wear them dry, they will be perfect at all times, and she never gets her hands on them.

2nd Swim in WI

Posted by Dolby1000 on April 14, 2016 at 21:59:52

This afternoon, we went back to the wave pool and other indoor pools, white socks, black with red stripes Adidas trackies, gray boxer briefs and a gray t-shirt swam just fine, no one said anything. Let's see what trouble I can get in this evening.


Posted by LevilovR on April 15, 2016 at 00:40:31

In about 10 days - on April 24th -I am entered in the "Into the Mud Challenge", a mud obstacle race. Can't wait, the first wet, muddy adventure of the season. This particular race is the first mud run I ever entered. It has been an annual event now for six years - but unfortunately this will be the last time it will be offered. It is run and designed by students in the local university as part of an engineering, design course. The university has opted to come up with something different next year who knows what it will be. Too bad, because Into the Mud has been very successful and raised quite a bit of money and has a lot of followers. Since it is the last year I intend to make the most of it and get as wet and muddy as possible, Excited by the possibility of new mud obstacles as they are saying it will be muddier than ever before - time will tell. Beginning to think about what to wear. Have an old Levi shirt that is frayed around the cuffs and starting to wear out. Of course I'll wear 501's - but which pair? My favorite ones I'm wearing now which are beginning to fade nicely or a newer pair that has yet to be initiated in the mud? I'll wear my old boots that have a hole in them and will probably be trashed after the race. Which coat and tie, which hat? Or will I even wear a coat - maybe just a vest. It may sound silly but I find it all rather exciting. But the big thing is that it is just the beginning.A whole new season starting, so anxious for it to get warm enough to return to the lake and the river. Can't wait to break in new shrink to fit Levis and other clothing purchased this winter to wear in the water and mud. Can't wait to see what they will look like wet and how they will feel. Part of me wants to go out and buy something new (but inexpensive) just to wear to this one race to celebrate its finality while at the same time celebrating the beginning a wet, wild and wacky summer season. Anyone else have these feelings of anticipation for upcoming wet/muddy moments?

Bad news/good news

Posted by Simon on April 15, 2016 at 04:40:40

Hey everyone, this is my first time posting here. I had an experience today I wanted to share. It was kind of a Bad news-AWESOME news-good news situation. I'll explain.

The bad news is a good friend of mine, who I've known almost my whole life, was diagnosed last month with a form of cancer. That's the bad news. The AWESOME news is that the cancer is very treatable, and he's expected to recover fully. But he has a rough few months ahead of him while he is treated for the cancer. And, while his family's health insurance will pay for the actual medical costs, his family will still have to pay a lot out of pocket. We live in a small town far from a real city, so they have to travel quite a ways, and pay for hotel stays while he is in the hospital. So we setup a GoFundMe page to raise some money.

The good news is what one of my friends suggested we do. Its a trend on Youtube and stuff. Its like the ice bucket challenge, but its a pie in the face challenge for cancer. He thought we should do a fund raiser at school where people could buy pies to use to pie us in the face. I wasn't really sure about that. I'm kind of an introvert and a little shy, so I wasn't too sure about getting a pie in my face, especially in front of everyone at school. But a bunch of people agreed to do it, and I knew my friend would do it for any of us, so I said, ok fine, I'd be willing to be pied. And I figured if I was going to get pied in my face, I should just go for it, so I made another suggestion. One of my friend's dad is a fireman, so I said what if we ask him to bring a fire engine to school and use it to hose us down after we get pied. Everyone thought that was a great idea, and he agreed to do it. He thought it would be good PR for the fire department, so he said as long as we were willing to get drenched, he was willing to hose us down.

So I was nervous all week, and sometimes regretted agreeing to do this. But today after school we did the big event. We all just wore our school uniforms, which are blue polos, white undershirts, an khaki pants or shorts. We all wore shorts because the weather has been nice lately. They told us we had to take our shoes and socks off first since we were going to get soaked. I would have rather kept my socks and shoes on, but having to go bare foot wasn't the worst thing, I guess. But there were 6 of us who agreed to get pied and watered down, so right after last period of school let out, we lined up outside against the wall of the building. The fire truck showed up and parked next to us. And I was getting butterflies in my stomach sitting there and watching people make the pies, and the firemen get ready to spray us down. But I gritted my teeth and survived the experience :-) I got a total of 5 pies in my face. They cost $20 each, so the price was high enough that we didn't get too many pies thrown at us. But people would pool there money and stuff to buy a pie to hit us with. The first two pies I got hit with were actually at the hands of my girlfriend, and she told me it was really fun and I looked cute with getting the pie in my face. So I guess that means it was fun and that I looked cute :-) So at least I scored some points with the girlfriend :-) But I just learned that apparently her parents and my parents contributed to the $40 it cost her to pie me with those two pies. And 5 pies in the face might sound like a lot, but one of my friends got hit with I think 12 pies in all. He's the real class clown and thought it was really funny to get hit with all those pies, so it worked out for him. But it made the 5 pies I got seem not too bad, I guess.

Honestly being pied was kind of bleh - I mean, it wasn't awful or anything. I shouldn't have been so worried about it. But it was a little weird having a pie smashed right into your face over and over. But when it was time to hose us down with the fire hoses - THAT WAS FUN :-) I mean, it was a TON of water, I've never really experienced anything like that before. But we all got 100% soaked from head to toe in our school uniforms, and it washed off pretty much all the pie. And it was pretty funny walking around fully clothed but completely drenched in our school uniforms. I'd totally do that again.

So sorry for rambling, but its kind of been an emotional day. but at the end of it, we made I think $560, which isn't bad for about 15 minutes of work. And we just sent all the videos and pictures to our friend whose in the hospital today, and he got a good laugh out of it. And I know if the situation had been reversed, he totally would have gotten pies in his face or drenched with a fire hose to help any of us out, so it doesn't seem like a big sacrifice or anything for me, even though maybe I wouldn't have decided to do it except for this. So thanks for reading!

Re: Laundry and jeans

Posted by Jamie on April 15, 2016 at 08:57:02

In Reply to: Re: Laundry and jeans posted by Bruce on April 14, 2016 at 19:43:32:

In an ideal world that is the best, but unfortunately the following formula applies in our house :

wet jeans + carpets & furnishings = prolonged & noisy trouble

so it is just not worth it !!

Re: 2nd Swim in WI

Posted by Jamie and Chris on April 15, 2016 at 09:00:24

In Reply to: 2nd Swim in WI posted by Dolby1000 on April 14, 2016 at 21:59:52:

Sounds like great fun, pleased to hear you are enjoying getting wet again.

Re: Anticipation

Posted by Jamie on April 15, 2016 at 09:12:00

In Reply to: Anticipation posted by LevilovR on April 15, 2016 at 00:40:31:

If it was me I'd be very, very tempted to wear the old favourite more worn jeans rather than new pristine ones. The anticipation whilst wearing lovely soft, worn denim is always better than in scratchy, stiff new denim, although the look of dark unfaded jeans getting wet and shiny is better. Luckily I can get the best of both worlds by wearing my old jeans and watch Chris is darker jeans getting wet if I ask him nicely ! Chris certainly gets that nice feeling of anticipation - it starts every morning before he gets out of bed, continues in the shower and on through breakfast until we have our early morning swim ............

Re: Bad news/good news

Posted by Jamie and Chris on April 15, 2016 at 10:32:20

In Reply to: Bad news/good news posted by Simon on April 15, 2016 at 04:40:40:

Great story and good idea for raising funds for your mate. We both enjoy getting hosed down in our clothes, but walking around afterwards in wet clothes is the best fun. You should try getting muddy as well, its even better. Thanks for sharing.

Thursday morning - part one

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on April 15, 2016 at 11:39:41

This morning we met the guy who is giving me treatment for the next few weeks.

He was due to arrive at about ten o'clock so after breakfast we both changed into soccer shorts and tshirts and waited by the pool with Chris, just doing some schoolwork.

When mum showed him through it was a bit of a shock - he's a giant ! Chris and me are both just over six feet tall but this chap towered over us, by at least a head. He was solidly built, long dark hair pulled straight back in a ponytail, a neatly trimmed goatee beard and he was dressed in a baggy steel grey tracksuit and trainers. Mum was grinning as she saw the look on our faces.

"This is Jamie .......... and my nephew Chris, his co-conspirator in most things !" Mum said "No need to go easy on them ....."

"Good morning, gentlemen" he said in such a deep voice that I swear the glass roof panels rattled "my name is John Savage, you may call me Mr Savage or Sir, your choice - it is the only choice you will be getting during our sessions. Do I make myself clear ?"

I looked at mum as she smiled and left the room.

"Well, gentlemen ?" that voice rumbled.

"Yes ........" Chris said.

"Yes what, Christian ?" Mr Savage murmured.

"Well, erm ...... yes, quite clear, thanks. I'll leave you two to your ...... ministrations ......." Chris said hesitantly.

"Stay where you are, Christian ..... This session is for James and you." Mr Savage told him "First things first, go and get changed into these shorts, both of you, and then come back here - pronto !" he finished as he pulled out some grey running shorts from his bag and handed them to us.

We did as we were told. The shorts were proper running ones with a mesh inner brief, very short and with shaped legs with splits at the sides.

"Is this guy for real ?" Chris asked as we changed.

"Seems so - just make the best of it, only a hour !"

"Thank God - and just why am I doing this ?" Chris muttered.

"You're here to spur me on."

We went back to join "The Savage". He had unpacked a load of equipment onto the table, including a laptop and some more clothing. He explained that he needed to check each of us over first and also needed to attach some sensors to our chests to check pulse and heart rate.

"I'll start off with you, Christian, as I'll need longer to check on James." he said as he produced two sensors and stuck them on Chris's chest, clipped a small box onto the waistband of Chris's shorts and then connected some wires between box and sensors. He then put a tight rubber collar around his left upper arm and connected that to the box as well.

"Good, you're all set now. Comfortable ?" he asked "This will give me your readings, just to assess how fit you really are. You both look a lot better than most of the people I see, but these figures won't lie. Whilst I check out James, I'd like you to go outside and take a run around the house for a few laps - out the door, across the yard, turn left and keep going around and finish each lap by coming in here and running around the pool and out again. Keep going until I tell you to stop. There's a running vest on the table if you'd like one. OK ? Off you go - good steady pace please, it's not a race."

Chris trotted off without bothering to pull on a vest. He did not look very happy.

"The Savage" started to examine me by standing me more upright and prodding as walked around.

"Good, you need bit better posture - chin up, straight back, shoulders back a bit and stomach in - but not too bad at all. I see the broken bones have left you with a shorter leg, but that can be sorted temporarily." he said "Let's put a couple of insoles in that trainer - hop up on the table, James - and I'll see what I have in my bag."

He rummaged around in the bag as I sat on the table taking off my trainer. He produced a pair of scissors and after trying one in the trainer, trimmed them to the right size and slipped them in.

Before I put the trainer back on, he examined my leg in detail, touching and squeezing as he moved his hands over the damaged area below the knee and around my foot. He asked me to tell him if it hurt at all.

"No, no pain, just a bit tender around the ankle and when I put pressure on my heel." I told him.

"That's no great surprise after all that damage. I've studied the pictures and spoken to the surgeon - he has done a superb job, I've never seen so many pins and rods in just one leg ...... I think you managed to break almost every bone below the knee, even the toes." he laughed "I'd have been tempted to remove it faced with that, much easier !!"

"Really ?" I asked "Are you serious ?"

"No ..... just kidding." he replied "You were lucky it was him who operated, he's among the best I was told. Let me get you wired up and then get you exercising. I guess you can swim, having this lovely pool ?"

"Yes definitely, we all swim every morning." I replied just as Chris trotted in and ran around the pool.

"Good job, Christian, pick up the pace a bit and do another couple of laps." Savage told him.

"I suggest, James, that we get you into the pool and see how your heart-rate and blood pressure do with some exercise: can't have you running on that leg just yet. OK ? Slip off those trainers."

He attached the various sensors, the arm-band and data box, punched a few keys on his laptop and asked me to get in the pool.

"That equipment is all waterproof, it just collects data and sends it all to the laptop when I ask it to. Let me see you swim a few lengths and how you move, then we'll do a few exercises when you've warmed up."

I waded into the pool and set off doing lengths. As I swam Chris came and went a couple more times and after he had done six laps, Savage stopped him and did an examination of his back. He had Chris walk up and down the length of the pool as he filmed him and then had him lie on the table, face down, as he manipulated his back.

After a while Savage called me out of the pool, Chris sniggered as he saw me climb up the steps, and I knew why. The grey shorts were clinging all over and whatever I did to pull them away, it didn't work.

Chris was sitting up on the table when Savage put his hands under Chris's armpits, picked him up as though he was made of air, walked to the pool edge and dropped him in, with a big splash.

"Act like a silly kid, Christian, and you'll be treated like one, understood ?" Savage said quietly "Give me twenty lengths to be getting on with."

Chris started swimming. Can you swim angrily ?

(To be continued)

Re: Thursday morning - part one

Posted by Jamie on April 15, 2016 at 11:43:28

In Reply to: Thursday morning - part one posted by Jamie (and Chris) on April 15, 2016 at 11:39:41:

Don't know what happen above with the quotation marks - sorry about that.

Thursday morning - part two

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on April 15, 2016 at 15:55:20

Chris swam his lengths in an obviously aggressive manner, lots of splashing and grunting as he did his turns at the end of each length.

Meanwhile, I was stretched out on the table, face down, having my leg manipulated with lots of stretching, bending of joints and massaging by "The Savage". It felt good but occasionally rather uncomfortable when my knee was bent back. After ten minutes of this I was asked to turn over and bend my knee without help. It was really hard, surprisingly so, and took real effort. I was sweating profusely after ten minutes of this being encouraged to 'try harder' all the time by Savage.

At the end of our alloted hour, Chris was still pounding up and down the pool, looking annoyed.

"Thank you, Christian" Savage called to him "you can come out now. Let's get that data. How do you feel ? Tired ? Ready for more ?"

"I could easily go on." Chris replied as he clambered out of the pool and stood still, dripping wet, in front of Savage as he unclipped the wires and data box.

"You are a good strong swimmer, that is good .... one of the best forms of workout you can get. Turn around please, let me feel what those back muscles are doing." he moved his hands over Chris's lower back and shoulders "That is good, just do some stretches and twists to warm-down gradually - this is important - otherwise the exercise will have no lasting benefit. Do this whenever you swim and you'll maintain your back muscles for the longterm, you'll be able to swim this well without trouble until you are well into your 60s and beyond. I'm delighted with your effort today, thank you."

Chris started twisting and bending, adjusting his stance at Savage's suggestion as he did so.

Mr Savage packed up his bag and when done he turned to us both.

"Thank you both for your efforts today, I can see we will get on well if you are as willing for the rest of our sessions as you were today. Now as you are both obviously quite at home in the water and need to relax a bit, how about a bit of competition with me in the pool." he grinned widely "You have a fabulous pool here and I've been dying to jump in ever since I saw it."

"Yeah, sure, why not ?" I said.

"Good, now, do either of you think you can beat me in a timed length ?" he asked.
"I'll give it a go !" Chris said.

"Great." Savage replied "Hope you're a good loser ...."

"You wish !" Chris replied, grinning.

"Just let me get out of this tracksuit and we can start at the deep end, Jamie can be the judge. OK ?"

Chris jumped in the pool and swam lazily to the far end. Savage walked there, pulled off his tracksuit top and the tee he was wearing underneath. He was built like nothing I've seen before, except in the movies. Broad shoulders with writhing muscles as he moved, a six - no, make that a twelve pack, muscles that had muscles of their own. As he pushed his trackies down his legs, he was wearing the same style shorts as he had given us, except, unlike us, his were stretched tight across muscled buttocks and thighs and could barely restrain their contents. The biggest shock was when he dropped his trackie bottoms to reveal legs with huge thigh muscles and two steel and plastic artificial limbs below his knees.

"Good grief !" Chris exclaimed from the pool. I just stood open mouthed and gawped.

"Oh, yeah - perhaps I should have warned you .... this is so normal to me now, I don't think about it."

"Can I ask ? ........ what happened ? " Chris asked.

"Sure you can ...... I was training as an engineer on the railways, doing some mid-course training in the railway yards when I was knocked down by a shunter who didn't see the ''men at work" flag on the track. The wheels severed both legs cleanly as a butcher's cleaver. Job done, no mess, no other injuries."

"Wow ........ I mean I never would have guessed from the way you move and walk around." Chris said "Amazing !"

"I'm lucky, still got my knees and got enough compensation to allow me to get the very best upgrades as the technology has improved." he said as he sat down at the edge of the pool "These legs are the best money will buy at the moment. They just clip on to rods embedded in the bones, so no harnesses or cups to chafe against the stumps. Brilliant." And with that he twisted and pulled each leg off to reveal two metal pins emerging from the ends of his legs, and then swung round and lowered himself into the water.

After that the swim test seemed a bit of an anti-climax, Chris was beaten easily. We spent twenty minutes or so in the water just relaxing and chatting, and then Savage said he ought to be going. He hauled himself out of the water, snapped his legs back on, dried himself off.

By this time, we were feeling a bit more at ease with him and he was more friendly to us.

"I think we have had a good session today." Savage said "So let's move things on a bit. I suggest you call me Johnny and I'll go with Jamie and Chris. The previous stuff was just a ploy to assess how well you'd respond to me getting you to work harder than you might like - a bit of psychology if you like - and you've both shown spirit and willingness. What say you ?"

"Great, I was on the verge of telling you where to stick your physiotherapy !" Chris laughed.

"But you didn't ..... you stuck with it." Johnny laughed "And that is what it's all about."

"Can I ask a personal question ?" I asked.

"Yes, but I may not answer ....."

"How tall are you ?"

"Well, before I acquired these legs I was 6ft 1ins - but I got the guy to make these an extra 6 ins taller." Johnny laughed "Just because I could afford it."

So that was our first encounter with Johnny.

Re: Thursday morning - part one

Posted by Ben on April 15, 2016 at 18:12:05

In Reply to: Re: Thursday morning - part one posted by Jamie on April 15, 2016 at 11:43:28:

Not sure I would have responded well to having to call him Mr Savage or Sir.
Your next task is to get him to let you wear jeans or trackies in the pool. Or both.

Re: Anticipation

Posted by Chris (of CJ) on April 15, 2016 at 18:20:53

In Reply to: Re: Anticipation posted by Jamie on April 15, 2016 at 09:12:00:

Thanks for giving away all my secrets, Jamie, that is good of you. I would certainly like to get wet in my oldest, most worn and faded jeans. But I find the feel of stiff, unbroken denim really arousing and the anticipation of a planned outing in 501s like that can give me a real b**er hours in advance (not that it stays that way, sadly). Seeing Jamie in wet, clingy jeans that are worn enough to really mould them to him, is a real, creamy turn on.

Re: Thursday morning - part one

Posted by Jamie on April 15, 2016 at 18:27:42

In Reply to: Re: Thursday morning - part one posted by Ben on April 15, 2016 at 18:12:05:

Ha, ha. Yeah that was Chris's problem. However if you read part two, it seems that it was all a ploy to assess us. Swimming in jeans or other clothes is good resistance training when swimming so hopefully it will feature later on. The shorts he gave us were so lightweight that it felt as though I was wearing nothing at all, apart from feeling the mesh lining. The bonus was that they were nicely shiny and clinging when wet.

Beach visit

Posted by Wiley on April 17, 2016 at 23:50:50

I was at the beach with my young cousins last Friday, and it was sunny and warm. They are 12 and 13, and fun kids, so we took a walk down along the water, racing the surf on occasion to avoid getting our shoes wet. The 12 yr old Johnny was a bit slow and got his shoes wet, to which his brother David laughed at. They both laughed, and dared each other to get closer without getting wet, and before long, both had gotten their sneakers wet and their jeans up to their knees. I laughed with them, and they then grabbed me and held me so I couldn't get away at the next wave, and the surf washed over my shoes and soaked them. My grey canvas Chucks were now dark and shiny. We all laughed, and we horsed around a little in the shallow surf, not getting wet above our knees though. Johnny asked me if I would give him money if he jumped in the ocean in his clothes. I laughed and said I would give him a buck, nothing more. But if he and David BOTH did, I would give them each $10. They couldn't resist and said yes, but I told them they had to sit down in the wet sand, a little below the surf line, and sit there for 30 seconds. If they got soaked, sobeit, if not, they would go home dry and with $10. Of course, they don't yet understand that waves usually go in sets, and that the 7th or 8th wave typically is the biggest, at least at this beach. I kept talking a bit, delaying while the smaller waves lulled them into thinking they would stay dry, then told them to sit down while I started my watch. They giggled and screamed with anticipation, complaining that their butts were getting wet, but by the time I counted to 20, the last wave of the set rolled in and the surf came roaring at them about a foot or more deep. They screamed as it hit them, rolling them over gently in the surf, but soaking them from head to toe. They splashed up laughing and yelling, with their shoulders all hunched over while their wet hoodies dripped water all over. They said it felt great, and started playing a bit. They then turned to me and said I should do it, it was too much fun to pass up. I said I wouldn't give them the money if I got wet, and they said they wouldn't take the money if I did it with them. They pleaded until I said OK, and all three of us sat in the wet sand, the water seeping up into my jeans and briefs, and the last wave of the set came rolling in, and we all three got rolled over in the surf. I was instantly soaked, and had sand in my jeans and shoes. It was really fun, and it felt great, so we just played the "sit in the surf" game for a while, fully clothed, not a care in the world about being wet. The beach was very empty, so no one walked by or anything. When we finally decided to head home, we sloshed out of the surf, pulled off our soaked hoodies, wrung them out while the water washed down our jeans and shirts, and sloshed back to the car. We took off our shoes and knocked all the sand out of the them, and I got towels from the trunk to put on the seats. It was as short trip home, and we went around back and I hosed the sand off of them (still in wet clothes and making it into a water fight) We pulled off our wet clothes, the boys stripping to boxer briefs without shame, and me stripping to my wet tight whities after pulling off my soaked jeans and shoes. We dried off and headed in, to their mom's smiles and laughs as they told her what we did. Clothes all went in the washer while we got into dry duds, but it was a great afternoon with my cousins. They had a blast and so did I

Re: Beach visit

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 18, 2016 at 15:07:19

In Reply to: Beach visit posted by Wiley on April 17, 2016 at 23:50:50:

Soon after we moved to US when I was 8 years old we visited some friends who lived in Florida and I ended up doing the same with their son (10 years old) and his older brother (19 years old) who was back home from Uni. They lived a ten minute walk from the beach and he took us there to see some pelicans, we all ended up completely soaked after he dared us to lie down in the surf for $1 each (boy, were we cheap !) - it was such fun and I remember thinking that I'd be in trouble for getting wet, and at the same time not being too concerned really as it felt so good, but dad just laughed and mum muttered someting about "boys will be boys".

Walk in the rain

Posted by Chris on April 19, 2016 at 15:56:16

I am visiting my Uncle who lives near Dallas. It has been raining like crazy the last few days and I wanted to experience walking in the rain. Last night my Uncle and Aunt had a business dinner so I was home alone and I took advantage of the opportunity. I stepped outside and immediately got soaked. It was an amazing feeling having the water soak through my shirt and feel it run down my body soaking my
underwear. Loved it. I wore jeans, boxers and black undershirt, flip flops. When I got back I put everything in the dryer and because I was so pumped I had to take a shower to ease the stress. All was back to normal when they came home. I would love to hear about other people's walk in the rain.

Seaside weekend

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 19, 2016 at 18:53:25

We're back at school this week ('hooray' or ''oh no !' depending on your point of view) so chances to get wet all the time are reduced. However we had a good end the Easter hols by taking Harry's cousin, Harvey, home. It happened by accident really as Harry's parents were due to take him, but whilst we were at Harry's on Friday his dad arrived home by taxi, turned out someone had hit his car from behind as he was stationery in a queue of traffic and pushed him in turn into the car in front, leaving his car undriveable. He was talking about hiring a car but when Jamie said we could take Harry home if it would help, he agreed instantly as it would give him time to sort out a hire car and arrange the repairs with his insurance company.

Harry lives on the Kent coast, right on the sea front not far from a place called Romney. After we had told our parents what we had volunteered to do and that Harvey had suggested we drive there on saturday and come home on sunday they agreed that would be better than trying to do it in one day.

We picked Harry and Harvey up early on Saturday morning and were well on our way by 7am, taking Jamie's car as mine only has a range of 100 miles max before it needs recharging, and I drove as Jamie finds it uncomfortable at the moment. It took us 3.7 hours, 187 miles, mainly on motorways, averaging 49.8 mph according to the car's computer, so not too bad, mind you, could have done without the M25 !

Harvey's home is almost literally on the beach, separated from it by an unmade road and a low concrete seawall. When we got there his parents were out shopping, so we dumped our stuff in the house and went for a walk along the beach, sadly shingle rather than sand, but a lovely place and almost completely deserted, just a couple of fishermen in the distance and a windsurfer out at sea. It was dull and breezy but not really cold. After we had been out on the beach for half an hour or so, Harvey spotted his dad standing on the sea wall and waving to us, so we headed back to the house.

We have met Harvey's mum before but not his dad, so after exchanging greetings and then we went in and were offered coffee and biscuits. Their home is back to front and upside down, in that the bedrooms are all on the ground floor and the living room is upstairs and opens onto a huge balcony with views across the garden towards the sea, whilst the garage and a small yard is at the back of the house, accessed by a narrow lane.

Harvey's dad is keen on doing barbeques and suggested that we have a snack lunch and barbeque late afternoon, leaving us to amuse ourselves on the beach if we wished. So we ended up taking a football onto the beach and having a kick about. Harvey was the first to kick the ball into the sea and he got wet up to his knees retrieving it. He and Harry started kicking the ball between them along the waterline getting wetter and wetter as the waves rolled in and they moved further and further out, when Harry kicked the ball towards me, I booted it further out and they both waded out to retrieve it, pushing and shoving each other until Harry fell flat just as a wave washed over him, drenching him instantly. That was the cue for the rest of us to join in. Harry tackled me into the water just as a wave hit my knees and we both went under as the next wave washed over us. The taste of salt water was a surprise, stupidly, and the water was colder than I had expected, but then this was the English Channel so I should not have been surprised. Jamie was the last of us to get soaked as he avoided being pushed or tackled into the water and just waded out to grab the ball, getting chest deep before he retrieved it, jumping up in time with the swell as the waves came in. Now that we were all drenched we swam out beyond the waves and just threw the ball around between us for a while before Jamie complained that he was getting cold and was going to sit on the beach.

It was fun being in the sea for a change and feeling the waves swirling clothes around was really great, despite the cold water, and wading back to shore and standing in the water as waves rolled in and the level of the water dropped from chest to knees before the next wave foamed in and you were wet to chest level again was amazing. Eventually we all went and sat with Jamie and drip dried for a bit until Harvey's dad appeared.

"Might have guessed I'd find you all wet - I hope you bought a change of clothes, you guys." he said.

"Yes we did - but we can stay like this for lunch and the BBQ can't we ?" Harry asked.

"As far as I'm concerned you can, just don't catch cold ..... there's still a chill breeze out here. I came out to say lunch will be ready in ten minutes, time to change if you want to. Plenty of hot water if any of you want to shower and change."

There was a shower room with an outside entrance door at the back of the house, so Jamie and me had a quick shower in our clothes to wash the salt water out and left them drip drying outside on a rotary dryer, and changed into our spare jeans and tees before joining Harvey's parents on the balcony, whilst Harry and Harvey showered and changed before joining us all.

After lunch Harvey's mum suggested we go to the Hythe & Dymchurch Railway for a trip on a miniature steam railway - it was great, I haven't been on a steam railway for ages, must have been six or seven years old.

We got back just as his dad was firing up the barbeque, so when he said it would be another hour or so before food was ready Harry suggested another game of football on the beach.

"Go and change into your other clothes - otherwise you won't have anything dry for tomorrow !" Harvey's dad called after us. *** So we went and changed back into our cold wet clothes again - brrrrrrr - but we soon warmed up a bit just running around, although that didn't last long as Harry was determined to get us all wet again. Love that feeling of the sea moving your clothes around as you stand still - a real turn on. And it wasn't just me - you know who you are ..... HARVEY !

Anyway, after that we spent the rest of the day in our wet clothes sitting in the garden, eating lovely barbeque food and slowly getting drier ...... until Harry started with "Last one in the sea ......" with whatever challenge he could think of. Everyone apart from Jamie and Harvey's mum took part. Harvey's dad lost the first one and once soaked declined to take part again, sensible man.

We eventually got to bed at about midnight having had one last nighttime swim - sadly no stars as it was too cloudy.

On Sunday we were woken by the small of bacon cooking - what better way to rouse - and after a quick shower and high-speed dressing, we tucked into a delicious full-English breakfast (although I passed on the black pudding, don't fancy turning into a vampire just yet !). After breakfast, Harvey's parents headed off to a church event they were helping out at, and Harvey suggested a final sea swim before we headed back home. It was rather dull and windy for Jamie, so he watched us splashing around after we had changed again into our wet clothes from saturday. Good grief, was it cold ! I only lasted long enough to get a thorough soaking, but Harry and Harvey were happy to stay in until we decided it was time to start for home, so while Harry changed yet again, we packed up the car and then headed home. All in all a fun couple of days.

Re: Walk in the rain

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on April 19, 2016 at 20:50:42

In Reply to: Walk in the rain posted by Chris on April 19, 2016 at 15:56:16:

I absolutely love walking in the rain (as does Chris) as the feeling of the rain slowly soaking through clothing is so arousing (I like getting soaked wih a sudden drenching as well - as in having a a bucket of water over the head) as the slow and gradual process just adds to the anticipation of the final feeling, total hardness in a complete sudden rush !!

Re: Seaside weekend

Posted by Jamie on April 20, 2016 at 07:35:33

In Reply to: Seaside weekend posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 19, 2016 at 18:53:25:

Chris forgot to mention what everyone was wearing for our time in the sea at Harvey's place, so if I remember correctly :-

Me - comfortably worn 501s, dark blue tee with Olympic rings on chest, grey canvas shoes, plain dark blue boxers and socks.

Chris - black slim-fit Gap jeans, grey tee with New York skyline graphic, black trainers, white socks and boxerbriefs.

Harry - well worn and faded blue jeans (Diesel I think), orange tee with "#1" in big white letters on the chest, grey trainers, orange socks and boxers.

Harvey - black skinny jeans, yellow tee with "V W" on the front, white trainers, white socks and briefs.

Harvey's dad (George) - tan cargo shorts, yellow and orange check shortsleeve shirt, tan deck shoes.

Re: Thursday morning - part two

Posted by Ben on April 20, 2016 at 08:26:24

In Reply to: Thursday morning - part two posted by Jamie (and Chris) on April 15, 2016 at 15:55:20:

When is your next session with Johnny? Try and wear something more than running shorts. lol

Re: Seaside weekend

Posted by wetchas on April 20, 2016 at 09:11:21

In Reply to: Re: Seaside weekend posted by Jamie on April 20, 2016 at 07:35:33:

Welcome to coastal living. You are right, being in the sea in clothes is a totally different experience, and one which I much prefer to still water. I suppose it's because I have been brought up that way.
This sounds a daft thing to say, but I always reckon you get wetter in the sea than in plain water. Certainly I think the clothes look better soaked in seawater. Perhaps it's something to do with the salt.
I can't believe you didn't eat the black pudding. I like it raw, with a bag of chips. "Got a stick of black pud, youv'e got a meal". If it's the blood that puts you off, you should try white, or hogs pudding. Maybe also tripe, with some onions. Legendary British dishes.
Thanks again for posting this superb account. Enjoy school.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Seaside weekend

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 20, 2016 at 10:50:45

In Reply to: Re: Seaside weekend posted by wetchas on April 20, 2016 at 09:11:21:

It was fun weekend, despite the cool un-sunny weather (sitting in the library at school on a free study period now, looking out at the lovely sunny day with not a single cloud in the sky and wishing I was out there rather than trying to write an essay on "How did Henry VIII's attitude to his wives alter the course of history and do his attitudes resonate in today's modern society" - hell, who knows ?)

Sorry, but I just don't fancy black pudding or any of those variants you mention. As for tripe, my gran cooks that up for their dog and it both looks and smells ghastly (stinks the house out too when she cooks it) so I think I'll just leave it the dog, poor thing. Still, each to their own.

You are right about clothes looking better emerging from the sea than just getting wet in a pool. Maybe it is something to do with waves continuing to wash over you as you wade through it rather than just pouring off once when you get out of still water. I guess it also has more sediment and stuff in so clogs up the fibres a bit slowing down the draining off. Harvey's black skinny fit jeans looked amazing when wet, just really shiny all the time, I guess because they didn't really cling but being skinny fit, they were just next to his skin all the time, if you see what I mean. Also as we were all wearing underwear, our jeans retained more water for longer: it's a toss up between that nice wetlook effect and being more clingy and revealing without underwear, as to which I prefer !

Back to work ........

Re: Seaside weekend

Posted by wetchas. on April 20, 2016 at 13:26:57

In Reply to: Re: Seaside weekend posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 20, 2016 at 10:50:45:

Always the way I find. The weather always seems better when you can't enjoy it. Sounds like you had a real fun morning.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Seaside weekend

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 20, 2016 at 15:04:34

In Reply to: Re: Seaside weekend posted by wetchas. on April 20, 2016 at 13:26:57:

Yup, you are right about the weather - looking forward to jumping in the pool at home in about 2 hours time.

As to the "fun morning" the best I can say is that English history is a 'challenge' for me as I've never really studied it before. I'm more at home with the history of the American indigenous population (Red Indians to you and me, very non-PC I know ..........) and the Great Depression. History, eh ? Its just one bloody thing after another .....

school movie in a pool

Posted by Duff on April 21, 2016 at 01:39:08

My school is doing a movie in a pool and I want to go swimming in my clothes there but I'm afraid that I would be looked at being weird. I need advice.

How Long?

Posted by LevilovR on April 21, 2016 at 12:48:02

Obviously we all enjoy getting wet in our clothes, so here's the question. After taking the plunge how long do you stay in your wet clothes? Do you immediately change into something dry or do you prefer staying in them as long as possible, letting them dry as you wear them. I've done both, but prefer to keep my wet clothes on as long as possible. I really like walking around in my wet clothes in public to see people's reactions and quite often I will go back in the water and resoak myself. If it's nice and warm I like drying off in the sun. But if it's cold I stay in the wet clothes until I can't stand it and change. On hot days it's nice to get wet and then do yardwork, mow the lawn etc. providing the pleasure of wet clothes while keeping cool as well. What's your preference?

Any white t-shirt fan?

Posted by Douglas on April 21, 2016 at 13:20:06

Just brought a new white t-shirt for the coming summer! Can't wait to get it wet on the beach or in the pool!

White t-shirt is always my most favourite clothes to get wet with. First feeling it when dry, knowing it will be transparent when wet, watching it getting wet and transparent slowly, and finally totally soaked and transparent, showing the body inside, maybe plus the comfortable touch of cotton, ALL of these make me excited so much! ( Although I don't have the best body to show now :(

White t-shirt with jeans, nothing else, that's the best "get wet" outfit I could have imagined! Any white t-shirt fan like me here? And how's your feeling towards wet white t-shirt?

P.S. The picture is a product of ES collection (not a commercial!) Just want to say that if I have such a muscular body, I will buy this clothes and run to the pool like, immediately!

Re: How Long?

Posted by Chris and Jamie on April 21, 2016 at 16:29:57

In Reply to: How Long? posted by LevilovR on April 21, 2016 at 12:48:02:

We both like staying wet as long as possible. Happy to drip dry when out of the water, and to let clothes dry whilst worn if it's a sunny warm day. We swim in clothes in the morning and stay in the same clothes all day if we can, drip drying during breaks for meals etc. Getting wet again whilst in still wet clothes always feels good.

Re: school movie in a pool

Posted by Jamie on April 21, 2016 at 16:38:39

In Reply to: school movie in a pool posted by Duff on April 21, 2016 at 01:39:08:

I think you'll find that many of your schoolmates will be hoping to do the same, and that if you go ahead and do it (and you definitely should) you'll find many others more than happy to join you, maybe just waiting for an excuse. Why don't you mention it to a few close friends and see what they think ? I cannot think of any of my school fellows (friends or not) who would not jump straight in without hesitation.

Re: Any white t-shirt fan?

Posted by Jamie on April 21, 2016 at 16:40:01

In Reply to: Any white t-shirt fan? posted by Douglas on April 21, 2016 at 13:20:06:

Agreed about tee and jeans alone being best for getting wet, but prefer the look of a dark tee as it shines nicely when wet whilst also showing off the body underneath. I always feel that, from a visual point of view, you might just as well wear nothing as a wet transparent white tee, as the effect is pretty much the same. I do like the look of a white shirt when wet as the fabric is usually thicker and not so transparent.

Re: Thursday morning - part two

Posted by Jamie on April 21, 2016 at 21:31:09

In Reply to: Re: Thursday morning - part two posted by Ben on April 20, 2016 at 08:26:24:

I've had three to date. Should happen on Saturday morning, Tuesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon, but were in Kent on Saturday last with Harry and Harvey. Unfortunately Johnny has been insistant that we wear the shorts he gave us and nothing else (except the vests if needed) so we've complied so far. After this week he has said he only need see Chris once a week - on Saturday - for another 3 or 4 times as he will have done all he can for Chris who should be back to full health by then. No predctions about me so far.

Re: Any white t-shirt fan?

Posted by Douglas on April 22, 2016 at 04:55:39

In Reply to: Re: Any white t-shirt fan? posted by Jamie on April 21, 2016 at 16:40:01:

Well, for me wearing a wet white tee is still not the same as wearing nothing, because although it is "see through", it is not directly, maybe it is the kind of impression like "try to hide but fail"? A man wearing a wet white tee is still much sexier than wearing nothing, for me. I am not sure how to describe that feeling.

Re: Any white t-shirt fan?

Posted by Jamie on April 23, 2016 at 10:03:11

In Reply to: Re: Any white t-shirt fan? posted by Douglas on April 22, 2016 at 04:55:39:

Fair enough, just being in wet clothes is the really important bit.

Saturday mud

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on April 23, 2016 at 21:26:13

Agreed about tee and jeans alone being best for getting wet, but prefer the look of a dark tee as it shines nicely when wet whilst also showing off the body underneath. I always feel that, from a visual point of view, you might just as well wear nothing as a wet transparent white tee, as the effect is pretty much the same. I do like the look of a white shirt when wet as the fabric is usually thicker and not so transparent.Bright and sunny this morning so got up early and went out in the woods with Chris for some exercise. We thought we'd just skip showering and shaving until we got back as we'd undoubtedly get wet and muddy anyway !

I pulled on my favourite old 501s and a grey sweatshirt, both still wet from a swim on friday evening, along with boxers and socks that were just damp and soggy trainers, which should really be in the bin as they are falling apart. Chris was wearing blue cargoes and a maroon sweatshirt, both also wet from our swim, but he didn't bother with underwear or socks, just pulling on some blue canvas shoes.

We were due for a session with Johnny at 9am so knew we had to be back and ready for then, so decided to head straight for the ride at the far end of the woods. I tried jogging along for a bit but it was just too uncomfortable, so Chris ran ahead and I just followed on at my own pace.

As I approached the ride I could hear Chris splashing around but was not expecting him to be quite so muddy, I called out to him and he turned to face me, he was covered from his feet to his chest, not a square inch was uncovered in thick mud, his shoulders and face were splattered and there small clumps of mud in his hair.

"I fell over !" he called "Tripped on something and once down decided to roll around for a bit - chilly, but feels great ......"

I splashed up to where he was standing and wiped a handful of mud off his arm and then mashed it into his hair before smearing it down his face. He laughed and did the same to me, before wiping more mud off his clothes and smearing it over my sweatshirt and then my jeans. I stepped away and he started kicking the mud so that it splashed over me and pretty soon I was getting really muddy, feeling the muddy wetness soaking through my sweatshirt against my chest and stomach and through my jeans across my grion and down my thighs. It didn't take long before I was as muddy as Chris. We were both laughing so much and both of us could see how obviously we were enjoying it, myself even more so when Chris started pushing handfuls of sloppy mud down the neck of my sweatshirt and the front of my jeans, I tried to retaliate but suddenly found myself sitting down in the mud when I lost my balance. The mud was almost deep enough to cover my legs completely, so I lay back and rolled onto my front very slowly enjoying the feeling of getting really soaked as it seeped under my sweatshirt and inside my jeans.

Chris lay down in the mud in front of me, on his front, and we rested on our elbows watching each other enjoying the mud. Chris's cargoes were stuck to his legs and backside like a second skin, brown and shiny, with a gleam that just emphasised the smooth contours of his buttocks and the back of his thighs. Chris started rocking back and forth and I started feeling the need to do the same. Eventually, business taken care of, we both stood up and started the walk back to the house, dripping mud as we walked.

We had just arrived back at the garage yard when Johnny drove in as we were getting the hose out to clean up.

"What happened to you two - accident or a bit of fun ?" Johnny laughed.

"Fun definitely !" Chris replied as he turned the hose on.

"That's OK then. Can I do the honours with the hose ?" Johnny asked "Save a bit of time doing you both together."

"Sure, thanks ....." Chris said as he handed the hose over and stepped away.

The water felt real cold but Johnny was quick and efficient at washing the mud off, albeit a bit merciless in where he pointed the jet of water in doing so ............... what do they call out at Wimbledon ? "New balls, please!"

Wet Vids

Posted by Camilo Martinez on April 23, 2016 at 21:28:30

I love getting wet fully clothed anyway. Close home I go to a public pool when is closed. The owner is a friend of mine, so I can jump fully clothed and do videos. The place is close and without the owner, so I call him and ask if I can use it and enjoy it. Last days I have gone at least four times. If you want to see the vids look for "wetcamilin1" on youtube.

Re: Saturday mud

Posted by Trn on April 23, 2016 at 22:38:18

In Reply to: Saturday mud posted by Jamie (and Chris) on April 23, 2016 at 21:26:13:

Fantastic. You really have try the trackies and Hoodies again. I am sure it will be great. Thanks for sharing

Re: Bad news/good news

Posted by wetboy200 on April 23, 2016 at 23:29:31

In Reply to: Re: Bad news/good news posted by Jamie and Chris on April 15, 2016 at 10:32:20:

i agree i love getting wet and muddy in my clothes usually always with my shoes and socks on. or sometimes with just my shoes w/o socks or sometimes socks w/o shoes but never bare foot.

Saturday mud

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on April 24, 2016 at 09:02:46

Agreed about tee and jeans alone being best for getting wet, but prefer the look of a dark tee as it shines nicely when wet whilst also showing off the body underneath. I always feel that, from a visual point of view, you might just as well wear nothing as a wet transparent white tee, as the effect is pretty much the same. I do like the look of a white shirt when wet as the fabric is usually thicker and not so transparent.Bright and sunny this morning so got up early and went out in the woods with Chris for some exercise. We thought we'd just skip showering and shaving until we got back as we'd undoubtedly get wet and muddy anyway !

I pulled on my favourite old 501s and a grey sweatshirt, both still wet from a swim on friday evening, along with boxers and socks that were just damp and soggy trainers, which should really be in the bin as they are falling apart. Chris was wearing blue cargoes and a maroon sweatshirt, both also wet from our swim, but he didn't bother with underwear or socks, just pulling on some blue canvas shoes.

We were due for a session with Johnny at 9am so knew we had to be back and ready for then, so decided to head straight for the ride at the far end of the woods. I tried jogging along for a bit but it was just too uncomfortable, so Chris ran ahead and I just followed on at my own pace.

As I approached the ride I could hear Chris splashing around but was not expecting him to be quite so muddy, I called out to him and he turned to face me, he was covered from his feet to his chest, not a square inch was uncovered in thick mud, his shoulders and face were splattered and there small clumps of mud in his hair.

"I fell over !" he called "Tripped on something and once down decided to roll around for a bit - chilly, but feels great ......"

I splashed up to where he was standing and wiped a handful of mud off his arm and then mashed it into his hair before smearing it down his face. He laughed and did the same to me, before wiping more mud off his clothes and smearing it over my sweatshirt and then my jeans. I stepped away and he started kicking the mud so that it splashed over me and pretty soon I was getting really muddy, feeling the muddy wetness soaking through my sweatshirt against my chest and stomach and through my jeans across my grion and down my thighs. It didn't take long before I was as muddy as Chris. We were both laughing so much and both of us could see how obviously we were enjoying it, myself even more so when Chris started pushing handfuls of sloppy mud down the neck of my sweatshirt and the front of my jeans, I tried to retaliate but suddenly found myself sitting down in the mud when I lost my balance. The mud was almost deep enough to cover my legs completely, so I lay back and rolled onto my front very slowly enjoying the feeling of getting really soaked as it seeped under my sweatshirt and inside my jeans.

Chris lay down in the mud in front of me, on his front, and we rested on our elbows watching each other enjoying the mud. Chris's cargoes were stuck to his legs and backside like a second skin, brown and shiny, with a gleam that just emphasised the smooth contours of his buttocks and the back of his thighs. Chris started rocking back and forth and I started feeling the need to do the same. Eventually, business taken care of, we both stood up and started the walk back to the house, dripping mud as we walked.

We had just arrived back at the garage yard when Johnny drove in as we were getting the hose out to clean up.

"What happened to you two - accident or a bit of fun ?" Johnny laughed.

"Fun definitely !" Chris replied as he turned the hose on.

"That's OK then. Can I do the honours with the hose ?" Johnny asked "Save a bit of time doing you both together."

"Sure, thanks ....." Chris said as he handed the hose over and stepped away.

The water felt real cold but Johnny was quick and efficient at washing the mud off, albeit a bit merciless in where he pointed the jet of water in doing so ............... what do they call out at Wimbledon ? "New balls, please!"

Sunday after a party

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 24, 2016 at 15:24:05

Last night, Saturday, we went to Martin's 18th birthday party. I volunteered to drive as Jamie drove to the last friend's 18th we went to, so was careful to stick to soft drinks apart from a sip of champagne for the appropriate toast. Jamie however was not so abstemious and it took some effort to get him home and into his bed at 3am !

I was woken by uncle Dan at about 9am asking me to give him a hand getting Jamie up and about.

"He's hugely hung-over - what was he drinking last night ?" uncle Dan asked as I got out of bed and pulled on some jeans.

"Mostly soft drinks from what I saw, he had a glass of champagne for the toast, and I saw him with a beer in his hand a couple of times." I replied "By the time we left he was hardly able to walk, I had a real job getting him home - hope we didn't disturb you too much."

"Could someone have spiked his drinks ?" uncle Dan asked "He can usually cope with a couple of beers, can't he ? He's obviously had far more than that."

"It's possible, I suppose, there were a few people there that we didn't know, not from school, you know. Jamie was sitting down most of the time, just chatting with people, whilst I was in and out to the disco tent fairly regularly, so I wasn't with him all the time."

"I wouldn't have expected you to be with him any more than with your other friends, getting drunk might teach him a lesson - we've all been there, believe me."

When we got to Jamie's room he was sprawled on his bed, for some reason he had pulled on his jeans again but had failed to button the fly, leaving his red paisley pattern boxers rucked up around the loose belt. I had left him in his boxers and the tee he had been wearing under his shirt, but that had disappeared somewhere. He was groaning and had his eyes screwed tight shut.

"Help me get him to his feet, I think a short walk to the shower and a spell under some cold water might sort him out." uncle Dan suggested.

We took an arm each and hauled him to his feet, put his arms over our shoulders and started to walk him to bathroom, he groaned and tried to walk but we ended up dragging him really. Just as we got to the shower he belched mightily, groaned aloud and projectile vomitted across the tiled walls of the shower.

"Oh God ! Hold him steady, Chris, whilst I wash that away. Actually that might be a good thing ..... believe it or not !"

"Should we undress him ?" I asked.

"Don't bother, he'll fall over if we try, just button the waistband so they don't fall around his ankles, it won't be the first time they've been in the shower, I'm sure ....."

We turned Jamie around and leant him against the shower wall. As uncle Dan stepped back from the shower, I reached in and turned the shower head towards Jamie and switched the water full on cold.

Jamie swayed as the water soaked him so I stepped in and held him steady, he tried to walk out of the shower but I pushed him back under the water, getting wet myself.

"Just keep him there until he starts getting coherant - sorry you're getting wet too ...." uncle Dan said.

"That's OK - used to it !" I replied at which point Jamie promptly threw-up again all over me. "Looks like I need a shower now anyway ......."

"Sorry ........ Sorry ......." Jamie muttered "I feel OK now ...... can we get out of the cold now. I'm bloody freezing."

I turned the water to hot until the shower cubicle and I were clean and then uncle Dan handed us towels. Jamie suddenly seemed fine, he was steady on his feet and had some colour returning to his face.

"I'll see you at breakfast in a bit. You OK now, son ?" uncle Dan asked.

"I've felt better ........ but throwing-up helped I think, don't feel queasy now ..... just very wet !" Jamie grinned.

"Bacon and eggs for breakfast ?"

"Ooooooh nooooo !" Jamie groaned "Not for me !"

"I will please !" I said.

We dried off and dressed in swimshorts and tees and went for breakfast. Jamie was looking better by the minute and by the time we sat down with everyone else for breakfast he was almost back to normal. We tried to work out what he had been drinking but all he could say was that he'd only had a couple of tins of beer, a glass of champagne and lots of fruit juice.

We spent the morning lazing around the pool and just before lunch there was a knock at the door and Martin and his younger cousin came in with Martin's dad. It turned out that they had come to apologise. Marty's cousin had taken a couple of bottles of vodka from the drink's cupboard and had laced some of the fruit juices with it. Jamie wasn't the only one to suffer as a couple of other worried parents had phoned to say their teens were sick and were worried it might be food poisoning. Marty had found out it was his cousin and insisted he come and apologise. His cousin swore that it was only vodka he had used and not any additional substances. He was very apologetic, but Marty said he thought he was just sorry he'd been forced to admit it under pressure.

We will the afternoon in the pool with Tom and our dads. Jamie now swears he'll never drink alcohol again - bit extreme I thought - and I don't suppose that resolution will last !

Can't say that getting wet and having Jamie vomit all over me was the best way to enjoy wet clothes, but I think we might be more aware about what we drink in future.

Re: Wet Vids

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on April 24, 2016 at 19:30:28

In Reply to: Wet Vids posted by Camilo Martinez on April 23, 2016 at 21:28:30:

Nice wet vids, great stuff. Thanks.

Re: Sunday after a party

Posted by Jamie on April 24, 2016 at 20:30:37

In Reply to: Sunday after a party posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 24, 2016 at 15:24:05:

You should have seen the look on Chris's face when I vomited all over him ..... it was rather gross, I admit, so all I can say is that I am sorry and "lessons have been learned", isn't that the right thing to say theses days ?

I have never felt so ill, so am in no rush to repeat the experience ! We did hear some funny stories from my dad and uncle Greg about their first times getting drunk, which sort of made it OK. We've spent all day in and around the pool, sssooooo relaxing.

Re: Sunday after a party

Posted by wetchas on April 25, 2016 at 10:02:54

In Reply to: Re: Sunday after a party posted by Jamie on April 24, 2016 at 20:30:37:

Been there, done that. Got drunk that is, not puked up over my cousin. Unlike yourselves though, it really was my one and only time. Vowed I would never drink again, and stuck to it. I was 18 then, but am considerably older now.
Like the car crash a while back, it's all part of growing up, and life's rich tapestry. At least you had an excuse, with the spiked fruit punch.
Cheers for now. Charlie.

Re: Sunday after a party

Posted by Jamie on April 25, 2016 at 17:50:20

In Reply to: Re: Sunday after a party posted by wetchas on April 25, 2016 at 10:02:54:

Should I take offence at your assumption with "unlike yourselves, it was my one and only time" ? No, I'll forgive you that ...... ha, ha .....

I've never got drunk before (felt a bit light-headed before, I'll admit) but never felt like this one and hope never too again. I have seen seen Chris get drunk. I owe him one after throwing-up all over him, though, but he was very understanding. In the evening, after supper, our dads sat us down with a range of small measures of spirits mixed with various juices, as well as their more traditional mixers (eg gin and tonic, whiskey and ginger, rum and coke etc etc) in an effort to make us realise what the taste of a spiked drink might be like. I enjoyed the gin and tonic but not the others, but I might have a fighting chance of recognising a spiked drink in future.

My parents have always been fairly liberal about me drinking - watered wine for lunch, sipping beer and spirits occasionally and so on - so I have always been aware of alcohol and its dangers and don't really enjoy it apart from the odd beer. Tried a cigarette once (quick puff with a mate when 14 years old) but hated it and have never been tempted to even try since.


Posted by Rick on April 25, 2016 at 19:36:19

When you get out of the pool or lake or whatever do you pull the clinging shirt and pants away from your body or do you let it stay clinging. I love the clinging feeling so I just let it be. I also love getting getting wet in shirts that are non cotton that are fitted like under armour or Nike pro. I love them clinging and wet

Re: Question

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 26, 2016 at 17:22:48

In Reply to: Question posted by Rick on April 25, 2016 at 19:36:19:

Good question ! I like the feel of loose clothes that cling when wet, but in mixed company in swimshorts I have to admit that I tend to pull shorts away but not tops. Jeans, I tend not to bother as they normally don't cling quite so tightly. I don't have the confidence of my cousin Jamie who never pulls his clinging clothes away from his body (he claims that with a body like his, he is giving everyone else a treat ! Not everyone agrees with his assertion .........). On the otherhand my dad always pulls his clothes away as he claims that he does not want to cause envy ............... he wishes !!

Re: Sunday after a party

Posted by wetjumper on April 26, 2016 at 17:34:31

In Reply to: Re: Sunday after a party posted by Jamie on April 25, 2016 at 17:50:20:

When I started reading this thread I thought "Oh dear..." (that's a polite version) - but it seems you recovered quickly. Relaxing in the pool will have helped, after that drastic remedy of being held under a cold shower! Not the best of wet clothes experiences (for you or Chris)!

Your parents' policy is very sensible. I also like the idea of learning to taste the presence of alcohol in a supposedly soft drink. Clearly there were several other partygoers unaware that the fruit juice had had a lot of vodka added.

I hope this experience hasn't completely put you off the idea of moderate, responsible, social drinking, and that it hasn't spoilt your own birthday celebrations (which have either just happened or must be imminent). You didn't knowingly overindulge.

I should declare an interest: I'm a member of CAMRA and I help out at an annual beer festival, where thousands of people enjoy sampling a wide range of distinctive beers, ciders and perries without getting drunk (usually). No spirits are sold or allowed to be brought in, so the soft drinks should be safe.

About 25 years ago I once unwisely overindulged at a New Year's Eve party at work when I was on duty the next morning - I somehow made it in on time (apparently looking pale and greenish), but I soon had to dash out of the team briefing to avoid throwing up over my head of department! Some of the blame rests with the night shift engineers sharing a bottle of port with colleagues at the end of the party - but more fool me for joining in. After that I had a better idea of my limits.

I agree with you about cigarettes and smoking. My parents didn't smoke (my dad had asthma) and didn't drink much. A student friend once urged me to try smoking something (ahem) and I had a coughing fit which went on for several minutes. Very embarrassing! So, er, I don't do that. I've never liked tobacco smoke, on its own or otherwise.

Anyway, thanks for reporting this latest intense episode in your eventful and fascinating life. But as for "You should have seen the look on Chris's face when I vomited all over him", I think my mental image is more than enough, thank you!

I'll raise a glass to you. A small one, just to get a bit wet on the inside. As I was writing this the weather here (north Cheshire) became a cold and nasty "wintry shower". The garden has been muddy for months, but I could do with some WARM rain...

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Sunday after a party

Posted by Jamie on April 26, 2016 at 20:16:59

In Reply to: Re: Sunday after a party posted by wetjumper on April 26, 2016 at 17:34:31:

Agree with you about doing with some warm rain, it has got quite chilly here recent days.

None of our family smoke, my grandpa did, quite heavily apparently, but broke an ankle playing soccer at 24 years old and was told (obviously) that he could not smoke in hospital, so gave up and never smoked again: that's willpower ! A guy at school was caught smoking something other than tobacco last year, stupid as it resulted in instant expulsion. I have never been tempted.

I quite enjoy a light beer (not Guinness - yuck !) and a glass of wine with food sometimes, but don't enjoy spirits - even less now. My mum was bought up as a teenager with a French au-pair and was introduced to wine by watering it down as the French families do, it seems the sensible thing to do.

Hope the weather gets better soon in your neck of the woods so that you can enjoy water and mud comfortably, spring seems late this year.

Wet cycle ride.

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 27, 2016 at 16:33:25

Cycled to school today as it was a lovely sunny day this morning. Didn't have any bulky stuff to take so thought it would be a good idea after using the car for the end of last term and this last week or so. Big mistake. It is pouring with rain this afternoon from about 3pm. Got absolutely drenched coming home, completely soaked through, it was raining so hard it was bouncing off the road and difficult to see very far. Jamie has not cycled since the accident so was a bit slow, which didn't help, so within a few hundred yards we knew we were in for a good soaking - it felt great.

Jamie was wearing blue chinos, blue and white striped formal shirt, dark blue canvas shoes. I was in tan chinos, pale lemon shirt, brown deck shoes. We got home and dived straight in the pool to warm up, great fun, and are now sitting drip drying by the pool as I write this. Nice end to the school day. Everyone else seems to be out apart from Tom who is working on the finishing touches to his flat and is going to join when he finishes painting doors and skirtings.

Re: Wet cycle ride.

Posted by Jamie on April 27, 2016 at 16:36:35

In Reply to: Wet cycle ride. posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 27, 2016 at 16:33:25:

Nothing so nice as a lovely unexpected soaking whilst fully clothed !

Re: Wet cycle ride.

Posted by wetchas. on April 28, 2016 at 08:52:01

In Reply to: Re: Wet cycle ride. posted by Jamie on April 27, 2016 at 16:36:35:

Quite agree, especially in nice clothes like you two were wearing. I know it doesn't matter to you (lucky lads) but for myself, especially when I was around your age, it would have been good to have a legitimate excuse.
I expect it feels great Jamie, to be able to do all the things you used to do, swim, ride a bike, wallow in mud, puke up on your cousin ( I'm not going to let you forget that, I don't expect Chris will either). Seriously, great to hear that all is well.
Bank holiday coming up, any plans?
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Wet cycle ride.

Posted by Jamie on April 28, 2016 at 09:40:52

In Reply to: Re: Wet cycle ride. posted by wetchas. on April 28, 2016 at 08:52:01:

It was quite chilly by the time we got home, but still felt good. We got a couple of toots of appreciation and thumbs-up from passing motorists as we rode home ! Jumping it the warm pool water felt great.

Chris has been making gagging sounds everytime I approach him - its not funny any more .........

We are hosting a joint x 3 birthday party on Sunday for me (actual birthday next week), Harry (two weeks time) and Sue (yesterday) so will be busy Saturday getting the pool area ready. A friend of Tom's is doing a disco and one of mum's friends is doing the catering for an adult supper in our joint hallway (the other end of the house from the pool) whilst we enjoy a BBQ run by her son. I think we have about 80 people for our bash, and its fancy dress - cowboys and cowgirls, I'm going as the Sheriff ! Should be fun.

Studying at home this morning as I have to go to the clinic later and then physio with Johnny again this afternoon.

Re: Wet cycle ride.

Posted by wetchas on April 28, 2016 at 12:41:17

In Reply to: Re: Wet cycle ride. posted by Jamie on April 28, 2016 at 09:40:52:

Thanks for the reply. Hope everything goes, or has gone OK.
Bet you are looking forward to the party. Are the fancy dress outfits going to be worn in the pool? A recipe for plenty of wet jeans if they are.
Cheers for now. Charlie.

Re: Wet cycle ride.

Posted by Jamie on April 28, 2016 at 12:56:14

In Reply to: Re: Wet cycle ride. posted by wetchas on April 28, 2016 at 12:41:17:

Thanks, going to clinic to see about skin grafts for the more obvious damage to my leg and to my shoulder and side of head/ear where I was dragged along the ground.

Party should be fun and knowing our friends they will be getting wet if the chance arises (100% chance of that happening, I guess) so there will be plenty of nice shiny wet jeans to be sure. Everyone has certainly been told they will get very wet. I should have said the party was for four of us as it includes Chris as well of course whose birthday was a month ago.

Re: Wet cycle ride.

Posted by LevilovR on April 28, 2016 at 13:51:43

In Reply to: Re: Wet cycle ride. posted by Jamie on April 28, 2016 at 09:40:52:

Love the cowboy theme. Can just imagine all those boots, hats and jeans in the pool. Will be anxious to hear about it.

Re: Wet cycle ride.

Posted by Cousin Tom on April 28, 2016 at 14:00:19

In Reply to: Wet cycle ride. posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 27, 2016 at 16:33:25:

I've been reading this forum for a while and enjoyed my cousins' (Jamie and Chris) posts about their fun getting wet and muddy, along with myself on occasion, and thought I would say that after reading this post I just had to write and say how hot they both looked as they cycled into the garage yard at home, neither of them will say it themselves, but they are both fit and good-looking young guys who are a real turn on for someone like me - a slightly insecure gay 20 year old.

Jamie looked amazing in his blue chinos and striped shirt. Both of them wear slim-fit Gap chinos and although they don't cling like looser clothing, they show up any bulges nicely and, believe me, these two bulge nicely. I was painting the balcony doors in my flat when I heard them laughing and joking as they arrived home, and watched them from the windows as they dismounted and put the bikes away in the pouring rain, they were completely soaked through and their trousers were really shiny wet and shirts clinging and semi-transparent, Jamie in particular looked very happy to be wet. He's been through a tough time recently and in a lot of pain and discomfort (not that he would admit that) so it is great to see him so happy and back to normal again (well, as normal as Jamie ever gets !). In fact they both looked so good I had to stop painting and go and attend to more urgent matters. After finishing the doors I joined them in the pool in my overalls, which was fun, and then in a nice hot shower as we changed into dry clothes. They do know I'm gay but I do nothing to offend them - that can be hard work - and they seem OK with me being so.

Re: Wet cycle ride.

Posted by Cousin Tom on April 28, 2016 at 17:06:14

In Reply to: Re: Wet cycle ride. posted by wetchas on April 28, 2016 at 14:52:08:

Yes the overalls are a really heavyweight cotton twill that was slightly water-repellant when new, but they have been in the wash so often that that has almost disappeared, now they just get very heavy with water and feel great. For work I normally wear them with a tee and boxers when working indoors, but at home and doing up the flat, I don't bother and just go commando. Paint does not turn me on, although I did have a bucket of watered-down emulsion poured over me once soon after I started working for dad permanently, as a sort of initiation, and was then stripped to my boxers and painted all over, and I mean all over - everywhere a brush could be poked. Hell of a job getting clean afterwards. Seeing C & J getting wet does not often get me going (strangers getting wet always does) but seeing them this time just acting normally whilst totally drenched and looking so hot was a real treat. Sitting by the pool now and watching Jamie, wearing only his sodden jeans, climbing up to the diving board is simply a nice view and not really a turn on ......... oh no, spoke too soon !

Re: Wet cycle ride.

Posted by Jamie on April 28, 2016 at 19:54:47

In Reply to: Re: Wet cycle ride. posted by Cousin Tom on April 28, 2016 at 14:00:19:

Tom is too kind about us. He's pretty cool himself and were I gay, I'd definitely fancy him - particularly after seeing him in his wet overalls, heavy, wet, shiny, fabric that draped and hung just right to show off his body. Him being gay is of no real matter, he's a lovely funny guy who has been around all my life so why should it matter ? - he's still the same cousin I've always known.

Re: Wet cycle ride.

Posted by Jamie on April 28, 2016 at 20:50:46

In Reply to: Re: Wet cycle ride. posted by LevilovR on April 28, 2016 at 13:51:43:

Not too sure there will be many sets of boots or hats, but am sure there will be lots of denim jeans and shirts getting wet. Several guys at school have joked about coming as native Americans, so that might be fun. Mike suggested he and Simon might come as a cow or buffalo ! Will defo let you all know what happens.

When is SunSexSea coming back?

Posted by WetAndMuddyFun on April 29, 2016 at 04:54:28

When will SunSexSea be back up?

a way of getting some into the pool

Posted by Zonie on April 29, 2016 at 07:29:41

In Reply to: Re: Wet cycle ride. posted by Jamie on April 28, 2016 at 20:50:46:

There has been a prop at establishments with this theme in North America that has a way of throwing people in different directions (and one of those directions might be into the pool in your case). That prop is known as the "mechanical bull." It doesn't look like a real bull, and in my youth I mistakenly called it the "seasickness machine," but the level of difficulty can be altered and some of those thrown might end up in the water. Of course there have to be padded mats to prevent injury to those thrown on the floor. I don't know if they are even available in the UK, though.

Re: a way of getting some into the pool

Posted by Cousin Tom on April 29, 2016 at 14:38:12

In Reply to: Re: a way of getting some into the pool posted by LevilovR on April 29, 2016 at 11:09:15:

Some great ideas there, thanks very much, the boys' dads and I have some ideas about what to do, they will be banned from the pool area on saturday as we set it up. Watch this space. I think there might be some Red Indians (can I say that ?) in attendance and it may be that they win for a change ! Whatever happens Jamie and Chris will most definitely (along with the other celebrants) spend the entire evening soaking wet, either in the pool or getting a good soaking in some other way. We will keep you all informed, including any embarrassing bits, as soon after the event as we can.

Re: When is SunSexSea coming back?

Posted by Jamie and Chris on April 29, 2016 at 14:41:04

In Reply to: When is SunSexSea coming back? posted by WetAndMuddyFun on April 29, 2016 at 04:54:28:

Please bring it back soon as it would be fun to write some more unexpurgated versions of our adventures.

Re: When is SunSexSea coming back?

Posted by Douglas on April 30, 2016 at 09:19:07

In Reply to: Re: When is SunSexSea coming back? posted by Jamie and Chris on April 29, 2016 at 14:41:04:

Unexpurgated version?! Wow I'm looking forward to it :D

Mud after school

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on April 30, 2016 at 15:04:38

Yesterday was an unusually horrid day at school, for no particular reason except Fridays include all my least favourite lessons. On the way home Jamie suggested we relax by getting very muddy as soon as possible and having a bit of fun splashing around as we wouldn't have the chance today (Saturday) as we are banned from the pool area whilst our dads and Tom get it ready for Sundays party. We changed into our favourite old jeans and sweatshirts and headed for the muddy ride. Jamie strode right into the mud without any hesitation, sinking almost up to his thighs, and then splashed down full length turning onto his back as he did so. The soft wet mud washed back over him as he sank until just his head and shoulders were still visible. After his visit to the doc on Thursday, where they shaved the side of his head to assess what skingrafts and surgery he needs, he went to the barber and had the rest of his head shaved, so looks very different. But getting mud covered revealed one advantage - no trouble with washing or styling hair ! I got into the mud more slowly as I like the feel of it soaking through my jeans and seeping inside as I sink in, and I could see Jamie was enjoying watching as I sank a bit, then stood up and then sank a bit more - it was getting me going a bit as well - so after we were both covered and had taken some time to relax a bit we wrestled each other into some more of the mud getting even more covered until we got breathless and just collapsed into the wettest bit where we rubbed the mud into each others clothes and then watched as we stood up in turn whilst the mud poured off us. Walking back to the house in mud soaked heavy jeans and tops got us both going again, so a cold water hosing down felt great before a hot shower and some clean dry clothes.

Re: When is SunSexSea coming back?

Posted by Wetes on April 30, 2016 at 23:47:02

In Reply to: Re: When is SunSexSea coming back? posted by Jamie and Chris on April 29, 2016 at 14:41:04:

Indeed! Bring sunsexsea back!
There were some great stories there. Since it went down, I've been trying to find something like it, with no success.
sunsexsea was unique. It had the right amount of erotism.
Will it ever be back?

Party weekend

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on May 04, 2016 at 09:37:41

Sorry this is a bit long - got carried away by the writing muse as I recovered from Sunday's party.

We had intended spending Saturday readying the pool area for Sunday's birthday party but were banished by our dads who wanted it to be a surprise. They had roped in Tom and uncle Danny to help, so as we were looking for something to do we volunteered to help get the entrance hall ready for the adults' supper. Our parents bought a huge dining table at auction when we moved in that will seat 36 or 40 (depending on how squashed you can tolerate and still eat), but we've never had occasion to use it fully yet. It took ages to lay the table as our mums wanted as they insisted we measure each setting out with a ruler ! Over the top or what ? I think she has delusions of grandeur ........ Must admit it looked good when done, though. By the time we had done that it was lunchtime.

As we were banned from the pool area and thus the adjoining showers, we couldn't even go out and get wet and muddy so spent the rest of the day playing computer games and watching telly. Just as we were sitting down to supper, the door bell rang and Jamie's mum asked him to answer it whilst she served up, and Jamie came back grinning from ear to ear and pushing his brother Will along in front of him. Seems his mum had known he was coming back for the weekend but had kept it secret from Jamie, so that was a nice surprise.

On Sunday we slept in for a bit and had a late breakfast on our own with Will as our parents had got up early to sort out the finishing touches for the party. There was nothing else we were allowed to do for the party so we rang a few mates and went with Will for a kick-around in the park - a gentle one for Jamie as he is banned from playing any contact sports at the moment, but as it is his left leg that was broken he can still kick a ball nicely. We all went to a cafe in town for a snack lunch (it is run by Simon's aunt, so we are always welcome) and then went home slowly as the group broke up and went their own ways.

The party was due to start at about 7pm so people started arriving after 6pm, as it was not cold and the sun was still out, everyone gathered at the front of the house and mingled with a drink in hand until we were all there and uncle Dan made a short welcome speech. After that all the adults went into the main hallway and Tom ushered all the teens towards the pool area.

It had been transformed. They had put a Wild West style long saloon bar across the house-end of the room, a BBQ just outside the doors into the garden, small tables and chairs dotted around, a selection of inflatable cacti at the diving board end and painted sheets depicting Monument Valley and a wild west street scene on the other walls. They had also erected a set of monkey bars across the pool made of scaffolding poles and a ladder. Along the length of the pool were a series of floating mats connected by ropes in a straight line, a sort of walk-way I guessed. Intrigueing.

Tom told everyone where the changing rooms for boys and girls were located (girls in his unfurnished flat, boys in the usual shower room) and everyone dumped their dry clothes (if they had bought them) before starting to inspect what had been set up. Tom's DJ mate had set up on the balcony of Tom's flat overlooking the pool and another couple of mates were manning the bar (restricted to soft drinks, beers and cider).

The first person to get wet was Sue's younger brother, Archie, who was dared to try the monkey bars. He got about half-way across before falling in, along with much cheering and laughter. He's a 16 year old tall, skinny kid who tries a bit too hard to look "cool" and was wearing pale-blue skinny fit jeans and a dark blue denim shirt that looked a bit too slim-fit (double-denim - not a good look really !) but he did look a bit cooler as he clambered out of the water dripping wet - ha ha ! After that several of our self-appointed most-macho school mates decide they could do it easily; five tried - four failed ........ so much for showing off in front of the girls ! Then one of the girls tried and made it all the way across, prompting Jamie to give it a go. He got two-thirds of the way across before coming to a halt with about 8ft to go, I could see his arms shaking as he hung there, everyone was cheering him on, he tried really hard to get going again but couldn't do it. Eventually he managed to swing back a bit and let go, landing on one of the floating mats running the length of the pool, he managed to keep his balance and then tried to run along the mats to the end but fell at the last but one and splashed into the pool. He was laughing as he swam to the side and waded out of the pool up the steps.

Now that Jamie was soaked, his brother Will challenged me to a timed run along the floating mats. The pool is 50ft long and there were seven mats (pads really as they were about 4ft square) so it didn't look too difficult. Will went first and made it all the way, just getting his feet wet (well he is used to being on a moving deck !) I got almost all the way - well, just over halfway to be honest - before my feet slipped on the wet surface of a mat and I fell gracefully sideways into the pool. Damn. So, we were both soaking wet now. It felt great.

(To be continued)

Party weekend

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on May 04, 2016 at 12:05:06

Sorry this is a bit long - got carried away by the writing muse as I recovered from Sunday's party.

We had intended spending Saturday readying the pool area for Sunday's birthday party but were banished by our dads who wanted it to be a surprise. They had roped in Tom and uncle Danny to help, so as we were looking for something to do we volunteered to help get the entrance hall ready for the adults' supper. Our parents bought a huge dining table at auction when we moved in that will seat 36 or 40 (depending on how squashed you can tolerate and still eat), but we've never had occasion to use it fully yet. It took ages to lay the table as our mums wanted as they insisted we measure each setting out with a ruler ! Over the top or what ? I think she has delusions of grandeur ........ Must admit it looked good when done, though. By the time we had done that it was lunchtime.

As we were banned from the pool area and thus the adjoining showers, we couldn't even go out and get wet and muddy so spent the rest of the day playing computer games and watching telly. Just as we were sitting down to supper, the door bell rang and Jamie's mum asked him to answer it whilst she served up, and Jamie came back grinning from ear to ear and pushing his brother Will along in front of him. Seems his mum had known he was coming back for the weekend but had kept it secret from Jamie, so that was a nice surprise.

On Sunday we slept in for a bit and had a late breakfast on our own with Will as our parents had got up early to sort out the finishing touches for the party. There was nothing else we were allowed to do for the party so we rang a few mates and went with Will for a kick-around in the park - a gentle one for Jamie as he is banned from playing any contact sports at the moment, but as it is his left leg that was broken he can still kick a ball nicely. We all went to a cafe in town for a snack lunch (it is run by Simon's aunt, so we are always welcome) and then went home slowly as the group broke up and went their own ways.

The party was due to start at about 7pm so people started arriving after 6pm, as it was not cold and the sun was still out, everyone gathered at the front of the house and mingled with a drink in hand until we were all there and uncle Dan made a short welcome speech. After that all the adults went into the main hallway and Tom ushered all the teens towards the pool area.

It had been transformed. They had put a Wild West style long saloon bar across the house-end of the room, a BBQ just outside the doors into the garden, small tables and chairs dotted around, a selection of inflatable cacti at the diving board end and painted sheets depicting Monument Valley and a wild west street scene on the other walls. They had also erected a set of monkey bars across the pool made of scaffolding poles and a ladder. Along the length of the pool were a series of floating mats connected by ropes in a straight line, a sort of walk-way I guessed. Intrigueing.

Tom told everyone where the changing rooms for boys and girls were located (girls in his unfurnished flat, boys in the usual shower room) and everyone dumped their dry clothes (if they had bought them) before starting to inspect what had been set up. Tom's DJ mate had set up on the balcony of Tom's flat overlooking the pool and another couple of mates were manning the bar (restricted to soft drinks, beers and cider).

The first person to get wet was Sue's younger brother, Archie, who was dared to try the monkey bars. He got about half-way across before falling in, along with much cheering and laughter. He's a 16 year old tall, skinny kid who tries a bit too hard to look "cool" and was wearing pale-blue skinny fit jeans and a dark blue denim shirt that looked a bit too slim-fit (double-denim - not a good look really !) but he did look a bit cooler as he clambered out of the water dripping wet - ha ha ! After that several of our self-appointed most-macho school mates decide they could do it easily; five tried - four failed ........ so much for showing off in front of the girls ! Then one of the girls tried and made it all the way across, prompting Jamie to give it a go. He got two-thirds of the way across before coming to a halt with about 8ft to go, I could see his arms shaking as he hung there, everyone was cheering him on, he tried really hard to get going again but couldn't do it. Eventually he managed to swing back a bit and let go, landing on one of the floating mats running the length of the pool, he managed to keep his balance and then tried to run along the mats to the end but fell at the last but one and splashed into the pool. He was laughing as he swam to the side and waded out of the pool up the steps.

Now that Jamie was soaked, his brother Will challenged me to a timed run along the floating mats. The pool is 50ft long and there were seven mats (pads really as they were about 4ft square) so it didn't look too difficult. Will went first and made it all the way, just getting his feet wet (well he is used to being on a moving deck !) I got almost all the way - well, just over halfway to be honest - before my feet slipped on the wet surface of a mat and I fell gracefully sideways into the pool. Damn. So, we were both soaking wet now. It felt great.

(To be continued)

Re: Party weekend

Posted by wetchas on May 04, 2016 at 13:06:16

In Reply to: Party weekend posted by Chris (and Jamie) on May 04, 2016 at 12:05:06:

Thanks for posting the same thing twice. Got me really excited when I saw there was a second part. What a let down to go find it was the same bit I had already read. Easily done though, only joking.
Sounds like it was a great party. Thanks for posting so far.
Cheers. Charlie.

Party weekend - part 2

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on May 05, 2016 at 16:06:14

After Jamie and me had both got wet, it seemed to open the floodgates (pardon the pun) for most other people to either jump straight into the pool or have a go on the monkey bars or the floating-pad walkway. A few of the girls made it all the way along the floating-pads and only got their feet wet - maybe easier if you are lighter as the pads don't sink or move around so much - but hardly anyone made it all way (25ft across the pool) on the monkey bars which was fun to watch.

An hour or so into the party and there were plenty of people in wet jeans, shirts, skirts, blouses and so on. Friends Mike, Alistair, Gareth, Paul, Simon and Mark had all dressed as a band of Red Indians with feathered headbands, ankle-bands, arm-bands and loin cloths and had been brave enough to let Mike's sister give them all a spray-tan ! (They wore rather skimpy yellow swim trunks underneath, thank goodness - wouldn't want to frighten the girls off). Very daring and revealing when they got wet as well, ha ha.

Before we ate, Tom announced that he had organised a little bit of entertainment for everyone, and asked the four of us (Jamie, Sue, Harry and me) to join him and take our seats below the balcony of his flat.

He said he had organised a quiz with rewards for the right answers and penalties for the wrong ones. Jamie was the first to be asked a question.

"What colour are tomatoes ?"

"Red, of course." Jamie answered and almost immediately was hit by a torrent of red, lumpy sauce from above.

"But I got that right !" Jamie spluttered.

"Yeah, and that was your reward !" Tom laughed "You don't want to know what the penalty might have been." Jamie's head and shoulders were covered in red and it dripped off his chin into his lap.

Sue was next. "To what do the French refer in cookery terms when they say 'sauce Anglaise' ?"

"I know this, love the stuff .... it's custard." Sue replied as she looked nervously upward and got a faceful of the stuff.

It was Harry's turn next with a question about vegetables "What small green vegetable grow in a pod ?"

"That must be peas." Harry replied and was hit by a stream of mushy peas.

I was last and was asked "What do you get if you mix earth and water."

"Why do I get the feeling I'm about to get very muddy ?" I asked.

"Probably because you are." Tom laughed.

Well the question and answer session carried on like that. All Jamie's question involved the answer "red", all of Sue's involved "custard", all of Harry's were "green" and all of mine were "mud". By the end we were all completely covered in red pasta sauce or tomato ketchup, custard, mushy peas or green sauces and mud respectively. Everyone else thought it hugely amusing !! We never did discover what the penalties were going to be.

After that we went and got showered and then joined the queue for food from the BBQ. We spent the rest of the party eating, drinking, getting wet, dancing, getting thrown in the pool and generally having a great time (but not drunk this time !). It all broke-up at about 2am and everyone had gone home by 3am, some still very wet but mostly having changed into dry clothes. At that point dad produced a few bottles of champagne and the family (12 of us) all sat around the pool as we had a quiet celebratory drink as we tidied things up and some of us had a final swim and some of us were thrown in the pool, namely our dads, Will and Tom. We finally fell into bed at about 5am just as the pre-sunrise sky was lightening up.

Re: Party weekend - part 2

Posted by Zonie on May 05, 2016 at 17:48:21

In Reply to: Party weekend - part 2 posted by Chris (and Jamie) on May 05, 2016 at 16:06:14:

Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all! It really does show an important cultural difference across the pond. If an American student were to admit he attended a party at which white people impersonated indigenous nationalities complete with spray-on tans, he'd probably be expelled from school. I'm glad you English have more liberty than we and take yourselves less seriously than we on this issue.

Re: Party weekend - part 2

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on May 05, 2016 at 18:17:39

In Reply to: Re: Party weekend - part 2 posted by Zonie on May 05, 2016 at 17:48:21:

Wow ! Although I've lived in the States I have to say that that take on the party had not occured to me. I think it may have been more relevant if they had "impersonated" black people as far as the UK audience might have been concerned. I cannot image that anyone would be expelled from school here because of something done at a private party among friends, rather than among the public, which might be different.

Whatever the pros or cons of what they did, it was funny to see them so tanned suddenly. It was remarked upon by several teachers on the Tuesday afterwards, most of whom laughed and told them they were stupid !

We had a great time at the party and everyone was still talking and laughing about at school afterwards, so it must have been a hit.

Re: Party weekend - part 2

Posted by LevilovR on May 05, 2016 at 20:14:11

In Reply to: Re: Party weekend - part 2 posted by Chris (and Jamie) on May 05, 2016 at 18:17:39:

Love this whole party! Sounds like great fun! Very jealous! Just a comment on the Native American aspect. Where I live there are several sports teams who had to change their names from Redskins, Braves, Chiefs, etc. to something else that would be considered less offensive to Native American people. We have a Squaw Mountain and people wanted to change the name of that too. There has been a lot of controversyover the years, but for the most part the names have been changed. Some of my ancesters came to America on the Mayflower. The town I grew up in was originally a grant from the King of England to descendants of Mayflower passengers for eventually defeating the Indians (who were not really Indian). I also have a small amount of Native American blood as one of my great grandmothers was from one of the local tribes. There have been many issues over the years. Here in Maine there are far more Native Americans than African Americans and there have been law suits over land, money, rights etc. I find it very interesting. Most distressing was the fact that the government came in and actually took native American children right out of there parents' homes - unannounced - on the pretense of them living in poverty, being mistreated, etc. The goal was actually to integrate them into the white society and make them forget their original culture. It caused major problems. Most of the native people here are making a huge effort to preserve their old culture and ways, especially teaching children their original language, while still living in the modern world. As I said, I find it all fascinating. But there have been many instances of cruelty and maltreatment. The British of course had the same issues with the true Indian people when they colonized India. Really not very different from when they colonied America.

Re: Party weekend - part 2

Posted by wetchas. on May 06, 2016 at 09:46:54

In Reply to: Re: Party weekend - part 2 posted by LevilovR on May 05, 2016 at 20:14:11:

Wow. Different world. Our local Rugby team is called the Exeter Chiefs. The 2nd squad are known as the Braves. Still, guess being in the US you wouldn't know too much about Rugby. Good for getting muddy though.
Sounds like the party was a blast. Thanks Chris (and Jamie) for posting the 2nd part. One thought occurs to me, if Harry had answered incorrectly, who's pee do you think they would have used as the forfiet?
By the way, allegedly there's some really good weather on the way. Enjoy.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Party weekend - part 2

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on May 06, 2016 at 11:35:20

In Reply to: Re: Party weekend - part 2 posted by LevilovR on May 05, 2016 at 20:14:11:

Glad you enjoyed the post, the party was certainly good fun, particularly seeing so many people being happy to get wet fully clothed. The hardcore of our dozen or so friends were more than happy jumping and diving into the pool, but the best bit was seeing those who don't normally enjoy it having a good time as well. There were about 80 of us all told, including various brothers, sisters and cousins who don't go to our school.

I think there are many indigenous people who have suffered badly (Australian Aborigine, New Zealand Maori etc) but I'm not sure that the British Empire treated the (Asian) Indians during the days of the Raj in quite the same way, they simply took over the East India Company and turned its trading relationships into an Empire, they needed the Indian people to make it all work as there were only a very few British running things in comparison to the millions of Indians, unlike the situation in America or Australia. It is an interesting subject though, I agree.

Re: Party weekend - part 2

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on May 06, 2016 at 11:44:48

In Reply to: Re: Party weekend - part 2 posted by wetchas. on May 06, 2016 at 09:46:54:

Not sure what would have happened as a forfeit - I got the impression that Tom had not actually thought about it as he knew we would know the answers.

I would have thought that naming teams with Chief or Braves would have been seen as flattery, but I guess some (a minority) like to look for causes to be offended by however it is intended.

It's been nice and sunny here as well, forecast is for warmer over the weekend but with possible thunderstorms - a chance get wet without getting chilly !

Re: Party weekend - part 2

Posted by Zonie on May 06, 2016 at 19:54:36

In Reply to: Re: Party weekend - part 2 posted by Chris (and Jamie) on May 06, 2016 at 11:35:20:

Now that LeviLovR mentioned the situation in the Northeast, another historical incident occurs to me. Those people with the spray-on tans, they didn't dump any tea into the swimming pool, did they? :-)

Rolled Up?

Posted by LevilovR on May 12, 2016 at 12:22:12

I love jeans and all things denim, especially for getting wet. I am constantly looking for new clothing items/fashion styles to wear with jeans in and out of the water. The other night I was watching this old western on tv and all the cowboys wearing jeans had them rolled up as much as six inches or more. I know this goes back to the fact that jeans were originally only made in a few certain lengths, you bought the size closest to you, hoped they would shrink to fit, etc. To me it looks somewhat ridiculous, but I get where it comes from. Everything old is eventually new again. Of course now you buy jeans with the correct waist and inseam, but all the fashion trends seem to be to roll the jeans up at the bottom once again - just a little, maybe an inch or so. I think this certainly looks better than the big wide "cuffs" in old westerns, but I prefer my jeans uncuffed and at the correct length(I hate jeans that are too short as well). So how about you? Do you roll your jeans up or leave them straight?

A question

Posted by Red on May 14, 2016 at 21:19:05

Chris and Jamie: I have been an avid reader of all your stories and writings. And I enjoy them all. Do you both write for your audience or do you post from sincere emotions? I do not pass judgement by the question nor do condemn or confirm any style of living, am just curious. Please do not judge me unfairly for the question.

Re: Rolled Up?

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on May 15, 2016 at 13:18:02

In Reply to: Rolled Up? posted by LevilovR on May 12, 2016 at 12:22:12:

The only advantage of rolling up jeans is that they drape/hang nicely, making them feel nicer further up the body, rather than bunching up around the ankle or top of shoes.

Re: A question

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on May 15, 2016 at 15:45:39

In Reply to: A question posted by Red on May 14, 2016 at 21:19:05:

Glad you enjoy the tales of our advenntures, but I'm not too sure what you mean by the question. We both simply write about what we do, that simple, and don't change the stories to suit anyone in particular (apart from leaving out some bits to suit this forum). Now that the "other" forum is up and running we may be bold enough to post more revealing stuff on there. We don't judge anyone by what they post here or by what they might ask.

Re: A question

Posted by Red on May 15, 2016 at 18:18:36

In Reply to: Re: A question posted by Jamie (and Chris) on May 15, 2016 at 15:45:39:

That actually answers my question, well done. Thanks.

changed favorite

Posted by Rick on May 31, 2016 at 21:39:56

I think I changed my favorite pants to wear in water. I was a diehard 501 guy but I have been going in the water lately in skinny chinos lately and I love them. I just posted my latest adventure where I wore skinny white chinos at a party (with a red speedo under) but prior to that I have been wearing my rose colored skinnies a lot. I also have been swimming in a pair of khaki and green. They are tight so they feel similar on land and in the water. Sort of wearing a wet suit. I have been wearing low rise briefs underneath which feel good and shows off a nice bulge. Anyone else been experimenting with new stuff to get wet in?

Re: changed favorite

Posted by wetchas. on June 01, 2016 at 08:45:39

In Reply to: changed favorite posted by Rick on May 31, 2016 at 21:39:56:

As you probably know, I am a great sportswear lover.
At the moment I am into soaking the tighter, tapered trackies which seem to be popular now.
Like the chino's, they are nice and tight, with not to much excess material. The black ones really shine for a minute or two, and they grey ones turn nearly Jet Black. Great, I love clothing that changes colour when wet.
Cheers. Wetchas

Re: changed favorite

Posted by Jamie on June 01, 2016 at 10:54:50

In Reply to: Re: changed favorite posted by wetchas. on June 01, 2016 at 08:45:39:

Clothes that change tone when wet are my favourite - there seems little point in wearing wet clothes if you cannot see they are wet once the initial shiny wetness disappears. My favourites at the moment are some tan cargoes that I have had for a while, they are light sandy colour when dry but turn dark tobacco tan when wet. They are a nice snug fit from upper thighs upwards and looser lower down the legs and feel great when wet.

Re: changed favorite

Posted by Jamie on June 01, 2016 at 10:59:04

In Reply to: changed favorite posted by Rick on May 31, 2016 at 21:39:56:

I've gradually changed from loving 501s when they are well worn and comfy to cotton cargoes (see post below in reply to wetchas) but also am a fan of slimmer fit chinos and cotton jeans (I have a pair of grass green colour ones that turn a great deep green when wet).

Re: changed favorite

Posted by wetchas. on June 02, 2016 at 08:24:17

In Reply to: Re: changed favorite posted by Jamie on June 01, 2016 at 10:54:50:

Yep. I love that colour of chino as well. One of Dima's .models wears a pair in one of his sets of pics. Quite agree with you, what's the point of wearing wet clothes if they don't look wet.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: changed favorite

Posted by Rick on June 02, 2016 at 20:12:15

In Reply to: Re: changed favorite posted by Jamie on June 01, 2016 at 10:54:50:

I also love when they change color. My favorite is white changing to transparent. Got to be careful of what if anything is under. White and Khaki pants, white or light colored t's or shirts. Love it

Re: changed favorite

Posted by Mark (Brighton ) on June 05, 2016 at 22:39:18

In Reply to: Re: changed favorite posted by Jamie on June 01, 2016 at 10:54:50:

Me too. I love wet chinos and cargo pants for the way they darken when wet. And I like wearing cargos with full pockets sloshing.

Appleby horse fair

Posted by wetchas on June 06, 2016 at 11:27:56

Appleby horse fair took place here in the UK over the last few days. The event draws many members from the travelling community, as well as 1,000s of onlookers.
One of the best bits is the washing of the horses in the nearby river. Always some wet clothes action, and this year was no exception. Have a look on Google at some of the pics. Lovely one of a guy in a blue Adidas trackie, getting a good soaking. Some good wet jeans as well.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Jamie lookalike

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on June 06, 2016 at 12:20:40

Found a picture of a guy called Denis, on Dima's Wetlooker site, wearing dark jeans, denim jacket and graphic tee sitting back against the waterspout by the pool, with his arms outspread and completely soaked with his clothes beautifully shiny wet. This Denis is a true doppelganger for Jamie, so I bought the pictures for him and left them on his laptop, with best of them as his screensaver and desktop. Even Jamie couldn't believe it wasn't him, the only difference at the moment is Jamie's very, very short hair as it regrows.

Re: Jamie lookalike

Posted by wetchas on June 06, 2016 at 14:11:57

In Reply to: Jamie lookalike posted by Chris (and Jamie) on June 06, 2016 at 12:20:40:

Tell you what. He ain't bad looking is he. I will hold that picture in my mind now, when I read of you exploits. Now all we have to do is find a lookalike for you.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: Jamie lookalike

Posted by Chris on June 06, 2016 at 15:26:18

In Reply to: Re: Jamie lookalike posted by wetchas on June 06, 2016 at 14:11:57:

Agree with you about the model being "not bad looking" (nice smile) but I'll pass on saying I think Jamie is as good looking - don't want him getting ideas and becoming even more cocky about his looks !

Funny, Jamie has been looking to see if he can spot "me" among Dima's models too - no luck yet though ..........

Re: Appleby horse fair

Posted by Jamie on June 06, 2016 at 15:45:06

In Reply to: Appleby horse fair posted by wetchas on June 06, 2016 at 11:27:56:

Agreed. Have a look on Flickr as well, just search for Appleby Horse Fair and hundreds of pictures will come up. Some nice shots including people in wet jeans, shorts or trackies on their horses in the river.

Re: Jamie lookalike

Posted by Jamie on June 06, 2016 at 15:50:38

In Reply to: Re: Jamie lookalike posted by wetchas on June 06, 2016 at 14:11:57:

Don't believe everything Chris says, but he's right about this guy looking like me, it's uncanny ! None of Dima's guys are blonde enough to be like Chris, but image me with a shock of blonde hair and slightly fuller face and a bit broader through the shoulders and upper body, and you wouldn't be far off.

Wet Wedding Weekend

Posted by LevilovR on June 12, 2016 at 01:27:19

Just got home from attending a wedding. Left yesterday around noon - it was a 4 hour drive across the state of Maine, then across the State of New Hampshire right on the border of the state of Vermont. Arrived at the hotel and called my friends, who were at the site of the wedding, and they asked me to come join them. The wedding was at an old farm, and I am talking about really in the country here. It was like going through a time machine back 150 to 200 years. Very old farms, winding twisting roads that followed the banks of the streams and rivers. Arrived at the site, about a half hour from the hotel and helped with the preperations. The bride's father was basically in charge of getting the tents up, moving tables, prepping the grounds, setting up chairs etc. Helped put some plants around the site of the ceremony. It took quite a while and everyione had to leave to care of preperations, so I remained behind and helped my friend and then gave him a ride back to the hotel. I was hoping the entire wedding party would be at the hotel and we would gather at the pool and have a wild bash throwing everybody in - my ultimate dream. But it was not to be. The wedding was being held on the property of the groom's father. So some were staying there, some were staying other places and people were scattered. Got back to the hotel around nine pm and immediately headed for the pool - which closed at ten. Had on my usual black cowboy boots, indigo 501s (worn in the water once before, light blue long sleeve dress shirt, brand new navy pin stripe suit cot and black hat. These were the same clothes I had traveled and didn't have time to change into anything else.

Got to the pooland there were two men, one woman and some little girls. The woman and one man were both heavily tattooed. The two men were outside on the patio smoking and I talked to them briefly. Turns out the man with the tattoos and his wife were visiting from Idaho. They run a tattoo shop, and they were visiting his friend who was at the pool with him. The plan was to show his wife and daughters the ocean, which they had never seen on the following day. We went inside and the man introduced me to his wife. They were all very pleasant. The wife climbed up on the edge of the pool and sat there while we chatted for a few moments. The husband had commented on my boots, and couldn't believe the small amount of money I had paid for them. Any way, these people were very nice, and time was running out, and since I was already on the edge of the pool I just jumped in. All three adults thought it was wonderful. They laughed and cheered. We swam around together for a bit, thhe water was really warm and nice as it penetrated my clothing, and the suit coat billowed and floated around me. When I climbed out of the pooll they clapped and cheered again to see me dripping sopping wet. I went back to the far end of the pool where the secon man - no tattoos was about to dive in. He asked me if I was going in again and I said yes, and we leaped in together. Again cheers and hoots. We swam around some more and chatted some more while in the water and they all said that they thought it was pretty cool for me to jump in fully clothed and said they admired my spirit. So out one more time and back to the far end for my third and final leap while my new friends cheered me on. It was such a great feeling. Again with the bantering and chit chat as we just floated and swam around. I really hated to leave, we were having such a pleasant time, but it was getting close to closing and I wanted to drip off some before going back to my room. The room was quite far from the pool, at the opposite end of the building, so I just stood there dripping water from every thread of clothing I had on. I sat down and lifted my legs up into the air, letting the water gush out of boots and flow down the legs of my jeans. My new friends were commenting on my wet look and said I looked very dapper. All I know is that I was totally soaked, the wet clothes were sleek and shiny and clinging and the whole experience felt great. Finally, when I had dripped off the bulk of water I left the pool area, and by cutting across the patio area I was able to avoid leaving a trail of water down the hallway of one section of the hotel, entering through the door that led to the section of hotel where I was staying. Manuevered that without hazard and retired to my room where I was able to see my wet self in a full length mirror.

It actually rained today at the wedding. It was an outdoor wedding, the ceremony held in a little clearing in the woods. Rain came right before the ceremony, not a heavy downpour, just enough to make things damp and miserable. It was quite cool, so right after the ceremony everyone ran to get warm coats or change into something dry. Just wish it had been a nice warm downpour - that would have been fun to run around in the wet grass in the pouring rain. Still a very good time, despite the long drive both ways.

Re: Wet Wedding Weekend

Posted by Jamie on June 12, 2016 at 09:22:28

In Reply to: Wet Wedding Weekend posted by LevilovR on June 12, 2016 at 01:27:19:

That sounds like fun. The only weddings I've been to it's been "be on your best behaviour", "don't mess up your best clothes" and has all been rather boring !!

Re: Wet Wedding Weekend

Posted by LevilovR on June 12, 2016 at 11:35:44

In Reply to: Re: Wet Wedding Weekend posted by Jamie on June 12, 2016 at 09:22:28:

It was very interesting to see. The rain started shortly before the ceremony, which was held outdoors in a clearing in the woods. There was a winding stone path, the benchs were made from logs cut in half and there were lots of ferns and wild flowers, pluswe had strung fairy lights along the pathway and distributed some potted flowers around the site as well. Actuallt quite pretty. Grooomsmen offered to escort people under umbrellas, but most people either had their own umbrellas - or declined, like me.. It rally turned out to be quite charming - the groomsmen and bridesmaids all came down the aisle/pathway all carrying umbrellas. The bride and her father did not have an umbrella - and she was in a very lacy long white dress with veil. The groomsmen held umbrellas over the bride and groom while they repeated their vows. It was quite charming actually. The only problem was that when the storm front came through the temperature dropped and the wind picked up, which made things a bit cold. People did not get drenched, but everyone was somewhat wet and chilled, so immediately after the cerfemony guests hurried off to finds coats and warm jackets to put on. Some even changed into jeans and sweatshirts. Of course the bridal party was taking photos in the rain and when they were through and came back to the reception tent the ladies gowns and the men's tuxes were damp and wet - although not soaked. So the bridesmaids were putting hoodies and trackies on over their gowns to warm up. So much for formality. No one cared. We all had a good time. The rain lightened up and it actually got sunny and warm, then more storm fronts would come through, causing the temperature to drop again and more light rain.

Like I said, I would have loved a nice warm downpour where I would have gone out into the grassy field and got drenched - Iam sure others would have as well. By the way I wore black shoes - they looked like wingtips, but were actually some kind of boot that comes up to the ankle. They have a proper name, which eludes me right now, but are becoming quite popular. I did not have any black dress pants, so actually wore a pair of black 501s, a white tuxedo shirt, black paisley satin vest over it, black neckpiece - not an actual tie or bowtie, just simple small thing that went around the neck so that it formed an X and was held together with a white pearl snap. And the thing everybody loved - a black top hat. I got lots and lots of comments. The photographer initially thought I was the minister who would be officiating. I was told I looked very dapper but several people. Of course when it got cold I grapped a blue suit jacket out of the car and tossed it on. It would have been a great outfit to get totally wet in - and hopefully ssomeday I will. The attire for weddings - and funerals - has changed drastically here in the states. Very common for people to wear nice shoes, dress pants and dress shirt with a tie. No jacket/ sometimes not even a tie. Much more comfortable and casual. No one minds and everyone has a good time.

Great Idea for Skateboarding

Posted by Old Wet Dude on June 13, 2016 at 02:06:43

I found a great video on YouTube and thought of this forum.
It's a fabulous way to get wet. Check it out.
The first one is called "The Ultimate Skate Obstacle!!" and the second is "The Riskiest Game of Skate Ever!!!"
These guys may have overambitious names for their videos, but the idea is wonderful.What do you think?

Re: Great Idea for Skateboarding

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on June 13, 2016 at 15:23:03

In Reply to: Great Idea for Skateboarding posted by Old Wet Dude on June 13, 2016 at 02:06:43:

Watched them both and have to say it looks like those guys had a lot of fun. Sad to hear one of them say, after falling in the pool in his clothes, that he was "so uncomfortable !" - obviously not Wacky Wet-ers.

I think Jamie and me should try this, but as our pool is 25 feet across it might be difficult to arrange. I've never really been into skateboarding after falling off many many times when I first tried with friends who were far better than me, but might give it another go now.

Re: Great Idea for Skateboarding

Posted by Old Wet Dude on June 14, 2016 at 04:17:52

In Reply to: Re: Great Idea for Skateboarding posted by Chris (and Jamie) on June 13, 2016 at 15:23:03:

I thought it interesting that they built this thing specifically to get wet in clothes and skate shoes. They try not to fall in, but that is obviously their goal. So that comment seemed out of place, except that it might be a way to intercept any negative comments from friends. They could have worn swim trunks and canvas sneakers.

If exercise was this much fun

Posted by Jake on June 14, 2016 at 05:08:45

School's finally out, and me and one of my friends decided to come up with a plan to get in better shape this summer. We're starting with running one day, then biking the next, then swimming the next. We'll take every 7th day off. There's a triathlon this fall, and we're kinda unofficially training to see if we can do that.

Yesterday was a running day, and we had a 4 mile route through a big park near where we live. There was rain in the forecast, but we thought it would miss us, so we took off running, just in t-shirts, gym shorts, socks and running shoes. And, well, we're not very good weathermen, because about half way through our run, it started raining. And, I mean, it poured. We were drenched to the bone in maybe 5 seconds, tops. We got some pretty good puddles, and within a few steps, my feet were completely soaked through my shoes and socks, and water was squishing out of my shoes each time I took a step.

My friends turned and looked at me and shrugged, and I shrugged back, and we just kept on running. The rain actually felt really good, so I didn't see any reason to stop. So we kept going and finished our run. The rain stopped and started a few more times, and by the time we were finished we were totally, 100% completely soaked. Our route ended in a parking lot with a water fountain, and a little dock on the river they used for getting canoes in and out. After getting a drink, my friend wandered onto the dock. I followed him, not really knowing what he was up to. He glanced at me, then shrugged and sat down on the dock, sticking his feet in the water, still wearing his socks and running shoes. "Can't really get any wetter" he said.

I was kind of shocked that he did that, but I definitely sat down next to him and stuck my own feet into the water. It felt pretty good, and came up about half way to my knees. "Well, what do you think? Up for a swim?" he asked me. Then he scooted off the dock and started treading water. I was kind of shocked again that he just jumped in the river fully clothed. But yeah, I was up for a swim, so I jumped in after him, and we spent a few minutes swimming up and down that part of the river. Eventually we got tired out and sloshed out of the river and headed home. My parents noticed me come in soaking wet, but they just figured I got caught in the rain, and didn't really care, they just told me to take off my shoes and socks outside and not track mud and water in the house. No big deal.

So basically I never expected my friend would be the one to get me to get soaked fully clothed this way. I'm hoping there's more of this to come.

Re: Great Idea for Skateboarding

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on June 14, 2016 at 07:26:20

In Reply to: Re: Great Idea for Skateboarding posted by Old Wet Dude on June 14, 2016 at 04:17:52:

It did seem like they had built it with the intention of getting wet but seemed to be saying that they had really done it just because it would be a tricky challenge. As you say, if they really didn't want to get their clothes wet they could just as easily have worn swimshorts and tees. Maybe they do think theirs friends will think them odd, but in my years of living in the US I never met a single teenager or young person who thought it odd, even if they wouldn't do it themselves, they seemed far more accepting of it than people here in the UK.

Re: If exercise was this much fun

Posted by wetchas on June 14, 2016 at 08:41:08

In Reply to: If exercise was this much fun posted by Jake on June 14, 2016 at 05:08:45:

Great story. Always good when you have a legitimate excuse for a soaking, and don't have to explain yourself.
Keep up the training. Maybe you could suggest that the swimming training is done in clothes of some sort. Helps to built the muscles and stamina. Look at it this way, if you are a good swimmer in clothes, with all the extra drag that they make, think how fast you will be in speedos.
Just a thought.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Good wet vid

Posted by Jamie on June 14, 2016 at 09:16:10

Search YouTube for Skimboarding in Cologne by Stijn Gerber. This guy must love getting wet for fun, instant soaking time after time, pity he not wearing jeans though !

Re: Great Idea for Skateboarding

Posted by LevilovR on June 14, 2016 at 10:57:37

In Reply to: Re: Great Idea for Skateboarding posted by Chris (and Jamie) on June 14, 2016 at 07:26:20:

Oh, they definitely enjoyed it. They even did some backflips off the board, just for fun. The comment made struck me as out of place for the situation. If they didn't enjoy it they would never have done it so many times. I think the comment was just a "cover your self" situation for those non wet people. But they knew they were going to get wet and wanted to.

English T shirts

Posted by wetchas on June 14, 2016 at 13:24:23

This is slightly off topic, but nevertheless I find it interesting.
Watching You Tube Vids from abroad, it's surprising how many people are wearing shirts with English slogans on them.
OK, brand names are always going to be the same, but phrases like surfs up, or chillin surely have a foreign equivalent. Here in the UK we wouldn't dream of walking around with a foreign slogan, so I wonder why they do abroad. I guess it may be something to do with the American influence, and the fact that other countries are streets ahead at teaching foreign languages. I guess that's also bourne out by the fact that several contributors from abroad seem quite happy to communicate in English on this forum. Unless of course I am giving them too much credit, and they just type it out in their own language and hit translate.
Anyhow, sorry about the 'dry' post, but it is something that struck me. Would value anyone else's input.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: If exercise was this much fun

Posted by Jamie on June 14, 2016 at 13:45:25

In Reply to: Re: If exercise was this much fun posted by wetchas on June 14, 2016 at 08:41:08:

A great story, agreed. Swimming training in clothes is an excellent way of building up stamina and endurance. Also being a good swimmer in speedos is fine, but how often do you wear those ? Chances are if you fall into water, get swept away by a flooding river etc etc you will be wearing a full set of clothes (we don't see too many guys wandering down our local High Street in just speedos !!), so practicing fully clothed makes sense from a safety point of view.

Re: English T shirts

Posted by Chris on June 14, 2016 at 14:04:19

In Reply to: English T shirts posted by wetchas on June 14, 2016 at 13:24:23:

I think it is because Britishness is seen as "cool" in many parts of the world, and the Union Jack is probably more recognisable than most other flags. As for English language phrases, maybe they appeal as most foreign schools will probably teach English as their main foreign language (it is, I believe, the most widely spoken language in the world, if not the one that most people speak, (that is Chinese maybe ?)). It always amazes me how well people speak English from the most unlikely places, I mean, switch on the news or any documentary from far-flung places and the ordinary man in the street often speaks passable English. Interesting post, wet or not.

It is raining heavily here so we are about to go out and play soccer as normal sports (cricket or tennis) have been cancelled, our games teacher is not very happy as he hoped we would opt for an indoor activity - we will try to make sure he gets wet and muddy as well !! Happy days ........

Re: English T shirts

Posted by Zonie on June 14, 2016 at 15:36:15

In Reply to: Re: English T shirts posted by Chris on June 14, 2016 at 14:04:19:

I'm glad you can go out and have your soccer game. When I was in high school we had a rainy day, and our physical education teacher had us stay indoors because exercising on a wet field was a violation of the school's insurance contract.

Having slogans on T-shirts in any language is a relatively recent development. 50 years ago it simply wasn't done in any country, and it started in the USA. It may be that many countries associate the practice with Anglophonic countries and don't feel the need to adapt their own language to it. Once in a great while I'll see message T-shirts around here in Spanish, but it's the exception, not the rule. Yesterday at work my assistant was wearing a T-shirt with the slogan "non-employee of the month." My mountain climbing partner likes message T-shirts, and among his are "do not make fun of your wife's choices, for you are one of them," "slightly used but in good condition," "geezer formerly known as stud muffin," "no, I will not fix your computer," and "I've done the math; I'm old."

Re: English T shirts

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on June 14, 2016 at 19:06:30

In Reply to: Re: English T shirts posted by Zonie on June 14, 2016 at 15:36:15:

Our football story is on the other site. Very wet and very muddy. Our sports teacher doesn't seem to mind about us all getting soaked, the only time he stops things is for rugby or soccer if the ground is too hard.

Re: English T shirts

Posted by wetsurfer8 on June 14, 2016 at 19:53:52

In Reply to: Re: English T shirts posted by Jamie (and Chris) on June 14, 2016 at 19:06:30:

what other site guys?

Re: English T shirts

Posted by Jamie on June 14, 2016 at 20:57:40

In Reply to: Re: English T shirts posted by wetsurfer8 on June 14, 2016 at 19:53:52:

Re: If exercise was this much fun

Posted by Jake on June 15, 2016 at 00:11:16

In Reply to: Re: If exercise was this much fun posted by Jamie on June 14, 2016 at 13:45:25:

Cool, thanks. Today was one of our swimming days (and, no we don't wear speedos, LOL - we just wear normal swim trunks.) But I didn't bring up anything about wearing clothes in the water. I can't tell if my friend is actually open to the idea of doing that, or if it was just something kind of spontaneous that he thought would be funny since we already got drenched anyway. But maybe I'll talk to him about it tomorrow and see if he's maybe cool with it.

Pool or river?

Posted by Jake on June 15, 2016 at 04:53:10

Hey, so sorry if this is a silly question around here, but I'm hoping you guys might give me some advice. I posted the other day about when me and my friend went running and got caught in a rain storm. Since we were soaked anyway, my friend suggested taking a swim in the river. We were just wearing t-shirts and gym shorts and our running shoes and socks. But it was really awesome. This was the first time I had actually gone in the water fully clothed outside my own bathroom - and with a good friend of mine.

Like I said last time, we're trying to stay in shape this summer, and we're rotating each day between running, biking and swimming. I was going to take your advice and see if maybe he wanted to swim fully clothed again at least some of the time, since it would be an even better work out.

But I'm kind of worried about it. Both in, like, having that conversation in a non-awkward way. But also where to actually swim. We usually go to our local pool, since its easy to keep track of our distance. But we also have a nice river that we could definitely swim in not far from us. But it would probably be a little tougher to know just how far we've gone and stuff. But maybe it would be better because the river is less crowded and people wouldn't give us a hard time? What do you think?

Re: English T shirts

Posted by Zonie on June 15, 2016 at 07:13:13

In Reply to: Re: English T shirts posted by Jamie on June 14, 2016 at 20:57:40:

So that's what's going on over there. Someone could probably write a PhD dissertation in evolutionary biology about why some people's brains are wired for such stimuli to cause arousal, whether and to what extent this happens in other animals, and whether and to what extent this happens among females (I get the impression there are very few women who post on this site or even visit it).

Re: English T shirts

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on June 15, 2016 at 08:58:23

In Reply to: Re: English T shirts posted by wetsurfer8 on June 14, 2016 at 19:53:52:

Re: English T shirts

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on June 15, 2016 at 08:58:26

In Reply to: Re: English T shirts posted by wetsurfer8 on June 14, 2016 at 19:53:52:

Re: Pool or river?

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on June 15, 2016 at 09:23:03

In Reply to: Pool or river? posted by Jake on June 15, 2016 at 04:53:10:

I think I'd go for the river for all the reasons that Justin gives if the only pool available is a public one - just too much hassle complying with their rules. I'd make sure you explore the river well first though, just to make sure there are not underwater obstacles or dangers, that the current is not too strong, and that you can climb the bank easily when tired and heavy with sodden clothes. Maybe even have a friend on the bank just to keep an eye out if there are a number of you doing this, and take it in turn to swim. Safety first. You hear too many stories of lads drowning when taking impromptu swims.

As for asking friends about swimming fully clothed, stress the fitness advantages and point out that it is only water so won't damage their clothes (I assume they all put their clothes in a washing machine sometimes !!). If they think you are weird for asking, they are not really your friends. (My definition of a friend is someone who accepts you for what you are and accepts that you do things differently to them, some of which they might not like or want to do.)

Have fun getting wet and let us all know how it goes.

Re: Pool or river?

Posted by Johnny on June 15, 2016 at 13:54:58

In Reply to: Pool or river? posted by Jake on June 15, 2016 at 04:53:10:

River every time, there is something rather erotic about cold water....

Re: Pool or river?

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on June 15, 2016 at 16:43:50

In Reply to: Re: Pool or river? posted by Johnny on June 15, 2016 at 13:54:58:

Very true, I'm the same - throw me in cold water and there is an immediate rush of blood ........

Re: Good wet vid

Posted by BarQsRB on June 16, 2016 at 00:36:26

In Reply to: Good wet vid posted by Jamie on June 14, 2016 at 09:16:10:

Here is one with surfing.

Search for Fully Clothed Surfing by iSurfTribe

Re: If exercise was this much fun

Posted by Swimclothed on June 20, 2016 at 19:43:37

In Reply to: Re: If exercise was this much fun posted by Jamie on June 14, 2016 at 13:45:25:

Maybe on a non swim day try to find a good excuse why it would be better to swim that day but dont bring it up until you are already dressed for something else. Then see if he would up to just going in as is.

River swim

Posted by Jake on June 21, 2016 at 04:03:48

Hey everyone. I posted a few days ago asking about advice for whether it would be best to try a clothed swim in a pool or in a river. Pretty much everyone suggested the river. So I worked up the courage and asked my friend if he wanted to try doing a fully clothed swim. I talked about how it would be a better work out, and there was even a bathroom building in the park where we could change into dry clothes afterwards. I got a little nervous because he gave me a funny look at first, but then he agreed to give it a try.

So for that first swim, he showed up wearing jeans and a long sleeve gray tshirt. I was also in jeans and a long sleeve blue tshirt. I was planning on wearing my shoes too. But he said the shoes he had on he couldn't get wet, so we ended up going barefoot. I was kind of disappointed about that at first, but then we waded into the water, and as I felt my jeans start to get soaked... well, let's just say I decided I needed to be in water over my waist as quickly as possible. So we spent the next couple hours swimming upstream against the current, then going back down stream, and repeating that a few times. When we were done, we trudged out of the river. By this time, a few people and families started showing up to use the park and put canoes and stuff in the river. I started feeling really awkward and was sure people would stare or even come over and question us. But no one even gave us so much as a second glance. Even when we were walking over to the bathroom we passed a couple guys carrying kayaks down to the river. They just smiled and said Good Morning, and we did the same, and that was it. So that really boosted my confidence.

The only part that wasn't awesome was changing into dry clothes in the bathroom. Its a real basic setup, just a toilet on a concrete floor. Standing in the concrete floor barefoot was kind of gross, and my friend agreed. But the good news is we both agreed to wear our shoes for our next swim. So next time, we wore pretty much the same outfit, but along with our shoes and socks.

So its pretty awesome. And I want to thank everyone for your advice. My friend and I decided we'd alternate between clothed swims in the river, and just normal swimsuit swims in the pool. But it looks like I'll have a lot of clothed swims ahead of me this summer.

Re: River swim

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on June 21, 2016 at 20:40:10

In Reply to: River swim posted by Jake on June 21, 2016 at 04:03:48:

Great story. Your experience is pretty much what we have encountered, in "our" park and lake no-one has ver remarked in a negative way with seeing us or our friends getting soaked fully clothed. Most ignore us. Some give us a thumbs up or laugh and some make positive comments. I'd suggest you just go home wearing your wet clothes, the alternative is take a towel, dry off as best you can and then just pull on a dry tracksuit or similar over the top. We cycle or walk home in our wet clothes all the time and no-one takes a blind bit of notice.

Keep on doing it now you have broken the barrier and enjoy getting wet.

Re: River swim

Posted by dksneakers on June 30, 2016 at 16:49:17

In Reply to: Re: River swim posted by Jamie (and Chris) on June 21, 2016 at 20:40:10:

Hi guys
Missing all your good stories, hope its not because yuo have quit getting wet :(


Posted by Tanner on July 05, 2016 at 18:18:45

Hello. I'm 40 years old, and I have loved swimming in my clothes for most of my life (since I was a kid). I'm married, have 4 children, and continue to find ways to get wet in my clothes still.

I'm wondering if anyone has some good advice on how to continue this lifestyle choice, but without having it negatively affect my relationships. My wife thinks it is just something stupid that I do, especially when I'm drunk, and doesn't really think it's very funny, so I try to hide it from her. This is unfortunate, because there have been times when I've wanted to let her experience it WITH me, but she has declined. For example, we were at an all inclusive resort in Mexico last summer, just the two of us, and one night we were kissing by one of the pools in the evening, and I wanted her to get into the water with me to keep the passion alive, with all of our clothes on (at this resort, men HAD to wear pants to dinner, so I was in khakis and really wanted to get wet in them and my button up shirt). She didn't want to "get her dress wet." So, we missed the moment. Still, we had met this other couple there, and one night, after some post-dinner drinks, the other husband and I dove in to the main pool in all our clothes, just because our wives told us "not to do it." It was AWESOME (and, I'll say, that my wife and I probably had the best sex of the trip after that stunt)!

Still, I'm finding that the older I get, the more I am enjoying this hobby of mine, and I'm always looking for opportunities. This past weekend, my wife took all our kids to the lake ahead to me, because I had to work the morning of the 4th. On Saturday the 3rd, my buddy and I were hanging out in his back yard, and he has a pool. Since he was home alone, and since my family was gone, I had intentionally worn jeans, a long-sleeved blue thermal shirt with a black t-shirt under it, and white Nike no-show socks. After about 20 minutes, I told him I wanted to try out his pool, and he said to go ahead (he refused to join, because he claimed the water was too cold for him). I spent the next 5 hours in and out of his pool, fully clothed. I'd swim around (while we kept talking...he at his patio table, me in the water), and then I'd get out and sit on the deck for a while, before diving back in. It was AWESOME! It was even cooler when his family got home, and his son, who is about 15, noticed that my clothes were wet (I had been drying off for about an hour before they got home so I could drive home), and thought it was, he literally went inside, put on jeans and a button up shirt, and came back out saying he wanted to swim with me! So, back into the pool I went...and we spent about 45 minutes swimming, and his parents thought it was hilarious. It was a great day...especially because of how long I was in the water, fully clothed, and my buddy didn't even care.

I was hoping, when I went to the lake to join my family and my wife's family, that there might be an opportunity there too. There was a huge 4th of July party on the lake, right out in front of our place, with lots of boats, a band, and a bar on a float. There was this one guy who I noticed was in his "country boy speedo" (aka full-length jeans). He was in and out of the water all day, and I SO wanted to go join him, but I was afraid that my wife would be upset, and/or that her family would think I was strange. swimming in clothes for me at the lake, but at least I got to see someone else having a blast.

This all brings me to my question (finally): How normal is it for people to enjoy swimming in clothes? Does anyone know if there has been a study, showing if it's 1 out of every 5 people (for example)? I would really like to know, and I also love to hear other stories.

I have a suspicion that my best friend is a wet clothed swimmer too, but I'm not 100% confident to ask him. He has gone swimming with me a few times in his jeans, but I have never been sure if it was because he liked it, or because it was just what he was wearing, and he didn't care. He's a dad also, and I have seen him go into the lake with his daughter in long jeans and a t-shirt, because she wanted him to swim with her, and he didn't want to go inside and change (I LOVE stories like this).

So...if you have advice, or even just stories like mine that will help me to fully embrace this lifestyle choice, I would appreciate reading what you have to say. I have found this forum very helpful, and I look forward to hearing stories like mine to help me in my continued exploration. Thanks

Re: Advice

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 06, 2016 at 09:01:59

In Reply to: Advice posted by Tanner on July 05, 2016 at 18:18:45:

You say that you have four kids of your own, can I ask how old they are and whether you ever got wet with them when you and they were fully clothed, like washing the car or just fooling around by the lake or a pool ?

If you've read our accounts on here you'll know that we are 18 and that our dads enjoy getting wet and muddy as much as we do. Our mums are not so willing but are quite happy for all the men in the family to get wet as often as they like, with the proviso that that they don't have to do the laundry ! They just think its funny to see us all wet in our clothes.

I think you should discuss this a bit more with your wife, definitely don't be secretive about it; no doubt she has hobbies that you don't join in with (needlework, knitting etc) and she should just see your hobby of getting wet in your clothes in the same way as she views her hobbies.

Re: Advice

Posted by wetchas on July 06, 2016 at 09:47:57

In Reply to: Re: Advice posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 06, 2016 at 09:01:59:

Nice to see you back lads. Thought we may have lost you, as we haven't heard of your adventures for a while. Expect you have been busy with exams. Not much happening on either forum as you can see. We need you to be posting again.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Advice

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 06, 2016 at 13:31:51

In Reply to: Re: Advice posted by wetchas on July 06, 2016 at 09:47:57:

We've been busy with internal exams at school and with having a couple of weeks of work experience (with Uncle Danny's building company, which has been fun) which ends this coming weekend. Then we have the last couple of weeks back at school before the summer hols. We will be posting stuff again after that but have a couple of school trips out doing some outdoor stuff (canoeing on the River Wye, definitely, and walking across the Severn estuary, hopefully) so a couple of chances to get really wet and muddy there.
Cheers for now, stay wet.

Re: Advice

Posted by wetchas on July 06, 2016 at 14:40:25

In Reply to: Re: Advice posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 06, 2016 at 13:31:51:

Sounds like you have still managed to have fun, despite being busy. I bet the work experience was interesting. You must have ruined some clothes with all those building materials. Hopefully, when you get time, we can have the details.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Advice

Posted by Jamie on July 06, 2016 at 20:32:33

In Reply to: Re: Advice posted by wetchas on July 06, 2016 at 14:40:25:

Chris ruined some jeans and shirt with a small mishap with a cesspit whilst we were on work experience. But apart from getting a bit dusty and muddy feet we stayed clean and dry most of the time. I will post about his mishap in a bit - suffice to say he is still being teased two days later about "What's that strange smell? Did someone step in something?" He's getting a bit tired of the jokes now ........

Chris and some ****

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 06, 2016 at 22:07:45

Chris and me have been working for our uncle Danny for the last week and a half and are doing so until Saturday, all as part of our school’s work experience programme. It has been a mix of working in the office – ordering supplies, filling out planning forms, working out estimates and compiling bills for clients and so on – and working on site doing fetching and carrying, learning what the different trades do and going to the builders’ merchants. Everyone was very patient with our silly questions and it has been fun as well.

On Monday we were on site at a farmhouse which is being restored, a lovely old house with Cotswold stone walls and roof tiles. It has been completely refurbished with new doors and windows of oak but with modern conveniences like triple glazing, low energy lighting and so on. Whilst we were there the guys were installing a new waste water and sewerage system, including a complicated septic tank / purification system. The new tank was in the ground but needed to be connected to the old cesspit next to it, and the installers had knocked the pipe through before putting the top on so we just needed to “unplug” it on the new side, to allow connection. They had been unable to check properly how full the cesspit was as it would have meant breaking into it below ground. We watched as one of the guys tried to reach down and unscrew the bung but it was too far down.

“We need to lower someone down to do this – you’re probably the lightest Bill, OK ?” said Syd the foreman.

“Yeah, sure.” Bill replied.

They tied a rope around him under his armpits and he sat on the edge before lowering him in. It was a tight fit – Bill might have been the lightest of the crew but he was still a bulky chap.

“It’s too narrow in here, I can’t move my arms – haul me up guys.” Bill said.

“I’ll have a go – I’m slimmer than Bill.” Chris piped up.

“That’s true – slimmer than any of us – are you sure, though ? Wouldn’t want the boss to think we pressured you.”

“No, I volunteered didn’t I ?” Chris said “You didn’t ask me at all.”

“OK, let’s tie this rope around you. We’ll lower you down through the top tube, you can see how big it is, near the bottom of the tube is a large screw cap on the end of a pipe that protrudes about six inches. Unscrew that and keep hold of it to bring it out with you, it’s not heavy just plastic. Best to brace your knees against the side as you unscrew it then you won’t bang your head around as you work. Here’s a hard hat with a light on so you can see what you are doing. Give a shout when you want us to pull you up.” Bill said.

“What happens when I unscrew the cap ?” Chris asked.

“Nothing hopefully, maybe just a trickle of water, we’re told the old tank is empty.”

So they lowered Chris down and he called for them to stop when he reached the pipe. We heard him unscrew it and then there was a strange gurgling and the sound of something splashing. After a few moments Chris called to be hauled up.

The helmet and light appeared first, then a vile smell, followed by Chris’s face splattered in a brown something followed by the rest of him covered from his chest down in what can only be described as thick, brown s**t, lots of it. He did not look happy.

“It would appear that you were misinformed about the old tank being empty …….” Chris observed very calmly and quietly as he stood up.

Everyone had taken a step back as he had hauled himself out and sat on the side of the hole. He dropped the screw plug on the ground and looked up at us all. He was completely covered from his chest down, not a square inch of his blue jeans showed blue and the stuff had soaked his red check shirt the same brown as his jeans and boots. The smell was appalling.

A couple of the guys were trying not to laugh, but Bill scowled at them and one of them went off to get a hose. When he got back we hosed Chris down until he was clean, then hosed him down again as he stripped off his clothes, then hosed him down again as he stood naked in front of us, then we hosed him down again as he washed his boxer-briefs, wrung them out and pulled them back on. As we approached him the smell was still pretty ripe, so we moved him away from the tank, thinking it might be from that, and continued hosing him down until he was stood there shivering. He still stank a bit. We dumped his jeans, boots and shirt in a bucket and one of the guys found an old pair of shorts in his van for Chris to wear, they were miles too big so he tied them up with a bit of old rope. The rest of the guys had a good laugh about Chris’ misadventure and promised a few pints at the pub at the end of the week visit. I borrowed a van and took Chris and his still smelly clothes home, leaving him under a hot shower with some heavily scented soap. I went back on site and when I eventually got home he was looking fresh and glistening, but still with a very faint odour of s**t lingering in the air, ha ha.

Re: Advice

Posted by Deep South on July 07, 2016 at 05:16:21

In Reply to: Re: Advice posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 06, 2016 at 09:01:59:

I have to agree...get your wet interest on the table with your wife and be done with it. It's just something you like to do, simple as that; no real explanation should be necessary beyond that. If folks are going to take an issue with wet clothes, then they must really be livin' right since they have no REAL problems to worry about! :-)

If she REALLY wants a reason, then there are several escape hatches: sun protection, staying cool in excessive heat (we have had lots of that in the Deep South USA), skin/body protection in the lake, mosquito protection, and so forth. Probably better to avoid reasons such as 'no swimsuit handy' as that conveys you don't intend to wear regular clothes in the water again.

Hopefully you can illustrate to your significant other how enjoyable wet clothes can be!

Re: Chris and some ****

Posted by wetchas on July 07, 2016 at 08:22:49

In Reply to: Chris and some **** posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 06, 2016 at 22:07:45:

I can hardly type for laughing. What a classic. Do you think they did it deliberately, or was it just an accident?
Brilliant story. Good to have you back.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Chris and some ****

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 07, 2016 at 09:49:59

In Reply to: Re: Chris and some **** posted by wetchas on July 07, 2016 at 08:22:49:

It was definitely an accident. I thought I'd try and be helpful by volunteering, the guys were definitely against me doing it just because they knew we were on work experience and not a new worker colleague, Tom has told us stories of what they get up to 'initiate' apprentices and trainees - usually very messy and wet pranks.

I was half expecting to get wet when I unscrewed the cap, but the last quarter turn was unnecessary as the force of the s**t was so strong, it hit me right in the stomach and sprayed over me as I was pushed around, it only took a few seconds to get completely soaked. It felt quite nice in a strange way, a real wet slime, as it soaked through my clothes, but the stench was really off putting, I was almost sick before getting hauled up.

I really didn't care what the other guys saw when they hosed me down, but it was very cold. Looking back it was quite funny, but I'm sure I can still smell the stench despite several showers and a soak in a hot bath with some lavender scented bath oil - not my usual habit. The jokes about "What's that smell ?" have stopped now, but been replaced by "I didn't realise there was a perfume factory near here ..... !" Family members can be very cruel sometimes.

Re: Chris and some ****

Posted by LeviloR on July 07, 2016 at 10:30:05

In Reply to: Chris and some **** posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 06, 2016 at 22:07:45:

As we say here "S**t Happens." Funny story but can just imagine how horrible it must have smelled. Good story to tell your grand children some day.

Re: Chris and some ****

Posted by blueandwet on July 07, 2016 at 10:47:43

In Reply to: Chris and some **** posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 06, 2016 at 22:07:45:

Well I know you guys don't mind rolling in the mud once in a while, but this was certainly different. It was probably somewhat expected on the workers end but maybe not quite as bad as it turned out. All in all another great adventure for Chris and Jamie. Did the clothes even get clean again?

Re: Chris and some ****

Posted by swimmerrat on July 07, 2016 at 12:09:56

In Reply to: Re: Chris and some **** posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 07, 2016 at 09:49:59:

like a coworker of mine says (he is a plumber) - another s....y day at work.

Re: Chris and some ****

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 07, 2016 at 16:04:43

In Reply to: Re: Chris and some **** posted by blueandwet on July 07, 2016 at 10:47:43:

I think the other guys were genuinely surprised, they gave no indication that it wasn't. I binned the jeans, shirt, socks and underwear as they were pretty rank even after being hosed down again back home. The work-boots seem OK but I won't have to wear them after this week, not for a while anyway.

Re: Chris and some ****

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 07, 2016 at 16:06:59

In Reply to: Re: Chris and some **** posted by LeviloR on July 07, 2016 at 10:30:05:

Yes indeed, it does - not too often thankfully. Looking back it was a funny episode, but it sure wasn't as it happened.

Re: Chris and some ****

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 07, 2016 at 16:09:15

In Reply to: Re: Chris and some **** posted by swimmerrat on July 07, 2016 at 12:09:56:

Several of the plumbers at uncle Danny's place tell similar tales, better than being a sparks and getting electrocuted !

Salvaging a disappointing weekend

Posted by Jake on July 08, 2016 at 02:58:02

So this past weekend was the 4th of July holiday here. On Sunday, my town did a carnival at a park near my house. Normally I wouldn't bother with it, cuz its mostly aimed at younger kids. But I knew that the boy scouts ran a dunk tank at this carnival, and a friend of mine from school is in the boy scouts. So I work up the courage to ask him if it would be OK if I took a turn in the dunk tank. I just tried to be real chill about it and just said something like, hey its on a bucket list, I just always thought it would be fun to be in a dunk tank. Do you think I go have a turn at the carnival? Fortunately, he was pretty cool about it, and said sure whatever, and didn't make a big deal about it.

So then I dress up a bit. I just wore a blue polo shirt, white undershirt, a dressy off white shorts, brown belt, and my normal shoes and socks. Stuff that I figured would be fun to wear in the water, not get ruined, and not be too dressy that people would notice. So, finally, I talk my friends into going to this carnival with me. I didn't tell them about the dunk tank. I knew the carnival would be pretty lame, but I figured I'd take a hit to my reputation for the sake of getting in the dunk tank. And I also thought they'd probably get a kick out of seeing me get dunked in the dunk tank, so I figured it be worth it.

So I'm looking forward to this for a couple weeks, I work up all this courage and suppress the butterflies in my stomach and finally get to this carnival with 3 of my friends. And I look around - and there's NO DUNK TANK! So I wonder around, and find my boy scout friend. Turns out there was some insurance problem or something, and they ended up doing a mini golf booth instead. MINI GOLF!! So needless to say I'm quite frustrated and disappointed at this point. I have to admit to my friends that this was a lame idea, and we head back to my house.

We had a party to go to that night, but that's still like 8 hours off at this point. So we horse around and play some football in my yard for a while. When we were done, I remembered my parents asked me to water the lawn. So I pull the sprinkler over and turn it on. Once it starts up, I go reposition it, and "accidentally" get spayed down my side with a gentle spray of water. My friends laugh, but I knew that I was going to be getting much wetter soon, with or without them. Its a really hot day, so I just point out that the water actually feels pretty good. I let the sprinkler give me another spray as it slowly moves back around. One of my friends runs over and runs through the water, agreeing that it feels pretty good. I get an idea, and grab a chair off our patio, and set it right at the edge of the sprinkler's reach. I sit down and let the sprinkler give me a gentle spray of water every few seconds. My one friend follows my lead and grabs another chair, but wisely pulls off his shoes and sticks his phone and wallet in them before sitting down in the path of the water. I realize that's pretty smart, considering my phone was in my pocket and I intended to get soaked, so I do the same. Not that I didn't want to get my shoes wet, but my feet were pretty hot after running around, so it felt pretty good. Finally my other two friends agreed that cooling off in the sprinkler was better than sitting out in the sun sweating, so they grab the rest of the chairs and sit down with us. They took off their socks along with their shoes, but me and my one friend left our socks on. I already said what I was wearing, but everyone was just in different kinds of shorts and t-shirts.

It was really very comfortable. I got pretty much completely soaked within 5 minutes or so, and the water was just the right temperature. Not too cold. And the weather was warm, but not too hot. Basically it was just about perfect, and we probably sat there for maybe about an hour or so, just talking and relaxing. So one seemed to mind or say anything about how we were fully clothed or anything.

Disaster did almost strike. My parents were supposed to be gone all day visiting their friends - that's one of the reasons I was so pumped to be in the dunk tank, because I thought my parents wouldn't even find out. But I misunderstood their plans, they were actually starting at one get together, and then leaving mid day and driving to other friends house for another party. They decided to stop home real quick, and I saw them pull in the driveway and kind of panicked a bit. My friends and I all kind of cringed, realizing that we might have kind of a problem being caught sitting in the sprinkler completely fully clothed. I stood up real quick and realized the sprinkler had totally soaked the grass we were sitting over, and my feet sunk into some muddy water, getting my socks all nasty. I pulled off my socks real quick hoping my parents wouldn't see, then I realized my socks didn't really matter, since I was wearing kind of nice clothes which by now were all wrinkled, soaked and pretty muddy, between the sprinkler and horsing around playing football. But I tried to play it cool and walked over to the driveway as my parents were getting out of their car.

Fortunately, my dad just laughed, and my mom just said, "staying cool?" They didn't seem to care one bit. A few minutes later they left, again not seeming to care at all about what we were up to. But at any rate, we'd had about enough of the sprinkler, and turned it off and sat in the sun for another 1/2 hour or so to get dried off. Then we split up to go home and shower and change into clean clothes.

Overall - I'm still pretty pissed that the dunk tank didn't work out. But the day ended up going OK.

Re: Chris and some ****

Posted by Justin on July 08, 2016 at 03:45:53

In Reply to: Chris and some **** posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 06, 2016 at 22:07:45:

Wow. I'm all about "unconventional" approaches to getting a soaking... but this one's a bit over the top, even for me! Glad you guys made the most of a crappy situation!

Re: Salvaging a disappointing weekend

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 08, 2016 at 11:38:43

In Reply to: Salvaging a disappointing weekend posted by Jake on July 08, 2016 at 02:58:02:

Pity about the dunk tank, but you did good with the sprinkler. Nice to see your friends joined in as well, just goes to show that lots of guys enjoy getting wet fully clothed.

Your story also proves that most people (like your parents) couldn't care less if you get wet, they just think it's funny. In some parts of the world of course (the far east places like India, Thailand, Philippines etc) they think it perfectly normal to swim in clothes, positively disrespectful to wear too little in fact and show lots of bare skin.
Thanks for posting

Re: Salvaging a disappointing weekend

Posted by Jake on July 09, 2016 at 01:30:53

In Reply to: Re: Salvaging a disappointing weekend posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 08, 2016 at 11:38:43:

Yeah, thanks. My parents have pretty much said that as long as I take care of doing my own laundry, and don't ruin anything nice/expensive, then they couldn't care less what I wear to go swimming. So I guess I should be thankful for that.

Jenya's trackies.

Posted by Wetchas on July 12, 2016 at 11:03:53

Just been looking more closely at the picture of Jenya. Apart from the obvious attraction, I am intrigued by his trackies, and wonder of anyone knows more about them. Do the three buttons above the logo undo, and if so does that whole front flap then open, or are they just for show. Either way, as is typical of most Adidas products they soak up well. I would love to subject a pair to a variety of wet and messy substances.
Hope somebody has the answer.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: Jenya's trackies.

Posted by Mike Lotheson on July 13, 2016 at 18:59:53

In Reply to: Jenya's trackies. posted by Wetchas on July 12, 2016 at 11:03:53:

Part of the exclusive East European market stall collection.

Re: Jenya's trackies.

Posted by Jamie on July 13, 2016 at 21:32:43

In Reply to: Re: Jenya's trackies. posted by Mike Lotheson on July 13, 2016 at 18:59:53:

HA HA ! Excellent.

We see similar sorts of "genuine" branded goods on the stalls near us - 'Rollex' watch for a tenner, anyone ? - usually run by a man with a strange accent.

Stopping for a quick swim

Posted by Beehee on July 14, 2016 at 00:04:10

I was driving home the other day and knew I was going to stop somewhere and get wet with all my clothes on. I changed into full long clothes and shoes in the car along the way. Chose a long sleeve dress shirt that is 4 times bigger than me, a new pair of Wrangler jeans, boxers, and socks and sneakers. A great choice for swim wear. Found a new public beach on Puget Sound. There was one other person way down the beach. I didn't hesitate a bit. Walked right in with all my clothes on. Damn it felt so good! I played in the water in all my clothes for about an hour. Filled my huge shirt and jeans with air and floated like I was on an air mattress. Love doing that! Great first swim of the season. I'll be looking for more new beaches!

Re: Jenya's trackies.

Posted by wetchas on July 14, 2016 at 09:24:19

In Reply to: Re: Jenya's trackies. posted by Jamie on July 13, 2016 at 21:32:43:

Bet you the market traders assets aren't so appealing.
I was hoping to get a sensible answer out of somebody, but I should have known better. I'll just have to go into Sports Direct and show them the pictures. If only I had the balls. Would be a great laugh.
Cheers . Wetchas.

Re: Stopping for a quick swim

Posted by Rick on July 14, 2016 at 17:43:29

In Reply to: Stopping for a quick swim posted by Beehee on July 14, 2016 at 00:04:10:

Sounds like fun. I'm more into fitted shirts and slim pants. Nothing better than a well worn jeans that mold to your body

Re: Stopping for a quick swim

Posted by Jamie on July 14, 2016 at 19:08:50

In Reply to: Re: Stopping for a quick swim posted by Rick on July 14, 2016 at 17:43:29:

Does sound like fun, but I'm with you about more fitted clothes. Love my favourite old 501s that are really, really well worn and mold to the body (must remember that word - "mold" sounds far better than "cling" !)

Stay wet.

Anyone ever been slimed?

Posted by madders on July 14, 2016 at 23:55:43

Not quite wetlook, but just wondering if anyone has ever been slimed, like with the green slime that's on kids TV shows. I've kind of wanted to for a while, but can't figure out a good way.

Re: Anyone ever been slimed?

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 16, 2016 at 11:02:59

In Reply to: Anyone ever been slimed? posted by madders on July 14, 2016 at 23:55:43:

Yes, we have been slimed. We looked on-line to see what was available and came across a company called Messy Supplies in the UK (there must be similar elsewhere) and bought some packets of methylcellulose. The individual bags of the powder that they sell makes up about 10 litres (a bucketful basically) and that comes out quite slimy, thick enough to drip off your hand in big globs but thin enough to be able to pour it easily. A bucketful is quite enough to get someone well covered, but two buckets will probably drench them completely if applied well. The thinner you make it the further it goes. We tried mixing some at I pkt for 20 lts and it gets you really well covered but pours off leaving your clothes feeling really amazingly slippery but not looking as though you have been slimed as nicely as the thicker stuff. It can be tricky to mix without getting lumpy and we found doing small quantities in a jug using a blender worked best to get a smooth lump-free consistency.
Messy Supplies sell all sorts of colours and other gunge as well, but the methylcellulose is the only one we have tried.

Clean up is easy. A hot shower wearing the gunged clothes works best to get rid of most of it (and is a nice bonus as well) and one cycle through the washing machine on a 40 degree wash seemed to get rid of all traces completely.

Wearing gunged clothes feels amazing, particularly jeans, and it is good fun getting thoroughly covered with a group of friends. I think we used about 10 packets for six of us and that was plenty by the time it had been re-used - we got gunged in a paddling pool so it could be easily collected again.

Lads in the pool

Posted by Richard on July 21, 2016 at 11:37:21

I got home from a client meeting mid-afternoon yesterday (Wednesday) and as I pulled onto the driveway I spotted some bikes leaning against the garage wall and as I got out of the car I could hear shouts and laughter from my back garden. I went round the back of the house and found Mark and three of his friends splashing around in the pool.

As I approached Mark waved at me and clambered out of the pool followed by his friends. They stood on the side dripping wet as I reached the poolside. They looked a motley crew, all fully dressed in jeans or cargoes, tees or shirts, and canvas shoes or trainers.

Mark asked if I wanted them to leave now that I was home, and I assured him that I was happy for them to stay as long as they liked. Mark introduced me to his friends. I recognised a couple of them as kids from further down the road, and the third from the scout troop that Mark belonged to and for which his dad was a leader.

The first was Charlie, the fellow scouter, a tall thin lad in faded blue jeans, a black tee with a giant picture of the moon on the front, and a pair of black trainers. He was half a head taller than Mark with a long face and long dark hair that flopped wetly over his eyes.

The two from down the road were Jason and Lloyd, and although I hadn’t known the boys’ names, I had met their parents at a party and knew that the boys were the offspring from their previous marriages and that they now had a young baby half-sister.

Lloyd was dressed in tan cargoes, a green and yellow check shirt, and green canvas shoes. He was a bit taller than Mark with blond hair, a head of tight curls that the water could not flatten to his scalp, his shiny wet shirt was unbuttoned and hung loosely and showed a well toned torso and he had broad shoulders for a fifteen year old.

Jason was in skinny fit denim jeans that were very faded and distressed, a dark blue tee with a slogan on the front in white that read “Keep wet – water is essential to life”, which seemed very appropriate as he stood dripping in front of me. Like his brother, he looked very fit with the beginnings of a six-pack. He was a red-head with a short, almost crew-cut, hairstyle and he had strikingly green eyes.

Mark was in his usual tatty jeans, this time black ones, a black shirt worn open over a white tee, and black canvas shoes.

I asked if they wanted anything to drink as it was so hot, but they had come well prepared and pointed out a cool bag on the veranda of the summer house, saying it was full of cans of cola and bottles of water. After we had made our introductions and chatted for a bit, Mark suggested that I join them in the pool as it was so hot, saying they didn’t expect me not to whilst they were there, it was my pool after all ! I said I’d do so a bit later as I had some work to finish off, but would change and be out in a while. As I walked back to the house, I heard them all splashing back into the water. I went and changed into some old denim jeans and a red tee and watched them from the bedroom window for a few moments as they splashed around and jumped in the pool, pushing each other in and under the water.

I did my work, just writing up some notes from my meeting before I forgot the details, and then went to find the spare key to the summerhouse before going out to the pool.

Mark swam to the side of the pool as I approached.

Him – Are you going to swim like that ?

Me – Thought I might as you are all dressed, when in Rome, as they say.

Mark – Cool. Its fun swimming in clothes, we all love it.

Me – So I see. I’ve got a key for you for the summerhouse, come out for a moment and I’ll show you what’s in there.

I gave him my hand and pulled him up out of the water and he followed me to the summerhouse, sloshing water as he walked. I opened the double doors, and he followed me inside.

Me – There’s a fridge in the corner, I’ll switch it on now and next time you come you might as well leave your cold drinks in it. There half-a-dozen sun loungers here, they are plastic so you can use them in your wet clothes, no problem. Leave them out in the garden when you go. If you wanted to leave some dry clothes or towels here, use the lockers - they are spider and bug proof – if you do that then just hang your wet stuff on the hooks on the verandah to drip dry and I can put them away later, up to you entirely if you prefer to wear wet clothes home.

Mark – That’s great, thanks. We’ll definitely use the fridge and it would be good to leave some towels here. We like staying wet in our clothes, so we probably won’t leave a change of clothes here, thanks for the offer though.

Me – As I say, entirely up to you. Here’s the spare key, just be sure to lock-up when you leave, please.

Mark – Thanks, I will, I promise.

With that we put out a few loungers and then I jumped in the pool. It felt pretty amazing getting wet in nice old comfortable jeans and we had a lot of fun splashing around. Being the biggest and strongest person there, I soon got the job of boosting the boys up out of the water as they stood on my linked hands, as they tried to do flips and twists before splashing down again. After a while doing that, I was tired with the unaccustomed exercise, so went and sat in the sun on one of the loungers and watched them fooling around.
There was something strangely exciting about watching them in their sodden clothes, all shiney and clinging, water pouring off them as they clambered out and stood dripping wet as they got ready to bomb back in next to an unexpecting mate. I was engrossed at the sight and didn’t hear Steve approach until he leaned down and whispered in my ear “Makes nice viewing eh, all those kids in their wet clothes.” I jumped at the surprise.

Me – Good to see them having fun and to see the pool being used again.

Steve – Yeah, that as well. Don’t worry mate, gets me the same way as well.

Me – What ?

He nodded towards my groin and grinned. I looked down and was mortified to see that I had a boner clearly tenting out my jeans.

Me – Oh God – I didn’t feel that happening.

Steve laughed and suggested I get back in the pool to hide it. He was wearing tan shorts and a yellow tee, and when I jumped back in he followed me into the water.

Steve – Better now ?

Me – Not really, but hidden.

We spent the next hour playing around in the water, throwing the boys around, pushing each other in and generally fooling about. Before they all left I asked Steve what he thought about me hosting a BBQ and pool party at the weekend, asking neighbours we all knew and their kids. He thought it was a great idea and said he knew someone who’d be interested in coming along from the street behind their house, they’d just moved in and it would be good for them to meet some locals. I said to ask anyone he liked and we’d talk later about numbers to cater for, he suggested we ask everyone to bring their own booze and just provide some basics. So that was settled, just have to hope for good weather on Sunday.

Rainy walk

Posted by Jack on July 21, 2016 at 20:09:55

Got home from work today after battling the heat in offices without air-con and my girlfriend suggested going out for a walk for a breath of fresh air. I changed out of my suit and tie into tan chinos and a yellow polo shirt. My g/f was already in jeans and a pale blue tee. We live on the edge of a small town, about fifteen minutes gentle stroll to the shops and pubs, so we decided to have supper at our favourite pub. We had only been walking for five minutes when it suddenly started raining with a distant rumble of thunder. There was no shelter around so we decided to carry on walking. The rain got heavier and there was more thunder and then the rain started really hammering down. My g/f squealed and started running but the rain was so heavy we were completely drenched in just a few minutes. With a few hundred yards to go, she stopped running, turned to me and asked if I really wanted to go on. I said yes, having come this far, I fancied a drink and something to eat ! So we carried on. We were dripping wet when we opened the door to the pub, only to find it almost deserted. The landlord laughed when he saw us, offered us a towel to dry off a bit and gave us each a double whiskey on the house, which was kind of him. We ate our bar meal dripping wet as we chatted to him and his barmaid. No-one else came in whilst we were there. It was still raining when we left and we walked slowly enjoying the rain. We were dripping wet again by the time we got home and both feeling rather randy. We went straight to bed ......... I'll leave the rest to your imagination, but I think my g/f is now a "love getting wet in clothes" person. Result !

Re: 2 new guys on + video

Posted by Jamie on July 21, 2016 at 20:15:06

In Reply to: 2 new guys on + video posted by Dima on July 21, 2016 at 17:21:49:

What you really mean is "Two new guys in one set of pictures".

Re: Lads in the pool

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 21, 2016 at 20:22:12

In Reply to: Lads in the pool posted by Richard on July 21, 2016 at 11:37:21:

Great story, those lads sound like just our sort people. You should encourage them to try lots of different clothing, particularly as they can leave wet clothes to dry at your place so don't have to trouble their parents with laundry.

Looking forward to hearing about the BBQ, hope the weather stays good for you.

Re: Rainy walk

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 21, 2016 at 20:29:40

In Reply to: Rainy walk posted by Jack on July 21, 2016 at 20:09:55:

I love walking in the rain. Glad to hear that your girlfriend has become a convert as well.

(Can I ask if you are the same Jack as featured in the story about fostering and adoption ? Sounds like you landed on your feet after a difficult time, just shows what getting wet and enjoying it can help achieve. Hope you feel you can update those of us who have read your story.)

Re: Rainy walk

Posted by Jack on July 21, 2016 at 22:13:28

In Reply to: Re: Rainy walk posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 21, 2016 at 20:29:40:

Yes, I am that Jack. I have been thinking about posting an update and wrote the following a few weeks back, but was having second thoughts, anyway here it is, since you asked.

I’ve been reading the posts on here on and off for a good few years and have enjoyed many entertaining and amusing posts. A close friend of mine read the story titled “Fostering” and said it was such a coincidence as it matched my story so closely, so I admitted that it actually was me, the main character ‘Jack’ and that it was my adoptive mother ‘Ellen’ who had written in, using different names for anonymity. The short result of our subsequent chat was him suggesting that I post an update as it was about 10 years since the original story and he thought people might be interested in knowing how things continued.

I still enjoy getting wet fully clothed and am lucky enough to have found a girlfriend who was happy to join me to the extent that now, after three years together, she is as enthusiastic as me. I am 26 now, working as an environmental impact advisor for an urban planning consultancy, and we are planning to get married next April.

After I was adopted I was so happy and settled at last that I made a real effort to do well at school, got good exam results and eventually went to university where I got a decent degree in biology. The year after I graduated was a busy one, finding a job and meeting my girlfriend, moving to the city I worked in and generally getting settled. At the end of that year my natural mother’s older sister (who had not been able to take me in when mum died) passed away herself. I was surprised to find that she had made me her sole heir and even more amazed to find that she had, over the previous 30 years, built up a small fortune in various investments, more than enough for me to live comfortably on the resultant income and to provide for some special treats for my adoptive parents, brother Danny (now 24), and sister Emily (21 in August), and to pay-off Ellen and Don’s debts as well. My girlfriend and I have just bought our first house together and will spend the next few months renovating it before our marriage. I’ve got to get better at DIY but can afford a builder to do most of it so that it will at least get finished before the wedding !

One of the things we intend to install in a falling-down outbuilding, is a small swimming pool so that we can enjoy getting wet fully clothed even when the weather is poor. We are keen music festival goers and have enjoyed the mud at Glastonbury on a few occasions and last year took Danny and his girlfriend with us, where Danny and me got drunkenly muddy, much to the girl’s annoyance, but it was hugely enjoyable …….. at least until the next morning; bad experience is a great teacher.

I have been incredibly lucky since being fostered by Ellen and Don (two of the most loving and caring people you could hope to meet) and that has been added to by having been accepted so readily by Danny and Emily. My mum had a sad end and was badly used by men and life in general but I like to think that she knows my life has been turned around by love, kindness and some hard work, as well as some good fortune courtesy of her older sister.

Reading through the story written by Ellen back in 2006, I feel ashamed of being such first class pain in the proverbial and can’t believe that anyone would have persisted with me as that stroppy, aggressive and ungrateful little so-and-so that I was at 15 or 16 years old, but I am eternally grateful that they did. I am also grateful to this website for helping Ellen to understand me and not just dismiss me as just plain odd for liking getting wet.

Stay wet and enjoy.

Water safety

Posted by wetimer on July 21, 2016 at 23:05:37

It couldn't have escaped my attention that a couple of days ago, a 29 year old man drowned in Shadwell Basin, the very same swimming location that I posted about earlier in the week. Did anyone else notice that?

My heart goes out to his family and friends, that they should lose someone who was not only doing something he enjoyed himself, but that the tragic accident should also have occurred in such a happy place, amongst hundreds of other swimmers and sunbathers. Of course the fact the man was so young just makes it all the worse. Should anyone who knew the young man stumble across this message, please accept my condolences.

At this stage, we don't know how the accident occurred. What we do know is that the news reports are already linking this event with the idea that swimming in Shadwell Basin, or other unsupervised wild swimming spots, is inherently dangerous. Of course there are dangers, and swimming in the wild will never be as safe as swimming in a lifeguarded swimming pool, but the health and safety crowd shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater. (Ok, bad metaphor, but you get the idea).

Incidentally, a Google search reveals that one other person has drowned in Shadwell basin, about 5 years ago, but that was under exceptional circumstances. In that case, the victim was the subject of an apparently unprovoked violent attack, and that was during March. It is unclear whether the frozen waters were the final cause of death or whether he died from his injuries, but it was probably a combination, as a passerby who jumped in to help had to retreat because of the cold. That incident is more a sad reflection on the dangers of inner city life than on anything to do with voluntarily going swimming.

Speaking as someone who enjoys swimming in isolated places, I have done a lot of research into the safety, or otherwise, of doing so. I would like to share some of my accumulated knowledge, in the hope that it may help others:

1) Stay near the surface. Wild bodies of water are not usually the same temperature throughout. Often the water stratifies into layers. The top 1 or 2 metres gets warmed by the sunshine in the summer. Beneath that, the water can stay at the same freezing temperature throughout the year. In a swimming pool, it is often a fun activity to swim to the bottom of the pool. In the wild, this can be a recipe for certain death. On hitting cold water, the body reacts instinctively. Sometimes that will result in hyperventilating. In other words, involuntarily filling the lungs with water. This is followed by panic, made worse if the water is murky and it is unclear which way is up. In the worst case, the cold can trigger a heart attack. Lesson 1: Stay at or very near the surface.

2) Enter the water gradually. At school, I was taught that if you can't enter the water gradually, the safest way to do so is by diving. That way, your hands push any obstacle away from your head. However, this is clearly nonsense. You can easily miss obstacles with your hands and your head would still be travelling at a high velocity on impact. The safest way to enter the water if you can't do it gradually, is by jumping, feet first. You may break a leg, You may even break your hands. But you are unlikely to concuss yourself, and your brain is the most important part of your body to protect. Lesson 2: Enter the water gradually, or jump feet first if this is not an option.

3) Lesson 3: Plan your exit. If you are not strong with your arms, and you have no experience, don't think you will be able to haul yourself out of the water. Look for the availability of ladders. I have heard unfortunate reports of people jumping into reservoirs to cool off on a hot day, and then drowning because they couldn't scale the steep smooth walls to get out

4) Be aware of hidden dangers. It's not a good idea to explore underwater. Don't look for underhangs. Remember, if you get into trouble in wild water, no one will know.

5) Plan for currents. Note that that is different from saying don't swim where there are currents. Anyone who has ever swam in a river or the sea has experienced currents. Mild ones are not a problem. Try to keep out of strong ones. There are giveaways. Churning water where a river meets the incoming tide from the sea creates undercurrents which can drag you under. This is what makes the lower Thames so dangerous. If you do get stuck in a current, know what to do. Riptides are caused by the water which the waves carry towards the beach escaping back to the sea. If you get caught in one, don't fight it. You have two options. Either swim in a perpendicular direction until you are out of the current, or wait for the current to weaken as it carries you out, then surf back in with the waves.

6) Needless to say, there are also people who claim that swimming in clothes is dangerous. If it's a conscious choice, it's less likely to be a problem. It is true that it is harder to swim with the additional drag of loose clothing. If you ever get into trouble in the water, don't be afraid to tread water and strip.

I'm sure there's more, but I'll stop there. Sorry to be a bit of a killjoy this evening. I'm just saddened and a little freaked out at my swimming spot, and somewhere I think of as being one of London's best kept secrets, playing host to such misfortune.


Re: Rainy walk

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 22, 2016 at 07:59:33

In Reply to: Re: Rainy walk posted by Jack on July 21, 2016 at 22:13:28:

So glad that things have turned out so well for you. Thanks for sharing the update, when I read the original stories that Ellen posted, they left me wandering what had happened. They were rather moving as well as amusing.
Best wishes, stay wet. C & J

Re: Water safety

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 22, 2016 at 10:40:35

In Reply to: Water safety posted by wetimer on July 21, 2016 at 23:05:37:

Very sensible post, a timely reminder is always a good thing. One hears every summer of teenagers (boys in particular) drowning whilst swimming with friends in rivers, canals or reservoirs and it is such a waste of a young life. Maybe learning to swim in clothes should be taught at schools, they seem to do it in other countries (The Netherlands ?). They do at our school, but then we are lucky enough to have a pool and have swimming lessons scheduled into the timetable.

Re: Water safety

Posted by swimmerrat on July 22, 2016 at 17:19:46

In Reply to: Re: Water safety posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 22, 2016 at 10:40:35:

i can relate - as a supervisor of our local dive team i am the one who has to go and search for these missing victims in our area. some of them are people who had life jackets and used them as a seat cushion, others did not have them at all. i have heard some people say they are a good swimmer - and i have recovered several who were good swimmers. no problem with enjoying the water, just use some common sense.


Posted by LevilovR on July 24, 2016 at 02:27:04

Left work today happy to be starting two weeks of vacation.. Decided to celebrate by literally jumping in the lake. It has been very hot and humid here for the last few days. Severe thunder showers were predicted yesterday we got a doozie. More showers predicted for this afternoon, and sure enough as I am driving home from work I see clouds building on the horizon. Quickly changed into some indigo 501s, striped shirt (blue,black and yellow stripes), navy tie and my ever faithful black boots, hat and belt. It was very hot and clouds kept getting darker over the lake as I drove. When I got there lots of boats were coming in off the water to escape the coming storm. It kept getting blacker and blacker, the wind picked up, it started to thunder and there was some lightning. Then the rain came, small drops at first, then big ones, then an absolute downpour. I was already in the water up to my waist helping people with their boats but within seconds my shirt was soaked through and water was pouring off the brim of my hat. The air was cool but the water was incredibly warm. We had some lightning, which always makes me a trifle nervous, but it was nothing compared to last night. Finally the last boat was loaded and I just stood there in the lake and let the rain cascade down over me. Waded out and went down the parking lot to move my car up closer to the dock/boat ramp. Lots of people were there when I arrived, but they cleared out quickly when the storm came. Some just hunkered down in their cars, knowing the storm would pass quickly. A veritable stream was running down the center of the parking lot towards the lake, lots of fun to slosh through on the way to the car. Couldn't get any wetter and couldn't avoid it anyway. After reparking the car got out and stood in the rain again. Within moments the storm passed, the rain ended and the sun came out again. It was absolutely beautiful. It got very hot and steamy again. My shirt dried quickly in the sun. People began to emerge from their cars and return to the beach and started swimming again, at least those few hardy souls who were willing to wait out the storm. Boats started arriving at the dock again, heading out on the lake. However the sky was darkening again, in fact it was really getting black, another cool wind started blowing, could hear some thunder and see lightening in the distance. People who had just unloaded their boats literally turned around and headed back to the dock. Drops of rain as big as marbles started to fall, plopping on the surface of the lake and making huge splashes. I was afraid it might hail. Then the downpour again. In fact it rained harder than it did the first time and it was so black you couldn't see past the end of the dock. Was completely soaked again in a moment. Waded back out to help those people struggling to get their boats loaded, particularly one older woman standing on the dock shivering in the rain while holding the ropes attached to the bow and stern, having a difficult time trying to keep the boat under control while her son ran for the trailer. Another man helped her on the dock and with me in the water we guided the boat onto the trailer. She was most grateful. The sun returned, yet it still kept raining - a very light warm rain. Lightning had stopped, the water was great, so decided to just swim for a bit. Looked like a third storm was building out over the lake, very black again, yet sunny where I was. Two more boats came in. Both vacationers from out of state launching at the ramp and then heading for their summer camps to tie up at their own docks. The first guy looked at the ominous sky in the distance. I asked him where and how far he was going. He said just to Kettle Cove, which wasn't far, but the weather kept changing so rapidly he was a bit worried. I told him I thought he could make it, it looked like the storm was heading away from where he was ultimately going, even though he had to head towards it before rounding the point of the island which would then take him away from it. I wished him well as he sailed away and went back to my swimming. The water was just so nice and pleasant and warm. A second boat pulled in, quite a large one, and the young man had trouble getting it off the trailer. With him, his wife and me pushing we finally got it unloaded. I held the boat while he drove the truck back up the ramp and parked it. He said he was just going around the point, but this was the first time he had started the boat this season and he was not sure. His wife was driving the truck and trailer back to the camp and refused to leave until she knew everything was working properly. After a few minor adjustments he got the motor running and the wife left. He had a large boat and the water is shallow so I walked out with him beyond the end of the dock, telling him it remained shallow for a long ways and to watch his motor so that it didn't drag on the bottom. He thanked me and set off. I watched him go, it looked like he was having some problems with the engine and I was prepared to go out and haul him back when he got it restarted and things went smoothly from there. Might as well swim back. God, the water was great. Didn't want to come out, but all good things must end. Walked out glistening, my clothes plastered to me. Sat down on the edge of the dock and raised my legs up in the air to let the water in my boots flow down the legs of my jeans. As I was getting into the car my friend Peter pulled up. He had been at the lake all day, but retreated to his car when the storms hit. He knows I love to swim in my clothes and has no objections to it, although he always wears a bathing suit. He wanted to know if I had actually stayed out in the rain and I told him I had. He knows that I also assist the boaters, although he rarely does. He told me people are appreciative of the help I give them. As I told Peter, it gives me pleasure to help them while giving me an opportunity to get wet at the same time. I am practically a fixture there and while people do make comments on the fact I go in the water clothed they are all positive. Most people who go there on a regular basis know me and think nothing of it. Headed home wet, tired and happy. Looking forward to getting wet every day for the next two weeks one wy or another. I love vacations!


Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 24, 2016 at 14:17:48

In Reply to: RAIN posted by LevilovR on July 24, 2016 at 02:27:04:

That's quite a story. I love getting wet in the rain, unfortunately we tend not to get heavy rain and warm weather at the same time - some would say we don't get much warm weather at all ! - so nice though the rain can be it is usually too cold to be truly enjoyable.

I've never worn boots or a brimmed hat whilst getting wet but it would nice to try. Maybe a trip to a local charity shop is in order ....

Thanks for posting, love your stories. Stay wet (he says, stating the obvious !)


Posted by LevilovR on July 24, 2016 at 15:48:56

In Reply to: Re: RAIN posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 24, 2016 at 14:17:48:

Our weather patterns have definitely changed here since I was a child. Heat and humidity are common here in the summer (July and August) and it used to be that a good thunder shower would come through and cool things off. Now we get the showers but they seem much more violent. We actually had a documented tornado in northern Maine last week up near the Canadian border. Very unusual.

I do hope you will try the hat and boots. Of course I wear cowboy hat and boots, but others work well too. With the cowboy hat you can roll and shape the brim - thus when you are in the rain or water it channels and flows off the hat pouring down your back or the front if you tilt your head forward. Also fun to take the hat off fill it with water (or mud) and dump it over your head. Ever heard of a ten gallon hat? Supposedly a cowboy could fill his hat with water and give his horse a drink from it. Not sure any hat would actually hold ten gallons, but I can see where it could be used like a bucket in emergencies. You guys will love the boots. Such a great sensation to step into the water, feel nothing at first, and then suddenly the water goes over the top of the boots and starts flowing in filling them up. Most of my boots are pretty light weight, they can weigh you down, but you can swim with practice. So great to do like I did when you come out to lay down, raise you legs and let the water run down towards your nether regions. Try it - you'll like it.

Pool Party and BBQ

Posted by Richard on July 25, 2016 at 09:24:01

After I had sounded out Steve about having a “Pool Party” and BBQ, about which he had been enthusiastic, I had a bit of a panic attack along the lines of “WTF have I let myself in for, I’ve never organised a party before, that’s the wife’s job.” Well, I told myself, it’s your job now, get on with it, you fool !

I started to ring round to local friends and neighbours and everyone was as delighted to accept as Steve had been. I got a few “Good for you, about time you had people in that house.” which was strangely encouraging. I got numerous offers to bring dishes of food or desserts along, to all of which I said a grateful “thank you, that would be great.” A couple of the guys offered to bring their BBQs round to help with the cooking, they both claimed to be experts …………...

By the time Steve and I had finalised numbers from our respective ‘phone calls we had got 23 adults and 34 kids. I went to bed having made a list of things to do on Saturday that wasn’t too long.

I woke on Saturday morning to the sound of voices and noise from my back garden – I looked at my watch on the bedside table – 6:30am ? Jeez, I don’t get up that early on a weekday never mind the weekend. I got up and peered out of the window only to see Steve and 6 or 7 lads busy erecting a couple of tents on my lawn. I went downstairs and out into the garden.

“Morning Richard. Did we disturb you ? Sorry …..” Steve asked.

“Hi, what exactly are you doing ?” I asked.

Mark butted in before his dad could answer “Putting up some tents.”

“Ha, ha, I can see that.” I laughed “Stupid boy !” I said in my best Capt. Mainwaring voice.

“I was thinking last night that we ought to provide somewhere for people to change, if they want to.” Steve said “So I brought these over from the Scout hut. We’ve got a couple of free-standing awnings as well, just in case it rains. Sorry we are so early, just thought it best to get it done soonest.”

“No, no, that’s fine, I’m not complaining. You should have told me, I’d have been up to help. Let me at least get everyone some breakfast – bacon and eggs everyone ?” I asked “My speciality.“

After breakfast and they had all dispersed, I went and did some shopping and when I got home I found a note through the door from Steve saying that they had left some tables and chairs along with a couple of BBQs in the garden.

By the end of the day everything was organised ready for the next day, I went to bed praying for fine weather.

Sunday dawned cloudy but bright with a slight breeze and, thankfully, quite warm. The forecast was for it to get warmer, but not as hot as earlier in the week, and more humid, ideal for a pool party. I spent the morning doing a last few preparations and then Marty and Roger arrived to fire-up their BBQs ready for when everyone else started arriving. Steve, his wife Louise and Mark were among the first to arrive, and Louise took charge of taking donated food whilst Steve handed out glasses of wine and fizzy drinks to the kids. When we were all assembled Steve shouted out for attention.

“I know this is Richard’s party and that he will probably kill me for doing this, but I thought I’d just say how happy we all are to be here today and to see his home back in it’s rightful place as a centre of entertainment and fun for his neighbours and friends.” Steve said, to loud cheers and clapping from all “So, as this has been advertised as a pool party, I am delighted to see that you are all prepared to get wet and have some fun. As a prelude to the theme of this being a non-swimwear pool party, Mark and I have devised a little introduction for sceptical parents about the advantages of your kids getting wet in their clothes ……….”

With that he waved to Charlie, standing off to one side, who wheeled in one of the sun beds with Mark lying on it covered by a sheet, as though in bed. Mark was lying on his side facing away from us, apparently not wearing anything on his top or lower body as his head and shoulders and his bare feet were sticking out from the sheet draped over him. He rolled over onto his back, yawned widely, stretched his arms out, and it took a few moments for us to realise that the sheet was tented up over a protruberance in the middle of his body, several people laughed.

“If you recognise this as the normal morning routine of your average teenage son” Steve continued “we’ll be showing you a quicker and more efficient morning routine later.”

Meanwhile, Mark had got up and was standing before us in just a pair of vivid red and lime green striped boxerbriefs, still stretching and yawning. He was displaying an unfeasibly huge boner in his boxerbriefs, after stretching again he stuck a hand inside his briefs and gave a couple of tugs at something – cue even more nervous laughter and exclamations of horror – before he pulled out a cucumber, looked surprised and rather puzzled at it, and then tossed it away over his shoulder, to much laughter. Mark reached back to the lounger and grabbed his jeans, pulled them on and buttoned the fly and buckled the belt, before pulling them down on his hips to their usual place, i.e. just on the verge of falling down ! Next was a black tee, he made us all laugh again by sniffing the armpits and grimacing, before pulling it on. He followed that with a grey shirt which he left unbuttoned. He then sniffed his armpits again, pulled at the waistband of his jeans and briefs and peered down there, before picking up a bottle of spray and squirting it under his arms and down his underwear. Next he slipped his feet into his trainers and brushed his hands through his hair. He mimed looking in a mirror, straightening his shirt and then walked off, whistleing.

“Yeah, not a nice image is it ? But there is a way of ridding your home of that horrible smell that seems to surround all, let’s be honest here, openly horny teenage boys – in my day it was Brut, or Hai Karate – now it is the equally pungent Calvin Klein or Hugo Boss aftershaves and colognes. Let us show you the new improved way of getting your son up and ready for the day and rid of that awful smell.”

Charlie wheeled the lounger back in again and it was obvious that Mark was now fully dressed under the sheet. He got up, yawned and stretched, scratched himself, looked around him, pulled on his trainers again. As he stood up straight, Steve and Charlie threw buckets of water at him, Steve produced a bottle of shampoo and squeezed some onto Mark’s hair and lathered it in, Charlie squeezed some shower gel over his clothes and rubbed that in, Steve poured water down the neck of Mark’s tee and then did the same down the front of his briefs and jeans after pulling out the waistbands. Mark was now drenched and soapy all over. After that they kept pouring more and more water over him until he was free of the soap. During this Mark stayed stock still, not even blinking when the water hit him, once they had stopped he raised an arm, sniffed his armpit, smiled and gave a thumbs up, before walking off whistleing again.

“As you can see, fast, efficient, effective – the perfect morning routine to achieve a sweet smelling, clean teenage son.” Steve informed us, as everyone cheered and clapped “Now that Mark has shown us how easy it is to get wet, I hope the ice has been broken and you will all follow suit.”

With that almost all the kids rushed to the pool and jumped in. I saw only one boy wearing swimshorts, but he was at least wearing a tee as well. All the others were in jeans, cargos or chinos along with shirts or tees.

After that the guys manning the BBQs got going and Steve took me aside and introduced me to his neighbour that he had mentioned previously.

Karen was a petite lady, very attractive with dark brown hair in a fashionable bob, a lovely smile and laughing eyes. We chatted for a bit as we sipped our drinks. She was just telling me about her family when a tall lad came over to us, he was dressed in blue jeans and a red polo shirt and was soaking wet. He had a big grin on his face and was wiping a fringe out of his eyes as he approached.

“Hey mum, where did you put the towels ?” he asked.

“On the chair over there” Karen replied pointing to her left “The dark blue ones. Before you go, this is Richard, our host, say hello. This is Adam, my eldest boy.”

“Hi Richard, nice to meet you. Lovely place you’ve got here, the pool is great.”

“Glad you are enjoying it.” I said “You’re friendly with Mark aren’t you ?”

“Yes, we all are.”

“I’ve given him a key to come over any time he likes to use the pool, so come with him if you like or just come round and knock on the door anytime. I work from home so am here most days.”

“Cool, that would be great. Thanks very much.” Adam said.

“Go get your brothers, bring them over to say hello.” Karen said.

“OK – I’ll just get that towel first.” Adam said.

He returned a few minutes later with his younger two brothers, both dressed in jeans and tees and both dripping wet. Turns out Adam is 16, Ben 14 and Callum 12. When we had said our hellos and chatted for a bit the boys went off to the pool again. I remarked that having three boys must be a challenge, she grinned and said that it had its moments and then went on to explain that her husband, Jonathan, had died of spinal cancer 12 years ago, just before Callum was born. She had moved here to take up a job as a Partner at a local solicitors, having started full time work again when the boys were all at secondary school. She laughingly explained that Jonathan had wanted their kids named alphabetically so that he could more easily remember in which order they were born, so she had continued that convention with Callum.

Steve was the first adult to get a soaking in the pool when Mark and Charlie pushed him in. He was wearing tan chinos and a green polo-shirt. Several others followed his lead, or were pushed in by their own kids, so by the time the food was ready about half the adults were wet. The food was great – Marty and Roger really are the experts that they claimed to be. The beer and wine flowed, the kids had lots of fun in and out of the pool whilst everyone was eating and I managed to get around and chat with everyone, until Mark and Charlie came over and hustled me to the edge of the pool and into the water, I did manage to take Mark with me but as he was already dripping wet, he was quite happy to get immersed again. It felt great to be wet again, my blue jeans clung to my legs and my blue and red checked shirt stuck to my chest and back.

Karen bought my plate of unfinished food to the pool-side and we continued chatting and eating sitting on the edge with our legs dangling in the water getting splashed as kids jumped in around us. Karen had been thrown in the pool by her three sons and she looked stunning in her wet khaki chinos and yellow floral shirt. I definitely wanted to see more of this lady, in all senses of those words.

It was a great afternoon and the food continued coming until the early evening – that’s what happens when you’re used to catering for one only and friends donate more food than is needed – and even all the ravenous teens could not finish it all off. As people started leaving they all came up and said how much they had enjoyed the day, even the getting wet, and I thanked them and pointed out that it had been a team effort with minimal input from me.

When almost everyone had gone, Steve said that they would help tidy up, so we folded the unused tables, stacked all the chairs and took down the tents and awnings. Karen and her three lads helped out as well and they, Steve, Louise and Mark were the last remaining guests come 8pm. I suggested they all stop for a tea or coffee before leaving, so Karen and Louise helped me get tea and cake for everyone, whilst Steve and the boys splashed around in the pool. The boys splashed around in the pool as it got darker whilst we adults sat in the gathering darkness dripping dry as we chatted. About 10pm they got up to go, I asked if they would like to come back this evening (Monday) to finish off all the remaining food and some of the wine as I’d otherwise be eating it all for the next week or more. They said that was a good idea and looked forward to it. Can’t wait to see Karen again. What a great day.

Re: Pool Party and BBQ

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 25, 2016 at 22:19:45

In Reply to: Pool Party and BBQ posted by Richard on July 25, 2016 at 09:24:01:

What a great story - sounds just like the sort of party we would enjoy. Love the idea of that sketch performed by Mark and his dad, must have been funny to watch, and I can imagine the reaction of the adults when he rolled over to reveal a morning 'boner' under the sheet. Still if you have ever been a teen boy you will know how true that is. Hope you tell us all if anything happens this (Monday) evening. Have fun and thanks for posting.

Surprise swim!

Posted by Westin on July 26, 2016 at 04:45:27

So I've been replaying this whole event in my head for the past 24 hours. I'm 15, I know I'm into swimming with my clothes on, I've done it in private a few times, but never in public yet. Until yesterday.

Backing up a bit, a new guy, Drew, moved into my neighborhood at the beginning of the summers. He's my age, we'll be in the same class in school this year. He's been hanging out with me and my friends. And he's a nice guy and everything and cool to hang out with. But there's something a little awkward or something about him. Can't really explain it - but I'll put it this way. You know how there's certain people who you figure wouldn't have a problem getting pushed in a pool, or jumping in a lake, or going in a dunk tank fully clothed, like even if just for a laugh? Well Drew is NOT one of those types of people. I thought.

There's a family in our neighborhood that has a real big yard and a nice in ground pool. Every summer they host a party and invite everyone in the neighborhood. Its actually pretty fun, they grill up some pretty good food and have games and competitions and stuff. I headed over with Drew and a couple other of my friends. We didn't plan on swimming, apparently, but a bunch of younger kids all got right in the pool, since its been so hot out here.

We grabbed some food and sat down and just talked for a while. I noticed Drew kept eyeballing the pool. At first I thought there was a cute girl or something over there, but nope it was just younger kids. But now I'm thinking about going for a swim myself, and starting to think about how to go about it. So Drew keeps seeming distracted by something, and at one point kicks off his shoes, saying how hot it is out. Then a few minutes later he reaches down and pulls off his socks. That's kind of weird, and we kind of give him a look, and he just shrugs and says its real hot out. And whatever, but he's wearing long pants, real baggy khaki cargo pants. And a long sleeve button down shirt over a white t shirt. So now I'm thinking its a little weird he'd dress like that on such a hot day, everyone else is just in shorts and tshirts.

Then a few minutes later he says something about wishing he could go for a swim. By now I'm starting to think he really actually wants to go in the pool. I didn't really know if he wanted to go in wearing his clothes, or if it was just coincidental because he didn't have a swimsuit with him and he wants to swim anyway - if that makes sense. Come to think of it, I don't think Drew's ever gone swimming with us, but then again we've only known him for a month or two. But anyway he actually says, "man, it's hot out, I wouldn't mind going for a swim." My one friend Adam just says, "well, you should have brought your swimsuit then." I'm still not sure I'm reading the situation right, but I say, "well no one's stopping you. Just go for a swim if you want." Drew just shrugs it off but looks like of awkward about it. Then I notice he pulls his phone out of his pocket and slips it into his shoe.

So then, a little while later, he says something about needing another drink, and gets up to go over to a cooler next to the pool where there's cans of soda and stuff. My radar is operating at full strength by now, so I'm keeping an eye on him. And I notice he stops and walks to the edge of the pool and stands there talking to some of the kids swimming. His little brother (who's the complete opposite of him, super talkative and energetic and kind of a pain in the you know what) is swimming, so it makes sense he'd stop to talk. But then I can see him to start laugh and joke with the kids, and starts dipping his foot in the water. And I'm thinking, wow, he's actually going to jump in the pool. So I say so to my other two friends, "hey, I think Drew's gonna jump in the pool." We all look over at him, then look at each other, then get up to walk over to Drew. Drew sat down on the edge of the pool and started splashing his feet in the water. You could see the kids in the pool getting more and more excited.

"What's up Drew?" I asked him. "Well, these guys think I should just jump in the pool." The kids cheered. "Well why don't you?" my friend Jim asked him. "Well, I'm wearing all my clothes, and I don't have a towel or anything, so that's just too bad." One of the kids grabbed Drew's foot and pulled it into the water, soaking a few inches of the bottom of his pants. "Oh, now you got my pants all wet," he groaned.

I figured I'd help the situation a bit and went up and grabbed his shoulder "Well maybe you just need a little push." I realized there was a good chance that I might end up in the pool, which was fine, but I was worried because I still had my phone in my pocket. But fortunately Drew just said, "oh, that wouldn't be very nice," so I backed off. But his little brother got the picture, and within a second he was out of the pool pushing on Drew's back, and other kids had grabbed his hands and feet and he was shortly dunked in the pool. Which all the kids, and a bunch of the adults who were watching thought was funny. Drew was laughing and shouted to the rest of us to come on in. Well, didn't need to tell me twice, so I stepped out of my shoes and tossed my phone into a shoe and tossed them aside. My friend Adam was like "you're going into to?" And I just said "yeah, why not?" I thought about jumping in, but then I decided to go over to the edge of the pool and lean over and offer Drew my hand. "Here, let me help you out Drew." Fortunately Drew and the other kids got the picture, and they pulled me right in. And man, did it feel good.

So the kids are having a great time dunking us and stuff. I turned to look at what Adam and Jim were up to. As I expected, Adam was giving us a "WTF" look, and Jim was grinning ear to ear and pulling off his shoes and socks, and soon enough he was in the pool with us. Then we decided that Adam should join us. He also isn't the type who would just agree to jump in a pool fully clothed. He's easily the person most concerned about clothes and appearances, and was wearing a nice pair of jeans and a black t shirt. But we all started chanting "Adam! Adam!" I figured there was a 50-50 chance he'd just tell us to f-off and storm off home, but fortunately he gave in and yanked off his shoes, then sat down on the edge of the pool and stuck his feet in the water. "OK, let me have it!" he shouted, and we very quickly got him pulled into the water.

We probably spent a couple hours swimming - it was such a hot day it was the best thing to do, and its not like we were going to get any wetter. And we'd joke with the little kids about how they pushed us in the pool and got our clothes all soaked and how we didn't have any dry clothes to wear and everything. They all thought it was hilarious.

So yeah, I totally didn't expect to end up swimming fully clothed yesterday. And I definitely didn't expect it to go down the way it did. But man am I glad it worked out.

Re: Surprise swim!

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 26, 2016 at 07:47:37

In Reply to: Surprise swim! posted by Westin on July 26, 2016 at 04:45:27:

Great story. Having fun getting wet when the weather is hot is so cool (literally), and even more so if fully clothed, and to be honest no one really cares although they may protest a bit. After all it won't harm your clothes (you wash them, I assume !) so just enjoy. And those who do protest probably secretly wish they had the courage to do the same.

Thanks for posting, look forward to hearing more of your summer adventures.

Re: Surprise swim!

Posted by wetchas on July 26, 2016 at 09:37:51

In Reply to: Re: Surprise swim! posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 26, 2016 at 07:47:37:

Great story. Thanks for posting. Obviously Drew wanted to go in all along, but didn't know what reaction he would get. It's a great example of engineering a situation so that it looks as if you didn't instigate it. Hopefully, now that he realises that it's not a big deal, you can enjoy more wet clothed fun together.
Thanks again for posting.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: Pool Party and BBQ

Posted by Richard on July 26, 2016 at 10:37:13

In Reply to: Re: Pool Party and BBQ posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 25, 2016 at 22:19:45:

Yes, I've read your stories, guys, and they are excellent - entertaining and well written - so I have enjoyed them all.

Mark's little sketch was well received by most people who thought it very funny, particularly those with teenage sons who thought it very true to life. Mark was truly stoical as he had water poured over him, had his hair shampooed and was soaped down and then rinsed off; he didn't move a muscle or blink even when his dad poured water down inside his boxers and jeans (well, maybe just one muscle stirred a bit !).

I've posted on the other site about Monday evening.
Stay wet guys.

Re: Surprise swim!

Posted by Westin on July 26, 2016 at 20:06:47

In Reply to: Re: Surprise swim! posted by wetchas on July 26, 2016 at 09:37:51:

Yeah, thanks. Thing is, I still don't know if he actually wanted to wear his clothes in the water. Or if he just wanted to go for a swim, and happened to be wearing clothes. I mean, it was so hot out, I could see him just wanting to go in the water regardless. So I don't know if I should pry or bring it up again or anything. We've only known each other for a couple months, and he seems like a good guy, but still not sure I'd want to just ask him, Hey are you into swimming in your clothes or something?

Re: Surprise swim!

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 26, 2016 at 20:22:32

In Reply to: Re: Surprise swim! posted by Westin on July 26, 2016 at 20:06:47:

Just go for it and ask him. I'm sure I'd not see it as prying if asked the same by a friend (if he is a friend, length of time knowing him should not be a barrier), I'd just answer 'yes' or 'no' and not even think about there being any strange motivation behind it. Tell him you enjoy getting wet in clothes. If he does as well, he might be really pleased to find a soulmate. If he doesn't he'll probably just say 'no' and think no more about it. You've nothing to lose in my opinion.

Fitting in

Posted by Will Shaw on July 26, 2016 at 21:59:38

Hi my name is Will Shaw and I am 27 years old and currently live in Provo Utah. I have always loved swimming fully clothed but sadly have had a very hard time with having and maintaining friends and fitting in. I was wondering if there is anyone out there around my age that lives in the Provo/Orem Utah area that has this same interest as me.

Re: Fitting in

Posted by Jamie on July 26, 2016 at 22:15:36

In Reply to: Fitting in posted by Will Shaw on July 26, 2016 at 21:59:38:

Sorry no, I am in the UK. But welcome to the forum. Good luck with your search, there must be people around who like getting wet in their clothes out there. It's no big deal.

Re: Surprise swim!

Posted by LevilovR on July 26, 2016 at 22:43:05

In Reply to: Re: Surprise swim! posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 26, 2016 at 20:22:32:

Oh he likes it! He wouldn't have gone through all that prep if he didn't. That was "just testing the waters" if you will excuse the pun to see how people would react. He did it slowly and gradually in an acceptable way that got a positive response rather than just running over and jumping in. Understandable being the new guy and all. I agree that you should just ask, say you enjoy it too and if he says he does then make plans for some future clothed swims together.

Chris comes off his quadbike

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 27, 2016 at 08:34:48

Chris had a bit of a mishap yesterday afternoon.

We’ve been repairing and generally tidying up the two quadbikes over the weekend with dad’s help as ‘engineer in chief’ and Chris and me as his helpers, what he calls his ‘grease monkeys’, doing all the dirty bits.

In theory we both now know how to strip an engine to it’s component parts and, this is just theory again, put it all back together without having any bits left over unaccounted for ! We did it with one of the engines under dad’s watchful eye and using his method of placing all the parts on the workbench in order. And it worked. We tried the second on our own, using Chris’s almost photographic memory to replicate what we had done previously – I say almost as we only had one small nut and bolt left at the end. Luckily, with a bit of prompting from dad, we found where it fitted on the carburetter without having to dismantle too much.

On Monday we finished off tidying up the cosmetic bits and then today we took the quadbikes out into the woods. They felt and looked great, going really well. That is until Chris misjudged a bend, clipped a fallen tree trunk and came off the track into a ditch, where he flew over the handlebars and hit the bottom of the ditch face first. Luckily he had been wearing the ‘kill’ strap on his wrist, so the engine stopped and the quadbike just came to a halt half in and half out of the ditch.

I stopped and found him sitting up in the ditch, soaking wet and mud covered, but with a bleeding nose, some scratches across his face and a bleeding lip. It looked pretty horrible with all the blood from his nose, but he checked his limbs and was able to stand OK.

“Well, that was pretty stupid, wasn’t it ?” Chris laughed as he pinched his nose and tilted his head back.

“You sure you’re OK ?” I asked “You’ve got some scratches across your face, but can’t see any other damage apart from the bleeding nose and cut lip.”

“Can’t feel anything else, just a bit winded when I hit the bottom of the ditch. The mud and water cushioned the worst of the impact, I hit a branch under the water, hence the nose and lip.”

“Tilt your head down a bit, open your mouth …… that’s it, smile …… look at me.” I said.

He did as told and grinned at me with two teeth broken, half of his left eye tooth and more of the one to its left.

“You’ve broken a couple of teeth too.” I said.

“Really ? Ahh yes ……. I can feel it now. Damn.” Chris said as he ran his tongue around his mouth “Can’t feel any others that are not as before.”

“Are they loose ?” I asked.

Chris gingerly touched each one in turn and then shook his head “Feel solid enough to me, what’s left of them, no wobbling or pain. That’s good isn’t it ?”

“I guess so. You’ll have to ask your dentist, maybe he can do a crown for them or something.” I said.

“That’ll be a first – never even had to have a filling before. Just an annual check-up.” Chris observed “Oh well, have to be more careful in future, lesson learned. Come on, give me a hand getting the quad out of the ditch, I think I’ve stopped my nose bleeding now, it feels all clogged up.”

We pulled his quad out of the ditch and I suggested we go back to the house so he could get cleaned up, injury wise. But he said he was OK and there was nothing he could do apart from go to the dentist, so we carried on. We did a circuit of the woods and then went to the flooded dell, where Chris splashed down off the swing rope a few times before wading out. When he was standing waist deep in the water he splashed some water on his face and washed off the remains of blood and dirt, snorted a clot of bloody snot from his left nostril and then joined me on the bank.

“Not going for a swim ?” he asked.

“No, don’t think so, not today.” I said.

“Sure ?” he said as he tried to push me in “the water’s quite warm still.”

I weakened a bit and on his next gentle shove I let myself be pushed in. He was right, the water really was almost warm. We spent a while splashing around and jumping in off the rope swing.

We were quite clean by the time we headed home, I’d never really got dirty, so we simply went straight to the pool after putting the quadbikes away. Our mums were sitting by the pool with cups of tea and some cake.

They greeted us with “Wet again, I see” from my mum and “What have you done to your face, Chris ?”

We stood dripping before them.

“Fell off the quadbike into a ditch, no real harm done just a few scratches, a cut lip and these …..” Chris grinned as he raised a finger and pointed at the broken teeth.

“Good God ! When did this happen ?” his mum asked jumping to her feet “Let me see …...” and she peered at his broken teeth.

“About an hour ago” I said “I think, maybe not as long as that.”

“I’ll ring the dentist and get you an appointment for tomorrow if I can.” his mum said going to get the phone.

“What happened, Chris ? Sure you are OK otherwise ?” my mum asked.

“I clipped a log at the side of the track and went off into the ditch, I was flipped over the handle bars and landed in the ditch face first. I had a bit of a nose bleed and a cut lip, but those have stopped bleeding now. That’s how I got wet, falling in the ditch …..”

“That and taking a dip in the flooded dell.” I added.

“No pains anywhere - teeth, gums, body, arms and legs ?” my mum asked.

“No, nothing at all.” Chris grinned “Maybe a few bruises. I was lucky.”

“Two broken teeth among a perfect set is not lucky, my boy.” Chris’s mum said as she returned with the phone, waiting for it to be answered.

An appointment was fixed for 10am today, so Chris will find out what the dentist can do a bit later.

After a cup of tea, we spent a while in the pool still in our wet clothes.

Chris was wearing his favourite old 501s, a blue sweatshirt, blue socks and boxer-briefs and some old trainers.

I was in old Diesel jeans that were very faded, ripped and frayed, a dark green Diesel sweatshirt with their logo on the front, black briefs, socks and trainers.

Re: Chris comes off his quadbike

Posted by wetchas on July 27, 2016 at 08:48:08

In Reply to: Chris comes off his quadbike posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 27, 2016 at 08:34:48:

Blimey. It all happens to you doesn't it? Love Chris's mums reaction to the broken teeth.
Here's a thought. If he hasn't been for a crap lately, maybe the bits of teeth will be in his next dump. Possibly you could retrieve them, and stick them back together with superglue. If they aren't in there, perhaps they are at the scene of the accident. Chris shouldn't mind searching his crap for them. He's used to smelling of poo so I understand.
Sorry if this is less than helpful. It's that sense of humour again.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Chris comes off his quadbike

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 27, 2016 at 12:07:24

In Reply to: Re: Chris comes off his quadbike posted by wetchas on July 27, 2016 at 08:48:08:

Yeah - "Less than helpful" - I'd agree with that ! Ha Ha.

I saw the dentist this morning and he found that the next tooth along has been cracked as well, so, rather to my surprise he removed all three after taking an impression and x-rays of that side of my mouth. I go back next week after the slight swelling and bruising that I have on my face has gone down, to have some implants inserted. Apparently they should replicate the originals exactly.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable now with a numb mouth and jaw. We are going out to get muddy again as a distraction !

Thanks for your concern and reminding me about falling in the s**t just as I had gotten rid of the smell and memory.
Jamie is banned from writing about my mishaps from now on.

Cheers, Charlie, stay wet.

Re: Chris comes off his quadbike

Posted by wetchas on July 27, 2016 at 12:27:22

In Reply to: Re: Chris comes off his quadbike posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 27, 2016 at 12:07:24:

False teeth, at your age eh.
Seriously though, and without taking the pee it sounds like a rough do. Dental work is never pleasant, and having had perfect teeth before, you won't be used to needles etc.
Enjoy your mudding session.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Chris comes off his quadbike

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 27, 2016 at 20:48:42

In Reply to: Re: Chris comes off his quadbike posted by wetchas on July 27, 2016 at 12:27:22:

Well, at least with implants they don't have to be removed (unlike my grandpa's plate, eugh !), so I guess they will feel and look just like normal teeth. I'm not sure what is involved in fitting implants, I rather stopped listening when he started talking about screwing the base into the bone ....

Injections are never fun, but ones into the mouth are horrible, never had one before. The worst bit was feeling numb and not being able to speak properly - oh, and the drooling of course.

We had a great time mudding this afternoon, Jamie has written about it on the other site.

Re: Chris comes off his quadbike

Posted by First Aider on July 29, 2016 at 08:42:40

In Reply to: Chris comes off his quadbike posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 27, 2016 at 08:34:48:

Guys - If you have a nose bleed NEVER tilt your head back - tilt it forward so the blood can escape. This is really important as it can get into your lungs and cause more problems if you let it go down your throat.

Re: Chris comes off his quadbike

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 29, 2016 at 08:50:04

In Reply to: Re: Chris comes off his quadbike posted by First Aider on July 29, 2016 at 08:42:40:

OK. Thanks for the advice, I guess Chris had been told by someone to it the way he did, but I will tell him. Thanks a lot. (He's at the dentist at the moment.)

Re: Chris comes off his quadbike

Posted by Zonie on July 29, 2016 at 08:56:51

In Reply to: Chris comes off his quadbike posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 27, 2016 at 08:34:48:

It might also be wise to have a physician look him over. There are times when people have concussions without knowing it.

Re: Chris comes off his quadbike

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 29, 2016 at 18:28:03

In Reply to: Re: Chris comes off his quadbike posted by Zonie on July 29, 2016 at 08:56:51:

Good advice but I didn't hit my head at all, just cought my mouth on a submerged tree bough. I've been concussed before and had none of those indicators at all this time. If I'd had any doubts I would have been the first to go to the doctor, his surgery is only a short walk from home. Thanks for the concern though.

Re: Chris comes off his quadbike

Posted by DkSneakers on July 30, 2016 at 08:47:39

In Reply to: Re: Chris comes off his quadbike posted by Chris (and Jamie) on July 27, 2016 at 20:48:42:

What other site?

Re: Chris comes off his quadbike

Posted by wetfinn on July 30, 2016 at 18:47:26

In Reply to: Chris comes off his quadbike posted by Jamie (and Chris) on July 27, 2016 at 08:34:48:

I'm just wondering, you two being pretty smart guys, why didn't you wear helmets? A full face mx helmet would have saved the teeth and everything... is back !

Posted by Felix on July 31, 2016 at 19:48:50

Hi Wet Jeans Boffins is back in a mobile friendly format with some new content here and there about wet jeans, hoodies and more. Enjoy, and suggest what else should go there. Maybe Chris and Jamie's stories, since they usually swim in jeans a related clothes...


Holiday in Northumberland

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on August 03, 2016 at 11:40:18

Jamie and me drove up to Northumberland yesterday (Tuesday) after I had been to the dentist to have my new implants fitted. We left home at about 11am in Jamie's car. I had wanted to take mine but he pointed out that as the journey was 310 miles according to his sat-nav, having to stop to re-charge it every 100 miles maximum would make the journey much, much longer time wise. And anyway his car is more comfortable and spacious as well. We are staying with Jamie's dad's sister, Joan, and her husband Bill and their three kids, Melanie, Tony and Sophie.

I was feeling a bit sore and my mouth was numb again from the injections I had had so we had a chatter-free journey as we headed north as Jamie claimed not to understand what I was saying.

After 90 minutes or so we stopped for a coffee and sandwich. We entered the cafe to find it almost deserted with an elderly lady serving behind the counter. I went up and asked for a coffee and cheese and tomato sandwich.

"Sorry dearie, what did you say ?" the lady replied.

"Go and take a seat, Chris, I'll order." Jamie grinned as I wandered off "Sorry about that. Erm, we'll have two cappuccino and two cheese & tomato sandwiches, please."

"Ok, dearie. Is your friend OK ?" she asked.

"Yes, he's fine. We're off on holiday." I heard Jamie say.

"Oh good, you'll enjoy it at the centre, they have great facilities for people like your friend." she said - what was she talking about ?

"Really ? What ......." Jamie asked.

"Don't worry, dearie, we get lots of mentally retarded people coming through here on the way to the centre, it's only a few miles away." she replied in a loud whisper "Such a shame for your friend; he's a good looking young man, you'd never guess from looking at him."

"Oh, right ! I see ....." I heard Jamie say "No, no, he looks OK, but with a mental age of only four, it's sad but he gets along OK; he needs looking after most of the time so a break like this is a real treat." I couldn't believe what he was saying, he turned and grinned at me, before paying and bringing our food over.

I tried to speak to him, but he just patted my arm and told me to calm down. He even reached over and wiped my mouth where I had dribbled coffee down my chin from my numbed mouth.

When we had finished, we went back to the car with that lady's final goodbye ringing in my ears "Have a lovely holiday, dearie !" Jamie was laughing uncontrollably by the time we reached the car. I found his pen and note pad in the car and scribbled a note as he sat down and belted up, it read "I WILL KILL YOU VERY SOON." and handed it to him as I drove off. He just laughed.

The rest of the journey was uneventful and by the time we had our second stop my mouth was no longer numb and we were chatting. It took us exactly 5 hours and 20 minutes as predicted by the sat nav, excluding our two stops.

When we got to the house that Bill and Joan had bought as a holiday home, we found that only Melanie and Tony were there. They welcomed us in and showed us around. It was a chalet bungalow with four bedrooms, the two bigger ones upstairs, a big living room / kitchen and two smaller bedrooms downstairs. There was a shower room, separate w.c. and utility room downstairs as well, and a shared bathroom upstairs, as well as another separate w.c.

It was situated along a sandy track near three other houses and from the rear windows there was a great view across grassy sand dunes to the beach and Bamburgh Castle in the distance. Jamie and me were given one of the ground floor bedrooms, furnished sparsely with two single beds and a small wardrobe and chest of drawers. Tony was in the other ground floor room.

Melanie suggested that we dump our things and then go for a walk along the beach, which apparently extends about 2 miles towards the castle and beyond and a mile or so the other way.

Mel is 19, a year older than us, and Tony is 16. Mel was wearing cut-off jeans, a blue tee and red canvas shoes. Tony was in blue and white star-fish patterned board-shorts, a yellow long-sleeve rash-shirt and blue canvas shoes.

"Are your parents out for the day ?" Jamie asked Melanie.

"No, they aren't coming down until the weekend, dad had to go to a conference in place of his boss, unexpectedly, and Sophie is away at a friend's until Friday, so it's just been Tony and me this week until now." Melanie replied "I bought mum's car down so that we could all fit in easily, and it takes Tony's skim-board more easily than my Mini."

We walked across the dunes to the beach, which was huge and windy. Tony was keen to show us his skim boarding skills. He was good. Jamie had a go and kept seeing the board rush away from under him until eventually he fell over and a small wave washed over him. He was soaked. Tony and Mel laughed. After that he just carried on trying as he and Tony got wetter and wetter. Mel and I paddled in the shallows. I had been told not to risk knocking my teeth for a few days so I didn't join in trying the skim boarding, but after a refreshing hour walking along the beach we were all pretty wet. Mel and I were soaked up to our waists and Jamie and Tony were completely wet from head to toe. Jamie's jeans and tee were covered in sand as well from where he had fallen over so often.

We went back to the house, showered and changed into dry clothes before taking the car into Bamburgh for a look around, although there is not much to see apart from the amazing castle.
Mel has booked us all in for a wind-surfing class with a local instructor on Thursday, so tomorrow we go to hire some wet-suits for Jamie and me (the others have their own) which should be interesting as I have never worn one before and Mel said it is an interesting exercise getting one on for the first time. Tony said he would give us some tips and come with us to get them.

We had a BBQ supper and rang home to say we had arrived safely. The weather is not too bad, due to be better tomorrow (Wednesday) and later in the week. The broadband connection here is patchy despite having a mobile dongle thingy (they don't have an internet connection at the house) so we probably won't be posting any more tales of our holiday until we get home on Saturday week.

Re: Holiday in Northumberland

Posted by Johnny on August 03, 2016 at 17:57:16

In Reply to: Holiday in Northumberland posted by Chris (and Jamie) on August 03, 2016 at 11:40:18:

The sea there is freezing. Now as you know I find cold water very stimulating but this degree of cold is really something else. So boys, your challenge is to go in the water, get stimulated and maintain it for more than 5 mins. Enjoy.

Re: Holiday in Northumberland

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on August 03, 2016 at 20:38:04

In Reply to: Re: Holiday in Northumberland posted by Johnny on August 03, 2016 at 17:57:16:

Ha, ha. You are right, the water did feel really cold. After I fell of Tony's skim-board and got totally soaked, as opposed to just heavily splashed, what little arousal I had just disappeared. Tony seemed to be doing rather better, but that may just have been the thinner fabric of his board-shorts moulding more easily to his anatomy and showing off his bulge. Chris usually copes better with cold water than I do but I didn't see him getting noticeably aroused either.

We went to get our wet-suits today. That was an interesting experience, to say the least. Chris will write about that more on the other site, he is tapping away on his lap-top as I write this, so maybe will post something tomorrow.

Re: Holiday in Northumberland

Posted by wetchas on August 04, 2016 at 08:32:32

In Reply to: Re: Holiday in Northumberland posted by Jamie (and Chris) on August 03, 2016 at 20:38:04:

You two have just nearly made me pee myself. That cafe incident is one of the funniest things I've read for a long while (since Chris got covered in excrement in fact).
Not got much experience of wetsuits. I suspect they can be quite arrousing, but as they are made to get wet, they have never had much appeal. I understand that are supposed to pee in them when you put them on. As the warmth can't escape, it's supposed to keep you warmer.
The sea will be really cold up there. As you are landlubbers you probably don't have much to compare it with though. Here in Devon it's a pleasant 18 degrees or so now. The only trouble is, that encourages the jellyfish. Another good excuse to keep you clothes on.
Thanks for the laugh. Enjoy yourselves for the rest of the week, and please, no more accidents!
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Holiday in Northumberland

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on August 04, 2016 at 15:58:53

In Reply to: Re: Holiday in Northumberland posted by wetchas on August 04, 2016 at 08:32:32:

Oh dear - apologies for provoking that kind of reaction !

Jamie has the most appalling sense of humour and to tell lies like that at the café was seriously reprehensible ........ and very funny as well as quick witted. I have yet to get my revenge, but I will not forget.

I've seen him do it before with his dad as the maligned victim, he manages to keep a very straight face and is very convincing. I think I would fall apart with laughter half-way through.

It is pleasant here today as well, haven't seen any jellyfish here, but maybe the water is too cold for them. I had a friend in the US who was badly stung by one and it was horribly, excruciatingly painful by his account. Definitely something to avoid.

Re: Holiday in Northumberland

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on August 04, 2016 at 16:02:11

In Reply to: Re: Holiday in Northumberland posted by Johnny on August 03, 2016 at 17:57:16:

We failed your little test miserably during our first couple of days here, the water is so cold that I cannot see that situation changing any time soon. However we will keep practicing .................

How long is a good dunk tank shift

Posted by Jake on August 15, 2016 at 23:41:09

So good news: I've been scheming, trying to find a way to get myself signed up to be in a dunk tank. I was already thwarted earlier this summer, when the group that was supposed to be running a dunk tank at our city carnival cancelled it at the last minute. But me and a friend of mine are working on running a dunk tank at a back to school carnival in a couple weeks. We got the dunk tank all rented, and a few of our friends have said they'd be OK taking a turn as the victim getting dunked.

My question is actually pretty simple, but - how long is a good shift in the dunk tank? My friend who's spearheading this whole thing is kind of a "go big or go home" type of guy, which is good because he's completely enthusiastic about doing the dunk tank. But he thinks everyone should be in the tank for a full hour, which seems like a long time to me. And since I know probably all of my friends are only agreeing to this because I asked them to, and not because they actually want to be in a dunk tank... I just want to make sure this isn't going to be miserable for anyone.

So can anyone answer my silly question?

Re: How long is a good dunk tank shift

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on August 16, 2016 at 09:54:48

In Reply to: How long is a good dunk tank shift posted by Jake on August 15, 2016 at 23:41:09:

An hour sounds like a long time to me. I'd assume that most people like to watch or dunk someone else because they like to see the transformation from dry to wet, so an hour seems far too long to wait to me.

As others have suggested below, I suggest you and your friends take several changes of clothes and do, say, 15 or 20 minutes at a time (that should get each person dunked a few times each turn) and then rotate with the others doing the retrieving of balls, re-setting the seat, collecting money, handing out balls etc. whilst allowing them to dry off enough to either go back damp or change into dry clothes. I guess that an ideal number would be you and five others.

Re: How long is a good dunk tank shift

Posted by wetmark on August 16, 2016 at 18:05:14

In Reply to: Re: How long is a good dunk tank shift posted by Jamie (and Chris) on August 16, 2016 at 09:54:48:

I agree - 15 to 20 minutes is a good amount of time, depending on how many times they get dunked. I worked dunk tanks years ago and that seemed to be about right. I was a teacher, so I always had plenty of volunteers to go in, as long as I took my turn as well !

Wet party

Posted by Rick on August 22, 2016 at 18:46:12

The most fun I have getting wet is when Its spur of the moment and unplanned but sometimes I know that the possibility exists for a wet adventure and such was what happened yesterday. My friend Sara had a birthday party hosted by her husband who is one of my best friends. It was a bbq at their house which I knew had a pool and the likely hood of getting wet was there. I knew I was going to drink at the party so I asked my friend Phil, another friend who was also invited with his girlfriend, to pick me up as he doesn't drink and would drive me home. Planning on getting wet I wore a pair of off white linen pants, white lycra/cotton boxerbriefs and a light blue V neck light weight t shirt. For those who read my posts you know I am a bit of an exhibitionist and love when I wear see thru clothes and this fit the bill. They were also comfortable as it was a warm afternoon. Interestingly Phil who picked me up wore white 501s and a polo shirt, his girlfriend shorts and a top. She mentioned her bathing suit was underneath but Phil didn't say anything. Not sure if he planned to go swimming but I knew he wouldn't care. As is the custom at their house all cell phones needed to be left at the door as they believed we were their guests and our time should be focused at the party and not our phones. My pants were kind of tight so I left my wallet in the car. As soon as we got there we were handed a drink, me a scotch and water, Sheryl a white wine, and Phil a sparkling water. The food was good and by the third drink I was really getting into the festivities. I should mention Sara had been thrown into the pool a few times. She was in short jeans shorts and a halter top. Her husband Dave was also in the water in cargo shorts and one of his work out shirts. The ones that are like a tank top but completely open on the sides. He was a gym rat and loved wearing these "almost" shirts. Phil was having fun with Sara's sister and picked her up and brought her to the pool edge threatening to drop her into the pool. I decided to help and pushed them both in. As I mentioned Phil was in white jeans and Sara's sister Megan had on skin tight blue jeans and a t-shirt. Sheryl was already in the pool in her bikini. Neither one seemed to mind but I knew I was the next target. I really didn't play hard to get. They had a trampoline next to the deep end and I went on it and took a jump and landed right in the middle of the pool. I was anxious to get out of the water to see if I would get any reaction to my clinging very see through clothes but all these guys are friends and have seen all of me on many occasions . I did love the way I felt so I stayed wet jumping in and getting out most of the rest of the afternoon. Phil however did get a reaction as he was wearing pink underwear which caused a few chuckles as they you could see them through his jeans. His wife actually convinced him to take off his jeans and just swim in the pink pouch briefs. He didn't seem to mind at all

Jump or pushed?

Posted by Ed on August 22, 2016 at 22:20:08

Obviously it is enjoyable to get wet fully clothed in any circumstances- I'm delighted to throw myself into water anytime- but does anyone else get an extra buzz if someone else wants to see you soaked, and push you in or throw it over you? Even if it is a dare to jump I get more enjoyment... Must give it a more playful quality.

Re: Wet party

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on August 23, 2016 at 08:30:46

In Reply to: Wet party posted by Rick on August 22, 2016 at 18:46:12:

Pink briefs ? Sounds good to me. I have a shocking pink t-shirt and mate of ours wears pink soccer shorts sometimes. Makes a change to the usual black, blue, red or white.

Great story, thanks for posting. Nice too hear that all your friends are quite happy to see you soaked in white clothes and somewhat revealed when they go transparent, must lead to some interesting situations.

Re: Jump or pushed?

Posted by Jamie on August 23, 2016 at 17:50:52

In Reply to: Jump or pushed? posted by Ed on August 22, 2016 at 22:20:08:

Getting pushed is always more fun as I just know it won't stop there as I will always get them back and end up in the water again myself.

Good video

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on September 11, 2016 at 16:03:48

Came across this YouTube video by a lad of himself jumping in a pool in his school uniform, all in slow motion. Enter cTg0axzVUi8 in search

Re: Good video

Posted by wetchas on September 12, 2016 at 08:38:06

In Reply to: Good video posted by Jamie (and Chris) on September 11, 2016 at 16:03:48:

Thanks for sharing that. You are right, it's an incredible video. Love the way the water deluges out of his blazer, shame it comes off after the first jump.
Still some great action though. Don't those trousers shine wonderfully. Some good sneaky shots of the pants as well.
I don't know of course if he did it just for a laugh, and to make an interesting film, or if he is actually a regular wetter. There are a couple of other Vids of him in the pool, one with a friend, both dressed in trackies and tees, so maybe he is of our persuasion. Just think though. Wearing those school clothes all day, knowing what you were going to do to them when you got home. I would have been uncontrollable.
Cheers for now.

Lake Zurich

Posted by Wayne on September 13, 2016 at 16:03:48

Just got back from a short break in Zurich and was amazed at the number of people swimming in the main lake there, loads still had jeans on and a few in just their underwear. My mate who lives there says people stop off after work and go for a dip, most don't have any swim shorts so just go in their underwear of keep their jeans on and just walk to drip dry afterwards.

I kept my jeans on as did my pal. I knew I had white boxers on underneath and knew they would go see through in the water, but I should not have bothered as these two guys waked out the water in front of us wearing white boxers and everything could be seen. They just lay down and waiting till they dried. I decided after to take my jeans off to dry in the sun but did go back for a swim in just my boxers, my mate kept taking loads of pictures when I was getting out the water as he said it looked like a porn star doing a wet clothes advert. I did see a few people looking but who cares, I just went for it and enjoyed it. Was nice walking back through the city with my wet damp jeans on feeling them slowly dry in the heat.

Re: Lake Zurich

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on September 13, 2016 at 18:58:32

In Reply to: Lake Zurich posted by Wayne on September 13, 2016 at 16:03:48:

That sounds like a fun, if revealing, time. Not sure that I'd be too comfortable with being that 'on show' in public, but each to their own. Thanks for posting.

Wet sports at school

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 14, 2016 at 08:34:46

We had our first wet football match at school yesterday. At lunchtime it started raining and just as we finished and were going to get changed the rain got heavier and there were a few distant rumbles of thunder. By the time we got to the pitch it was still raining heavily and the thunder was a good bit nearer. Within a few minutes of starting the game we were all soaked to the skin, my team were in navy blue shorts and shirts and the opposition in navy shorts and white shirts. Our navy blue kit looks pretty good when wet and shines nicely, the shirts cling very much and the shorts slightly less so, maybe a good thing ! Our teacher tried to persuade us to stop the match but as we were all soaked anyway we decided we wanted to carry on. It was great splashing around in the growing number of puddles as the rain poured down and we all got quite muddy doing sliding tackles and generally falling over. We did eventually curtail the match when the lightening started as it seemed very close with one flash grounding just the other side of the school buildings with a huge bang and crackle.

After school Jamie, Harry and me have been 'volunteered' to help out with swimming lessons for the less confident new intake boys. There are sixteen of them in total, fewer than last year, and our head of PE decided that we should split them into groups of four each. They had all been told to bring a change of clothes with them - specifically not sports kit, but jeans, long-sleeve sweatshirts, socks, underwear, and canvas shoes - but we started off as a normal swim class in their swimming trunks. Their trunks are colour coded according to which school house they belong to, so we had a mix of boys in bright red, cobalt blue, bright yellow and bright green. We got them to try swimming a width of the pool and also to jump in, just to assess more clearly how confident they were, most were OK with jumping in but after that it was mostly a case of them splashing around and not getting anywhere as they struggled to stay afloat. We got them out of the water and sat them down and outlined what we wanted to try and achieve with them, namely to be able to confidently jump in, stay afloat, make progress through the water without drinking half the pool and doing an imitation of drowning.

We sent them off to get changed into their spare clothes and when they came back we split them into their groups of four. I got a pair of twin brothers, George and Steven, and Sebastian and Charlie. It turned out that none of them had ever deliberately got wet whilst fully clothed. Charlie said his parents could not swim and they had never been to the sea-side for a holiday and he had been excused swimming at his previous school whenever swimming was on the timetable. The twins had a fear of water after being knocked down by a wave at the beach as very small children. Sebastian said his mum got angry if he got wet or muddy, even when playing sports in proper kit, and that as his parents were divorced he had no-one else to tell her that it was perfectly normal for boys to get wet or muddy. This was going to be interesting.

When I suggested that they all just jump in the pool in their clothes just to get used to the feeling and discover that it was nothing out of the ordinary, they were a bit reluctant. When I asked why they thought they had been asked to bring a change of clothes and were now wearing them rather than swimming trunks, they didn't seem to have linked the two things. It was still raining heavily outside, so I suggested that we go outside and get wet gradually rather than just jumping in the pool, so we did that - jumping in puddles, splashing around and kicking water at each other - and the twins even led the way in laying down and rolling through a puddle until they were soaked completely. Great fun. Once everyone was completely soaked and dripping wet, we went back into the pool and they all happily jumped in. I jumped in with them and started to get each of them floating on their backs and by the end of the lesson all four were getting the hang of that and looking forward to the next session.

Off to school now, another swim session with the boys after school today.

Re: Wet sports at school

Posted by wetchas on September 14, 2016 at 09:00:55

In Reply to: Wet sports at school posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 14, 2016 at 08:34:46:

Thanks for taking time to post this.
Once again you have shown your gift for teaching, especially those who ha e problems with water. I would never have thought of letting them go outside first. Brilliant.
I really think you two ought to be looking at a career in education, probably with PE as the main subject.
Just your luck to have a Charlie to teach. Hope he's not a lippy bastard like I would have been at that age (I've had it in kicked out of me since).
Cheers. The other Charlie.

Re: Wet sports at school

Posted by Chris on September 14, 2016 at 12:43:53

In Reply to: Re: Wet sports at school posted by wetchas on September 14, 2016 at 09:00:55:

Glad you enjoyed. Taking the boys outside seemed the obvious thing to do. I did get a few questioning looks from our teacher, Michael, but I explained to him afterwards and he seemed happy as it produced the result required, and the boys thought nothing of jumping in the pool fully clothed once they were already dripping wet. Another session this afternoon, still in their jeans etc, so they should all be used to it by then.

They are all nice lads it seems (even my Charlie, ha ha !! - we have three Charlie or Charles in the group, so it must be a popular name) and none of them answered back or were cheeky - obviously too well brought up or maybe it was the fact that we are older and now Harry and me are Prefects and have a bit of power to make their lives difficult if we were so inclined, not that we are of course, but that may change in time if they do get stroppy !! . (Jamie refused the 'honour', not sure why.)

Re: Wet sports at school

Posted by Barney on September 14, 2016 at 15:35:21

In Reply to: Re: Wet sports at school posted by Chris on September 14, 2016 at 12:43:53:

Sounds like you had a fun football game. I used to love playing in the rain when I was at school but sadly the teachers usually called the game off as they didn't want to get wet as well -spoilsports !

I think Jamie might know something about being a Prefect that you and Harry don't ! If it is anything like it was at my school you get dumped on for all the crap jobs that the teachers don't want to do and get little or no thanks for doing so. Acting as supervisor for picking litter in the playing fields was a favourite, or standing around in the wind and rain in the middle of no-where as direction pointers for cross country runs, being linesmen for school rugby matches and car parking attendants on parents day were a few others. Taking House Detentions was the worst as the teacher would set the task and then depart leaving the Prefect to ensure the essays or whatever were completed and then being blamed if they weren't to the required standard. And they say school days are the best of your life ...... ha ! Oh, and we didn't have the option of declining the honour.

Re: Wet sports at school

Posted by Jack on September 14, 2016 at 15:41:09

In Reply to: Wet sports at school posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 14, 2016 at 08:34:46:

What's the betting that your teacher uses your method of getting reluctant boys wet in future ? Brilliant idea.

I remember playing football in the rain when the pitch was waterlogged and the rain hammering down, it was great. We always ended up having a mud sliding competition at the end of the game, encouraged by our teacher, who we later discovered was gay and liked seeing lads getting wet and muddy - but that's another story........

Re: Wet sports at school

Posted by Jamie on September 14, 2016 at 19:40:56

In Reply to: Re: Wet sports at school posted by wetchas on September 14, 2016 at 09:00:55:

A career in teaching !? I can think of few things worse than being surrounded by noisy, questioning kids all day, everyday - the long holidays would be nice though ! - but I suppose being a PE teacher would at least give you the opportunity to wreak a bit of havoc every so often ........

Re: Wet sports at school

Posted by Jamie on September 14, 2016 at 19:44:45

In Reply to: Re: Wet sports at school posted by Barney on September 14, 2016 at 15:35:21:

Spot on, Barney ! I did try and tell them about the drawbacks but the prospect of almost unlimited power over others was too strong and they succumbed to the Dark Side !

Re: Wet sports at school

Posted by Jamie on September 14, 2016 at 21:04:04

In Reply to: Re: Wet sports at school posted by Jack on September 14, 2016 at 15:41:09:

We had a teacher like that when I first joined the school. He was openly gay and very camp indeed, about 62/63 I guess as he retired at the end of my second year, and when he officiated at football matches he used to take his blonde curly wig off and put it in the pocket of his tracksuit, that was quite a shock the first time I saw him do it. He used to patrol the changing rooms and showers to check that everyone had a proper shower afterwards and some of the boys used to tease him with silly poses as he walked through, poor man used to turn beetroot red and make a hasty exit. He was nice enough and was a good geography teacher but everyone knew what he was like and made fun off him behind his back. Rather sad in a way, and he must have been terribly frustrated .................

Re: Wet sports at school

Posted by wetjumper on September 14, 2016 at 22:55:38

In Reply to: Wet sports at school posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 14, 2016 at 08:34:46:

How I wish you'd been around to teach me to swim when I was 11, instead of a teacher who seemed a lazy, insensitive bully and who almost managed to put me off for life - until, many years later, I found this site and realised my secret enjoyment of getting wet in clothes could motivate me to learn to swim, with a target of being able to swim in clothes when the opportunity arises. I started taking adult lessons, and I've persevered ever since, although I'm still not a good swimmer and I haven't made progress lately, still experiencing unease in deep water.

Your approach to lessons is more original and much more fun - I'm sure my fears would soon have been overcome by enjoyment, as long as I didn't get too carried away!

I spotted a few years ago that my old school was advertising private adult swimming lessons using the school pool. Things have obviously changed since I was there, which was over 40 years ago so it's hardly surprising. I thought of getting in touch, but decided I probably wouldn't do well in a facility associated with some bad memories.

Your school seems to have more of an emphasis on sports and physical fitness than mine did, but it also seems to have more open-minded attitudes, and it's clearly getting great results - helped by great coaching by a few of its final-year students! Keep up the good work!

By the way, soon after you were playing football in the rain, I nearly got flooded... see below in "wet fun today"...

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Wet sports at school

Posted by Chris on September 15, 2016 at 07:40:29

In Reply to: Re: Wet sports at school posted by wetjumper on September 14, 2016 at 22:55:38:

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. We take our lead on the lessons from Michael, our teacher, who is very relaxed about teaching pupils to do things they are not confident about or just plain don't want to do, if you make it fun and they enjoy it then it suddenly doesn't seem so frightening. It was obvious to me that as the guys had not been wet in clothes before, they were apprehensive about jumping in fully clothed (simply jumping in seemed unnatural to them in the first place) so I took them outside in the rain, bit of a no-brainer really. Also seeing me getting soaked as well in my jeans and shirt and not minding, just made it easier to follow suit.

We play sports a couple of afternoons a week as part of our regular timetable as well as having swimming sessions after school for the swim-team and occasional football matches on a Saturday morning. Jamie and me have a swim every week day morning at home as well of course (along with Harry and Mike most days) and we definitely feel better and fitter for doing so, I guess you get addicted, and it is more fun than just doing gym weights and exercises.

Our dads are constantly surprised at the freedoms and attitudes from teachers that we enjoy compared to what their own schools were like back in the day. Having been home-schooled whilst in the US I have nothing to really compare it with, but it does seem a lot more liberal than I had expected at first.

Wet vid

Posted by Jamie on September 15, 2016 at 07:59:08

Another great slo-mo vid from the lad on YouTube, this time in dark jeans and a t-shirt. Search for the following UNgUdmf2bI4 - you know the drill.

Washing Car

Posted by Steve on September 15, 2016 at 18:13:27

I woke up to heavy rain on my roof. As the morning went on it didn't stop so I thought I wouldn't waste the opportunity to wash my car as I always use the rain to clean it and save water. I just sleep in light cotton pajama bottoms with nothing underneath and was still wearing them. My driveway is hidden on the side of the house so I pulled the car out of the garage into the driveway and got the sponge. It was a nice warm rain with heavy drops that felt great against my bare chest and it quickly soaked my pajamas. Although not see through they were pretty thin and it took no time for them to be completely soaked and clingy. It felt real good and I was a bit extended and to be a bit crude was flopping all over the place with the fabric clinging. After the wash, I pulled the car back into the garage and used a swegee and towel to finish. I then cleaned up outside and again got wet. I enjoyed a romp in the rain and then went inside to towel off and change.

Re: Washing Car

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on September 15, 2016 at 20:23:29

In Reply to: Washing Car posted by Steve on September 15, 2016 at 18:13:27:

Sounds good to me. My cousin Tom always washes his car in the rain for the same reason - he has to pay for his own water supply now and is what a kind person might call 'careful' with his money, we all say he is just tight - but he usually wears jeans and a t-shirt which do look good on him when soaked. I did join him once to do my car but the garage isn't really wide enough to easily dry the car off afterwards so it ended up spotty with water marks, which annoys me.

Re: Wet vid

Posted by wetchas on September 16, 2016 at 09:59:20

In Reply to: Wet vid posted by Jamie on September 15, 2016 at 07:59:08:

Yep, another good un. Shame it was all a bit hurried and the light was fading. Made the vid a bit dark, but never mind.
The school uniform one blew me away
Shame the blazer didn't stay on a bit longer though. There's another with him in shorts and a Hollister shirt which is also very good.
Hope he does some more.
Cheers. Charlie.

Third swim session

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 16, 2016 at 20:51:10

We had our third swim session for the new boys yesterday afternoon after school. They have got used to getting wet in their jeans and sweatshirts and are happy to jump in to the pool without hesitation and assume the floating position on their backs. We have them confidently righting themselves after falling in unexpectedly, and then getting into the floating position again. Most of them are happy to open their eyes under water, important if you want to see which way is up and where you are in relation to the side of the pool. We have a couple of guys who don't like or won't open their eyes and we are working on that with a couple of large clear-plastic storeage boxes full of clean non-chlorinated water into which they can slowly dip their faces. We have some plastic letters that we place on the bottom of the box and just to prove that they have opened their eyes and looked we ask them to tell what they spell - Jamie's idea, but it works well.

Michael, our teacher, had to go off to a staff meeting so left us in charge for the last twenty minutes or so of the session and I was standing on the side, dripping wet in my jeans and sweatshirt, watching my group floating and trying back-stroke to move around the pool a bit. I heard the door open and then a quiet female voice said something.

"Hello, I'm a bit early but I've come to collect my son, Sebastian ........ do you mind if I wait ?"

I turned around to see this elegant, tall, willowy lady standing there and looking me up and down.

"Hello, pleased to meet you. I'm Chris ..........." I said

"Of course you are, Sebastian has told me about you." she said "I'm Madeleine. How is Seb getting on ?"

"Very well, you can see him floating just over there, he's mastered that very quickly." I said.

"That's good, he needs to learn to swim properly, it's very good of you all to give up your spare time to do this. I just don't understand why he needs to wear his clothes to do it, surely his trunks are perfectly good enough ?" Madeleine said.

"Why don't we sit down on a bench - you won't get splashed that far away and I can keep an eye on what they are doing easily enough." I suggested.

"Yes of course, thank you."

"To answer your question" I said once we were sitting down, her at one end of the bench and me astride the other end so as not to get her wet from my clothes "We are trying to make them more confident around water rather than just teaching them to swim. Part of that is to ensure they are safe when out and about and know what to do if they do fall in water at any time - you know "Keep Calm and Carry-on" - and as it is unlikely that you'd be wearing swimming trunks away from a pool, learning to swim with clothes on just makes it more realistic. It is also a good way of getting fitter as you swim - more resistance and effort needed - it tones your muscles."

"I see. I hadn't thought of that. I have to say I don't really approve of Seb getting his clothes wet and dirty - those jeans he is wearing now cost me £120." Madeleine said.

"Has he got any older clothes he could wear ?" I asked.

"No, I don't want him looking scruffy. And there's all the extra laundry involved ..........." she said.

"Can I be a bit cheeky and make a suggestion ?" I asked.

"Go ahead." she smiled.

"When I was Seb's age my parents let me get as wet and muddy as I liked in any of my clothes - except for the very best of course - so that I didn't have to worry about whether I should join my friends in a muddy football game or splashing around in puddles, jumping a stream, climbing trees, mud sliding or just going out in the rain and getting wet. They gave me money to buy some cheap jeans, tees and trainers that matched my mates so I felt I belonged to the gang, so to speak." I explained "But, in return, they made me responsible for doing all my own laundry. They showed me how to use the washing machine, drier and iron properly and from then on my mum left me to it as far as that was concerned."

"Really ?"

"Yes. I became more confident about who I was, what I wanted to look like and be seen as by my friends - I got my own style, if you like, rather than the one my parents wanted for me."

"Well, you are certainly a confident young man, I'll grant you that. I guess you are saying I should give Seb a bit more freedom."

"That's your decision, of course, what I'm really saying is that Seb might be happier doing things with his new friends here if he wasn't worrying about damaging his expensive clothes. I know he has his uniform and sports kit but there a lot of extra activities when we have the opportunity to wear casual gear - jeans, tees and sweatshirts - that will inevitably get wet or muddy if you participate fully. Things like the assault course, life saving classes or survival and camping trips in the woods. Did you attend the Open Day last weekend ?"

"Yes, we did. Seb wanted to try the assault course, but I didn't want him to damage his clothes."

"You might be surprised at how resilient jeans and sweatshirts can be - these have been wet and mud soaked more times that I can count - and they are still OK, and only £25 for the jeans and a tenner for the sweatshirt."

"Where would I get something like that ?" she asked.

"On line, any of the well known clothes shops, and there's a good stall in the market in town, he sells everything from jeans, cargoes, flannel shirts, sweatshirts and so on for anything from £5 to £30 max for adult sizes. You could probably buy Seb three or four sets of clothing for the price of the jeans he's wearing now."

"Thanks for that - you've been very helpful. I'ts difficult to know what to do with a boy when you're a mum on your own. I don't even have a brother I can ask." she said "I'll have a look on line, but I will take your advice and let Seb choose what he wants. It looks like your session is coming to a close, I'll let you get on."

"OK - hope you don't think I was interfering. It's been a pleasure to meet you." I said as I got up.

"Not at all - nice to have met you too, Chris."

The boys were beginning to get out of the water and go off to get changed. I walked to the edge of the pool and dived in for a last dip of the day and to retrieve a couple of objects from the bottom that we had been using earlier. When I clambered out I saw Madeleine watching me intently as the water poured off my clinging clothes as I stood up.

Re: Wet vid

Posted by Jamie on September 16, 2016 at 21:35:54

In Reply to: Re: Wet vid posted by wetchas on September 16, 2016 at 09:59:20:

Yeah, shame it is so dark. You can of course down load it using a suitable app and then enhance it by lightening, adding contrast and brigtness etc. until you get it how you like. It gets a bit grainy if you do too much but is def a lot better.

Re: Third swim session

Posted by Wetchas on September 16, 2016 at 21:41:28

In Reply to: Third swim session posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 16, 2016 at 20:51:10:

Whatever sort of Jeans was he wearing that cost £120.
Reminds me of a kid I used to know, there was rumour that every time he got his raincoat wet, his mum brought him a new one. Don't expect it was true, it would cost a fortune, especially here in the UK.
Funny how some Mums won't let boys be boys though isn't it. My Mum was a bit like that, in that she always wanted me to look smart, but never to that extent.
You want to watch her (not my mum, but Sebastian's). Sounds like she's after you.

Re: Third swim session

Posted by Jamie on September 17, 2016 at 09:14:51

In Reply to: Re: Third swim session posted by Wetchas on September 16, 2016 at 21:41:28:

Yes definitely, she was flirting with him - it was so obvious from the moment she walked up behind him with her eyes fixed firmly on his wet jeans backside ! And all the time he was sitting astride the bench opposite her as they talked she was staring alternately between his groin and his chest in his clingy wet clothes ...................

Re: Third swim session

Posted by Chris on September 17, 2016 at 19:32:28

In Reply to: Re: Third swim session posted by Wetchas on September 17, 2016 at 17:05:19:

Ha, Ha, very good. But I am a Brit through and through even though I lived in the US from aged 8 until 17. You don't want to believe everything that Jamie and Harry say about this incident ......... jealousy plays a big part in their interpretation of events and what they think they saw. We had eye to eye contact during most of our conversation and I certainly didn't notice her eyes straying downwards as we sat on the bench and talked..

Re: Third swim session

Posted by Chris on September 18, 2016 at 20:26:18

In Reply to: Re: Third swim session posted by wetchas on September 18, 2016 at 19:41:59:

I'll let you know what happens with Seb at Tuesday's session. My betting is that his mum will let him buy his own clothes from now on, she seemed genuinely taken with the idea when we chatted. Jamie and Harry both think otherwise.

Fourth swimming session

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 20, 2016 at 22:00:49

I promised to write about today's swimming session and say what Seb turned up in - whether his mum had let him buy his own clothes or not - so here is that account as promised. I will call a halt to these accounts as they are all rather similar in a way, just us three, our teacher and sixteen boys getting wet in our clothes whilst they learn to gain confidence in the water and to swim properly, so it gets a bit tedious trying to make it sound interesting to people not there (i.e. you) and to be perfectly honest I've got more than enough school work to do rather than writing what are basically repeat pieces. Anyway here it is.

We had our first swimming session since my chat with Seb's mum. We were all wondering if she would allow him to get some clothes for himself or insist on getting something cheaper for him to wear herself. Seb's path and mine did not cross at school on Friday or yesterday so I had no forewarning of what had happened.

We gathered as usual at the pool after school lessons or sports had finished, and everyone, ourselves and the boys were attired in our usual jeans and tees or sweatshirts ready for our coaching session. Seb appeared in a pair of stone washed denim jeans and a red sweatshirt and blue canvas shoes. They looked new and definitely were not the clothes he had worn previously and he looked more at ease and was chatting and interacting with the others in his group more animatedly than previously. All sixteen of the boys gathered around us at the side of the pool to hear what our plan of action was for the session. Michael, our teacher, asked the boys if there was anything they particularly wanted to do or have more practice at and Seb was the first to pipe up.

"Is there any chance that we might to able to have a go on the assault course, most of us didn't try it on the open day and it would get us used to getting wet in a more realistic situation than here in the pool." Seb asked, looking around at the others for support. there was a chorus of other voices in support.

Michael looked at Jamie, Harry and me and asked "Would you guys be happy with getting muddy today as well as just the usual soaking ?" We nodded or spoke in agreement with Jamie grinning and saying "Always happy to do that !"

"I suggest we do two groups today and two tomorrow" Michael said "I have a meeting after this session and don't really have the time to clean up properly after a dirty time on the assault course. Why don't you take your groups today, Chris and Harry, and Jamie and me can take ours' tomorrow, is that OK ?" So we agreed on doing that to loud cheers from the boys.

Turned out that none of our eight boys had done the assault course on the open day so they were all keen to try it. One of Harry's boy's, Clive, had done something similar before but it had not involved mud, just water based obstacles. Before we left the pool, Michael insisted that everyone jump in the pool and swim a width, however badly, and so Harry and I jumped in and watched as each as each of our groups jumped in off the side and swam a width between us in turn. When everyone was soaked through and standing on the side again dripping wet, we gather our eight boys and headed off to the assault course, a walk across the playing fields of about 200 yards. Most of the eight were following Harry and me and we could hear them laughing and joking as they watched each other marching along in their sodden clothes, making rude or derogatory remarks in a jokey fashion about each other and eventually us. Harry eventually lost patience with listening to comments that he was unable to hear properly or know at whom they were directed.

"Look guys, if you have any comments about us it would be polite to say them to our faces rather than talking behind our backs." Harry chided them "I am sure we can both withstand a few compliments about how good we look in wet clothes, or how impressive our physiques are compared to you lot of overweight, lazy, flabby and frankly ghastly excuses for boys." That silenced them for a while.

"We weren't talking about you, honest." Charlie protested.

"I believe you, then, thousands wouldn't !" Harry retorted.

After that they continued chatting and laughing as we walked.

"Chris ?" Seb asked.

"Yes, what is it ?" I asked.

"Thanks for speaking to my mother last week. She gave me the money to buy these and a few other clothes and says it's my decision what I wear from now on; I do have to learn how to use the washing machine and dryer, but I think that's a good deal, don't you ?"

"No, easy enough after the first go." I said "So where did you get those new clothes ?" I asked looking down at his wet jeans and sweatshirt "Better those than that expensive stuff, especially for getting wet and muddy."

"I went to that market stall in the town, he sells all sorts of things there and made a good guess at my sizes, they fit just fine. I got two pairs of slim-fit jeans, a couple of teeshirts and sweatshirts, all for less than fifty quid !!" Seb told me enthusiastically "And I got some socks, canvas shoes and underwear at another stall."

"Great, they'll get a good trashing in the mud today, but they'll feel better afterwards as they shrink a bit for a better fit, and get softer." I said.

"These jeans feel better wet than dry already." Seb enthused as he smoothed his hands down his thighs as we walked "I'm going to enjoy the assault course ..... never got really muddy before, except when playing football and that's not really, really muddy is it ?"

"Not the same at all; if you fall in here - and you will - you'll really know what mud feels like ....." I laughed "and don't be surprised if you react in other ways too, most guys do when completely soaked in mud."

"What do y ................ oh, I get it ............ hadn't thought about that. Do you ?"

"Nearly always .............." I told him "It's not something you can control you know !"

"So I've discovered ................." Seb laughed "Usually at the most inappropriate times and for absolutely no reason."

"Welcome to the club .................. most of us have similar experiences as far as I can tell from all my mates." I said.

"Me too !" Seb replied "Rather nice to know it's not just me ............."
"Well we're here now - gather round everyone." I called and explained what was involved in the first obstacle we were going to try - the monkey bars over the muddy pool of deep water - these boys were going to get really muddy very quickly, dunked in thin liquid mud if they fell off the bars, which was a 100% certainty first time doing it.

Johnny went first and made to the sixth bar quite quickly by swinging energetically but then his stamina faded and his grip loosened and he managed to hold on just by one arm hoping that he could swing himself far enough forward to reach the next bar and get his momentum going again. He hit the muddy water with a huge splash and disappeared from view before spluttering to the surface and wading forward to the end and clambering up onto the finish platform. He was grinning from ear to ear. He was brown from head to foot; fair hair, face, front teeth, his nice yellow sweatshirt with the Maserati logo and name on the chest, his previously dark blue, slightly faded skinny fit jeans that were now showing a sizeable bulge and his white trainers - all now a uniform milk chocolate brown. He got a round of applause and cheers from the others and took a bow before hopping down off the platform and rejoining the group.

Will, Owen and Clive went next and none of them faired any better than Johnny. The only thing they all had in common was ending up looking like him - covered in brown mud from head to toe. Charlie went next and he managed to get to the last bar but he let go a bit before his feet were firmly on the finish platform, slipped and fell backwards into the pool. Seb got as far as the eighth bar and fell in trying to grab that. The twins, George and Steven, did as badly as each other and when they emerged covered in the brown mud it was even more impossible to tell them apart than before, so we took to calling them both "Georven" which they thought highly amusing. With all eight of them now soaked in mud, they started calling for us to show them how to do it properly. Harry made it all the way without falling in. I did the same, but Harry pushed me back in before I had got my balance fully, and when I clambered out I grabbed him and threw us both backwards into the mud again, so we were all equally muddy now, much to the amusement of the boys. So we moved on to the rest of the course.

We all did the belly-crawl through the muddy trench, the wobbly stepping-stone logs across the mud pit and wading along the water filled trench clambering over and under the cross bars. We scrambled up the netting and over the top rail before sliding down into the deep mud pit and then we did the zip wire, landing in the deepest of the mud on the course. We were all totally covered by then. I knew that I was tenting out my jeans more than normal and Harry was the same. Whilst we stood watching the final three boys come down the zip wire, Seb approached and held his hand up for a high-five.

"You were quite right, this is very exciting - best fun in ages" he grinned at me "I really didn't think it would happen to me ......" he grinned as we clashed hands. But he was right, he was very obviously enjoying himself and showing it not just by the huge grin on his face.

The last obstacle we tackled was the watery ditch that we had to swim along as it was too full and too deep to wade along for almost all of it's length. We had saved it until last so that everyone could at least get a bit cleaned up before heading back to the showers. Most of us took the opportunity to splash around for a bit in the shallower water at the end and we trooped back to the school buildings largely clean but still soaking wet, it felt great.

Re: Fourth swimming session

Posted by wetchas on September 21, 2016 at 08:35:43

In Reply to: Fourth swimming session posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 20, 2016 at 22:00:49:

Thanks for that, and taking the time to post it. I realise that you must be hectically busy at school, and to have posted this at a smidgeon after 10.00pm shows some dedication. Its a shame you can't submit some of these posts as English essays, or creative writing (not that they are fiction of course, lets not go there again).
So now you have a happy Seb. Do let us know if you get any feedback from his Mother. I still reckon she will want to see you again.
Thanks for now. Charlie.

Re: Fourth swimming session

Posted by Jack on September 21, 2016 at 09:26:34

In Reply to: Fourth swimming session posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 20, 2016 at 22:00:49:

Thanks for completing the circle on this story. Maybe Seb's mother will say "thank you for the advice" next time she sees you around the school. Can you remember what the others were wearing, it would be fun to know how their clothes looked when mud soaked as opposed to just wet or dry.

Have to say I don't find your stories tedious or anything like that, although it must be a challenge to make the same activity sound entertaining for the reader every time, but you succeed at it very well to my mind. It's your recounting of dialogue that I enjoy in particular.


Posted by Steve on September 21, 2016 at 15:25:19

Anybody use underwear as swimwear or swimwear as underwear? If so what brand and style and why

Re: Fourth swimming session

Posted by wetfinn on September 21, 2016 at 16:36:42

In Reply to: Fourth swimming session posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 20, 2016 at 22:00:49:

Thanks for taking the time to write, you're so good at it!

Re: Fourth swimming session

Posted by wetjumper on September 21, 2016 at 18:25:39

In Reply to: Fourth swimming session posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 20, 2016 at 22:00:49:

Thanks for posting this account - I greatly enjoyed it and it's certainly not just a repeat of things already said. I take your point about not wanting to waste time posting repeats when you're up to your eyes in schoolwork (rather than mud or water). I know when I was regularly posting accounts of my adult swimming lessons it became difficult to find anything of interest for fans of wet clothes, and it became clear that there wasn't much support for my continuing with regular posts. But you're certainly not at that stage yet. By all means post only when you have the time and have something new to post, but I'm sure those posts will be greatly appreciated. This one certainly is!

I'm fascinated and delighted that getting wet and swimming in ordinary clothes is accepted and encouraged at your school (at least in these sessions) as a way to build competence and confidence in the water. I'm also envious and frustrated that nothing like this was available to me when I was growing up - nor even now as far as I know, at any school in my area for their current pupils or anywhere for adult learners. Well done for making this happen, and for showing your learners how much fun it can be - although it seems they all have no trouble with discovering this for themselves. Seb's life has definitely taken a turn for the better!

Keep up the good work! (wet when possible!) - Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Fourth swimming session

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 21, 2016 at 19:48:52

In Reply to: Re: Fourth swimming session posted by wetjumper on September 21, 2016 at 18:25:39:

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. I was feeling a bit under pressure yesterday and probably expressed myself badly and in haste, which is never a good way to post things on line. Our school seems perfectly 'normal' to me, but then we do have better facilities (an indoor pool, hard and grass tennis courts, a squash court, lots of space for playing fields for football, rugby or cricket and some surrounding woodlands for the assault course etc.) than most state schools I suppose. The teachers are quite enlightened (mostly) and our PE staff seem used to letting us get wet and muddy in whatever kit we like - obviously not for playing organised sports like football or rugby - and see it as part of being more confident and competent in the water certainly.

Re: Fourth swimming session

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 21, 2016 at 19:50:31

In Reply to: Re: Fourth swimming session posted by wetfinn on September 21, 2016 at 16:36:42:

Thank you.

Re: Fourth swimming session

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 21, 2016 at 20:19:01

In Reply to: Re: Fourth swimming session posted by Jack on September 21, 2016 at 09:26:34:

Maybe Seb's mum will say something, I haven't seen her around since our chat. Seb was collected by someone (the chauffeur ?) in a smart Range Rover today after our session.

All the others were wearing jeans and sweatshirts as well, I think. I know the twins, George and Steven, were in similar faded and worn old blue jeans and one was a bright green sweatshirt and the other in a maroon one - but as to which was which, I can't really tell them apart !! Their jeans turned a darker blue when wet of course, and the maroon sweatshirt went almost black whilst the bright green one just seemed brighter. The got so totally muddy in one swift move when they fell in off the monkey bars, that you really could not tell anything about what colours they had been.

Charlie's jeans are a very skinny fit indeed, but whether that is due to them being old ones that he has grown out of or their actual style I don't know, although they are quite short in the leg and leave nothing to the imagination around his groin, and are evenly faded all over, so perhaps he is growing out of them. He was wearing a sky blue sweatshirt with a number 11 on the front. All his clothes still had a muddy brown tint to them even after we had cleaned up a bit in the last ditch. (They still did today.) And they clung very tightly when soaked in mud.

Clive wears light grey jeans and a black sweatshirt. They look to be a loose fit as they wrinkle more when clinging after he gets wet. His jeans cleaned up better in the water after he got muddy and looked just a bit streaky, whereas his black sweatshirt looked muddy brown even as we headed back to the school buildings.

I didn't really notice the others in Harry's group too much, but they were all in well worn blue denim jeans and sweatshirts - blue, grey and khaki I think - and all looked pretty good when wet (darker than when dry) and even better covered in shiny wet mud, just like everyone else.

I never know quite how to write dialogue, but I've a style I am happy with now - so am delighted you like it too. Glad you enjoy it all.

Re: Fourth swimming session

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 21, 2016 at 20:39:23

In Reply to: Re: Fourth swimming session posted by wetchas on September 21, 2016 at 08:35:43:

Thanks, pleased you enjoyed it all. Things are suddenly a bit more hectic at school at the moment, every teacher we have seems to have given us projects/studies to do at the same time - I guess they have just got into their stride after the start of the term - but Jamie says they do that every year just to see how we cope under pressure and that it will ease up after half-term as we start getting through them all and they then have the assessing to do. I am a bit of a night owl as far as bed times go, usually it is well gone 1 or 2 a.m. before I get to bed - unlike Jamie who is ready to fall asleep by 9 p.m. - and whenever I get to bed I still wake at 5:30 a.m. even if I stay in bed and doze a bit longer.

It would be interesting to hand these posts in as school work - we'd probably get questions about our life-styles and social/sexual preferences - but as our subjects are mainly Business Studies, Economics, Computing Sciences and Design Technology there is not much call for creative writing.

I haven't seen Seb's mother since our chat, but Seb was chatting at our session today and it seems she has also agreed not to deliver/collect him to/from school in their chauffeur driven limo, the flash Maybach Harry so admired, and today he was collected in a smart red Range Rover, still flash I guess but not so OTT as a limo. Still chauffeur driven, but no peaked cap or anything like that. Perhaps I should not judge as my dad has the use of a business jet and a driver ...................

Re: Survey

Posted by Jamie on September 21, 2016 at 20:52:59

In Reply to: Survey posted by Steve on September 21, 2016 at 15:25:19:

I have worn briefs as swimwear at school, I was thirteen and had forgotten my trunks, but much prefer not to nowadays. Like Chris I've worn Speedos as underwear occasionally but never on an everyday basis. If I needed to I'd happily wear boxers to swim in, I like the way it feels more like wearing nothing and the feel of the thin fabric clinging afterwards, but I'd be sure to wear a dark colour to avoid embarrassing transparency !

Re: Fourth swimming session

Posted by Barney on September 21, 2016 at 20:56:32

In Reply to: Fourth swimming session posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 20, 2016 at 22:00:49:

That all sounds like such amazing fun - wish my school had had an assault course when I was a kid but they barely had a football pitch.

Re: Fourth swimming session

Posted by wetmark on September 22, 2016 at 03:59:47

In Reply to: Re: Fourth swimming session posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 21, 2016 at 20:19:01:

You two write excellent dialogue - I always enjoy your stories!

Getting Muddy With Our New Teacher

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on September 22, 2016 at 16:13:42

We are just about to go back to school for the swimming session, but thought you'd all like to know how I got on with the assault course with the lads and our new PE teacher. Can't pass up the chance to get a teacher really muddy.

Yesterday afternoon it was the turn of my group of boys and those of our PE teacher, Michael, to go on the assault course. All the boys turned up in their usual jeans and sweatshirts, I was wearing my oldest and most tatty 501s and an old green sweatshirt in anticipation of getting very muddy.

For our previous sessions our teacher, Michael, has also worn jeans and a sweatshirt - smart black cotton jeans and a grey sweatshirt - which looked great when wet as he is obviously quite fit being a PE teacher, but this time he was in a really faded and worn pair of Wrangler denim jeans - with practically white patches across his upper legs, the fly, backside and back of his legs - and were frayed around the pockets and bottom of the legs. Michael is new to the school this term and has not done the assault course before but jokingly said he'd rely on me to show him the ropes, so to speak.

He got everyone to jump in the pool and get thoroughly soaked before heading off to the assault course. My four boys - Martin, Leon, Toby and Gareth - were all in old worn jeans and sweatshirts and a couple of them, Leon and Toby, seem to enjoy it more than the others as they regularly show their appreciation in the way that Chris and I do, for instance. Martin and Gareth don't mind getting wet it seems, but I get the impression that they can take it or leave it. I wondered what they'd be like with mud, lots and lots of it.

Michael's four boys - David, Josh, Peter and Billy - are all very keen to take part in whatever was going and couldn't wait to get muddy.

Michael and I walked along behind them as they chattered and tried to guess what it would be like getting covered in mud. Michael asked which we should do first and I suggested the same order as Chris and Harry had done, pointing out that the final watery ditch swim would allow us to get a bit cleaned up.

Michael asked me to show everyone how to do the monkey bars. I got all the way across and waited for the next person to go. Everyone fell in at some stage or other - Gareth at the second bar falling in with an enormous splash (he's a well built kid and probably half as big again as any of the others, but not in height). The surprise was Josh, a skinny little guy, who managed to get to within one bar of the finish, but slipped and fell getting as muddy as the others.

Michael was the last to go. All the boys were urging him to fall in (he is a teacher after all !) and he got the final bar, swung his legs forward onto the finish platform and I put my hand out to grab his and pull him in, but he let go with his other hand too soon and grabbed my wrist as he started to fall backwards. I hit the mud just after him and felt him struggling to get up under me as I sank, I rolled sideways and we both stood up, totally covered, before he gave me a high-five as he grinned at me. The boys were whooping and cheering with delight.

"Couldn't let you get away with not getting muddy - bad form showing up a teacher !" he laughed "Sorry, couldn't resist."

"You should have said, I would have happily fallen in on my own ......." I grinned.

We clambered out of the mud and carried on to the next obstacle. As we were all totally covered in mud - a couple of the boys were complaining that they could feel it running inside their clothes - but most were just enjoying the unusual experience.

Michael seemed quite happy to be soaked in mud and joined in on all the obstacles with enthusiasm, even getting everyone to do the zip wire a second or third time, just getting more and more covered each time, if that was possible. In fact we were all so covered that we had to swim the final ditch twice just to get even half the mud off us. Several of the boys stripped off their jeans and sweatshirts and jumped in wearing just their skins and tried to wash the mud out of their clothes before pulling on just their jeans and walking back to the school buildings bare chested.

All of them said they had thoroughly enjoyed it, so we maybe have a few young converts to the joys of getting wet and muddy in clothes.

Re: Getting Muddy With Our New Teacher

Posted by wetchas on September 23, 2016 at 09:15:41

In Reply to: Getting Muddy With Our New Teacher posted by Jamie (and Chris) on September 22, 2016 at 16:13:42:

Great account of a great day again, by the sounds of it.
Good to get the teacher involved. Sounds like he enjoyed it as much as everyone else.
Have a good weekend. Are the girls coming round to ' help you with your homework' 😁😋
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Getting Muddy With Our New Teacher

Posted by Jamie on September 23, 2016 at 16:33:53

In Reply to: Re: Getting Muddy With Our New Teacher posted by wetchas on September 23, 2016 at 09:15:41:

Michael said he had enjoyed it, he certainly threw himself in with enthusiasm after getting muddy initially.

Sue goes to our school, but is doing different subjects, and Mari goes to a college in Cheltenham studying design and photography, I think. We do see them regularly, of course, just don't write about it as it rarely involves water or mud, and is almost certainly too intimate to write about anyway.

Lovely day here, supposed to be raining tomorrow. Have a good weekend yourself, Charlie.

Another visit by Seb's Mum

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 23, 2016 at 16:53:16

Yesterday was the sixth of our swimming sessions and Michael had decided that we ought to teach the boys some different swim strokes and the beginnings of how to dive into the water with a bit of style rather than just bombing in or jumping feet first, so it was back to our Speedo swimwear rather than the jeans and sweatshirts everyone had been using most of the time so far.

I really do wish he'd at least let us three 'assistants' wear swim-shorts, but I suppose that would set a precedent for the boys; could be worse, I guess, as they are not the very skimpy style you can get, although they are a tight fit all round.

At the end of the session after we had cleared up and the boys had gone off to shower and change, Harry and me also went to do the same, leaving Jamie and Michael switching off the lights and putting the filtration system on to it's night-time setting.

I had just stepped out of the shower and was about to strip off my trunks when Jamie came in to the changing room.

"Hey, Chris, you're wanted out by the pool." he grinned.

"What, now ?" I asked.

"Yup, right now, please." Jamie said stepping into a shower and turning it on and thus avoiding any further questions..

I dropped my towel on the bench and went out to the pool-side. Seb's mum was chatting with Michael, who was now wearing his tracksuit.

"Hello again, Chris. I was just telling Michael about the advice you gave me for Seb's clothing and what a success it has been, he is so much happier about these classes now. I was going to give Michael a message for you, Chris, but he suggested I tell you face to face if you were still here." she smiled as she looked me up and down as I halted in front of her "Thanks for coming out here again."

"Thank you, Seb is certainly more at ease than before, and he seemed quite proud of having gone and bought his own clothes when he told me about it. I did wonder if you had thought me presumptuous to suggest a course of action."

"No, no not at all. Being a mum to a boy on my own is not as easy as you might think, I just have no insight into the mind of a boy having had no brothers and no longer any contact with his dad." she laughed "Any advice is always welcome - particularly when it is as useful as yours - you have a bright young man here, Michael."

"Don't tell him that, he'll get big headed !" Michael laughed "It is what we try to do here - instil some common sense and right thinking into their thick skulls, luckily it seems to have worked in Christian's case."

"Christian ?" Madeleine asked "I had assumed Chris was short for Christopher, I do prefer it though."

"Everyone assumes it is Christopher - I sometimes wish it was." I said.

"No, it's nice to have a less common name - makes you more memorable, I always think. Ahh, here's Seb. We shouldn't detain you any longer, you must be getting chilly in those trunks."

"No, I'm fine" I said.

"You are indeed !" she winked at me "Thanks again to you all; come on Sebastian." she finished, putting a hand on his shoulder and guiding him towards the door.

"That is one fearsome lady !" Michael muttered as the door closed "I think you have an admirer there."

"Not my type." I laughed.

"Good." Michael grinned "You really are a sensible lad."

Re: Another visit by Seb's Mum

Posted by wetchas on September 23, 2016 at 21:13:05

In Reply to: Another visit by Seb's Mum posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 23, 2016 at 16:53:16:

My God, that's it now.
We'll have to put grease on your ears to get you through the door.
Seriously, just watch yourself. Women like that can be very devious if there's something they want, and it sounds like that something could be you.
Just a bit if friendly advice.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Another visit by Seb's Mum

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 23, 2016 at 22:55:23

In Reply to: Re: Another visit by Seb's Mum posted by wetchas on September 23, 2016 at 21:13:05:

I doubt we'll see her again after these sessions finish and we don't have regular contact with Seb.

Michael gave me some sound advice before we left, he had seen a case of a boy being chased by another boy's mum at his last school and it had ended in the lad drooping out of school and disappearing with this woman who abandoned her family.

Seb's mum is way out of my league even if I did fancy her, so she can do as she likes and it won't change things. I found that whole final comment and the wink rather off-putting actually, she was obviously just interested in my body, which some might find flattering I suppose, but not me; it's kind of shallow and sexist, I wouldn't say something similar to a girl, it's demeaning.

Re: Another visit by Seb's Mum

Posted by Jack on September 24, 2016 at 10:14:31

In Reply to: Re: Another visit by Seb's Mum posted by wetchas on September 23, 2016 at 21:13:05:

Just a suggestion, but maybe if you and Jamie were to put on a pretence of being gay when she next comes to collect her son, she may get the message that you are not available. I'm not suggesting anything untoward, but just a bit of touching and so on whilst both in your swimming trunks, perhaps engineer it so that she walks into the pool area and finds you two alone in an embrace or something, your hand in his trunks or something. Just a thought.

On the other hand maybe, she would see that as a challenge .........

Re: Another visit by Seb's Mum

Posted by Jamie on September 24, 2016 at 14:58:05

In Reply to: Re: Another visit by Seb's Mum posted by Jack on September 24, 2016 at 10:14:31:

I'd be happy to put my hand in Chris' trunks to preserve him from that woman ..........

Having said that, I don't think she's after him - Good God, what sane woman would .........

Re: Another visit by Seb's Mum

Posted by Chris on September 24, 2016 at 15:17:53

In Reply to: Re: Another visit by Seb's Mum posted by Jamie on September 24, 2016 at 14:58:05:

.......and there was me thinking we were mates ! I'd be happy to find Jamie's hand in my trunks, if he let me do the same to him !

Re: Getting Muddy With Our New Teacher

Posted by Jack on September 25, 2016 at 11:17:38

In Reply to: Getting Muddy With Our New Teacher posted by Jamie (and Chris) on September 22, 2016 at 16:13:42:

I wish I'd had teachers like that who were willing to muck in rather than standing on one side and watching us get wet and muddy whilst they stayed wrapped up nicely in their warm tracksuits etc. There are a couple of teachers I can think of that I'd liked to have dunked in some really deep mud .......

Re: Another visit by Seb's Mum

Posted by Barney on September 25, 2016 at 16:36:52

In Reply to: Re: Another visit by Seb's Mum posted by Chris (and Jamie) on September 23, 2016 at 22:55:23:

Good for you, my friend. Her type is best avoided.

I do like Jack's idea though, even if just for how left-field it is - pretending to be gay with a cousin with whom you are already pretty intimate can't be that onerous, surely ?

Surprise final update on Seb's mum

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on September 27, 2016 at 18:53:11

We had a football game this afternoon and Chris was unlucky enough to be accidentally kicked in the balls. He fell to the ground clutching himself and groaning, he'd gone quite white and was trying to catch his breath as well. He was retching as he lay there but wasn't actually sick. He limped to the side after a while and lay flat on his back with his knees raised as he continued to massage himself. Our referee had sent a player off to the school nurse and he came back with an ice pack which Chris applied in the appropriate place. I bet that was uncomfortable having ice cubes that close to such a sensitive place. When he eventually rejoined the game he had a huge boner tenting out his shorts for the rest of the game. I know he likes to get cold down there but that was just showing off.

Chris was back on form by the time we had our swimming session for the boys, although he was careful not to do anything too strenuous on advice from Michael. The session went well and as we left we walked out to my car along with a group of the boys, including Seb, who gleefully told us that his mum had gone abroad until February next year.

"So she's leaving you largely on your own ?" I asked.

"Not completely obviously, Arnold and Lilly will still be around." Seb replied.

"Your housekeeper and chauffeur ?" Harry asked.

"Yup, I get on well with them, they are nice people and I get more love and attention from them than I ever do from mum." Seb replied "To be honest it will be nice not to have mum around trying to control everything I do, say and think. It's very stifling when she is on my case 24/7."

"No one can take a mother's place, though ............." Chris said.

"They can. She told me once that I was a mistake, an unplanned and unwanted child; she had wanted me adopted at birth but dad said 'no' and then when he left she was, as she puts it, 'saddled' with me. She thinks I was the reason her career stalled and that without me she would be way up there with the best of her competitors, not still trying to catch-up. It's all about the money for her."

"What does she do for work ?" I asked.

"Something to do with finance, some form of speculation with stocks and commodities I think, she tried to explain it to me once but I didn't understand it. It's her own company and it makes mountains of money, I'm told." Seb explained.

By then we had got to the car park and found Arnold and their Range Rover. Seb introduced us and Arnold seemed pleased to say 'hello', saying it was nice to put faces to the people Seb was always talking about.

Well, that was a turn up for the books. I felt rather sorry for Seb after that, I can't begin to image having that sort of start in life. On the brighter side it means that Chris need not worry about coming across Madeleine whilst our swim sessions are going on. Phew !

Chris seems to have made a full recover from the blow to his knackers, his mum insisted that he go and check for any bruising or swelling as that could be troublesome and may need a visit to the doctor. He's just come down to supper and assured her that he seems OK, so must finish now as we are about to eat. Guess what is for supper ? Spaghetti and meatballs, lovely........ Chris should enjoy those !

Re: Surprise final update on Seb's mum

Posted by Jack on September 27, 2016 at 20:51:56

In Reply to: Surprise final update on Seb's mum posted by Jamie (and Chris) on September 27, 2016 at 18:53:11:

Poor Chris, there are few more painful things than a kick to the balls, the pain is excruciating even though short term, you have my sympathies and probably those of every other bloke who reads it !

I can imagine a bit of what Seb feels about his mum and her attitude towards him - a lavish lifestyle cannot substitute for true love and affection - and it must be pretty devastating. I just hope he can find companionship among his school friends and affection from the people looking after him. Poor little bugger.

The good part of this is that Chris, and anyone else, is safe from THAT woman for a while, hopefully for good.

Re: Surprise final update on Seb's mum

Posted by Chris on September 27, 2016 at 21:52:51

In Reply to: Re: Surprise final update on Seb's mum posted by Wetchas on September 27, 2016 at 21:04:10:

Yeah, Seb's situation makes me realise just how lucky we are to have such great parents, however annoying they can be sometimes.

I had a friend in the US who was adopted at birth, he had known for as long as he could remember, and always said that what he'd never known he could not miss. However when he researched at 16 years old and found that his birth mum had died of pneumonia after years of street living, he was devastated and it took a long time to become reconciled to that; he never did discover who his birth father was. I'm not sure I'd want to do that research in the first place if that was me, but who knows ..... Did you ever try to trace your parents, there is so much info online now ? Don't mean to pry, don't answer if you prefer not to, just me being curious.

I've recovered from the ball strike, it was agony for a while, but no lasting damage, thank goodness. I realise now that the meatball supper was funny to everyone else, but the teasing from Jamie and Uncle Dan was hard to take after suffering that. Both of them have had similar experiences so I know it was their idea of showing solidarity. I'll find out tonight if things still function properly (you can guess how .....) ......

I love the joke about the pickled onions, well told Charlie, made me laugh.

Re: Surprise final update on Seb's mum

Posted by Chris on September 27, 2016 at 22:04:24

In Reply to: Re: Surprise final update on Seb's mum posted by Jack on September 27, 2016 at 20:51:56:

Thanks for the sympathy, I know I've rapidly crossed my legs when reading or hearing of similar incidents - standard bloke response, I guess.

Can't help but feel sorry for Seb and his situation, people like me and Jamie are lucky indeed - even you found happiness and support after a difficult time (yours is definitely an inspiration and an eye-opener to us luckier people) - and even his wealthy lifestyle does not compensate fully.

I don't think I could refrain from telling Seb's mum what I think of her if we meet again, so hopefully we won't any time soon.

Re: Getting Muddy With Our New Teacher

Posted by WetAndMuddyFun on October 02, 2016 at 17:12:00

In Reply to: Re: Getting Muddy With Our New Teacher posted by Jamie on September 23, 2016 at 16:33:53:

Maybe you could write about it over on SunSexSea then as I am sure we would all love to hear about it.

Re: Surprise final update on Seb's mum

Posted by Ben on October 04, 2016 at 08:18:22

In Reply to: Surprise final update on Seb's mum posted by Jamie (and Chris) on September 27, 2016 at 18:53:11:

Chris needs to wear some sort of support under those shorts- maybe his speedos (fancy wearing them for swimming!!!) and a pair of compression shorts. Glad he is okay.

Chris upsets his dad

Posted by Mike on October 07, 2016 at 22:35:07

I've not posted on here before, but you will have read my friends' Jamie and Chris' posts and hopefully enjoyed them as much as I have.

Most mornings recently I have been joining Chris and Jamie for their early morning exercise swim before we have breakfast and go to school. It has been great and I will freely admit that it has been a real boost for fitness - they will tell you that I am basically a lazy bastard who does as little exercise as possible - and I have really come to enjoy the swims and feeling fitter has encouraged me to join some other friends, Red and Dave, for sessions in the school gym at lunchtimes three days a week.

Today Chris' dad, Greg, was at home and joined us along with Jamie's dad, Dan, and Harry. We were all wearing our swimming trunks but Chris turned up wearing a tee-shirt as well, claiming that he was feeling chilly, so none of us took much notice as he's often swum during these sessions in a tee or drag shorts to increase the effort needed.

After the swim we all went to the showers to wash the chlorine off. Dan and Greg usually then go indoors to get dressed, but today they stayed and chatted as we all stood under the water. Chris pulled off his tee and wrung it out before throwing it on the side and it was then that his dad exploded.

"What the hell is that ?"

We all looked at Chris and he muttered "Oh shit !"

"Well ?" Greg "Speak, boy !"

"It's a tattoo, dad." Chris said "I'm sure you've seen them before ............"

"Don't cheek me ........... who said you could get that ?" Greg asked.

"No-one !" Chris replied "I wasn't aware I needed permission. I am 18 now."

"Do you think it is sensible to deface your body like that ?" Greg asked "What were you thinking ?"

"It is very small, dad, and no-one is going to see it when I'm dressed."

"So you're invisible in sports and swimwear, or when you wear a short sleeve shirt or go topless on a sunny day, are you ?" Greg asked.

"Obviously not - chill out, dad, I'm not planning on doing a David Beckham and getting completely covered." Chris replied.

"Well, I might not mind so much if you had his money to go with the tattoos ....... come over here and let's see what you've done." Greg grinned "Stupid boy."

It turned out to be "Made in Britain" with his birth date underneath, all in quite small script, made to look like an engraved metal plaque riveted in place, about 5cm wide by 2cm. It was situated at the very top of his left arm. It all looked a bit sore.

"Where did you get this done ?" Greg asked "Was the place reputable and clean ?"

"The place at the back of the barbers in town." Chris said "It is spotless and the guy seemed keen of having his tools clean and tidy. The barber reckons he's one of the best around."

"Did you know about this, Jamie ?" Greg asked.

"No, I'm as surprised as you." Jamie said "It is rather cool though, I like the design."

"I suppose we now know the true reason you wore a tee-shirt this morning, trying to hide how stupid you've been." Greg said to Chris "Did you think we'd never notice."

"No, I just wanted to wait until it didn't look quite so sore, he said it would be OK in a week or so." Chris replied.

"Well, it's done now and can't be undone, so I suppose we'll have to get used to it. I suggest you get a plaster over it when you swim or play sports. I don't suppose you know the school's attitude to their pupils having tattoos ?" Greg asked "Anybody ?"

"No idea. Don't know if anyone else has one." Jamie said "I've never seen one on anyone else."

So we left it at that, Greg and Dan went off the get dressed leaving the four of us to finish showering and get dressed ready for school.

"Wow, you handled that really well, Chris ...... " Jamie laughed.

"Yeah, well I forgot about it when I pulled off my tee-shirt." Chris said "Looking on the bright side, dad wasn't as angry as I thought he might be. So that's good."

"Really ? He scares me .........." I said "What's he like when he's really angry ?"

"The Hulk - but menacingly quiet." Jamie laughed.

"And your mum ? What will she think ?" Harry asked.

"No idea - I don't think she will mind." Chris said thoughtfully.

Anyway that was today's little surprise.

Re: Chris upsets his dad

Posted by Zonie on October 08, 2016 at 06:50:54

In Reply to: Chris upsets his dad posted by Mike on October 07, 2016 at 22:35:07:

About a year ago my niece by my sister was visiting Phoenix, and we had a pool party which my nephews and niece by my brother also attended. She showed them her tattoos, and they admired them. I said to them, "You know getting a tattoo makes it extremely easy for the authorities to identify you."

My elder nephew said, "We'll never get in trouble with the authorities."

I said, "That's what I used to think."

I think there is hope for Chris, however, as tattoo removal is a lot easier than it once was. I think it's done with lasers.

Re: Chris upsets his dad

Posted by Barney on October 08, 2016 at 10:58:39

In Reply to: Chris upsets his dad posted by Mike on October 07, 2016 at 22:35:07:

That was a brave move by Chris. Love Jamie's description of what he's like when really angry. My dad used to get an icy cold stare and sound like the late actor James Mason at his most menacing.

Nothing wrong with a small tattoo. I have one of my initials and birthday on the front of my right hip, it was done at the behest of my girlfriend who has several in discreet places all over - the back of her neck (hidden by long hair), underside of her left wrist (hidden by clothing mostly), round her leg above her right ankle, an angel on the small of her back - it is fun suddenly coming across one when we are getting intimate, always a surprise even though I know they are there.

Re: Chris upsets his dad

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on October 09, 2016 at 11:12:32

In Reply to: Re: Chris upsets his dad posted by Zonie on October 08, 2016 at 06:50:54:

Yes, you can get tattoos removed by a laser treatment, I'm told it can be painful ...........

Funnily enough, Chris' mum has expressed approval about his tattoo and my mum (her sister) told me that they both have a small tattoo of a daisy on their left buttocks !! Who knew ?

When I asked my mum if she'd mind me getting one, the said "no, not at all" - not that I want one, I hate the idea of needles even for injections, and I've had enough of those since the accident.

Re: Chris upsets his dad

Posted by Jamie on October 09, 2016 at 12:52:55

In Reply to: Re: Chris upsets his dad posted by Barney on October 08, 2016 at 10:58:39:

Very brave ........ Uncle Greg can be very intimidating if he wants to be. My dad is the opposite, if he tries to tell me off he can stay angry for ....ooooh, I don't know ..... all of a minute, but then he just starts grinning and we end up hugging and talking about what I should have done instead.

Our side of the family have a relaxed attitude about tattoos as my older brother, Will, has a couple, but then he is a seaman so I guess it is expected. He is coming home on leave soon as it is his 21st birthday at the end of November, his ship is in dock for six weeks and he has some exams to take to qualify as a navigation officer. Can't wait to see him.

Swim Session : Lots of Layers

Posted by Harry on October 11, 2016 at 20:16:21

We had some good fun with the lads today at our swimming session. Michael had suggested that we get them used to swimming in more than just one layer of clothing, so last Thursday we told them all to bring in at least three sets of clothing that they could layer up in (think going out for the day on a really, really freezing cold day). We were thinking in terms of tee-shirts and underwear or base layers, trousers and shirts, sweatshirts or jumpers, over-trousers, warm socks and boots.

Everyone turned up as instructed, indeed a couple of them looked like the Michelin man, so we lined them all up on the side of the pool and then walked down the line asking each one what they were wearing ................. then we pushed each of them in before moving on to the next one; that caused some amusement.

Gareth, from Jamie's group, outdid all the others with long-johns, thermal vest, thick socks, corduroy jeans, long sleeve flannel shirt, pullover, trackie bottoms, hoodie, waterproof jacket and trousers and walking boots. He must have been sweltering at first and it was funny watching him climbing out and struggling with the weight of his clothes when soaked through, I've never seen so much water pouring out of someone's clothes.

Towards the end of the session we got them to swim widths and remove one layer of clothing as they trod water before dumping the wet clothes on the side and then swimming back again. After they were all down to their underwear, they repeated the exercise but getting dressed instead in either their own clothing or whatever they grabbed off the side first. It was very funny watching them try and the results had them all laughing as they tried to pull on each other's wet clothes whilst trying to stay afloat. We had to jump in and help a couple of them. They are all confident enough now that they don't mind sinking under as they tread water, they just surface and carry-on, and most are proving to be quite strong swimmers when they put their minds to it.

Tomorrow some more endurance swimming and breathing practice so that they can do more lengths without having to stop. We have another five sessions and then we are into half-term break.

Re: Swim Session : Lots of Layers

Posted by Harry on October 12, 2016 at 21:46:55

In Reply to: Re: Swim Session : Lots of Layers posted by Wetchas on October 12, 2016 at 20:15:21:

What are South Park, Simsons and Family Guy ?

......... only kidding, I like The Simpsons but have never taken to the others. Chris likes South Park, and appreciates Keeping Up Appearances but he loves Yes Minister. Jamie likes anything that makes him laugh - and that is almost any silly thing - but has no discernment about how good it is: but maybe that's not a bad thing after all as he will laugh uncontrollable and is the happiest guy I know.

Some great ideas there for some fun things to do on our final session, thanks for that, appreciated. One of us will keep you posted on here.

Re: Swim Session : Lots of Layers

Posted by Harry on October 13, 2016 at 12:59:28

In Reply to: Re: Swim Session : Lots of Layers posted by boris on October 13, 2016 at 00:26:48:

There were a few of the boys in black or patterned/cartoon print briefs (they were all sensible enough not to wear plain white !) but most seemed to be in boxerbriefs rather than boxers. Most of my peers wear boxerbriefs rather than boxers and I think they are probably the most popular among boys and teens these days. My dad wears boxers, he 43, and I've seen Chris and Jamie's dads in boxers as well, so maybe its a generation thing.

Brother Will back home again.

Posted by Jamie on November 17, 2016 at 12:11:45

Chris and I got home from school yesterday to find my brother Will had arrived unexpectedly.......well, I say 'unexpectedly', we had been expecting him, but not until next Friday, two days before his 21st birthday on the 27th.

We had put my car away in the garage and entered the house via the pool area door.

"Fancy a quick swim after that horrible day ?" Chris asked me.

"Yeah, why not !" a deep voice said from behind me and I felt arms grab me in a bear hug from behind. I was caught unawares and the next thing I knew I was falling into the pool still in the arms of my assailant, who let me go as we hit the water. I surfaced and looked around, and there was Will grinning and treading water a few feet away.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked "You weren't due to be back for another week ......."

"Nice to see you too, brother !" Will snorted "What kind of welcome is that after so long !"

I swam over and we embraced, then I ducked him under and swam to the side before he could get back at me. I hauled myself onto the side and sat down. He did the same.

"Slight change of plan" Will said "They brought forward the date of my course so I left the ship early, the captain can see to the start of the refit. I'm in Southampton this next week for the course and then three weeks leave at home, rather than the leave and then the course."

"You've changed your hair, what happened to the beard and pony-tail ?" I asked "Makes you look younger without."

"My Guy didn't like it !" Will grinned "You have to compromise, don't you ?"

"What's his name ? Does he work on the ship as well ?" I asked.

"I just said......." Will grinned "he's Guy, and he's our new ship manager - you know, responsible for all the front of house management for our guests - the Purser on many ships." Will explained "I'll show you a picture. He's Canadian, 25 years old, and - I think - extremely good looking. You'll like him."

"So you and he are the two most senior people on board apart from the captain ?" I asked.

"Yes, as first officer and navigator I'm responsible for the operational running of the ship's crew and systems and Guy is responsible for the hospitality, catering and passenger well-being, we both report to the captain." Will said "You'll meet Guy next weekend, he's flying in on Friday afternoon."

Will got up and put his hand out to give me a hand up as well.

"We better get into some dry clothes, I guess everyone else will be home soon." Will said.

"Is no-one else at home then ?" Chris asked.

"The taxi dropped me off an hour ago, I was just sitting around waiting for someone to get back when I saw you two drive in and thought I'd surprise you." Will said.

"You did that alright !" I said looking down at my sodden khaki chinos, pale green shirt and wet shoes.

"Sorry about the wet clothes, I didn't think you'd mind." Will said.

"You know I don't." I laughed "Where's your stuff ?"

"My bag's in the shower room." Will replied.

We got changed. Will into blue jeans and a grey military style shirt and me into my old tan chinos and an orange and yellow check shirt. We were just going through the house and up to Will's room, when mum and aunt Pam came in at the front door, mum did a double take at the sight of Will and then hugged and kissed him before standing back and looking him up and down.

"You look very well and happy, son, it's so lovely to have you home again." mum said "Good Lord, I haven't got your room ready yet. The bed needs making-up and the room needs a dust ..............."

"That's OK, I can dust and make beds, you know !" Will grinned "Probably better than you ........."

"Just 'cause you're nearly 21 doesn't mean you can be cheeky !" mum laughed "You look much better without the beard and long hair, by the way."

"So everybody keeps telling me........." Will laughed "I thought the beard added gravitas and a certain authority."

"Poor deluded fool !" I muttered loudly, Will took a friendly swipe at me, but missed.

It's great to have Will home again, I'm looking forward to a weekend of some wet and muddy fun.

Re: Brother Will back home again.

Posted by wetchas on November 18, 2016 at 08:33:53

In Reply to: Brother Will back home again. posted by Jamie on November 17, 2016 at 12:11:45:

Wow. Another surprise.
Hope you have a good time.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Brother Will back home again.

Posted by wetboy200 on November 18, 2016 at 15:16:32

In Reply to: Brother Will back home again. posted by Jamie on November 17, 2016 at 12:11:45:

what kind of shoes were you wearing when you went into the pool

Re: Brother Will back home again.

Posted by Jamie on November 18, 2016 at 19:36:03

In Reply to: Re: Brother Will back home again. posted by wetboy200 on November 18, 2016 at 15:16:32:

I was wearing a pair of brown leather lace up shoes. They seem fine after getting wet, and we were only in the water briefly, so I stuffed them with newspaper and let them dry naturally away from heat.

Re: Brother Will back home again.

Posted by Jamie on November 18, 2016 at 19:39:19

In Reply to: Re: Brother Will back home again. posted by wetchas on November 18, 2016 at 08:33:53:

I will post about anything we get up to. It's a bit too cold outside at the moment (and Will is used to warmer climes anyway) and is due to get colder this weekend from the forecasts I've seen, so I don't think we'll be getting muddy.

Re: Brother Will back home again.

Posted by Zonie on November 19, 2016 at 10:28:03

In Reply to: Brother Will back home again. posted by Jamie on November 17, 2016 at 12:11:45:

When he's at sea does he get to do "man overboard" drills in his uniform?

Re: Brother Will back home again.

Posted by Jack on November 19, 2016 at 15:07:22

In Reply to: Brother Will back home again. posted by Jamie on November 17, 2016 at 12:11:45:

It must be good to see your brother again, he's done well for himself to get promoted to First Officer at not yet 21.

What was he wearing when he took you into the pool ?

Re: Brother Will back home again.

Posted by wetchas on November 19, 2016 at 19:38:14

In Reply to: Re: Brother Will back home again. posted by Jamie on November 18, 2016 at 19:39:19:

Storm tonight.
Possible snow in places.
Pool and bathroom weather I reckon.
Still, enjoy
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Brother Will back home again.

Posted by Will on November 19, 2016 at 22:12:50

In Reply to: Re: Brother Will back home again. posted by Jack on November 19, 2016 at 15:07:22:

It is nice to be home again despite the cold weather! We do keep in touch via Skype etc. but there's nothing so good as actually being able to pick Jamie up and throw him in the pool in person.............

I was promoted to First Officer after the previous guy left us for another ship unexpectedly, my Captain and the owner like to promote from within and the crew is, on the whole, quite young with only the Captain and engineer being over thirty. It makes for a happy and lively group of people, if a little ill-disciplined at times.

I was wearing black jeans and a white shirt. I had time to take off my shoes, socks and pullover.

Saturday with Will, getting wet.

Posted by Jamie on November 20, 2016 at 15:34:14

Will joined us - me, dad, Chris and uncle Greg - for our morning exercise swim and we then had breakfast with everyone in the main hallway, joined by cousin Tom and his parents, uncle Danny and aunt May. We've not seen much of Tom recenly as he has been working up near York with another stonemason as part of his training.

It was dull and cold so we didn't fancy going out into the woods to get wet and muddy and we sat around chatting and catching-up with what Tom and Will had been doing since we'd seen them last.

Eventually we got a bit bored and restless and were looking for something to do for a bit of fun. Chris suggested just going out and just see what appealed as we went. It was raining by that time so Will suggested pulling on some trackies and sweatshirts and it wouldn't matter if we got wet, but they might keep us warmer until we did. Will borrowed a pair of navy Nike nylon trackpants with elasticated cuffs at the ankles, blue socks, trainers and a red longsleeve sports top. Chris was in grey fleecy trackpants, a blue longsleeve sweater with a crew-neck, grey socks and trainers. Tom appeared in a black shiny nylon tracksuit, trainers and yellow socks. I wore navy Adidas trackpants, a green long-sleeve Adidas top, green socks and old trainers.

The rain wasn't heavy but a steady one in which we would eventually get very wet if we stayed out long enough. We started to walk along the track when Chris suddenly called our attention.

"I just thought, we've not been down through this side of the garden recently, we had a good mud slide going last year, just behind the beech hedge."

So we went to have a look. The lawn at the back of the house slopes down to where the stream we walk along meets the far left-hand corner, but to the right of the pool area a tall beech hedge runs down the slope, marking the edge of the formal part of the gardens. To the right of the hedge itself there is what used to be a muddy track and it was this that we had turned into a long downhill mud slide during one party, everyone had had a go before going home wet and smeared in mud - that was a fun time !

It still looked pretty muddy, so Chris said he'd give it a go, took a running dive and slid about ten feet before coming to a halt, there was a least another sixty feet to go. Chris came back up the slope, he was a bit muddy but not nearly enough.

"We need more water." I said "We can hook up a hose to the outside tap on the wall by the pool door and push it under the hedge. I'll go get one."

"Better still, bring the hose this side and push it back, it'll be a shorter length to do that way." Will suggested.

So we did that. It worked and when we turned on the water Will grabbed the hose and promptly gave Chris a soaking down his front.

"What was that for ?" Chris objected looking down at his sodden trackies, now a dark grey, and dripping sweater.

"You'll slide along more easily now you are wet as well............" Will grinned as he pointed the jet of water away down the slope, waving it around until the water settled over the slope in little puddles.

"Give it another go, Chris, see how far you slide now." Tom suggested.

Chris had another go and Will sprayed the water over him as he went, soaking his clothes completely. This time he slid a lot further and was really muddy down his front when he came back to us.

"Give me the hose a moment, Will, and I'll go down the slope with it and get it wetter further down." Chris said, taking the hose and turning it on himself as he leaned forward, he sprayed up and down his body until he was dripping wet and the mud was washed off him. When he straightened up he amply demonstrated that strange trait he has of getting boners that appear bigger, the colder it is.

"There must be something wrong with you, Chris" Tom laughed "that is unnatural to get like that in this cold weather; my little fella's gone into hibernation, I think."

"Jealousy - not a nice thing to see in a friend........" Chris laughed "I can't help it you know."

Chris took a running dive and, holding the hose pointing ahead of him, he slid far further than before, indeed further than the hose would stretch, so when he stood up to retrieve it he continued standing where he was poiting the flow of water further down the slope. Tom decided that he'd have a go as well, so slid down on his backside, coming to halt just about where Chris was standing. Chris took the opportunity to give Tom a thorough soaking as he stood up and they struggled for control of it as they got wetter and wetter untl they were both dripping wet again.

They walked back up the slope to us spraying the water on the ground as they approached and then they started spraying us and Will, to get away from them, took a slide down the slope. He went further than anyone and came back up soaked to the skin and covered in mud from chest to knees.

"How far down the slope does this slide go ?" Will asked.

"There's a ditch and hedge right at the bottom with a bit of a mud pit on the level as you get there - or there was last year. Perhaps we should go and have a look." I suggested.

"Good idea, but first has anyone noticed something ?" Will asked.

"No, what ?" I said.

"You're the only one of us who's still dry of course.........." Will replied as he turned the hose on me and the others held me still. F*** me, the water was cold ! I was soaked in moments and they didn't stop when I was dripping, but just carried on streaming the water over me. Chris and Tom picked me up and then threw me down the slope on my backside, I slid almost to the bottom, just a few yards short.

I stood up and walked to the end of the slide, it was wet and boggy and in a couple of places my trainers sank into the mud almost to my ankles.

The others joined me, having left the hose running down the slope from as far as it would stretch.

"Do we have another hose, we could do with a lot more water down here to make this a viable slide." Tom said "You know, something really muddy to splash into."

"We do, but nothing long enough to get this far and no other tap to connect it to anyway." I said "The next nearest tap is in the garage yard, the one we use to clean up."

"I'm sure I've seen an old plastic water tank in one of the garages" Tom said "which we could fill and bring round, it only needs to be tipped up and the water will flow down."

"Put it on the little trailer and bring it here with one of the quads........we'd never lift and carry a tank full of water even with the four of us." I said.

So we set about looking and eventually found it resting on rafters in the last garage we looked in. We man-handled it down and took it outside, it was full of cobwebs and dead spiders - yuck - but appeared water-tight after we had cleaned it out, put it on the trailer and then filled it. We emptied four tank-fuls down the slope and then took another four down the bottom and flooded the swampy bit.

We were eager to try it out, now completely unconcerned about the rain and the fact we were all soaked to the skin. Chris went first and shouted that he reached the bottom easily, Tom went next, then Will and finally me. It was great and I splashed down into the mud next to Will.

We were all completely covered in mud by the time we'd slid down four or five times and the swampy bit got better as we stamped and jumped around in it. Will was shivering as we finished our fifth slide, so I suggested we clean up and go in. We hosed each other down at the top of the slope, by the end of which operation we were all emulating Chris to a degree, even Tom had come out of hibernation and was showing his head as the nylon tracksuit clung to him.

We left the hose running as we went in for a hot shower and then we jumped in the pool in our clothes and spent the rest of the morning playing around in the water.

Re: Saturday with Will, getting wet.

Posted by Jonno on November 20, 2016 at 20:18:32

In Reply to: Saturday with Will, getting wet. posted by Jamie on November 20, 2016 at 15:34:14:

That sounds like a lot of fun, nothing quite like a good long mud slide with a muddy pool at the end. I love getting wet im my tracksuit and the clinginess of it when really soaked. Love all your stories, amusing and well written, keep 'em cuming.

Re: Saturday with Will, getting wet.

Posted by wetchas on November 21, 2016 at 08:36:45

In Reply to: Re: Saturday with Will, getting wet. posted by Jonno on November 20, 2016 at 20:18:32:

Yep agreed on all fronts. Most people on here know that sportswear is my favourite soaking and messing outfit, Adidas in particular.
Well done again lads. Thanks for posting.
Cheers. Carlie.

Re: Saturday with Will, getting wet.

Posted by trn on November 21, 2016 at 11:28:20

In Reply to: Re: Saturday with Will, getting wet. posted by wetchas on November 21, 2016 at 08:36:45:

Really fantastic story. Same here. I really love trackies Adidas and Nike and certainly nylon one in combination with a hoodie. Really nice story !!! A pitty we have to imagine the pics, but still really great !!

Sunday mud with Will

Posted by Chris on November 21, 2016 at 11:50:14

Sunday was another cold and grey day, but not raining. I was ready for our usual morning swim, as was Jamie, but no one else was around when we got to the pool until Will appeared.

"I think it's just us" Will said "dad's still asleep according to mum when I poked my head round their door - too much to drink last night apparently - and it seems your dad was similarly afflicted when they all went to bed at 2am."

"We might as well get on with it then, don't suppose Tom will join us either. He might hear us when we start, his windows are open up there." I said nodding towards the open glass dors on his balcony.

"I can hear water running, where's that coming from ?" Will asked.

"Shouldn't be - I'll check the showers, someone may have left a tap running or something" Jamie said as he went through "Not here !" he called before returning.

"Oh sh*t ! Did anyone switch the outside tap off yesterday - I didn't............." I said.

"Not me either." Jamie said.

"That mud slide will be just about flooded by now." Will remarked "Why don't we forget this swim and go have a look."

"I'll go switch that tap off." Jamie said and he opened the outer door and slipped out briefly before returning "It was still on, full on.........good job it's from the well."

"Let's go and get changed - my trackies and so on are still hanging in the shower-room, probably nearly dry by now." Jamie said. So we all went and changed into our clothes from yesterday, we decided to go commando and slipped off our Speedos first.

It was obvious as soon as we got to the top of the mud slide that it was now soaking wet from top to bottom. Jamie and Will took a running dive and slid down easily, much faster than yesterday. I followed hot on their heels. We hit the mud at the bottom with a big splash. It was awash with water and when we all stood up we sank in over our ankles immediately. We stomped around until the mud and water was well mixed and then pushed Will down to the ground and rolled him around in it until he was completely soaked through and covered in mud, he couldn't stop laughing throughout, and was obviously enjoying the experience as were we.

We spent an hour sliding and rolling around in the mud until Tom appeared at the top of the slide to say that breakfast was ready.

Re: Sunday mud with Will

Posted by Chris on November 21, 2016 at 20:18:08

In Reply to: Re: Sunday mud with Will posted by trn on November 21, 2016 at 13:26:15:

Will borrowed some Nike trackie bottoms from Jamie, They have elasticated ankle cuffs and the Nike swoosh on the upper leg. They are navy blue and nylon, woven I think, with that sort of soft shine to them when dry. They look shinier when wet and cling like hell when newly wet but then drop away a bit. The mud just makes them cling for longer. His red sports top is polyester, again clingy when wet.

Tom wore a full tracksuit, black and very shiny. It has a logo of a stripe and a stripe with a circle above, above that, on both the chest of the top and thigh of the trousers. I think the make is Admiral. They look great when dry and even better when wet and clingy, but they are fairly loose fitting. The mud sort of smears across the fabric rather than soaking in.

Jamie wore navy Adidas track pants that zip up the lower legs. They have the traditional three stripes down the sides in bright blue. His green Adidas top is crew neck and has the stripes in white along the shoulders and down the arms. Both seem to be made of the same fabric and look great when wet, really shiny, and they cling nicely too. When muddy, it seems to soak in and they stay muddy looking until you get hosed down.

I bought my grey fleecy track-pants on line, I took the labels out as they itched the small of my back and bum and I can't remember what make they are, they have no logo. They have elasticated ankle cuffs, and a draw-cord adjustment to the elasticated waist. They get really heavy when wet and drape nicely, they don't really get shiny but just hold the water for ages, they turn dark grey when wet. They do the same with liquid mud. I like the fact that whatever you do with them they stay feeling nice and soft. My blue sweater is just a woollen one that I never really liked, bought from M&S. It is fairly hefty and holds lots of water when wet.

Hope this helps.

Re: Saturday with Will, getting wet.

Posted by Jamie on November 21, 2016 at 20:22:52

In Reply to: Re: Saturday with Will, getting wet. posted by trn on November 21, 2016 at 11:28:20:

I can assure you that your imagination will give you a better image than any photo we posted; reality is often a disappointment........

getting wet

Posted by john on November 23, 2016 at 08:48:21

i cant get anywhere.

i cant get anybody in swindon, also i cant get anywhere with my photos and story on this site.


Re: getting wet

Posted by Jamie on November 23, 2016 at 14:07:39

In Reply to: getting wet posted by john on November 23, 2016 at 08:48:21:

Try submitting your story and photos direct to Felix, he will be able to tell you what is "wrong" with them (by which I mean the trigger words or whatever the site's spam-bots will react to). As for meeting people in Swindon (or anywhere else) I guess most people here post under an alias and change names and locations to maintain anonymity (Chris and I certainly do). Try submitting someting short first and get longer gradually as you find what works, we compose our posts on a word-processing program first and then copy and paste afterwards, it makes life easier than composing online and finding it rejected.

Good luck.

Re: getting wet

Posted by wetjumper on November 23, 2016 at 17:26:35

In Reply to: Re: getting wet posted by Jamie on November 23, 2016 at 14:07:39:

I'm wondering whether last year's mail system bug has reappeared. I've already posted to advise John to try using the mail link on the homepage, as that still worked last time.

I don't think John was intending to post his exact location or expecting anyone else to post theirs - but he's hoping to make contact with other readers in his general area, then it'd be possible to exchange details privately if they feel so inclined. I'd advise him not to expect quick results.

I think most people posting here are OK about indicating their approximate locations, such as by naming the nearest large town, without narrowing things down any more. John is evidently in the Swindon area. I've made no secret that my nearest large town is Stockport. You've said you're in the Cotswolds and you've mentioned shopping trips to Cheltenham, so I guess that's your nearest large town. (Or maybe it isn't? It doesn't matter.) Many of us want to preserve privacy and anonymity, as you say, so there's no need for us to give more precise details.

Good advice about writing and getting it to post. I've been working offline on a couple of potential long posts, trying to knock them into shape. If they get rejected (which I'm not expecting) I can try adjusting or editing them without having to start again.

Stay wet! - Peter (wetjumper)

Re: getting wet

Posted by Jamie on November 23, 2016 at 18:07:21

In Reply to: Re: getting wet posted by wetjumper on November 23, 2016 at 17:26:35:

Agree with everything you say. There's nothing more frustrating (well, a few I guess!) than typing something on line and then finding it won't post and then having to try and recreate it again.......

Meeting Guy for the first time

Posted by Jamie on November 29, 2016 at 14:45:03

We got home from school on Friday to find my brother Will back from his course and just about to set off to Bristol to meet his boyfriend's 'plane. I volunteered to go with him, foolishly, but then I noticed Chris shaking his head from where he was standing behind Will and then slowly put his head in his hands. Then it dawned on me that they'd probably like to be together without the younger brother sitting in the back of the car ! Fool............

"Actually, bin that idea......... we've got some project work to do....... " I said to Will.

"OK, thanks ...." Will said and winked at me "Good man, see you later guys !" and he was gone.

"Do you never think ?" Chris asked.

"Sometimes ......... just thought it would be nice to spend some time alone with Will, that's all."

"That's probably what he's thinking about with ....... what's his name again?" Chris asked.

"Guy." I replied "Will showed me a picture ....... he looks a good bit old than Will ..... and taller ..... more muscular ...... and black !"

"Really ?" Chris asked "Makes no difference, I guess, age difference is no big deal surely ? How much older ?"

"A good ten years - he has silvery grey hair and beard." I said "Very distinguished."

Will and Guy got back about two and a half hours later, lots of traffic apparently. Will introduced Guy to everyone and we sat and chatted with drinks before supper. Guy was tall, 6 ft 4ins I guess, very trim, dressed in black jeans and a grey and yellow check shirt. His hair, and neatly trimmed goatee, was a bright silvery grey and cut very short. He spoke with an accent, but you had to listen hard to distinguish it, and he laughed a lot.

Supper was in the main hall and Tom and his parents joined us all, so Guy had lots of people to meet and remember names for, but he did splendidly and called everyone by name each time he spoke to them. Will told me later that it was part of his job to remember peoples' names correctly, so he was good at it and had a system to make it easy.

On Saturday morning we went down for our morning swim and found Will and Guy already there and swimming up and down steadily. We joined them in the pool and Guy challenged us all to a two-length race.

"Don't accept, lads, particularly if he suggests a wager !" Will laughed "He's faster than any of us !"

"Really ..... you sure about that ?" Chris asked "You haven't seen us for a while have you, Will, and we've improved .............."

"OK, OK ......... be it on your own head ?" Will conceded.

"Will you race, Chris ?" Guy asked "I can see you look pretty fit and you move well through the water. I reckon we might be well matched despite our ...... what ? ...... six year age difference."

"I'm 18 and erm ...... 9 months old." Chris replied counting quickly on his fingers.

"I'm 26 in February, so I guessed about right. What do you say, two lengths ?"

"Yes, two lengths sounds fine. Start on the side and dive in, choose your own stroke, OK with you ?" Chris said "Jamie and Will as joint judges."

We all got out of the pool and went to the end where Chris and Guy got ready to dive in. Will looked so much bigger than Chris, much more muscular despite his slender frame, he cut a fine figure in his short black swim-shorts and when Will started the count-down he hunkered down like a professional. They both did good clean dives in and Guy took an early lead, doing butterfly, with Chris, doing crawl, catching him up by the half-length mark and staying there as they turned and headed back. It was neck and neck until Guy seemed to take a lead and Chris upped his effort and at the finish touched the end with a clear three foot lead.

They both caught their breathes for a few moments and then clambered out of the pool.

"You are good, Chris, real good. I thought I was fast, but you had me there at the last. That was fun." Guy said holding his hand out.

"Thanks, I had to push hard to catch you up - I thought you'd wrapped it up as we turned but I just found a bit of extra energy at the end." Chris said "I've not felt this puffed out for ages - that was hard work."

We spent a while longer just fooling around in the pool, diving off the boards and jumping in to splash each other. We finished our session as Chris' parents wandered in with mugs of coffee and plates of toast.

"There's breakfast if you chaps are ready." uncle Greg called "Go help yourselves." he finished as they sat down.

We all got out of the pool and Will said he and Guy would go shower and get changed, asking if Chris and I minded waiting, rather obviously not wanting us to all shower together.

We sat at the table with and chatted with uncle Greg and aunt Pam as we waited. After a bit we heard noises from the shower room, grunts and rather more obvious sounds of Will and Guy getting intimate. We tried to keep straight faces and aunt Pam and uncle Greg studiously kept the conversation going until one particularly long and loud moan assailed our ears.

"Well really !" Pam said "You'd think they might have shut the door ......." and then she burst out laughing hysterically.

"At least mum and dad aren't here !" I said "I thought it was always the kids who cringed at the sound of parents; never thought it would be me about my older brother...........!"

We were still laughing and grinning when Will and Guy emerged, fully dressed, from the shower room.

"What's so funny, guys ?" Will asked. We didn't tell him...........


Posted by Chris on November 29, 2016 at 18:25:47

I know a lot of you like getting wet in hoodies but I find them too heavy and don't enjoy it unless I happen to be thrown in wearing one. I love the feeling of soft cotton or dry fit against my skin. Both also cling nicely to my torso and I love the look both on myself and the guys with me. A shirts also feel great. What is your preference in shirt and why.

Will's 21st Birthday

Posted by Chris (and Jamie) on November 29, 2016 at 20:27:20

After the 'interesting' introduction of Guy to the family (don't get me wrong, I have nothing against black people - and don't think 'he would say that wouldn't he?' - my best friend when we lived in the U.S. was a black guy, but it was such a surprise to everyone as Will had not even hinted at it - maybe deliberately, who knows?) and after the swim in the morning on Saturday, I think we all rather liked him, it was obvious that Will did as he had a sizeable appreciation in his swimming trunks that morning.

On Saturday evening we had organised a party for Will with all the family, including his grandparents, many of his friends from before he left for sunnier climbs, some of his parent's friends and their children who had known him since childhood and a few of our friends from school who knew him well (including Sue and Mari, our girlfriends). I guess there were about 50 people there in total.

We had organised a DJ for music (one of the younger music teachers from school) and a buffet for eats. The dress code was "Black, White and a Splash of Red" (set well in advance of us knowing about Guy, I hasten to add !) so most of the females where in little black dresses and the guys in black trousers and white shirts with red accessories. It looked pretty good when everyone was assembled.

We had erected a marquee with a dancefloor in the old stable-yard by the pool (where we garage cars and hose ourselves down normally) so access from the rest of the house was via the pool area.

Things only got really interesting after someone pushed his girlfriend into the pool at about 9pm. After that we kept seeing wet people scuttling to the changing rooms to find towels to get a bit drier. By the time we got around to uncle Dan standing on the lower diving board to make a speech about his elder son and say how good it was to have everyone celebrating his 21st birthday together, there were at least a dozen soaking wet people standing listening. At the end of his speech he called upon Will and Guy to step forward so that we could toast Will and wish him every future happiness with his new partner. As they finished that Guy pushed Will into the pool and then jumped in after him. That seemed to be the signal for everyone else to do the same........well, the younger people anyway. Great fun.

Will's birthday was actually on Sunday but as everyone, almost, was due at school or work on the Monday, it seemed the sensible choice to have the Sunday to recuperate after a late night and probably too much to drink - I know I did.

We gave Will his presents just before Sunday lunch. His parents gave him a very handsome gold Rolex watch with all the toys on that he might need as a sea-faring man. Jamie gave him some gold cufflinks with his initials engraved and my parents and I some dress studs for his formal uniform. The owner of his ship had sent him a present via Guy, the deeds to the apartment that he was currently renting as his land accommodation near the ship's home port. That was a pretty spectacular present - but I guess you can do that if you are a billionaire, without really having to think too hard about it !

Re: Meeting Guy for the first time

Posted by wetchas on November 30, 2016 at 11:05:08

In Reply to: Meeting Guy for the first time posted by Jamie on November 29, 2016 at 14:45:03:

Cheers Jamie. As always well written, with the ability to make you laugh out loud. How embarrassing.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Meeting Guy for the first time

Posted by Jamie on November 30, 2016 at 12:24:25

In Reply to: Re: Meeting Guy for the first time posted by wetchas on November 30, 2016 at 11:05:08:

I did have a chat with Will last night when we were alone (Guy left on Tuesday morning) and he said he'd not told us about Guy being black in case it upset our parents (that was never going to happen - you'd think he'd know better, they weren't when he came out as gay so why would they be about him having a black lover) and also mentioned that we had all been entertained by him and Guy whilst we waited for the showers. He did have the good grace to blush deep red, but verbally brushed it off with "You shouldn't have been listening !" to which my reply was that we had little choice as they were making so much noise.

Re: Question

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on November 30, 2016 at 14:23:04

In Reply to: Question posted by Chris on November 29, 2016 at 18:25:47:

I wear a hoodie occasionally for swimming or getting wet when out and about, but I find them too heavy when soaked in mud (and difficult to get clean afterwards). I do like dry-fit sports shirts for getting wet - they cling beautifully - and also feel great in the mud. Cotton formal shirts are nice for swimming in the pool.

Re: Meeting Guy for the first time

Posted by Zonie on December 01, 2016 at 05:49:10

In Reply to: Re: Meeting Guy for the first time posted by Jamie on November 30, 2016 at 12:24:25:

What upsets folks about miscegenation is generally the possibility of having mixed race offspring. In this case it won't be an issue, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Re: Meeting Guy for the first time

Posted by Jamie on December 01, 2016 at 12:20:13

In Reply to: Re: Meeting Guy for the first time posted by Zonie on December 01, 2016 at 05:49:10:

My parents attitude might have been different had Will been a daughter who had introduced Guy as a new boyfriend, but somehow I rather doubt it as they are very open-minded about everything as far as I have seen.

Re: Will's 21st Birthday

Posted by Jonno on December 03, 2016 at 13:11:35

In Reply to: Will's 21st Birthday posted by Chris (and Jamie) on November 29, 2016 at 20:27:20:

That sounds like a great party, I've been to few where everyone ended up in a pool or a fountain on the way home.

Re: 3 guys on + 10 more

Posted by Jamie on December 19, 2016 at 10:10:45

In Reply to: 3 guys on + 10 more posted by Dima on December 17, 2016 at 17:35:08:

Now that is what I call a good wetlook............

Like the "friends of wetlook" as well - nice idea to get some amateurs trying wetlook, hope it works well for you all.

Re: 3 guys on + 10 more

Posted by blueandwet on December 19, 2016 at 17:11:16

In Reply to: Re: 3 guys on + 10 more posted by Jamie on December 19, 2016 at 10:10:45:

I love the way black shines when wet.

Re: 3 guys on + 10 more

Posted by Jamie on December 21, 2016 at 11:36:04

In Reply to: Re: 3 guys on + 10 more posted by Jamie on December 19, 2016 at 10:10:45:

There's a nice set on Friends of Wetlooker of a fair haired lad in jeans and a dark blue tee, with a backpack on, walking along the side of an indoor pool, doing some press-ups and then diving in before floating around a bit and then climbing out and running his hands down his legs to squeeze the water out of his jeans. His jeans and tee look lovely and shiny with wetness as he moves around and he looks to have a nice physique under his wet clothes as an added bonus. Squint a bit and it could be a slightly younger version of our Chris. I think it is set no. fr0226 but has no model name, well worth the price even if there are a lot of near identical pictures and some that are rather out of focus, but nothing that a bit of adjustment with cropping and lighting in photoshop can't remedy. Thanks Dima.

Dog walking in rain and wind.

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on December 23, 2016 at 17:03:31

My uncle Paul (dad's younger brother) arrived last night to stay over the Christmas holiday. He surprised us all by arriving with a new companion - a black and white Pointer dog called Billy. The dog is three years old and belonged to a friend who had to move to San Francisco for her job and was unable to take the dog with her, so Paul has taken him on and admits that he has fallen in love with the pooch.

Billy needs long walks everyday, so Chris and I were persuaded to join Paul in dog walking this morning. It was raining quite heavily this first thing so we waited until after coffee time in the hope that it might clear up, it didn't. The forecast was for easing of the rain and a lot more wind during this afternoon (which turned out to be true) so we decided to enjoy a rainy walk and to hell with with getting wet - wait, what am I saying ? That's a positive bonus isn't it ? - so we pulled on our favourite old jeans, teeshirts and sweatshirts and headed out into the wilds. Paul enjoys getting other people wet (pushing them in the pool etc) but is not so keen on getting wet outside in his everyday clothes rather than shorts etc around the pool, so he opted for some old jeans, sweatshirt and a long raincoat along with a rain-proof hat. Billy was just excited to be going out somewhere new with new trees and new smells, so he just kept his fur coat on.

Billy, we found out, loves the water and puddles in particular. He thought it was great fun that we splashed through the puddles along with him. He seemed to positively seek out the deeper puddles along the tracks as we walked. Paul studiously avoided them despite us encouraging him to stomp around in them as we did, getting nicely wet in the process. Chris was the first of us to get really wet by sliding into a puddle as he and Billy ran on to the next puddle. Billy was all over Chris as he lay on his back in the water, licking his face, jumping over him and getting very excited just bouncing around splashing even more water over Chris. Eventually just standing and watching Chris as he lay there, wagging his tail and barking until Chris got up and they rushed on to the next puddle. Paul said he though Chris and Billy were as mad as each other; he's probably right.......similar sized brains and intellect I guess.

When we got near the flooded dell, Chris suggested that we show Paul how to enjoy getting wet when it's chilly and windy. Chris swung out on the rope and dropped in as we stood watching, Billy got very excited and when Chris disappeared below the surface as he fell in he stopped wagging his tail and just barked and barked until Chris re-surfaced when he stopped barking and leaped in to join him. Chris clambered out followed by Billy and they both stood and shook themselves, which was funny.

I tried to persuade Paul to have a swing on the rope but he refused so I went and swung out a couple of times before dropping in and getting my own soaking. God, it was cold - but felt great. When I climbed out Billy greeted me like a long lost friend and did what we have found out - the hard way - is his favourite method of greeting one - running up to you, tail wagging frantically, and then thrusting his muzzle straight into your groin, hard in the balls if you're a bloke. If you stand with your legs apart he does the same thing but then pushes on through between your legs until he gets his midriff to your knees when he stops and expects to get stroked and patted along his sides and back, which he loves as he wags his tail at speed.

After I had climbed out Paul decided that he'd have a swing on the rope after all, he swung out a couple of times but then didn't push off hard enough and ended up dangling over the water unable to reach firm ground anywhere. He gave in with good grace as we stood and watched, laughing, and fell in with a huge splash.

After that, as we were all soaked, Paul joined in with the puddle jumping and splashing around as we continued with our walk. He declined to get any wetter or muddy as we and Billy found the mud at the swamp pit and got muddy as well as soaked.

We walked through the woods for another 30 minutes or so before heading back to the house. We headed straight for the showers and got cleaned up and changed into dry clothes. Paul gave Billy a quick wash as we showered and he seemed very happy to stand still and be cleaned off with warm water but puzzled by these other people standing under the showers whilst fully clothed !

Re: Dog walking in rain and wind.

Posted by wiley on December 23, 2016 at 23:21:27

In Reply to: Dog walking in rain and wind. posted by Jamie (and Chris) on December 23, 2016 at 17:03:31:

Great story! It is raining here today too, so I went out for a walk, but didn't get all that wet. To compensate though, as soon as I got home, I climbed straight into the shower, still in all my clothes and shoes, and had a nice long soak. I was in jeans and tighty whities, leather belt, white T, long sleeved black T, a nylon shell jacket with hood, white socks and tan leather Keen sneakers. Everything is dripping dry on the shower rod now.

Re: Ruin Nice Clothes In The Mud

Posted by Chris on December 28, 2016 at 23:13:56

In Reply to: Ruin Nice Clothes In The Mud posted by Jason on December 28, 2016 at 11:42:27:

Unless you have understanding parents getting muddy in decent clothes can be a problem when living at home at 17. Not everyone has parents like mine and Jamie's.

It helps if you already do your own laundry (they don't question why you have used the washing machine) and it also helps if they are maybe used to seeing you get wet in your clothes or are not phased if you come home in partially wet clothes after being out with some mates. Parents expect teenagers to muck around when out and about and will easily believe it if you fool around (jumping in puddles, pushing each other into ponds etc. etc.) with mates and end up wet. It is a short step from that to getting muddy. Having a kick around in the park with mates can easily get you muddy: do it a few times and, so long as you don't land your mum with a load of extra work - doing the laundry, see above - she will probably be happy to let you get on with it.

It sounds like you already get wet in your clothes, so you are halfway there, just build on that slowly. Who knows your parents may have had similar fun getting wet or muddy as teenagers (your dad in particular, it seems to be more of a man thing) and won't be in the least surprised.

It is unlikely that mud alone will ruin any clothes beyond what a good wash or two with a biological detergent won't put right; we find that getting the mud off with a good hosing down before taking them off is the best method, never put totally muddy clothes straight into the washing machine, it will clog up the filters and the like.

Good luck with it, let us know how you get on.

Spontaneous baptisms and new clothes.

Posted by wetchas on January 03, 2017 at 16:00:11

Hi. I will probably get some criticism from some quarters for posting this, but there are a series of new vids appearing on You Tube featuring lots of fully clothed baptisms. Just look under baptisms, and filter for today or this week and they will come up. Lots of people coming out of the crowd, having kicked off thier shoes and socks and taking a dunking. And, some of them are over an hour long.
On a different subject, did anyone get any new clothes for Christmas, and if so have you christened them yet. I got a couple of pairs of Sondico sports shorts, which seem very thin and comfy, and some firetrap boxers, which also fit very nicely.
All the best for 2017.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: Spontaneous baptisms and new clothes.

Posted by Jamie (and Chris) on January 04, 2017 at 09:32:07

In Reply to: Spontaneous baptisms and new clothes. posted by wetchas on January 03, 2017 at 16:00:11:

I've seen a couple of those baptism vids. There seem to be a lot.

Chris got some new clothes from his parents (among other things) and he appeared for breakfast on Boxing Day wearing them. A very smart multi-coloured striped Joe Brown shirt and a pair of navy blue slim-fit chinos from Next, so of course Will and I had to throw him in the pool - he was not a happy lad.

Luckily his parents, who were watching at the time, didn't object and enjoyed the spectacle as much as the rest of us. He really was asking to be thrown in as the rest of us were in old jeans and sweatshirts and he was the only one looking smart anywhere near the pool ! Just to be fair Will and I both ended up in the pool along with Chris' dad, my dad and Tom.

A belated Happy New Year everyone.

Re: Spontaneous baptisms and new clothes.

Posted by wetchas on January 04, 2017 at 11:27:18

In Reply to: Re: Spontaneous baptisms and new clothes. posted by Jamie (and Chris) on January 04, 2017 at 09:32:07:

Happy new year to you all as well.
Regarding the baptism vids there seem to be more added daily. Looks like the sort of church I wouldn't mind going to. Quess you can only go in the pool once. Would love to be one of the blokes minding the steps, helping people in or out.
What a classic throwing Chris in the pool in his new outfit. One of the things I love is soaking new clothes, especially if it's the first time on. Would love to have seen that. Thanks for sharing.
Cheers. Charlie.

shoes and socks

Posted by john on January 14, 2017 at 15:07:41

why is it people take their shoes and socks off when they go for a clothed swim also jump in the fountains also they roll their jeans or trousers up to go in the fountains. when you come out of the water soaked and put your shoes and socks on the water is going to run down their legs and soak their shoes and socks.


Re: shoes and socks

Posted by Jamie on January 16, 2017 at 10:24:34

In Reply to: shoes and socks posted by john on January 14, 2017 at 15:07:41:

We have a friend who always rolls up his jeans before wading into water, be it the lake at the park, big puddles at our place or even our pool. It makes me laugh, he knows he will be getting thoroughly soaked, so why ? His explanation is that he likes his jean legs to hang properly when wet, rather than cling more or slump on top of his shoes, and he likes the fact that the extra layers of rolled denim hold more water which takes longer to drain. He's quite happy to get whatever footwear and socks he has on completely soaked.

Kareoke party

Posted by Jamie on January 31, 2017 at 11:01:34

We had a great weekend. It started with a plea for help from a couple of school friends, Will and Red, very early on Saturday morning as we were doing our morning exercise swim. They had volunteered to organise a surprise birthday party for our school friend Ali and his twin sister, Aliya (who does not go to our school) as it was their birthday on the 27th (19 years old !) and they had organised a kareoke party at a local community/sports hall in the town. They had received a phone call to cancel the booking as the hall had been broken into over-night, vandalised and partly set alight. Could we help by hosting the party instead ? We said 'yes, of course' after asking our dads as they swum up and down the pool. It was an easy ask really as there was nothing for us to do as they had already organised food, drink, the kareoke and decorations for the hall.

Will and Rob and a couple of other friends turned up soon after 8 with a van full of all the stuff they needed to set the pool area up as a party venue. So the six of us spent a couple of hours setting out tables and chairs, a space for drink and food to be put out and then we spent a while contacting all the guests (all our mutual school friends and a few siblings and other friends) to tell them about the change of venue. At lunchtime the guy with the kareoke turned up to set up his equipment and then left again until the evening start. We got him to set his equipment up on Tom's balcony overlooking the pool and his projector facing across the pool so that the videos with the lyrics hit the opposite wall. Easy.

Every one of our friends knows that if they come to our place for a party there is a 90+% chance that they will end up getting wet, completely soaked, whatever they are wearing at the time, so most come along suitably attired and with a change of clothes.

The party started off dry with everyone chatting, eating and drinking and then the DJ, Dave, explained how the kareoke was supposed to work. He would select a song and if someone wanted to have a go then they should volunteer, or be volunteered by their mates, and step up onto the small stage he had created below the balcony. At this stage someone, Mike I think, suggested that they stand on the low diving board rather than the stage and that someone act as the audiences 'voice' and push them off into the pool if they were no good. This was enthusiastically applauded and so it was agreed that that would be an option if the singer agreed. You can't force someone can you.

At school we all get to sing at morning assembly (two hymns per day) but I can't say that anyone of our friends has a particularly good voice, most either mouth the words with little sound or hum along. Some of the girls have good voices. Chris and I are among the mumblers and hummers most of the time. Very embarrassing - wouldn't want to inflict my singing voice on anyone.

The first peope to have a go at the kareoke were Ali and his sister Aliya who had a go at a BeeGees song and did it really well. Ali celebrated all the applause by jumping into the pool with his sister held in a bear hug as he did so, she didn't seem to mind at all and they stayed in the pool in the shallow end as the next few people had a go at singing. All of them ended up in the pool, Harry's effort was the most dire and he fully deserved being pushed in after just a few bars of tunelessly flat singing.

After Harry had got his just reward for such appalling singing, Chris decided he'd have a go. He spoke to the DJ to request something and stepped onto the diving board.

"This may not be the type of song you want, or expect, to hear tonight" Chris said "but it's one I've heard lots of times as it is one of my mum's favourites and she was always playing it as I grew up - she still does sometimes - and I've imagined myself singing it aloud so many time, just never had the courage to do so. OK - let's give it a go."

So he did, and it was fabulous. I never knew he had such a fantastic voice. Chris has a fairly deep voice in normal conversation but his singing voice is a melodic light tenor and his diction is perfect, every word clear and distinct. Turns out the record his mum likes is by the late Matt Monro, an English singer who died in 1985, someone that Frank Sinatra admired.

The song was "Born Free" from the 1966 film of the same name about Joy and George Adamson's story of their lioness Elsa and setting her free.

After his rendition of Born Free, Chris was encouraged to do more and he sang another three or four randomly chosen songs before diving into the pool to allow someone else to have a go.

By the end of the party everyone had been in the pool at some time and a lot of them had had a go at the kareoke with varying degrees of success. It was generally agreed that Chris was by far the best singer and he was called upon to sing quite a few times. The funniest was him trying to sing Hello by Adele, a good effort but requiring a voice with a rather higher range than Chris could muster. He was asked by lots of people why he had not sung out before but didn't really have a good answer. I think he believed it would be a bit too "showing off" for his liking.

The party was a great success and as usual seeing everyone getting wet was fun, but the kareoke was the best bit even for those of us who really can't sing, very liberating once you have a go.

Re: Kareoke party

Posted by Harry on January 31, 2017 at 11:59:12

In Reply to: Kareoke party posted by Jamie on January 31, 2017 at 11:01:34:

It was fun. I think it's "karaoke" though !!

Who knew Chris had such an amazing voice, he kept that quiet !

Re: Kareoke party

Posted by wetchas on January 31, 2017 at 14:28:24

In Reply to: Re: Kareoke party posted by Harry on January 31, 2017 at 11:59:12:

Wow. Who would have thought that Chris could sing, especially Born Free.
Sounds like a great night.
Do I detect from your comment about being appropriately dressed that some people came in swimwear ( if you know what I mean). I'm surprised you didn't throw them off the premesis.
Another thing. Thanks to you I'm going to be whistling that song for the rest of the day.
Cheers anyway.

Re: Kareoke party

Posted by Jamie on January 31, 2017 at 19:16:12

In Reply to: Re: Kareoke party posted by wetchas on January 31, 2017 at 14:28:24:

Yes indeed, he kept the singing thing really quiet. On Sunday I persuaded him to sing in front of our parents and they were as amazed as me. His mum is a huge fan of Matt Monro and we listened to a few of his songs and I have to say he was brilliant, no doubt about that, even if not to my taste. Now his secret is out, Chris is singing all the time - in the shower, in the car, around the pool and at school - he obviously feels liberated...........

There were only a couple of the guys in swimwear at the party and even then they were in cargo shorts and tees rather than swimshorts. Everyone else was in jeans and shirts (tees or polos) and the girls in jeans or a few in skirts. I wore jeans and a check shirt, Chris was in chinos and a polo shirt. Despite it being a surprise party for Ali and Aliya they both joined in and got wet unhesitatingly, going home soaking wet in their clothes having just dried off enough not to be dripping !

There are some vids on You Tube of Matt Monro. He was certainly very good, such clear diction as he sang and making it all sound so effortless. Sad that he died so relatively young, but he was well appreciated by his fellow performers, he apparantly got a letter from Frank Sinatra when he was in hospital in his final days (dying from cancer) saying how he would be sorely missed as a great performer and praising his ability. He had been discovered whilst driving buses originally and has a son who also has a great voice.

Re: Kareoke party

Posted by Chris on January 31, 2017 at 19:31:50

In Reply to: Kareoke party posted by Jamie on January 31, 2017 at 11:01:34:

Seems I've been 'outed' as a singer ! Not sure if I'm pleased about that or not ........... but it does feel a bit of a relief in a strange kind of way, and it is something I've often thought would be enjoyable.

I grew up hearing ballad singers like Matt Monro as my mum likes them rather than other types of singer, so just copied that style and found I could do it easily. Mum says my dad has a good voice but I've never heard him sing, his dad can also sing well apparantly, so it must be an inherited ability.

The party was great fun - seeing everyone get wet and be happy swimming in their clothes is always great - and the karaoke was the most fun of all. Seeing friends letting go and singing their hearts out, even badly, was fantastic, so good I guess we'll all be happy to do it again.

Re: Kareoke party

Posted by wetchas on February 01, 2017 at 10:51:58

In Reply to: Re: Kareoke party posted by Jamie on January 31, 2017 at 19:16:12:

Quite true. Don't forget you are talking to someone probably older than your parents, who grew up with that sort of music, until the arrival of the Beatles and such like. Matt Munroe's ' On days like these' is still one of my desert island discs.
Wouldn't dream of knocking anybody who got up and had a go.
Well done, and if you are as good as they all say, even better.
Cheers. Charlie.

Re: Kareoke party

Posted by Jamie on February 01, 2017 at 12:06:35

In Reply to: Re: Kareoke party posted by wetchas on February 01, 2017 at 10:51:58:

Our parents are all early to mid 40s, so they were still babies when Matt Monro died. Chris' voice is quite as good as the best of the guys on that Gary Barlow TV programme; his singing was a real revelation to us all, so much better than any of us - certainly me - and as much a surprise to his parents as any of us. Chris is a confident, out-going fellow in general (some say cocky) but rather shy about "showing off" his talents, it seems, he a good dancer too after a few drinks.

Re: Karaoke party

Posted by Ben on February 01, 2017 at 14:19:53

In Reply to: Kareoke party posted by Jamie on January 31, 2017 at 11:01:34:

Sounds like a great party - hope they didn't drop the microphone in the pool. Did everyone get wet or were some not into it?
P.S. Brownie point to Chris for knowing how to spell Karaoke. Jamie - only allowed to swim for the next week in speedos! LOL

Re: Karaoke party

Posted by Jamie on February 01, 2017 at 14:49:18

In Reply to: Re: Karaoke party posted by Ben on February 01, 2017 at 14:19:53:

It was great and everyone did get wet (see a later answer) - they always do at our place, although we let those that don't want to get wet, stay dry of course.

It was Harry who knew how to spell karaoke; the spell checker did not show it as incorrect when I wrote it - that's my excuse anyway !!

I'd be happy to swim in speedos for a week, we often do for our early morning exercise swims anyway and always, of course, for the swim-team at school etc. and they hold no more fear for me now; I hated them when I was younger and first started in the team, we had to wear white as 'starters', but now team colours are pillar-box red or bright elecric blue which look OK.


Posted by john on February 09, 2017 at 12:43:22


i have never been in a fountain fully clothed what is it like. i would like to do it in the summer. would a 69 year old look silly fully clothed in a fountain.


Re: fountains

Posted by Jamie on February 09, 2017 at 22:58:02

In Reply to: fountains posted by john on February 09, 2017 at 12:43:22:

Go for it, nobody else will care.

Fountains are great fun, particularly those ones that unexpectedly spurt up in jets from the pavement, you never know how wet you are going to get or quite where the jet will hit you. When I was 12 or so we went to Manchester for a long weekend in the summer, visiting some family friends who had moved there, and they took us to the city centre and there was one of those fountains in a city square. Their son and I got thoroughly soaked and then our dads joined in as well and we all had a great time. Our mums thought they were crazy and moaned about going home wet, but there were loads of kids and adults just walking around under the jets getting totally soaked in their every day clothes, it was a hot sunny day and no one batted an eyelid. We boys were in jeans and tees and our dads in chinos and polos if I remember rightly.

Re: fountains

Posted by LevilovR on February 11, 2017 at 03:07:47

In Reply to: fountains posted by john on February 09, 2017 at 12:43:22:

Fountains are lots of fun! What's it like? Depends on the fountain. If it is the type of fountain where the water pours down from the top into a pool below it is fun to stand or sit in the pool and let the water cascade down over you. If it is the kind Jamie described where the water spurts up in different series from the ground below it is an absolute blast to try to figure out where the water will be coming up next. You get wet from the ground up so to speak. You can be surrounded by sprays, run through them, whatever you want. Some fountains have a center where you can stand in the middle and have the water spray all over you. Will you look silly. YUP! So what? A five year old in a fountain looks silly. So does a teenager or young adult or a middle aged person.. That's the whol;e point. They are designed to be fun and that's all that matters. Go for it! Do it while you still can. Don't worry about being ridiculed. Many people will probably admire you for being so young at heart! Better to try it and know than to sit back and wish you had and never do it.

Email from Grant and Marshall.

Posted by Chris and Jamie on February 24, 2017 at 14:59:36

Home early from school today and on checking emails found we had both received the same email from Grant and Marshall with some very sad news. We've kept in touch with them since they visited but had heard nothing since their Christmas card arrived about a week before the event, despite sending birthday cards for their 18th birthday. Anyway, rather than try and summarise what they had to say I've simply copied it here.

Hi Jamie and Chris, trust you are both fit and thriving and had a great Christmas and New Year and are still keeping nicely wet and muddy despite the winter weather, our guess is that you are ............

We've had a rather turbulent time since we last wrote. We had a lovely Christmas and mum was the life and soul of the party for the whole time. Since that day when we confronted her at your place, and she became more "normal", this had only been getting better; everyone we know at church and at the various charities and so on, were amazed at the transformation and happy for her, dad and us. Great-grandfather even joined us for Christmas day lunch, a first. We turned 18 on January 1st (late thanks for the cards, sorry !) and had a great party with some of our basketball friends which we held down in the pool. Everyone ended up in the pool fully clothed, you would have been proud of us !

Three days later mum refused to get out of bed saying she felt unwell. Dad went to work as she insisted that a day in bed would see her fit again. We popped in regularly to see if she was OK and got drinks and food as required and she seemed fine but tired and sleepy. When dad got home he went to her room and found her delirious and feverish. He called the doctor and he called an ambulance, mum was in hospital for three days before she collapsed trying to get out of bed. She was dead, apparently, before she hit the floor.

The post-mortem suggested a brain haemorrhage as the cause of actual death but also found a large benign tumour that was putting pressure on her brain and skull. We are told that, had she survived, the tumour would have had dramatic effects on her behaviour, eyesight, mental and physical functions. Maybe it already was given her mood swings and erratic behaviour sometimes. Dad is of course devastated and it is very hard for us to see him like that; he took a day off for the funeral but we found out today that he has told no-one at work, so your dad won't have heard the news. I have to admit that we don't feel the same grief that he does; sad, of course, but more relief than anything else - I fear that makes us bad sons but there it is, that's how we feel.

On top of all that, great-grandfather had a heart-attack two weeks ago and has been advised to stop going into work, he will be 90 in June and says he intends to get to 100 if he has anything to do with it. Feisty or what ?

Life has not really changed much since the upheaval at your place, we still get schooled at home but are dressing like normal teenagers - jeans and sweatshirts etc. - and we get wet in our clothes in the pool as often as we can; i.e. every morning and afternoon ! We've taken to having a morning exercise swim like you all do so look forward to challenging you both when we see you next. Dad tells us that he has a series of meetings immediately after Easter and that your dad has suggested that we all come over to stay with you. Dad has yet to say "yes" to that apparently so perhaps you can get your dad to press him a bit for an answer.

It would be great to see you both again and it may get dad to acknowledge finally that mum has gone, he seems to be in denial at the moment. Sorry to be the bearer of such bad news, but I think it only fair that you and your families know about mum, you were all so very tolerant of her on our visit and these last few months saw her the happiest we've ever known her to be.

Very best wishes, hope to see you soon, Grant and Marshall.

Needless to say this all came as a bit of a bombshell. Uncle Greg was horrified that Marshall Snr. had not told work about his loss and said he would be insisting that Marshall bring the boys with him and that they all stay with us for the time he needs to be in Europe. Hermione was certainly an odd character, but that is such a sad way to go just as she appeared to realise what great guys her sons really were. We're all feeling a bit subdued here at the moment.

Re: Email from Grant and Marshall.

Posted by blueandwet on February 24, 2017 at 17:20:52

In Reply to: Email from Grant and Marshall. posted by Chris and Jamie on February 24, 2017 at 14:59:36:

Wow. Just Wow. Life can come so fast some times. My sympathy for Grant and Marshall.

Re: Email from Grant and Marshall.

Posted by Jamie on February 24, 2017 at 18:42:54

In Reply to: Re: Email from Grant and Marshall. posted by blueandwet on February 24, 2017 at 17:20:52:

Life can be tough sometimes, it seems particularly rough on the boys that their mother died just as she seemed to accept them for who they are rather than what she wanted to make them. I guess if you believe in God then you might think she is in a better place now with the deity in whom she believed so strongly. We'll find out more about how they themselves are dealing with their grief when we see them at Easter - a propitously apt time for their own progress maybe.

Re: Email from Grant and Marshall.

Posted by Jack on February 24, 2017 at 19:55:36

In Reply to: Email from Grant and Marshall. posted by Chris and Jamie on February 24, 2017 at 14:59:36:

Sorry to hear that news. However objectionable the poor deluded woman was, it is sad for the boys to lose their mother. At least they will be out from under her oppressive control and can be themselves without hindrance. They will probably blossom into even finer young men. They just have to get through the mourning stage and in years to come when they look back they will hopefully see their mother in a different, more generous, light. Time is a great healer, as I have found out myself.

Re: Email from Grant and Marshall.

Posted by wetjumper on February 25, 2017 at 02:29:58

In Reply to: Email from Grant and Marshall. posted by Chris and Jamie on February 24, 2017 at 14:59:36:

This is sad news, and something of a bombshell also for those of us who've been following your accounts of your lives (normally greatly enjoying them and inspired by them). It's a great shame that Hermione only survived for a few months in her transformed state - evidently happy, loving, tolerant, a really nice person. At least she left the twins and everyone she knew with some happy memories of her last few months.

I don't think Grant and Marshall were being "bad sons" by not feeling much grief, considering that she wasn't their biological mother and that she had subjected them to a lot of repression over many years. Somehow they coped very well with that - and eventually also with the knowledge of how they came into the world. Hearing about that must have been a very odd experience.

I think you've also helped to transform their lives for the better. I expect you're looking forward to Grant and Marshall's next visit from Easter onwards - as are they, no doubt - and as are your readers!

Best wishes to all - Peter (wetjumper)


Posted by Troy on March 18, 2017 at 22:29:24

Do any new pics ever get posted on the page anymore ?


Posted by LevilovR on March 19, 2017 at 14:26:18

Some friends of mine invited me to an equinox bonfire to celebrate the official arrival of Spring - even though we have tons of snow and it is still cold. They live about an hours drive from me, not terrible, but since I didn't know how late I would be staying I decided to check into a nearby hotel and drive home this morning. So when I got to the hotel of course the first thing I did was to check out the pool area. It was really small and directly across from the check in counter right off the main lobby. There were large windows that ran the whole length of the pool area, so the desk clerk could see everything that was happening in the pool area. The woman at the desk gave me bad vibes right from the start. She was polite and answered all my questions, but as I was walking down the hallway from my room I heard her talking on the phone complaining about someone and she didn't sound very nice. She hung up as she saw me come into the lobby. I could tell she wasn't going to tolerate any shenanigans and wouldn't take kindly to my jumping into the pool fully clothed, so I retreated to my room and took a clothed shower instead. She couldn't say anything about that! Any way, my point is this: I have found in general that male desk clerks are much more tolerant about such things than female clerks are. Is this just me? Am I being sexist? I don't mean to be, it's just my general observation from past experiences. The guys just laugh it off while the gals tend to get a bit huffy. I would be interested to hear other people's experiences in this regard. If the pool had been in a different location I wouldn't have hesitated to have gone in at all.

Re: Sexist?

Posted by Jamie on March 19, 2017 at 14:46:27

In Reply to: Sexist? posted by LevilovR on March 19, 2017 at 14:26:18:

Certainly our male friends are more tolerant of getting wet and muddy than our female friends. The guys think it perfectly normal and no great problem getting a soaking whereas the girls are a bit more wary and some even think it "peculiar" in some way. Maybe it's because guys get wet and muddy more often playing sport than the girls do so think it more normal.

Re: Pics

Posted by Jamie on March 19, 2017 at 14:48:14

In Reply to: Pics posted by Troy on March 18, 2017 at 22:29:24:

Quite honestly, not sure how to post pictures here. Any ideas, maybe Felix could tell us.

Re: Sexist?

Posted by LevilovR on March 19, 2017 at 15:51:59

In Reply to: Re: Sexist? posted by Jamie on March 19, 2017 at 14:46:27:

There are definitely females out there who enjoy wet clothing, there are some who post occasionally on this web site and there are videos and pics on the internet. However the fetish/obsession/phenomenon of wet clothing seems to be predominantly male. I've always wondered why this is. I think it goes beyond the stereotypical aspect of the wife/mother doing cleanup and laundry. Growing up in a family of four boys we were all taught to cook, clean and do laundry. And of four boys I'm the only wacky wet one. It's just how our brains are programmed somehow. I am also intrigued by our preferences for wet clothing. I love wet clothing, but have thing for jeans. Others it's sport clothing, or winter wear, or shoes. Too bad we don't know more about the human. Any way, viva the difference!

Re: Sexist?

Posted by LevilovR on March 19, 2017 at 15:52:42

In Reply to: Re: Sexist? posted by Jamie on March 19, 2017 at 14:46:27:

There are definitely females out there who enjoy wet clothing, there are some who post occasionally on this web site and there are videos and pics on the internet. However the fetish/obsession/phenomenon of wet clothing seems to be predominantly male. I've always wondered why this is. I think it goes beyond the stereotypical aspect of the wife/mother doing cleanup and laundry. Growing up in a family of four boys we were all taught to cook, clean and do laundry. And of four boys I'm the only wacky wet one. It's just how our brains are programmed somehow. I am also intrigued by our preferences for wet clothing. I love wet clothing, but have thing for jeans. Others it's sport clothing, or winter wear, or shoes. Too bad we don't know more about the human. Any way, viva the difference!

Re: Sexist?

Posted by LevilovR on March 19, 2017 at 15:52:52

In Reply to: Re: Sexist? posted by Jamie on March 19, 2017 at 14:46:27:

There are definitely females out there who enjoy wet clothing, there are some who post occasionally on this web site and there are videos and pics on the internet. However the fetish/obsession/phenomenon of wet clothing seems to be predominantly male. I've always wondered why this is. I think it goes beyond the stereotypical aspect of the wife/mother doing cleanup and laundry. Growing up in a family of four boys we were all taught to cook, clean and do laundry. And of four boys I'm the only wacky wet one. It's just how our brains are programmed somehow. I am also intrigued by our preferences for wet clothing. I love wet clothing, but have thing for jeans. Others it's sport clothing, or winter wear, or shoes. Too bad we don't know more about the human. Any way, viva the difference!

Re: Pics

Posted by Felix on March 25, 2017 at 09:46:18

In Reply to: Re: Pics posted by Jamie on March 19, 2017 at 14:48:14:

I will have to ask the techies how that is. Meanwhile, we're thinking of replacing the old images from the last century with fresh photos, and merge with

We also have a huge video archive and 1000's of photos and video screenshots from several Songkran years. Not sure yet how to make them available. Maybe sell them via Payloadz like does.

Any ideas?

Paintballing day

Posted by Jamie on March 27, 2017 at 15:12:16

Everyone in our year has been so busy with school work course projects to be submitted in time for the dreaded exams in May/June that our teachers decided that having now handed them in for initial appraisal this last week, we all needed some sort of a break from the work and so they organised a couple of days of paintballing. They split us into two groups of about thirty each and we went yesterday, Saturday, the rest of them go today.

Harry, Mike, Chris, Al, Red, I and most of our other friends were in the same group. We'd been told to assemble at school at 8:30 and to wear clothes that we didn't mind getting wet or muddy - "That's any of them, then !" Chris said - and to bring a change of clothes as well. We were also told that we would have the choice of wearing coveralls provided by the venue if we wished, in which case we could just wear sport's shorts and a tee or similar. We'd been told that we would be split into three teams of ten so we agreed on that split before we left. Chris and Harry opted for Team Red and Mike and I opted for Team Green, Al and Red went for Team Yellow.

On arrival we were all given a briefing as to what the strategy was for each team and also an overview of the landscape we would be operating within, a mix of open ground, woodland, marshy areas, a small village of mock cottages (just low walls buit in squares) and a small, shallow lake in the centre of the area. The lake was fed by a stream that also exited the opposite side over a weir.

Everyone had decided previously to go with the coveralls provided on the assumption that they might offer better protection and differentiation of each team and we were proved right. The coveralls were all in a camo pattern of various greens with velcro hoops around the upper arms and chest to which we attached coloured bands to denote our particular Team. The coveralls were made of a heavy-duty twill fabric and had a button-up front from crotch to neck and an elasticated waist and ankles. And they were all one size, too big ! We took them to the shower/changing rooms and changed out of our tracksuits, we all looked rather silly in the oversized coveralls, but they were comfortable.

Team Green have been given the task of defending the village of ruined cottages on the banks of the lake and if possible to expand their territory along the lake side to the territory of Team Red, a couple of fields and some woodland beyond a marshy area which we will have to cross. Team Red have the task of defending their woodland stronghold and trying to conquer the village. Team Yellow have the job of harrassing us all from across the lake in the hope that they can overcome both our teams, but they have to build rafts to get across the lake first.

We (Team Green) decide that our best strategy is to conquer Team Red and unite us to face Team Yellow as they approach across the lake. The rules are that anyone shot "fatally" by the opposition is given the option of being recruited to the Team that "killed" them, thus adding to their numbers against the other two; if they do not take up that option they stay dead for fifteen minutes in the location that they were felled, be that the marsh, open ground or the lake. The winning Team is the one that ends up with the most members or the most territory after three hours of battle. During the afternoon session every team changes territory and the battle is re-run.

It started off well as we left a couple of our team to defend the village and headed off towards the Red territory, picking off a couple of their scouts as we went, which increased our numbers a bit, the marshy area was very wet and by the time we had belly-crawled to the far side we were all soaked to the skin and beginning to get very muddy. As we emerged from the marshy area we were pinned down for a few moments by the Reds as they emerged from their woodland cover. It was so much fun taking pot-shots at the others, and far harder to actually hit a moving target than I had ever imagined. Still, I did manage to land a couple of hits on somebody's leg and thigh which slowed them down a bit. Our teachers were acting as referees and it was their decision as to what was a fatal hit, mainly ones to the chest or centre of the back (head shots were supposedly forbidden). It was easy to see a hit as the paint seemed to go everywhere with a hit to the centre chest splattering across almost the entire upper body. We'd all been given goggles to wear for protection which wqs good as a hit to the head was quite painful, I was hit a glancing shot on the side of my forehead but the goggle's strap took the brunt of the force - "OK, carry on, just a graze - not fatal !" shouted the nearby referee - but it still hurt.

Two of our team were taken out and both opted not to join the opposition, so we left them lying in the wet marsh with instructions to rejoin us in 15 minutes. We made it to the Red Team H.Q., a tree house in a large oak in a clearing, but as we had driven their forces back through the woods rather than killing them, they had an almost full complement of men to defend it. Things went badly for us from that point and everyone except Mike and I were massacred by the opposition so we beat a tactical retreat, collecting our two now very wet team-mates from the marsh, and the four of us fled back to our village. Only to find that Team Yellow had captured it and absorbed our former Team members. We surrendered without a fight - rather pathetic or what ?

We, the new Yellow Team, now made an assault on Team Red. We got even wetter crossing the marsh again (no real cover there so we had no option but to belly-crawl through the mud and water), which was fun. The coveralls were heavy when wet and muddy and being a loose fit flapped around as we crawled and ran, threw ourselves down when under fire and so on. We lost two team members as we advanced through the woods and another two as we laid siege to the Red Team tree house. The referees decided that any one "killed" from now on would remain dead as we were approaching the end of our morning session. Our assault on the tree house went well in the end but sadly Mike, Ali and I were slaughtered as we attempted to take the main rope ladder so we were unable to celebrate Team Green's ultimate victory by executing the final, captured members of Team Red. I'm sure that executing captives was not in the spirit of war but, hey, it's only a game !

We ate our lunch at picnic tables set up by the lake and almost inevitably the losing team members took their revenge by throwing all the original members of Team Red into the water. Eventually everyone ended up in the water, including a couple of our teachers, and so we started the afternoon session soaking wet.

For the afternoon session we, Team Green, were given the job of raft building and crossing the lake and capturing the village that had previously been our HQ. Team Red had the village HQ and Team Yellow the Tree House HQ.

We thought we could decide not to bother with the raft and just swim across the lake keeping as low a profile as possible. In fact the water was shallow enough to wade across being only chest deep in the middle, but our referee said that building a raft was mandatory, whether we used it or not. So we did the bare minimum, two poles tied to a couple of the barrels which we covered with brush and fern leaves as a disguise, and we then swam and waded along behind it in the hope the opposition might not notice our approach. It didn't really work but we did manage to get to the edge of the village without any casualties, just all getting totally drenched again, which no-one minded in the least.

We managed to take the village with only two casualties, more by luck than skill, and I was responsible for three kills. Who knew that shooting your mates could be such fun. Our friend Harry was absolutely furious at being shot by me and at first refused to join us saying he'd rather remain dead for 15 minutes and then resume the fight, but when I pointed out that he was a) surrounded by us, b) would have no Team mates to re-join and c) we could simply wait the 15 minutes and then kill him again, he saw sense and our enlarged Team then set off to find Team Yellow in the woods and slaughter them. Which we did quite easily and swiftly.

That ended our paintballing session but as we had an hour to wait until the coach was due to pick us up again, we spent the time with a water fight in and around the lake and the marsh whilst our teachers and the centre staff had a tea break. They were happy to let us muck around and by the time the coach arrived we were all exhausted and dripping wet anyway, so we changed quickly into dry shorts and tees, pulled on our tracksuits and headed back to school and home. All in all a thoroughly enjoyable day.

Re: Paintballing day

Posted by Jack on March 27, 2017 at 19:17:09

In Reply to: Paintballing day posted by Jamie on March 27, 2017 at 15:12:16:

That was good of your teachers to organise a day out - and to thank them ...... you dunked a couple of them in the lake ! Classy move guys; how do you think your grades will look now ? Hope they have a good sense of humour Ha Ha.

Anyway sounds like you had a good time. I've never tried paintballing but have always wanted to.

Re: Paintballing day

Posted by Trn on March 28, 2017 at 10:36:13

In Reply to: Re: Paintballing day posted by Jack on March 27, 2017 at 19:17:09:

A pity you did not use the trackies. Sounds great

Re: Paintballing day

Posted by Jamie on March 28, 2017 at 11:09:10

In Reply to: Re: Paintballing day posted by Jack on March 27, 2017 at 19:17:09:

We had a great time. The teachers who got wet are new to the school this year and probably both in their mid-20s, one teaches geography, English and PE and the other maths, French and coaches the swim team. Neither of them teaches Chris or me as they are form masters for lower years. It was obvious that they were up for getting wet as they were almost daring us to do so as we ate lunch. Michael, who we know best through the swim team coaching, is a real character with a huge black beard that he has trimmed in a square-cut style (what you'd call a 'hipster' style, I guess) and when off-duty wears slim-fit tan jeans, check shirts, leather waistcoat and boots and looks not a bit like the three-piece suit and academic gown wearing teacher we normally see. He looked pretty awesome soaking wet. The other teacher, James, is more conventional and was wearing black jeans and a grey military style shirt. They both gave as good as they got during the water fight. The other two teachers, who didn't get wet at all, were cheering them on until we all made to grab them as well and then they hurried off out of danger.

Re: Paintballing day

Posted by Jamie on March 28, 2017 at 12:33:30

In Reply to: Re: Paintballing day posted by Trn on March 28, 2017 at 10:36:13:

We all thought it would be easier to wear the coveralls provided as it would be too confusing if everyone was wearing different styles/types of clothing. The coveralls felt pretty good when wet and even better when muddy and they gleamed nicely in the sun as well. I have learned since that several of the guys went commando during the afternoon session just to really see what it was like; not too sure I'd want to wear their kit afterwards but I assume it all gets washed by the centre between uses.

Re: Paintballing day

Posted by Jack on March 28, 2017 at 23:54:21

In Reply to: Re: Paintballing day posted by Jamie on March 28, 2017 at 11:09:10:

So the undoubtedly good grades you have worked so hard for, are not in jeopardy, then ? That's good. Your teachers sound like a game bunch of guys from what you tell us here and previously. I never came across any like that in my school days but then I went through the state school system and not the private sector like you, so we didn't have the same facilities (like pools and playing fields) that you enjoy. I certainly didn't enjoy most of my school days in the way you seem to, and I was pleased to leave them behind. University was good fun though and made up for the school days in a way. What are your future plans on leaving school, apart from getting wet and muddy more often maybe ?

Wacky Wet Relatives?

Posted by LevilovR on March 30, 2017 at 22:22:01

Anybody out there have any wacky wet relatives? Any one else in your family who likes wet clothing too? None of my brothers do. My father NEVER discussed his past or youth, much to my regret. He was very strict with us, and I got the feeling that he raised a little hell and got into trouble at times in his youth. I found out that he used to play the drums and was manager for his high school basketball team. My mother told me about the drums and how when they went to dances he would go play the drums and leave her to dance with other guys. Found an old photo of the basketball team after his death, Any way, one afternoon I went to my parents house and found he was watching swamp buggy racing on tv. These large swamp buggies were racing against each other on a large cylindrical track that had lots of deep holes where the buggies often got submerged and they also sent up a large amount of spray. The drivers, all fully clothed, got soaked. Of course I was intrigued, but was utterly surprised my father was watching this. He seemed to be really enjoying it. At the end of the show the champion driver and the race queen jumped off a dock into the muddy water, both fully clothed. The queen had on a white gown with a sash and a crown. The driver was in cowboy boots, jeans and t shirt. A huge smile came across my Dad's face when they did this, especially when they emerged muddy and dripping. I was shocked! It made me wonder. It was the first, last and only time I ever saw him respond that way to such a situation. I was curious, but never questioned him. I didn't dare. So, does any one else out there have similar experiences? Any wacky wet siblings. cousins, uncles, parents, grandparents, in-laws?

Re: Wacky Wet Relatives?

Posted by swimmerrat on March 30, 2017 at 23:16:31

In Reply to: Wacky Wet Relatives? posted by LevilovR on March 30, 2017 at 22:22:01:

i only have a few blood relatives since both sides of my family are small. i can tell you definitely i am the only one that i know of on both sides of my family that enjoys this.

Re: Wacky Wet Relatives?

Posted by LevilovR on March 30, 2017 at 23:48:58

In Reply to: Re: Wacky Wet Relatives? posted by swimmerrat on March 30, 2017 at 23:16:31:

My father was the oldest of 12 kids, my mother was an only child. My mother was always terrified of the water and never learned to swim. My grandmother, didn't even like getting in the bath tub, and always positioned herself on her knees because she didn't like the feeling of the water coming up around her. My mother grew up in the same house with her grandparents and her mother and they would never permit her to go anywhere near the water and told her she would drown. They really did a number on her. A few times, on hot days, when we were camping at the lake, she did actually go in and dunk herself up to her neck. Once she tripped on a rock and fell under and panicked. Fortunately my sister-in-law was right beside her and grabbed her and got her back n her feet, but she never went in again. I have one brother who never learned to swim at all, and yet my youngest brother was great at water skiing and loved it. I know he has gotten wet before, but doesn't enjoy it the way I do. I have to give my Mom credit for not passing her fear onto us kids. She did not want us to be afraid the way she was and encouraged us to learn how to swim. Like I said, one brother never did learn and never really seemed to like it very much when he did go in.

Re: Wacky Wet Relatives?

Posted by wetchas on March 31, 2017 at 08:40:49

In Reply to: Re: Wacky Wet Relatives? posted by LevilovR on March 30, 2017 at 23:48:58:

Hi LevilovR. It's an interesting question.
Not playing for the sympathy card here, but I don't know any of my family, having been dumped in an orthanage at birth. To be strictly accurate, it probably wasn't quite like that, but it used to be a great conversation stopper.
Like your brother, I never learned to swim, because, like your Mother​ I can't stand going under. It a bit ironic I suppose that I have always had a loving of a good soaking, as long as it stopped at the neck. Yes, I have missed out on the feelings on gets jumping in, and also playing underwater, but I guess I can live with that. Of course it also means I have never been thrown in a pool or suchlike, which I should imagine is, to use a horrible modern saying ' well good fun'
I suppose the polar opposite of this is Chris & Jamie. Two cousins who enjoy the wet and muddy life.
Thanks again for asking the question. Until a few days ago I thought these forums had died a death, but they seem to be picking up again now.
Cheers. Wetchas.

Re: Wacky Wet Relatives?

Posted by Chris and Jamie on March 31, 2017 at 09:20:01

In Reply to: Wacky Wet Relatives? posted by LevilovR on March 30, 2017 at 22:22:01:

If you've read any of our posts you will probably have worked out that every single one of our close family members likes getting wet in their clothes. Cousin Tom and our dads are the most enthusiastic, but our mums are happy to do so on occasion and will always join in during a water-fight if not smartly dressed.

Some years ago, before we moved to this house with it's pool etc., I (Jamie) asked my mum if dad had always been keen on getting wet (I asked her as dad himself had been quick to change the subject when I asked him) and she said that when they had met as teenagers he was always getting wet, jumping in ponds, pools, fountains, rivers etc. whenever he could. He also enjoyed playing rugby in the rain and was always the wettest and muddiest player in the team at the end of the game.

Most of our friends are also relatively keen wacky wetters in spirit, even if not in fact by posting on here, and are quite happy to get soaked and muddy in their clothes.

The only person not that keen on getting wet at all is Tom's dad, Uncle Danny, but now they live here as well we are hoping he might change.

Re: Wacky Wet Relatives?

Posted by LevilovR on March 31, 2017 at 10:41:51

In Reply to: Re: Wacky Wet Relatives? posted by Chris and Jamie on March 31, 2017 at 09:20:01:

Always enjoy your posts. Must confess to being jealous because you do have friends and family who share your wacky wet interests - not to mention that fabulous pool! Always wished there was someone near my age to share wacky wet times with, but it never happened. Keep posting please. We all enjoy your antics and like hearing about the thngs you are doing.

Re: Wacky Wet Relatives?

Posted by Jamie on March 31, 2017 at 19:11:37

In Reply to: Re: Wacky Wet Relatives? posted by wetchas on March 31, 2017 at 08:40:49:

I can't remember ever being frightened of being in water and getting ducked under the surface. Mum told me once that she and Chris's mum used to take us to the local pool for "baby swim lessons" and part of that experience was being dropped in the water and being left to float or swim to the surface. It sounds brutal but must have worked. I guess that sort of class was not available much before we were that age at the end of the nineties. Our parents were not so lucky, our mums (sisters) were taught to swim at primary school but my dad didn't learn until he was a teenager and Chris's dad only when he was nine or ten.


Posted by Tom on April 08, 2017 at 15:25:18

My cousins, Jamie and Chris, are on their Easter holidays from school. I persuaded them that we should all make an effort to get fitter for the summer (they are already far fitter than me) and so our early morning swims will be taken wearing clothes, starting with just jeans and a tee and adding extra items as the holiday progresses - this is not a hardship as far as any of us are concerned as regular readers of these forums will know - until we get to several layers.

Today, after our swim and breakfast the other two decided to have a relaxing day. It is a lovely sunny day here and the temperature in the pool area is just right for spending a day in the pool. Jamie and Chris were both complaining of feeling tired after all the late nights of school work and hard brain work during the days. After a morning of swimming and fooling around in the pool, we had lunch and then they both collapsed on sun loungers and promptly fell asleep. That was nearly three hours ago and they are still sound asleep (with Chris snoring) and there's no sign of them waking any time soon.

It seems unkind to wake them, although a bucket of accurately thrown cold water is a very tempting prospect.

What is it with teenagers that they can just fall asleep anywhere at any time and remain undisturbed by any activity around them, however noisy ?

Back home and swimming again

Posted by Jamie on May 09, 2017 at 18:50:15

I was discharged from hospital on Sunday and dad picked me up in time to get home for Sunday lunch with all the family. I am confined to a wheelchair for getting around at the moment but can get out of it to sit in other chairs. The stump is healing well and I have a tight stocking to wear that is helping to get rid of the last of the swelling resulting from the amputation. I have a waterproof cover that I can pull on to shower and, more importantly, to get in the pool to have a swim again. Bliss. On Thursday I have my first of many exercise sessions again and then later will start learning to use the prosthesis.

It is great to be back home and enjoy mum's home cooking again - I can't say the hospital food was bad, but the nurses joked that it caused more fatalities than anything they or the doctors did, ha ha ! - and to go to sleep in my own bed.

We had just finished lunch on Sunday and everyone was clearing things away and tidying up when we had some unexpected visitors. My brother Will and his boss, the owner of the superyacht that he works on. Will apparently gets on very well with this man and his family, as do all the crew, and he (I'll call him John from now on) offered Will the chance to accompany him on a flying visit to the UK for a business meeting and take the chance to visit home to see me. John knows about the accident and had heard about the latest operation and asked if he could come along and meet the family.

"I'm delighted to meet you all, Will has told my wife and I about you on a few occasions - she likes to know about the crew's families as we appreciate everyone is working away from their loved ones - and we were both very concerned about the accident last year. I wanted to meet this young man in particular" John said as he put a hand on my shoulder "as I believe it is his birthday tomorrow and I have a gift that I hope he'll accept as a token of my admiration for how he has adapted to his changed circumstances." John turned to Will and suggested he get the gift from the car.

"Thank you, that is very kind of you." I said "I'm just pleased to be home and hadn't really given much thought to my birthday."

Will returned from the car with a huge plain box and placed it on the floor in front of me.

"Apologies for not getting it wrapped" John laughed "It was a bit of a last minute thing."

"Go on, Jamie, open it up, no need to wait for tomorrow." Will urged.

Inside the box was a big four rotor drone, all ready to assemble, with a camera and a remote control handset.

"Wow, that is fantastic. Thank you John, it is very generous of you. I don't know what to say." I said as I shook his hand.

"Say nothing, it is my pleasure. I was thinking you might be able to keep up with all the fun I hear your cousin Chris and friends get up to in the grounds. You'll be able to see them from the comfort of your living room until you regain your full mobility. This is a final pre-production prototype that I commandeered whilst visiting the factory yesterday - no-one objected as I own the company - being the boss has it's advantages sometimes. It will need to be assembled and fully charged before you can fly it, there's a set of instructions and hints about flying but I'm sure a computer savvy young man like you will get the hang of it very quickly."

After that we all sat and chatted, John showed us pictures of his wife, two daughters and grandchildren on his mobile. They seemed like a perfectly normal family, except of course they are billionaires and their surroundings in all the pictures were exotic or lavish; huge houses with expansive gardens, expensive cars and, of course, the superyacht in some of the pictures.

John and Will left after a few hours to drive to the airport and fly back to the Caribbean. I'd had a short while with Will on my own, which was good just to see and talk with him for real instead of over a Skype connection, and I was able to reassure him that I was doing OK and feeling very positive about the future.

The place suddenly felt a bit empty after Will and his larger-than-life boss had departed, but we all agreed that it had been an unexpectedly interesting afternoon. Dad told us that John had taken him aside briefly and told him how much he valued Will's services and hoped that he might take over as captain in a few years. John also extended an invitation to us all to use the superyacht over Christmas. Dad accepted the invite - I don't think he needed much persuasion - and John said Will would arrange the details and get back to us. That is something to look forward to and aim to be fit and mobile to enjoy to the full.

Yesterday, Monday and my birthday, I went to school for the morning and then in the afternoon we were due to be revision studying at home so a group of us came back and worked until late afternoon before having some time in the pool with a pizza supper. It was great to be in the pool again and I surprised myself by managing to get in and out of the pool from my wheelchair without any assistance. I wore swim-shorts and a tee-shirt in the pool and it felt nice to be in wet clothes again and fun to watch the others fooling around.

After the others had gone home, the family gathered and I was given my birthday presents - some books, CDs and DVDs, a couple of summer shirts and so on - and then Chris and I spent a while assembling the drone and we left it to charge overnight. Dad said he and mum wanted to go out with me on Saturday to choose their present, which is intriguing.

Back at school today so things are all pretty much back to normal in most respects. Everyone has been very helpful and understanding, and I even got a "welcome back" cheer from all the other guys when I wheeled myself into our common room at morning break; nice to know I was missed. When I told Chris, he asked if I was sure it wasn't a groan................

Re: Back home and swimming again

Posted by wiley on May 09, 2017 at 23:45:47

In Reply to: Back home and swimming again posted by Jamie on May 09, 2017 at 18:50:15:

Great to hear you are home again. You have a lot of fans here, all wishing for a speedy recovery.

Re: Back home and swimming again

Posted by LevilovR on May 10, 2017 at 00:15:15

In Reply to: Re: Back home and swimming again posted by wiley on May 09, 2017 at 23:45:47:

Glad to hear you are home and doing well! Oh - happy birthday!

Re: Back home and swimming again

Posted by Red on May 10, 2017 at 02:08:20

In Reply to: Re: Back home and swimming again posted by LevilovR on May 10, 2017 at 00:15:15:

Here, here. Happy belated Birthday!

Welcome Home, Jamie. Get your Flippers on!

Posted by Felix on May 10, 2017 at 06:23:28

In Reply to: Back home and swimming again posted by Jamie on May 09, 2017 at 18:50:15:

Hi Jamie

Good to hear that you're recovering quickly and got back into the pool.

Your idea of getting a big flipper is great. You'll become a merman, swimming faster than the others. Most flippers used in merman costumes are covered in some kind of fabric. Maybe you can get a denim cover made for your merman tail. Add a sweatshirt or hoodie to that and you'll look cool in the pool.

We wish you all the best.

on behalf of the Wacky Wet World Team

Re: Back home and swimming again

Posted by swimmerrat on May 10, 2017 at 08:09:15

In Reply to: Back home and swimming again posted by Jamie on May 09, 2017 at 18:50:15:

i echo everyone else here - welcome back home and also a belated happy birthday! you hang in there - it will only get better. you got a lot of people around the world rooting for you!

Re: Back home and swimming again

Posted by Jamie on May 10, 2017 at 16:39:52

In Reply to: Re: Back home and swimming again posted by swimmerrat on May 10, 2017 at 08:09:15:

Thanks for the encouragement, I'm enjoying being back home and getting back to normal with school and so on. I can't believe I've reached my final year of teenagehood .....

Re: Welcome Home, Jamie. Get your Flippers on!

Posted by Jamie on May 10, 2017 at 16:44:42

In Reply to: Welcome Home, Jamie. Get your Flippers on! posted by Felix on May 10, 2017 at 06:23:28:

Thanks for the best wishes. That is one cool picture - that would be fun wouldn't it ? I think that with a little practice I should finally be able to beat Chris in the pool given my sudden weight loss and more streamlined body shape.

Re: Back home and swimming again

Posted by Jamie on May 10, 2017 at 16:47:48

In Reply to: Re: Back home and swimming again posted by wiley on May 09, 2017 at 23:45:47:

Thanks a lot, all the good wishes are much appreciated. Despite the really wonderful care in the hospital, it is great to be home and among family and friends at school again.

Re: Back home and swimming again

Posted by Jamie on May 10, 2017 at 16:50:22

In Reply to: Re: Back home and swimming again posted by LevilovR on May 10, 2017 at 00:15:15:

Thanks, things are going well and I feel very happy about life at the moment. Can't believe I'm 19 now, nearly beyond my teenage years !!

Re: Back home and swimming again

Posted by Jamie on May 10, 2017 at 16:51:26

In Reply to: Re: Back home and swimming again posted by Red on May 10, 2017 at 02:08:20:


Results and getting wet in celebration

Posted by Jamie on August 18, 2017 at 15:02:39

Got back from school this morning where we had collected our results (straight A*s for Chris and 2 x A*s and 2 x As for me) and after telling our mums how we had done, we jumped straight in the pool in all our smart clothes - chinos, smart shirts, deck shoes, socks and boxer-briefs - and they stood and watched us as they opened a bottle of champagne pre-lunch.
Harry, Mike, Red, Ali and Sue all did as well as expected and were happy with their results, so all in all a great day. I'd hoped to match Chris with my results but as mum pointed out, he hasn't been through everything I have over the last year or two, so I'm happy with how I did and happy for Chris too.

Re: Results and getting wet in celebration

Posted by LevilovR on August 18, 2017 at 22:11:44

In Reply to: Results and getting wet in celebration posted by Jamie on August 18, 2017 at 15:02:39:

Congratulations! Nothing to be ashamed of there! Sounds like a well deserved "celebration" with a ceremonial soaking topped off with champagne. Good to hear from you again. Know you have been extremely busy, but we missed you.

Re: Adam and Mark go rugby training.

Posted by Harry on August 30, 2017 at 22:38:29

In Reply to: Adam and Mark go rugby training. posted by Richard on August 30, 2017 at 10:58:38:

Nice to see you back again and with a great story too. Sounds like your son and his mate had a great time.

Our local rugby club do similar training with paddling pools and hoses getting their players used to playing when soaking wet. Our nextdoor neighbour, a man in his mid-30s, plays for the team and he says it makes a huge difference on the less than perfect pitches they play on if a player can dive for a ball or tackle someone and NOT then spoil the advantage gained by spending time rubbing water or mud out their eyes or adjusting their clothes because it feels uncomfortable. It is largely a matter of training oneself to fall so as not to splash water in your eyes or mouth as you splash down. Not as easy as it sounds as I have found out to my cost on many occasions when getting wet and muddy with Jamie and Chris and others.

(They are in the USA at the moment, lucky beggars, and will be away until the end of September apparently, so things seem very quiet without them).

Unexpected Favorite Wet Clothes

Posted by LevilovR on October 23, 2017 at 22:31:40

OK, we all have our favorite piece or pieces of clothing that we like to get wet in over and over again. Everything I buy I expect is going to get wet sooner or later, but some items I buy specifically for getting wet, not expecting to use them for much else. I have bought some items over the years that have been a disappointment when wet and that just didn't feel and look the way I had hoped once I got them wet. Last winter I purchased a fringed leather jacket on line. When it came and I opened the box I was very disappointed with it. However, I wore it to the Redneck games and jumped in the mud with it. Much to my surprise it cleaned up beautifully afterwards. I love to wear it in swimming because it is light, and turns a beautiful chocolate brown when wet. And it dries out great. I wear it often, even when not planning to get wet. Itl looks great with jeans,brown boots, a brown hat and can either wear a nice dress shirt with a tie with it or just a plain old denim shirt. It looks great either way. It has become my favorite item of clothing - but especially for getting we

So my question to all of you is do you have an item of clothing that you had great expectations for when wet that proved to be disappointing? Likewise did you find something you thought would be ok but pleasantly surprised you and is now your favorite, go to item for getting wet. If so, either way, please describe and elaborate. Thanks in advance.

Re: Unexpected Favorite Wet Clothes

Posted by Jamie on October 25, 2017 at 18:57:40

In Reply to: Unexpected Favorite Wet Clothes posted by LevilovR on October 23, 2017 at 22:31:40:

I was given a light brown cord long-sleeve shirt with a button down collar a couple of years back as a Christmas present from my grandparents. I was wearing it one day as I washed the cars and Chris turned the hose on me after I splashed him. I was soaked through and the shirt turned a dark brown and stayed very shiny wet (which I had sort of expected) but the real surprise was how soft and clingy the fabric turned when wet, and it felt warm as well when body-heat came into play after the initial cold. I've worn it many times on cooler autumn or early spring days and it still looks good after many soakings and a good few times getting muddy as well. I love it. I've looked for something similar, maybe in different colours, but never found any that came up to that one.

One hot dude

Posted by Jon on November 16, 2017 at 16:02:03

Search out "NASA has to hire me after making the submarine" on you tube...
This guy is gorgeous....

Re: One hot dude

Posted by Jamie on November 16, 2017 at 16:54:29

In Reply to: One hot dude posted by Jon on November 16, 2017 at 16:02:03:

That is so funny, love the fact that he seems to take his project so very seriously whilst his friend is just giggling about it. The hissy fit at the end is brilliant.

The fact that he looks pretty hot in his wet clothes is just an added bonus.......

Re: One hot dude

Posted by Mark (brighton) on November 16, 2017 at 17:46:50

In Reply to: Re: One hot dude posted by Jamie on November 16, 2017 at 16:54:29:

One of the funniest wet videos ever - the guy plays the fool very well. He looks pretty good in the jeans and black shirt as well!

Re: One hot dude

Posted by wetchas on November 17, 2017 at 08:30:54

In Reply to: One hot dude posted by Jon on November 16, 2017 at 16:02:03:

Saw the heading and thought you were posting about me! Then I woke up!!!
This video has been around for a week or two. I often wonder with vids like this why they are not shot with the person wearing swimshorts. They obviously want to get wet, is the conclusion I have come to. Maybe they are just looking for a legitimate way to do so.
Good fun, whatever.

Re: One hot dude

Posted by Jamie on November 17, 2017 at 08:48:31

In Reply to: Re: One hot dude posted by wetchas on November 17, 2017 at 08:30:54:

Chris had the same thought about that headline - I soon disabused him......

Mind you, he can look just as good as that guy if he tries; just think fair hair, no beard, slightly broader build and fewer muscles .......... and then do it all through half-closed eyes, ha ha.

Re: One hot dude

Posted by wetchas on November 17, 2017 at 11:45:54

In Reply to: Re: One hot dude posted by Jamie on November 17, 2017 at 08:48:31:

What are you doing on here when you should be working. Mind you, they could say the same about me.
Love your Mother's comment the other day about 'looking after Jamie as he can't defend himself'. I suspect you probably can, but never forget....the pen is mightier than the sword.

Re: One hot dude

Posted by Jamie on November 17, 2017 at 13:48:17

In Reply to: Re: One hot dude posted by wetchas on November 17, 2017 at 11:45:54:

Ha Ha Yes - day off to get my new blade style leg fitted. It will enable me to run properly and take up jogging/running again, which I quite enjoy. It looks a bit alien and will take a while to get used to, but it definitely adds a new 'spring' to my step.

Chris read the headline here as well and assumed it was about him too - I soon disabused him of that idea; compared to this guy, half-close your eyes, think fair hair, no beard and fewer muscles on a larger body and you might approximate Chris' look.

It was Chris' mum who told him and Kevin off for pushing me in the pool. If you push me unexpectedly sideways by the shoulder, I just don't have the agility any longer to automatically correct and stay on my feet without having to think about it first. Face to face, head on, I can push back as well as anyone despite the leg.

I did enjoy the "karma" of Chris getting a soaking the following day, thoroughly deserved, I thought.

Cheers, Jamie

Dog's ball and Fountain swimming

Posted by Aussiewetdude on December 11, 2017 at 05:16:08

Have a friend staying at the moment and he has two really nice dogs, they came with their doggie beds and some of their toys.
One of the dogs is really obsessed with chasing balls and I like to spend some time playing with her and her ball.

Today we went to the nearby river reserve taking chairs and lunch with us - and Missy's ball. It was quite warm and a good day for a swim.

I knew exactly how this was going to go.

So I was throwing the ball and Missy was bringing it back all of the time dropping it at my feet for me to throw again.

I threw the ball into the river and she went straight in after it - bringing it back and dropping at my feet.
So I threw it further out into the river , same result.
Again - same result.
I knew there would be a point that it would be too far for her to swim and she would turn around and not bring it back.

It wasn't long before this happened and she stood the bank looking at her ball just that little bit too far away and crying.

My friend said joking 'you have to go get that for her now".
What a good idea!

I immediately jumped off of the bank and into the river with the water being about knee deep , I then walked out to the ball in waist deep water , and threw the ball back onto the river bank.

Its all or nothing - you just can't get half wet.
I did a dive under with all of my clothes on , it felt great and my mate looked on and laughed.

I swam around for a while and then got out to drip dry. We sat there chatting for a while before packing up our stuff to head off back to the house.
Just before this I had one last swim and came out with water pouring off of my clothes , jeans and shirt clinging to my body. Great feeling, walking back to the house soaking wet.

As I mentioned before , I knew exactly how this was going to go , what I was going to be wearing and how it was going to look wet and I have been waiting a while to put it all together with someone looking on.

What I was wearing.....
There is this youtube that is a favourite of mine and I watch regularly , its called "Fountain Swimming" where this guy jumps fully clothed into this long fountain and swims along it before emerging at the other end very happy with his achievement and with very wet clinging clothes , he looks great.
He wears jeans and a blue and white striped long sleeve shirt that looks fantastic when wet.

I wanted that outfit and I wanted to get it wet.

I regularly searched ebay for such a shirt and many many months later I find one that looks the same. I bought it and it arrived and looked the same or very similar.
It was pre loved which for my is just great , (I love wearing someone else's clothes.
My wardrobe is nearly all pre loved clothes, I love the feeling that another guy has been in the clothing.
I only buy new when I have to.)

So , I waited and waited for the opportunity to get it all soaking wet and had my chance today.

It was worth the wait.

Check out the youtube "fountain swimming"by Hill Rat. this guy is awesome.

Re: Dog's ball and Fountain swimming

Posted by Jamie on December 11, 2017 at 09:53:12

In Reply to: Dog's ball and Fountain swimming posted by Aussiewetdude on December 11, 2017 at 05:16:08:

Dogs are always a good excuse for a bit of wet fun if they like throw and fetch.

That video of Hill Rat's is good, just a pity the cameraman or woman doesn't concentrate more on the wet guy than panning around the scenery.......

Re: Dog's ball and Fountain swimming

Posted by Wet Time on December 12, 2017 at 00:57:24

In Reply to: Re: Dog's ball and Fountain swimming posted by Jamie on December 11, 2017 at 09:53:12:

That video is good but check out the following:
"Swimming in the Fountain" by Alex Kononchuck and

"Wezism/Leigh 9am Fully Clothed Fountain Swimming//IBIZA 2006 by Wezism Designs

Re: caught wet panted !!!

Posted by Chris on December 14, 2017 at 15:23:51

In Reply to: caught wet panted !!! posted by Ricky on December 13, 2017 at 23:22:42:

Jamie caught me in the shower in his jeans and a tee once soon after I came back to the UK. He laughed, admired how I looked in them (we wear the same clothing sizes basically) and then stepped into the shower and finished me off by thrusting a hand down the jeans and tossing me off - is that the right term? - it was the first time we had got intimate together and we've not stopped yet.

Boy having muddy fun

Posted by Jamie on January 25, 2018 at 16:46:14

This YouTube video is great. A lad after my own heart, obviously committed to getting as muddy as he can.

youtube (dot) com/watch?v=XLRN1NmZ2N8

Re: Boy having muddy fun

Posted by wetboy200 on January 26, 2018 at 02:53:33

In Reply to: Boy having muddy fun posted by Jamie on January 25, 2018 at 16:46:14:

he needs to be wearing shoes and socks in that mud too.

Re: Boy having muddy fun

Posted by wetchas on January 26, 2018 at 09:16:28

In Reply to: Re: Boy having muddy fun posted by wetboy200 on January 26, 2018 at 02:53:33:

Is this the one that I landed on of the guy looking for his Kinder egg.
If so then yes, he certainly gets a good soaking and muddying.I would like to have seen a 'before' shot as well, just so we could have seen what the clothes looked like before they hit the puddles. Those trackies certainly take a pasting.
Course, the thought has just occurred to me that I might be rabbiting on about the wrong video. Hopefully not.

Re: Boy having muddy fun

Posted by Jamie on January 26, 2018 at 09:42:42

In Reply to: Re: Boy having muddy fun posted by wetchas on January 26, 2018 at 09:16:28:

Hi Charlie, you got the right video. The lad seems to be determined to get as muddy as possible, but you are right a view of him before he got muddy would have been good.

Re: Boy having muddy fun

Posted by Zonie on January 30, 2018 at 07:18:12

In Reply to: Boy having muddy fun posted by Jamie on January 25, 2018 at 16:46:14:

The voice-over sounds like American English, but Kinder Eggs are banned in the USA.

Re: The shape of water.

Posted by Chris on February 06, 2018 at 16:23:33

In Reply to: The shape of water. posted by wetchas on February 06, 2018 at 14:07:43:

Hi Charlie. You are right it has gone quiet here.

Jamie and I have been meaning to write more about out wet times on holiday but you wouldn't believe how hard Danny has been working us (almost wish I was back at school....).

That film looks good, I want to go and see it, Jamie and the girls are not so keen. It is set in Cold War America in about 1962 and involves a cleaner working at a top secret US experimental base who finds a captured water creature, presumably an alien, and falls in "love". It is released on 16th Feb in the UK, I think.

You'd have to guess that there might be some good wet underwater scenes if nothing else, but none are shown in the trailer I have seen.

Cheers for now.

When did your parents and friends know you were wacky wet?

Posted by Wetwallabees on February 09, 2018 at 07:49:25

How old were you when your parents or friends discovered you had an insaitable appetite to get wet fully clothed.
I knew I loved getting wet when I was in the fifth grade. But I lived my fantasy through my class mates that I seen purposely getting their wallabees and Jeans wet on recess in puddles on the playground then wearing there soaking wet wallabees and Jeans into the classroom... I would fantasize it was me that was wearing those wallabees soaking and dripping wet on my barefeet leaving wet puddle spots under my desk. I knew from that point in my life i was a wacky wet guy.... My parents caught me in 9th grade for the first time fully wet sitting in the tub with my Jeans, a surfer tee shirt, and wearing a pair of Wallabees sockless. I was in big trouble but I didn't care I loved getting wet I just didn't get caught anymore...but they knew I was still soaking myself every chance I got... I always found myself swimming in pools, lakes, and in the ocean with at least Jeans and wallabees which are a suede leather tan color mock-toe ankle high boot called the originals wallabee by Clarks shoes. They turn to a darker brown when you get them wet and look really shiny and saturated when you soak them on your's cool and fun...they are quite durable and will last for years of total immersion under water hours at a time. Today I'm 57...still enjoying my wet sessions and my fully clothed baths...all my friends know I love getting wet fully clothed...they encourage me to do it,some even join
Me once in awhile,I guess to humor me...I'm Wacky wet for life...let me know what your experience was like...
Thank you best regards,
Wet wallabee Wearer

Re: When did your parents and friends know you were wacky wet?

Posted by Jamie on February 11, 2018 at 18:04:56

In Reply to: When did your parents and friends know you were wacky wet? posted by Wetwallabees on February 09, 2018 at 07:49:25:

I guess I was twelve or thirteen when it became serious and my parents realised that I really enjoyed it, but I had been getting wet in my clothes for a few years before that. I was shown how to use the washing machine and drier some years before that so that I could just go ahead and get wet without them getting involved.

They have never been bothered about it and just let me get on with it.

Re: When did your parents and friends know you were wacky wet?

Posted by Wetwallabees on February 12, 2018 at 11:08:02

In Reply to: Re: When did your parents and friends know you were wacky wet? posted by Jamie on February 11, 2018 at 18:04:56:

I'm glad you had understanding parents...that wasn't my story but always wished it was...I was lucky to of had s friend in ninth grade that when I suggested while we were on a walk through our neighborhood that to get out of going to school the next day...we should get soaking wet somehow?(I knew how already by running through neighbors sprinklers)
But I had to sell it...somehow it worked and we ran through sprinkler at first..then walked through, then walked really slow through them and by the end My friend and I dressed in Levi's, surfer tee shirt, me (Wallabees) ofcourse him in flip-flops...this was when I lived in Hawaii growing up for3 years of my life...anyway by this point we were just standing in the sprinklers getting totally soaking point being we walked back to his house and still dripping wet...his mother seen us and simply said,"looks
like you boys had fun"...,I imagine that your child hood was kinda like that.... me I snuck in the back took off my wet things at my house hid them for later pick up and walked in the house fully dry...Mom said so where have you been all night?...,my world back then is so different than friend ended up coming back to my house later that night and said hey...let's do that again...I miss him so much as he moved from Hawaii after his Dad changed duty stations... haven't heard from him since...Wet adventures are awesome with or without friends to share them
You can always share them hear on this site
Keep getting Wacky Wet
Best Regards
Wetwallabees Wearer!

pool filters

Posted by wetchas on May 01, 2018 at 10:12:11

Here's a question that has occured to me, maybe someone has an answer.
There's a lot of info on line regarding pool filters, and how threads from clothing can block them, or make them less effective.
Most pools here in the UK have strict rules regarding what can be worn whilst using them, and even for swimming tests you almost always see rules such as No Jeans.
So, my question is, what happens in country's in the Netherlands. You can find all manner of vids on line of kids taking swimming tests there, quite often in Jeans, shoes and socks, jumpers and sometimes coats.
Are the filters different in foreign pool, or have the authorities just taken the perfectly sensible decision that a child's life is more important than a filter, and they will change them more often.
On another tack, what happens in Military training establishments, when people go in wearing full uniform.
I would be interested to know if Chris & Jamie's parents have to change the filters often, as by the sound of it that pool has seen a lot of clothed action.
So, if there any pool maintenance people reading this (what a great job that would be) please reply.

Re: pool filters

Posted by Jamie on May 01, 2018 at 11:07:55

In Reply to: pool filters posted by wetchas on May 01, 2018 at 10:12:11:

Hi Wetchas. The filters in our pool at home are fitted like cassettes in the inflow and outflow pipes, you just have to remember to switch the pump off before taking them out and putting new ones in (water everywhere if you don't - the sort of mistake you only make once). We have several replacements and swap them over - a five minute job at most - then we clean any gunk off the 'old' filter, push it through the dishwasher for a thorough clean - and use it again. The filters are a sort of aluminium mesh cage with innards like those little things you put in a kettle to stop in furring up in a hard water area. Simples.

Re: pool filters

Posted by wetchas on May 01, 2018 at 13:39:04

In Reply to: Re: pool filters posted by Jamie on May 01, 2018 at 11:07:55:

Thanks for the replies. Very enlightening so far. Seems like the filter thing may be a hoax then.

Re: pool filters

Posted by Jamie on May 01, 2018 at 21:56:29

In Reply to: Re: pool filters posted by wetchas on May 01, 2018 at 13:39:04:

Agreed. We change the filters on the first of each month as that is easy to remember, today's were almost completely clean with just a few cotton threads caught on the outer surface and a faint film of, I guess, dirt from outdoors after we'd jumped straight in the pool from the garden or woods. As it is an indoor pool and the roof is only ever opened if the weather is nice and sunny, we never seem to get wind blown dead leaves or debris like that. I guess the chlorine and other chemicals clean up bacteria and bodily fluids etc. so maybe we don't need to do it so often.

Back at school

Posted by Jamie on June 08, 2018 at 14:53:47

Last week and until Wednesday this week was half-term holiday at our old school where Kevin's younger brother Kayne, is now a pupil - and doing rather well by all reports - and on Monday afternoon we went back to the school to watch Kayne take part in the inter-house swimming gala that is held every year. Kayne got into his junior house team for the relay and the butterfly. He is a good swimmer now and totally fearless. The school also has a competition for the school senior swim team against a team made up of recent under-21 leavers. We got a call over the weekend asking if we would be members of that team as the captain was having problems finding volunteers. He was so desperate that he even said he'd take me after I had reminded him about losing most of one leg...... "No problem, mate, you can still swim, can't you?"...... so we took the day off work and went along and joined everyone for lunch before the competition started. It was nice to see all the old masters and many students that we had known from the years below us and meet a few old friends from the year ahead of us.

It seemed strange to be in the changing rooms again with a load of youngsters and contemporaries milling around. We had been told to bring our swimming trunks from our school days if possible as they were in what had been our house colours, but inevitably they were a bit too tight and ill-fitting to be decent in public - who knew we'd put on a few inches around the waist after doing manual labour and working physically for a year? very unfair - so we wore our more comfortable black trunks. When I swim these days I wear my most basic prosthetic which is almost solid from fixing to foot with just a slight flex at the knee rather than a fully-operational joint. It is waterproof (obviously) and a similar weight to the real thing so doesn't make that much difference to how I swim now to what I was like before the amputation.

Our team did quite well in the competition and beat the school team in the 4x100m relay as well as the free-style 100m. We were beaten in the other two races. After the serious stuff we were challenged to a series of races with some of the younger students. We didn't know that this was going to happen so we were completely unprepared, and surprised, when our captain said to us all "Come on, guys, of course we'll do it - we'll beat them hollow." only to be informed that we would have to swim fully clothed whilst our opponents would be still wearing just trunks. Our captain's face fell at that point but the rest of us promptly reminded him of what he had said beforehand.

So we all went and got dressed again. I had worn navy chinos and a short-sleeved blue and white check shirt, blue socks and leather deck shoes. Chris was in tan chinos and a short-sleeved orange shirt and leather deck shoes. At least we didn't have to wear the shoes. Our team captain, Robert, was in very expensive looking grey linen trousers, a grey and white check shirt by Lacoste and grey suede shoes. He complained loudly that it was all far too expensive to get wet, so whilst he complained the rest of us hustled him under a shower and got him drenched before we headed out to the pool again. Most of us had got pretty much soaked whilst man-handling Robert under the shower so we made a grand entrance by diving into the pool before clambering out again to begin the challenge. That got a cheer from the spectators and much laughter as well as we stood there dripping wet and waited to be told what was next.

We stayed wet pretty much for the rest of the afternoon as we competed against various teams of students at a range of silly races. We did a relay in teams of four doing a length of the pool each against the under-14s team - we lost 3 pairs to one.

We had a race across the pool over inflated obstacles including running along floating tubes, climbing up and sliding down an a frame slide, running across a series of floating platforms and so on which involved a lot of falling in and going back to the start again - we won that against the under-16s and the senior team and lost against the under-14s.

Chris and I represented our team in the diving and Chris won against all his opponents. I beat the seniors and the under-14s and lost against the other two.

It was all done as a knock-out competition and overall our team of old-boys came equal second, along with the under-16s, to the Seniors. They celebrated by pushing us all back into the pool yet again. We did manage to take a few of them with us but it wasn't as satisfying as it would have been had they been fully dressed like us, but it gave them a laugh anyway.

We finished the day by getting out of our wet clothes and into our dry underwear and borrowed tracksuits to drive home. It was a good laugh and I shall look forward to seeing some of the photos that a few masters were taking in due course.

Re: Back at school

Posted by Zonie on June 09, 2018 at 06:16:01

In Reply to: Back at school posted by Jamie on June 08, 2018 at 14:53:47:

Sounds like you had a great time. Thanks for keeping the board posted!

Re: Back at school

Posted by Wet-scout on June 09, 2018 at 09:10:24

In Reply to: Back at school posted by Jamie on June 08, 2018 at 14:53:47:

My three boys belong to their school swim-team and we go along every year to watch them compete but, sad to say, nothing like this has ever been allowed to happen. It is all very straight-laced and proper; one year the coach was pushed in the pool as a joke, he didn't object and just laughed it off, but the Head disciplined the boys involved with a week's suspension and a black mark on their permanent school record for "irresponsible and insubordinate behaviour" which seemed rather over the top to me. Everyone knew about it because the Head emailed every parent with the details as a warning to their sons.

Thanks for posting this account, it was obviously an enjoyable day.

Re: Back at school

Posted by Jamie on June 09, 2018 at 20:07:16

In Reply to: Re: Back at school posted by Wet-scout on June 09, 2018 at 09:10:24:

Wow, that sounds very draconian; does the school disapprove of any fun at all? That must be very boring. Our teachers were a great crowd (with the odd exception) and always seemed up for a laugh and joining in provided we worked hard and got were disciplined in the classroom. How old are your sons? I seem to recall you saying they were triplets, life must be fun with three of them to contend with. Have you any stories to tel of their exploits?

Re: Back at school

Posted by Wet-scout on June 12, 2018 at 19:51:39

In Reply to: Re: Back at school posted by Jamie on June 09, 2018 at 20:07:16:

The school is much stricter than most I think. The Head is due to retire before the new academic year starts and everyone is hoping things will change.

My three (Mark, Harry and Simon) are seventeen and a half years old and are very good 99% of the time, but like all teens they have their moments. They have a pretty free regime at home and, thankfully, are not addicted to their mobiles, computers or social media. They have a WhatsApp group with their best friends but are not on Facebook and so on - they just are not interested in all that. They learned to drive at home and recently passed their driving tests but just have the one car that they share - they could have one each if they wished as far as I am concerned as they have their own money and could easily afford it - but they are not flash in any way. Each has his own likes regards clothing and so on but they have far fewer clothes than I did at their age.

I have a few stories I could tell of their antics in recent years so I shall sit down and commit them to paper soon and post a few here in due course.

Last day of school

Posted by Rob on June 23, 2018 at 16:52:08

Im new to site been reading post for a while 6esterday was the last day of trem so me and my friends jumped in my backyard pool all in uniform I w9re my school shrit trousers my friend wore his shrit tie trousers vwe even had two girls from my class join in they where wearing summer dress looked great wet but my friend looked even better

Hot day at work

Posted by Jamie on June 26, 2018 at 12:55:01

It is really hot here today (well, hot for the UK, anyway) and working in the stonemason's workshop seems even hotter as the building is basically a tin shed and seems to absorb heat. Looking across the workshop you can almost see the shimmer of heat in the air. We have devised a way of getting around being too hot. It's very simple really, we go out into the yard and stand under a hose as a workmate drenches us in water and then we do the same for him or her (yes, we have a girl who is the other apprentice stonemason than me) and then we go back into work where a fine mist of water spray is constantly playing over everything from the sprinkler system. We tell the boss that it is to keep the dust down but in truth there is not much of that as the saws that cut the stone initially have their own extraction system and are in another section of the workshop anyway. It keeps us cool and everyone seems to enjoy being wet whatever they are wearing, which in some cases is a little too little to be decent if I am honest. (Red speedos, boots and a baseball cap; anyone think that OK on a hairy, overweight and bearded guy in his mid fifties - believe me not a good look...). I think my cargo shorts, tee-shirt and boots are more than acceptable under the circumstances. And being wet all day is a nice bonus.

Re: Last day of school

Posted by Jamie on June 26, 2018 at 14:45:16

In Reply to: Last day of school posted by Rob on June 23, 2018 at 16:52:08:

Great fun. We used to do the same as well. When we had to wear uniform it consisted of a grey two-piece suit for the autumn and spring terms and then a light-weight blazer and black trousers for the summer term. Both were accompanied by white shirts, school tie, black or grey socks and formal shoes (lace-ups not slip-ons) and of course our own choice of underwear.

When we ceased having to wear uniform at all for the last couple of years we trashed our suits in the pool and out in the mud for one last time of wearing. Chris looked great in his grey suit covered in mud and we had a real blast that day.

Re: Hot day at work

Posted by rob on June 27, 2018 at 06:37:19

In Reply to: Hot day at work posted by Jamie on June 26, 2018 at 12:55:01:

awesowe that you and chris are still togther when did. u resile u. more then friends

Re: Hot day at work

Posted by Wayne on June 27, 2018 at 08:23:05

In Reply to: Hot day at work posted by Jamie on June 26, 2018 at 12:55:01:

Jamie sounds like a great way to keep cool. I work on a construction site and during this hot weather we have had to dampen down the dust around the site by spraying it with a machine like a farmer’s crop sprayer. The site guys have started to stand beside the sprayer as it goes by and get a bit of a spray to cool them down.

I am office based but myself and a couple of other guys decided to have a go during our lunch break so we walked around the edge of the site until the sprayed came past. We got absolutely soaked as the guy doing the spraying saw what we were up to and purposely stopped beside us to make sure we got a good soaking.

The 3 of us looked like we had just been in the shower together, even my boxers shorts were soaking that’s how wet I was. The cheers from the rest of the site guys was so funny but at least we got cooled down. It felt so funny, but also exciting too sitting at my desk afterwards in wet trousers and shirt. Can’t wait to see if anyone is up to try it again.

Re: Hot day at work

Posted by Jamie on June 27, 2018 at 21:27:32

In Reply to: Re: Hot day at work posted by Wayne on June 27, 2018 at 08:23:05:

The guys out on site are suffering far more than we do during this hot spell. Chris was on site all day yesterday fitting some timber window frames that he had been making and came home quite sunburned across his arms and back of his legs, very red and uncomfortable. It will teach him to be more careful in future and use more suncream. Kevin and cousin Tom have both worked up good sun tans just by being out all day and being liberal with the factor 50.

Working in wet clothes is definitely the way to stay cool. Long may this weather continue if we all get such fun and opportunities with it.

Re: Hot day at work

Posted by Jamie on June 27, 2018 at 21:41:26

In Reply to: Re: Hot day at work posted by rob on June 27, 2018 at 06:37:19:

Not sure that I fully understand your question, Rob, but we still live in our family homes in different parts of the same big house. Also living there is our uncle Danny and his wife (they have an apartment on the top floor) and their son cousin Tom (in his own flat). In a separate flat adjoining the house above some garages and outbuildings live Kevin, his siblings and their mother, who is a distant cousin of uncle Danny's wife. Confusing or what? After we finished school this time last year we joined uncle Danny's building company as apprentices, me as a stonemason and Chris as a carpenter.

We still have a lot of fun getting wet and muddy around the woods and grounds of home and occasionally some more intimate fun together, but we both have girlfriends so are not "together" in the sense I think you imply. We don't have the time to post so much as we used (nor are doing so much to write about) but there are more stories on the sister forums (S.S.S.) than here on Wacky Wet.

Re: Hot day at work

Posted by rob on June 28, 2018 at 06:49:45

In Reply to: Re: Hot day at work posted by Jamie on June 27, 2018 at 21:41:26:

sorry about. the confusion my bad

Re: Hot day at work

Posted by wetchas on June 28, 2018 at 13:33:39

In Reply to: Re: Hot day at work posted by Jamie on June 27, 2018 at 21:41:26:

He's probably realised what a lovely couple you make LOL.

Good to hear from you, if only occasionally. Bet that pool is getting a thrashing in this weather. Hot here by the sea, so must be even hotter inland.
Have you got Kevin's brother in the pool in his school stuff yet? End of term coming up soon. It's got to happen then, surely.
Cheers for now.

Re: Hot day at work

Posted by Jamie on June 29, 2018 at 13:23:04

In Reply to: Re: Hot day at work posted by wetchas on June 28, 2018 at 13:33:39:

Hi, Charlie. That was exactly what I was thinking he meant as well …. Ha ha. I concede that we are close, like brothers, but as for being a couple? I think Sue is prettier than Chris and no doubt he thinks the same about Mari.

So hot here today that uncle Danny sent everyone home at noon - too hot to work - so have just had some lunch and will be jumping in the pool very shortly.

We have yet to get Kayne in the pool in his school uniform; he is very proud of his uniform and always looks immaculate (far smarter than either of us ever did). Its possible that he might get thrown in on the last day of term when he will probably need new uniform for the start of next year as he has grown so much recently that his current suit is looking decidedly short in the legs and arms, certainly won't fit him come September. He only has the next academic year to wear a uniform as after that he will be wearing civvies for the last two years at school. I'll let you know as and when it happens.

Re: Hot day at work

Posted by Jamie on June 29, 2018 at 13:30:13

In Reply to: Re: Hot day at work posted by rob on June 28, 2018 at 06:49:45:

Please, don't apologise. Chris and I have been close, like brothers, since we were very small and only got separated when he and his parents moved to USA when he was eight. We have never got beyond giving each other a "helping hand" - if you know what I mean - on occasion but do like getting wet and muddy together and fooling around when in that state, and we enjoy the look of each other soaked through or covered in mud in our clothes. We both find that a turn-on. Easy to misunderstand from some of our posts, I agree.

Re: Hot day at work

Posted by wetchas on June 29, 2018 at 15:48:36

In Reply to: Re: Hot day at work posted by Jamie on June 29, 2018 at 13:23:04:

Good God. Sent home coz its too hot to work. Never heard the like of it. I've been shut in church for an hour today, in a 3 piece suit!

Thanks for the reply.

Re: Hot day at work

Posted by rob on June 29, 2018 at 18:05:24

In Reply to: Re: Hot day at work posted by Jamie on June 29, 2018 at 13:30:13:

i loved wearing my school unifrom smart top button cuffs done up. shrit tuxed in blazer done up.still do my old unifrom was white shrit grren and yellow tie green blazer wit yellow on slevves pockts lapls green jumper gray trousers sadly always was. alone back when i was younger never told friends my bf in. high school about wetlook. my bf knows loves seeibg me get wet but doest get wet himslef

Re: Hot day at work

Posted by rob on June 29, 2018 at 18:07:23

In Reply to: Re: Hot day at work posted by Jamie on June 29, 2018 at 13:23:04:

whats kyens uniform like

Re: Hot day at work

Posted by swimmerrat on July 04, 2018 at 14:35:25

In Reply to: Hot day at work posted by Jamie on June 26, 2018 at 12:55:01:

lately I have been working in unoccupied apartments with no a/c - just one window fan - so gets very hot and sweaty. no way to cool off there so very much look forward to putting on the dive gear later for side work.

I have been down at the river before on more than one occasion and seen a truck come up with 3 or 4 people in it from businesses such as plumbers, construction, heating and air, and landscaping. the guys in the truck will empty out their pockets, go in for a swim fully clothed (work boots and all) and after a few minutes get back in the truck and go back to work. this time of year got to stay cool any way you can!

Re: Swimming in the Rain

Posted by Chris on August 27, 2018 at 11:09:35

In Reply to: Re: Swimming in the Rain posted by swimmerrat on August 26, 2018 at 15:06:42:

Yes me too. Love swimming in the rain, we sometimes open the roof over the pool at home, only if it is Jamie and me as dad gets annoyed for some reason - he says that it lets rain into the adjoining living room; my reply "Yes, 'cause you leave the sliding doors fully open!" - I love the feeling of being in wet clothes and feeling the rain pouring down on me.

Do you make excuses for being wet?

Posted by drippingwet on September 01, 2018 at 12:11:43

When I swim or get wet in public I always find myself making excuses, such as "I stood too close to the edge, then carried on swimming because I got dirty."

It is pretty rare that I blatantly get wet in front of others. When I have, I have had mixed reactions from people. One young woman who saw me walking in the park soaking wet asked me what happened. I told her that I just fancied a swim and she said, "I think that's so cool!"

I like it when people are enjoying what I am doing, such as when they laugh or watch me with interest. It annoys me when people pray for me or when suburban security guards at the dam ask me if I need somebody to talk to.

Two people alone

Posted by Steve on September 04, 2018 at 02:30:23

She was sitting by the pool with her feet cooling off in the water. She looked pensive and I asked her if she wanted to talk. She looked at me and said she actually wanted to go into the pool but didn’t want to go in alone. I said I will go in with her and she said fine and lowered herself into the water. I took off my shoes, socks, and shirt and lowered myself into the water as well. I had on my pants but I really didn’t care. We swam around and after awhile her mood changed and we started laughing and having a great time. Her name was Rebecca and I hope I see her again.

Re: Online shopping sites

Posted by Chris on September 11, 2018 at 19:47:14

In Reply to: Online shopping sites posted by Mike Lotheson on September 11, 2018 at 17:27:16:

Yes I do write reviews for clothes bought on-line but have never had the courage to admit that I deliberately get them wet or muddy. I suppose I could always try and do it anonymously (in the same way that Jamie and I and our friends are on these forums) but just hadn't got that much into it.

It might make me consider buying something if I read that "these jeans feel great when worn for swimming or mud-sliding" ha ha

Re: Two people alone

Posted by Jamie on September 11, 2018 at 19:49:50

In Reply to: Two people alone posted by Steve on September 04, 2018 at 02:30:23:

You were obviously made for each other. Hope it works out and you meet again. Let us know.

Re: Do you make excuses for being wet?

Posted by Jamie on September 11, 2018 at 20:01:15

In Reply to: Do you make excuses for being wet? posted by drippingwet on September 01, 2018 at 12:11:43:


I don't have to at home as everyone knows I like to get wet in my clothes, and that has become the norm at work for Chris and me if we happen to get wet there.

We did have one customer who got very concerned when three of us got soaked whilst completing a job at her property and there was a sudden downpour. She kept saying we should "come in from the rain, you'll catch your deaths being so wet" but you can't just down tools when halfway through a job and things need fitting properly to stay fixed in future.

When you r done soaking

Posted by Wetjeansfun on October 01, 2018 at 00:27:18

So let's say u go in lake/body of water and ur little "session" is done. I could just picture that when you're walking back home in soaking wet clothes, people might think you are weird or something. So I want to know what you guys do in this situation. Do u bring an extra change of clothes or just ignore it. Anything else?


Posted by Wetjeansfun on October 06, 2018 at 02:52:07

I know I've been asking a lot of questions on this forum, BUT THIS IS MY LAST ONE. and it is how long does it usually take u guys to wear out one pair of swimming jeans.

Re: When you r done soaking

Posted by Jamie on October 07, 2018 at 20:47:11

In Reply to: When you r done soaking posted by Wetjeansfun on October 01, 2018 at 00:27:18:

When we were at school we used to regularly play informal soccer games with our friends in the local park where there is a large man-made pond/small lake. There were several pitches in the area but our favourite was always the one nearest the water as it used to get really muddy if it rained and we could always have a bit of fun kicking the ball into the water - by mistake of course! - which meant someone had to go get it. It was a great excuse to get a soaking and it usually happened to several of us during a game, sometimes everyone if it was a hot day. The park is usually busy with people walking through as it links the main shopping area to the biggest area of housing in the town. We used to get a few odd stares when people saw us playing whilst obviously soaked through or actually wading in to retrieve a ball but never any negative comments either then or when walking home afterwards. I don't recall any of us ever taking a change of clothes even when we were fully dressed in jeans and shirts rather than shorts and tees.


Posted by Jamie on October 07, 2018 at 20:59:26

In Reply to: LAST QUESTION posted by Wetjeansfun on October 06, 2018 at 02:52:07:

Don't have any jeans that are specifically worn for swimming, I think I have swum in them all at some time of other. I do prefer a couple of well worn and snug fitting 501 Levis that I have had for a number of years, the oldest pair must four years old but I have grown a fair bit taller and bigger overall in the that time (16 to 20 years old) so they are a bit too tight for comfort now. I din't think I have ever had a pair of jeans wear out just by getting them repeatedly wet, they usually get damaged in some way first, they mostly just get more faded and softer feeling.

Chris had a pair of jeans that he used a high pressure jet-wash on to get clean after getting soaked in thick mud (he wasn't wearing them when he did this, just spread them out on the ground) and that did a surprising amount of damage, almost like taking a knife to them. We never tried that again.

Wet morning ....... unplanned!

Posted by Jamie on November 07, 2018 at 22:56:34

I was up early this morning to meet a customer's contractor at work who was collecting some statuary that we had been working on. Normally, shifting the sort of stonework that we work on requires a crane or hefty lifting gear, but these were just a couple of gargoyles that we had carved and they were small enough to be lifted by me on my own if required. The reason for the early start was that the contractor had a three hour drive back to his client's property and wanted time to finish fitting them today.

I arrived at work at about 4:45am expecting to open up and be ready for when he was due at 5am, but when I arrived he was already waiting at the gates in his van. Turned out he had stayed overnight with his son in Gloucester and had misjudged how long it would take to get to us, and he'd only been waiting ten minutes. We loaded up his van with the two small crates and he was on his way again by 5:30am.

It had been very windy as I drove to work and the skies were darkening even more as I got in my car to head home for breakfast. A half-mile later the heavens opened with a huge rainstorm and I was having a job to see through it despite having the wipers running at full speed. Work is only six miles from home and I was just approaching the town by-pass that takes me to the next roundabout where the lane we live on joins it, and to my dismay the car came to a halt. Now that shouldn't happen, I thought.

My car is a range-extender BMW i3 that has a small petrol engine to charge the battery so that, in theory, you should never run out of "electric" power that drives the car ......... but of course you have to fill the tiny petrol tank every so often .......

I then realised that I had neither my mobile or my anorak in the car - one is in the pocket of the other hanging in the hallway at home. I remembered thinking "I must pick up my coat" as I was coming down stairs. Clever boy!!

I resigned myself to walking home. It didn't look as though the rain was going to stop anytime soon, it fact it seemed to be getting heavier, but luckily I was on a slight downhill slope towards the by-pass a couple of hundred yards away and there is a small unofficial lay-by about twenty yards further on. I got out of the car and pushed it hard and then hopped in as it started to move and it rolled into the space well off-road and safe from any passing traffic. So I locked the car and set off.

The short walk to the by-pass saw me already soaking wet across my front and shoulders as I was walking into the rain. I've never measured the distance along the by-pass to our lane, but it seemed like twenty miles with the pouring rain hammering down and when I got to the lane I was absolutely soaked to the skin. I was wearing my usual workwear of tan heavy-duty cargoes with lots of pockets, a heavy duty khaki long-sleeved shirt and reinforced toe-cap work boots - absolutely essential if you are a stonemason, believe me; you only get one go at dropping a heavy piece of granite on your foot before ending up crippled for good ... although thinking about it, I would get another go if I drop it on my false leg first!! - and everything was shiny wet and dripping by the time I got home. I entered via the pool area and found Chris and my dad doing their morning exercise swim.

"Morning, son." dad called before he realised I was soaking wet "What happened to you?" he asked as stopped swimming and came to the side of the pool.

"Car ran out of fuel - I forgot to top up the tank and the battery was lower than I had thought." I replied "And my anorak, with my mobile in the pocket, is hanging in the hallway, otherwise I would have rung and asked for help. I was just about to turn onto the by-pass when it stopped. The rain is hammering down out there - like a monsoon or something, ridiculous weather."

"Don't you put it on charge each night, Jamie; I always do with mine ........" Chris asked, grinning and looking very smug.

"Obviously not, clever clogs ......." I couldn't resist replying.

"We can rescue you when we go to work. Will the engine charge the battery enough to get you going without it being at a particular level?" Chris asked.

"I don't know, I guess so. I can always sit there for a bit with just the engine running, I suppose." I said.

"You better go and change out of those wet clothes." my dad said.

"I think I'll just jump in like this and have my morning swim first ........" I said as I emptied my pockets of keys and wallet and put them on a table. I kicked off my boots and then dived into the deep end.

I've not swum in these particular clothes before although i have got them wet at work a few times, and they felt awesome floating around me as I swam around and even more so when I clambered out and felt all the water pouring out of them.

I had to sit in the car for ten minutes or so whilst the engine charged the battery a bit and then I plugged it in at work. Don't think I will forget to charge it every night now and to keep the fuel tank topped up as well. As we only live six miles from work and it has a range of some 150 miles on the battery alone, there really is no excuse for getting stranded like that. Good job I enjoy getting wet really, otherwise I'd have been really pi**ed off with myself ............

Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned!

Posted by Zonie on November 08, 2018 at 05:49:02

In Reply to: Wet morning ....... unplanned! posted by Jamie on November 07, 2018 at 22:56:34:

You have my sympathy--these modern cars require rethinking a lot of things. When my 1985 Ford Crown Victoria was wrecked in 2013, I had to get a 2001 Honda Accord and learn about chip keys and radio codes, and I'm still 17 years behind the times.

Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned!

Posted by wetchas on November 08, 2018 at 09:00:48

In Reply to: Wet morning ....... unplanned! posted by Jamie on November 07, 2018 at 22:56:34:

And here in the UK they want us all electric by 2040. I won't be around to see it, but good luck with that.

Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned!

Posted by Jamie on November 08, 2018 at 10:06:34

In Reply to: Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned! posted by wetchas on November 08, 2018 at 09:00:48:

To be fair to the car, it was entirely my fault. We have four electric cars in the wider family (Chris's Renault Zoe, his mum's BMW i3Re and mine all at home and an uncle has a Tesla) and none of the others have run out of electric power. In theory I never should with mine having the range extender petrol engine. However I think the biggest problem is the charging infrastructure, there is for instance only one charge point in our local town and none for another ten miles around. The nice thing about electric cars is the instant performance and the silence. I think we need a few more nuclear powerplants (preferably fusion power if we can get that to work) around to produce the electricity before everyone can drive electric, wind and solar power just won't be enough unless we cover the entire country with turbines and solar farms.

Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned!

Posted by Jamie on November 08, 2018 at 10:13:34

In Reply to: Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned! posted by Zonie on November 08, 2018 at 05:49:02:

I've only known about from about 2010 onwards (when I was 12) so am used to all the tech on current cars, although I do think some of it is unnecessary (self-parking for instance - if you can't park a car next to a curb perhaps you shouldn't be driving!) but I like all the gadgets on my i3 even though I am not really into using my mobile all the time like a lot of my friends.

Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned!

Posted by Jamie on November 08, 2018 at 10:16:40

In Reply to: Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned! posted by Jamie on November 08, 2018 at 10:13:34:

Sorry - that should have read "I've only known about CARS from about 2012 ....

Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned!

Posted by Bruce on November 08, 2018 at 12:04:04

In Reply to: Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned! posted by Jamie on November 08, 2018 at 10:06:34:

Great story, I have driven into rain and parked the car on the side of the road, pretending something is wrong, and gone down on my back looking under the car, obviously getting totally soaked in the process.
I just wanted to note that nuclear power plants are worrisome as the spent fuel is almost impossible to find a location to store for the millions of years it will take to make it safe. The cleanup problem from a melt down is also impossible, they have not even cleaned up Three Mile Island, Chernoble, or Fukishima.
That is my worry.

Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned!

Posted by Jamie on November 08, 2018 at 18:22:15

In Reply to: Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned! posted by Bruce on November 08, 2018 at 12:04:04:

Fusion power does not have the waste disposal problems of current nuclear power stations. From what I know the problems at Three Mile Island, Chernoble and Fukishima were all caused by improper operation, poor build standards / maintenance and being built in an inappropriate location respectively. Nuclear power, properly done, could be vital in future to providing enough power for humanity's needs; it has been demonised by a vocal minority but has largely been safely operated to the benefit of mankind. Just my own view of course.

Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned!

Posted by blueandwet on November 08, 2018 at 20:13:44

In Reply to: Wet morning ....... unplanned! posted by Jamie on November 07, 2018 at 22:56:34:

you do have some of the most interesting stories to tell about getting wet. Good thing you enjoy it. Thanks for sharing yet another of your great adventures.

Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned!

Posted by Jamie on November 09, 2018 at 09:56:51

In Reply to: Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned! posted by blueandwet on November 08, 2018 at 20:13:44:

Thanks. This was not so much fun though, probably because it was unplanned and I was annoyed with myself for being so stupid .........

Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned!

Posted by Bruce on November 09, 2018 at 11:48:49

In Reply to: Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned! posted by Jamie on November 08, 2018 at 18:22:15:

I would love it for you to be correct. The existing power plants therefore are still the problem, given that they are beside large bodies of water, of necessity, and with climate change, we will have huge storms on these large bodies of water. Decommissioning these is close to impossible.
Love your stories, I am addicted to them.

Rolands petersons de facto

Posted by mashaGep on November 09, 2018 at 14:23:12

There is also a wide range of opportunities for growth, and a number of actions that can be taken to meet projected targets.Rolands petersons de facto There is a strong need for the services with high added value, the increase of the processed volumes of cargo by attracting new freight flows, high-quality passenger service and an introduction of modern technologies and information systems in the area of transit and logistics.Rolands petersons de facto Liepaja port has all the chances to become the second Rotterdam in the foreseeable future.Rolands petersons de facto

Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned!

Posted by Jamie on November 09, 2018 at 16:33:40

In Reply to: Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned! posted by Bruce on November 09, 2018 at 11:48:49:

Perhaps we should just hope that the engineers can come up with the right solutions. I've never understood why we cannot just jettison nuclear waste into space and send it spiralling into the sun, after all that is one giant nuclear reaction into which it would just disappear. I am also yet to be convinced by climate change being caused by mankind's activities and not just being part of a regular cycle of the earth getting warmer, then cooler and then warmer again; it has been happening regularly over many hundreds of thousands of years after all, why would 150 years of our industrial activity make such a giant change?

Glad you enjoy the stuff we post, shall have to try and put up more but work seems to intervene more and more now that we have left school. I might try and persuade Kevin to write some stuff along with his younger brother, although he is still only 14 so maybe a bit young.

Re: Rolands petersons de facto

Posted by Jamie on November 09, 2018 at 21:54:07

In Reply to: Rolands petersons de facto posted by mashaGep on November 09, 2018 at 14:23:12:

OH crap .... and there was me thinking Immingham was the second Rotterdam for freight traffic in Europe.

Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned!

Posted by Zonie on November 10, 2018 at 05:59:13

In Reply to: Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned! posted by Jamie on November 09, 2018 at 16:33:40:

Sending anything into space is extremely expensive, but the Marianas Trench would be just as good. In any case, we couldn't run out of places on earth to bury the stuff, because it was extracted from earth (conservation of mass).

Anthropogenic global warming is probably real but grossly exaggerated. I'm sure it's less expensive to adapt to it than to try to prevent it by crippling the economy. One way I know it's grossly exaggerated is that the people promoting it aren't acting like they believe their own story. If global warming is raising sea levels, you'd think investment in oceanfront property would decline. It isn't. If the growing season is getting longer, and much of the existing farmland is expected to become less productive, then you'd expect land speculators to buy up the taiga of central Alaska, central Canada, and southern Siberia for preparation for conversion to cereal crop agriculture that will soon be possible there if the global warming people are correct. They aren't.

Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned!

Posted by Bruce on November 10, 2018 at 11:34:34

In Reply to: Re: Wet morning ....... unplanned! posted by Jamie on November 09, 2018 at 16:33:40:

You are young and I am old, I have seen in Canada with my own eyes the difference since my youth. The snow is considerably less, and the summers are considerably warmer. This at a time, we were told, when there should have been a mini ice age. Something is causing it, and the speed at which it is happening and the specific timing of it, being since the industrial revolution, would indicate, at least to me, that our actions have something to do with it.
100% of credible scientists agree.
As a youngster, you do not have the depth of experience, but the upside is that, over time, England will get warmer, and you will be able to enjoy getting wet even more often, when work permits.


Posted by wetchas on November 12, 2018 at 08:49:42

Following on from Matt asking if anyone wanted to see him, and Josh's reply, I have to say I agree with Josh.
One of the great things about this forum is the freeness and ease of use. No complicated sign in procedures, or even proper names expected. A perfect portal for the imagination.
With Police and peado groups patrolling the internet with ever more diligence, it's great to have somewhere where you can be truly annonomous.Long may it continue Felix.
I have long been of the impression that half of the people on here don't really exist, and probably most of the stories never really happened. But hey, who cares, it's a brilliant site for the imagination, and at the back of one's mind there is the nagging doubt that, just maybe, someone is telling the truth. Long may it continue I say.

Re: Anonymity

Posted by Zonie on November 12, 2018 at 17:34:50

In Reply to: Anonymity posted by wetchas on November 12, 2018 at 08:49:42:

Many years ago I used to post here under my real name. It didn't cause me any trouble in real life, but it didn't go over well here.

I wouldn't worry about police patrolling the Internet. I've hard far more trouble with them in real life, including being interrogated by them while wallowing in a mud hole in the desert. It's not as if the stories here involve illegal activity.

I find it hard to believe that stories are posted here by people who don't exist. I don't think spambots are that complex. It's possible some real people are posting under different screen names, but I'm sure there's a real person behind every story.

Some posters have plainly said that their stories were fiction or fantasy, and that's fine, but usually the truth is stranger than fiction. For the record, every story I've posted here really happened, and some of them would have been hard for me to have imagined beforehand. I'm not that creative.

On serious websites, I always insist on posting under my real name, but I consider this to be a silly website and to warrant an exception. As far as I know I have never met anyone who posted here in real life, but I certainly wouldn't mind doing so. Anyone wishing to converse, telephone (602)956-0997 and ask for Kevin Walsh.

Re: Anonymity

Posted by Jamie on November 12, 2018 at 19:48:07

In Reply to: Re: Anonymity posted by Zonie on November 12, 2018 at 17:34:50:

Brave of you to divulge your real name etc. I'm still not sure that we (Chris and I and our family) would really want to be known as to who we really are.

Ghastly Christmas time

Posted by Chris on January 31, 2019 at 21:00:52

Jamie and I are still around but have not contributed anything to these forums recently due to having had what can only be described as a ghastly Christmas and New Year period.

Long story short, our uncle Danny - brother of our mothers, Tom's father and our Boss at work - collapsed at work the week before Christmas and having been taken into hospital for tests and scans, was found to be suffering cancer in many organs and parts of his body, including lymph nodes, spinal cord and brain. There is no treatment that would have proved successful in any way with so many cancers and Danny decided not to proceed with anything offered. He stated that he was in no pain and seemed remarkably relaxed about the prognosis being terminal with only weeks to live at best. He came home, after all the tests, on the 19th and died in his sleep sometime during the night of the 31st / 1st. He would have been 49 in March.

He spent the time over Christmas active at home organising his affairs and a humanist cremation service with his favourite music whilst the rest of us basically felt hopeless and helpless, much to his annoyance. He was still eating and drinking as normal over Christmas and we all did our best to celebrate as best we could as normal, but it was difficult, to say the least.

Aunt Mary and Tom are of course devastated but relieved that he appeared not to have had any physical suffering (he claimed to have been completely pain free and not to have noticed any symptoms before he collapsed).

After the funeral service we all got home feeling rather down but pleased with the way the service had gone - no sanctimonious vicar, no hymns or talk of 'ever lasting life' and 'now with God', he always was a down to earth, no nonsense type who believed we are animals here for a certain number of years and then that's it, we are gone - and as I parked the car and Tom and Mary got out as the others drove up, Tom declared that he needed a good walk and breath of fresh air. I could tell that he was upset and he looked angry more than anything else.

"Do you want some company?" I asked as he started walking away from the car.

"That would be nice. I need to talk to someone if you can put up with that........" Tom replied as he paused on the track towards the woods.

"Yes, of course." I said and I looked at aunt Mary. She nodded and said quietly "OK, off you go. We'll see you later, he ought to talk to someone."

I caught up with Tom and we walked along in silence for a while. It was a bright sunny day and quite a lot milder than the current (Jan 31st) bitter weather.

As we approached the edge of the woods Tom started to talk.

"Dad wrote me a letter which he made me promise not to open until today. I don't know what to make of it, how to deal with what he's told me .................. I loved the man as my dad but it seems he was not that. I don't know whether to feel betrayed and angry or sad that he couldn't tell me before he died."

"Did he give you an explanation?" I asked, trying not to look shocked.

"Yes ...... way back when he was a young boy he apparently suffered a medical condition that left him permanently infertile. Not that he couldn't make love or anything, just that he couldn't produce viable sperm. After he and mum married they decided to enlist the help of his younger brother, uncle Vincent, and it seems that I am the result of that ..... erm ..... intervention ....... or whatever you'd call it."

"Wow! I've heard mum mention Vincent by name, but she's never wanted to talk about him. He died quite young, didn't he?" I asked.

"Yes, in a motor bike accident, I believe. He was killed a couple of months after I was born - he was almost exactly the age that I am now, 22 and a few months - he was four years younger than dad, Danny I mean."

"Hey now, don't think like that ........ Danny was your dad - he and your mum raised you and made you the person you are and, being pedantic, I guess the genes you acquired from Vincent are pretty much a perfect match to Danny's as they were brothers with the same DNA from their parents. Did he say in the letter that anyone else knows about this?"

"He did. No-one but the three of them apparently; although he does say that the family always remarked as I grew up that I looked like Vincent, but from the pictures of him and dad that I've seen from when they were my age, they both looked very similar ......... difficult to tell apart actually. He also says in the letter that he always regarded me as his son and was ashamed to admit that he was secretly relieved as I grew up that Vincent was not around ....... that must have taken guts to write ....... and that he has told mum that he has made me aware of the situation. What the hell do I say to her, Chris? Will she believe I think badly of her for cheating on dad? I wish he'd never told me ......."

"Your mum didn't cheat - I guess he suggested it to enable them to achieve what they badly wanted, a child, you. Personally, I think he was very lucky that Vincent agreed to oblige ........" I said "I think I admire Vincent for being so selfless - he was only 21 when they asked him after all, so he must have been a great guy who loved them both very much to do such a thing and know he could never tell anyone, especially you ..... not that he got the chance of doing that, sadly."

"I hadn't thought of it like that." Tom said thoughtfully "Put that way around it sheds a different light on things. Thanks Chris; I can always rely on you to see all the aspects to something, you've taken a weight off my mind. Fancy getting wet and muddy now, just to let off steam?"

I looked him up and down. Like me, Tom was dressed in a navy two piece suit, white shirt, silk tie, navy socks and smart black shoes.

"You're kidding, right?" I asked.

"No. We're only a few yards away from the swamp and I've always fancied seeing what it's like to get soaked and muddy in a smart suit and tie." Tom grinned as started walking briskly towards the swamp.

I followed on a bit more slowly than Tom and by the time I got to the swamp Tom was standing in the muddy water up to his knees. As I stood on the side and watched he fell backwards into the deeper part of the swamp and hit with a huge splash, arms outstretched and a big grin on his face. He lay in the mud with the water lapping across his thighs and chest and toes of his shoes poking above the water. Tom swished the water across himself as he lay there.

"That's one way to ruin a good suit, I suppose." I laughed "Is it cold?"

"Not really. This suit will be fine once I've put it through the washing machine. It is designed to be washed, not just dry-cleaned. Not so sure about the shirt though .............." Tom laughed as he peered down at the now brown shade of his clothes. "Coming in?"

"Mum will kill me if I ruin this suit." I said.

"Check the care label, see if it says 'dry clean only' or if it can be washed." Tom said as he stood up and waded to the side.

I watched him as the muddy water poured out of his sodden clothes. The jacket pockets bulged with water and it exploded up and out as Tom squashed them against his sides. His shirt was stuck to his torso and his trousers clung to his legs, folds of the fabric stretching across the bulge in his crotch from thigh to thigh as his legs moved back and forth. His navy suit was shiny wet and streaked a muddy brown colour.

Tom stopped in front of me, still knee deep in the muddy water. "Go on, check the label - take your eyes off me for a moment." Tom laughed "You know you want to get wet, just do it."

He was right; having seen Tom wet like that, I so wanted to try it myself.

I checked the label and as soon as I saw the words 'Wash suit at 30°C max, do NOT tumble dry' I knew I was going to do it.

Grabbing Tom's shoulders, I pushed myself forwards as he fell back into the water and we rolled around until we were both soaked through and covered in mud from head to toe. When we stood up, we watched as the muddy water poured out of each other's clothes. I watched as the bulge in Tom's crotch grew and he no doubt watched me do the same. I scooped up some thicker mud and smeared it across his lapels and chest, he did the same to me and finished with a handful of mud smeared into my hair. It felt amazing having the trousers clinging to my legs and the heavy jacket swing against my bum and thighs as I moved around. I bent and scooped up another handful of soft mud and then thought for a moment before tugging at the waistband of my trousers and dropping the mud down inside, feeling it hit the pouch of my boxer-briefs and soak through as I rubbed it in from outside.

We moved on to the muddy ditch after that and crawled along on our bellies with the squishy mud lapping half-way up our legs and bodies, Tom caught up with me and we pushed and shoved each other around as we crawled next to each other for a bit, each trying to push the other down into the mud a bit deeper as we crawled. Eventually Tom cheated by crawling on top of me and pushing my face down into the mud and smearing the mud across the back of my head and neck as I struggled to get free. The mud in the ditch was like thick cream and when we reached the end and stood up, you couldn't actually see what our clothes were like for all the mud caked on them.

We sat in the stream to get a bit clean - now that was cold - and then sloshed our way back to the house. We managed to sneak into the showers by the pool without anyone seeing us and had a nice hot shower to get thoroughly clean. We changed into dry jeans and tees and stuffed our wet clothes into the washing machine before joining everyone else in the dining hall where we found they had also changed into more casual clothes and were getting lunch ready.

Somehow, now that the funeral was over, everyone was more chatty and started reminiscing about uncle Danny and telling funny stories about him. Aunt Mary and Tom joined in and the atmosphere was very different to the previous weeks. Since then we have been busy at work reorganising things and aunt Mary has been keeping herself occupied in the office. The funeral had been a family-only affair, so we have arranged a gathering for all the friends and fellow workers who could not attend that, to take place in a couple of week's time. It has been a difficult task contacting all the clients and suppliers that uncle Danny had known for so long and telling them about him, but heartening to know how well liked he was.

Re: Ghastly Christmas time

Posted by Jonno on February 01, 2019 at 15:53:46

In Reply to: Ghastly Christmas time posted by Chris on January 31, 2019 at 21:00:52:

Nice to see you back again. Sorry to hear about your uncle's death, quite a shock being that quick, cancer is a truly evil disease. Hope it won't belong before you all get over mourning him and can remember the good times you all had, it is always difficult.

That is quite a story. Never mind the revelations about Tom's real father, it must have been fun getting muddy in smart suits. I can understand the need Tom had to let off steam. It is also good that he has you and Jamie around to confide in and you have proven yourself to be an admirable support to him at a troubled time.

Re: Ghastly Christmas time

Posted by Zonie on February 02, 2019 at 06:39:07

In Reply to: Ghastly Christmas time posted by Chris on January 31, 2019 at 21:00:52:

I offer you and Jamie my profound condolences. Compounding the tragedy of the loss of a loved one is that it is often accompanied by the revelation of unpleasant family secrets. When my stepfather died in September of 2017 some unpleasant things were revealed to my stepbrothers, and this lead to hostility between them and my mother. I tried to comfort all of them, but it didn't seem to work. I had hoped we could all still be a family after he died, but that's not in the cards.

Re: Ghastly Christmas time

Posted by Chris on February 02, 2019 at 14:15:30

In Reply to: Re: Ghastly Christmas time posted by swimmerrat on February 01, 2019 at 23:42:28:

Thanks for your kind comments. The hardest day was going into work after the New Year (it was closed between Christmas and New Year) and telling everyone what had happened. Some of the guys there have known Danny all their working lives having been taken on by his father-in-law who founded the business. The good thing is that Tom and his mum have all of us around them. Tom is not one to close-up about his feelings and is happy to talk to Jamie or me, which makes it easier for us all.

I think I may act on your suggestion of getting a suit from a charity shop or somewhere - I rather fancy a light coloured tan or grey one for getting totally muddy.

Re: Ghastly Christmas time

Posted by Chris on February 03, 2019 at 12:43:32

In Reply to: Re: Ghastly Christmas time posted by swimmerrat on February 02, 2019 at 16:12:28:

I like the idea of "best dressed" competition, I'm sure Jamie, Mike and the others would enjoy that.

Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by Jamie on March 23, 2019 at 17:08:34

Chris turned 21 on Thursday and without anything really being planned for the day, he ended getting soaked three times during the day at work and being thrown in the pool by the family when he got home. He took it all in good heart and said it had been a good day despite spending most of it soaked to the skin and also getting filthy dirty during the second soaking and covered in food on the third.

His day started with me waking him up with a couple of jugs of cold water poured over him as he lay asleep in bed, soaking his pyjamas. He chased me out of his room and down to the pool where I dived in and he followed, still dressed in his pyjamas. We ended up taking our morning swim with him still wearing his pyjamas, much to our dads' amusement when they joined us.

The birthday celebrations were planned for a family supper in the evening after a normal day at work and we have a party for family, colleagues and friends planned for tonight (Saturday).

Chris spent the morning in the office at work but was called to site just before lunch-time as the foreman wanted some advice about joinery (or so he said) and the site in question is an old farmhouse which we have been working on for a while. The site as a whole is a mud bath even when it hasn't rained for a while as it is next to a stream that we plan eventually to divert once we get agreement from the relevant authorities.

When he arrived on site and had donned his wellies, he was called over to an adjoining barn and asked to look at the roof beams and supporting structure, which involved getting across the flooded floor. The water was about ankle deep and had covered all the floor and most of the adjoining yard. Chris had only taken a few steps when he tripped on something under the surface and fell flat on his face. On getting up and taking another couple of steps he stepped into a hole and found himself chest deep in muddy water. By this time the rest of the crew had gathered around and were singing 'Happy Birthday' as they watched him clamber out, dripping wet. He grinned at them and then sat down in the shallow water and lifted his legs to drain the water out of his wellies. At that stage he realised that it had all been a put-up job and a bit of a water fight broke out with him kicking water at the others and them retaliating by grabbing hold of him by the arms and legs and carrying him across site to a freshly excavated hole of deep sloppy mud and dropping him in it. When he was eventually able to get up, he and two of his closest mates on site were absolutely covered in mud so had to be hosed clean.

Chris returned to base still dripping wet and showered and changed clothes before going into the canteen for lunch, where he was due to join me, only to find that the office staff and two canteen ladies, with the help of the foreman from the woodwork shop, had arranged a greeting of their own, namely a barrage of out of date food and food waste. When he arrived one of the ladies showed to a table in the corner which was beautifully laid with plates and cutlery and then she said that they had prepared a special lunch for his birthday. He sat and waited a few moments and then she appeared with a large tureen saying they had thought it would be nice if it started with soup, and hoped he liked a mixed vegetable one. As she approached the table, she stumbled and spilt the whole tureen of soup across the table top sending a gallon or more of the soup into his lap and soaking him from the waist down. Chris just sat there mouth wide with a look of dazed amazement on his face as he stared down at the devastation.

"What the .............?" he eventually gasped.

He looked around and then at me. I was trying not to laugh.

"Oh my gawd ....... so sorry, Mr. Chris." Molly, the canteen lady, said "Looks like we'll have to skip the soup, that was all of it. I'll get the main. Oh... here take this napkin to clean up." she added as she handed him a small paper napkin that would barely have mopped up a cup of tea, never mind a gallon of soup.

The main course they had prepared was bangers and mash with garden peas. She came back with an empty plate and a plastic tub full of sausages in gravy. Molly was just asking how many Chris would like when her colleague, Jane, appeared with a large tray of mashed potato, as she approached the table she stumbled and sent the foil tray up in the air and watched as it crashed down on Chris' head, spilling the contents across his shoulders and down his front. Molly, startled by this, promptly poured the entire tray of sausages and gravy all down his front. At this point, Gareth appeared (the workshop foreman) and with a cheery "Looks like you need your dessert already, Chris" threw a bucket of custard over him. He did look a mess after that. The three of them then continued with whatever other food they had found and Chris just sat there as he got more and more covered. We took him outside after that and hosed him down again. By now he had run out of dry clothes to change into so decided to stay damp after cleaning up with another shower.

The day ended with half-a-dozen of us heading towards our cars to go home and having to walk past Kevin as he washed a van. As we did so Kevin turned to say 'Bye' and 'accidentally' pointed the hose at Chris, giving him a good soaking.

"OK, OK, enough is enough." Chris cried as the water hit him "This time I retaliate." and he rushed at Kevin grabbed the hose and turned it on the lad, getting him pretty much soaked before the rest of us joined in. Ten minutes later all seven of us were soaked to the skin and out of breath. It was fun but cold.

Last minute preparations for tonight's party are all done and everyone is getting dressed in their outfits for a "Tarts and Vicars" themed affair. I have a friars outfit to wear complete with humble wooden cross on a leather cord and a rope tied round my waist and open sandals. I have taken the precaution of wearing swimshorts as underwear as I am sure we will end up in the pool before the night is out. Should be fun.

Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by wetchas on March 23, 2019 at 20:46:54

In Reply to: Chris turned 21 on Thursday posted by Jamie on March 23, 2019 at 17:08:34:

Happy birthday for Tues Chris.
Glad to see you two are still around.

Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by LeviLovR on March 23, 2019 at 22:07:29

In Reply to: Chris turned 21 on Thursday posted by Jamie on March 23, 2019 at 17:08:34:

Happy belated birthday, Chris. Sounds like a fabulous day to me! Beware, Jamie! You know your birthday will be pay back time. Hope the evening party was eventful as well!

Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by blueandwet on March 23, 2019 at 22:33:33

In Reply to: Chris turned 21 on Thursday posted by Jamie on March 23, 2019 at 17:08:34:

Happy birthday to Chris. Sounds like he had a fun day all things considered.

Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by wetjumper on March 23, 2019 at 23:35:47

In Reply to: Chris turned 21 on Thursday posted by Jamie on March 23, 2019 at 17:08:34:

Good to see you posting again. That was certainly a birthday to remember for Chris! Belated birthday wishes from me to him. And, er, yours should be massively memorable too in due course, as I'm sure you're already anticipating. :-)

It's good to know that your heavier responsibilities at work lately haven't prevented everyone letting their hair down!

Regarding your friar's outfit, the thought springs to mind that the monks at Fountains Abbey wore their habits with nothing on underneath so as to be closer to nature (hmm?) - your swimshorts are probably a very good idea...

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by Jamie on March 24, 2019 at 21:31:15

In Reply to: Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday posted by wetjumper on March 23, 2019 at 23:35:47:

Bit of a hang-over this morning...….

It has been crazy at work recently, hence the lack of posts, but things are settling down into a routine now and we are getting things back to normal although uncle's sudden death has been a shock to everyone.

I had the same thoughts about the monk's habit, I did consider going commando but thought it might be a bit too much of a shock for everyone else...…..

Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by Chris on March 24, 2019 at 21:36:57

In Reply to: Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday posted by blueandwet on March 23, 2019 at 22:33:33:

It was a fun day, even though a bit wetter and muddier than I had expected. Last night was fun as Jamie had got me a costume as the Pope, all white costume and the red slippers included. It felt wonderful from the very first and even better after I was thrown in the pool but I can't remember too much about it as I got a bit drunk, although I did wake up this morning with my beautiful fiancée in bed with me, so that was a plus......

Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by Jamie on March 24, 2019 at 21:39:25

In Reply to: Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday posted by LeviLovR on March 23, 2019 at 22:07:29:

Yeah, I know and will be taking precautions. Last night was pretty good from what I remember of it. I will try and piece it all together over the next few days and post more in due course.

Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by Jamie and Chris on March 24, 2019 at 21:44:59

In Reply to: Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday posted by wetchas on March 23, 2019 at 20:46:54:

Thanks a lot mate. We are still around but insanely busy since uncle's sudden demise and still trying to get over it in many ways. Tom and his mum are still in pieces but coping; as are many of our colleagues at work who just cannot believe what happened, it has been an incredibly difficult time. Chin up though, we still have fun getting wet and muddy and want to see the company thrive and all the guys at work feel the same so there is light on the horizon.

Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by swimmerrat on March 25, 2019 at 03:53:19

In Reply to: Chris turned 21 on Thursday posted by Jamie on March 23, 2019 at 17:08:34:

I would enjoy a birthday like that, just as I suspect all of us would.

Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by swimmerrat on March 25, 2019 at 03:54:23

In Reply to: Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday posted by Jamie on March 24, 2019 at 21:31:15:

would not be a shock for your buds you been in the mud with!

Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by swimmerrat on March 25, 2019 at 04:01:16

In Reply to: Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday posted by Jamie and Chris on March 24, 2019 at 21:44:59:

I can relate. having lost my mother and sister (my only sibling) within eleven moths of each other I can relate to what you are going thru. just got to hang in there and deal with it best you can. and it is tough -I know it - it still is for me. mom had been ill for a while so we sorta knew it was coming, my sister went into the hospital and eleven hours later she was gone. still has not really sunk in yet. so yes I can relate to all of you. just hang in there - it gets better - and in the meantime keep rolling in the mud, throwing food on each other, and pushing each other in the pool - and then have fun taking care of the boners that keep popping up!!!!!

Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by Ryan on March 26, 2019 at 03:02:16

In Reply to: Chris turned 21 on Thursday posted by Jamie on March 23, 2019 at 17:08:34:

WOw, what a top birthday trick! Serves Chris right for turning 21, LOL! I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes tho on your bday! Defo what goes around comes around, your gonna face a fate worse than death!

What clothes was Chris wearing each time he got trashed? Hope the food wasn’t hot, cud hav scolded his boy bits pouring that over his pants!,

We never tell anyone our bdays cos we end up doing patience tests tied to a garden chair! My older bro Jay has been egged and floured at school once during his first year at Grammar. My bday is not far off now, but I’m not gonna tell my school mates! I hope Jay doesn’t grass me up cos my mates hav a lot to get me back for. I think I’d end up saying our secret mercy word to get released!

Hav both of U been into gettin wet and messy since being kids at school? I think U went to a private school like my Grammar School? We all lov a good soaking and don’t get in the crap at school either cos of the stupid outer coats rule! How old is Kevin, is he the older or younger bro?

Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by Jamie on March 26, 2019 at 09:08:54

In Reply to: Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday posted by Ryan on March 26, 2019 at 03:02:16:

You are right, my 21st is in May so I can expect to get at least as good as Chris when it arrives, should be fun.

Chris went to work in grey cargo trousers, a long-sleeve black and white check flannel shirt, work boots and the usual socks and underwear. That lot got soaked and muddy on site.

When he returned to base, he changed into his spare set of clothes that he keeps at work. Blue jeans, blue and white striped polo shirt, grey trainers and again the usual socks and underwear. The food that the two canteen ladies had prepared was all just warmed through rather than hot. He did look funny doused in vegetable soup - which was thick and largely yellow in colour - and the sloppy mashed potato seemed to give great coverage when tipped over his head and the gravy and sausages just added to the mess. Made everyone watching gasp at the mess he was in and he was laughing when the final mess was poured over him. He went off to get showered and cleaned up and, because he had no other clothes at work, decided to stay in his wet clothes for the afternoon after wringing them out, which was just as well as he got wet again as we finished for the day and were caught by Kevin.

We have enjoyed getting wet for as long as I can remember and it got better when Chris returned from the US and our families started living together.

Kevin is 18 months younger than us and is a distant cousin, I guess - sort of third cousin thrice removed or something like that, I've never actually worked it out. Kevin has a younger brother, Kayne, who is 14 and a sister, Katie, who is 7.

The other younger person who lives with us all is cousin Tom who is 18 months older than us. The remaining household is made up of my parents, Chris' parents, Tom's mum and Kevin's mum.

I went to a local private school and Chris joined me there when they returned from the US. Kayne is now a pupil there and Katie will probably go in due course.

Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday

Posted by Chris on March 28, 2019 at 09:09:45

In Reply to: Re: Chris turned 21 on Thursday posted by swimmerrat on March 25, 2019 at 03:53:19:

Getting covered in food was the best part of the day mainly because it was unexpected. I had guessed that the guys working on site might try something and when they suggested I inspect some timber structure of the barn which was across a flooded floor, I knew I was going to get wet at least. I was expecting to trip up and get wet by falling flat but after that stepping into a deep water filled hole was just par for the course. Being dumped into a mud pit was fun and I did manage to take two of the guys with me so we all got covered as we rolled around. Getting wet at the end of the day was also expected as soon as I saw Kevin washing one of the vans, the best bit was getting everyone else soaked as well. Everyone was in work clothes or jeans and polos and looked great when wet and we all had a blast and lots of laughs as we soaked each other. We went home in wet clothes and I was pushed in the pool by my dad after supper, having changed into dry clothes when I got home. Uncle Dan, Jamie and I managed to push him in as well and we all ended up in the water. A great day getting three full sets of clothes wet.

Wet day at work.

Posted by Will the gardener on June 08, 2019 at 14:48:39

The other day I had agreed to help out a friend who, like me, runs his own business. We have a mutual agreement to help each other out with labour when any job is too much to do alone. Ian started out as a gardener / landscaper like me but has since been doing water features and, when the opportunity arises, installing swimming pools. He has also recently taken on his nephew, Jason, who was expelled from his school for reasons I have yet to discover. I have met Jason before as he had previously helped out during his school holidays. A big lad, both tall and broad, with a good sense of humour and willing to do anything that is asked of him, or a least give it a good go.

I agreed to meet on site, a big detached house in the posh part of town - the houses here go for £1.5m minimum - and this one was one of the bigger ones. The owner is having the house renovated and Ian is building a natural swimming pond and water feature in the back garden. The house is currently empty with the decorators doing the final bits of their work.

When I arrived the early morning sun was just disappearing behind a bank of dark clouds and looking around, there were more dark clouds in every direction. I walked through to the back garden, following the tracks of a mini-digger, and found Ian and Jason standing by a what looked like the excavation for the pond, they were silent and deep in thought.

"Hi guys, this looks like a big job, how's it going?" I asked as we shook hands.

"Well so far." Ian said "Glad you could make it today. I want to get the liner laid in here this morning and then we can start filling it. An extra pair of hands will make the job much easier."

We were just starting to lay the huge sheets of liner across the hole when it started to rain and got gradually heavier and heavier as we worked. I was wearing heavy cotton work-wear trousers - a light sand colour with black patch pockets and knee patches, a well worn grey denim shirt and brown work boots - I could feel the wetness soaking through my shirt and dribbling through my hair and when I looked at the others they were in a similar state, Ian's tan jeans and khaki shirt were gradually changing to a darker shade the wetter they got and Jason's black tee-shirt and grey and black camo pattern combats were beginning to look decidedly shiny.

"Does anyone want to stop for a bit until the rain eases up?" Ian asked as we stopped briefly to assess how far we had got before starting on sealing the separate sheets of liner together.

"No, I'm fine." I said "Your decision, but I'm happy to carry on and get wet."

"Me too." Jason said as he grinned at me "I'm enjoying this anyway."

"So you're a wet fan, Jason?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure ............ nothing better than a nice pair of wet jeans. Preferably worn in a swimming pool." Jason laughed "Been a fan since I had a go in a dunk tank when I was in the Scouts."

"So do you get the chance often now?" I asked.

"Sure do - we have a pool at home so I'm in there as often as I can be, provided it's not too cold." Jason explained "We do have a family tradition of having a swim on Boxing Day every year even if it means breaking the ice to get in, but I prefer it comfortably warm in the summer. Dad and my brother think I'm mad but don't object to me swimming in my clothes. And now I'm working with uncle Ian I get even more chances."

"He'll be in here testing it out before we are finished......" Ian laughed.

We carried on working at glueing and taping the sheets of liner together and by the time we had done that we were all soaked through. Ian turned the hose on and we gently tamped down the liner as the water began to fill the pond. The weight of the water ensures that the liner is tight against the underlying layer of sand and also lets us see where it needs to fold and wrinkle to match the contours of the pond's base and sides. After a bit we left the hose running to fill the pond and carried on working on the rockery and water feature on the bank away from the house and main lawn area. The pond is quite big and deep so Ian reckoned it would take the rest of the day to get anywhere near half-full and most of the next to completely fill.

We had a break for some lunch and carried on working until late afternoon, when Jason suggested he check out the pond. He kicked off his boots and walked slowly and carefully over the sloping liner until he reached the water's edge and after a short hesitation carried on walking, getting deeper and deeper until he reached the lowest level of the pond where the water was just lapping around his waist level.

Ian and I stood on the bank and watched him.

"What's the betting he'll go for a swim now?" Ian asked.

"100% I'd say." I laughed.

"Yeah, I agree." Ian sighed "He'll get the inside of my van all wet again going home."

"You should make him strip off - teach him a lesson - he might not be so ready to do it again if you did."

"No thanks - he's not a pretty sight without clothes - and I'm not driving through town with him like that ......... Ooohh there he goes......" Ian laughed as we watched Jason dive forward, take a few strokes and roll onto his back to float in the water for a few moments before regaining his feet and start to wade back out of the water. As he stood up the water poured off him and his black tee-shirt gleamed and stuck to his chest and torso, I could see that he was well toned and had a very decent looking six-pack.

"The water's not cold, this will be lovely when it's full and all the planting is in place, you get a different view of it from down here." Jason called "Anyone else for a swim? How about you Will?"

I looked at Ian and he shook his head as he said "Not me, thanks. You go if you want Will."

So I pulled off my boots and jumped down from the bank and walked over to join Jason. He was right, the water was very pleasant as I waded in. We swam about for a few minutes and then waded out, pulled on our boots and started to tidy up prior to going home.

As we packed up Ian's van, Jason asked If I'd like to join everyone for the BBQ they were doing that evening.

"Ian and Julie are coming round, so it will just be them, dad and Sam. Dad does a mean BBQ and you could always have another swim in a nice warm pool. Bring Janine along of course, it would be nice to have new friends around instead of just the family."

"I'd like that but let me check with Janine first, is that OK?" I asked.

"Of course." Jason replied "I'll just go and get the last few tools and turn the hose off."

As he hurried off, I asked Ian "Is this OK, I don't want to gatecrash a family BBQ?"

"No, no. I'm glad he asked. Since Karen, their mum, died they have become rather isolated, just the three of them alone together. I've been trying to encourage them to get back to inviting people around for a while."

"Oh right, of course you did tell me about Karen, sorry, I'd forgotten." I said "Let me ring Janine, my phone is in the van." Janine was all in favour of not having to cook for us herself, so readily agreed to going along to the BBQ, so I told Jason we'd be delighted to attend, thank you.

"Max's BBQs are legendary" Ian added "he's a great host, you'll enjoy yourselves and the pool will be open rain or not. Max suggested a Hawaiian theme tonight so dress accordingly if you can, he'll like that."

We finished packing up and I went home to get changed into swim-shorts and a bold floral shirt and Janine put on her bikini under a skirt and blouse and we grabbed a bottle of wine and some beers and headed off. We had arranged to pick up Ian and his wife Julie and they directed us to Max's home, which turned out to be a palatial, sprawling bungalow in beautiful gardens with an enormous kidney shaped swimming pool.

It was a fun evening and Max made us feel very welcome, the BBQ was excellent and even the rain held off for most of the evening, not that that really mattered as Jason pushed Ian and myself in the pool almost as soon as we had arrived so we were soaking wet all evening, which was fun. Jason's younger brother Sam was an energetic lad of fifteen or so and spent almost the entire time in the pool with a school friend who was staying overnight, I think they only got out of the water to get food.

Re: Wet day at work.

Posted by Jamie on June 09, 2019 at 11:24:12

In Reply to: Wet day at work. posted by Will the gardener on June 08, 2019 at 14:48:39:

Now that is the kind of working day that I would enjoy.

Re: Wet day at work.

Posted by Will the gardener on June 09, 2019 at 14:11:56

In Reply to: Re: Wet day at work. posted by Jamie on June 09, 2019 at 11:24:12:

But you get those sort of days with your work, don't you?


Posted by Kevin on July 24, 2019 at 15:18:16

Yesterday was hot and muggy all day and when we got home from work Jamie, Chris and I just jumped in the pool as we were in our work clothes. We spent the evening in the pool and sipping cold beers and then watched a movie that Chris had recorded a while back - it was laughably bad and we threw Chris back in the pool as punishment for even thinking it might be good enough to watch - and it was still far too warm to go to bed so we stayed around the pool along with Tom and my brother Kayne, who had tried to sleep but given up and come back down. At about 11:30 pm we heard the first rumbles of thunder and then the lightning started ……… and it all went on and on for ages, it was spectacular and lit up the sky from horizon to horizon for minutes at a time before subsiding and then starting again. We had the roof of the pool open and watched through that as we sat by the pool and then it suddenly started raining, absolutely hammering down, so we jumped in the pool again and swam around in the rain until it stopped. The thunder and lightning were still rumbling around after the rain had stopped so we continued to watch that and then after half an hour or so the rain came back, even heavier this time, and Jamie suggested we go out onto the terrace and lawn and enjoy the downpour. Don't think I have ever stood in rain that was so heavy and torrential before and with the deafening thunder and lightening brightening everything up so starkly it was quite an experience. We went back indoors to the pool area when a bolt of lightning struck a tree in the valley below the garden, that seemed close enough thanks. We finally went to bed at nearly 4am. Feeling tired today, but wouldn't have missed that experience.

Kayne and I do a patience test.

Posted by Kevin on July 31, 2019 at 10:30:50

My younger brother challenged me to do a "patience test" a little while ago so we finally got around to doing it this last weekend. Jamie and Chris both eagerly agreed to help by applying the mess to us both and taking care of the timing to determine who lasted longest before calling a halt. We visited the supermarket on Saturday morning and loaded up a trolley with all sorts of food, the main criteria being that it had to be as messy as possible and could be easily poured or thrown. We had all the obvious things like ready-mixed custard, soups, cans of squirty cream, bottles of syrup, mayonnaise and sauces, large bottles of milk, bottles of cola and so on and then Kayne had a brilliant idea and suggested going to the DIY store and getting some water-based emulsion paint. I wasn't sure that that was a good idea but he insisted that it would wash off us and out of our clothes easily, so I went along with it and we came away with ten litre cans of white and red paint.

When we got home we found Chris and Jamie busy mixing up buckets of gunge, they were working on the seventh of ten buckets that they had to fill. I could see that they were determined to get us both really, really messy. They sent us off to get changed into whatever clothes we fancied, only stipulating that it must consist of a minimum of two layers - eg underwear, jeans, socks, shoes, shirt or tee-shirt and jacket or other top. Kayne appeared in his old school suit complete with shoes and socks, long-sleeve blue shirt and tie over a white tee-shirt. I wore denim jeans, boxer-briefs, socks, trainers, tee-shirt and denim jacket. Jamie had set up a couple of chairs side by side near the central drain in the garage courtyard and had placed all the food on a table nearby. They had also got two separate hoses connected.

"Do you want to start with anything in particular? Or get wet first?" Jamie asked.

"No, but can we save the paint 'til last?" Kayne asked "Don't mind if we get gunged or have food first ........ happy with that Kevin?"

"Makes no difference to me." I replied "The sooner we get started the sooner you'll be calling a halt.............."

"In your dreams." Kayne laughed "You'll be begging for it to stop long before me."

"OK, guys, few rules" James said "Chris and I will be applying the same stuff to you both at the same time; we will stop the timers as soon as you shout "ENOUGH" and walk away; we will be asking you to sit or stand at different stages and we will be hosing you both down at various times so that we can start afresh with different mess. If you get stuff in your eyes and want to wipe them clean ask for a paper towel and we will stop for as long as it takes. We do have swimming goggles if you want, but you both have to wear them if one wants to, just to be fair. Clear?"

"Fine by me." Kayne said "I'll not need the goggles, thanks."

"Clear to me too, and 'no' to the goggles as well." I replied.

"Take a seat gentlemen, and we will get started. Start the timers, Chris." Jamie said.

They started by pouring large 4 litre cartons of cold milk over us and, boy, was it cold. I watched Kayne turn his face up so that it splashed over him and ran down his neck and the front of his shirt as I felt it pour through my hair and start to soak the back of my jacket and soak into my lap as Chris poured it slowly over me. By the time he had used up the full carton I was feeling chilled and my blue jeans and jacket had taken on a white tinge.

"Any more of that?" Kayne asked "I do like cold milk."

"Not at the moment." Jamie laughed "Perhaps some tomato soup would be nice....." and he sploshed the contents of a couple of tins down Kayne's front, turning his shirt red before in splattered across his upper legs and puddled on the seat between his legs. I got the same treatment from Chris.

Next was a cream pie to the face and a second one to the top of my head and rubbed well in. The sight of Kayne having cream pie rubbed across his head and face made me laugh, bad idea as I was still laughing when Chris threw a bucket of green gunge over me, filling my mouth with the stuff so that I was convulsed with spluttering and spitting it out. I was soaked in the gunge and my jeans and jacket felt heavy and slippery with the stuff. Kayne had held his suit jacket open and the blue gunge that Jamie had thrown over him had soaked his shirt, the inside of his jacket and his trousers, he flapped his jacket around before letting it go and it stuck wetly to his torso.

After that we were both told to stand up and were thoroughly hosed down with cold water. That was refreshing. Chris made sure to spray every part of me with the fiercest jet of water he could get, it felt like getting a too-heavy handed massage, and had me jumping around trying to avoid get hit in awkward places, which just made him try even harder. Dripping and clean again, we were told to sit down.

They then produced a jug of various food mixed together and we were tasked with eating as much as we could. It looked unappetising to say the least. Bright blue - with food dye - it was thick and lumpy and smelt of fish. It tasted salty and sweet and I swear it had a hint of vinegar as well. The texture was mostly like custard with fibrous matter mixed in. I ate two mouthfuls and then promptly threw-up. Kayne's reaction was pretty much the same except that he gulped down a whole lot and it had the same effect on a longer timescale with him projectile vomiting several minutes later, rather than immediately, just after declaring "Well that wasn't too bad. Any more?"

We, and the yard, were then briefly hosed down again before being asked to remove our jackets. Chris then placed them each in the almost empty buckets of gunge and topped them up with a mix of custard, cream, soups, sauces and more gunge.

"OK guys, whilst your jackets are soaking nicely we'll continue with more gunge and mess." Chris said "I've got just the stuff. Do you both like ice-cream?"

"Ooooh yes - strawberry please...." Kayne laughed.

"You're in luck then." Chris grinned "These tubs are just on the cusp of turning liquid, they've been out of the freezer for a while but it's still cold. We've got strawberry, chocolate, pistachio and vanilla. Stand up guys."

Chris picked up the carton of strawberry ice-cream and walked over to Kayne before asking him to hold out his trouser waistband. He slowly poured a quantity of liquid ice-cream inside Kayne's trousers and then told him to sit down again before pouring the rest over his head and shoulders.

"Still like strawberry ice-cream?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, bit cold down my trousers though." Kayne laughed as he wiped a finger over his chest and then licked off the ice-cream "but still tastes nice."

Chris then did the same to me with the chocolate ice-cream. Damn, it was so cold when he poured it inside my jeans that I hardly noticed it when he covered my head and shoulders. Whilst we sat they they threw the other two cartons over us, pistachio for Kayne and vanilla for me. It felt smooth and creamy when I wiped my hands over my chest and through my hair.

Chris and Jamie then threw all the rest of the gunge and food over us as we sat there, totally covering us both until it dripped off us as we sat. Our clothes were totally saturated and seemed to weigh a ton when we were told to stand up again. Chris stirred the buckets with our jackets in and then he and Jamie hauled them out and held them up for us to slip into. My denim jacket felt amazing.

We were hosed down again after enjoying being totally covered for a while as we tugged at each other's sodden clothes and felt what they were like. Kayne and I then managed to turn the hoses on Chris and Jamie and all four of us ended up soaked to the skin.

"Just the paint to go, then?" Jamie asked after we had called a halt to the water fight. "Who's going first?"

"Kayne's idea to get some paint, so him I'd say." I said.

So we opened the paint cans and gave them a good stir. Chris produced a couple of brushes and a roller. He dipped a brush into the red paint and painted a stroke across Kayne's chest.

"More paint, I think, get him really red." Chris observed as he stood back and admired his work. He picked up the tin and slopped a lot across Kayne's front, soaking his jacket across his chest and leaving his shirt red from the collar down. We lay Kayne down on his back on the ground and then painted him from head to toe with the red paint and still had half the can left. His suit and shirt were saturated in the paint and it dripped onto his shoes when he stood up. I finished the job off by quickly passing the brush over his face and rubbed it into his hair.

Kayne then joined the others in painting me in white. That was fun. The feel of my paint saturated jeans and tee-shirt clinging wetly to my body was different, more slick that I expected and when I took off my tee-shirt and told them to paint my body it felt even more peculiar as well as looking odd and seeing a white body when looking down.

"Go on, take off the jeans now and we can paint the rest of you." Kayne suggested.

So I did and ended up wearing just my boxer-briefs as they finished the job properly by pouring the remaining paint over me as I stood still; it went everywhere, hair soaked, face covered, body covered and even my boxer-briefs soaked through.

We finished by getting hosed clean and I am pleased to say that all the paint did indeed wash off fairly easily, I think getting it out of my hair was the most difficult. Having washed the paint off my body, I pulled on my painted jeans and other clothes and got them clean as well, by which time I was feeling rather chilly despite the warm sunshine, so we all went indoors for a hot shower and then jumped in the pool still in our clothes.

It wasn't really a patience test and we both finished with neither of us calling a halt, but we decided that Kayne had won as he had downed the largest quantity of the food and had held it down for longer too, ha ha.

Re: Kayne and I do a patience test.

Posted by wetchas on July 31, 2019 at 12:10:29

In Reply to: Kayne and I do a patience test. posted by Kevin on July 31, 2019 at 10:30:50:

WOW. This has to be the best post ever. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
Apart from the cold, and throwing up, it must have been amazing.
Kayne's idea of paint turned out to be a really good one. I have painted myself before, but only on clothes, and never inside. The sight and feel of paint on the body must be something else.
Ice cream down the trousers was a great stroke too. You should have put gaffer tape around the legs, just below the crotch, then the ice cream would have stayed in that area, and not run down your legs. Inside the undies would also have heightened the experience. Shame you didn't post this on sunsexsea. You could have gone into more detail.
Is that the end of the suit, or is it still wearable for any other adventures. After that, and all the time it's spent in the pool
it must be looking a bit secondhand by now.
Thanks again for posting.
Oh, by the way, nice to read that you got Chris & Jamie soaked as well. No more than they deserve.

Re: Kayne and I do a patience test.

Posted by Kevin on July 31, 2019 at 13:37:38

In Reply to: Re: Kayne and I do a patience test. posted by wetchas on July 31, 2019 at 12:10:29:

Kayne's suit is still OK, you wouldn't want to wear it to look smart but it is still functional in a casual sense.

I will re-write the post and put it on SunSexSea as everyone of us got quite excited during this and that was funny to see. They might as well have poured the ice-cream and paint inside my undies as the result was exactly the same - cold b****cks and white b****cks respectively.

It only seemed fair to get Chris and Jamie as wet as us as they certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves far too much not to get punished in some way.

Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 11:47:38

To tell it bluntly, I have been diagnosed with an inoperable, malignant, cancerous tumour in my brain which has spread to my spinal cord and has linked secondary tumours in eight other parts of my body, ranging from lungs to various glands. The prognosis varies from a couple of months to maybe a year before the tumours affects so many vital functions that I will not survive. At the moment the tumours are growing rapidly so it rather looks like the lower time limit is probable. I am not in any pain as such but have been getting headaches and a stiffness in my neck which comes and goes. My surgeon has said that he would be prepared to operate on the part of the tumour that is surrounding the top end of my spinal cord but the chances of severing or damaging the spinal cord during the operation would be over 90% and that would leave me paralysed from the neck down and not get rid of the entire tumour where it is inaccessible nor solve the problems of the other tumours. Frankly, I don't want to go though that myself or waste my remaining time by being in hospital having operations and recovering from them, seems pointless given the long-term outcome.

I have discussed all this, of course, with the family and they are prepared to back my decision, which must be very hard for them. I've just got back from a final set of scans that will tell the doctors a bit more about how things might progress and how they might manage any pain and side-effects in due course.

I am determined to keep on enjoying life and jumped in the pool as soon as I got home - wearing my favourite 501s, a summer shirt, trainers, socks and Under Armour boxer-briefs - and am sitting by the pool in my wet clothes writing this. Back to work after lunch as I have a couple of things that I want to finish, mainly a two headed gargoyle featuring Chris and Mari which will be my wedding present to them next month, I plan to fix it where they will be able to see it from the balcony of their flat at the top of the house.

I will still be posting stuff here but won't be mentioning this subject again, I'll let Chris or Kevin do any updates as they see fit.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jpeter on August 02, 2019 at 12:45:52

In Reply to: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 11:47:38:

Thank you for sharing, I can only imagine the enormity of it all. As you said you got family that has your back but your family on here does too. Prayers and positive thoughts are what I am sending from here but if we can do more you know where we are and listening. Will jump in a pool this evening for you.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by blueandwet on August 02, 2019 at 12:56:03

In Reply to: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 11:47:38:

Wow Jamie, I am speechless. I just lost a good friend this past week, same scenario, brain tumor that was fast growing. Like you he chose to just live out his life as best he could.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Red on August 02, 2019 at 16:00:56

In Reply to: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 11:47:38:

I'm sorry for all the things that you've had to endure in your short life, I'm almost 50, and am in awe of your courage and tenacity. I will say prayers for you. Thank you for all your posts and your example. You will be missed.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 18:41:53

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Red on August 02, 2019 at 16:00:56:

Thanks for that. It has bought tears to my eyes. I feel that I have been very lucky in my life - great parents, great friends, Chris, many wonderful relatives, my brother Will, great school days and a job I love - so despite the odd mishap, I feel blessed and very happy and content with things. I'm told that I am unlikely to feel any pain or much loss of function as the cancer takes a firmer grip so am thankful for that and know that aid is close at hand if that proves not to be the case. I feel sorry for my mum and dad as this has hit them very hard, as it has Chris who is like a brother to me (almost what I image a twin to be like). I've had a great and priviledged life so find it hard to complain even if it turns out to be short at not much more than 21 years.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 18:49:28

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by blueandwet on August 02, 2019 at 12:56:03:

I am sorry for your loss, I have found out how hard it is for those left behind having been pretty devastated by my family's reaction. I have seen enough of hospitals over recent years and just don't fancy jumping at every remote chance of lasting a few more weeks or months whilst undergoing numerous operations and treatments only to end up with the same final result. I am happy with my decision and thankfull that my family accept it.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 18:58:14

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Jpeter on August 02, 2019 at 12:45:52:

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I am not religious in any conventional sense - not sure why an all-powerful God would allow wars, genocides, diseases etc etc if he/she supposedly has unconditional love for every individual - but that is another debate. Positivity is a great thing and I think I have always had that attitude, so who knows? I might confound the doctors and survive longer than they expect. Enjoy your jump in the pool, I did the same earlier today and it lifted my spirits after three hours being scanned at the hospital. Thanks for your thoughts.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Red on August 02, 2019 at 21:35:07

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 18:41:53:

Is there anything to be done other than sit back and let it happen?

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Red on August 02, 2019 at 21:35:44

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 18:41:53:

Is there anything to be done other than sit back and let it happen?

Re: Bad news.

Posted by swimmerrat on August 02, 2019 at 22:03:22

In Reply to: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 11:47:38:

i am very sorry to hear about this. you are in my prayers.

I can understand where you are coming from. both sides of my family have a high cancer history so is something I have lived with all my life. one grandfather, an aunt, three uncles have passed from it, my mom, dad, and another aunt have had it also. I live with the knowledge for myself probably will one day be a when, not an if.

you are proof that life is too short and must enjoy it to the fullest. do what you think is best, and enjoy everything the best you can. you have the support of friends and family, and that is the best thing you can have right now.

again you will be in my prayers. you and yours make sure to keep us up to date on how everything goes.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by LeviLovR on August 02, 2019 at 22:34:02

In Reply to: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 11:47:38:

This is indeed devastating news. I can't even begin to imagine what you and your family are going through right now. I definitely support your decision - you are wise beyond your years. Your family has endured so much over the last few years They sound like very caring, loving, supporting people who are all very close and very dear to each other. Not all families are like that. You are indeed blessed. As others have said, we will be thinking of you and supporting you. Enjoy every moment you have left in this world - which is a better place because you have been in it. Will be praying for you and your family. May you all find peace and comfort in your love for one another.

Re: I made an archive of all my wetlook content collection

Posted by Muddy Lee on August 02, 2019 at 22:49:14

In Reply to: Re: I made an archive of all my wetlook content collection posted by Zonie on August 02, 2019 at 07:18:44:

I know all about bad news when it comes to hospitals. In the movie "The Island" the first scene starts with Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor underwater dressed in white. Related to Jamies' story later in the movie is an image of a brain scan. I got a huge scar on my right forearm from playing in the mud. Zonie I don't know you but I need my family to ignore the waste involved with the wacky wet world activity or not ask me why am I not wearing a bathing suit. I've had a lot of pain and anxiety.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Zonie on August 03, 2019 at 05:17:19

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 18:58:14:

Yes, doctors can be wrong, even about brain tumors. A former American president, Jimmy Carter, was found to have a brain tumor several years ago, malignant melanoma that had metastasized. Then a later examination revealed that the tumor had disappeared. He's still in good health at the age of 94.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by wetjumper on August 03, 2019 at 19:28:53

In Reply to: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 11:47:38:

This is devastating news, both for you and your family and for your many supporters and fans. After all you've been through... I'm not entirely sure what to say. I hope your remaining lifespan will be fulfilling and as pain-free as possible. I thank you for your many hugely inspiring posts and stories over the last few years - I have saved copies of nearly all of them and they will continue to keep me entertained, educated and excited. You are a shining example of courage, intelligence, maturity, and of how to enjoy life to the maximum. You've packed more into your 21 years than I've managed in almost 3 times as long. Best wishes. (This says nowhere near enough, but it's a start.)

Peter (wetjumper)

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Red on August 03, 2019 at 19:46:34

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Red on August 02, 2019 at 21:35:07:

I apologize for my judging and suggest that you and your friends, whoever can come on short or no notice, go play in your muddy area as tomorrow your brain tumor may not let you.
Then, of course, tell us all about your fun. Again sorry for the judgement.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Captain Obvious on August 04, 2019 at 00:45:06

In Reply to: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 11:47:38:

(X) Doubt

Look, the fake stories are fun and we can all enjoy them for what they are. Clearly, in addition to the Wacky Wet thing, the author also has an incest proclivity and some kind of injury/amputation/illness-related fetish based on some of the previous events in the storyline. And whatever - you do you.

But this is kinda pushing things too far, eh?

Re: Bad news.

Posted by LeviLovR on August 04, 2019 at 01:39:04

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Captain Obvious on August 04, 2019 at 00:45:06:

WOW! That's pretty vicious! Talk about taking things too far! Who made you judge and jury?

Unfortunately these kind of situations really do happen all over the world every day to people of all ages. You are definitely entitled to your opinions, but no need to be cruel How would you feel if you or some one you loved was terminally ill and somebody came along and accused them of faking it?

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. It's an old adage, but a good one - and really applies in this situation. In fact, it should be OBVIOUS! But you seem to have declared yourself the expert in that field, Captain.

End of sermon. Amen.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Red on August 04, 2019 at 04:29:00

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by LeviLovR on August 04, 2019 at 01:39:04:

Here here!!!!

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 04, 2019 at 10:12:42

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Captain Obvious on August 04, 2019 at 00:45:06:

Believe what you like - the accounts Chris and I post are for real, we just change names and locations so as to remain anonymous - maybe you should just not read them if you don't believe any of it.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 04, 2019 at 10:13:56

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by LeviLovR on August 04, 2019 at 01:39:04:

Thanks for your reply.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 04, 2019 at 10:14:47

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Red on August 04, 2019 at 04:29:00:

Thanks for your reply.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 04, 2019 at 10:16:38

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by wetjumper on August 03, 2019 at 19:28:53:

That is very kind of you to say such things. Your support is appreciated.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 04, 2019 at 11:11:38

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by LeviLovR on August 02, 2019 at 22:34:02:

My family are indeed everything you say and my long-time friends are great as well. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, much appreciated. I try not to think about the future too much now (I always used to, a lot) and just take things a day at a time. My parents are becoming more accepting of my decision about future treatment as they do more research and chat to my doctor, who is a long time family friend; dad even admitted that he would do the same, he's an engineer by profession working on advanced aeronautical projects so is used to seeing that sometimes things you think you can do at first just are not possible.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 04, 2019 at 11:18:02

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by swimmerrat on August 02, 2019 at 22:03:22:

Thanks for your thoughts. Cancer is a ghastly thing and the more you hear about it the worse it gets. I am thankful not to be in pain or, as yet, have any impairment although I appreciate that that may well change at some point.

I shall definitely be enjoying whatever time I have and think myself lucky to have enjoyed my life to date despite the odd hiccup.

I shall be posting on here as much as I can and I am sure Chris will keep everyone posted when it gets to the stage that I cannot. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 04, 2019 at 11:22:32

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Red on August 02, 2019 at 21:35:44:

Not really, unless I opt to have operations on the secondary tumours and then the brain tumour is still inoperable, so why? Doctor says the secondary tumours have probably been growing for four or five years undetected and not causing me any problems physically so I may as well let them alone, it's the brain one that will finish me off ultimately.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 04, 2019 at 11:26:59

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Red on August 03, 2019 at 19:46:34:

What judging? I see nothing in your posts to apologise for. Stay wet and muddy and have fun as I intend to do.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Harry on August 04, 2019 at 14:43:09

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Captain Obvious on August 04, 2019 at 00:45:06:

What a perfectly horrible bastard you must be to post this. Just keep your crap opinions to yourself in future. Despite that, I hope you never have to suffer what Jamie has been through - pillock. I am so angry about this.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Zonie on August 04, 2019 at 17:16:39

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Captain Obvious on August 04, 2019 at 00:45:06:

A certain amount of skepticism of internet claims is quite understandable. I think a large part of it is the result of the toxic atmosphere of anonymity that is the norm. I criticized that on this site 15 years ago, and the response was overwhelmingly hostile. Felix eventually blocked my IP address. Having been absent for several years, I decided to cave on this and participate anonymously. I don't intend to re-fight that fight, but it does help point out what makes skepticism of this type understandable.

I have seen some queer posts here, and it does point out some cultural differences, particularly when one visits the sister site. I recall some activity described involving Jamie that apparently is legal in the UK but would result in a mandatory 35 year prison sentence in Arizona. I tend to believe Jamie simply because of how original this is. It would be hard to make that up, but if you were a bit crude about expressing your skepticism, I can't find it in me to condemn it.

I'll say this much: I hope you're right. I hope a young man really isn't dying of brain cancer.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Matt on August 05, 2019 at 10:04:29

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Captain Obvious on August 04, 2019 at 00:45:06:

Ur wonderful person jamie im soo sorry this has happened to u

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Dolby1000 on August 05, 2019 at 13:45:35

In Reply to: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 11:47:38:

Just saw this today. I have enjoyed yours, Chris, and the groups adventures ever since you started posting them oh so many years ago.
I have known too many people, from age 4 to 78 that have one form of cancer or another. I watched my dad die from lung cancer over a summer about 5 years ago. Just too much of this stuff goes around and it can hit anyone at any age.
You have a strong heart, strong family and a very strong base of friends there in the UK and here on line at Wackywet. Lean on them, lean on us.
You have joined my daily prayer list, and brother, is it a too long of a f**** list.
I wish I had words to make it all go away, but I don't. We will keep swimming in our clothes as well as we know you will keep yours soaked too.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by robbieie on August 05, 2019 at 14:38:14

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Captain Obvious on August 04, 2019 at 00:45:06:

mr. obvious
why should jamie do that? if he wants to quit the storytelling he could do so anytime & hide in anonimity.
making up a nice wet story is fun, i do it sometimes. this terrible news is NOT fun. since i read it this morning i'm sad.
his name may be not really jamie, parts of his huge collections of stories might be made up, but that's all for fun.part of me understand a little your suspicion, a larger part of me thinks you're a bit much distrusting

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Harry on August 05, 2019 at 20:57:46

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by robbieie on August 05, 2019 at 14:39:54:

Hi Robbieie - nothing wrong with your original post. Jamie and Chris have always admitted that their posts are amended in terms of individual names and locations in order that they may remain anonymous. All our names - ie his family and friends - have been changed and those of us who post on here and the other place, know that and stick to the names we have been allocated (most of which, as in my case, are second names or nicknames known only to other friends. Also some of the details in some of the accounts (I won't call them "stories" as that implies that they are total fiction) have been changed to make the account more interesting and maybe more tantalising as the writer sees it. None of this alters the facts that Jamie and Chris' families and circumstances are true or that the ghastly things that have happened to them and their friends are also true. Jamie and Chris and his mum were run down by a truck and Jamie did lose a part of his leg eventually as a result of that. Jamie has also been diagnosed with the cancer he describes and it will have the impact on him, my dearest friend, that he predicts some time very soon. The basic facts are true whatever some people might think. None of us however, will ever betray the trust we have all put in each other to maintain our anonymity as that was one of the things we all agreed on before telling these accounts.

I may have used intemperate language about "Captain Obvious" in the heat of the moment but I stand by my basic thoughts about him/her and would simply ask why, if he/she has such over-whelmingly high standards of veracity, does he/she hide behind the name "Captain Obvious"?

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 05, 2019 at 21:00:50

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Matt on August 05, 2019 at 10:04:29:

Thank you, Matt, that is too kind, but much appreciated.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 05, 2019 at 21:02:41

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Dolby1000 on August 05, 2019 at 13:45:35:

Thanks, much appreciated. I have enjoyed reading your posts as well. Stay wet and enjoy your future adventures and keep on posting. Thanks again.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 05, 2019 at 21:07:58

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Zonie on August 04, 2019 at 17:16:39:

Sadly, Zonie, he is not right and a young man (me) is going to die sometime soon from the effects of a brain tumour.

I agree that the internet is full of strange things (not least these sites) but sometimes despite the overall anonymity the basic facts are indeed true.

Thanks for posting and for your many posts in the past which make fun reading. Stay wet and enjoy.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Neil on August 06, 2019 at 02:24:25

In Reply to: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 11:47:38:

Jamie, so very sorry to read this post. I know it must have taken real courage to be open enough to post this on here. However, apart from the very obvious exception, you know that you are among friends on here and that we have your back even though we don't know you in person. We still share and support each other when needed and this is definitely one of those times.

I remember when I was in secondary school one of my friends was diagnosed with a tumour in his brain. He didn't tell anyone at school to start with, probably because he was still absorbing the news himself but also because he didn't know how we'd all react to him. I think he and his parents chose to undergo chemotherapy and I vaguely remember he may have had surgery to try to remove it. Anyway he eventually told us when he appeared at school one day with his head completely shaven. As I was about 12 back then and hadn't experienced anything like that before I didn't quite know how to deal with my friend, but what became obvious during that day was that he hadn't changed, he was still my friend with the same personality. We eventually talked openly about his illness and he seemed to relax more. Even at his young age he knew what was probably going to happen and had actually accepted that. At 12 it's difficult to comprehend accepting such an event, but he had always had a calm nature and would viciously defend his friends from bullies. Now that I'm 50 I can still remember him and his personality together with the events but I can't actually remember his name and I feel guilty for that. I asked him why he kept coming to school when he could stay home and he simply said, so that I can be a bit normal with you lot instead of being around depression at home. He knew there wasn't any point to the classes and learning, he just wanted to be with us and away from it all a little bit. He did some mad antics in those last few weeks and introduced me to how you could enjoy trashing your uniform. We never actually got in any trouble, I think because the teachers felt for him. How could they actually discipline him for having fun in his last few weeks, he left us all a lot to remember him by. After one weekend he stopped coming and by the end of the week we'd been given the news and it was sad but I knew he'd enjoyed his life and that his friends had been there for him and he for them.

Jamie, your family, friends, Chris and everyone including us are all there for you. No one wants to lose you and everyone desperately prays for a miracle. Live every day to it's full and look to do things that you have never done before. Be a little extreme and give everyone more laughter and happy moments to remember you by. Hey why not trash that best suit you've got hidden in the wardrobe with Chris, make the family smile and everyone around you. Don't change who you are, live every moment to it's fullest. You are Jamie (or whoever) and you should remain that to your core.

I'm not religious and haven't been to church since leaving school apart from the obvious family events. I have served in the Police and I have also been a Paramedic and seen many appalling events. I have attended terrorism and seen pure evil in the human form, but over the years I have witnessed unexplained events which have changed my views. Some of those events have involved others and some have been personal. My experiences have brought me to believe in God, in whatever form you can care to think. I don't believe he is ever ready to write us off and is always looking to accept us. I have done some bad things over the years but now I guard any life human or animal. As an example of my own personal experiences of miracles, and I've had a few, I recall being actually arrested for supposedly stealing a jacket I'd been wearing when entering a shop. The shop sold the jackets and I'd bought it from them recently. When I went to leave I activated the security barrier and was carted off to a secure room while the Police arrived as the coat cost about £100. I told them to check the CCTV which would have shown me entering the shop wearing the coat, but they wouldn't. The Police arrived and swallowed all the rubbish, arrested me and carted me off to the custody block, where I remained for nearly 24 hours going quietly mad. The coat I had previously bought had a soft security tag under the hanger in the collar and it hadn't been removed when I'd bought it. I ended up charged and a date was eventually set for an appearance at Magistrates court. I had been suspended from work and told that it would be better if I resigned, but I knew I was innocent. I started praying every night, I've no idea why as I hadn't done it before but I was really desperate. I couldn't find the receipt and really had no way of proving my innocence to the Court, but there was no way I was pleading guilty. After about a month the Court date arrived and I turned up in my best suit frightened to death. I sat in the Court waiting area after seeing my Solicitor and I was actually shaking with fear, if it was now I would probably have a cardiac arrest. After a while I saw the Officer who had arrested me go into the Court. After a few minutes I saw him leaving in a rush talking into his radio as though he was leaving to another call, which surprised me. Suddenly my name was called and I was ushered into the Court and dock. The panel of 3 Magistrates looked at me and I was told to sit. The Prosecutor stood to address the Court. "The Prosecution offers no evidence in this case and we believe there is no case for him to answer!" I nearly collapsed in the dock. The Magistrates looked at each other bewildered. "You are telling us that you have dragged this man to Court for no good reason?" The Prosecutor stood again. "I'm afraid the Police Officer in this case has informed me that he has no evidence and even the coat involved in this case has disappeared, and now the Officer has as well!" The Magistrates spoke amongst themselves, "well this is most unusual and unsatisfactory but in that case you are completely free to leave and we can only apologise for this complete experience". Needless to say I was out of there faster than a bullet. The Solicitor told me that he'd never experienced such events and I truly believe to this day that the path of events had been altered by some form of miracle. I dashed home completely in shock with everything, but I literally thanked God for the events. I rushed home and dived into the shower in my best suit just letting the water flow while I tried to understand what had actually just happened. I now believe that God hadn't actually finished with me in his plans of coming events as within a few months I was talking a young teenager down from committing suicide. I have gone on to work with young people in children's homes and to foster. I still keep in touch with many of them who are now in their thirties. I don't tell anyone of my experiences, I am not a Bible basher but I try to do good and to look after my fellow beings, human or animal.

I can tell you from experience Jamie, one thing is sure that one day we all will leave this earth and pass. Some have longer than others but none of us have forever. It is about what you do with your time and I do not believe that you are a bad person. You may have done the occasional naughty thing but I know I have done a lot and I'm not a bad person either. I care for my fellow humans, so much so that I used to regularly take the kids from the homes and my foster kids to jump in lakes, rivers and the sea in whatever they were wearing. Often it didn't please other staff but the way it lit the usually sullen kids faces up was amazing. Good clean fun, or should I say wet and often muddy fun but it cheered them up and then gave me the power to diffuse any argument or issue of bad behaviour because they trusted me. After all we are mostly water ourselves so it's natural to be drawn to the stuff, or that's what I told them.

Anyway Jamie, enough rambling, the bottom line is that your life is what you have made of it and the remainder is what you decide to do with it as well. Enjoy every minute and do the wildest things you can imagine. Leave everyone stories to remember and tell. I can't remember the song name or the proper lyrics but there has been a song in the charts this year with some words similar to've not lived until you're missed.... I remember thinking at the time that's a good song to live by, I'm sure as a relatively young un you'll probably know the song.

Live life Jamie, don't dwell and be as mad cap crazy and leave everyone with mad happy memories. Look after Chris because he is your twin and soul mate in many ways and he will be the most devastated of all. Give him the crazy good fun to remember, as well as the stone work which will remind him of your madness and love every time he looks out. Be happy Jamie and enjoy life, we'll all be with you sooner than we want. but being remembered and missed is what we all really want from this life. Good luck Jamie, now go do something mad and post it on here so that we can all smile some more.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jack on August 07, 2019 at 10:21:18

In Reply to: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 11:47:38:

Been away on holiday so only just caught up with this awful, saddening news. Your accounts - along with Chris' - have been an inspiration to many on these forums and I join your many friends here in wishing you all my best wishes, thoughts for the future and thanks for all your posts.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Wd on August 08, 2019 at 06:31:12

In Reply to: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 11:47:38:


Firstly thank you for all the posts, stories and adventures you have discussed and shared on here. It has brought a lot of fresh air into a place which can often sit still. Your enthusiasm and joy in those writings shines through.

Concerning the news to hear today I was very shocked to hear it but thank you for being so open on here. It is a cancer that isn't well known. I lost my mum to the same disease a few years ago when i was in my 20s and so know what your family and friends are going through now.

Both me and my wife have medical conditions that means we do take each day as it comes as it may be our last. All I can day is make the most of each day as you can.

I will pray for you and your family now and in the time ahead.


Soo fun

Posted by Matt on August 08, 2019 at 11:10:32

Ive done it mums away till tomorrow she went yesterday so i sunck into my sister room grabbed her school uniform blue blouse grey pinfore knee socks school shoes green black tie lucky its summer pool still up i dressed smartly barrowed one of hair bands i climbed the leddr put my foot in water shoe filling with water knee sock see thro i,climbed in heart pounding bottom of pinefore wet cuffs turing dark blue last step my pinfore folting blouse tie wet i swam felt amazing wish i could wear her school uniform everyday

Re: Bad news.

Posted by wetmark on August 08, 2019 at 14:42:12

In Reply to: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 11:47:38:

Jamie - I'm so sorry to hear this news. Ive been a big fan of yours.

Your many stories have always been so well-written - I've enjoyed them all!

You have a very positive attitude and I wish you well!!

Stressful day.

Posted by Jamie on August 08, 2019 at 22:27:20

I don't usually get stressed about things but today was an exception. Dad has been telling me that I should seriously do something about getting a will written so that I can say what I want to happen with the compensation money that is invested, with my possessions that I might like to go to certain people and so on and so forth. So I have been making notes and today left work at lunchtime and went to see the family solicitor. Who knew that making a will was so complicated and that you had to be so precise so as not to cause confusion later? I like to think that I am a reasonably intelligent guy and pretty level headed, but that two hour meeting/discussion did my head in. Driving home, the car stopped with a flat battery (despite it showing a range available of twenty miles - grrrrr…..) and left me stranded with a walk home just as it started pouring with rain. Stupidly I had also left my mobile at the office on charge, so I could not even call Chris to get him to tow me home.

I was drenched by the time I had walked the couple of miles home and was so irritated, with myself mostly, that I just jumped in the pool when I got home and had a swim around to calm down. Getting out of my wet chinos, short-sleeve shirt, boxers, socks and shoes as I stood under a hot shower afterwards felt really good though as I do like the feel of wet fabric brushing against me.

After that I rang the garage and asked if they could pick-up my car and sort out whatever the problem was and then found the keys to my mum's car (she had obviously gone out with someone) and drove back to meet the garage guy. After that I went home and sat down to make some notes on what I had discussed with the solicitor, by which time I was feeling in a much better mood. Now I just have to wait find out how much the garage want for fixing the car - annoyingly it is just out of warranty but I might persuade them to fix it free if is a known problem.

Re: Stressful day.

Posted by Zonie on August 09, 2019 at 06:16:19

In Reply to: Stressful day. posted by Jamie on August 08, 2019 at 22:27:20:

My will was quite a simple matter. I directed the executor (my brother) to use such assets as he saw fit for any funeral arrangements, to equally divide remaining liquid assets among my two nephews and niece, and to retain or distribute at his discretion my material possessions. That leaves it up to him. I said to my brother, "Most of my life I've been broke, so I haven't bothered, but now I've saved up just enough money to be troublesome if I die unexpectedly." He agreed with my reasoning.

The complicated part was arranging contingency executors, as, having more vague and less ominous diagnoses than you, I might have another 20 or even 30 years to live. I went down a list of people who would be my executors if I outlive my brother.

I didn't bother with a lawyer. I looked up the relevant statutes online, typed up the will, proofread it, rounded up two witnesses, had a bank teller notarize it, and gave it to the executor for safekeeping. Maybe the UK laws are too complex for that.

Well at least you got to get wet.

Re: Stressful day.

Posted by Jamie on August 09, 2019 at 09:36:48

In Reply to: Re: Stressful day. posted by Zonie on August 09, 2019 at 06:16:19:

Yes, at least I know that my executors are going to out-live me ……

We had some good news yesterday evening as Chris and Mari announced that they are to be parents, seems Mari saw her doctor in the morning and he confirmed it all. They get married next month and the baby is due in late-February/ early March so the timing is just right; "conceived a bastard, born in wedlock, ha ha" as Chris' dad joked. Makes my decisions on my will a bit easier as I shall leave most between the little kiddie in trust and my brother Will, who being gay is unlikely to have any kids unless he adopts.

Off this afternoon for a weekend away with friends at the seaside, so hopefully lots of chances to get wet.

Re: Soo fun

Posted by wetchas on August 09, 2019 at 10:15:32

In Reply to: Soo fun posted by Matt on August 08, 2019 at 11:10:32:

Now all you have to do is get it dried, ironed, and back in her room in exactly the same place as you found it.
Not sure what you will do about the shoes though!

Re: Soo fun

Posted by Jamie on August 09, 2019 at 10:56:40

In Reply to: Re: Soo fun posted by wetchas on August 09, 2019 at 10:15:32:

I agree, Charlie, sounds rather too high a risk of getting found out to me too. Not worth the effort unless really desperate.

Re: Soo fun

Posted by Jamie on August 09, 2019 at 10:59:40

In Reply to: Soo fun posted by Matt on August 08, 2019 at 11:10:32:

You have obviously been waiting to do this for ages, but sounds too risky to me. What would your sister say or do if she comes back to obviously wet or damp uniform?

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 09, 2019 at 11:01:55

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by wetmark on August 08, 2019 at 14:42:12:

Thank you. I appreciate your comments. No point in being other than positive when there is nothing I can do to change things.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 09, 2019 at 11:05:36

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Wd on August 08, 2019 at 06:31:12:

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I am OK with taking each day as it comes for a while, not so sure I could cope so well if I had been told it could be a full lifetime of years and years, so am humbled by your situation and send you my best wishes.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 09, 2019 at 11:09:38

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Jack on August 07, 2019 at 10:21:18:

Hi Jack, it was the stories about you that I first read on these forums and they inspired me to write about my love of getting wet and the subsequent accounts we have posted. There are lots of people whose posts on here are inspirational and it just normalises what we all like doing, getting soaked and having fun whilst fully clothed.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by Jamie on August 09, 2019 at 11:30:01

In Reply to: Re: Bad news. posted by Neil on August 06, 2019 at 02:24:25:

Wow, thanks for that. When I was seven or eight we had a classmate who had leukaemia and he just stopped coming to school one day. He was not a particular friend of mine, just another boy in class, but it seemed he didn't cope well with his condition and I remember thinking at the time that there must be a better way of coping - I think I have found it by being positive and just carrying on as normally as possible, which he, poor boy, did not.

I am not a conventionally religious person (I don't go to church or believe in an all-knowing, all-powerful God) but I do think there is a collective humanity that is good and that those who do evil things in life (and there seem to be a lot of evil young people around now - or maybe there always were but 24/7 news lets us all know about them now) will get punished at some point. I'd like to think that if we are basically good that we might get to commune with our loved ones and past family and friends in some way once we cease to exist physically here on Earth. I know I can be immortal by living on in peoples' memories, that's good enough for me.

Off to the seaside this afternoon with Chris, Kevin, Tom and a load of friends with the intention of having a wet weekend and some fun, so will post about that next week.

Thanks for your interesting post and kind thoughts.

Re: Soo fun

Posted by Matt on August 09, 2019 at 11:31:29

In Reply to: Re: Soo fun posted by Jamie on August 09, 2019 at 10:56:40:

Had a day to dry it put it back plues its old school uniform think she wants to throw it out should i ask to.keep it she knows im gay knows i like cross dressing she want on my compter once when i was way when came back called me Britney

Re: Stressful day.

Posted by Neil on August 09, 2019 at 12:44:06

In Reply to: Stressful day. posted by Jamie on August 08, 2019 at 22:27:20:

Sorry it’s all so stressful organising your will, it reminds me that I haven’t done one yet but mine will be equally stressful and complex which is why I must do it as we never know when something could happen beyond our control.

I don’t know if you’ve seen this series on TV, but I would highly recommend you watching them when you get a chance. The series is called Ghost inside my child. It’s very interesting and extremely detailed with loads of evidence to support it. Take a look when you get chance.

I’m so glad Mari & Chris are having a child. How many months and counting before the little one arrives? Do they know the sex yet, bet it’s a boy. Our family recently lost a very intelligent and almost human German Shepherd. He knew exactly what we were thinking and going to do before we did. His personality was so strong and he left us very suddenly after being diagnosed with Spleen cancer which had spread to his liver. He left us within a few weeks of diagnosis and we nursed him to the end as he was pain free. The point I make is that he suffered this fate a short while after my Nephew, who was his paperwork owner, received information that his girlfriend and he were going to have a baby. Just a thought but I believe our spirits stay within our families and I will be very interested to see if any of our dog’s personality shows in the forthcoming child. I know this is a bit extreme, but something to think about. I personally have no recollection of a previous life, but I am told that I am so similar in attitude and practices as my very late Great Grandfather who also had a collecting and hoarding hobby. He completely filled a house with his hobby to the point you could hardly get in there. I too am well on the way to that point and I am struggling to change it as I can’t bring myself to get rid of any of my collection and keep buying more!

Just putting the thoughts out there for you, sorry if they confuse you further at this difficult time.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend away at the seaside. Unfortunately the weather isn’t going to be great but at least you’ll all have an excuse to stay fully clothed and get soaked. Sand inside your clothes can be a bit uncomfortable though, so make sure you wear tight fitting boxers or speedos. Perhaps you may need to post the results on the other site! Enjoy yourselves though and have loads of fun.

Re: Stressful day.

Posted by Jamie on August 09, 2019 at 15:00:32

In Reply to: Re: Stressful day. posted by Neil on August 09, 2019 at 12:44:06:

This a bit rushed as we heading to the seaside in an hour or so. Chris and Mari don't know about the sex of their baby as yet, but they have asked if I'd be happy for them to give "it" (ghastly, I know) my real name as it is suitable for boys and girls - Im honoured of course and am only sorry that the probability is that I won't get to meet him/her and see them grow up as, what ... my first cousin once removed? I never have been able to work out these things out. I try not to think about such things as it is too sad, but I know I can include the child in my will and leave them a nice (just) seven-figure sum to secure their future.

The weather for the weekend looks potentially pretty horrendous but all of us enjoy getting wet so should be fun whatever happens.

Re: Stressful day.

Posted by Jonno on August 09, 2019 at 16:08:58

In Reply to: Stressful day. posted by Jamie on August 08, 2019 at 22:27:20:

We all have stressful days sometimes, my friend, but I always find that the best way to relieve that is to step under the shower as soon as I finish work, fully clothed of course and preferably with Benny. Stay positive and wet.

Re: Stressful day.

Posted by Josh on August 09, 2019 at 16:15:35

In Reply to: Re: Stressful day. posted by Jamie on August 09, 2019 at 09:36:48:

Great news about Chris and Mari becoming parents. Lovely that you should think of leaving a trust fund for their child but can't imagine what it must be like knowing that you will not see the child grow up although I'm sure your spirit will guide and nurture them.

Re: Stressful day.

Posted by Neverdry on August 10, 2019 at 02:13:16

In Reply to: Stressful day. posted by Jamie on August 08, 2019 at 22:27:20:

I'm sorry that you had a bad day! I, too, was saddened to hear of your cancer. I know that I haven't responded to many of yours and Chris's stories, but that doesn't mean that I didn't read and enjoy them. I do remember telling you about my college dorm mate who lost his leg during the summer after he graduated high school due to cancer.

So please take comfort that the stories that you, Chris, and your family and friends have posted have given pleasure (maybe in more ways than one!) to the readers on this site. I know that you and your family have had to deal with a lot what with the accident, Uncle Danny's death, you losing your leg, and now your diagnosis. So I wish you all well, and, who knows, you may live longer than you think you will.

Re: Bad news.

Posted by wetsurfer on August 13, 2019 at 19:14:56

In Reply to: Bad news. posted by Jamie on August 02, 2019 at 11:47:38:

hey jammie.
i have red your shocking post shortle after you posted it, i was realy shocked end left in disbeleave to be honnest.
didnt realy know what to say,
even though we never met i kind a feel like ik know you, been reading al your posts and although i didnt react very often i loved every bit of it.
reale admire your strength and love t see how your staying possitive thru al this.
ill keep reading al your posts ass i love them al .
keep strong budy and keep wet.
huggs from dutchland

Re: Stressful day.

Posted by Jamie on August 16, 2019 at 09:53:24

In Reply to: Re: Stressful day. posted by Neverdry on August 10, 2019 at 02:13:16:

Thanks for your thoughts. I hope you are right and the doctors wrong, but whatever happens I intend to enjoy whatever time is left to me.

Chris and I were away at the seaside with friends last weekend and I am in the middle of writing that up to post on here - we all got thoroughly soaked several times and it was great fun.

Re: Stressful day.

Posted by Jamie on August 16, 2019 at 09:55:38

In Reply to: Re: Stressful day. posted by Jonno on August 09, 2019 at 16:08:58:

Yes, I agree that that is a good way of relieving stress - under the shower, fully clothed with someone, Sue in my case if I'm lucky.

Fully clothed dip

Posted by Wd on August 17, 2019 at 11:31:56

I'd been thinking of a bath knowing i had the flat to myself and it had been a while since my last one. Originally id thought of just regular clothes but after seeing Jamie's post thought id go all out in support and so a thick coat, hat, scarf, gloves and converse was added.

I got dressed as normal as if going out on a winters day and after adding the converse went to the bath and stepped in. Converse and socks soaked i was soon sat down soaking the rest of the clothes. Going underwater was such a rush but i was soon sat up not quite believing I'd done it.

Anyway long story short i stayed in a while. Thought I best post this whilst I'm still wearing that outfit in the bath. I have a few other sets of clothes so may be a part 2.


Weekend at the sea-side.

Posted by Jamie on August 19, 2019 at 15:04:12

This is a bit long, I got carried away so my apologies for that and it all happened a week ago; blame being busy at work for not posting sooner.

One of the people Chris and I have kept in touch with since our school days is George, the P.E. teacher who coached the swim team and got us involved in coaching some of the younger boys. George is nine or ten years older than us and we meet up occasionally, along with old team mates, for a drink at a pub in town. George is also a gifted amateur artist. We were all due to meet last Monday evening and word had spread about my condition, which made things a bit awkward at first with everyone not knowing what to say, so I told them about my decision and said that they must help me enjoy my time by not being miserable and that got us pretty much back to normal.

In a quiet moment I asked George if he would be happy to create an artwork for me to give my parents, I wanted it to show me and my friends enjoying ourselves getting soaked and messing around in a sunny holiday situation, something that would make them laugh and smile whenever they looked at it. I'd seen some of the sketches and drawings he had done of school life, mostly of rugby, cricket or football matches, and he obviously knew how to recreate dynamically moving figures as well as great portraits.

George readily agreed and said he'd be happy to give it a go as he was always looking for a challenge. And then he surprised me by suggesting that we meet at his family's holiday home on the beach not far from Weston-Super-Mare. He was going there with his wife and young son for a week or so and said we could join him there as they had accommodation for twenty or so.

"My grandparents were both involved in their local scout and guide groups, and built a hut in the grounds so they could hold camps there during the holidays." George explained "It is ideal for all my brothers and sisters and their families when we have family gatherings."

"Sounds ideal. How big a family do you have?" I asked.

"Three sisters and three brothers, I am the middle one." George said "And between us we have sixteen children, including my own little Paul, who is four. I lose track, but I think the youngest is three and the eldest is fourteen - so the holidays can be a bit chaotic when we are all there. It will just be the three of us this time. There are beds for twenty split between a girls' and boys' dorm - but I don't suppose that need apply to you and your mates at your age. You'll need to bring sleeping bags as there are only mattresses .......... and food and drink of course, can't afford to feed a ravenous horde on my poor salary!" he laughed.

"Yes of course, we wouldn't expect you to. Could we come down on Friday afternoon and stay a couple of nights? Would that be time for you to see enough of us to produce a painting?" I asked.

"That would be good for me, I guess you'd all be up for games of beach cricket or football and throwing each other in the sea. I'll email you details of how to find the place, along with the address postcode. There's plenty of parking in the grounds so don't worry about how many cars you travel in. It's sixty miles from here if you avoid the M5. The grounds of the house back onto the sand-dunes along the beach. The hut has showers and toilets and a small kitchen. And there are two fire-pits on the terrace that you could use to BBQ food if you wanted, we have loads of charcoal you can use. We are going down on Wednesday. Arrive any time you like, just park up and laze around the garden if we are unexpectedly out for any reason. The hut won't be locked, so help yourselves on arrival."

"Marvellous. Thank you very much. I'll contact my friends when I get home, there will probably be ten or eleven of us in total." I said "Rather depends who can get time off work and so on, although most are either on holiday from uni or working in a family business. Looking forward to it, thanks a lot."

I texted friends Harry, Mike, Red, Robbie, Dave, Jo and Mary and asked what they thought about a weekend by the seaside and to give me a call if interested. Needless to say they all came back to say 'yes' - of course they did, none of them would turn down a free weekend away!! So along with their respective girlfriends, where applicable, and including Chris and Mari, Kevin, Tom, and myself and Sue, our party numbered 8 girls and 9 guys - more than I had thought but I couldn't ask some and not others. I rang George and confirmed we were all set and told him numbers, which he was happy with.

Friday morning dawned bright and sunny but the forecast was for rain showers and mostly 100% cloud cover and by about ten a.m. the forecast had come true as the heavens opened as Chris, Mari and I headed to the supermarket to get provisions for the weekend.

I packed light with just a pair of jeans, shorts, some tee-shirts, a couple of polo-shirts, some underwear and socks and a pair of canvas shoes, all in addition to what I would travel in. I packed it all in one small holdall along with toiletries and a towel. We had intended to travel as a foursome - me, Sue, Chris and Mari - but I was struggling to fit four bags, four sleeping bags and the food and drink we had bought into the boot of my car (a Renault Zoe) so it was a nice surprise when my dad came out of the house as I was struggling and suggested that I take his car instead, a much bigger Jaguar F-Pace.

"Leave your car keys, I might need it over the weekend. Oh, and I'll work out the hire fee whilst you're away ........." dad said over his shoulder as he walked away " and be sure to fill it up when you get back." I'm not sure he was joking.

It was raining and windy when we left and didn't look to be much better for Saturday. The sat nav had said it was 58 miles when avoiding motorways and would take about 90 minutes, and it proved to be exactly right.

It was dry when we arrived and there were even some patches of blue sky above as we pulled onto the driveway of George's place and we spotted him carrying some shopping into the house from his own car - a rather nice old VW Camper with loads of hippy style flowers painted on its sides - and he put the bags on the porch and came over to greet us.

"Hi everyone, did you have a good journey?" George asked as we shook hands "If you pull round the side of the house you'll find some space to park behind the garage. Let me take the shopping in and I'll come round to show you the hut."

We drove round between the house and the garage and found a large gravelled area adjoining an extensive lawn with the hut on the far side backing onto a belt of tall pine trees. Hut was a bit of a misnomer as it looked huge, probably at least sixty feet long across the front facing us and twenty feet deep. There were steps up to a stone verandah / terrace that ran across the whole front of the building with a main entrance door in the centre and windows spaced evenly on either side. The nearest end of the building had a lean-to attached with its own door opening onto the terrace.

"Well, guys, let me show you around and then I will let you unpack your stuff, explore the grounds and discover the beach." George said as he led us across the lawn.

"This is quite big for a 'hut', George." Chris joked "Looks palatial."

"I'm never sure what to call it." George laughed "but 'the hut' seems to have stuck with all the kids, my nieces and nephews. They love it here when we all stay, they have their independence from the adults."

George showed us the two dorm rooms - each with ten single beds spread out along the front and back walls, with long tables and benches placed down the centre of the room, a scattering of old armchairs, sofas and small wardrobes for each bed - all very nice. Behind each dorm room were the showers, washbasins and toilet cubicles. The central hallway occupied the middle of the building from the front door to one at the back where steps led down to an area of rough grass under the pine trees. There were large storage cupboards on each side of the hall and a large map showing the area from Weston-super-Mare to the north and Burnham-on-Sea to the south.

"Also, most importantly" said George "is this wall chart showing the tide times. You all need to be aware that walking out to the sea at low tide can be hazardous as there were patches of 'sinking mud' in which the unwary sometimes get stuck and then caught by the in-coming tide which can move very rapidly indeed. If you feel your feet sinking at all, even just a bit, retreat back to the sand shore, please don't take risks. There are also patches of normal mud that are quite safe nearer the shore, so if you fancy a game of mud soccer or whatever, you'll be OK there. There is an outside shower by the backdoor, so you can wash sand and mud off before coming inside."

We were then shown the small kitchen, located in the lean-to, and also shown where the fire-wood and charcoal was stored if we wanted to light the fire pits on the terrace.

"The fridge and freezer are empty apart from some ice. There's plenty of cutlery, glasses and crockery, so use what you need, there's a dishwasher and a washing machine too. If you run out of anything there is a small shop a short walk down the road, turn left out of the front gate. I'll leave you to sort yourselves out." George said as we finished the tour "Have a wander around the grounds, the gate behind the hut will let you out onto the sand-dunes and the beach beyond, I'd just ask that you keep it shut as you go in and out, otherwise we get over-run with rabbits. If you need anything, just come and ask. I've put a sign by the front door directing everyone to come round the back so your friends will find the hut easily. I expect Paul will be over soon to introduce himself and Sally will come and say hello in a bit."

"That's great, thank you." I said. So we collected our stuff from the car and, after a short debate about whether we should mix boys and girls in each dorm, we chose our individual spots in each dorm. (Mari said that however much we four might like to sleep near/with our respective boyfriend/girlfriend it would hardly be fair on those who were here alone; she was right, so we opted for separating boys and girls.) We had just sorted out our stuff and stowed food and drinks in the kitchen and sat down with mugs of tea on the terrace when the first of the others arrived, Tom, Kevin, Jo (Josephine) and Mary. I showed them where everything was and made more tea as they brought their stuff in and we'd only been sitting down chatting for quarter of an hour when two cars with Harry, Mike, Alison, Red, Jenny, Julia and Robbie turned up. Only Dave and Anne still to arrive and we'd have the full crew. Chris joked that knowing Dave's sense of direction, they had probably got lost, but Red said that he had had a text from Dave to say that Anne had had to work until six o'clock due to staff shortage, so they would be a bit later than planned and be here about eight, he hoped.

After tea we decided to explore the beach. The tide was well on the way to being fully out so we walked towards the sea hoping to have a paddle in the shallows. We didn't come across any sinking mud, or indeed mud of any sort, and as we got near, Red and Mike raced ahead and ran into the shallow water until they were knee deep. Red was wearing tan shorts and an orange polo-shirt and Mike was in blue jeans and a black tee-shirt. When we caught up Red started splashing water at us all so we retaliated and then Harry and Chris waded in and grabbed him before dumping him on his back in the water, he was completely soaked when he stood up and immediately ran at Chris and took him down with a rugby tackle. Within moments everyone had joined in and we were all dripping wet and laughing as we splashed around in the waves. Red, Jo, Mary and Julia were wearing shorts but everyone else was in jeans.

We walked along the waterline for a few hundred yards until we came across a patch of sinking mud, with Red in the lead sinking well above his ankles within two steps. We retraced our steps and then headed back to the sandy part of the beach and the sand dunes, where we sat and watched the few other people walking on the sands as we dried off a bit in the sun.

We washed the sand of our feet under the outdoor shower and then held Red fully under so that he ended up soaked to the skin again, to avoid retaliation we all ran around to the verandah at the front of the hut and left him there under the shower. He appeared a few minutes later, still dripping wet, just as Sally and young Paul appeared from the house and wandered over to say hello. Paul laughed aloud when he saw how wet Red was and asked if he had been for a swim.

"No, not really, Paul, just a paddle ....... but then my so-called friends here" Red explained as he squatted down to speak to Paul "decided it would be funny to push me in. And you know what?"

"No." said Paul.

"They held me under the shower when we got back here. That's not very friendly is it?" Red asked.

"Hey Paul, what do your mum and dad always tell you that you must not do when you tell them about things." Jo asked.

"Tell fibs." Paul replied after thinking about it for a minute.

"Very good - well I think Red has been telling you fibs. He didn't get wet quite how he told you, he got wet because he was trying to get the rest of us wet first." Jo explained "So we tried to stop him......."

"By pushing me into the sea, exactly as I said." Red interrupted.

"Take no notice, Paul, I think they just had a water fight as they are all as wet as each other." Sally laughed "It's what you and your cousins do isn't it? Although you all wear your swimmers and not your clothes, don't you?"

"Yes - but their way seems like more fun." Paul giggled.

"Maybe we'll let you all try it and see how much you like having to stay in your cold, clingy, wet clothes afterwards." Sally said "Have you all found everything you need?"

"Yes, thanks, we are going to do a BBQ this evening, would you and George like to join us - and Paul of course - the last of our party are due here about eight o'clock, so we aim to have it ready for then." Chris asked.

"That would be nice, Paul will be in bed by then, so it'll be just George and me. Can we bring anything - food or drink?"

"We have lots of food - usual BBQ stuff, sausages, burgers, chicken legs, some prawns, jacket potatoes, salad - and plenty of wine and beers. I think we are fine unless there's something you particularly like." I said.

"No, nothing particular. That all sounds like just the sort of food and drink we do for a BBQ. Thank you, we'll come over at eight." Sally said "Come on Paul, time for your supper. See you all later."

"Well, if we want to eat for eight, we better get the fires going and start food preparation." Harry said "But first I'm going to get out of these wet clothes, Sally was right about them getting cold after a while out of the sun."

Surprisingly, by eight o'clock we had all changed into dry clothes and the food had been initially cooked and was ready to brown on the BBQ for the final few minutes. Just as we were congratulating ourselves on getting everything ready on time, Dave and Anne turned up as George and Sally came over from the house.

The evening went well and even the food was surprisingly edible. It was a fun evening and luckily stayed dry despite the clouds getting darker and darker for a spell before clearing a bit.

I can't remember the last time I shared a bedroom with eight other guys, if I ever did, and I slept surprisingly well despite the snoring from a few others. In the morning I remarked on how well I had slept despite the others' snoring only for Chris, Harry, Mike and Red to comment, in chorus, along the lines of "That's because it was you who was snoring louder than all the rest of us put together, mate!!" I still maintain that I don't snore.........

Saturday dawned bright, cloudy and very windy. I woke early and saw that the beds Red and Mike occupied were empty, the others were still asleep. I looked at my watch and saw it was just six o'clock. I got up and dressed in shorts and a tee-shirt and wandered outside, keeping as quiet as I could. I walked through the sand dunes to the beach and looked around to see if anyone else was up and about. In the far distance two figures were jogging along the beach where the loose sand turned into hard-packed damp sand. I walked out towards the sea and along the hard sand towards where the runners were. After a bit I saw the runners turn and start to run back in my direction. As they got nearer, they saw me and waved enthusiastically. They were both a bit breathless and red in the face when they joined me. Red was wearing the briefest blue running shorts I have ever seen and a grey vest which was drenched in sweat. Mike was in baggy black Adidas shorts and a black tee-shirt and looked ready to collapse.

"I didn't know you were into jogging Mike." I remarked as he stood, bent over with hands on knees.

"He's not, obviously....." Red grinned "but he heard me getting up and decided to join me. You alright, mate?"

"Give me a minute, I'll be fine." Mike gasped "I need to get fit ......... haven't really done any exercise since leaving school; I've put on nearly half a stone since leaving."

"You need to get away from your desk and give up all those business lunches." I said "Chris and I are lucky doing physical work everyday, and I can't be that active so I watch my diet and alcohol intake, as it's very fattening."

"I take your point." Mike said "Let's get back, I need a shower."

Mike and I could not resist holding Red under the outside shower when we got back, just because "you looked so bloody smug during our run" as Mike put it. Red did look good soaking wet in his running gear and those brief shorts were something else ......... he had the good grace to just stand there, grinning, and let it happen as the water poured over him. He got us a bit wet by shaking his head and spraying us with water from his voluminous wavy red hair, which he has let grow since our schooldays so that it is now almost shoulder length and very thick. It suits him actually.

We all showered and shaved and then Red joined me in the kitchen to start getting breakfast ready whilst Mike laid crockery and cutlery out on the long table in our dorm whist we waited for the others to get up and dressed. We sat on the verandah and waited and gradually more and more people appeared and joined us until the last, Kevin, appeared still yawning and half dressed with his tee-shirt still in his hands.

"You might have got fully dressed, Kevin, before making an appearance - I'm sure the girls don't want to see your skinny, pale body at this time of day." Chris chided him.

"He looks rather good to me just as he is - I like a trim, muscular guy." Mary remarked, as she winked at Kevin.

"You can always see more of me if you'd like to ask, darlin'..........." Kevin laughed doing his rather good impression of the late, great Sid James from the Carry On films, before pulling on his tee-shirt.

"Looks like you're in luck, Mary!" Alison remarked.

"OHHH PERLEEAASE!" Chris groaned "Lets have breakfast before this gets too gross ......"

It was noticeable that Mary made a bee-line to sit next to Kevin at breakfast and they chatted animatedly all the while. As we were clearing away the breakfast things, George appeared.

"Morning everyone, did you all sleep OK? Comfortable enough? Plenty of hot water this morning?" George asked.

"Morning, George, yes great I think - although it got a bit noisy with this one's snoring at times ......" Chris said pointing at me.

"Nothing I can do about that, I'm afraid. You could always chuck him out to sleep under the stars ............" George laughed.

"Thanks a lot - don't give them ideas." I protested.

"Well, I am at your disposal, Sally and Paul have gone to see her parents today, they live in Burnham." George said "It would be nice to do some preliminary sketches of you all and then when the tide is in after lunch we could de-camp to the beach and I can get some action shots of you all messing around or playing a game on the sand or in the sea - I guess you are all prepared to get wet?"

"Yes, we all know what sort of a picture Jamie wants so we're happy to get wet as we are and have some fun doing so." Mike said looking around at everyone and getting nods of agreement from all. "It will a good laugh, right guys?"

"OK, I'll get my sketching stuff and we can make a start with some portraits of each of you and a few photos so I can use them as reference material later." George said "Forgive me, but I know most of you lads by name from school but I've only met a couple of you once or twice and three or four girls the same, so can I just have a quick naming session; once I attach a name to a face I'll remember you all forever, it's a trick we teachers have to perfect."

So I ran through who everyone was by name and told George if 'friend', 'family' (in Kevin and Tom's case) or fiancee/ boy- or girlfriend of who as applicable. His naming trick (whatever it was) worked like a dream and after I had introduced everyone, George ran through everyone's names and relationships perfectly.

To our surprise George appeared with a large tablet as well as a sketchbook and pencils. For each of us in turn he snapped an initial full frontal head and shoulders and then went on to sketch a portrait from front left or right on his tablet and then a pencil sketch on paper of various parts like hands, eyes, moth, nose and hair before a quick full length sketch of us standing and sitting. He was incredibly quick (by my standards) and took about twenty minutes with each of us. Some of us sat and watched him work whilst the others started a game of football on the lawn and then Red discovered a hose coiled up behind the hut and asked George if he minded it being used.

"No go ahead, get as wet as you like, I need to sketch you in wet clothes at some time, so it might as well be now, but can you please make sure you get wet only after I've done these initial sketches." George said.

Luckily he had already done most of us by that stage so only Tom among the boys playing football had to wait and stay dry. Red revised the rules of football by giving the goalkeeper - him - the use of the hose to blast the ball away from the goal when anyone tried to shoot and he also made sure to soak the players as best he could as well. After half an hour everyone playing, except him, was thoroughly soaked and dripping wet. That was good fun and even the girls joined in enthusiastically as the sun was out and it seemed warm despite the cold water.

George kept sketching and taking photos as we played and occasionally asked one or other of us to go and stand still in front of him so that he could get details of us dripping wet.

After lunch we all adjourned to the beach. Dave had announced that he had put a couple of skim-boards in his car and George then remembered that he had a couple in their basement, so we ended up all having a go along the tide-line, mostly falling off in the shallows and getting wet again. I gave up after my first couple of attempts as I fell flat on my face into an incoming wave, much to everyone's amusement, the first time and fell sideways into another wave on the second go. I blamed my false leg not allowing me to keep my balance, the others said I was just no good at it, full-stop. George was busy taking photos of us all and had his camera in a waterproof case and after a while he marched into the sea and started taking pictures of us all from there. He was instantly as wet as us and looked like he was enjoying it.

We stayed on the beach for the afternoon and watched as the tide slowly started going out. George went back to the house as he wanted to get the pictures he had taken transferred to his computer and when we got back to the house he was sitting on the verandah doing more sketches on his tablet. He was in dry clothes - brightly checked swim-shorts and a red tee-shirt - and offered to show us the photos he had taken.

There were some really funny ones of us falling off the skim-boards and splashing down in the water and they all showed off our wet clothes to perfection. We sat around in the garden in our wet clothes until supper time came around. Mari and Chris said that they would prepare supper and did pasta in minced beef, tomato, herb and red wine sauce. Delicious. I think some of us - me among them - had a few too many glasses of red wine and the conversation was animated. As we finished supper the skies clouded over and it started to rain really heavily. Dave grabbed his girlfriend by the hand and pulled onto the lawn and they started dancing in the rain, getting freshly soaked, and as they danced Robbie started playing music on his phone and Mike and Alison joined in the dancing, quickly followed by the rest of us. The rain was really hammering down and it felt amazing dancing in the rain and seeing and feeling it trickle down our faces and necks and slowly soaking our clothes, everyone was laughing and singing along to the music and showing off their moves.

On Sunday I spent some time with George in his studio, a large attic room with huge skylights and views north out to sea between the pine trees. It was littered with his sketches and paintings, all sorts of subjects from school boys playing rugby and cricket to some lovely ones of his son Paul and his nieces, nephews, brothers and sisters.

George had printed out, on to A3 sheets, some of the sketches he had done on his tablet, everyone was easily recognisable and they were very good to my eye.

"You can take these and if any of your friends wants them, they are very welcome." George said "I asked you up here so that we can work out a few ideas for the composition of the painting you want. I've done a few preliminary layouts on my computer, see what you think."

We looked through them until suddenly one jumped out at me. It showed me in the foreground, standing more than knee-deep in the sea as a wave washed in towards the shore, I was soaked to the skin in my jeans and polo-shirt, my wet hair plastered across my forehead, with an arm extended towards the viewer as if encouraging them to join me. Behind me, on the beach, were all the others either skim-boarding or kicking a football around, everyone obviously

"This is the one." I said "Love it. I can hear my mum and dad laughing at it already. It sums up exactly how I want them to remember me - having fun with my best friends. It draws you in, makes you want to join everyone."

"Great, this is it then." George said "I have a load of pictures of you all taken when I was standing in the sea and with all the others, I can get everyone in this composition easily, I'll make sure they are all easily recognisable. It will take a few weeks, is that OK?"

"Yes, of course." I grinned "No rush as far as I know ............"

"Sorry - I wasn't thinking .................." George blushed.

"That's OK. If I didn't laugh, I'd probably cry ........ it's the only way I know how to cope, so don't apologise; everyone's been doing it and reacting the same, don't feel bad, its the last thing I want." I said.

When I got back to the hut, the place was deserted and a note saying "Gone to the beach" was pinned to the front door.

As I walked over the sand-dunes I could hear distant shouts and laughter and at first I could not see where it was coming from but eventually spotted the others out on the wet sand about half-way between the high and low tide points. Low tide had been at 10:48 am according to the chart, just over an hour ago, so it was starting to come in slowly; George had warned us that it can come in much quicker that you might expect and it can, on some parts of the beach, go from ankle deep to knee-deep with a very few minutes. As I approached the others I could see that some of them, mostly the girls, were standing around and watching the guys playing tag wrestling - the guy who is "it" has to try and wrestle someone else to the ground, thus making the victim "it" - and as I got near I could see that Chris was trying to wrestle Red to the ground and they were both soaking wet and covered in mud. Seems they had discovered one of the patches of ordinary mud, not the sinking kind, and decided to get filthy. Tom, Kevin and Dave were also fairly well plastered so had already had a go.

"Hey, Jamie, are you taking part or just watching?" Chris called as they parted for a few moments.

"Happy to take part - who is 'it' at the moment?" I replied.

"You will be in just a moment ............" Chris laughed as he rushed at me.

He caught me unawares and I tried to dodge but he grabbed my arm and swung me around with his momentum and we both fell into the mud with him scrambling on top of and pushing my shoulders into the wet mud, before standing up and stepping back. I was soaked across my back, left side, bum and back of my legs.

"That wasn't very fair, Chris .........." I heard Sue and Jo chorus.

"That's alright" I said as I sat up and slowly got to my feet "I'd have done the same in his position - if you're in you're in regardless. Now let's see who looks ready for getting a bit muddy .............." I said as I looked around at the others.

Harry looked most unprepared and, as he was nearest me, I looked passed him and grinned at Robbie who was clean and looking wary, so I lunged at Harry hoping he was still standing still, managed to grab him and we wrestled around for a bit once he had got over his surprise and then tumbled down into the mud and rolled around as we each tried to flip the other onto their back. The mud wasn't very deep, two or three inches of soft, wet stuff at most but there was standing water in big puddles and by the time I managed to pin Harry down we were both soaked to the skin and covered in the stuff. Harry's pale blue jeans and yellow tee-shirt were unrecognisable and my grey jeans and pale blue polo-shirt were much the same.

Harry then had a go at Mike and moved on to Robbie after Mike threw him down into the mud again, he eventually got Robbie onto his back but not before Robbie had pushed his face into the mud and smeared it all through his hair. Poor old Harry, he never has been very good at this. Harry came and stood near me as Robbie took on Mike and moaned about being so muddy.

"I really shouldn't take part, I'm bloody rubbish at this, I get the worst of it every time." Harry moaned "I can even feel the mud in my pants, for God's sake ......"

"You love it really, mate, nothing a shower won't clean up." I laughed.

"It's alright for you, at least you're as tall as the other guys, I can't get the leverage to get them on the ground." Harry sighed as he shook mud off his hands.

"You should just go for the ankles and upend them that way." I said "Look out ...... seems Robbie is after someone."

I was grabbed by Robbie as I tried to avoid him and was spun round before losing my balance and flying forward, I landed in the mud on my front and slid across for a few yards, I rolled over and saw Robbie make a dive to land on top of me so I rolled again and he landed face down next to me. I quickly rolled him over and sat on his torso, pushing his shoulders down. Everyone who was playing was now soaked through and covered in the mud, so we decided to call it a day and head back, but first we ran to the sea and splashed around to wash off most of the mud. We took turns back at the house to stand under the outside shower - felt colder than the sea - and wash off the rest of the mud before collapsing on the lawn or verandah with some cold beers. Perfect end to the morning. I think we were all feeling pretty hungry for our lunch.

Most of us, certainly the ones who had got muddiest - went and showered and changed into dry clothes whilst Alison and Jo got food out for lunch - bread and cheese - and then we spent a lazy afternoon playing various games that we found in the store cupboards. We had planned to drive home late afternoon / early evening, so after we had all packed up and tidied the place we said our goodbyes to George and his family and set off.

Pretty much a perfect weekend really and a lot of fun. One to remember.

Re: Weekend at the sea-side.

Posted by wiley on August 19, 2019 at 18:05:15

In Reply to: Weekend at the sea-side. posted by Jamie on August 19, 2019 at 15:04:12:

Awesome story for an awesome weekend! Sounds like it was a lot of fun to spend the time soaked with your friends!

Re: Weekend at the sea-side.

Posted by Chris on August 19, 2019 at 20:26:41

In Reply to: Re: Weekend at the sea-side. posted by wiley on August 19, 2019 at 18:05:15:

It was huge fun and I don't think I've ever stayed wet in my clothes for so long almost continuously, with so many other friends enjoying it too.

Jamie is away tonight staying at his grandparents before bringing them back home tomorrow for a stay. His brother Will has some leave from this coming weekend and is arriving on Saturday morning for a couple of weeks stay.

Jamie is still not feeling any effects of his cancers as yet (which is good) and is staying remarkably cheerful and genuinely happy as far as I can tell, which must be good for his mental health if nothing else. I wish the rest of us could be so positive, but it is hard. He and I have spoken, at his instigation, at length and he genuinely seems to have found a way not to worry about his future and has no fear of what might (read "definitely will" according to the experts) happen pretty soon. I'm finding it hard to cope.

Re: Weekend at the sea-side.

Posted by Dave on August 20, 2019 at 06:04:44

In Reply to: Weekend at the sea-side. posted by Jamie on August 19, 2019 at 15:04:12:

Sounds great buddy.
I live near Weston-super-Mare and I love going there to get soaked in my tight jeans. Brean is a good place too which is just between there and Burnham

Re: Weekend at the sea-side.

Posted by Jamie on August 20, 2019 at 09:53:02

In Reply to: Re: Weekend at the sea-side. posted by Dave on August 20, 2019 at 06:04:44:

We were just a bit further south of Brean, I think, I saw a road sign to it on the way to George's place.

We had a great weekend and most of us stayed wet most of the time, which was fun. Can't wait to see what George's painting looks like.

We saw a few other guys getting wet in their jeans in the distance and one guy walked by as we were skim-boarding - or trying in my place - who was wearing the tightest wet jeans I have ever seen, the girls all giggled at the sight of him, I just felt sorry for his family jewels ha ha.

Re: Weekend at the sea-side.

Posted by Jamie on August 20, 2019 at 09:54:41

In Reply to: Re: Weekend at the sea-side. posted by wiley on August 19, 2019 at 18:05:15:

It was great. Everyone had fun being wet for so long.

Re: Weekend at the sea-side.

Posted by Dave on August 20, 2019 at 16:29:37

In Reply to: Re: Weekend at the sea-side. posted by Jamie on August 20, 2019 at 09:53:02:

It all sounds so good. I never see anyone in wet jeans when I go unfortunately.
Do you go to weston a lot, I could join you sometime maybe

Re: Weekend at the sea-side.

Posted by Jamie on August 20, 2019 at 18:36:15

In Reply to: Re: Weekend at the sea-side. posted by Dave on August 20, 2019 at 16:29:37:

"No" is the short answer, Dave, never been there before. We didn't actually go into Weston this time. If we ever go to the sea-side it is usually to the Northumbrian coast near Bamburgh to our cousins' holiday home.

Re: Weekend at the sea-side.

Posted by Josh on August 20, 2019 at 18:49:15

In Reply to: Re: Weekend at the sea-side. posted by Chris on August 19, 2019 at 20:26:41:

Sounds like you all had a great time, I'm quite envious thinking of what you all might have looked like in your wet clothes.

I cannot imagine what it must be like to know that your dearest friend and compadre has only a limited time with you. I guess you just have to accept that he is reconciled to his fate and be happy that he is. Speaking about the situation to others often helps and you shouldn't shy away from speaking to your parents or Tom, Kevin and many friends, you'll probably find they are in the same situation and will be happy to speak as well. Jamie has found his comfort spot in this ghastly situation, I hope you can find yours and find peace there also. Thinking of you.

Re: Weekend at the sea-side.

Posted by Chris on August 20, 2019 at 21:21:16

In Reply to: Re: Weekend at the sea-side. posted by Josh on August 20, 2019 at 18:49:15:

We have all spoken and it seems it has been equally difficult for us all; me, my parents, Jamie's parents, our friends ….. everyone. Some friends have accepted Jamie's decision unquestioningly and my initial reaction was that they were "heartless bastards" but the more I think about it the more sensible and rational they seem - we cannot change the diagnosis, we cannot change the inevitable outcome, we cannot (and would not want to) change Jamie's mindset so we just have to deal with reality and accept what is going to happen as and when it does. Still hard to deal with though …...

Re: Weekend at the sea-side.

Posted by Paul on August 22, 2019 at 14:29:06

In Reply to: Re: Weekend at the sea-side. posted by Chris on August 20, 2019 at 21:21:16:

Never posted on here before, but have been a reader for a couple of years or so. I have always enjoyed the accounts that you and Jamie have posted, so thank you both for that.

I have been working as a finance manager for a hospice for the last five years, ever since my partner was admitted to one and we both experienced the amazing work that they do to help those in Jamie's situation and all their relatives and friends.

When my partner died (a gay man of 40 who was diagnosed with HIV some 20 years ago) I was astonished at how many of the patients' mind-set changed once they were admitted and interacted with others in the same situation, i.e. facing certain death within a foreseeable timescale, and how the hospice environment brought peace and acceptance to them.

Jamie appears, from you and he have said here, to have achieved that equilibrium and peace, and for that you must all be grateful. I know I fought against my partner's insistence that he was happy in himself at what was happening to him, but in the end I found peace and thankfulness myself that he passed from this life into whatever is next in contentment and was grateful for the life he had lead.

I was so moved by his attitude that I gave up my not-very-satisfying job in the world of high finance and offered my help to the hospice as a finance advisor on fundraising and so on, and I have to say that I have never been happier than I am now, the patients are a constant inspiration. I hope that you and the rest of Jamie's family can experience the same in due course. May your God bless you all.

Re: Weekend at the sea-side.

Posted by blueandwet on August 22, 2019 at 22:12:35

In Reply to: Weekend at the sea-side. posted by Jamie on August 19, 2019 at 15:04:12:

Your story was so well told that I could see it all in my mind just as if I was right there with you. Good job mate. Now I think I'll go jump in the pool to celebrate.

Re: Weekend at the sea-side.

Posted by Jamie on August 23, 2019 at 09:31:06

In Reply to: Re: Weekend at the sea-side. posted by blueandwet on August 22, 2019 at 22:12:35:

Thanks. I am off work today as I am picking up my brother from the airport later, but have already been in the pool early this morning for our regular exercise swim session and am about to jump in again for no particular reason, just for the fun of it. I am wearing my favourite old 501s, a grey polo-shirt, blue socks, blue canvas shoes and black Under Armour boxer-briefs. I think today I shall jump in off the top board.

Staying wet.

Posted by Jamie on August 24, 2019 at 16:31:10

My brother Will has arrived to stay for a couple of weeks leave from his job on a super-yacht. I picked him up from the airport yesterday and it is great to see him again in person rather than on Skype.

We started the stay well by pushing and shoving each other on the edge of the pool until we both fell in, both fully dressed, me in jeans, polo-shirt, sneakers, socks and briefs and him in khaki cargo shorts, tee-shirt and canvas shoes. He hadn't even had time to unpack his bag.

This morning it dawned sunny and really warm and has just got hotter throughout the day. After lunch he suggested taking the quads out to the woods and see what the obstacle course looked like so Chris and I dressed appropriately in old jeans and tees and made sure we got him as muddy as possible in the swamp and crawling through the flooded ditch and so on. He wore rather smart looking grey jeans and a black tee. He said he wanted to break the jeans in a bit as they were nearly new and hardly worn - well, he certainly did that. We have spent the rest of the afternoon in the pool in the sunshine. Hope the rest of his stay is going to stay as wet muddy.

Re: Weekend at the sea-side.

Posted by Jamie on August 25, 2019 at 13:36:43

In Reply to: Re: Weekend at the sea-side. posted by Paul on August 22, 2019 at 14:29:06:

Hi Paul, thanks for your thoughts. I am happy within myself now and the family have accepted my decision about not having treatment. I know it will be hard on them - I would of course feel the same if one of them were in my situation - but I think it comes down to the fact that I am not in any pain at present and seem perfectly normal as far as far as they and I can see. I've been close to thinking I was going to die at the time we were run down by the truck, as it was happening it all seemed so quick and I truly thought I was going to be dragged under the wheels and crushed. Luckily that did not happen but it gave me a different perspective on life. Chris is probably the most deeply affected person after my parents as we have been like brothers and very close for many years, even when he lived in USA, and it will be hard for him so I hope he copes OK, we have lots of family and friends to support each other after I am gone and that also gives me comfort. Life goes on whether I, or any of us, am here or not. I know I will live on in their memories and that is all I can ask or expect.

Re: Staying wet.

Posted by wiley on August 25, 2019 at 16:20:53

In Reply to: Staying wet. posted by Jamie on August 24, 2019 at 16:31:10:

Such a great way to welcome your brother home! Hope the visit is full of soakings and mud.

Re: Staying wet.

Posted by Jamie on August 26, 2019 at 09:50:49

In Reply to: Re: Staying wet. posted by wiley on August 25, 2019 at 16:20:53:

Yes it will be, he likes getting wet as much as I do. We have a house full of guests at the moment as Will is staying as well as my maternal grandparents (also Chris' grandparents as our mums are sisters) and my dad's younger brother Paul along with his dog Billy (who also loves the water) and keeps jumping in the pool whenever we are in it, very surprising getting a face full of fur and paws as he will jump in on top of the nearest person. We haven't tried Billy out in the mud as yet but no doubt he will love that as well.

Busy at the moment with final preparations for Chris and Mari's wedding on 7th September and Harry and Mike are organising his stag do for 31st (I've been told to "mind my own business" as far as that goes as they think I might inadvertently spill the beans …….).

Re: Staying wet.

Posted by wiley on August 26, 2019 at 22:03:38

In Reply to: Re: Staying wet. posted by Jamie on August 26, 2019 at 09:50:49:

I find getting wet in my clothes is the best stress relief I know. Nothing like getting home from a long/short/difficult/easy day and getting wet in your clothes. The whole day just rinses away (almost literally!) Hope the planning goes well.

Re: Staying wet.

Posted by Jamie on August 27, 2019 at 15:42:53

In Reply to: Re: Staying wet. posted by wiley on August 26, 2019 at 22:03:38:

All well so far, Chris is getting increasingly nervous about his big day, but there is no backing out now as Mari will be some 11 weeks pregnant on "the day" and is looking radiant already. I have already written my Best Man's speech so just have to learn it by heart before the day. Chris' other grandparents (the paternal ones) arrive to stay later this week. Yesterday we put the final decorating touches to their flat in the attics of the house and furniture starts arriving on Wednesday, most is old second-hand brown stuff from local auctions and so on and they have great plans to paint and refurbish as required to make it into an eclectic collection that suits the Victorian Gothic style of the house. No doubt I will be enlisted to help out. Exciting times.

Re: Staying wet.

Posted by wiley on August 28, 2019 at 00:25:57

In Reply to: Re: Staying wet. posted by Jamie on August 27, 2019 at 15:42:53:

Dude, you are amazing.

Re: Staying wet.

Posted by Jamie on August 30, 2019 at 14:41:08

In Reply to: Re: Staying wet. posted by wiley on August 28, 2019 at 00:25:57:

Not sure why, but thank you.

Busy today getting furniture up to Chris' new flat. We have had most of it spray painted at work in the colours he wanted done, as a surprise wedding gift from all the guys at work, so I hope to f*** he and Mari actually like it. He has been banished to being on site for the last few days so as not to see what is happening at the workshops. His mum, Mari's mum and mine have been shopping for fabric and soft furnishings as well so tonight is the big reveal. I do hope they like it. When I had finished my final bits and left the mums to finish off I went downstairs to the pool and just jumped in as I was in my work clothes, so happy to have got everything finished at last. Heavy-duty work shorts, polo shirt, short socks, boots, micro-fibre briefs and vest never felt so good as I san to the bottom of the pool and stayed there for as long as I could hold my breath. Even better clambering out and feeling all the wet clothes clinging and draining water, needed a bit of "me" time under the shower after that, feeling really relaxed now sitting in my dripping wet clothes as I write this. Happy days.

Re: Staying wet.

Posted by wiley on August 30, 2019 at 23:33:21

In Reply to: Re: Staying wet. posted by Jamie on August 30, 2019 at 14:41:08:

Not sure why you are awesome? Because you are facing some serious stuff in your life, yet you manage to still be full of energy and focused on your cousin and his upcoming wedding. I admire your ability to think so much about other people that are important to you. And I also admire that you wear briefs on occasion! My favorite underwear, especially sloggis. Glad you get to get wet routinely!

Re: Staying wet.

Posted by Josh on August 31, 2019 at 14:43:22

In Reply to: Re: Staying wet. posted by wiley on August 30, 2019 at 23:33:21:

Agree wholeheartedly with what you say about Jamie. His attitude to live (and his prospects) are amazing and thinking about what must be going through his head and in the quiet moments of the night, bring tears to my eyes just imagining it all. Not many people I know would cope so well, the young can be very tough despite the many 'snowflakes' out there; he makes me hopeful for the future if there are more like him.

Chris' stag event.

Posted by Jamie on September 02, 2019 at 15:48:10

(This post was longer than intended, so this is part 1)

Saturday was the day of Chris' stag party/event, whatever you want to call it. I had been kept out of the loop as to what was happening for fear I might let something slip to the man himself in an unguarded moment. We had been told to be ready, having had a light lunch, for 1.30 pm and that the dress code was "casual but not scruffy" (..... as if we would !!) but that's Harry being pernickety for you, he does like to be in control when he gets the chance.

There were to be sixteen of us in total - our family of Chris, me, my brother Will, Tom and Kevin - and eleven friends, basically the guys we had been away with a few weeks ago and six other friends from our school days who are mostly away at university. Harry and Mike picked us up and drove us to a small industrial estate in the middle of nowhere off the road to Cheltenham. The place had obviously been a farmyard previously, most of the buildings looked agricultural but had been converted or adapted and a new brick building had been erected in the centre of the space they surrounded. We parked next to the others and gathered around Mike who started to explain what would happen.

"Hello everyone. Glad you all found this place OK." Mike started "Today is going to be a bit of a trial run for a new venture that my dad and I have set up with a couple of my cousins. The buildings around us have been kitted out for a series of different activities and knowing how much you all enjoy trying out new things and having new experiences we thought that Chris and his guests - that's you rabble - would be ideal guinea pigs for us."

"Do we get paid for doing these trials for you?" Red called out.

"Hi, Red - I might have guessed it would be you who asked that!" Mike said "NO."

"My expertise is highly valued, I'll have you know....." Red laughed.

"Yeah, we know ....... but only down at the Red Lion ........." Mike grinned "Anyway, you'll be the first large group that we have had experience our set up, so we will be delighted to hear your feedback at any time, please don't hold back we want to hear the good, obviously, but also what you think could be improved and any problems you might encounter. Come on in and meet the team and we can get started."

We followed Mike into the central building and immediately found ourselves going downstairs where we entered a large briefing room with rows of chairs, a small stage with screens behind and a number of doors leading off in all directions.

"I'd like to introduce you to my cousins, George on the right and Larry, they are the brains behind this place and along with a few key staff run all the activities on site. I will hand over to Larry to explain."

Larry was a slightly balding man of thirty-something, slim build, quite tall. He asked us all to take a seat and then gave a brief description of the layout of the place using a plan projected onto the screen behind him. All the doors from the briefing room led to changing rooms, showers, toilets etc. and corridors leading under the yard above us to the buildings around. He explained that there were a number of "Escape Rooms", each with a different theme, a large indoor space equipped for virtual reality adventures and one building housing a triple level virtual warfare urban battlefield. He suggested that we start by splitting into two groups and trying out a couple of the escape rooms.

"I suggest that you might like to change into the overalls that we have available." Larry said "Depending on which escape rooms you choose there is a chance that you will get quite wet. You will find complete sets of clothing, including disposable underwear and rubber shoes, in the changing rooms as well as lockers for your own stuff, just put the keys around your necks. I suggest you chose different colours for each team, you won't need to be different now but will later on for the warfare games. Follow me, I'll show you where everything is."

The changing rooms were just like being back at school, the only difference being they were very brightly lit, decorated in a startling white shimmery paint and had fully tiled individual shower cubicles with walls placed to give complete privacy whilst showering. There were racks of different coloured overalls packed in clear plastic bags all clearly marked with their size and more racks with rubber sandals of different sizes. Our team chose bright orange overalls and when unpacked revealed a one-piece suit with Velcro fastenings down the front from neck to waist, an elasticated waist band, a Velcro fly and elasticated ankles. The underwear was a pair of baggy boxer shorts in a shiny fibrous looking fabric, very thin but sturdy, everything fitted quite well as far as I was concerned and felt quite comfortable. The other team had chosen bright blue overalls.

We were taken along a brightly lit corridor, painted plain stark white again, and then up stairs where we found ourselves in a large room with benches and six doors painted bright red, three on each opposite side. Each door was marked with a name. With a quick look around I saw "Ship", "Airplane", "Theatre", "Bus", "Submarine" and "Mine".

"OK, guys, this is where you choose which "Escape Room" theme you'd like to try." Larry said "The "Ship", "Submarine" and "Mine" are the ones where you risk getting a bit wet - well, completely soaked, actually, if you don't get out reasonably quickly. George and I will be in the control rooms upstairs watching and moving each scenario forward as you progress. I won't tell you any more so as not to spoil the surprise but we will tell you when you have completed the task and we will give advice if asked, just shout out "Control" before you ask a question, this will of course earn you extra penalty points. Once you get inside your chosen room you will be given a briefing over the speaker system and then told when the timer starts. Your target time for each room is forty minutes after which time things will escalate increasingly quickly until you reach the ultimate limit and will be deemed not to have survived the ordeal, if it looks like you are enjoying it all too much we might extend that time and introduce other elements before your demise. Now decide which room you want."

We chatted among ourselves for a minute or so and our team chose the "Ship" room, mainly because we thought having Will on our team might be an advantage. The others chose the "Mine" room.

We stepped through the door and found ourselves in a small lobby with an elaborately carved wooden door directly ahead of us, it was marked "Stowage Class Salon" so we opened it and went in. The room was about 20 feet wide and 40 feet long. There was a billiard table in the centre of the room, wooden chairs and benches around the walls and a number of portholes at eye-level on the longer wall to our right. There was another door on the opposite wall. The walls were wood panelled and there was a wooden floor. In the centre of each side wall was a writing desk, chair and at the sides of the far door were a couple of tall bookcases. There were light fittings in two rows along the ceiling.

"Welcome aboard, gentlemen." a posh voice said from the speakers "This is Captain Smith speaking. You are aboard the RMS Gigantic on her maiden voyage. We are steaming at a steady rate of knots towards New York, where we should be docking in approximately three days. I should warn you that we are expecting a brief patch of bad weather within the next hour or so but that should be the last hazard we encounter. If you look out of the portholes you will see some small icebergs and floes in the far distance, rest assured that we shall be steering well south of those. Enjoy your voyage."

"Oh Great!" Harry laughed "Who among us booked these tickets? Great choice ..."

"Why don't we explore the place and look around ....... whoa, what was that?" Ricky asked as the room started rocking gently.

"We're on a ship at sea," Will said "it moves obviously. Look outside and see what's happening to the sea state." he said as he marched over to a porthole and looked out. As he looked a wave splashed against the glass and the ship moved again, jerking sideways as the floor tilted. "It's getting rough out there." he grinned as he turned back to us.

I went to the other door and opened it only to find another short corridor leading to a staircase ......... which was closed off with a metal grille secured with a giant padlock, on the wall immediately behind it as the staircase turned left was a sign reading, in red letters, "First Class Passengers Only Beyond This Point".

"No way out this way unless we find a key for a large padlock." I said.

"Sure it is actually locked?" Red asked.

I went to the grille and rattled it and tried pulling at the padlock, it all remained secure. As I walked back into the room it started rocking steadily back and forth, just as if the ship had hit a heavy swell. Red went over to one of the portholes and looked out. Then he undid the latch holding it shut and opened it so that he could see more outside, and just as he was about to poke his head out he was hit in the face by a load of water, soaking his hair and splashing down his front. He pulled his head inside as we all laughed at him.

"Bloody hell. It really is wet out there." he laughed as another 'wave' hit the porthole and more water came in.

"Better shut that, Red, don't want more water coming in." Ben said.

But when he tried to fasten it shut the catch came off in his hand and then the porthole came off its hinges and clattered to the floor. The ship lurched to one side and more water came in through the porthole. From outside the room came the sound of waves crashing onto something and the room shuddered again before lurching further to the left than before, the floor was now at an angle of ten or fifteen degree to the left and the desk chairs slid across the floor. More water poured in through the broken porthole and could be seen dashing against the others on that side. From the other side of the door through which we had entered, there was a loud crash and a tortured screech of metal on metal as something hit the door with a heavy thud. Will went over and tried to open the door but although the handle turned he was unable to open it even a fraction.

"Jammed solid." Will declared.

The room continued rolling more and more violently and each time took longer to get back to an even keel. The sound of waves and water crashing around outside got louder and louder.

"Has anyone actually found anything yet that gives us a clue as to where the key to the padlock on the grill can be found - that seems to be the only way out of here?" Ali asked.

Mo and I were going through the papers and writing materials in one of the desks and Ben and Ricky were doing the other one. There was headed note paper, a quantity of envelopes, a couple of neatly folded newspapers, and in one of the drawers an envelope addressed with just a name, Albert Harding Esq., written in purple ink. I looked inside the unsealed envelope and unfolded the sheet inside. It was a love letter, addressed to 'My dearest Albert' and had been sent from The Royal Grande Suite, C Deck.

"Hey, guys, I think I've found a clue. Listen to this, it's a letter I found in this desk ..... a love letter from a first class passenger to someone called Albert - presumably Stowage Class like us. 'My darling Albert, I cannot wait to meet you again, our last tryst was too short and my heart is aching for you again, as I hope your loins are for me.' - that's a bit racy - 'I have obtained a key for the stair-gate and beg you to use it tonight to come to my cabin at ten o'clock. Mama and Papa will be in their own cabin by then and we shall be alone again. Hide this key carefully as I am told there will be searches done of all stowage passengers tonight to try and find it if the officer notices it is gone. Be discreet and hide it until it is time to come to me. All my love, your darling V.' I guess we have to find the key hidden in this room somewhere."

"What's that written on the back." Harry asked as he squinted at the back of the letter in my hand.

I was just about to answer when there was a huge crashing sound of water, a groaning from the ship and the room tilted alarmingly and water poured in through the open porthole, the ship righted itself again slowly and suddenly the door to the staircase crashed open and a deluge of water rushed into the room, it almost knocked Mo and Will off their feet as they fell against the end of the billiard table. When the room was level again we were standing in water that was mid-shin deep.

"Everyone OK?" Will asked "Seems like everything is bolted to the floor except those chairs at the desks, so that's good. What does it say on the back of the letter, Jamie?"

"Looks like '3 D and 9 A' and then 'The Bard'. What do you think, Harry?"

"Yeah, that's what I see." Harry said "A code maybe ........ 'The Bard' could be Shakespeare ..........."

"Crossword! 3 Down and 9 Across - are there crosswords in the newspapers on the desk ........." Ben said.

So we started looking through the papers as we spread them out on the billiard table.

"3 Down on this one is 'Name the vehicle manufacturer who produced the vehicle described by Ettore Bugatti as the 'fastest lorry in the world'........." Red called out.

"That was Bentley, I think. No connection to The Bard there ......" Will replied.

"Here you go ........" Ali said "3 Down reads 'Name the US President who came to be known as Tricky Dickie' ................ "

"Richard Nixon ........" Ben said "I'm sure he got that nickname after he ran for President against JFK because he looked so shifty during their TV debates. So we have Richard or Nixon as a clue."

"Shakespeare wrote Richard III of course." I said "What's the other clue .... 9 Across?"

"It reads 'What position does Prince George hold in the line of succession to The Queen?' ...... that has to be third in line surely, after Charles and William?" Ali said.

"So we have Richard III from your newspaper. How does that help?" Red asked as the room took another tilt and more water poured down the stairs and through the porthole as we all clung on to the billiard table. When the room righted itself we were standing in water that was now more than knee deep. The noise of water crashing against the room was almost deafening.

"Check that bookcase and see if there is a copy of Richard III among the books." Ricky said as the room lurched again. It was getting to be a job just to stay on our feet as the room moved about.

Will and I got halfway to the bookcase on the right when the room lurched again and tilted alarmingly down towards the door through which we had entered. I slipped on the wooden floor and went down into the water and was washed towards the far end of the room, banging into Red as I went and taking him with me. We ended up in a tangle of arms and legs against the panelled woodwork just as the room righted itself again and all the water that had completely covered us rushed back down the length of the room. Red and I were completely drenched.

As we got to our feet and steadied ourselves that voice came over the loudspeakers again.

"All passengers, all passengers, please don your life-jackets and report to the lifeboat stations immediately. This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill. All passengers, all passengers, please don your life-jackets and report to the lifeboat stations immediately."

"Found anything yet?" I asked.

"Yeah - a biography of 'Richard III - The Misunderstood Prince' and "Richard III - His Place In History' ......... no sign of a key as yet." Ben called from the bookcase to the left of the door.

We continued searching, not easy trying to scan book titles with the room and the bookcase moving around before your very eyes! As we searched the room tilted again to the left but even more so, and water poured in through the porthole almost continuously. The water was now nearly waist deep in the centre of the room and considerably deeper to the left where Ben and Ricky were searching through their bookcase.

"I do hope it is not below the water level if it is even here........ " Mo said "Are there any books elsewhere?"

"Not seen any. Certainly not in the desk we searched." I said.

"I'll check the other one, we never actually opened the second drawer." Ali said as he waded deeper into the water to get to the fully submerged desk.

A few minutes later I saw him crouch down and get fully submerged as he struggled to open the drawer, he erupted to the surface a few moments later clasping a book in his hand. He wiped his eyes and squinted at the spine.

"This is it guys! 'Richard III by William Shakespeare' ......... just what we are looking for." Ali said as the room lurched again and another torrent of water poured in from the staircase. We were now chest deep in water and having to swim as the water surged from side to side as the room rocked.

Ali fiddled with the book and suddenly something shiny slipped out from under the spine of the book. He almost dropped it, but managed to catch it. It was a shiny brass key.

We all struggled towards the door, letting Ali go ahead and eventually as the water was surging around us, we got the grilled unlocked and slid it aside. Soaked to the skin and struggling to climb the rocking stairs and occasional surge of water pouring down upon us we exited to the deck, whereupon the movement of the ship stopped, the water stopped pouring down around us and bright lights came on. We were standing on a flat platform about thirty feet from the floor of a huge barn like building which contained the 'room' we had been in, which was mounted on a platform in a large tank of water. There was another similar structure across the barn. Above us, with a chute that emptied in to the stairwell, was a large tank which must have held the water that had soaked us all and flooded the room. A gangway led to one side with a door at the far end. It opened and Larry came to join us.

"Well done guys. Sorry you all got so wet, we turned the drama up a bit for you after Mike had told us about his friends liking water." Larry said "Come through and see how your mates are getting on in 'The Mine'."

"So, guys, it's Mike fault that we are all soaked." Ben said "I think we need to show him how grateful we are in the very near future ........"

"I can think of several ways, none of them very pleasant." Mo said as he brushed a lock of wet hair from his forehead.

"Don't worry." Larry said "Mike and his team are getting just as wet as you. Come in and take a seat."

Larry ushered us into a mini-cinema with three large screens on the wall and rows of plastic chairs.

"Take a seat, don't worry about your wet clothes the seats are plastic and waterproof. All the escape rooms here have CCTV coverage and infra-red lighting and cameras as well as normal daylight ones so we can monitor and control everything that goes on. This is the 'Mine' overview camera on the middle screen and we can call up the other cameras to any of the screens at will. The control room has screens monitoring every camera all the time."

We watched as the screen came to life and we saw the others in what appeared to be a poorly lit mine shaft with timber props apparently holding up the roof. There was a sound of rushing water and creaking timber. Suddenly a section of wall between the props started leaking water and spraying across the nearest figures. We could hear their feet sloshing through water as they walked. Everyone had passed the leaky wall when it suddenly collapsed and water gushed out over the boulders and rocks as they tumbled into the shaft. The camera view shifted and we were now watching them approach a junction of shafts. Behind them a wall of water was fast approaching and within moments they were all wading through water that was well above waist level.

"Now the team have to make a decision about which passageway to take, two are dead ends but the third leads to a vertical shaft with a ladder they can climb to leave the mine and get to safety. The water will get steadily deeper, so there is a need for urgency, if they leave it too long or take a wrong turn they will be swimming to get out, rather than just wading through deep water. Mike tells me that you are all good swimmers ......."

"Yes, most of us were on our house swimming or diving teams at school, and some of us played water polo." Ben said "The only ones I don't know about are Kevin and Tom."

"They are both good. Kevin is completely fearless in water despite not being able to swim when he first came to live with us." I laughed "He took to it like a duck to water."

We watched as the team took a shaft on the left. The camera view switched to view of a blank wall at the end of the passage way and we heard the team approach, and then Robbie's voice telling everyone to turn around as it was a dead end. When they got to the junction again, the water was chest deep and they were all half-walking, half-swimming as they headed down another passageway. There was soon a shout of triumph and the camera switched to a shot looking down a shaft with a ladder fixed to one side. We watched the team climb up and pass the camera, dripping wet with water pouring off them as they climbed. The final shot was them all assembled on a platform similar to the one we had exited onto.

"George will meet them there and bring them here and if you like we can show them what you went through as well as seeing what happened in the 'Mine' from the beginning." Larry said "If you wanted to get changed out of those wet clothes first, you are welcome to do so, but Mike did say he thought you'd all like to try out the warfare and you will get wet and muddy doing that."

"Might as well stay as we are, I think." Harry observed "Anybody want to change?"

No-one disagreed so we stayed wet.

Re: Chris' stag event.

Posted by Zonie on September 02, 2019 at 19:28:15

In Reply to: Chris' stag event. posted by Jamie on September 02, 2019 at 15:48:10:

Will was there, but you didn't mention Grant. Was he unable to come?

Re: Chris' stag event.

Posted by Jamie on September 03, 2019 at 08:24:38

In Reply to: Re: Chris' stag event. posted by Zonie on September 02, 2019 at 19:28:15:

My brother Will's partner is Guy - he is visiting his parents at the moment but will be arriving on Thursday for Chris' wedding on Saturday. The only Grant we know is one of our twin American friends, Grant and Mitchell, and they are flying in for Chris' wedding today. Their dad, Mitchell snr., cannot get to the wedding as he is in hospital following a fall and breaking his hip, poor chap.

Re: Chris' stag event.

Posted by Toby on September 03, 2019 at 08:29:22

In Reply to: Chris' stag event. posted by Jamie on September 02, 2019 at 15:48:10:

Would it not have been more fun if the overalls were simply worn over the clothes you were already wearing? There would have to be an excuse to remove people's watches, wallets, phones etc. but otherwise people take part in the clothes they arrive in. There could be warm air blowers to dry off at the end. Accepted, some clothes would get ruined but this is a stag do, and these things can happen.

Re: Chris' stag event.

Posted by Mike on September 03, 2019 at 10:58:18

In Reply to: Chris' stag event. posted by Jamie on September 02, 2019 at 15:48:10:

Jamie's description is pretty accurate but there was considerably more to getting out of the escape rooms than he described - he missed out details of all the red-herring clues and objects found that turned out to be useless - mainly I guess to stop the account getting bogged down in detail and becoming boring. It was a fun day we (me, Larry and George) learned a lot from everybody's feedback so will be making some changes for the future.

Re: Chris' stag event.

Posted by Jamie on September 04, 2019 at 03:01:18

In Reply to: Re: Chris' stag event. posted by Jamie on September 03, 2019 at 08:24:38:

Our American twin friends are Grant and MARSHALL - not Mitchell - I think I typed that when listening to my mum and aunt talking about EastEnders and the character Phil Mitchell, they are fans, don't ask me why as I have no idea.....

Re: Chris' stag event.

Posted by Zonie on September 04, 2019 at 06:11:54

In Reply to: Re: Chris' stag event. posted by Jamie on September 04, 2019 at 03:01:18:

There are many characters, and sometimes I get the dramatis personae confused, rather like Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

Re: Chris' stag event.

Posted by Jamie on September 04, 2019 at 22:03:16

In Reply to: Re: Chris' stag event. posted by Zonie on September 04, 2019 at 06:11:54:

Hi Zonie, sometimes I do the same as we all have aliases so that we stay anonymous. I have a spread sheet that shows who is who and their relationships with everyone else that we mention, it gets confusing sometimes.

Chris' stag event, part 2

Posted by Jamie on September 05, 2019 at 10:50:28

The combat area we were all taken to after the film show of the escape rooms was partly outside and partly indoors. We were given 'guns' - similar to paintball guns but with lasers instead of projectiles - and each given helmets and vests that were geared up with receivers that made a noise when hit by a laser beam. The noise made depended on whether the hit was 'fatal' or merely an injury that allowed you to continue playing the game. The 'fatal' noise was a loud groaning cry followed by the words "I'm dead" and a red light coming on in the middle of one's vest, both front and back. The injury noise was of flesh being ripped open - don't know how they knew what that sounds like but it was pretty convincing, like something from a horror movie - and a green light on the vest, you were declared dead after six hits when the red light appeared. The guns showed small red and green lights to indicate a hit on an opponent.

The battle area consisted of a rectangular space with a building forming one short end which covered three floors and looked semi-derelict and had a single door on the ground-floor and numerous windows on the upper floors. Going through the building and out of an opposite door lead you to a similar sized patch of open ground. The open areas were criss-crossed with trenches and 'shell holes' which were full of mud and water. The ground was similarly wet and muddy and there were a few random lengths of low brick wall which acted as cover.

The object of the game was to capture the building from the opposing team and drive them back to the furthest boundary of the open ground on the opposite side from which your team started. We tossed a coin to see which team would start in open ground and which would start by occupying the building. My team got the open ground and Chris' the building. We started off being positioned in a relatively dry dug-out at the back boundary of our area with Chris' team starting on the ground-floor of the building. A klaxon went off to indicate the start of play and as we started firing to give cover for some of our team to advance, smoke started drifting across the battle area and the sound of gunfire and shells whizzing overhead could be heard. The smoke also showed up the red laser beams of our guns being fired, so you could see red lines in the smoke as it drifted across.

Red, Mo and Harry made it across to some cover behind a brick wall, and then gave cover for the rest of us to get out of the dug-out. Ben, Will and I ran forward as we fired towards the building and jumped for the nearest cover as soon as we saw fire being returned, unfortunately that cover turned out to be a muddy, half water filled trench. Ben and I were both instantly drenched and filthy as we splashed down, but neither of us had been hit. Will had made it to cover behind a wall just ahead of us and was laying on his stomach in the mud, peering around the end of the wall as he took shots towards the building.

Ricky and Ali were not so lucky. Ricky was 'killed' as he climbed out of the dug out and made us all laugh with a loud "OH BUGGER" as his vest shone red, to add drama he fell forward with a muddy splat as he landed face down in the mud. Ali made it to a shell hole just a few yards to the side of us but showed two green lights on his vest. He looked to be as wet and muddy as us as he lay there on his back giving us a thumbs up.

Red, Mo and Harry had made a couple hits in their first volley of covering shots and Harry achieved a 'kill' as we continued firing at Chris' team members as they took shots from the upper windows of the building.

It was quite exciting as we gradually made our way forward to the building. We regrouped in a muddy trench about thirty yards from the door of the building and comparing the lights on our guns had achieved three kills and twenty four hits between us all. We didn't know at that stage who the kills were, but the rules had stated that whoever was 'killed' had to stay in position and act dead, there was retreating and taking dead comrades with you in this game. Ben, Will, Ali, Red and myself were all soaking wet and covered in mud and Mo and Harry were muddy from crawling through the mud but were relatively dry in comparison.

Eventually we managed to flush Chris' team out of the building with some exiting via the door and Mike and Ed being foolhardy and jumping into a trench from a first floor window. It was very satisfying 'killing' Chris with a hail of shots and seeing him fall face down in a water filled muddy shell hole. Under the rules he should have stayed there of course, but that would have meant drowning, so Tom dragged him partly out so that his head and shoulders were out of the water, as he ran passed him in retreat.

By the time the other team reached their dug-out at the far boundary, only three of them were still 'alive' - Kevin with three injuries, Mike with five and Dave with four - so we were declared the winners with Ricky as our only fatal casualty. We celebrated by jumping in the nearest mud filled trench and getting absolutely covered in the ensuing melee.

After we had cleaned ourselves up and showered and changed we headed to a local country pub where Mike had booked a private room for supper. I had wild boar sausages and mash - absolutely delicious, and the perfect end to a great day.

Re: Chris' stag event, part 2

Posted by Jonno on September 06, 2019 at 20:41:25

In Reply to: Chris' stag event, part 2 posted by Jamie on September 05, 2019 at 10:50:28:

That all sounds like a lot of fun, great way to get wet and muddy with your mates. Trust all goes according to plan for Chris and Mari's wedding tomorrow.

Re: Chris' stag event, part 2

Posted by Mike on September 06, 2019 at 21:04:48

In Reply to: Re: Chris' stag event, part 2 posted by Jonno on September 06, 2019 at 20:41:25:

The wedding is taking place at Jamie and Chris' home. They have a couple of marquees set up at the front of the house, one for the actual ceremony (a non-religious humanist affair apparently) and another for the lunch afterwards. Then the plan is that one be used for a disco and the other for a buffet supper in the evening. Harry, Dave, Red, Robbie, Will, Tom and I will be ushers in an informal way. Chris and Mari are not going on honeymoon immediately afterwards as they plan on going for a long road trip across the US in the spring. The whole affair is very informal with everyone told to dress in their "summer best" for "A Midsummer Night's Dream" themed event, so no formal morning dress or suits as such. Should be great fun and no doubt some people will end up in the pool at some stage. Just hoping the weather will be OK.

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